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Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:32:35 AM EDT
I had gout in both feet at the same time once. During that time our poodle decided it was going to bite my big toe while I was lying in bed “trying” to sleep. Still makes me cringe anytime I think about it.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:39:38 AM EDT
Early in the morning I twisted my ankle. That really hurt. I was still half asleep, probably why. Spent a few days on crutches.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:44:59 AM EDT
Three herniated disks. Much pain and years recovering.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:47:25 AM EDT
Gout......even worse than gunshot and rebuilding my badly injured shoulder after surgery.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:47:56 AM EDT
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Warming my frozen hands up.  I didnt lose any digits, thank goodness.
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That IS A BAD ONE also.

But for me the gout is the worst.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:50:26 AM EDT
I've badly sprained my right ankle 4 times (when I was younger).  Broke bone off the bottom of it the third time.

It must have hurt pretty bad some of those times as I passed out.  Playing basketball, I've got the ball, heading towards the opponents net and next thing I know I'm setting on the side of the court holding my ankle/leg and hurting like hell.  The guys said I screamed, fell and they picked me up and carried me off the court so they could keep playing.  Friends, right?

The 3rd time was in the US Army.  We were running PT and going through a parking lot.  Anyone in the Army knows what happens when you fall out of a run, right?  One or more Sgts. are there hollering/yelling/pushing you to get back in formation and keep running.  Not this time.  We're running along and next thing I know I'm sitting there holding my ankle/leg that's hurting like hell and I'm all by myself.  No one around me.  I manage to get up, look around and they are several hundred yards away doing PT in a big grassy field near the base clinic.  I hop/stagger/wobble across the parking lot (ankle hurting like hell) and then across the field and then a Sgt. comes up to me and asks, "Where the hell have you been!??!!??!"  I told him I sprained my ankle and pointed down to the big knot in my boot.  He says, "Oh, you better head on over to the clinic," and points across the field like I don't know where the damn clinic is.  I hop/wobble/stagger on across another couple hundred yards of grassy field and parking lot and into the clinic.  Come out a few hours later with my ankle wrapped up in a flexible bandage/wrap and hobble outside on crutches to wait on my buddy to drive down there to pick me up and take me back to the barracks.

A week or so later I go back to the clinic for a check up and a different doctor looks at me.  He looks at the x-rays, looks at me and asks me what doctor saw me.  I tell him the doctor's name (female Asian name and doctor) and he goes off.  Short old guy with white hair, glasses and a german sounding name/accent.  He shouts, "Chung!  That goddamn bitch, that goddamn bitch!" and whirls out of the exam room and off down the hallway.  A few minutes of cussing/shouting later he comes back.  Tells me my ankle is really fucked up and I should have had surgery as the bones at the bottom of the leg where broken and then should have had a cast.  Now it's too late, the bone is mending, but out of place.

I got lucky.  I sprained it one more time running PT again.  Did I say I got lucky.  Forty years later and it doesn't really bother me.  No pain when the weather changes, no pain from walking/riding a bike.  I wouldn't know all that happened if it wasn't for the memory of it.

A few years ago I broke my right leg.  Right at the joint.  Broke while running (stepped in a small hole).  Thought it was sprained.  Went to the doctor the next day.  He jumped my shit for coming to see him instead of going to the emergency room.  I asked him why I'd go to the emergency room for a sprained ankle and he looks at me funny and tells me it's the worst break he's seen in 7 or 8 years.  Then called an ambulance to take me to the emergency room.

Messed up/swollen too bad to have surgery (plus the orthopedic surgeon said he didn't have the right people or materials ready for surgery that day).  Sent me home in an inflatable cast and told me to come back in 3 days for the surgery.  Surgery took just over twice as long as they predicted (scared my wife, she was starting to wonder if I'd died or something and they sent someone out to reassure her that I was okay, it was just taking longer).  When I came to from the anesthesia the morphine kept my leg from hurting - but my hip was hurting so bad I couldn't stand it.  I couldn't move either.  I had to have my wife and a nurse turn me over onto my left side to ease the hip pain.  When I asked the surgeon why my hip hurt so bad he stood up, told me to see my PCP and walked out of the room.  I never did find out if they'd dislocated my hip to facilitate the surgery but it bothers me way more, 20 years later, than my right ankle or right leg.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:52:42 AM EDT
Acute gout attacks that would keep me bedridden for weeks.  On a scale of 1-10, pain was a 20 easily.  Multiple joints were affected at the same time.  Absolutely terrible.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 7:56:34 AM EDT
Playing soccer...  I was a left forward/winger.  I was standing on my right foot, and was going to pass the ball to the center by kicking it with my left foot.  Just before I struck the ball, a guy ran into my right leg hitting the knee and disclocating it backwards...in other words, my knee bent the direction it wasn't supposed to.  It snapped the anterior cruciate ligament, and stretched the hell ut of others.  My knee was bent backwards by 4-6".  I fell to the ground and while I could hear everyone around me and recognized their various voices, I couldn't see anything because the pain was so bad.  Everywhere I looked was just white as if I had my head inside a white bag with brilliant lights on the outside of the bag.

I rated that pain as a 10/10.  Now I know that extreme pain over rides my ability to see and everything in the world goes brilliant white.  It was weird to look all around and knowing I should see someone's face, but white was all I could see...like looking into a spot light.

Years later, they developed a new technique to replace the ACL, and the surgery was spectacularly successful.  The new ACL surgery was so good that I was able to return to Jujutsu and do all the throws and Katas that required me to lift, twist, and throw someone off of the right leg.  It is still tighter and stronger than my natural ACL...amazingly successful ACL reconstruction, but the rehab wasn't easy.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 8:19:28 AM EDT
Occipital neuralgia would be my no1. Then closely followed by gall stones and kidney stones at the same time.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 8:22:39 AM EDT
Sciatica nerve pain.    Hit me two years ago.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 8:25:37 AM EDT
Gall stones.  Holy fuck.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 8:31:50 AM EDT
L5/l4 herniation and tears my s1.
Couldn't move,couldn't stand.
Passed out at my dads practice trying to get xrays done.
Couldn't shit right..bound me right up. On day 4...i shit the biggest protien turd ever.
The  shit was pushing into my nerves..my left nut felt like it was being hit constantly (5 weeks of it).
Constant leg,muscle spasms on my left leg. Trying to fuck doggy style sometimes results in severe calf cramping..abd me flooping like a fish, as my leg contorts and i try to stretch.

3 years later it still fucks with me.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 8:36:48 AM EDT
Brain and spine surgery required a duraplasty and patch put on the outer layer of my brain.

A week later it popped.

Felt like my head was exploding and imploding at the same time.

Back in to surgery again.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:20:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:23:45 AM EDT
Abscessed tooth is up there pretty high.

But to be honest when I cut the top of my finger off they did a nerve block. Needle into the stubby cut off finger. Holy fucking fuck. Yeah I almost passed out then almost threw up. So that.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:24:56 AM EDT
Tearing my ACL and the post surgery pain when the muscle relaxers wore off
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:27:16 AM EDT
Surgery recovery from tearing all of the ligaments in my shoulder.

I had a bad kidneys stone, but the shoulder thing was way worse.

Oh, and opioids and I don't agree for some reason. Just over the counter stuff.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:30:04 AM EDT
An 8mm Kidney stone that I eventually passed. Took 10 days to pass and it was pure hell waiting! Now I drink a minimum of 1/2 gallon of water a day to make sure I don't get another one.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:31:52 AM EDT
Kidney stones, twice. Brought on guttural moans that I couldn't control.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:32:08 AM EDT
I had a kidney stone.  Not smooth but one of those spiked bastards.  I went to the ER.  I ended up on a morphine drip. It hurt less but I didn’t care.  The morphine did it’s jib

They put a stent in to keep the tube from the kidney to bladder to let other stones pass

Ok. Here was the painful part. I went to get the stent out
The doctor had a cable TV sized cable with a claw n the end to grab the stent and pull it out.  
I layed on the exam table.  His nurse grabbed me happy
The doctor stuck the cable tv sized claw and stuck it straight up mr happy and through my bladder to get the stent. It took about 2 minute to complete the procedure
This was done without any pain meds or anesthesia
After it was done I went to pee and had blood and chunks of flesh come out
Damn that hurt
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:32:35 AM EDT
While both being stabbed and passing a kidney stone make doing irreparable shoulder damage look silly, they both take second place to being tazed.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:39:42 AM EDT
Gout, even getting stabbed was not as painful
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:40:31 AM EDT
Penile implant.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:44:51 AM EDT
Leaving Denver Co. heading down hill I found out I had an abscess tooth. The pressure change made it hurt so bad I thought I was going to pass out.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:49:04 AM EDT
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Penile implant.
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Show us on the doll where it was implanted!
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:52:09 AM EDT
a divorce.

open heard surgery with no pain meds would have been much preferred.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 9:55:33 AM EDT
Fusion L5/S1
Hardware mishap crushed a branch of the spinal cord.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:01:52 AM EDT
Dry needling my left heel for plantar fasciitis. Doctor bent several needles over several sessions.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:06:09 AM EDT
Gout or kidney stone are tied for the worst
second up knife wounds
3rd place falls
4th place dog bites
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:06:54 AM EDT
Bone pain from shoulder surgery the discharge nurse said to take the Oxy meds every 4 to 6 hours whether I needed them or not. I sure wished I had listen to her I was in very bad pain for many hours and it took two doses of meds before I didn't hurt again.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:12:21 AM EDT
My wife being diagnosed with cancer was even worse than her dying of cancer. Painful both.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:14:20 AM EDT
Tossup between dislocating my shoulder and breaking my tailbone.

Shoulder was worse briefly. Tailbone tho. Man don’t ever break your tailbone. It’s miserable for like 2 or 3 months
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:18:07 AM EDT
Probably the worst was when I got hit with boiling water and had 3rd degree burns on the front right half of my abdomen.  2nd worst is filling both gas tanks on my boat.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:31:24 AM EDT
Sometime the tests can be worse than the problems...

1. Torn L3-L4 disc, crawled outta bed most days. 3 years and 5 MRIs couldn't spot it, so had to have a discogram.

Long, big needles in your discs and they inject dye. Mild discomfort? Disc is fine...if not, it recreates your worst pain.

L3-L4 was my "baseline"...except it wasn't. First injection and I'm a spider on a hotplate.


2. Had various nerve problems over the years, to the point where they think I have Ehlers Danlos (connective tissue disorder). Foot drop triggered the first nerve conductivity test though.

Digging with needles to trigger responses from your nerves ain't my idea of fun.

Came up with good torture techniques, however.

3. Busted lip. Adding saliva to the mix NEVER HELPS.

4. 3-level fusion and failed 1-level fusion both sucked ass, but for different reasons.

I've had SI joint, sciatic, spinal, piriformis, broken bones, dislocated joints, concussions, migraines (daily now), random numbness, etc. at various or regular times over the years, most of them since my horseback riding accident in 2000. My spine alone has been a major contributor to my continual pain.

None of those issues compare to the list above.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:32:31 AM EDT
I've had 3 brain surgeries to remove a tumor.  First one was in 2010.  Tumor is located in left frontal lobe near the center for speech.  The inflammation afterwards caused me to not be able to form language for a couple weeks.  That was terrifying, but the pain itself wasn't bad.  Knocked down with just oxycodone.

Second surgery was November 2016.  Didn't have any of the language issues this time around.  Pain was much more tolerable - a week or so of oxycodone and I was fine.

Fast forward another week to early December 2016, ended up with an infection at the incision site.  Had to go back in for another brain surgery.  A "washout" is what they called it.  I was naive in what that actually meant.

I woke up in the worst pain I've ever felt.  The infection had crept into the dura.  They had to cut out the bad part of the dura, stretch it back across the brain and suture it.  Did the same with the scalp.  When the doctors pretty much scalp you down to your ears, cut out the bad scalp, then STRETCH everything back up to suture back together, it hurts.  The pain was so intense that I couldn't hear people talking to me and I was actually crying... I wanted to die right then and there.  Was in ICU for a couple of days, then transferred to a floor for another week.  Ended up on IV antibiotics for another 6 weeks.  My head looked like a football for a few weeks due to swelling.  I couldn't see my ears when facing straight on into a mirror for about 2 weeks.  Oxycodone didn't touch that kind of pain.  Ended up fentanyl then dilaudid for about 5 weeks after the surgery.

TL;DR: brain surgery is bad, but not too bad.  A "washout" is a totally different story.

ETA: They are very conservative with narcotics when there is anything with the brain involved.  They want to ensure that you are still functioning as normally as possible.  It sucks.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:54:19 AM EDT
Wow, some of these stories make my herniated disc last year seem downright pleasant
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 10:57:07 AM EDT
Having 3 stitches removed through the nail bed after I had the end of my finger reattached.  It was hard to breathe... seriously.

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Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:00:52 AM EDT
Very severe ankle sprain when I was sixteen or so.  I was shooting my  bow in my backyard and an arrow went through the target past the six-foot chain link fence into my neighbor's yard.  Hopped across and retrieved it.  Coming back my left foot landed on a narrow pine root and turned.  Heard a snap then the waves of agony hit.  All I could do was roll on the ground for five minutes and hope to pass out (I didn't).  I have had broken ribs on two occasions and a kidney stone.  They were nothing compared to that ankle.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:02:50 AM EDT
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Yep.  I had chronic sciatica pain for 2.5 years.  Oh my, I hope I never have that again.
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This.  Only lasted a month.  But worse than any pain so far.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:12:12 AM EDT
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Herniated a disc...

A few days later, I bent down to turn off the faucet after washing my hands, and ZAP!  Pinched nerve at L5-S1!

I collapsed on the bed in agony.  Wife had to call amberlamps to transport me to the hospital.

My instantaneous first thought was that I was paralyzed.  Very scary.
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My herniated disk sucked balls too but nothing compared to when it ruptured 6 years later!!!

Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:33:18 AM EDT
I’ve never broken a bone or even tore a muscle. My body has some type of self maintenance. I don’t know that kind of pain.

Mine comes from an abscessed tooth that needed a root canal. Every pump from my heart was pressurized in my head. If it wasn’t a molar I would have taken pliers to it it hurt so bad.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:34:43 AM EDT
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Gout......even worse than gunshot and rebuilding my badly injured shoulder after surgery.
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Who shot you ? Where, why, caliber ? Details man !
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:46:38 AM EDT
We were clearing non-native trees from our property. I tried to stop a very large tree from falling on my neighbors fence. We fixed the fence (field fencing) no big deal; however, the injury that I got no so good.

I started having back pain, then it started going down my leg. Sciatica. I couldn't walk because I couldn't even lift my leg to take a step. My dad had terrible back problems and all I could think was I was going to be like this the rest of my life. I was actually in so much pain I was getting irrational I think.

Doc sent me to pool PT. I was skeptical, but it worked. Thank God. I still have back issues, but I have tremendous sympathy for people with pain like that. I think I would have said goodbye cruel world if I thought I'd have to live like that. Not kidding. It was too much and nothing really relieved it.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:46:46 AM EDT
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Playing soccer...  I was a left forward/winger.  I was standing on my right foot, and was going to pass the ball to the center by kicking it with my left foot.  Just before I struck the ball, a guy ran into my right leg hitting the knee and disclocating it backwards...in other words, my knee bent the direction it wasn't supposed to.  It snapped the anterior cruciate ligament, and stretched the hell ut of others.  My knee was bent backwards by 4-6".  I fell to the ground and while I could hear everyone around me and recognized their various voices, I couldn't see anything because the pain was so bad.  Everywhere I looked was just white as if I had my head inside a white bag with brilliant lights on the outside of the bag.

I rated that pain as a 10/10.  Now I know that extreme pain over rides my ability to see and everything in the world goes brilliant white.  It was weird to look all around and knowing I should see someone's face, but white was all I could see...like looking into a spot light.

Years later, they developed a new technique to replace the ACL, and the surgery was spectacularly successful.  The new ACL surgery was so good that I was able to return to Jujutsu and do all the throws and Katas that required me to lift, twist, and throw someone off of the right leg.  It is still tighter and stronger than my natural ACL...amazingly successful ACL reconstruction, but the rehab wasn't easy.
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What year was that ? I've had 2x acl reconstruction on the same knee. 5 knee surgeries total. First acl injury didn't hurt much, I wrestled with it for a few months like that and finished the season. 2nd acl blowout was shit your pants type of pain.

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Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:46:53 AM EDT
I have a 3 way tie for worst pain.

1. Kidney stones (I've had over 100 of them)
2. An exposed nerve when a molar broke off at the gum
3. Viral meningitis
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:47:45 AM EDT
Severed bicep tendon followed by the surgery and rehab.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:47:47 AM EDT
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Kidney stone hands down.
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I passed a stone in the ER waiting room.  Thought I was dying for real - was surprisingly at peace with the whole idea of dying.
Kidney stone hands down.


My then wife and I were debating this (she said childbirth was worse than stones. I disagreed). We each held to our

beliefs until a pregnant neighbor also had a kidney stone. She calmly explained to my wife that she would rather pump out 20 kids than have another

kidney stone. That ended the debate right there (and elicited a very satisfying grin from me).
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:50:49 AM EDT
Compound radius/ulna fracture. Anes was the name of the nurse () holding my other hand. The was the name of the big guy holding my legs to the table. Sia was the name of the big guy holding my shoulders to the table. I forgot the doctors name.
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 11:53:28 AM EDT
1. Infected wisdom tooth
2. Appendicitis
3. Kidney stones
Link Posted: 8/25/2019 12:00:54 PM EDT
Got a finger caught in the hinges of a door that was slammed shut. Crushed/severed it. Pretty unpleasant
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