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Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:28:50 PM EDT
They always scream I can't breathe. It's amazing how handcuffs that result from someone committing a crime seem to cause respiratory distress.
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:37:12 PM EDT
Any streams up?
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:37:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gopher:
I can't breath!!!!!!!  I got it on camera.  

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The screams of these petulant children is music to my ears.

Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:44:40 PM EDT
Okay....this seems worthwhile

Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:46:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By chicken_rider:
Any streams up?
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Strange, the usual youtube guys were streaming the March for Life...but nothing tonight. Even the wokenet site is silent.
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:47:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:50:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
The night where we need FCSD.

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Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:51:23 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
The night where we need FCSD.

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Link Posted: 1/21/2023 10:55:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CrimsonKing6] [#9]
3 hour old stream

Protests in Downtown Atlanta

Presser an hour ago...Starts 15 min in...
Live | Mayor Dickens, APD chief provide update after protests turn violent in Downtown Atlanta
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:05:47 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
The night where we need FCSD.

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It's been a while since I was active in the thread, but remember him and CeCe fondly.  Even enjoyed a few chats.  They'd been all over this mess.
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:10:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:14:57 PM EDT
Atlanta's FOX35 - 30 minutes ago (interesting vids, alot going on)

Six arrested in downtown Atlanta protest-turned-riot

Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:26:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Im_Awake:

The screams of these petulant children is music to my ears.

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Originally Posted By Im_Awake:
Originally Posted By Gopher:
I can't breath!!!!!!!  I got it on camera.  

The screams of these petulant children is music to my ears.

Just beautiful man
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:29:17 PM EDT
[Last Edit: jabbanobother] [#14]
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Originally Posted By CrimsonKing6:
Atlanta's FOX35 - 30 minutes ago (interesting vids, alot going on)


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My man said peaceful protest around the 1:14....they just cannot let that narrative go.
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:30:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By jabbanobother:

My man said peaceful protest around the 1:14....they just cannot let that narrative go.
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Originally Posted By jabbanobother:
Originally Posted By CrimsonKing6:
Atlanta's FOX35 - 30 minutes ago (interesting vids, alot going on)


My man said peaceful protest around the 1:14....they just cannot let that narrative go.

Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:32:01 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CrimsonKing6] [#16]

Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:33:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:38:45 PM EDT
Of course, no MSM coverage of this.
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:42:58 PM EDT
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What in the balaclava tactic are they showing...toss a rock, bash a window with a stick, run away then have the next person rinse/repeat??!?  
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:47:03 PM EDT
Picture smells of patchouli and failed socialist cocksucker

Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:50:01 PM EDT

And let me watch.

Can't find a single stream.

I guess commies burning shit has been normalized to the point it's no longer news worthy.
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:52:58 PM EDT
Bring back the riots!
Link Posted: 1/21/2023 11:57:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
The night where we need FCSD.

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Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:09:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bigtwinlvr:
Bring back the riots!
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Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:10:32 AM EDT
I hope that ''mostly peaceful'' shtick bites those assholes in the well, ass.

People need to see commies and anarchists for what they are.
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:13:04 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By CrimsonKing6:
Picture smells of patchouli and failed socialist cocksucker

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codename:  38" waist
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:19:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:
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Imagine people acting that way in about 70% of countries in the world.

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:21:52 AM EDT
lame riots... no streams to watch antifa get there heads smashed in..
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:22:40 AM EDT

Welcome to Atlanta boys and girls, theirs a new mayor in town and he’s not putting up with your BS!!!
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:39:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By crazymike1973:

Could get spicy.. the 5 cops were black and they've been fired.


ETA: The commie Soros DA is wanting the video released to the public. Last I checked they were waiting for the TBI investigation to be over with before they released it.
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Just imagine the shitstorm if those cops had been white.   Since they're black, this will die out much sooner, although not nearly as fast as black-on-black shooting every day in every city,
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 12:51:57 AM EDT
This spring and summer are gonna be spicy ...the perfect shit storm of flared tempers with shorthanded, underpaid departments and lots of steam building in our urban pressure cookers .
Inflation, war, corruption, shortages, strikes, scandals, suddenlys, nu-flu . . . and no one wanting to work

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 1:16:09 AM EDT

ATL Riots!
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 1:32:31 AM EDT
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Poop cat!

Man that was funny when it happened.
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 3:02:11 AM EDT
[Last Edit: elcope] [#34]
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 3:31:57 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Socalmopar] [#35]
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 3:36:02 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Doodles] [#36]
Cop City Protest in Atlanta After Police Kill Forest Defender

LIVE AT: 'Cop City' Protest in Atlanta After Police Kill Forest Defender

Warning Commie news source (but aren't they all )
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 4:24:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
Achtung @Fantomas

Oberst Jürgen Thym was my "boss" in Afghanistan in 2014.


Fragen an Oberst Jürgen Thym – der 61-jährige Stabsoffizier führt das Team des Sanitätsdienstes, das in den kommenden Tagen eine Sauerstofferzeugungsanlage in der Hauptstadt Indiens aufbauen wird.

Herr Oberst, wann erfuhren Sie von Ihrer Aufgabe und was ging Ihnen als erstes durch den Kopf?

Dass ich das Team in Indien führen soll, habe ich rund 48 Stunden vor unserem Abflug erfahren. Meinen Soldatinnen und Soldaten ging es übrigens genauso. „Was genau ist mein Auftrag und wie kann ich Ihn umsetzen?“, war die erste Frage, die mir damals durch den Kopf ging. Dann begannen auch schon die Planungen, obwohl zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht viele Informationen vorlagen und die Lage sich teilweise dynamisch entwickelte. Nur durch die reibungslose Zusammenarbeit aller Dienststellen im Sanitätsdienst war es überhaupt möglich, einen derartigen Einsatz in so kurzer Zeit zu starten. Dies funktionierte vor allen Dingen, weil alle Beteiligten eine Sprache sprechen – vom Anlagenbediener der Sauerstofferzeugungsanlage, über die Planer im Kommando Sanitätsdienstliche Einsatzunterstützung bis zur Fachabteilung Hygiene im Kommando Sanitätsdienst.

Wann hatten Sie dann die Gelegenheit, ihre Männer und Frauen das erste Mal persönlich kennenzulernen?

Wir haben uns knapp 20 Stunden vor dem Abflug alle beim Leitverband, dem Sanitätsregiment 3 in Dornstadt, zum ersten Mal in die Augen gesehen. Ich war überrascht von der Professionalität und der Motivation der Soldatinnen und Soldaten, die – wie ich – eigentlich alles stehen und liegen lassen und ihre Sachen packen mussten. Man darf nicht vergessen, die Frauen und Männer haben Familien, hatten vielleicht Pläne gemacht oder Urlaub geplant. Rund die Hälfte des Teams war zudem schon wenige Wochen vorher im Hilfseinsatz in Portugal. Aber von Anfang an war klar: Wir gehen da gemeinsam hin und wir werden unseren Auftrag erfüllen. Menschen in Not auch unter Gefahr und widrigsten Umstünden zu helfen, ist der Kern unseres sanitätsdienstlichen Selbstverständnisses.

Hatten Sie vor Ihrer Ankunft schon eine Vorstellung von dem was sie erwartet?

Ich war insgesamt zwei Jahre in Afghanistan, davon ein Jahr in Kabul, hatte also schon Armut, Leid und Tod gesehen. Die Zustände in Indien kannte ich zu dem Zeitpunkt ja nur aus den Medien. Erst vor Ort wurde uns das ganze Ausmaß dieser Katastrophe deutlich. Die Realität geht weit über die Vorstellungen hinaus, die die Fernsehbilder vermitteln. Die Hitze, die schmutzige Luft, der Geruch – all das sind Eindrücke, die man erstmal verarbeiten muss.

Was haben Sie Ihrem Team vor dem Abflug mit auf den Weg gegeben?

Das wir genau das sind: Ein Team! Dieser Einsatz wird jeden von uns fordern, körperlich aber auch mental. Bei Erkrankungen können wir uns auf einen Notarzt und einen Notfallsanitäter verlassen, die uns permanent begleiten. Wir dürfen aber auch gerade die psychischen Belastungen nicht außer Acht lassen, müssen aufeinander aufpassen und füreinander da sein. Dann können wir auch unseren Auftrag erfüllen. Genau das habe ich meinen Soldatinnen und Soldaten vor dem Abflug gesagt.

Im normalen Dienstalltag arbeitet Thym in der Abteilung „Logistik“ im Kommando Sanitätsdienst in Koblenz. Der Offizier ist seit fast 40 Jahren Soldat, war schon in vielen Auslandseinsätzen, allein davon zwei Jahre in Afghanistan. Jetzt ist Thym mit einem kleinen Team aus Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten des Sanitätsdienstes in Indien, um das Land im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus zu unterstützen.

(Beitragsbild: Bw/PIZ San/Claas Gärtner)

that was very cool

thank you

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 4:29:32 AM EDT
I'm late to the party as usual but here is a might-be-live stream:

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 4:31:36 AM EDT
Funny how they talk about police were cleaning out the 'forest defenders' camp and shot and killed one of the 'forest defenders', but completely ignore the initial reports of a cop being shot, cops returning fire, and the guy who supposedly shot the cop ending up dead.
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 7:31:51 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stoner01:

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Originally Posted By stoner01:
Originally Posted By elcope:
The night where we need FCSD.

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 7:40:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:
They tried and failed 6x times to get the catheter into my arm and were about to go to the groin when I mumbled something about "can you try one more time, please", and on the 7th try they got it in.  Glad they didn't fuck up my junk. Yeah - it was a BIG hematoma.  I've since been in for a follow up with the Cardiologist who did the procedure -- in spite of my arm being bruised black from wrist to elbow 2 weeks ago, he seemed pretty pleased with himself.  It'll be 4-weeks tomorrow, and the arm is pretty much all healed up.   Looks fine now.  99.87% pain free at this point.   I'm going back in for a stress test next week (I think) so they can compare my pre-angiogram numbers to now.
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:
Originally Posted By zach_:

Wow. Hope everything goes well. I had to have a stent done where a bypass had been done a year prior. They did a nuke test and saw something. After the procedure, a large hematoma appeared near my junk. There was an interesting ultrasound search for the cause, nothing came of it though.
They tried and failed 6x times to get the catheter into my arm and were about to go to the groin when I mumbled something about "can you try one more time, please", and on the 7th try they got it in.  Glad they didn't fuck up my junk. Yeah - it was a BIG hematoma.  I've since been in for a follow up with the Cardiologist who did the procedure -- in spite of my arm being bruised black from wrist to elbow 2 weeks ago, he seemed pretty pleased with himself.  It'll be 4-weeks tomorrow, and the arm is pretty much all healed up.   Looks fine now.  99.87% pain free at this point.   I'm going back in for a stress test next week (I think) so they can compare my pre-angiogram numbers to now.

Stress tests are always fun. Gotta be done though. I had surgery on my left foot in December 2021. Stress tests going forward will be in shot form for me.
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 1:29:19 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 2:49:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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Link Posted: 1/22/2023 3:23:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By stoner01:

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Originally Posted By stoner01:
Originally Posted By RSG:



no kidding

poor kid had to struggle all his live

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 3:24:12 PM EDT
[Last Edit: JPN] [#45]
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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Are they saying this isn't a 'grass roots' thing, with local people voicing their opposition to the decisions of the people that they had elected?  

That this is a group of agitators that traveled across the country to create problems in a region that tends to have different political views from their own?  

That this group isn't necessarily even a part of the socioeconomic class that they are portraying themselves as?

ETA:  5' 5" and 130 pounds?  Protesting in an attempt to compensate for something?
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 3:45:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By JPN:


Are they saying this isn't a 'grass roots' thing, with local people voicing their opposition to the decisions of the people that they had elected?  

That this is a group of agitators that traveled across the country to create problems in a region that tends to have different political views from their own?  

That this group isn't necessarily even a part of the socioeconomic class that they are portraying themselves as?

ETA:  5' 5" and 130 pounds?  Protesting in an attempt to compensate for something?
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Compensation for being a pussy ass beta twat
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 4:53:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By stoner01:

Compensation for being a pussy ass beta twat
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Originally Posted By stoner01:
Originally Posted By JPN:


Are they saying this isn't a 'grass roots' thing, with local people voicing their opposition to the decisions of the people that they had elected?  

That this is a group of agitators that traveled across the country to create problems in a region that tends to have different political views from their own?  

That this group isn't necessarily even a part of the socioeconomic class that they are portraying themselves as?

ETA:  5' 5" and 130 pounds?  Protesting in an attempt to compensate for something?

Compensation for being a pussy ass beta twat

Link Posted: 1/22/2023 4:54:26 PM EDT
When riot?

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 5:04:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2023 5:12:01 PM EDT
[Last Edit: JPN] [#50]
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Originally Posted By stoner01:

Compensation for being a pussy ass beta twat
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Originally Posted By stoner01:
Originally Posted By JPN:


Are they saying this isn't a 'grass roots' thing, with local people voicing their opposition to the decisions of the people that they had elected?  

That this is a group of agitators that traveled across the country to create problems in a region that tends to have different political views from their own?  

That this group isn't necessarily even a part of the socioeconomic class that they are portraying themselves as?

ETA:  5' 5" and 130 pounds?  Protesting in an attempt to compensate for something?

Compensation for being a pussy ass beta twat

In junior high, there was a little guy that hung out with the delinquent crowd.  Struck a lot of us as odd, and kinda reminded me of this:
Attachment Attached File

In this guy's case, the 'Spike' that he tended to follow around was a guy that had beat the crap out of me a couple years earlier.  I was always among the tallest in the class, and had a stocky build, but I did what I could to avoid fights.  'Spike' was about the same size as me, and he refused to back down from a fight once things were headed in that direction.  I quickly learned that his style of fighting was to wildly throw punches as fast as he could, ignoring any punches that were coming his way, and the quickest way to end the fight was to just not get back up after he knocked you down.  He had older brothers that I heard were the same as him, and during my senior year of high school I worked for a guy that had gone to school with their father.  He told me that the whole bunch of them had some genetic defect that prevented them from having any sensation of pain, and that if you got into a fight with their father, your only two options were to lose the fight, or hit him hard enough to knock him unconscious (which, given the lack of pain sensation, would probably involve a TBI).  The little guy seemed to be trying to copy his 'Spike', letting his hair grow to shoulder length, dressing like him, etc, but from what people 'on the outside looking in' could see, he didn't seem to be much more than a mascot or gopher for the delinquents.

We had half lockers in junior high, and mine was an upper locker, a couple lockers away from the little guy.  One day, I was swapping books between classes, and for some reason the little guy started shoving me.  I shoved back, then continued with trying to switch my books for the ones I needed for the next two classes.  The little guy apparently took that as meaning the fight was on, and he came at me swinging in the same style that his 'Spike' fought, except that the height difference meant none of his swings were getting anywhere near my head, and for shots to the torso, they weren't hitting hard enough to really do anything to a person of my size.  I did an open-handed slap to his head, shoved him back, and turned back to my locker.  That apparently pissed him off, and he went wild, leaning forward as he came back at me swinging even faster (the forward lean meant he was hitting even lower, and the increase in wild swinging meant the effectiveness of each hit went down even more).

Looking down the hallway, past the little guy maybe 60 or 70 feet, was the door to the principal's office.  Not the door to the secretary's office, where you walked past her to get to the principal's office, but the side door that allowed him to walk straight from his desk out into the hallway.  This little scuffle was already drawing some attention from other students, and I did not want to be talking to the principal about being in a fight, so I just wanted to get my books and get out of there.  I don't remember how many times he came at me, but I probably didn't do more than a total of four or five open handed slaps at his head, and one of his charges I pushed back with a one-handed shove while grabbing a book with my other hand.  As I recall, the fight ended with me grabbing the little guy with both hands, shoving hard enough to probably come close to getting him airborne, then grabbing my stack of books, shutting my locker, and heading for the door to go out to the portables where my next class was (opposite direction that I had just shoved the little guy).

By the next period, people were walking up to me and enthusiastically telling me they had heard how I had "beat the crap out of" the little guy.  Surprised the hell out of me, because I hadn't even considered it a real fight, just a nuisance scuffle, and hearing how it was being spread around school as a real fight, did nothing but ruin my day over worrying that 'Spike' may decide to even the score for his little buddy (or that the teachers might hear something and start asking questions).  Fortunately for me, it must not have been anything 'Spike' felt he needed to concern himself with.

That little guy is who I was reminded of, while looking at the height and weight information on the antifa guy that was arrested.
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