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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 4244 of 5590)
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Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:49:45 PM EDT
[Last Edit: TiePilot69] [#1]
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:51:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
The hate between PMC Wagner and the RU MOD brass runs deep and long. What we are seeing now appears to be a long time coming. See the tread and write-up below about the situation at Deir-ez-Zor/Battle of Khasham all the way back in 2018.   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1GwhXwAg_JZD?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1MSdXgAQct1O?format=png&name=smallhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1YjhWAAAalhE?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1lJCWYAEhGtP?format=png&name=small

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.

That’s an understatement.

Those SU35 pilots would have just went to black…..
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:52:47 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By TiePilot69:
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.
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“Maybe killing exclusively civilians in these high rise building attacks will cause them to think again about their counteroffensive!”
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:52:49 PM EDT
Apparently a thunder storm is holding up part of the offensive right now.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:54:47 PM EDT

Luftwaffe ground forces are also engaged?

Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:57:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Finslayer83:

Luftwaffe ground forces are also engaged?

ote]At this point why the hell not
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:57:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Oh damn
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Oh damn

2.7 million dollars divided by 20,000 drones is $135 per drone. That thing he's holding is more than $135 just for the basic bare airframe.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:57:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.
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thought you especially would enjoy that.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:58:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zhukov:
Someone theorize on this whole Prigozhin/Shoigu thing. I get the whole MoD vs FSB thing, and that Putin can use the two fighting each other to keep them relatively weak or on their toes at least, but...

It is absolutely NUTS to allow the kind of strife. Prigozhin has been flapping his jaws for months and now directly threatening Shoigu with death? That is just insane. And not a word by Putin? That is more than just letting two rivals nickel and dome each other behind the scenes - this is open sedition. What the hell is Putin doing by allowing it to that extent? Has he lost control of the two? I just don't get how this is good for Russia in any way.

"A house divided cannot stand"
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What if Putin is already dead or on the precipice.

The one photo several pages ago had him looking very rough.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 10:58:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kncook:

“Maybe killing exclusively civilians in these high rise building attacks will cause them to think again about their counteroffensive!”
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Originally Posted By kncook:
Originally Posted By TiePilot69:
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.

“Maybe killing exclusively civilians in these high rise building attacks will cause them to think again about their counteroffensive!”

Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:00:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
thought you especially would enjoy that.
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To be fair, it explains why they didn't, and if they had it would have escalated rapidly. Tartus would have been nothing more than multiple smoking craters with what was on deck that night.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:09:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
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Gee even Mia has some standards.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:12:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
The hate between PMC Wagner and the RU MOD brass runs deep and long. What we are seeing now appears to be a long time coming. See the tread and write-up below about the situation at Deir-ez-Zor/Battle of Khasham all the way back in 2018.   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1GwhXwAg_JZD?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1MSdXgAQct1O?format=png&name=smallhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1YjhWAAAalhE?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1lJCWYAEhGtP?format=png&name=small

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.

Perfect timing.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:14:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GBTX01:
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One of the few videos we've seen at night and the first video I've seen of them using flares, which is something I had wondered about very early on due to the shortages of NVG's especially among the Russians.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:18:07 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By Finslayer83:

Luftwaffe ground forces are also engaged?

ote]At this point why the hell not
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NAZIs everywhere!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:20:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:

To be fair, it explains why they didn't, and if they had it would have escalated rapidly. Tartus would have been nothing more than multiple smoking craters with what was on deck that night.
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
thought you especially would enjoy that.

To be fair, it explains why they didn't, and if they had it would have escalated rapidly. Tartus would have been nothing more than multiple smoking craters with what was on deck that night.

Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:20:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:

He got out of the boat.

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Originally Posted By Prime:
Originally Posted By belted_guns:

I remember that.  What happened to jack67?

He got out of the boat.

he was lost in action..  
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:20:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
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That's a creepy looking dude.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:27:26 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:

Its hard to believe! German big cats fighting Russian T-tanks in the plains of Ukraine.

I guess next up is the Korean peninsula...I wonder if we could convince France to invade Vietnam after that.
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These days if France invaded Vietnam it would probably be at the behest of China.

Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:35:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:

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Each looked nervous about getting shot in the back, by the other.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:36:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:

2.7 million dollars divided by 20,000 drones is $135 per drone. That thing he's holding is more than $135 just for the basic bare airframe.
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I think there may be a mix of donated and purchased drones.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:39:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:39:51 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
I think there may be a mix of donated and purchased drones.
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By planemaker:

2.7 million dollars divided by 20,000 drones is $135 per drone. That thing he's holding is more than $135 just for the basic bare airframe.
I think there may be a mix of donated and purchased drones.

According to someone "in the business", they're getting a *lot* of drones donated.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:47:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:

According to someone "in the business", they're getting a *lot* of drones donated.
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I would not be surprised.  There has been a fuck ton of money heading to Ukraine lately.
Link Posted: 6/12/2023 11:49:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:01:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:

Reminds me of Jack67 who worked security in one of the towers (before they went down) for Rick Rescorla.

We never did get is MacArthur story
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Free jack67
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:03:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By TiePilot69:
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.
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Honestly, I don't think theyre doing it willy nilly.  I think they are actually trying to target service member residences. Israelis hit terrorist homes but they do that doorknock shit. Best way to dent operations is to kill pilots, commanders, etc and thats what they may be trying to do.

Though I AM wodnering how many SU-25's and the like the Ukrainians have left.  Same for their HARM trucks.  Hasnt been a whole lot of action from those lately.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:24:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By KELBEAST:

I’ll tell you one. It’s not super exciting but it’s real. My grandfather was Coast Guard radioman and served on Army transports over in the pacific theater. They were moored up at some little pacific battle island, and my grandfather was on the dock doing some work or just goofing off, I don’t know. Well he heard something and stood up and turned around and MacArthur and his entourage went walking right past him. Everyone else saluted except my grandfather who was in shock. Just stood there with a dumb look on his face and I think he got mean mugged by some officers. He didn’t get in trouble though.
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Originally Posted By KELBEAST:
Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:

Reminds me of Jack67 who worked security in one of the towers (before they went down) for Rick Rescorla.

We never did get is MacArthur story

I’ll tell you one. It’s not super exciting but it’s real. My grandfather was Coast Guard radioman and served on Army transports over in the pacific theater. They were moored up at some little pacific battle island, and my grandfather was on the dock doing some work or just goofing off, I don’t know. Well he heard something and stood up and turned around and MacArthur and his entourage went walking right past him. Everyone else saluted except my grandfather who was in shock. Just stood there with a dumb look on his face and I think he got mean mugged by some officers. He didn’t get in trouble though.

Love it! I could picture that interaction perfectly. Thank you!
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:25:02 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Zam18th] [#29]
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
The hate between PMC Wagner and the RU MOD brass runs deep and long. What we are seeing now appears to be a long time coming. See the tread and write-up below about the situation at Deir-ez-Zor/Battle of Khasham all the way back in 2018.   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1GwhXwAg_JZD?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1MSdXgAQct1O?format=png&name=smallhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1YjhWAAAalhE?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1lJCWYAEhGtP?format=png&name=small
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Sounds like Shoigu told him "know your place, peasant."

He should have said "now go home and get your fucking shine box"
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:30:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By fadedsun:

Free jack67
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Originally Posted By fadedsun:
Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:

Reminds me of Jack67 who worked security in one of the towers (before they went down) for Rick Rescorla.

We never did get is MacArthur story

Free jack67

Free Jack67

A temp ban would have made more sense than a permaban. If the mod that did it could undo it… idk… a couple pmags??
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:32:27 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m24shooter:

"Who run Blyattown?"
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Originally Posted By m24shooter:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Moscowdishu it is. Warlord vs warlord.

"Who run Blyattown?"

Master Blyatter!
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:46:04 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Birddog15:
Just a guess, but I suspect that the psychopaths that work for Wagner would be unlikely to roll over for the MoD.  I bet that Prigozhin treats his higher ups quite well.  It is much more like a crime syndicate than an army.  I've been wondering if his heavy use of prisoners for cannon fodder was a way of fighting, while saving his more experienced guys in case they might be needed later.

If shooting starts up between the regulars and Wagner, shit will get very interesting.

If the Chechens have already sided with the regulars, it could be a glorious Orc bloodbath.

Interesting times indeed.
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Besides getting a big supply of meat bags to buffer for his core troops, Prigozhin was also harvesting their pay. Instead of paying them monthly, many received little or nothing with a promised payout at the end. They were supposed to get half up front for signing and half at the end but most never got anything. They were quickly pushed to the front as bullet sponges. Prigozhin keeps the dead men’s payroll from MoD. Profit.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:50:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By juan223:

It is indeed foolish for Putin to allow it to continue but it certainly serves UKRs interests if he does.  
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Originally Posted By juan223:
Originally Posted By Zhukov:
Someone theorize on this whole Prigozhin/Shoigu thing. I get the whole MoD vs FSB thing, and that Putin can use the two fighting each other to keep them relatively weak or on their toes at least, but...

It is absolutely NUTS to allow the kind of strife. Prigozhin has been flapping his jaws for months and now directly threatening Shoigu with death? That is just insane. And not a word by Putin? That is more than just letting two rivals nickel and dome each other behind the scenes - this is open sedition. What the hell is Putin doing by allowing it to that extent? Has he lost control of the two? I just don't get how this is good for Russia in any way.

"A house divided cannot stand"

It is indeed foolish for Putin to allow it to continue but it certainly serves UKRs interests if he does.  

Putin will need a fall guy or 2 in this case to blame for the failure. I said it a few thousand pages back, Shogiu will take the fall for the embarrassment, and be executed, and Russian history will not lay blame on Putin.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:55:20 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MKSheppard:
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I really wanted to see a Polish Winged Hussars breaching trench lines and overrunning HQs with Russian generals pinned by their lances.

But Ukraine had to get it on and cheat me. Oh well.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 12:56:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m24shooter:

I have been assured by a thread in GD that the Ukrainian effort has completely failed. They have been decimated and the remaining forces are in full retreat. It's a total routing of the army.
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Originally Posted By m24shooter:
Originally Posted By Swampgrass:
Ukraine seems to be doing well.

I have been assured by a thread in GD that the Ukrainian effort has completely failed. They have been decimated and the remaining forces are in full retreat. It's a total routing of the army.

Dang!  UA retreating all the way back to Moscow?  Sad. 😂😂😂
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 1:13:38 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
The hate between PMC Wagner and the RU MOD brass runs deep and long. What we are seeing now appears to be a long time coming. See the tread and write-up below about the situation at Deir-ez-Zor/Battle of Khasham all the way back in 2018.   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1GwhXwAg_JZD?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1MSdXgAQct1O?format=png&name=smallhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1YjhWAAAalhE?format=png&name=900x900https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyb1lJCWYAEhGtP?format=png&name=small

LOL... LMAO... If the Russians had turned those ADA batteries on they would have been destroyed within about 30 seconds. Ordnance package was just waiting for the drop order. I'm assuming the F-22's on station would have dealt with the SU-35's as well.

I liked his line, “Several Apache helicopters spun the fire carousel nonstop.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 1:30:12 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By j_hooker:

Putin will need a fall guy or 2 in this case to blame for the failure. I said it a few thousand pages back, Shogiu will take the fall for the embarrassment, and be executed, and Russian history will not lay blame on Putin.
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Yup. Russian history shows that every single leader is infallible.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 1:39:51 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By TiePilot69:
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.
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They are trying to keep the Patriots away from the front. Ukraine should move them to the front anyway and let the Russians kill civilians.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 2:38:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 2:48:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ArmyInfantryVet:

I think it's a Infantry fire support platform right? Not really designed with the intent of fighting other tanks. Though you could put a TOW or Javelin launcher on it.

105 will do good at blowing up bunkers, trenches, concrete buildings.
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Seems like a lot of money to spend on something that can’t kill a tank to defend itself.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 3:02:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Besides getting a big supply of meat bags to buffer for his core troops, Prigozhin was also harvesting their pay. Instead of paying them monthly, many received little or nothing with a promised payout at the end. They were supposed to get half up front for signing and half at the end but most never got anything. They were quickly pushed to the front as bullet sponges. Prigozhin keeps the dead men’s payroll from MoD. Profit.
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Birddog15:
Just a guess, but I suspect that the psychopaths that work for Wagner would be unlikely to roll over for the MoD.  I bet that Prigozhin treats his higher ups quite well.  It is much more like a crime syndicate than an army.  I've been wondering if his heavy use of prisoners for cannon fodder was a way of fighting, while saving his more experienced guys in case they might be needed later.

If shooting starts up between the regulars and Wagner, shit will get very interesting.

If the Chechens have already sided with the regulars, it could be a glorious Orc bloodbath.

Interesting times indeed.

Besides getting a big supply of meat bags to buffer for his core troops, Prigozhin was also harvesting their pay. Instead of paying them monthly, many received little or nothing with a promised payout at the end. They were supposed to get half up front for signing and half at the end but most never got anything. They were quickly pushed to the front as bullet sponges. Prigozhin keeps the dead men’s payroll from MoD. Profit.

No body, no payout. That's the policy.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 3:08:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By kncook:
Scratch a Russian Major General
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... and find a Tatar
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 3:43:36 AM EDT
[Last Edit: ArmyInfantryVet] [#43]
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Originally Posted By TiePilot69:
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.
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Well, I don't think Russia can do precision strikes like they claim they can. And yes, I think they're trying a stupid idea from the 1940s where they think if they bomb the civilians enough, they'll demand the government to end the war. It is not going to work.

Terror bombing will only strengthen their resolve.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 5:15:08 AM EDT

Floodwaters have receded in much of Kherson

Link Posted: 6/13/2023 5:38:10 AM EDT

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 6/13/2023 5:42:09 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Zam18th] [#46]
The smokers are definitely at it again

Good hits



Link Posted: 6/13/2023 5:49:31 AM EDT
Good day guys!

Every day works! Today or tomorow we wait soldiers from "АРЕЙ" and we give many good stuff!!
We have gooood news from the front
Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 6:11:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By TiePilot69:
It boggles my mind that russia is still expending cruise missiles against civilians while they are in the middle of attempting to fight off the Ukrainian counter offensive.

London blitz all over again.

Edit. My first page own.
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my guess is they don't have the ability to locate and communicate well enough to target non static targets. it's probably also not an easy task in a strict top down structure to have people near the front tell the high ups what to target.

so that would leave people far in the rear looking at less than real time satellite images looking for targets. and it sounds like their satellites are not nearly as good as we were lead to believe.
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 6:18:03 AM EDT
steel (tungsten) rain
Link Posted: 6/13/2023 6:31:34 AM EDT
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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 4244 of 5590)
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