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Link Posted: 3/24/2021 10:18:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

"researchers" came up with this


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Link Posted: 3/24/2021 10:21:41 PM EDT
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That seems discriminatory and a violation of Title VII. Just sayin'.
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 10:25:06 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/24/2021 10:47:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Doodles] [#4]
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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I hope everyone is taking notes on the maskers.

They will be the ones narcing on your contraband firearm or American flag on your vehicle.
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 10:50:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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Humm that second tweet is distrubing.

The only place you can put a mandate in some effect is your place of employment and that is still a choice, wear it or get shit canned.  If I am in a public location not wearing a mask you can leave, not my problem.  That was like telling me.... I fear all drivers, so nobody else should drive but me.
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:00:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Cecenrse] [#6]
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:10:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:

I hope everyone is taking notes on the maskers.

They will be the ones narcing on your contraband firearm or American flag on your vehicle.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:13:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:23:49 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Doodles] [#9]
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I wish they would just shut up with this BS.

"You are happy aren't you slave!"

"Look at the great benefits of being a slave..."
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:42:13 PM EDT
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That crazy witch could have chosen to stay home and avoid the rest of the world any time in the past. Yet she apparently never did. I don't believe her.
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:45:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:54:50 PM EDT
His mask can't hide that blank stare in his eyes

Link Posted: 3/24/2021 11:59:13 PM EDT

CONFIRMED: Democrat Operative Was Given Secret Internet Connection ...
This is big. Emails show that Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Wisconsin state lead for the National Vote at Home Institute, was given secret internet access at the hotel convention center where ballots were counted in Green Bay. Wisconsin Spotlight is reporting on this Wisconsin scandal. The Daily Signal reported: A veteran Democratic operative intr...
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 12:10:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 12:15:38 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 12:51:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:

Humm that second tweet is distrubing.

The only place you can put a mandate in some effect is your place of employment and that is still a choice, wear it or get shit canned.  If I am in a public location not wearing a mask you can leave, not my problem.  That was like telling me.... I fear all drivers, so nobody else should drive but me.
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Originally Posted By RSG:

Humm that second tweet is distrubing.

The only place you can put a mandate in some effect is your place of employment and that is still a choice, wear it or get shit canned.  If I am in a public location not wearing a mask you can leave, not my problem.  That was like telling me.... I fear all drivers, so nobody else should drive but me.

It also falls flat on it's face, based on it's own stated justification.

"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."

Harm to others...  But even more specifically, they are claiming that not wearing a mask infringes on the right of others to not die.

That could only happen through a series of events, and removing any one step in the series will eliminate the end result of death:

1. The person not wearing a mask is infected with COVID.

2. The person not wearing a mask is shedding virus that is still active (not dead or otherwise made inactive by their body's defenses or something they might be taking).

3. Someone else becomes infected by the shed virus.

4. This newly infected person develops a severe case of COVID.

5. They die.

I try to avoid antagonizing idiots in public.  I generally don't open carry, because I don't want the drama that comes with some mentally ill (but barely functional in society) nitwit seeing my gun and having a public meltdown while doing everything they can to convince everyone in the area that I am a dangerous person that is the cause of their meltdown (not their own mental problems).  I am 'higher risk' to COVID, due to a heart defect I was born with, and my immune system isn't the greatest, due at least in part to Vanderbilt's doctors deciding I needed antibiotics any time I developed a fever as a child, but I generally don't care if people aren't wearing masks, beyond some curiosity in noting levels of compliance and how people alter their habits.

That being said...

The first condition is something that the nitwit freaking out simply cannot know, and the unmasked person may not know, but the current odds are against any random individual being infected.  That means they are making an assumption that the unmasked person is infected - an assumption driven by fear.  If we were to impose this 'harm to others' rule on such weak justification, then society could lock up every single person of some chosen race or ethnicity, based simply on crime statistics showing that more crimes are committed by one group, than another.  The nitwits would shriek in terror at the thought of what supporting this would do for their virtue signaling record, so we should be able to assume they wouldn't support this argument, once it's implications were explained.

The second condition is something that the unmasked person may not know, even if they know they have been infected, just based on differences in severity of infection and the mixed messages that "the experts" have given on how long an infected person needs to be isolated.  Again, the nitwit cannot know this and is making an assumption driven by fear.  The argument falls apart in the same way as the first one.

The third condition is where things get a little more complicated, because it's where the actions of the nitwit begin to be a factor.  The left has been going on about 'safe spaces' for years, so they should be familiar with the concept of society determining an acceptable 'personal space'.  Currently, stores (following guidelines provided by 'the experts') are making it quite clear that this personal space is six feet for strangers.  Unless an unmasked person is chasing them around the store trying to get close to them, the nitwit has some control over their personal space (they can't blame it all on the unmasked person).  Also, the concept of wearing a mask to prevent the person wearing the mask from infecting others, while it does have some limited basis in truth and is considered proper manners in some Asian countries for colds and other respiratory infections, it's nowhere near as effective as the nitwits seem to believe it is.  It only reduces the shedding of the virus from the nose and mouth by trapping exhaled droplets.  Besides only being a reduction (not an elimination), it's not the only method of shedding the COVID virus, because it is not just a respiratory infection (COVID can get into the infected person's blood and spread throughout their body).  The respiratory system does seem to be the easiest way for COVID to get a strong foothold in infecting a person, but that means the person trying to not get infected needs to be worried about the effectiveness of their mask, not some random other person's mask.  If we were to apply the 'harm to others' rule based on this, then anyone wanting to take a nighttime stroll on a sidewalk in the most ghetto part of their city, should be able to require that the residents of the ghetto be forcibly confined inside their homes while the person is taking their stroll (forcing everyone else to be restricted, so that they don't have to take any responsibility for their choices).

The fourth condition takes another step away from the responsibility being on the unmasked person, unless the unmasked person is doing things like running up to people and giving them long sloppy kisses, slobbering on their nose like the vp on the dick of someone that can advance her career, or pushing them down and taking a dump in their mouth.  Severity is something determined at least partly by the individual's immune system and their exposure (how long they were in an area with active virus that could reach them, the density/volume of the active virus in that area, and what precautions they took against infection while in that area).  The 'harm to others' rule gets even weaker, because now we are getting well into being able to argue placing restrictions on the masked person who is trying to use the rule to place restrictions on the unmasked person.  It would be easy to argue that they should be required to wear (at minimum) an N95 filtration system that covers their nose and mouth, while providing a decent airtight seal to their face.  Given how frequently the nitwits publicly demonstrate that they can't keep their hands off the cheap masks they are using, and many even pull their masks down to talk, it's very doubtful that they can deal with wearing a mask that can be considered to be seriously effective at protecting them from the virus.

TL/DR version: Society now has an excess of people who, if the S truly hit the F, would have no more than a tiny chance of survival, because their fragile brains cannot deal with the loss of their artificial safe spaces.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 12:53:07 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hiyaboa] [#17]
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Apparently “patriot shit” doesn’t involve much cardio
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:03:50 AM EDT
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I would have loved lockdown, for a while, if I had been allowed to stay home.  My daughter was laughing at my antics, when the temporary lockdown was announced, because "FUCK YEAH!  I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO WORK!".  Sure, I wasn't expecting any pay for the few weeks they were saying we would be on temporary lockdown (and I knew it would likely be extended some), but I had enough in savings to manage with no trouble, enough food on hand that I wouldn't have to go to the store for anything other than stuff like milk and eggs, and I had plenty of gas and oil for the chainsaw.  I could have even been a bit lazy and only messed with the chainsaw for 3 or 4 hours a day, and gotten a hell of a lot done on my property, clearing the trail so I could get the Jeep up to the best build site on the property and clearing that build site.  Or I could have worked on other projects around home that I already have tools and materials for.

But nooooooo, my boss insisted that we were essential, and got a city official to agree with him, so no unpaid time off for me.  
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:10:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By hiyaboa:

Apparently “patriot shit” doesn’t involve much cardio
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Again, what is this "cardio" that people keep bringing up?
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:13:33 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

That crazy witch could have chosen to stay home and avoid the rest of the world any time in the past. Yet she apparently never did. I don't believe her.
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Wouldn't be shocked if she never got paid to sit at home before either, no wonder she is happy...  I am sure my Ex is thrilled, that is what she wanted from me.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:13:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:18:01 AM EDT
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Sounds like a class action lawsuit.  And I have Cigna International medical coverage.

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:40:25 AM EDT
Smokenscan and Andy up, protest in LA at a homeless sweep.


Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:48:21 AM EDT
LAPD getting ready to move in, unlawful assembly

Echo Park
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 1:57:30 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Splittiebus66:
Smokenscan and Andy up, protest in LA at a homeless sweep.


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Precious Child

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 4:07:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

Did you have a stroke?

I really don't know what you were trying to say here.

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that meme you posted previously contained poor grammar.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 4:13:28 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JPN:

  • I haven't been to an indoor range in ages (unless you count opening the window behind me and shooting at the target stand outside).
  • I only pick up my own brass.
  • I paid extra for ceramic.
  • I don't have an AK.
  • I at least try to find a balance between kinetic energy delivered to the target, and ability to do rapid followup shots.

I've only got one old surplus bolt action, and I bought it way back when they were selling for $65. (haven't shot it in 20 years)

  • I've got enough 9mm and 5.56mm to last for a while.  The calibers I added to the collection in 2019... not so much.
  • Cardio?  What is this cardio of which you speak?  
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me too
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 4:19:24 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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Prove it.   Science, mother fuckers.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 4:20:00 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Hollywood_Shooter] [#29]
the 1am brownells double tap
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 5:28:26 AM EDT
[Last Edit: MotorMouth] [#30]
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:

Humm that second tweet is distrubing.

The only place you can put a mandate in some effect is your place of employment and that is still a choice, wear it or get shit canned.  If I am in a public location not wearing a mask you can leave, not my problem.  That was like telling me.... I fear all drivers, so nobody else should drive but me.
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Originally Posted By RSG:

Humm that second tweet is distrubing.

The only place you can put a mandate in some effect is your place of employment and that is still a choice, wear it or get shit canned.  If I am in a public location not wearing a mask you can leave, not my problem.  That was like telling me.... I fear all drivers, so nobody else should drive but me.

No, by your logic I could shoot people as long at it was in public rather than my place of employment.

Government's best possible use of force is to prevent you from harming others.

The trouble with pandemic is that they assume that you are harming others, and use force to prevent you from doing all sorts of things.

Quarantining healthy people, no.

Quarantining the sick, yes.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 7:02:00 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 7:11:14 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Win1300] [#32]
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Originally Posted By MotorMouth:

No, by your logic I could shoot people as long at it was in public rather than my place of employment.

Government's best possible use of force is to prevent you from harming others.

The trouble with pandemic is that they assume that you are harming others, and use force to prevent you from doing all sorts of things.

Quarantining healthy people, no.

Quarantining the sick, yes.
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Watched a video the other day from some guy who owns  computer repair business in Manhattan.  He was biking home from his store on the one year or so anniversary of the NY State mandated "pause" where Cuomo called for a two week shutdown to "flatten the curve".  It's a bit of a rambling monologue but he hit on some fantastic points - notably he recalled Cuomo's justification was "it is worth it if we save just one life".  He rambles a bit more about how he finally at the age of 30 got around to getting his driver's license and was appalled at how easy the test was and how the process mainly involved watching a movie that depicted the horrible deaths and injuries incurred by distracted drivers.  Something like 16,000 a year.  Makes the point of if it saves just one life why don't they ban cars.  Talks about the protests and how removing peoples ability to earn a living, etc fed into the scale of those events, etc.

Like I said  he rambles  a bit.  Makes some good points.  Anyone interested in seeing what Manhattan looks like these days might want to check it out - lot's of vacant stores, pedestrian and vehicle traffic way down.

FF to around the 7 minute mark for his bit on "if it saves just one life"  


EDIT: I cannot figure out how to embed youtube for some reason

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 7:33:51 AM EDT
A one year anniversary of the two week waiting period.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 7:35:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Win1300:

Watched a video the other day from some guy who owns  computer repair business in Manhattan.  He was biking home from his store on the one year or so anniversary of the NY State mandated "pause" where Cuomo called for a two week shutdown to "flatten the curve".  It's a bit of a rambling monologue but he hit on some fantastic points - notably he recalled Cuomo's justification was "it is worth it if we save just one life".  He rambles a bit more about how he finally at the age of 30 got around to getting his driver's license and was appalled at how easy the test was and how the process mainly involved watching a movie that depicted the horrible deaths and injuries incurred by distracted drivers.  Something like 16,000 a year.  Makes the point of if it saves just one life why don't they ban cars.  Talks about the protests and how removing peoples ability to earn a living, etc fed into the scale of those events, etc.

Like I said  he rambles  a bit.  Makes some good points.  Anyone interested in seeing what Manhattan looks like these days might want to check it out - lot's of vacant stores, pedestrian and vehicle traffic way down.

FF to around the 7 minute mark for his bit on "if it saves just one life"  


EDIT: I cannot figure out how to embed youtube for some reason

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It didn't like the .be instead of youtube.com
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 8:02:30 AM EDT
Thanks for helping me out.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 9:10:23 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JPN:

It also falls flat on it's face, based on it's own stated justification.

"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."

Harm to others...  But even more specifically, they are claiming that not wearing a mask infringes on the right of others to not die.

That could only happen through a series of events, and removing any one step in the series will eliminate the end result of death:

1. The person not wearing a mask is infected with COVID.

2. The person not wearing a mask is shedding virus that is still active (not dead or otherwise made inactive by their body's defenses or something they might be taking).

3. Someone else becomes infected by the shed virus.

4. This newly infected person develops a severe case of COVID.

5. They die.

I try to avoid antagonizing idiots in public.  I generally don't open carry, because I don't want the drama that comes with some mentally ill (but barely functional in society) nitwit seeing my gun and having a public meltdown while doing everything they can to convince everyone in the area that I am a dangerous person that is the cause of their meltdown (not their own mental problems).  I am 'higher risk' to COVID, due to a heart defect I was born with, and my immune system isn't the greatest, due at least in part to Vanderbilt's doctors deciding I needed antibiotics any time I developed a fever as a child, but I generally don't care if people aren't wearing masks, beyond some curiosity in noting levels of compliance and how people alter their habits.

That being said...

The first condition is something that the nitwit freaking out simply cannot know, and the unmasked person may not know, but the current odds are against any random individual being infected.  That means they are making an assumption that the unmasked person is infected - an assumption driven by fear.  If we were to impose this 'harm to others' rule on such weak justification, then society could lock up every single person of some chosen race or ethnicity, based simply on crime statistics showing that more crimes are committed by one group, than another.  The nitwits would shriek in terror at the thought of what supporting this would do for their virtue signaling record, so we should be able to assume they wouldn't support this argument, once it's implications were explained.

The second condition is something that the unmasked person may not know, even if they know they have been infected, just based on differences in severity of infection and the mixed messages that "the experts" have given on how long an infected person needs to be isolated.  Again, the nitwit cannot know this and is making an assumption driven by fear.  The argument falls apart in the same way as the first one.

The third condition is where things get a little more complicated, because it's where the actions of the nitwit begin to be a factor.  The left has been going on about 'safe spaces' for years, so they should be familiar with the concept of society determining an acceptable 'personal space'.  Currently, stores (following guidelines provided by 'the experts') are making it quite clear that this personal space is six feet for strangers.  Unless an unmasked person is chasing them around the store trying to get close to them, the nitwit has some control over their personal space (they can't blame it all on the unmasked person).  Also, the concept of wearing a mask to prevent the person wearing the mask from infecting others, while it does have some limited basis in truth and is considered proper manners in some Asian countries for colds and other respiratory infections, it's nowhere near as effective as the nitwits seem to believe it is.  It only reduces the shedding of the virus from the nose and mouth by trapping exhaled droplets.  Besides only being a reduction (not an elimination), it's not the only method of shedding the COVID virus, because it is not just a respiratory infection (COVID can get into the infected person's blood and spread throughout their body).  The respiratory system does seem to be the easiest way for COVID to get a strong foothold in infecting a person, but that means the person trying to not get infected needs to be worried about the effectiveness of their mask, not some random other person's mask.  If we were to apply the 'harm to others' rule based on this, then anyone wanting to take a nighttime stroll on a sidewalk in the most ghetto part of their city, should be able to require that the residents of the ghetto be forcibly confined inside their homes while the person is taking their stroll (forcing everyone else to be restricted, so that they don't have to take any responsibility for their choices).

The fourth condition takes another step away from the responsibility being on the unmasked person, unless the unmasked person is doing things like running up to people and giving them long sloppy kisses, slobbering on their nose like the vp on the dick of someone that can advance her career, or pushing them down and taking a dump in their mouth.  Severity is something determined at least partly by the individual's immune system and their exposure (how long they were in an area with active virus that could reach them, the density/volume of the active virus in that area, and what precautions they took against infection while in that area).  The 'harm to others' rule gets even weaker, because now we are getting well into being able to argue placing restrictions on the masked person who is trying to use the rule to place restrictions on the unmasked person.  It would be easy to argue that they should be required to wear (at minimum) an N95 filtration system that covers their nose and mouth, while providing a decent airtight seal to their face.  Given how frequently the nitwits publicly demonstrate that they can't keep their hands off the cheap masks they are using, and many even pull their masks down to talk, it's very doubtful that they can deal with wearing a mask that can be considered to be seriously effective at protecting them from the virus.

TL/DR version: Society now has an excess of people who, if the S truly hit the F, would have no more than a tiny chance of survival, because their fragile brains cannot deal with the loss of their artificial safe spaces.
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Good read!  

You actual wrote something I was thinking.

Maskers remind me of the person who gets scared if a certain type of person is on the same side of the street. But instead of crossing the street they call the cops to remove the person.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 9:16:41 AM EDT
More good news for Cuomo.  I'm amazed it has taken so long for people to figure this guy out.


Cuomo's brother, mother and one of his sisters were among those who allegedly received priority tests

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 9:49:46 AM EDT
while i was flipping through smoke n scan (around 25min mark) he mentions Delta's. I don't know if any of yall are familar with delta 8 thc. But its completely legal and can be gotten at the store's. You probably wouln't know the diffrence between it and it the evil (sarc) delta 9 thc which is illegal. Its worth looking at if thats your thing.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 9:50:33 AM EDT


Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:11:02 AM EDT
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Good for her and those she writes about! She/they can stay home wearing a mask and gloves repeatedly cleaning the room, air, food, hands, self and belongings repeatedly and give up their cars and bikes, seeing friends, and disappear/quit writing propaganda.... Unless she's/they are a bot. Either way, no concern for reproduction!
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:18:24 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Socalmopar] [#41]
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Originally Posted By JPN:

It also falls flat on it's face, based on it's own stated justification.

"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."

Harm to others...  But even more specifically, they are claiming that not wearing a mask infringes on the right of others to not die.

That could only happen through a series of events, and removing any one step in the series will eliminate the end result of death:

1. The person not wearing a mask is infected with COVID.

2. The person not wearing a mask is shedding virus that is still active (not dead or otherwise made inactive by their body's defenses or something they might be taking).

3. Someone else becomes infected by the shed virus.

4. This newly infected person develops a severe case of COVID.

5. They die.

I try to avoid antagonizing idiots in public.  I generally don't open carry, because I don't want the drama that comes with some mentally ill (but barely functional in society) nitwit seeing my gun and having a public meltdown while doing everything they can to convince everyone in the area that I am a dangerous person that is the cause of their meltdown (not their own mental problems).  I am 'higher risk' to COVID, due to a heart defect I was born with, and my immune system isn't the greatest, due at least in part to Vanderbilt's doctors deciding I needed antibiotics any time I developed a fever as a child, but I generally don't care if people aren't wearing masks, beyond some curiosity in noting levels of compliance and how people alter their habits.

That being said...

The first condition is something that the nitwit freaking out simply cannot know, and the unmasked person may not know, but the current odds are against any random individual being infected.  That means they are making an assumption that the unmasked person is infected - an assumption driven by fear.  If we were to impose this 'harm to others' rule on such weak justification, then society could lock up every single person of some chosen race or ethnicity, based simply on crime statistics showing that more crimes are committed by one group, than another.  The nitwits would shriek in terror at the thought of what supporting this would do for their virtue signaling record, so we should be able to assume they wouldn't support this argument, once it's implications were explained.

The second condition is something that the unmasked person may not know, even if they know they have been infected, just based on differences in severity of infection and the mixed messages that "the experts" have given on how long an infected person needs to be isolated.  Again, the nitwit cannot know this and is making an assumption driven by fear.  The argument falls apart in the same way as the first one.

The third condition is where things get a little more complicated, because it's where the actions of the nitwit begin to be a factor.  The left has been going on about 'safe spaces' for years, so they should be familiar with the concept of society determining an acceptable 'personal space'.  Currently, stores (following guidelines provided by 'the experts') are making it quite clear that this personal space is six feet for strangers.  Unless an unmasked person is chasing them around the store trying to get close to them, the nitwit has some control over their personal space (they can't blame it all on the unmasked person).  Also, the concept of wearing a mask to prevent the person wearing the mask from infecting others, while it does have some limited basis in truth and is considered proper manners in some Asian countries for colds and other respiratory infections, it's nowhere near as effective as the nitwits seem to believe it is.  It only reduces the shedding of the virus from the nose and mouth by trapping exhaled droplets.  Besides only being a reduction (not an elimination), it's not the only method of shedding the COVID virus, because it is not just a respiratory infection (COVID can get into the infected person's blood and spread throughout their body).  The respiratory system does seem to be the easiest way for COVID to get a strong foothold in infecting a person, but that means the person trying to not get infected needs to be worried about the effectiveness of their mask, not some random other person's mask.  If we were to apply the 'harm to others' rule based on this, then anyone wanting to take a nighttime stroll on a sidewalk in the most ghetto part of their city, should be able to require that the residents of the ghetto be forcibly confined inside their homes while the person is taking their stroll (forcing everyone else to be restricted, so that they don't have to take any responsibility for their choices).

The fourth condition takes another step away from the responsibility being on the unmasked person, unless the unmasked person is doing things like running up to people and giving them long sloppy kisses, slobbering on their nose like the vp on the dick of someone that can advance her career, or pushing them down and taking a dump in their mouth.  Severity is something determined at least partly by the individual's immune system and their exposure (how long they were in an area with active virus that could reach them, the density/volume of the active virus in that area, and what precautions they took against infection while in that area).  The 'harm to others' rule gets even weaker, because now we are getting well into being able to argue placing restrictions on the masked person who is trying to use the rule to place restrictions on the unmasked person.  It would be easy to argue that they should be required to wear (at minimum) an N95 filtration system that covers their nose and mouth, while providing a decent airtight seal to their face.  Given how frequently the nitwits publicly demonstrate that they can't keep their hands off the cheap masks they are using, and many even pull their masks down to talk, it's very doubtful that they can deal with wearing a mask that can be considered to be seriously effective at protecting them from the virus.

TL/DR version: Society now has an excess of people who, if the S truly hit the F, would have no more than a tiny chance of survival, because their fragile brains cannot deal with the loss of their artificial safe spaces.
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Originally Posted By JPN:
Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Originally Posted By RSG:

Humm that second tweet is distrubing.

The only place you can put a mandate in some effect is your place of employment and that is still a choice, wear it or get shit canned.  If I am in a public location not wearing a mask you can leave, not my problem.  That was like telling me.... I fear all drivers, so nobody else should drive but me.

It also falls flat on it's face, based on it's own stated justification.

"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."

Harm to others...  But even more specifically, they are claiming that not wearing a mask infringes on the right of others to not die.

That could only happen through a series of events, and removing any one step in the series will eliminate the end result of death:

1. The person not wearing a mask is infected with COVID.

2. The person not wearing a mask is shedding virus that is still active (not dead or otherwise made inactive by their body's defenses or something they might be taking).

3. Someone else becomes infected by the shed virus.

4. This newly infected person develops a severe case of COVID.

5. They die.

I try to avoid antagonizing idiots in public.  I generally don't open carry, because I don't want the drama that comes with some mentally ill (but barely functional in society) nitwit seeing my gun and having a public meltdown while doing everything they can to convince everyone in the area that I am a dangerous person that is the cause of their meltdown (not their own mental problems).  I am 'higher risk' to COVID, due to a heart defect I was born with, and my immune system isn't the greatest, due at least in part to Vanderbilt's doctors deciding I needed antibiotics any time I developed a fever as a child, but I generally don't care if people aren't wearing masks, beyond some curiosity in noting levels of compliance and how people alter their habits.

That being said...

The first condition is something that the nitwit freaking out simply cannot know, and the unmasked person may not know, but the current odds are against any random individual being infected.  That means they are making an assumption that the unmasked person is infected - an assumption driven by fear.  If we were to impose this 'harm to others' rule on such weak justification, then society could lock up every single person of some chosen race or ethnicity, based simply on crime statistics showing that more crimes are committed by one group, than another.  The nitwits would shriek in terror at the thought of what supporting this would do for their virtue signaling record, so we should be able to assume they wouldn't support this argument, once it's implications were explained.

The second condition is something that the unmasked person may not know, even if they know they have been infected, just based on differences in severity of infection and the mixed messages that "the experts" have given on how long an infected person needs to be isolated.  Again, the nitwit cannot know this and is making an assumption driven by fear.  The argument falls apart in the same way as the first one.

The third condition is where things get a little more complicated, because it's where the actions of the nitwit begin to be a factor.  The left has been going on about 'safe spaces' for years, so they should be familiar with the concept of society determining an acceptable 'personal space'.  Currently, stores (following guidelines provided by 'the experts') are making it quite clear that this personal space is six feet for strangers.  Unless an unmasked person is chasing them around the store trying to get close to them, the nitwit has some control over their personal space (they can't blame it all on the unmasked person).  Also, the concept of wearing a mask to prevent the person wearing the mask from infecting others, while it does have some limited basis in truth and is considered proper manners in some Asian countries for colds and other respiratory infections, it's nowhere near as effective as the nitwits seem to believe it is.  It only reduces the shedding of the virus from the nose and mouth by trapping exhaled droplets.  Besides only being a reduction (not an elimination), it's not the only method of shedding the COVID virus, because it is not just a respiratory infection (COVID can get into the infected person's blood and spread throughout their body).  The respiratory system does seem to be the easiest way for COVID to get a strong foothold in infecting a person, but that means the person trying to not get infected needs to be worried about the effectiveness of their mask, not some random other person's mask.  If we were to apply the 'harm to others' rule based on this, then anyone wanting to take a nighttime stroll on a sidewalk in the most ghetto part of their city, should be able to require that the residents of the ghetto be forcibly confined inside their homes while the person is taking their stroll (forcing everyone else to be restricted, so that they don't have to take any responsibility for their choices).

The fourth condition takes another step away from the responsibility being on the unmasked person, unless the unmasked person is doing things like running up to people and giving them long sloppy kisses, slobbering on their nose like the vp on the dick of someone that can advance her career, or pushing them down and taking a dump in their mouth.  Severity is something determined at least partly by the individual's immune system and their exposure (how long they were in an area with active virus that could reach them, the density/volume of the active virus in that area, and what precautions they took against infection while in that area).  The 'harm to others' rule gets even weaker, because now we are getting well into being able to argue placing restrictions on the masked person who is trying to use the rule to place restrictions on the unmasked person.  It would be easy to argue that they should be required to wear (at minimum) an N95 filtration system that covers their nose and mouth, while providing a decent airtight seal to their face.  Given how frequently the nitwits publicly demonstrate that they can't keep their hands off the cheap masks they are using, and many even pull their masks down to talk, it's very doubtful that they can deal with wearing a mask that can be considered to be seriously effective at protecting them from the virus.

TL/DR version: Society now has an excess of people who, if the S truly hit the F, would have no more than a tiny chance of survival, because their fragile brains cannot deal with the loss of their artificial safe spaces.

So they'll provide cover... got it.

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:30:34 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MotorMouth:

No, by your logic I could shoot people as long at it was in public rather than my place of employment.

Government's best possible use of force is to prevent you from harming others.

The trouble with pandemic is that they assume that you are harming others, and use force to prevent you from doing all sorts of things.

Quarantining healthy people, no.

Quarantining the sick, yes.
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The government messed up in various ways in dealing with the pandemic, and a lot of it was based on the self-interests of those 'in charge' (with some 'ordinary people are too stupid to understand this stuff' likely mixed in).

Before things really got going here in the US, stores were already sold out of N95 masks and nitrile gloves were very difficult to find.  There have been claims of people seeing Chinese individuals buying up all of the stock in stores, presumably to ship it back to China.  In Australia, it wasn't just claims of this happening, but news reports that initially detailed what was happening and how it was organized, while praising the Chinese people in Australia for their efforts to 'help people back home', then later news reports along the lines of 'these fuckers took all our shit and didn't leave any for us'.

Add in the government's own failure to restock the emergency reserves of masks that were used during the Obama administration for a virus that fizzled, and the government had a (somewhat self-inflicted) crisis to deal with.  The later 'double masking is more effective than single masking' is another clue to the motives of those driving policies, since it came about after people started noticing that some 'higher ups' were wearing two masks (using the cheap masks that most people have been wearing, to conceal an N95 under it).

The government could have handled things better, by creating an education campaign of public service messages on how to reduce your own risk of getting infected, but that would have been similar to doing public service messages in Chicago about how to choose appropriate body armor to wear while walking around town, or public service messages about keeping a gun in the home to defend against home invaders.  It would be sending the message that people are responsible for their own safety, and go against the mantra of 'we are here to protect you, so you have to do what we say'.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:32:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DarkStar:


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Another example of how rules don't apply to the rulers only the serfs.
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:49:27 AM EDT
Looks like the play has been called. They are most likely going after AR pistols.

This morning on my news feed there were to separate article on AR pistols.

WP: The gun implicated in Boulder uses the same ammunition as an AR-15. It’s legally a pistol.

CNN: AR-15 pistol vs rifle: Colorado suspect allegedly used a Ruger AR-556 pistol. Here's how it differs from an AR-15-style rifle
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:54:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:
Looks like the play has been called. They are most likely going after AR pistols.

This morning on my news feed there were to separate article on AR pistols.

WP: The gun implicated in Boulder uses the same ammunition as an AR-15. It’s legally a pistol.

CNN: AR-15 pistol vs rifle: Colorado suspect allegedly used a Ruger AR-556 pistol. Here's how it differs from an AR-15-style rifle
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I saw a report stating that the shooter had plead guilty to an assault charge when he was 18, for attacking a classmate.  Are they just going to ignore the question of how someone with an assault record was able to buy a gun?
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:56:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JPN:

I saw a report stating that the shooter had plead guilty to an assault charge when he was 18, for attacking a classmate.  Are they just going to ignore the question of how someone with an assault record was able to buy a gun?
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More laws mo better.

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 10:58:27 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/25/2021 11:02:49 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Doodles] [#48]
This is just my gut feeling.

I think they know they will have a hard time passing an AWB but can get low hanging fruit like they did with bump stocks.

The (insert agency) had already been floating the idea of reclassification of braces.


Tin foil alert!

Really weird that the last thing they were wanting to reclassify was the exact thing used. Amazing!
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 11:03:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:


More laws mo better.

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Proper enforcement of current laws even mo better...
Link Posted: 3/25/2021 11:09:32 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FCSD2162] [#50]
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Originally Posted By Doodles:
Looks like the play has been called. They are most likely going after AR pistols.

This morning on my news feed there were to separate article on AR pistols.

WP: The gun implicated in Boulder uses the same ammunition as an AR-15. It’s legally a pistol.

CNN: AR-15 pistol vs rifle: Colorado suspect allegedly used a Ruger AR-556 pistol. Here's how it differs from an AR-15-style rifle
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Why write many word when many picture do good?
EDIT: Doods beat me.
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