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Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:08:10 PM EDT
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like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
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All of the Dems are calling for full release. It would great if there was enough info on HRC to indict.
The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
I'd be interested to know how far Muellers team actually went into investigating the alleged Russian hacking, and what they found.  AND if they restricted their investigation to associates of Trump so as not to implicate any Democrats.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:08:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:08:52 PM EDT
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like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
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All of the Dems are calling for full release. It would great if there was enough info on HRC to indict.
The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
as do I

no exceptions
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:09:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:10:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:12:09 PM EDT
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You've pretended for two years to have top secret inside information that Trump would be nailed to the wall. When proven to be 100% wrong time and time again, an honorable man would be ashamed to show his face here ever again.

I never doubted you would stick around.
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It's running a profit thanks to Paul Manafort and the mystery state owned company.
You've pretended for two years to have top secret inside information that Trump would be nailed to the wall. When proven to be 100% wrong time and time again, an honorable man would be ashamed to show his face here ever again.

I never doubted you would stick around.

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:12:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:15:37 PM EDT
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I like Dan Bongino. He is a good man.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:15:53 PM EDT
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Perfectly crafted for maximum butthurt and reeing from the usual suspects. Everything else aside, he does do a good job at pissing some people off.
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The Don Tweets.

Perfectly crafted for maximum butthurt and reeing from the usual suspects. Everything else aside, he does do a good job at pissing some people off.
I would have preferred the line from Tombstone ",You called down the thunder now you've got it. You tell them I'm coming and I'm bringing Hell with me".
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:18:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:20:12 PM EDT
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Possibly an important distinction being made.

It states that they looked into whether ANY American, including individuals associated with the Trump campaign, joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election.

It then states that, they did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia.

However that does not state that NO Americans conspired with Russia to influence the election.

We need an investigation into how this investigation all started. Clinton campaign, DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, McCain, the people at the FBI, CIA, DOJ, FISC, Obama administration Etc.
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Missed that, thanks for pointing it out
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:21:34 PM EDT
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I like Dan Bongino. He is a good man.
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The dude has been rock solid on every prediction he made so far, iirc.  The guy has solid sources and an autists wit in comprehending government corruption.

Godddamn, he's good.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:21:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:21:56 PM EDT
CNN has moved on to "he just isn't fit to be president anymore". Doesn't matter what the report says.

6 more years
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:25:01 PM EDT
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CNN has moved on to "he just isn't fit to be president anymore". Doesn't matter what the report says.

6 more years
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Even DU has succumbed to the realization that PDT won his second term today. The sound bites alone from Dems from the last 2 years is enough to push a narrative that the left are all liars. He can actually honestly play a strong victim card now.

I cannot wait for 2020.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:25:24 PM EDT
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Missed that, thanks for pointing it out
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Possibly an important distinction being made.

It states that they looked into whether ANY American, including individuals associated with the Trump campaign, joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election.

It then states that, they did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia.

However that does not state that NO Americans conspired with Russia to influence the election.

We need an investigation into how this investigation all started. Clinton campaign, DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, McCain, the people at the FBI, CIA, DOJ, FISC, Obama administration Etc.
Missed that, thanks for pointing it out
I'd love it if the report showed the Hildog's team colluding and by demanding the release of the entire report by Schift brings her down.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:26:40 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:27:28 PM EDT
The moment you realize you just had your shit pushed in.

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:28:30 PM EDT
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Where da under_scores at?
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Shareblue talking points haven't been issued yet.  They'll be along shortly.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:28:41 PM EDT
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The moment you realize you just had your shit pushed in.

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I need video!
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:30:48 PM EDT
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I need video!
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They are really pushing the "does not exonerate the President" line in the summary.

They aren't going stop. They are going to push and push.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:31:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:31:18 PM EDT
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IG Report...It's coming on a WHOLE LOT MORE.  Comey and the rest of the crew have a right to remain silent. A LOT of "taking the 5th" is upcoming.
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All of the Dems are calling for full release. It would great if there was enough info on HRC to indict.
The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
IG Report...It's coming on a WHOLE LOT MORE.  Comey and the rest of the crew have a right to remain silent. A LOT of "taking the 5th" is upcoming.
I predict a whole lotta I DON'T REMEMBER
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:34:10 PM EDT
We're seeing the Virtues and Rewards of PATIENCE!!!!!!

Who will be able to learn anything from this remarkable strategy?
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:34:53 PM EDT
Sen Coons asked by Blitzer is it time for Democrats to move on from investigating Trump. He basically said nope, we are doubling down.

Good luck with that.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:38:22 PM EDT
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I want to hear from Admiral Rogers ASAP!!!!
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:39:56 PM EDT
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Rushed in without her regular hair and makeup person. Would still bang though.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:41:20 PM EDT
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like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
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All of the Dems are calling for full release. It would great if there was enough info on HRC to indict.
The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
I agree, make it all public.
I'm just pointing out their hypocrisy, about making it public.
When it was them that changed the rules on making it public.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:41:46 PM EDT
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Non-exoneration is cope candy for media brainwashed lefties.

also, /r/the_mueller is LOCKED FOR SUBMISSIONS

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Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:41:59 PM EDT
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IG Report...It's coming on a WHOLE LOT MORE.  Comey and the rest of the crew have a right to remain silent. A LOT of "taking the 5th" is upcoming.
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That idiot has been digging his own grave for the last 2 years running his pie hole.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:43:42 PM EDT
Anyone catch Dershowitz and Levin destroy Mueller for his BS about "does not exonerate". Dershowitz said Mueller was gutless and failed to do his job, you either indict or shut up, and Levin said he violated the SC law by leaving this in.

My sister who is half a liberal said she absolutely believes Mueller put this in there to give the dems what they wanted and that is to continue this BS.

Yeah, lets try to nail a POTUS on obstruction when the thing that got it all off the ground was a fraud to start.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:45:39 PM EDT
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Sen Coons asked by Blitzer is it time for Democrats to move on from investigating Trump. He basically said nope, we are doubling down.

Good luck with that.
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Good luck for us, sure.  The dems... not so much.

I'm happy to hear that they'll be doubling down.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:47:01 PM EDT
Democrats in US Congress call for probe into Chinese influence around Trump

Russia is checked off, China is next, what follows after China?

Liberal propaganda unfortunately will never end, just morph.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:47:46 PM EDT
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Anyone catch Dershowitz and Levin destroy Mueller for his BS about "does not exonerate". Dershowitz said Mueller was gutless and failed to do his job, you either indict or shut up, and Levin said he violated the SC law by leaving this in.
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It may be a part of the Plan, to encourage and distract the Dims and Deep State to pursue an endless non-productive rabbit hole.

While Trump and Team proceeds to destroy them.

As Q has said many times...

These people are stupid..
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:47:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:48:29 PM EDT
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Democrats in US Congress call for probe into Chinese influence around Trump

Russia is checked off, China is next, what follows after China?

Liberal propaganda unfortunately will never end, just morph.
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North Korea is after China.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:51:29 PM EDT
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North Korea is after China.
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Took the words away from me. That's my thought, too. After NK, I figure they'll circle around to "bad actors in Eastern Europe", then something-something "tyrannical Brazil".
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:51:45 PM EDT
How dare Trump spend money to play golf with Kid Rock. - Liberals yesterday

The 40 million we spent on the Mueller investigation was justified - Liberals today
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:52:24 PM EDT
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:54:40 PM EDT
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
It is. Click on the date.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:54:56 PM EDT
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
It's real. It's Jr in case you thought it was POTUS.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:55:32 PM EDT
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
From DJT Jr.? Yeah it’s legit.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:57:29 PM EDT
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Holy shit tell me that's real...
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It is. Just retweeted it.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:57:48 PM EDT
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It's real. It's Jr in case you thought it was POTUS.
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Nuts.  My brain got too excited, i no cant reeds so guds when happi

Still awesome though lol
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:58:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 6:00:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 6:03:20 PM EDT
Funny, investigation says Russians hacked democrats email when everybody knows it was DNC inside job, Seth Rich.

It’s like mueller took the DNC talking points - Russian meddling by posting on social media (aka everybody pro trump is a Russian bot and some Russians spent ad money on Facebook) and Russia hacked democrats exposing their and FHRC corruption.

No mention of piss dossier that was used as justification for all this.  One huge nothing burger. There’s absolutely nothing there.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 6:05:00 PM EDT
Trump: Complete and total exoneration
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 6:05:35 PM EDT
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The moment you realize you just had your shit pushed in.

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Haddaway - What Is Love [Official]
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 6:08:57 PM EDT
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Funny, investigation says Russians hacked democrats email when everybody knows it was DNC inside job, Seth Rich.
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I'm sure that there was more then one organization that gained access to the emails and or various servers. Off the top of my head, I can think of possibly Seth Rich, the Russian gov, and the Paki IT brothers.
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