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Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:09:12 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Freiheit8472] [#1]

The audio statement with auto translation

I don’t know his tg channgel to check
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:09:26 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ArmyInfantryVet:
True or not... CNN is now running with it too
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Strange to see Western media regurgitate Russian prop. Hmmm.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:09:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By woozman:
If he really stopped he’s a dead man walking. Putin isn’t going to keep his word. That would be a really dumb move
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Unless this was orchestrated with Putin to clean house at the MoD ...
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:10:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By thehun06:

Unless this was orchestrated with Putin to clean house at the MoD ...
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Originally Posted By thehun06:
Originally Posted By woozman:
If he really stopped he’s a dead man walking. Putin isn’t going to keep his word. That would be a really dumb move

Unless this was orchestrated with Putin to clean house at the MoD ...

Maybe but I don’t think Putin would allow himself to look so weak.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:11:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ArmyInfantryVet:
True or not... CNN is now running with it too
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I'm leaning towards legit.

Dmitri has been translating these audio messages from Prigozhin all day. So odds are that either RU planted a faked audio message or it's real.

Also, it seems Kadyrov's forces pulled over and stopped advancing hours ago so something was obviously going on.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:12:50 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:

The audio statement with auto translation

I don’t know his tg channgel to check
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Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:12:52 PM EDT
Someone wrote Prigozhin a fat check.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:13:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
I'm leaning towards legit.

Dmitri has been translating these audio messages from Prigozhin all day. So odds are that either RU planted a faked audio message or it's real.

Also, it seems Kadyrov's forces pulled over and stopped advancing hours ago so something was obviously going on.
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By ArmyInfantryVet:
True or not... CNN is now running with it too
I'm leaning towards legit.

Dmitri has been translating these audio messages from Prigozhin all day. So odds are that either RU planted a faked audio message or it's real.

Also, it seems Kadyrov's forces pulled over and stopped advancing hours ago so something was obviously going on.


Prigozhin says it's BS. Who knows.

He also says Shoigu has been detained and to wait.

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:13:38 PM EDT
So the question is, was the “coup” part of a plan to make the Ukrainians show their hand?

Did the Ukes make any moves during this that they wouldn’t of otherwise and that is my the March to Moscow is off?
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:14:00 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
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Ahh, Sovietwave!
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:16:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lonestar6actual:
So the question is, was the “coup” part of a plan to make the Ukrainians show their hand?

Did the Ukes make any moves during this that they wouldn’t of otherwise and that is my the March to Moscow is off?
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Strongman authoritarian regimes don't get cute and play 4d chess internally trying to come out ahead by looking like weak pussies. It's basically like letting someone fuck you in prison so you can look like a genius badass when the time is right later.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:17:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By voodochild:
So what's all this about Wagner just giving up and saying it's over? I mean if true that's a serious case of blue balls. I mean Wagner head has to know what happened to the Chechens last time Russia wanted peace talks.
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From what I heard it is Putin who gave up to Wagner not the other way around. He had no forces capable of defending Moscow, so he surrendered and will replace Shoigu and Gerrasimov.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:18:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lonestar6actual:
So the question is, was the “coup” part of a plan to make the Ukrainians show their hand?

Did the Ukes make any moves during this that they wouldn’t of otherwise and that is my the March to Moscow is off?
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Just regular offensive…with slightly more pressure. I doubt this type of internal turmoil would be worth anything,

Wagner has already destroyed Russian air assets deep in Russia including a command plane today.

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:18:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lonestar6actual:
So the question is, was the “coup” part of a plan to make the Ukrainians show their hand?

Did the Ukes make any moves during this that they wouldn’t of otherwise and that is my the March to Moscow is off?
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Great questions. I think they’re well informed and a cool hand.

It probably put a pep in their step,  and nothing that will hurt them in anyway. Maybe they did a few more attacks or something with what was in the field already but no major commitment of strategic reserves.

This all happened too quickly for any misstep that could hurt them long term.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:18:55 PM EDT
Wagner TL:

Ничего ещё не кончилось. Не заблуждайтесь, просто ждите.

Nothing is over yet ... make no mistake ... just wait ...

Не все так как вы думаете и как описано в СМИ. Дайте время и узнаете все сами

От своих планов и целей я не отказался.

Not everything is as you think and as described in the media. Give it time and find out for yourself

I have not abandoned my plans and goals.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:19:58 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:22:50 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Freiheit8472] [#17]
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Originally Posted By thehun06:
Wagner TL:

Ничего ещё не кончилось. Не заблуждайтесь, просто ждите.

Nothing is over yet ... make no mistake ... just wait ...

Не все так как вы думаете и как описано в СМИ. Дайте время и узнаете все сами

От своих планов и целей я не отказался.

Not everything is as you think and as described in the media. Give it time and find out for yourself

I have not abandoned my plans and goals.
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ETA:I orig planned on a different meme like all eyes on that comment,  but this was too funny to pass up
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:23:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Third_Rail:


Prigozhin says it's BS. Who knows.

He also says Shoigu has been detained and to wait.

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That channel only has 50k subscribers. I'd be skeptical

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:24:47 PM EDT
Kamil Galeev weighs in with his $.02.


Sorry if this has been posted before. I am not sure if he is the "best" political resource for Russian politics, but I find he takes some pretty deep historical cuts and finds parallels that I don't think most of us are immediately aware of.

I am never going to financially recover from what this war has done to my reading list.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:29:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Wow what a prescient video! 2021 by a form MP. Worth a watch.

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Dayyyum... that guy is good!
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:30:35 PM EDT
Everyone raise your hand if you think Putin is good for his word.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:30:48 PM EDT

"Now it's finally allowed to say the three things he's been promised. 1. Shoigu's resignation. 2. Amnesty for "musicians" [Wagner mercenaries]. 3. The possibility to return to Africa. I'm sure that in reality he signed his own death sentence. And Wagner PMC as well, of course."

In general, many "Wagner war correspondents" are extremely disappointed with the situation.

Some publicly resign. And curse Prigozhin.
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Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:34:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BlackHoleSon:

Strongman authoritarian regimes don't get cute and play 4d chess internally trying to come out ahead by looking like weak pussies. It's basically like letting someone fuck you in prison so you can look like a genius badass when the time is right later.
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This. If Putin wanted them gone, then their very next meal would be heavy on the Polonium seasoning, not this soap opera shit making Putin and Russia look even more pathetic and weak.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:36:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

"Now it's finally allowed to say the three things he's been promised. 1. Shoigu's resignation. 2. Amnesty for "musicians" [Wagner mercenaries]. 3. The possibility to return to Africa. I'm sure that in reality he signed his own death sentence. And Wagner PMC as well, of course."

In general, many "Wagner war correspondents" are extremely disappointed with the situation.

Some publicly resign. And curse Prigozhin.

Yea….there’s a little problem with that “report”.

He’s already called for overthrowing Putin publicly and Putin has already called him a wanted treasonous criminal publicly in an address last night.

One of them is “going away for good”.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:36:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By sq40:
This war will be largely over this week or next I speculate.  The coup and civil war will break the occupation forces as russians realize they are dying for a lost cause.  Most will tuck tail and head back to the motherland as fast as possible.  UA will steamroll the rest all the way to the border and Kerch bridge.
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Not so fast.
If there really is a coup underway we could expect things like supply disruptions.  Does supply continue flowing on schedule from Rostov-on-Don, which Wagner claims to hold?  If so that’s a big tell that something fishy is going on.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:37:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

Not so fast.
If there really is a coup underway we could expect things like supply disruptions.  Does supply continue flowing on schedule from Rostov-on-Don, which Wagner claims to hold?  If so that’s a big tell that something fishy is going on.
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Wagner already pulling out supposedly
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:38:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By THOT_Vaccine:
For those if you that missed it...  Prigozhin just publicly admitted to more than 100k Russian dead.
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Ha, 50K are his own.  I think it’s already public knowledge in Russia how bad their losses sre, at least generally.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:42:12 PM EDT
I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:42:50 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BlackHoleSon:

Strongman authoritarian regimes don't get cute and play 4d chess internally trying to come out ahead by looking like weak pussies. It's basically like letting someone fuck you in prison so you can look like a genius badass when the time is right later.
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Wow, you really do have a way with words. Link to your newsletter?
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:45:07 PM EDT
What in the actual fuck is going on in Russia?

Who wrote this script, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss from Game of Thrones?
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:46:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:47:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:47:48 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:49:47 PM EDT
Considering the situation it seems like prighozin settled for very very little in return for not burning moscow.

And besides that Putin allows prighozin to try and overthrow the government and get away with it.

Weird agreement.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:49:50 PM EDT
Is this how it ended?

The Sopranos - Final Scene [Complete] [HD]

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:52:03 PM EDT
[Last Edit: thehun06] [#36]
So this was staged … but for what …

This whole situation either way makes Russia more weak and unstable …

Something is fishy …
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:52:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:53:04 PM EDT
I wish we could do another poll, for Prigo's demise.

Fall out window
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:53:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:
Considering the situation it seems like prighozin settled for very very little in return for not burning moscow.

And besides that Putin allows prighozin to try and overthrow the government and get away with it.

Weird agreement.
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Yea….what in the hell did we just watch for 18 hours.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:56:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Freiheit8472] [#40]
What if Pierogi realized he was over extended and needed an excuse to group back up say in Rostov without getting strafed and missiled
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:56:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Shistavan:

From what I heard it is Putin who gave up to Wagner not the other way around. He had no forces capable of defending Moscow, so he surrendered and will replace Shoigu and Gerrasimov.
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Unless he himself is replaced Prigozhen is dead
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:57:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:

Yea….what in the hell did we just watch for 18 hours.
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Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Considering the situation it seems like prighozin settled for very very little in return for not burning moscow.

And besides that Putin allows prighozin to try and overthrow the government and get away with it.

Weird agreement.

Yea….what in the hell did we just watch for 18 hours.

Well, actually, what we warned about yesterday in the post https://t.me/informnapalm/17789 happened:

"The gambit of the Russians may be aimed at creating a false impression for the Armed Forces that this is the right moment for a large-scale counteroffensive"

Prigozhin surrendered, and they played this circus to catch those who were ready to join the coup.

PS: Although today we almost believed that a "black swan" is possible and everything is happening, because the Kremlin elites decided to change the scenery. But no, victory is not so easy. And the Russian Armed Forces will win, not some decorative riot.

Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:58:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By dillydilly:

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Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:59:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Wow what a prescient video! 2021 by a form MP. Worth a watch.

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Guys this is worth a watch, just for this guys way with words.


Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:59:35 PM EDT
This is Wagner one and only chance,  Prigozhin has to know he is a dead man walking no matter what Putin agrees to right now.  He had one chance and this is it, can't believe he is stupid enough to not see that.  Moscow will be reinforced and fortified to beat hell going forward and he wont be able to pull this off a second time.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 2:59:39 PM EDT

Prigozhin says it's over:

"They were going to dismantle PMC Wagner. We came out on 23 June to the March of Justice. In a day, we walked to nearly 200km away from Moscow. In this time, we did not spill a single drop of blood of our fighters. Now, the moment has come when blood may spill. That’s why, understanding the responsibility for spilling Russian blood on one of the sides, we are turning back our convoys and going back to field camps according to the plan."
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Link Posted: 6/24/2023 3:00:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EasTexan:
Someone wrote Prigozhin a fat check.
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He's a billionaire oligarch with a private army larger than some European countries.  He writes his own checks.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 3:01:00 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By yekimak:

Well, actually, what we warned about yesterday in the post https://t.me/informnapalm/17789 happened:

"The gambit of the Russians may be aimed at creating a false impression for the Armed Forces that this is the right moment for a large-scale counteroffensive"

Prigozhin surrendered, and they played this circus to catch those who were ready to join the coup.

PS: Although today we almost believed that a "black swan" is possible and everything is happening, because the Kremlin elites decided to change the scenery. But no, victory is not so easy. And the Russian Armed Forces will win, not some decorative riot.

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Originally Posted By yekimak:
Originally Posted By Freiheit8472:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Considering the situation it seems like prighozin settled for very very little in return for not burning moscow.

And besides that Putin allows prighozin to try and overthrow the government and get away with it.

Weird agreement.

Yea….what in the hell did we just watch for 18 hours.

Well, actually, what we warned about yesterday in the post https://t.me/informnapalm/17789 happened:

"The gambit of the Russians may be aimed at creating a false impression for the Armed Forces that this is the right moment for a large-scale counteroffensive"

Prigozhin surrendered, and they played this circus to catch those who were ready to join the coup.

PS: Although today we almost believed that a "black swan" is possible and everything is happening, because the Kremlin elites decided to change the scenery. But no, victory is not so easy. And the Russian Armed Forces will win, not some decorative riot.


I think it was over too quick to get that kind of movement from Ukraine. Combined with Ukraine’s sources, I think that couldn’t happen with just this 18 hrs of shenanigans.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 3:01:13 PM EDT
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Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.
Link Posted: 6/24/2023 3:01:16 PM EDT
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