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Posted: 9/15/2004 4:33:49 AM EDT
Even as a little girl, I've always despised Barbie.  Oh yeah, let's not forget Ken (that creepy little eunuch), Stacy (who, of course, isn't as shapely or pretty or tall as Barbie), the *Barbie Dream House* (gack-what a hideous crib!), and all the expensive, tacky, and stupid acccesories that have driven the girl toy industry for the past 50+ years.

It's our turn for revenge.  

At the Indy shoot this weekend, I'm carrying at least 2 scantily-clad Barbies with the express purpose of...well, just blowing the hell outta them.  Yep, I've been wanting to do this forever, and the time is here.

How does nailing Barbie (through the heart, so she'll be sure to die) to a target and popping multiple caps into her skinny ass sound to you all?  What about loading her and sending her up as a clay pigeon?  

Any ideas to add?  If any of you ladies plan on attending and want to participate, please look me up and we'll formulate a plan for Barbie's imminent demise.  I might be able to come up with a few more of them, so I'm more than willing to share this experience.

Thanks for all of your help with this critical project!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 5:00:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 5:11:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 5:14:09 AM EDT
Fill her full of tannerite (sp)
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 7:03:24 AM EDT
Why do you have such hate for Barbie?  It is just a stupid doll.  BTW, I never played with them when I was a kid - dolls were more realistic to me.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:43:31 AM EDT
I have no love for Barbie. No reason, just don't like her. Never liked dolls in general though, they always creeped me out.
While you are shooting Barbie can you do me a favour and blow up one of those stupid toy vacuum cleaners they make for little girls. WTF is up with that?
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:47:24 AM EDT
I didn't like Barbie  either. Has anyone else notice she can't seem to hold down a job?
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:57:27 AM EDT
I never cared for Barbie, but I didn't really hate her.  Well, I hated her after the 12th time I got a Barbie doll for Christmas from well-meaning relatives who didn't even bother to think about the fact that I was a tom-boy.    Could you please get the barbie car and fill it up with tannerite for me?  Oh, and a plastic tea set with flowers on it would make great skeet.  My grandmother gave me the same tea set for Christmas every year for 11 years.  Look for one that is white with pink flowers, and take pics, please.    

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:58:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 2:00:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 2:12:43 PM EDT

I always wanted one of those Barbie heads that you could style her hair and put makeup on.

Of course, I always wanted a Lite Brite and an Easy Bake Oven.  My sister in law got me the Easy Bake a couple of years ago for Christmas because I was so bitter about never having one as a child!

I understand.  I wanted G.I. Joes, but I was informed by my mother that girls couldn't play with those.    This Christmas,  I am my sons are going to get G.I. Joes.  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 2:19:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 2:33:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 3:06:07 PM EDT
You are breaking my heart - I had em all including the house, the pool, RV and Porsche.

However, now I think it is a pretty cool term to describe airheads. The best of it all they don't get it and take it as a compliment. He he he  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 3:21:26 PM EDT

I never cared for Barbie, but I didn't really hate her.  Well, I hated her after the 12th time I got a Barbie doll for Christmas from well-meaning relatives who didn't even bother to think about the fact that I was a tom-boy.  he  

Good idea.

I might be able to drum up a tea set from my tom-boy niece (who would rather play outside in the mud with the boyz - great kid ); if so, I'll be sure to send you some pictures.  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:03:43 PM EDT
I'm surprised at the quizzical and well...rather sad replies to my planned 'death to Barbie' extravaganza; guess that I underestimated the Barbie nostalgia level here.  My apologies to any and all who have some positive feelings towards the whole Barbie culture.  Never meant to offend any of the nice and always helpful ladies who have so kindly welcomed me to this forum.  My bad.

Personally, I have no positive associations with the things.  I've never liked them (OK, I hate HER) and that's probably because, even as a kid, I knew that I'd never ever be that thin, or stacked (even with plastic surgery), or have such great hair, or get to be a veterinarian one day, a rock star the next, driving a corvette to my beach house, etc. etc.  

All I ever got to do was to ride my horses and drive my dad's quarter-midget on the dirt track, which meant that I had to get dirty.  Barbie would never get dirty.  Doubt if she ever walked barefoot through cow manure, either.  What a vision.

Wow.  Maybe I'm jealous of Barbie.  How twisted!  How sick!

I designed my own Barbie once: Black Belt Barbie.  If you pushed the top button in her back, she would throw a vicious ridgehand and if you pushed the bottom button, she gave a serious front snap kick.  Came with her own uniform and re-breakable board and everything.  But to get the best effect, you had to purchase Yellow Belt Ken, too.  Yeah, he had the same moves...just not as good as Barbie's.  She, of course, was way better than him (remember, he IS a eunuch).  And he had a re-breakable arm that could be reset with the twist of a wrist.  

Wonder why Mattel never chose it for production?

Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to blast on a girly-girl materialistic female role model this weekend (she reminds me of Paris Hilton) at the Indy shoot.  The offer is still open for any or all of you who are attending to join in.   Should be amusing and I bet she makes a pretty good target in that bright orange bikini.

PS:  I believe that there are rules stating that there is to be *no* tannerite at this shoot.  Dang!

Thanks for listening, ladies; this will be my last post for a while.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:14:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:18:40 PM EDT

I'm surprised at the quizzical and well...rather sad replies to my planned 'death to Barbie' extravaganza; guess that I underestimated the Barbie nostalgia level here.  My apologies to any and all who have some positive feelings towards the whole Barbie culture.  Never meant to offend any of the nice and always helpful ladies who have so kindly welcomed me to this forum.  My bad.

Personally, I have no positive associations with the things.  I've never liked them (OK, I hate HER) and that's probably because, even as a kid, I knew that I'd never ever be that thin, or stacked (even with plastic surgery), or have such great hair, or get to be a veterinarian one day, a rock star the next, driving a corvette to my beach house, etc. etc.  

All I ever got to do was to ride my horses and drive my dad's quarter-midget on the dirt track, which meant that I had to get dirty.  Barbie would never get dirty.  Doubt if she ever walked barefoot through cow manure, either.  What a vision.

Wow.  Maybe I'm jealous of Barbie.  How twisted!  How sick!

I designed my own Barbie once: Black Belt Barbie.  If you pushed the top button in her back, she would throw a vicious ridgehand and if you pushed the bottom button, she gave a serious front snap kick.  Came with her own uniform and re-breakable board and everything.  But to get the best effect, you had to purchase Yellow Belt Ken, too.  Yeah, he had the same moves...just not as good as Barbie's.  She, of course, was way better than him (remember, he IS a eunuch).  And he had a re-breakable arm that could be reset with the twist of a wrist.  

Wonder why Mattel never chose it for production?

Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to blast on a girly-girl materialistic female role model this weekend (she reminds me of Paris Hilton) at the Indy shoot.  The offer is still open for any or all of you who are attending to join in.   Should be amusing and I bet she makes a pretty good target in that bright orange bikini.

PS:  I believe that there are rules stating that there is to be *no* tannerite at this shoot.  Dang!

Thanks for listening, ladies; this will be my last post for a while.

I hope you're not going away because some of the ladies didn't understand your dislike of Barbie.  We all have twisted senses of humor here, so the kind of girl who would blow up Barbie will fit right in.  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:33:48 PM EDT
Barbie has always been on my shit list.  I used to destroy my sister's Barbies via any means necessery.  Kept me busy during those summer months.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:42:51 PM EDT


I'm surprised at the quizzical and well...rather sad replies to my planned 'death to Barbie' extravaganza; guess that I underestimated the Barbie nostalgia level here.  My apologies to any and all who have some positive feelings towards the whole Barbie culture.  Never meant to offend any of the nice and always helpful ladies who have so kindly welcomed me to this forum.  My bad.

Personally, I have no positive associations with the things.  I've never liked them (OK, I hate HER) and that's probably because, even as a kid, I knew that I'd never ever be that thin, or stacked (even with plastic surgery), or have such great hair, or get to be a veterinarian one day, a rock star the next, driving a corvette to my beach house, etc. etc.  

All I ever got to do was to ride my horses and drive my dad's quarter-midget on the dirt track, which meant that I had to get dirty.  Barbie would never get dirty.  Doubt if she ever walked barefoot through cow manure, either.  What a vision.

Wow.  Maybe I'm jealous of Barbie.  How twisted!  How sick!

I designed my own Barbie once: Black Belt Barbie.  If you pushed the top button in her back, she would throw a vicious ridgehand and if you pushed the bottom button, she gave a serious front snap kick.  Came with her own uniform and re-breakable board and everything.  But to get the best effect, you had to purchase Yellow Belt Ken, too.  Yeah, he had the same moves...just not as good as Barbie's.  She, of course, was way better than him (remember, he IS a eunuch).  And he had a re-breakable arm that could be reset with the twist of a wrist.  

Wonder why Mattel never chose it for production?

Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to blast on a girly-girl materialistic female role model this weekend (she reminds me of Paris Hilton) at the Indy shoot.  The offer is still open for any or all of you who are attending to join in.   Should be amusing and I bet she makes a pretty good target in that bright orange bikini.

PS:  I believe that there are rules stating that there is to be *no* tannerite at this shoot.  Dang!

Thanks for listening, ladies; this will be my last post for a while.

I hope you're not going away because some of the ladies didn't understand your dislike of Barbie.  We all have twisted senses of humor here, so the kind of girl who would blow up Barbie will fit right in.  hr

Just don't want to piss off anyone here just before meeting (hopefully!) a few of you FTF hoanything) and being that I'm more experienced in HTH combat than firearms, I'm going to be asking for some help in times to come.  I ain't skeered, but I don't want to wear out my welcome, either hrough.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:45:34 PM EDT



I'm surprised at the quizzical and well...rather sad replies to my planned 'death to Barbie' extravaganza; guess that I underestimated the Barbie nostalgia level here.  My apologies to any and all who have some positive feelings towards the whole Barbie culture.  Never meant to offend any of the nice and always helpful ladies who have so kindly welcomed me to this forum.  My bad.

Personally, I have no positive associations with the things.  I've never liked them (OK, I hate HER) and that's probably because, even as a kid, I knew that I'd never ever be that thin, or stacked (even with plastic surgery), or have such great hair, or get to be a veterinarian one day, a rock star the next, driving a corvette to my beach house, etc. etc.  

All I ever got to do was to ride my horses and drive my dad's quarter-midget on the dirt track, which meant that I had to get dirty.  Barbie would never get dirty.  Doubt if she ever walked barefoot through cow manure, either.  What a vision.

Wow.  Maybe I'm jealous of Barbie.  How twisted!  How sick!

I designed my own Barbie once: Black Belt Barbie.  If you pushed the top button in her back, she would throw a vicious ridgehand and if you pushed the bottom button, she gave a serious front snap kick.  Came with her own uniform and re-breakable board and everything.  But to get the best effect, you had to purchase Yellow Belt Ken, too.  Yeah, he had the same moves...just not as good as Barbie's.  She, of course, was way better than him (remember, he IS a eunuch).  And he had a re-breakable arm that could be reset with the twist of a wrist.  

Wonder why Mattel never chose it for production?

Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to blast on a girly-girl materialistic female role model this weekend (she reminds me of Paris Hilton) at the Indy shoot.  The offer is still open for any or all of you who are attending to join in.   Should be amusing and I bet she makes a pretty good target in that bright orange bikini.

PS:  I believe that there are rules stating that there is to be *no* tannerite at this shoot.  Dang!

Thanks for listening, ladies; this will be my last post for a while.

I hope you're not going away because some of the ladies didn't understand your dislike of Barbie.  We all have twisted senses of humor here, so the kind of girl who would blow up Barbie will fit right in.  

Just don't want to piss off anyone here just before meeting (hopefully!) a few of you FTF .  Y'all know it's not easy to find and meet women like us (e.g. females who like to blow up anything) and being that I'm more experienced in HTH combat than firearms, I'm going to be asking for some help in times to come.  I ain't skeered, but I don't want to wear out my welcome, either .  And, as offered before in my newbie post, let me know if any of you are travelling through this area and we'll hook up if at all possible, at least for a beer .

Don't worry, they haven't run me off yet, and I have nearly 1000 posts, so stick around!  I don't think you pissed anyone off with this thread.  If you notice, more of us were enthusiastic about the idea than were puzzled.  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:55:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:56:35 PM EDT

DC, where did Perse say that?

It was on chat.  The men folk were celebrating the end of the ban.  It was my lighthearted quip (no malace intended) about the actions of men when they get overly excited with their new toys.  At such times men have been known to behave as if to say "HHHHHHHoooooooooo RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Do you see my weapon?!  Does it not resemble my penis??? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

However as quoted in her sig line, it kinda makes it sound like I have a penis.  This is not true.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 5:11:20 PM EDT


DC, where did Perse say that?

It was on chat.  The men folk were celebrating the end of the ban.  It was my lighthearted quip (no malace intended) about the actions of men when they get overly excited with their new toys.  At such times men have been known to behave as if to say "HHHHHHHoooooooooo RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Do you see my weapon?!  Does it not resemble my penis??? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

However as quoted in her sig line, it kinda makes it sound like I have a penis.  This is not true.

 he would be the one to notice....

please stay, cowgirl--no one is pissed--just confuzzed at first  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 5:43:53 PM EDT
I completely understand the wanting to blow the heck out of the barbie and thought it was quite humorous when I first read it. I just didn't comment since I wouldn't be able to join. I fully support blowing something away for the symbolism.  Remember to take pictures!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 5:56:04 PM EDT



DC, where did Perse say that?

It was on chat.  The men folk were celebrating the end of the ban.  It was my lighthearted quip (no malace intended) about the actions of men when they get overly excited with their new toys.  At such times men have been known to behave as if to say "HHHHHHHoooooooooo RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Do you see my weapon?!  Does it not resemble my penis??? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

However as quoted in her sig line, it kinda makes it sound like I have a penis.  This is not true.

 he would be the one to notice....

please stay, cowgirl--no one is pissed--just confuzzed at first  

DC, can your next sig be:

Persephone says: I have a vagina, and I'm fine with that.
PS, I am not an ass phone.  

Cowgirl, I burned my school uniform from Catholic school on the first day of summer after graduation.  (You know the plaid skirt with white oxford shirt.)  So I am not new to getting my revenge on inanimate objects.  Blasting barbies sounds like fun.

Barbie would never get dirty. Doubt if she ever walked barefoot through cow manure, either. What a vision.

I once got drunk and did cartwheels in a cow pasture...does that count?  But I don't think I hit anything.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 6:05:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 6:22:08 PM EDT

I had the choice of the vagina quote or the drunken pasture cartwheels quote to choose from.

you so bad!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 7:13:24 PM EDT
WOOHOO!  Toto, we really have found a home!

I'm touched, folks, by your show of concern.  I'll continue to lurk around here and the survival forum until further notice.

Once again, thanks for all of your feedback.  I will be taking pictures and the best will be posted next week.  Have a great weekend...

Link Posted: 9/16/2004 9:12:58 AM EDT
Instead of complaining about and plotting the murder and or mutilation of Barbie, why don't all of you get back to your Easy Bake ovens and back me a goddamned cake. While your at it, will some one please change Wetsy Betsy.
Link Posted: 9/16/2004 10:41:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2004 10:55:43 AM EDT

Instead of complaining about and plotting the murder and or mutilation of Barbie, why don't all of you get back to your Easy Bake ovens and back me a goddamned cake. While your at it, will some one please change Wetsy Betsy.

Link Posted: 9/16/2004 2:38:02 PM EDT
I despise Barbie and her "tribe'.

It was disgust at first sight...the original Barbie's facial expression was 'odd' to say the least. More of a Crack Head Barbie :) than the current not-cutie.

Blow up a Barbie for me.

p.s. Ken is creepy indeed!
Link Posted: 9/16/2004 2:54:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2004 4:11:14 PM EDT
Grateful_Cowgirl, I really don't think anyone is upset with you.  Who cares if you want to blast Barbie, except maybe a collector?  I hope you enjoy it!  And for what it's worth, no one looks like Barbie - not naturally anyway - and who would even want to look like her?  Not me.

I hope all of the ladies feel free to post whatever they think.
Link Posted: 9/17/2004 8:38:43 AM EDT
Hmmm...I loved Barbie as a kid and would feel sorta bad about blowing her up, but I would have NO problem eliminating all those damn Bratz dolls that my nieces have.  Too bad I have to work Saturday or I would be down there exterminating all those with you!  Hope you have fun!
Link Posted: 9/17/2004 1:22:00 PM EDT

Hmmm...I loved Barbie as a kid and would feel sorta bad about blowing her up, but I would have NO problem eliminating all those damn Bratz dolls that my nieces have.  Too bad I have to work Saturday or I would be down there exterminating all those with you!  Hope you have fun!

Indeed, it's a shame that you won't be there.  I've been looking forward to meeting you.  My buddy Zoub says that you and your man are way cool.  Maybe next time?  We could even hook up for a private Bratz extermination mission if/when you find some time.  I live in Speedway, so meeting wouldn't be too much of a hassle.  Keep me posted if you are up for it; could be a good time .
Link Posted: 9/17/2004 1:24:21 PM EDT


Instead of complaining about and plotting the murder and or mutilation of Barbie, why don't all of you get back to your Easy Bake ovens and back me a goddamned cake. While your at it, will some one please change Wetsy Betsy.hr


I second that motion!  (Easy Bake oven - wow, you must not be very hungry.)  
Besty Wetsy, however, can kiss my ass.
Link Posted: 9/17/2004 1:30:44 PM EDT

I despise Barbie and her "tribe'.

It was disgust at first sight...the original Barbie's facial expression was 'odd' to say the least. More of a Crack Head Barbie :) than the current not-cutie.

Blow up a Barbie for me.

p.s. Ken is creepy indeed!

Thanks for the support!  I'll be posting the best of the pix next week.  
I have 4 Barbies now; one of them is a Wedding Barbie (double-gack!) and I'm saving the best blast for her.  I have an 'aerodynamic Barbie' - she is naked (nasty, nasty girl), but has a painted on bathing suit.  I added a pair of pink high-heels (ho shoes) to complete the ensemble.  She, of course, will be skeet.  Not sure about the rest yet, but I'm sure a few drinks by the campfire tonight will stimulate some good ideas .
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 12:15:43 AM EDT
There has been a jail break!  brass issues a call to arms.

Most recent photo of escapee's.   Barbie and her posse of prison bitches.

QS, Seth and brass discuss tactics for prisoner round up.   QS reminds brass he likes his coffe hot, BITCH!

Send in the hounds....

SSSHHHHHH!  Be vewy, vewy quiet.  I am hunting baw-bees

Run Barbie.  RUN!

1 down, 3 to go.
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 12:24:12 AM EDT
Gungho slows the rest down with some bump-fire

QS instructs GC:  Shoot'em in the head, shoot'em in the ass, makes no difference to me.

Shoot already!

Now that they are out of shotgun range, time for some precision work

I am just gonna adjust your pants a little......... to help with your balance

Call your shots......just under the left knee cap!
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 12:28:11 AM EDT
4 kills confirmed, only 3 heads recovered

As the sun sets on a successful day......

brass dreams of his binky......and other things
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 2:00:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 3:33:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 3:52:14 AM EDT

You need to mount the heads in a trophy room now.

Link Posted: 9/22/2004 4:31:19 AM EDT
Poor Barbie...I guess she had it coming though.
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 5:00:49 AM EDT

y'all aint right
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 5:09:56 AM EDT
Now that was some damn fine shooting!!
Barbie is ALLL messed up !
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 5:32:32 AM EDT
I just realized, we did recover all 4 heads.  Because Kentucky Barbie's head, the one with the #7 1/2 birdshot hole in her teeth is not in what I call the "headhunters trophy" arrangement.  When you look at that pic, you need to put the sound of headhunter drums in the back of your mind.  

Must be in my range bag?   HHHmmmmm

GC had way too much fun tracking down all the body parts and then arranging them for the photo.

The best shot was when QS hit one with his AR and her head went straight up 20-30 feet like a rocket.  Her face was looking straight back at us.  I swear she blinked.

The First Annual ARFCOM Regional Barbie Shoot was a big success.  From now on, we will need a theme song, maybe something from Kentucky Headhunters?
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 7:04:44 AM EDT
Thanks for the great pix!
Link Posted: 9/22/2004 7:07:37 AM EDT

Instead of complaining about and plotting the murder and or mutilation of Barbie, why don't all of you get back to your Easy Bake ovens and back me a goddamned cake. While your at it, will some one please change Wetsy Betsy.

Are you sure you don't want PIE?
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