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Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:32:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By bikedamon:

Is that real?  If so, holy fucking shit.
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Originally Posted By bikedamon:
Originally Posted By madwis15:
Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By MattyCR:

He talking about a large size soft stick RC airplane.  Would need a decent motor and prop and youd want more than a 1/4lbs of C4 to do anything more than kill a soldier or two.

Id be working on heavy lift octocopters that can drop multiple mortar rounds.

Apparently the Ukranians got pretty good at the dropped mortar thing in the past. I saw a video yesterday of them dropping a mortar on a guy and it landed DIRECTLY on his head. Popped his fuckin head right off.

Found the video. Check it out at about 20 seconds in. What a shot!



Is that real?  If so, holy fucking shit.

Appears super fake
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:33:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
I want to jam the radios with bagpipe music before an attack.
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Trololololo music
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:33:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:33:30 AM EDT
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For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:34:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AgeOne:

there are most likely F35's up there, feeding back as much data as possible without flying over the boarder.
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Why would we be doing that with F35's?  Isn't that what River Joint does?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:35:55 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JamesP81:

Some Ukraine troops have night vision. Attack at night. A lot of Russian troops don’t have NV.
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Wouldn't the Russians just shoot a bunch of flairs in the air? And I'd think at least some of their vehicles have thermal. I wouldn't think it's the super power in a military engagement that it is in the civi world.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:36:14 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Durka-Durka:

Trololololo music
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and this

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:36:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By 01ZULU:

I learned something about the UN the other day. With Russia being a permanent member they can veto basically anything that comes they the UN. Same as America UK France China can

Niet intervene in Russia liberation mission

How fucked is that right
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Ukraine has been trying to get the UN to bounce the Russian Federation from the Security Council.  Their argument is that the seat on the council for the USSR was voided when it was dissolved.  No grounds for the Russian Federation to inherit the seat, as it's a different country that just happens to have some geography in common with the USSR.

The real deal is, it has what's left of the USSR's nuclear arsenal and that's why it also inherited a veto seat in the UN.  Plus "keep your enemies closer" and all that jazz.  

That said, I like Ukraine's argument and it does give the UN an out if they want to pass any resolutions against Russia.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:36:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

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Wait, is there a deal or not?

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:37:34 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

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Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

Just for comparison, Lake City was making 4 million rounds per day as of a couple years ago.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:39:18 AM EDT
A lot of you guys are way more optimistic than I am about this situation.
Russia is losing too many troops? Russia has lots more. They are leaving their own dead and moving forward.
Russia is loosing lots of armor and vehicles? They have lots more.
Russia has slow shitty convoys. I'm not even that convinced there was ever a plan for a convoy dash. The convoys are moving forward. We have seen what russia does once they have their forces in position. They stay back at a safe distance and drop shell after shell after shell and missile after missile on military and civilians until it is more plausible for their military to move forward and win.
If they run out of shells, they have more convoys. And apparently they have so much anti-aircraft protection on the convoys that Ukraine can't hit them. So their slow, broke-dick, un-fueled convoys continue to slowly move forward without being hit.
Russian losses will have to be so incredibly high that Putin will worry about the security of his own country. That's a LOT of losses.
Russian are currently learning to absolutely shut the fuck up and keep their heads down for fear of ending up on the wrong side of a gun. They have a long way to go to be in such bad shape that they are willing to die to get rid of Putin.

I don't personally have a solution. But I'll bet a "solution" would involve dropping heavy shit on them until they could no longer function as a military unit.
Putin is willing to turn Russia into North Korea.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:40:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:
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China is getting ready to go to war over Taiwan. They are preparing.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:40:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Durka-Durka:

Trololololo music
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Originally Posted By Durka-Durka:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
I want to jam the radios with bagpipe music before an attack.

Trololololo music
Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:41:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
I want to jam the radios with bagpipe music before an attack.
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blaring Ukraine national anthem, non-stop, max volume would probably be more appropriate.

like how Nemico did the other day, fuckin' chat erupted, went bipolar pro & con, and his viewership dropped off during that episode.
couldn't hear the gunfire, air raid sirens, artillery bombardment, nothing, all drowned out.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:41:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:41:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cincinnatus:
I'll go back to my original suggestion:

Small drones that drop packets of fentanyl over the stranded Russian convoys.

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Could they also contain the Biden crack pipes and syringes?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:42:14 AM EDT
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Great drawing!

...but an underfolder? Gross.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:42:20 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By x248716x:

blaring Ukraine national anthem, non-stop, max volume would probably be more appropriate.

like how Nemico did the other day, fuckin' chat erupted, went bipolar pro & con, and his viewership dropped off during that episode.
couldn't hear the gunfire, air raid sirens, artillery bombardment, nothing, all drowned out.
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I missed that
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:42:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By KaerMorhenResident:
Average Russian contract soldier is paid less than the average Russian citizen, which means they get the bottom of the barrel when it comes to intelligence out of Russia's young men.

Whereas, the Ukraine has increased its military spending to the point where the average Ukrainian soldier makes about the average salary of the average Ukrainian (maybe just a bit over it actually) and so going into the Ukraine military is a "good" profession in Ukraine that has likely resulted in them having a slight better quality of soldiers in terms of intellect.

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Good point. These are not contract soldiers, they are conscripts. Being conscripted for 2 years has the same status as going to jail. It's really bottom of the barrel stuff.

In fact during WWII penal battalions were composed of mostly criminals who were "given a chance" to redeem themselves.

You are not going to win any wars with this material. These guys don't give a damn one way or another. They are not fighting for Russia. They may have one idiot idealist per 100 soldiers who will soon have his brains beaten out of him by the battlefield or fellow soldiers. Meaning soldiers don't obey orders to attack. Why would they?
Whatever for?
There is neither glory nor payheck in it.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:42:51 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:.
Putin is willing to turn Russia into North Korea.
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Are we headed there?  Will the West ever do business with Russia again?  (Insert oil and gas commentary here).

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:44:23 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.
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Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

didn't know they made steel-cased 5.45x39.  not that i ever looked...
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:46:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ludder093:

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Ukrainian women gets pissed when her eye liner is gone, and she doesn't have any more. Invade their country and it's a whole other level. I have seen this from every single Ukrainian woman I know personally, and tv anchors and interviewee's the same.

The gruesome death videos of chard invaders, mine sees them and is happy. Said she could strangle an invader, and not even shake doing it.

Worried, scared, and brutally angry all at once.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:46:07 AM EDT
[Last Edit: elcope] [#23]
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:46:28 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MCDXXV:


Ammo company donating rounds to slot commies and arf finds a way to be pissed
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Originally Posted By MCDXXV:
Originally Posted By AROKIE:

You guys are really bitching about this?


Ammo company donating rounds to slot commies and arf finds a way to be pissed

Apparently, ammo is to many ARFCOMers like Gazprom is to Germany.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:46:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cincinnatus:
I’ll go back to my original suggestion:

Small drones that drop packets of fentanyl over the stranded Russian convoys.

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Chinese fentanyl for bonus points.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:47:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:
A lot of you guys are way more optimistic than I am about this situation.

I don't personally have a solution. But I'll bet a "solution" would involve dropping heavy shit on them until they could no longer function as a military unit.
Putin is willing to turn Russia into North Korea.
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The cities are being surrounded today and russia has its anaconda plan, despite their forces being shit.  

Unfortunately, the only solution where Ukraine survives this is if NATO or the US steps in.  Which will create a wider war....maybe.  I think it's a crucial time where NATO either calls putin's bluff, or continues the cycle of threats for a few more decades.  IF he's bluffing.    

I think that if, provided with a united front from the world, putin would stand down or be forced to stand down.  That relies on the world to be united, though.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:47:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
I want to jam the radios with bagpipe music before an attack.
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Better yet, break the encryption and send out malicious orders to troops in the field, then jam it before they can rescind them.  Send their attacking units into ambushes.  Route their resupply convoys into areas where no Russians are.  Call in Russian artillery fire on Russian positions.  

That would make for some outstanding use intelligence / electronic warfare.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:47:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:47:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ctfish15:

Are we headed there?  Will the West ever do business with Russia again?  (Insert oil and gas commentary here).

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No. If Putin pulls this off he'll control how much of Europes energy?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:48:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
At this point, it doesn't need to be other than for the youtube videos.

Day 8 of a 3 day mission??

The first half of that convoy is out of fuel from running the engines to keep their troops warm, to batteries dead from running radio watch after the fuel ran out.

No need to destroy a truck that is out of fuel with a dead battery. It won't move until and unless someone makes a concerted effort to make it move in an uncontested environment.

Or a Ukranian Gypsie tows it away behind their farm tractor.
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This! The longer they sit there the better it gets.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:49:03 AM EDT
[Last Edit: DK-Prof] [#31]
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:49:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JamesP81:

What’s their current military budget?
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Real number is hidden.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:51:09 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:

Explain to me how an un-fueled convoy moves forward?

They are pushing them with manpower?

ETA: Like this? All the way to Kiev?

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They move more fuel trucks forward until the convoy can move some more. Once they get to where they are going, they won't need as much fuel. If they are not stopped, they will get to where they are going.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:52:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
I want to jam the radios with bagpipe music before an attack.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:53:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JamesP81:

And all the professional artillery troops and attack pilots are tearing their hair out wondering why that convoy hasn’t been converted to a flaming wreck so large you could see it from space
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Originally Posted By JamesP81:
Originally Posted By elcope:

Professional logisticians the world over are tearing their hair out wanting to solve that convoy problem, right or wrong.

It's an innate character flaw.

Without someone shooting at me, I could have it solved in less than a week.

With folks shooting at me, less than 3 weeks.

And all the professional artillery troops and attack pilots are tearing their hair out wondering why that convoy hasn’t been converted to a flaming wreck so large you could see it from space

And, all of the old professional trigger-pullers of the western world are pulling their hair out remembering those years of our misspent youth during the “Cold War” in which we thought that the Russians were worthy opponents.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:53:20 AM EDT
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Hell yeah
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:53:23 AM EDT
[Last Edit: mancow] [#37]
EDIT: nobody wants to hear real live audio so I delted it
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:53:23 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cincinnatus:
I’ll go back to my original suggestion:

Small drones that drop packets of fentanyl over the stranded Russian convoys.

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Beats freezing and/or starving to death
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:54:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Denwad:

When you're arming your children, you're losing.

I'm sure I'll be called a Russian troll for saying that.

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Originally Posted By Denwad:
Originally Posted By YankeeWhite:
You'r half right.  The Russians shouldn't be there, but sending in kids with almost no training to get slaughtered is a good idea?  They should be moving them to the rear, but hey it's their fight.

When you're arming your children, you're losing.

I'm sure I'll be called a Russian troll for saying that.

Whether you are winning or losing may depend on which part of Ukraine you are in.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:55:24 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Stoop:
Why would we be doing that with F35's?  Isn't that what River Joint does?
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Originally Posted By Stoop:
Originally Posted By AgeOne:

there are most likely F35's up there, feeding back as much data as possible without flying over the boarder.
Why would we be doing that with F35's?  Isn't that what River Joint does?

Cause you can play with the toys while a large conflict is happening below.

You better believe shits getting tested and updated.

But yes the real good info (beyond f35) comes from the Rivet and Jstars
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:57:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:
A lot of you guys are way more optimistic than I am about this situation.
Russia is losing too many troops? Russia has lots more. They are leaving their own dead and moving forward.
Russia is loosing lots of armor and vehicles? They have lots more.
Russia has slow shitty convoys. I'm not even that convinced there was ever a plan for a convoy dash. The convoys are moving forward. We have seen what russia does once they have their forces in position. They stay back at a safe distance and drop shell after shell after shell and missile after missile on military and civilians until it is more plausible for their military to move forward and win.
If they run out of shells, they have more convoys. And apparently they have so much anti-aircraft protection on the convoys that Ukraine can't hit them. So their slow, broke-dick, un-fueled convoys continue to slowly move forward without being hit.
Russian losses will have to be so incredibly high that Putin will worry about the security of his own country. That's a LOT of losses.
Russian are currently learning to absolutely shut the fuck up and keep their heads down for fear of ending up on the wrong side of a gun. They have a long way to go to be in such bad shape that they are willing to die to get rid of Putin.

I don't personally have a solution. But I'll bet a "solution" would involve dropping heavy shit on them until they could no longer function as a military unit.
Putin is willing to turn Russia into North Korea.
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I'm optimistic in the short term which gives time for the dynamics to change. If nothing changes it will get ugly in the long term. The Russians shouldn't be written off at this point. I'm not super familiar with their modern military but have studied enough historical campaigns to realize this isn't all that out of the ordinary for them.

Steps of a typical Russian military campaign....

Step1: Come in stupid, drunk, and arrogant.

Step2: Get their shit pushed in.

Step3: Obstinately cling to step1 even though they've clearly moved to step2.

Step4: Once the situation is desperate sorta pull their shit together and by taking excessive loses and being excessively brutal eek out a somewhat favorable outcome.

Step5: Pretend like step4 was the plan all along.

We're somewhere between steps 3 and 4.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:59:03 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:59:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 12:59:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By x248716x:

didn't know they made steel-cased 5.45x39.  not that i ever looked...
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Originally Posted By x248716x:
Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

didn't know they made steel-cased 5.45x39.  not that i ever looked...

I’m sure they can buy it from Poland or Romania.

That’s less than 500 crates of 7n6/equal for anyone of them. My guess is Poland gets the 5.56 and they give the 5.45x39.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 1:00:00 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chokey:
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I feel the same way about CNN
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 1:00:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chokey:

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That would be good
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 1:00:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:

As someone who has served continuously since the Cold War (1985) and the Russians are going to break through the Fulda Gap OMG, I'm disappointed in their performance. I'm also pleasantly surprised at how well the premise of "let's dump shit-tons of easy-to-use ATGM's and MANPADS" doctrine is working out for the Ukrainians. Who knew that arming the fuck out of motivated people works?

Do I think the Soviets of the 1980's would have performed better than now, probably, but there were also a shit-ton more of them too. Same as us.

For days now, I've been told "to wait for their tier one units".

I posit that this is their tier one units. This is as good as they get on the large scale.

As a logistician, watching that 40 mile stalled convoy flounder is both professionally infuriating, (how could they do that to their own troops) as well as (C'mon Ukrainians, fuck that thing up) and hilariously amusing.

They've turned their own logistics convoy into the Ukrainians largest POW camp through their own inaction / inability to move. Day 8 into a 3 day move??? The first half of that convoy is out of fuel and the batteries are dead. The morale in that convoy must be absolute shit.

Half those trucks will still be there 3 months from now even if no one is shooting at the maintenance recovery teams, or the Ukrainian version of rednecks don't steal them.

I look forward to the videos.
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My takeaway is that you have a limited timeframe to accomplish this stuff, because if you consume more than you carry you're going to fly that proverbial bitch right into the ground. As they've done.

I'm impressed with how fucked they are. I never could have imagined.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 1:01:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Finslayer83] [#48]
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Originally Posted By Durka-Durka:

The cities are being surrounded today and russia has its anaconda plan, despite their forces being shit.  

Unfortunately, the only solution where Ukraine survives this is if NATO or the US steps in.  Which will create a wider war....maybe.  I think it's a crucial time where NATO either calls putin's bluff, or continues the cycle of threats for a few more decades.  IF he's bluffing.    

I think that if, provided with a united front from the world, putin would stand down or be forced to stand down.  That relies on the world to be united, though.
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Economy should collapse by next week.

Internal changes will end the war.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 1:01:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:

They move more fuel trucks forward until the convoy can move some more. Once they get to where they are going, they won't need as much fuel. If they are not stopped, they will get to where they are going.
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Yeah. They will eventually get to the kill box the Ukrainians have had days to set up.

Atgms and pre aimed arty when they get there.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 1:02:21 AM EDT
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