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Posted: 10/10/2012 8:25:33 PM EDT
[Last Edit: M4Madness]
Link Posted: 10/10/2012 11:19:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2012 11:35:16 PM EDT
Inn on one.  Hoping to fill tags and this post later...
Link Posted: 10/11/2012 5:57:43 PM EDT
Place holder I hope!!
Link Posted: 10/12/2012 8:47:42 AM EDT
[Last Edit: godzillamax] [#4]
Placeholder as well (especially since this will be my first time ever hunting, so hoping for a little of that good 'ole beginners luck!).

Update - Just got back form my trip. Saw some does (and didn't have a doe tag since they are a lottery), so I came up empty handed this year.
Link Posted: 10/12/2012 10:04:15 AM EDT
[Insert Photo Here]

I hope.
Link Posted: 10/13/2012 11:26:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: battlestick] [#6]
Youngest got this spike during youth weekend.  Fun times!

Oldest got this one on 11/12/2012.  His second good deer.

Link Posted: 10/13/2012 3:42:02 PM EDT
I was hoping to see some big bucks already!
Link Posted: 10/13/2012 8:04:53 PM EDT
[Last Edit: GLOCK-23] [#8]
First chance I've had to bow hunt this season and I scored.
Bear Jennings G3 bow
9am this morning.
20yd shot..20yd recovery. He ran back past the stand and expired.
Not sure of the weight but it was all I could do to get him on the 4-wheeler.
Link Posted: 10/14/2012 5:11:23 AM EDT
[Last Edit: airborne_trooper] [#9]

Link Posted: 10/14/2012 10:46:28 AM EDT
ill play. both are 2012 bow kills. i killed the doe on 9-16-12 and killed the buck on 10-4-12. i made a less than stellar shot on the buck and the coyotes had their way with him before i found him. im still bummed about losing the meat but at least i was able to recover him and put my tag on him and ill be able to look at him on my wall. the buck had 17 scorable points and scored 146 3/8.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us  and as a bonus i purchased a fall turkey tag on 10-6-12 at about 10:30 am and got settled in to the edge of our cut corn field at about 1:30 pm and at about 2:30 pm was tagged out

Uploaded with ImageShack.usnow i have my rifle sighted in now and im hoping for good luck during rifle season.
Link Posted: 10/14/2012 12:37:37 PM EDT
[Last Edit: m1awolf] [#11]
Placeholder, opening day for rifle season is Oct.20th

Opening weekend does, meat in the freezer for my self and fellow member Country.

All tagged out for does, now we look for the big bucks.
Link Posted: 10/14/2012 10:40:48 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Iowaredneck] [#12]
my 14 y/o got this fat 8pt tonight made a great shot Im very proud deer is laying just as we found it

ETA: I have never seen a deer so covered with ticks even after three days hanging

Link Posted: 10/15/2012 7:22:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2012 8:50:34 PM EDT
Originally Posted By m1awolf:
Placeholder, opening day for rifle season is Oct.20th

Hopefully a placeholder for me, although I have to wait a month, no guns until mid november
Link Posted: 10/16/2012 8:40:13 PM EDT

Nice mature buck. Dressed out at 180, so he was a brute on the hoof.  Probably 4-5 yrs old based on antler mass. Would have been a beautiful 10 point or so if it wasn't for the malformed antler on his right side.  I read here on this forum regarding a deer with a rear leg injury and an antler deformity.  He had broken a rear ankle at some point this year.  So here's my submission to that as well.

First the deer:

Now the legs/antlers.

Link Posted: 10/16/2012 8:58:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/19/2012 2:51:13 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Gunrinwa] [#17]
Mule Deer Snake River breaks in Washington State. DPMS-LR 308  Opening day.

I also harvested a nice whitetail doe the same day. I was up to my elbows in deer processing.

Link Posted: 10/20/2012 2:53:49 PM EDT
A lot of nice bucks taken so far. Keep the pics coming fellas!

First one of the season.

Link Posted: 10/21/2012 2:27:36 PM EDT
Little blacktail I shot friday morning.

Link Posted: 10/21/2012 9:26:56 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Gunrinwa:
Mule Deer Snake River breaks in Washington State. DPMS-LR 308  Opening day.

I also harvested a nice whitetail doe the same day. I was up to my elbows in deer processing.


I truly miss hunting mule deer...there is hardly anything like it in earth!
Link Posted: 10/21/2012 9:47:51 PM EDT

First mulie ever!
Mod 70 in 30.06, 176 yds.
Johnson County Wy.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 12:52:19 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Mach] [#22]
Took this buck last thursay 16 yard shot on the ground behind my Ghost Blind
Mathews Switchback XT 62 lbs and Spitfire mechaniclson Goldtip Expedition Hunter arrow.

Arrow deflected off a rib ( I think ) and went up and embedded in hs spine. He dropped right there and needed a follow up shot to the heart to kill him quicker.

And yes, I hunt on the ground in woodland camo

Link Posted: 10/24/2012 6:11:21 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CletusRoundbelly] [#23]

I shot a 6-pointer Saturday evening.

He got up and ran off.

We never found him.

Headed back to camp tomorrow morning.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 2:32:13 AM EDT
[Last Edit: m1garand__man] [#24]
Well this season has been great so far. We have been kill'n deer here like gang busters. I have never gotten so close to tagging out so soon, four out of five tags filled in the first three days of the season.

This is my first deer of the year. She is a very mature white tail doe (probably 5-6 years old) I shot her with my late grand daddy's Marlin 336c in 30-30. He bought it back in 49 when he lived in Iowa and couldn't take deer in that state with a rifle. After that he moved to WA and never hunted deer again. I am proud to say (as he would probably proud to learn) that I took the first deer ever with this rifle, and all at 15 yards in the head. A great way to start the season

Opening day carnage.

Now the next two deer were not significant to take pictures. One was a WT Buck fawn at about 50 yards with the 30-30. It was running to the property boundary so the shot wasn't placed as well as I would have liked and I ended up putting it down with the M&P 9 that I shoot 3 gun with.

The third was a WT doe fawn on the second day, which I shot at 277 yards according to my Burris Eliminator. Because she was spine shot I put her down with my Luger (something I have wanted to so for a long time)

Now, this bad boy was taken by me on the third day of the season with my trusy Winchester M70 in 300 H&H with the help of my buddy Rob. We spottend him bedding down only a few minutes shortly after arriving on another arfcommer's land here in MT and proceeded up the adjacent coulee untill we were in line with his position in the next coulee over where we put the drop on him in his bed. He got up and I shortly after shot him as he was stoddling away at about 50 or 60 yards. Thanks Rob and Will.

Link Posted: 10/26/2012 9:19:13 AM EDT
All I am seeing are red x's
Link Posted: 10/26/2012 9:21:30 AM EDT
nice deer guys.
Link Posted: 10/26/2012 9:22:12 AM EDT
nice deer guys
Link Posted: 10/26/2012 4:40:35 PM EDT
Took my son in law out this morning and he got this nice buck/

He also shot what we thought was a doe until we went to retrieve her.

Link Posted: 10/28/2012 11:41:17 AM EDT

Got this spike Saturday morning at 8:25am   Got him with my Savage 170   .30-30   150gr. Core-Lokt bullet.

Link Posted: 10/29/2012 11:29:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: xtremesports1975] [#30]
8 point with 17 inch outside spread.  6.8 SPC II with 16" barrel, Hornady 120 SST.  Bullet entered right shoulder, fragmented with the majority peppering the inside of the opposite ribs.  Exit hole was less than the size of a .22 with the majority of the projectile stuck in the far shoulder.  70 yard broadside shot, double lung and heart.  Lungs were shredded, heart had multiple impacts...deer dropped like a rock.  He was heading to bed down at 9am in the thickets, stomach was completely full of greens and acorns.  

Link Posted: 10/29/2012 10:10:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: garyd] [#31]
Some nice big monsters showing up on this thread hope to add one of my own soon.  Took this little thing this evening.

80% Lower for pistol, 9.5 inch .300 Blackout barrel from Tactical Ammunition, Mamba  1-4 scope.  247gr NOE cast bullet with 10.1 gr of AA1680, Not sure of velocity, my chrony stopped working, i Know when I shot it thru my suppressor it was subsonic.  I figure around 1000fps.

High lung shot, clipped the spine and she still ran off 30 yds before she hit the ground dead.

Link Posted: 10/30/2012 9:58:01 PM EDT

M16A4 clone, used it cause I had nothing else. She worked very well
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 8:32:36 AM EDT
nice job everyone
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 3:49:03 PM EDT
Got a decent sized doe this morning before work. First one of the season, looking forward to replenishing my supplies of deer meat :) happy haloween!

Link Posted: 11/1/2012 4:15:43 PM EDT
[Last Edit: ProCharger] [#35]
Halloween evening.  17.5" inside spread, I will green score it tonight before I take him to the taxidermist.  Green scored at 142 even.

One of the youth rifle hunters from the same farm.  19 6/8 inside spread.  Green scored 170 6/8 gross 167 7/8 net.  Both G2's and G3's were over 11 inches!  I actually have one on video in a field on the opposite side of the property within 15 minutes of him shooting that I am sure is a larger racked animal.  I will post the vid if I can find my mini dv cable.
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 8:27:07 PM EDT
Damn, that's a brute.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 5:34:35 PM EDT
I'll call this deer "Lucky" because I was not aiming for the neck.....
My old Mathews Legacy bow with a 2 blade Rage, deer went 0 yards.


Link Posted: 11/3/2012 1:22:17 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Bucktail_Bob:
I'll call this deer "Lucky" because I was not aiming for the neck.....
My old Mathews Legacy bow with a 2 blade Rage, deer went 0 yards.



That G3 on the left side sure is funky.

Link Posted: 11/3/2012 2:45:56 AM EDT
I have saw plenty of does but nothing close enough to get a shot at yet
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 2:56:29 PM EDT
Deer #2 this year. Killed Saturday morning at 10:25

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:16:28 PM EDT
[Last Edit: battlestick] [#41]
A buddy and fellow arfcommer got this one this AM.

ETA: More info

Buddy used his 6.8 he just finished getting together last Thursday.  The buck came in behind him in some thick stuff where he only has a small window in his box blind.  He ended up leaning out of his side window shooting off hand for a rough 40 yard shot.  All of tactical matches and shooting in weird positions paid off in spades today.  

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 8:11:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 9:42:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 9:46:46 PM EDT
Originally Posted By IIRC:

Got him this evening.  Bowtech Destroyer 340, 60# with Easton Flatlines tipped with Slick Tricks.

Green scored by a qualified () person at 154.50"  I'll try to get some more pics up later.

That's Buhog7979's leg hes leaning on right now.  Many special thanks to my good hunting buddy!

Nice mature buck!

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 9:49:30 PM EDT
10 point, 153 lb on the hoof. Taken at 3:30 opening day
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 3:17:28 AM EDT
opening morning 7pt,295g powerbelt on top of 100g of 777
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 10:52:20 AM EDT

Link Posted: 11/5/2012 8:59:36 PM EDT
Dad and I saw this guy saturday afternoon:

90 yards, Savage 10MLII muzzleloader, 44 grains of 5744 behind a 300-grain Hornady SST. High shoulder shot, instant kill.

Him and I built the stand in the background together in 1999. Since then we've lost count of the deer we've killed there together. This is the second double-main-beam buck I've seen in my life, and I couldn't pass him up. I think he's a 3.5 year old, though he's smaller than our normal 3.5 year old here. This is the first time we'd ever seen him, even though we've had cameras out all over the place all summer.

Link Posted: 11/6/2012 4:41:59 PM EDT
Originally Posted By arowneragain:
Dad and I saw this guy saturday afternoon:

90 yards, Savage 10MLII muzzleloader, 44 grains of 5744 behind a 300-grain Hornady SST. High shoulder shot, instant kill.

Him and I built the stand in the background together in 1999. Since then we've lost count of the deer we've killed there together. This is the second double-main-beam buck I've seen in my life, and I couldn't pass him up. I think he's a 3.5 year old, though he's smaller than our normal 3.5 year old here. This is the first time we'd ever seen him, even though we've had cameras out all over the place all summer.



Bucks will roam very far into new territory during the precut especially if the buck to doe ratio is high.

Nice buck!
Link Posted: 11/8/2012 7:46:36 PM EDT
My hunting partner took this 9 point at one of our lease property's this morning.

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