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Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:03:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:10:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By dmnoid77:
Well then, I guess if we're all liars then it evens out in the end.
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Originally Posted By dmnoid77:
Originally Posted By daa9mm:
Originally Posted By dmnoid77:
Originally Posted By tirod:

It doesn't mention drones, it's a simple textbook explanation stating there are two bodies of law. But, lets run with it

If you see John Podesta dragging a screaming child you know he shouldn't have, into the back of an old white van, would you question it and intercede? The law says you should and can even prosecute you for failing to do it.

If you see Beau Bergdahl holding an AK advancing on your LP in the midst of a firefight holding up the weapon and shooting it, can you shoot him? Law says yes, and a court martial can prosecute you for failing to do it.

Change Podesta for some guy wearing priestly robes.
Change Bergdahl to Obama.

Same rules.

We've been conditioned since the murder of Kitty Genovese (1964) to ignore crime done right before our eyes - and now the derpstate is trying to amplify that by telling you that you don't have the "authority" to intercede because the people don't have the powers of the Police. Nope, we don't - we have MORE. Police have powers derived from our rights, not above our rights, although that hasn't been the current practice.

We have forgotten how to play.

We need to wake up.

An officer in command of his troops has the authority to shoot if that soldier is refusing to take orders and perform in a lawful manner. Exigent circumstances - boom. Done. Now, MOVE OUT.

We aren't used to that kind of oversight, or, are we? You can get fired just as quickly, and if their were MP's present it would be the better solution but the reality is that someone who's actions constitute a direct act of supporting the enemy are no longer under the protection of the Constitution.

Had another soldier seen Bergdahl wandering off, and commanded him to return, his failure could then be the trigger to shoot him on the spot.

Most who read this will object and most have never served. Most have not studied the Law of Land Warfare, most were not an officer, most were not an MP, most don't know squat on the subject except for the misinformation constantly propagated by our enemies to deny and distort what is plain fact.

Uncomfortable, yes. Does it happen, fortunately, it's rare. Why? The punishment tends to prevent the crime.

What in the name of Holy God has prevented the Deep State Cabal in the last eight years? How many arrested for child trafficking? How many executives retired after an EO which siezes the property of child traffickers was signed? How many walked away from politics or were ousted.

How many John McCain's executed?

Hopefully, few.

Potentially, thousands.

You have to ask why the photos and posts of people who found FEMA's cache of tens of thousands of coffins and guillotines gets attacked less than this legal fact of military authority. Mention that someone can be tried by military tribunal and the excuses to limit it to military only are stacked high and deep - go read the language yourself and discover no such limits exist. It was deliberately incorporated by wise founders who understood how the people can be manipulated and governments made corrupt.

What is the average number of sealed indictments per year historically? About 1,100 a year. Year after year. What is the current number? Over 51,000, with 4,000 already unsealed. How many indictments does it take to point out the DOJ is doing it's job nationwide, but that something is not right and there is a blockade of justice being structured by people in high places?

The biggest obstacle? YOU. And me. We just didn't believe that things were this bad. Mostly because we were NOT getting the facts delivered to us on our front lawn in the form of a newspaper. What we got didn't resemble that, it looked more like what the neighbor's dogs were leaving in their nocturnal wanderings. We were being deceived, just as we are now by the same media cooking up distractions and twisting the facts.

Some like to point to a consensus of opinion as being an echo chamber and tell us we are gravely mistaken and endanger the Constitution with our distorted views. Well, not this time. Grassley and Kavanaugh covered it with open questions and answers, in public. It's what I was taught in approved lesson plans signed off by senior commanders, and it's settled law.

You can shoot a traitor. And if exigent in the circumstances, save the Nation the costs of a trial. Or you can let Skippy drag another innocent into the van and watch him drive off.

God help you when his parents rush up asking why you didn't stop him.

We are all being called to account for allowing this to go on.

If only for the sake of the children, see something, say something.
That is a very vibrant fantasy.
No more of a fantasy that JFK and Bill Clinton were great husbands and family men sold to the public by the MSM during their election campaigns.
Well then, I guess if we're all liars then it evens out in the end.
When you say "we", that is you and who else? The MSM?
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:11:16 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:12:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:12:36 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By daa9mm:
When you say "we", that is you and who else? The MSM?
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Originally Posted By daa9mm:
Originally Posted By dmnoid77:
Originally Posted By daa9mm:
Originally Posted By dmnoid77:
Originally Posted By tirod:

It doesn't mention drones, it's a simple textbook explanation stating there are two bodies of law. But, lets run with it

If you see John Podesta dragging a screaming child you know he shouldn't have, into the back of an old white van, would you question it and intercede? The law says you should and can even prosecute you for failing to do it.

If you see Beau Bergdahl holding an AK advancing on your LP in the midst of a firefight holding up the weapon and shooting it, can you shoot him? Law says yes, and a court martial can prosecute you for failing to do it.

Change Podesta for some guy wearing priestly robes.
Change Bergdahl to Obama.

Same rules.

We've been conditioned since the murder of Kitty Genovese (1964) to ignore crime done right before our eyes - and now the derpstate is trying to amplify that by telling you that you don't have the "authority" to intercede because the people don't have the powers of the Police. Nope, we don't - we have MORE. Police have powers derived from our rights, not above our rights, although that hasn't been the current practice.

We have forgotten how to play.

We need to wake up.

An officer in command of his troops has the authority to shoot if that soldier is refusing to take orders and perform in a lawful manner. Exigent circumstances - boom. Done. Now, MOVE OUT.

We aren't used to that kind of oversight, or, are we? You can get fired just as quickly, and if their were MP's present it would be the better solution but the reality is that someone who's actions constitute a direct act of supporting the enemy are no longer under the protection of the Constitution.

Had another soldier seen Bergdahl wandering off, and commanded him to return, his failure could then be the trigger to shoot him on the spot.

Most who read this will object and most have never served. Most have not studied the Law of Land Warfare, most were not an officer, most were not an MP, most don't know squat on the subject except for the misinformation constantly propagated by our enemies to deny and distort what is plain fact.

Uncomfortable, yes. Does it happen, fortunately, it's rare. Why? The punishment tends to prevent the crime.

What in the name of Holy God has prevented the Deep State Cabal in the last eight years? How many arrested for child trafficking? How many executives retired after an EO which siezes the property of child traffickers was signed? How many walked away from politics or were ousted.

How many John McCain's executed?

Hopefully, few.

Potentially, thousands.

You have to ask why the photos and posts of people who found FEMA's cache of tens of thousands of coffins and guillotines gets attacked less than this legal fact of military authority. Mention that someone can be tried by military tribunal and the excuses to limit it to military only are stacked high and deep - go read the language yourself and discover no such limits exist. It was deliberately incorporated by wise founders who understood how the people can be manipulated and governments made corrupt.

What is the average number of sealed indictments per year historically? About 1,100 a year. Year after year. What is the current number? Over 51,000, with 4,000 already unsealed. How many indictments does it take to point out the DOJ is doing it's job nationwide, but that something is not right and there is a blockade of justice being structured by people in high places?

The biggest obstacle? YOU. And me. We just didn't believe that things were this bad. Mostly because we were NOT getting the facts delivered to us on our front lawn in the form of a newspaper. What we got didn't resemble that, it looked more like what the neighbor's dogs were leaving in their nocturnal wanderings. We were being deceived, just as we are now by the same media cooking up distractions and twisting the facts.

Some like to point to a consensus of opinion as being an echo chamber and tell us we are gravely mistaken and endanger the Constitution with our distorted views. Well, not this time. Grassley and Kavanaugh covered it with open questions and answers, in public. It's what I was taught in approved lesson plans signed off by senior commanders, and it's settled law.

You can shoot a traitor. And if exigent in the circumstances, save the Nation the costs of a trial. Or you can let Skippy drag another innocent into the van and watch him drive off.

God help you when his parents rush up asking why you didn't stop him.

We are all being called to account for allowing this to go on.

If only for the sake of the children, see something, say something.
That is a very vibrant fantasy.
No more of a fantasy that JFK and Bill Clinton were great husbands and family men sold to the public by the MSM during their election campaigns.
Well then, I guess if we're all liars then it evens out in the end.
When you say "we", that is you and who else? The MSM?
I would recommend not continuing to personalize this.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:14:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:15:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By StealthM8:
Slow-mo video of HA, LG, JM and JK at funeral last week.

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Woah...I didn't think much of it at first but that video/angle changes that.  Kelly stares at him as your father would when he caught you doing some shit in public that you are going to get beat within an inch of your life when you get home.  Fuck.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:21:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By crush_opposition:

Woah...I didn't think much of it at first but that video/angle changes that.  Kelly stares at him as your father would when he caught you doing some shit in public that you are going to get beat within an inch of your life when you get home.  Fuck.
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LG had the look of a puppy that just peed on your favorite rug and knows an ass whoopin' is coming.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:25:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:

LG had the look of a puppy that just peed on your favorite rug and knows an ass whoopin' is coming.
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For real.  That body language.  Damn.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:28:13 PM EDT
Watch this in a loop for about 10 minutes. You will feel the wrath of MAGA...

ODDITY: Gen. Mattis and Gen. Kelly Eye Lindsey Graham and Huma Abedine
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:35:49 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By StealthM8:
May want to listen to this video starting at 5:02 -- a Freudian slip by Kasich...

"Its been like, 24 hours, since John McStain was put to death"
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Originally Posted By StealthM8:
May want to listen to this video starting at 5:02 -- a Freudian slip by Kasich...

"Its been like, 24 hours, since John McStain was put to death"

Man StealthM8, you find the best stuff!

That AI / Tyler deal from a couple days ago was exceptionally intriguing to say the least too!

Ok, so lets play off the 'NoName was put to death' theory, but we need to combine that with another theory ive been kicking around, given my research from the past 15 years.

*** Warning: Tin foil up ***

Cisco Wheeler / Fritz Springermeier - The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave : Ch 4 Hypnosis

Dissociation is used as a defense to protect a person from overwhelming pain and trauma. It is a natural ability of the brain. Hypnosis or hypnotic trance is a form of dissociation.  There are a number of types of dissociation: amnesia, somnambulistic states, localized paralyses, anaesthesias, and hallucinations. Hypnosis can reproduce all of these dissociative states. The mind naturally hypnotizes itself under various conditions. Perhaps the reader has been driving along a familiar road and the next thing you knew you were arriving home, having driven in a trance. Now let’s suppose you are driving to a movie and you are discussing next week’s plans with your wife. The complex thinking required to drive just happens. You are awake talking to your wife, and yet on another level you were in trance driving the car. You as a subject were both in hypnotic trance (driving) and awake (talking about plans).
Hypnosis can be used on the intellectual part of the mind, the social-spiritual part of the mind, and the primitive reproductive part of the mind. The skilled hypnotist will decide which area he wants and how to work with that area. Both Christians and Illuminati members who are skilled in understanding demonology, believe that there is a demonic side to hypnosis also. It should come as no shock to people that in the World Book Encyclopedia hypnosis is listed under Magic as a related article, but not under Medicine. Some Christians class hypnosis as a form of divination and enchantment. It certainly can be a form of control. In occultist W.B. Crow’s book Witchcraft, Magic & Occultism, it lists hypnotism as an occult science. There is open debate whether hypnotism is simply part of the brain’s natural abilities or if supernatural elements are part of the process. There is no debate that historically, hypnosis for centuries has been the guarded secret of the occult world. During shock or stress, the body’s limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, releases substances which encode all the internal and external pieces of information being sensed into a deep level of consciousness.
There are several ways to alter a person’s state of consciousness, but the most popular one by Monarch handlers is to use a combination of drugs and hypnosis. Drugs are used to facilitate hypnosis. Modern drugs do almost all the work for the hypnotist. They place the person in an altered state and make them willing to take any order.  ...  They have 3 major ways to get around this. They can induce hypnosis by disguising what the hypnotist is doing, they can wait until the person is asleep and talk to him while asleep, or they can administer drugs.
Long story short, the Masonic lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time. The combination of fear and hypnotism combine to help seal the lips of an initiate from telling what in some lodges are secrets of criminal activity. The Brahmin caste in India practice yoga, and other meditations where they regularly go into altered states of consciousness. Centuries ago, the Brahmin fakirs learned about drugs, tortures, and magical methodologies to produce hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. The worship of Bacchus in the west and Shiva in the east were similar, as were the bloodthirsty rites of Kali and Moloch. Occultists in India have also gone to cemeteries for centuries, like the Illuminati to draw spiritual power from graves. When eastern and western occultists linked up they realized they had a great deal in common. The ancient egyptian writings many centuries B.C. talk about the third eye and temple trances. Hypnosis appears to have been practiced in these ancient temples. All over the world, altered states of consciousness have been used.
How TV influences your mind through hypnosis

Television is one the most effective hypnotic tools out there. It can have a huge influence on the way you think, the beliefs that you hold and consequently how your life turns out. Your subconscious mind, which carries all your memories and beliefs and makes you who you are, is directly programmed by watching television.

The flicker-induced hypnotic state:

Your mind slips into the hypnotic trance state within seconds of watching TV. This (Flicker rate) lowers your brainwaves to a lower ‘alpha state’ commonly associated with meditation and deep relaxation. This is believed to be caused by the screen flicker and explains why you feel sleepy while watching TV.

Under this state of trance, your subconscious mind becomes highly suggestible and whatever information you receive from the TV becomes part of your memory pool. Since beliefs are nothing but memories, this information has the tendency to alter your beliefs or form new ones when it seeps into your subconscious mind. You might think the remote is in your hand and you're watching the programs but in truth you are the one who is getting programmed.
Please bear with me and lets first consider the amount of people 'out there' on some kind of mind altering drug, whether it be alcohol, pot, or some other prescription meds.  Next is the Flicker induced hypnotic state.  So then combine a maliable mind, due to external chemical methods, with flicker induced brain wave alteration (and possibly ingraned subliminal programing) and you have a very suggestion receptive individual, so I submit that at the individual level, to a great degree, 'we' really have become a society of mind controlled slaves.

But thats just the basic level of mass mind-control in order to 'keep the sheep grazing'.  IMO

What im really getting at with all of this is that at the top levels of society and government, these same tactics are employed but to a MUCH greater degree... some are masters and some are slaves...

(Similar videos, but different 'spins' on each.  And i dont know why the first one loops...)

Fritz Springmeier CIA Bill Clinton Mind Control

So maybe we need both Gitmo and gallows.  What if W Bush, B Clinton, and FBHO are nothing more than mind-controlled slaves?  Who else?  What if they are really as innocent as Adam in what they've been a part of?  Now certainly, there are those out there (the masters) who should be strung up high and publicly vetted.  According to that Kasich 'slip', maybe NoName was one of 'the masters' and was rightfully issued a death penalty due to his consciously committed crimes and his inherent danger to others...  But for someone like ole slick Billy, he is really only a danger if one of his alters is switched on.  Maybe, if im correct in any of this, his core personality (if there is anything left) is completely unaware of any of what has gone on and for how long?  The best place for someone like this would be a super-max, insulated from people who could flip his alters, and insulated from interacting with the populous on any levels.  But the gallows?...

Furthermore, i think this may be why Q is insisting taht things move slow and to trust the plan.  Maybe the sorting out of masters and slaves is a bit more complicated than what we are aware (im quite sure it is, actually).  And, damage control with even a basic mind-control slave is a dicey endeavor to say the least.  Whether your talking about deprogramming, or detaining without triggering a failsafe / kill switch.  This isnt even considering someone who, like Anderson Cooper for example, was raised into an apparently occult Monarch or MKU program and has been a slave his entire life.  Again, I say apparently.  Can someone like that even be fully deprogrammed with out leaving them as a curled up weeping mess for 23 of 24 hours a day?

Which, again, and referring to the 'sleeper cell' tweets and vids from the past few pages...  Another reason the plan cant just be executed today... you cant just 'wake these people up with a bucket of cold water', the effects could be devastating in a number of regards.

Lastly, can you imagine if Trumps base was mobilized to some degree? (as suggested by some)  We would absolutely crush anything out there and the collateral damage would be YUUGE.

IF! Q isnt just another trick of the adversary... IF, we have been given a reprieve on the road to the end of days... given the spiritual aspect, the drugs, the general mental instability of nearly everyone, and the literally world wide systemic effects of what is being proposed by Q, this thing HAS to move slowly to avoid the whole damn thing from going up in flames.

Welcom back Seraphim!!!  Missed ya brother!
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:50:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PatriotJP:

Man StealthM8, you find the best stuff!

That AI / Tyler deal from a couple days ago was exceptionally intriguing to say the least too!

Ok, so lets play off the 'NoName was put to death' theory, but we need to combine that with another theory ive been kicking around, given my research from the past 15 years.

*** Warning: Tin foil up ***

Cisco Wheeler / Fritz Springermeier - The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave : Ch 4 Hypnosis

How TV influences your mind through hypnosis

Please bear with me and lets first consider the amount of people 'out there' on some kind of mind altering drug, whether it be alcohol, pot, or some other prescription meds.  Next is the Flicker induced hypnotic state.  So then combine a maliable mind, due to external chemical methods, with flicker induced brain wave alteration (and possibly ingraned subliminal programing) and you have a very suggestion receptive individual, so I submit that at the individual level, to a great degree, 'we' really have become a society of mind controlled slaves.

But thats just the basic level of mass mind-control in order to 'keep the sheep grazing'.  IMO

What im really getting at with all of this is that at the top levels of society and government, these same tactics are employed but to a MUCH greater degree... some are masters and some are slaves...

(Similar videos, but different 'spins' on each.  And i dont know why the first one loops...)



So maybe we need both Gitmo and gallows.  What if W Bush, B Clinton, and FBHO are nothing more than mind-controlled slaves?  Who else?  What if they are really as innocent as Adam in what they've been a part of?  Now certainly, there are those out there (the masters) who should be strung up high and publicly vetted.  According to that Kasich 'slip', maybe NoName was one of 'the masters' and was rightfully issued a death penalty due to his consciously committed crimes and his inherent danger to others...  But for someone like ole slick Billy, he is really only a danger if one of his alters is switched on.  Maybe, if im correct in any of this, his core personality (if there is anything left) is completely unaware of any of what has gone on and for how long?  The best place for someone like this would be a super-max, insulated from people who could flip his alters, and insulated from interacting with the populous on any levels.  But the gallows?...

Furthermore, i think this may be why Q is insisting taht things move slow and to trust the plan.  Maybe the sorting out of masters and slaves is a bit more complicated than what we are aware (im quite sure it is, actually).  And, damage control with even a basic mind-control slave is a dicey endeavor to say the least.  Whether your talking about deprogramming, or detaining without triggering a failsafe / kill switch.  This isnt even considering someone who, like Anderson Cooper for example, was raised into an apparently occult Monarch or MKU program and has been a slave his entire life.  Again, I say apparently.  Can someone like that even be fully deprogrammed with out leaving them as a curled up weeping mess for 23 of 24 hours a day?

Which, again, and referring to the 'sleeper cell' tweets and vids from the past few pages...  Another reason the plan cant just be executed today... you cant just 'wake these people up with a bucket of cold water', the effects could be devastating in a number of regards.

Lastly, can you imagine if Trumps base was mobilized to some degree? (as suggested by some)  We would absolutely crush anything out there and the collateral damage would be YUUGE.

IF! Q isnt just another trick of the adversary... IF, we have been given a reprieve on the road to the end of days... given the spiritual aspect, the drugs, the general mental instability of nearly everyone, and the literally world wide systemic effects of what is being proposed by Q, this thing HAS to move slowly to avoid the whole damn thing from going up in flames.

Welcom back Seraphim!!!  Missed ya brother!
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Is mind control real? Yes. So in my opinion it's not crazy at all to believe and understand that there are groups using mind control to the fullest extent possible. Things we haven't even dreamt of. It seems far less likely that they wouldn't be using it extensively.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 1:50:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By StealthM8:
May want to listen to this video starting at 5:02 -- a Freudian slip by Kasich...

"Its been like, 24 hours, since John McStain was put to death"

It's from today.... Twenty-four hours...

Born: August 29, 1936
Death Penalty: September 4, 2018

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Damn!!!  Kasich doesn't even ATTEMPT to correct himself, and Cuomo doesn't either!!!
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:10:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Holes:
I’ve always heard “put to death” to mean something that the receiver was not wanting.
(They were put to death by firing squad...
He was put to death by hanging...
She was put to death by lethal injection...)
If it was an Freudian slip, it’s one hell of a coincidence considering who and when and why.
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Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:10:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By chadjetlag:

I thought the exact same thing as I watched that video.  “Is this the LG that was no-names butt buddy trying to derail the Trump train?  What changed?”
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Self preservation?
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:12:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By tirod:

It doesn't mention drones, it's a simple textbook explanation stating there are two bodies of law. But, lets run with it

If you see John Podesta dragging a screaming child you know he shouldn't have, into the back of an old white van, would you question it and intercede? The law says you should and can even prosecute you for failing to do it.

If you see Beau Bergdahl holding an AK advancing on your LP in the midst of a firefight holding up the weapon and shooting it, can you shoot him? Law says yes, and a court martial can prosecute you for failing to do it.

Change Podesta for some guy wearing priestly robes.
Change Bergdahl to Obama.

Same rules.

We've been conditioned since the murder of Kitty Genovese (1964) to ignore crime done right before our eyes - and now the derpstate is trying to amplify that by telling you that you don't have the "authority" to intercede because the people don't have the powers of the Police. Nope, we don't - we have MORE. Police have powers derived from our rights, not above our rights, although that hasn't been the current practice.

We have forgotten how to play.

We need to wake up.

An officer in command of his troops has the authority to shoot if that soldier is refusing to take orders and perform in a lawful manner. Exigent circumstances - boom. Done. Now, MOVE OUT.

We aren't used to that kind of oversight, or, are we? You can get fired just as quickly, and if their were MP's present it would be the better solution but the reality is that someone who's actions constitute a direct act of supporting the enemy are no longer under the protection of the Constitution.

Had another soldier seen Bergdahl wandering off, and commanded him to return, his failure could then be the trigger to shoot him on the spot.

Most who read this will object and most have never served. Most have not studied the Law of Land Warfare, most were not an officer, most were not an MP, most don't know squat on the subject except for the misinformation constantly propagated by our enemies to deny and distort what is plain fact.

Uncomfortable, yes. Does it happen, fortunately, it's rare. Why? The punishment tends to prevent the crime.

What in the name of Holy God has prevented the Deep State Cabal in the last eight years? How many arrested for child trafficking? How many executives retired after an EO which siezes the property of child traffickers was signed? How many walked away from politics or were ousted.

How many John McCain's executed?

Hopefully, few.

Potentially, thousands.

You have to ask why the photos and posts of people who found FEMA's cache of tens of thousands of coffins and guillotines gets attacked less than this legal fact of military authority. Mention that someone can be tried by military tribunal and the excuses to limit it to military only are stacked high and deep - go read the language yourself and discover no such limits exist. It was deliberately incorporated by wise founders who understood how the people can be manipulated and governments made corrupt.

What is the average number of sealed indictments per year historically? About 1,100 a year. Year after year. What is the current number? Over 51,000, with 4,000 already unsealed. How many indictments does it take to point out the DOJ is doing it's job nationwide, but that something is not right and there is a blockade of justice being structured by people in high places?

The biggest obstacle? YOU. And me. We just didn't believe that things were this bad. Mostly because we were NOT getting the facts delivered to us on our front lawn in the form of a newspaper. What we got didn't resemble that, it looked more like what the neighbor's dogs were leaving in their nocturnal wanderings. We were being deceived, just as we are now by the same media cooking up distractions and twisting the facts.

Some like to point to a consensus of opinion as being an echo chamber and tell us we are gravely mistaken and endanger the Constitution with our distorted views. Well, not this time. Grassley and Kavanaugh covered it with open questions and answers, in public. It's what I was taught in approved lesson plans signed off by senior commanders, and it's settled law.

You can shoot a traitor. And if exigent in the circumstances, save the Nation the costs of a trial. Or you can let Skippy drag another innocent into the van and watch him drive off.

God help you when his parents rush up asking why you didn't stop him.

We are all being called to account for allowing this to go on.

If only for the sake of the children, see something, say something.
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This is a GOOD ONE, Tirod!
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:22:36 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Shqype:

We do not suspend the Constitution.  We must not.  We do it the right way, the constitutional way.  This is why "the plan" is taking so long to set up.

There was an exchange at Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing yesterday (9/5) where Lindsey Graham and Kavanaugh affirmed the longstanding legal precedent of trying American citizens/civilians by military tribunal and executing them if they have taken up against the US government/committed treason.  For those saying that could not happen, it already has, and it became a matter of record in the Supreme Court hearing.  And Q also mentioned it in one of his most recent drops.

Once you start paying attention, it's hard NOT to see the pieces being put in place.
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IF the constitution is suspend / martial law, there WILL be collateral damage and innocent life lost.

However, given what is at stake, if that is the final option, im personally good with the consequences.

If for no other reason than TO STOP THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN.   AT ALL COSTS!!!
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:25:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By POINTMAN380:
Anybody else noticed lately that the vapor trails/chemtrails in the sky are gone in their AO? Maybe it's just me but for the past 30 days I've been paying more attention to it, and so has the wife.  Neither of us have seen a single vapor trail in at least 30 days
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Good eyes POINTMAN!

Yes, chem spraying has all but subsided, and ive been watching the spray since around 2003.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:29:10 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EXPY37] [#19]
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Originally Posted By Gill-man:
So Booker and others clearly broke Senate rules and as usual nothing will happen.  BS.
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They publically disclosed CLASSIFIED/RESTRICTED info.

Setting the stage for Trump to do it.

Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:33:38 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EXPY37:

They publically disclosed CLASSIFIED/RESTRICTED info.

Setting the stage for Trump to do it.

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No they didn't. CB lied (trying to act like the alpha-resistor). Email had already been released.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:34:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By fudimo1:
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Oh- WOW!
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:35:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:36:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:
No they didn't. CB lied (trying to act like the alpha-resistor). Email had already been released.
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Originally Posted By PFran42:
Originally Posted By EXPY37:

They publically disclosed CLASSIFIED/RESTRICTED info.

Setting the stage for Trump to do it.

No they didn't. CB lied (trying to act like the alpha-resistor). Email had already been released.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:39:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:
Watch this in a loop for about 10 minutes. You will feel the wrath of MAGA...

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Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:41:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:

No they didn't. CB lied (trying to act like the alpha-resistor). Email had already been released.
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Doesn't matter!!!

The perception was injected!!!

Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:42:06 PM EDT
[Last Edit: sbhaven] [#26]
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Originally Posted By EXPY37:

They publically disclosed CLASSIFIED/RESTRICTED info.

Setting the stage for Trump to do it.

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Uh no Booker didn't release actual classified/restricted information. What he did do was release material from a closed/confidential senate committee. He violated at most senate rules not federal laws related to actual classified information. This link, yeah it's the WashPo, explains it further.

Cory Booker’s dramatic dismissal of Senate rules, explained
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:44:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By StealthM8:
Slow-mo video of HA, LG, JM and JK at funeral last week.

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Grahams body language is very telling, he knows he is on thin ice with golf cleats on. That stink eye from Kelly probably made him pee a little.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:55:51 PM EDT
[Last Edit: fudimo1] [#28]
Click date link for more.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 2:59:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By fudimo1:
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And whats worse, in my opinion, is that the whole thing here, the friggin race card, is being played again in another attempt to get people wound up.

Its not even a valid race card!!!

All indicators are that certain Mideastern's have a propensity to kill themselves and others for allah... I mean, we were attacked by 'their kind' in a major way, so.... what the hell should we go looking for?  Pale blond Norwegians?!?!

Soooooo stupid.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:03:25 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EXPY37] [#30]
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Originally Posted By sbhaven:

Uh no Booker didn't release actual classified/restricted information. What he did do was release material from a closed/confidential senate committee. He violated at most senate rules not federal laws related to actual classified information. This link, yeah it's the WashPo, explains it further.

Cory Booker’s dramatic dismissal of Senate rules, explained
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Doesn't matter!!!

The perception/'precedent' of releasing 'restricted' info ---for self-serving purposes--- was injected!!! By the DEMS!

Setting the stage for Trump!!!

Let's not get mired in trivial details...

One reason we lose so often...
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:14:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EXPY37:

Doesn't matter!!!

The perception/'precedent' of releasing 'restricted' info ---for self-serving purposes--- was injected!!! By the DEMS!

Setting the stage for Trump!!!

Let's not get mired in trivial details...
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This doesn't really set the stage for anything. There have already been calls by Politicians (yesterday and today via twitter) to declass all remaining documents being withheld by the FBI/DOJ. Trump could release the content at any time before or after the stupid media stunt (and it was purely a media stunt) by Booker. Turns out the material Booker release was apparently already cleared to be released (or had been release previously) so he may not have broken any of those trivial details like Senate rules.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:21:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:
Watch this in a loop for about 10 minutes. You will feel the wrath of MAGA...

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Kelly practically did this:

Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:29:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By sbhaven:
This doesn't really set the stage for anything. There have already been calls by Politicians (yesterday and today via twitter) to declass all remaining documents being withheld by the FBI/DOJ. Trump could release the content at any time before or after the stupid media stunt (and it was purely a media stunt) by Booker. Turns out the material Booker release was apparently already cleared to be released (or had been release previously) so he may not have broken any of those trivial details like Senate rules.
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Originally Posted By sbhaven:
Originally Posted By EXPY37:

Doesn't matter!!!

The perception/'precedent' of releasing 'restricted' info ---for self-serving purposes--- was injected!!! By the DEMS!

Setting the stage for Trump!!!

Let's not get mired in trivial details...
This doesn't really set the stage for anything. There have already been calls by Politicians (yesterday and today via twitter) to declass all remaining documents being withheld by the FBI/DOJ. Trump could release the content at any time before or after the stupid media stunt (and it was purely a media stunt) by Booker. Turns out the material Booker release was apparently already cleared to be released (or had been release previously) so he may not have broken any of those trivial details like Senate rules.
Could have released it the first couple times it was requested too.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:29:44 PM EDT
[Last Edit: DK-Prof] [#34]
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:38:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By POINTMAN380:
I get where you coming from but I don't care to talk about vapor trails....just pointing out that I had noticed something that stood out to me as a significant change in my AO.  Just curious if others had noticed.

Would it be better if I called them "Stratospheric Aerosol Injections" like the former CIA director did?  Is that a topic that is authorized here?
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Originally Posted By POINTMAN380:
Originally Posted By Loki41872:
Make a new thread about chemtrails, or this thread will go Alex Jones for 16 pages.
I get where you coming from but I don't care to talk about vapor trails....just pointing out that I had noticed something that stood out to me as a significant change in my AO.  Just curious if others had noticed.

Would it be better if I called them "Stratospheric Aerosol Injections" like the former CIA director did?  Is that a topic that is authorized here?
As long as it didn’t occur on 9/11 it should be ok to discuss.  
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:43:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By civprod:
I don't follow your post.

Where are you getting this from?  Please identify the specific code section in the United States Code that says that a normal citizen failing to intervene in a kidnapping or other crime is breaking the law and subject to criminal punishment.  Or the section of the UCMJ stating that if a soldier had seen Bergdal wondering off and told him to return and Bergdal didn't comply, the soldier has the authority to shoot Bergdal on the spot.  Or the section of the UCMJ that authorizes a commander to act unilaterally to summarily execute a soldier for failure to follow orders?  I am aware that there are some differences in a time of war or authorized military conflict, but how would it apply in the context of this thread?  Everyone keeps stating that we are at "war" with the cabal, but there is no actual formal declaration of conflict and there is not even agreement on the identity of the cabal.

I also don't get the tie to Obama.  You say substitute Obama for Bergdal, which would make the statement that if Obama was advancing on your LP with an AK firing, you have a duty to act.  Obviously, the chances of Obama advancing on someone firing an AK is close to statistically impossible, so are you trying to say that if someone feels that Obama was committing a crime, the person is/was legally obligated to intercede and would have been legally justified in using force in so doing?

Essentially, it sounds like you are endorsing vigilante justice, up to and including the possibility of an average citizen executing someone that they believe to be a traitor.

The other alternative explanation that I was able to come up with is that it sounds like you are suggesting that, even if an average citizen does not have this authority, a member of the military would have this authority.  In addition to the question of the statutory basis for this authority, how would a soldier have any authority to act against Obama when he was the commander in chief?

I have never actually served in the military, so I may have some of the procedural aspects of this incorrect.
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Originally Posted By civprod:
Originally Posted By tirod:

It doesn't mention drones, it's a simple textbook explanation stating there are two bodies of law. But, lets run with it

If you see John Podesta dragging a screaming child you know he shouldn't have, into the back of an old white van, would you question it and intercede? The law says you should and can even prosecute you for failing to do it.

If you see Beau Bergdahl holding an AK advancing on your LP in the midst of a firefight holding up the weapon and shooting it, can you shoot him? Law says yes, and a court martial can prosecute you for failing to do it.

Change Podesta for some guy wearing priestly robes.
Change Bergdahl to Obama.

Same rules.

We've been conditioned since the murder of Kitty Genovese (1964) to ignore crime done right before our eyes - and now the derpstate is trying to amplify that by telling you that you don't have the "authority" to intercede because the people don't have the powers of the Police. Nope, we don't - we have MORE. Police have powers derived from our rights, not above our rights, although that hasn't been the current practice.

We have forgotten how to play.

We need to wake up.

An officer in command of his troops has the authority to shoot if that soldier is refusing to take orders and perform in a lawful manner. Exigent circumstances - boom. Done. Now, MOVE OUT.

We aren't used to that kind of oversight, or, are we? You can get fired just as quickly, and if their were MP's present it would be the better solution but the reality is that someone who's actions constitute a direct act of supporting the enemy are no longer under the protection of the Constitution.

Had another soldier seen Bergdahl wandering off, and commanded him to return, his failure could then be the trigger to shoot him on the spot.

Most who read this will object and most have never served. Most have not studied the Law of Land Warfare, most were not an officer, most were not an MP, most don't know squat on the subject except for the misinformation constantly propagated by our enemies to deny and distort what is plain fact.

Uncomfortable, yes. Does it happen, fortunately, it's rare. Why? The punishment tends to prevent the crime.

What in the name of Holy God has prevented the Deep State Cabal in the last eight years? How many arrested for child trafficking? How many executives retired after an EO which siezes the property of child traffickers was signed? How many walked away from politics or were ousted.

How many John McCain's executed?

Hopefully, few.

Potentially, thousands.

You have to ask why the photos and posts of people who found FEMA's cache of tens of thousands of coffins and guillotines gets attacked less than this legal fact of military authority. Mention that someone can be tried by military tribunal and the excuses to limit it to military only are stacked high and deep - go read the language yourself and discover no such limits exist. It was deliberately incorporated by wise founders who understood how the people can be manipulated and governments made corrupt.

What is the average number of sealed indictments per year historically? About 1,100 a year. Year after year. What is the current number? Over 51,000, with 4,000 already unsealed. How many indictments does it take to point out the DOJ is doing it's job nationwide, but that something is not right and there is a blockade of justice being structured by people in high places?

The biggest obstacle? YOU. And me. We just didn't believe that things were this bad. Mostly because we were NOT getting the facts delivered to us on our front lawn in the form of a newspaper. What we got didn't resemble that, it looked more like what the neighbor's dogs were leaving in their nocturnal wanderings. We were being deceived, just as we are now by the same media cooking up distractions and twisting the facts.

Some like to point to a consensus of opinion as being an echo chamber and tell us we are gravely mistaken and endanger the Constitution with our distorted views. Well, not this time. Grassley and Kavanaugh covered it with open questions and answers, in public. It's what I was taught in approved lesson plans signed off by senior commanders, and it's settled law.

You can shoot a traitor. And if exigent in the circumstances, save the Nation the costs of a trial. Or you can let Skippy drag another innocent into the van and watch him drive off.

God help you when his parents rush up asking why you didn't stop him.

We are all being called to account for allowing this to go on.

If only for the sake of the children, see something, say something.
I don't follow your post.

Where are you getting this from?  Please identify the specific code section in the United States Code that says that a normal citizen failing to intervene in a kidnapping or other crime is breaking the law and subject to criminal punishment.  Or the section of the UCMJ stating that if a soldier had seen Bergdal wondering off and told him to return and Bergdal didn't comply, the soldier has the authority to shoot Bergdal on the spot.  Or the section of the UCMJ that authorizes a commander to act unilaterally to summarily execute a soldier for failure to follow orders?  I am aware that there are some differences in a time of war or authorized military conflict, but how would it apply in the context of this thread?  Everyone keeps stating that we are at "war" with the cabal, but there is no actual formal declaration of conflict and there is not even agreement on the identity of the cabal.

I also don't get the tie to Obama.  You say substitute Obama for Bergdal, which would make the statement that if Obama was advancing on your LP with an AK firing, you have a duty to act.  Obviously, the chances of Obama advancing on someone firing an AK is close to statistically impossible, so are you trying to say that if someone feels that Obama was committing a crime, the person is/was legally obligated to intercede and would have been legally justified in using force in so doing?

Essentially, it sounds like you are endorsing vigilante justice, up to and including the possibility of an average citizen executing someone that they believe to be a traitor.

The other alternative explanation that I was able to come up with is that it sounds like you are suggesting that, even if an average citizen does not have this authority, a member of the military would have this authority.  In addition to the question of the statutory basis for this authority, how would a soldier have any authority to act against Obama when he was the commander in chief?

I have never actually served in the military, so I may have some of the procedural aspects of this incorrect.
You may want to go to the 25 minute mark of this Q&A between Kavanaugh and Graham.


It may be the most important link in this entire thread.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:50:47 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/6/2018 3:51:24 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Crazy_Diamond] [#38]
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:01:40 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Advance] [#39]
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:02:09 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By dmnoid77:
Could have released it the first couple times it was requested too.
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Yes he could have. Don't know off hand if it requires some sort of special letter or request beyond some twitters posts the pols have made though. But in any case I would suspect Trump, if he does declass those docs, may be holding it for a October surprise. Not sure how much impact it may have as the MSM will do their best to downplay what is liable to be a large document dump with lots of minutia.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:03:43 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Advance] [#41]
Attachment Attached File

6 Sep 2018 - 3:46:32 PM
1/Billion Coincidence?
Enjoy the show tonight.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:06:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:09:52 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EXPY37] [#43]
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Sigh, there hasn't been enuf al made in the past 150 years to make a DENT in the sunlight reaching our planet.

There may have been small highly localized experiments, but nothing in the context of the speculation here.

Absolute rubbish.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:11:02 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EXPY37] [#44]
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Originally Posted By sbhaven:

Yes he could have. Don't know off hand if it requires some sort of special letter or request beyond some twitters posts the pols have made though. But in any case I would suspect Trump, if he does declass those docs, may be holding it for a October surprise. Not sure how much impact it may have as the MSM will do their best to downplay what is liable to be a large document dump with lots of minutia.
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Of course, this all goes back to strategic "TIMING"
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:16:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:

6 Sep 2018 - 3:46:32 PM
1/Billion Coincidence?
Enjoy the show tonight.
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The show = tonight's rally.

Some on the Chans think that POTUS will DECLAS just before the rally.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:16:26 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:

6 Sep 2018 - 3:46:32 PM
1/Billion Coincidence?
Enjoy the show tonight.
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What if Q is referring to a rare revelation Trump will make tonight in Billings MT?

What if Trump were to start dropping BOMBS at each future rally????

Would that increase interest?
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:17:37 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EXPY37] [#47]
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Originally Posted By PFran42:

The show = tonight's rally.

Some on the Chans think that POTUS will DECLAS just before the rally.
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Maybe he will announce the DECLAs DURING the rally...

Would this be the best strategic bang for buck?
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:19:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EXPY37:

Maybe he will announce the DECLAs DURING the rally...

Would this be the best strategic bang for buck?
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I think he will tease DECLAS and gauge the crowd response.
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:19:16 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Freiheit338] [#49]
Q #2007 promoted the last rally at Evansville, IN on Aug. 30 and it was a big nothingburger beyond the normal jobs, economy pitch.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 9/6/2018 4:22:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PFran42:

I think he will tease DECLAS and gauge the crowd response.
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Works for me...
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