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Link Posted: 1/22/2011 9:54:09 AM EDT

Or go old school....

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:00:23 AM EDT
Well, here's my take.  I'm not a knife fighter, and having cut the shit out of myself many times, have no inclination to be one.  That said, I've broken dozens of nice folders at work.  I've not broken a single fixed blade at work or camping.  If I wanted a people sticker I'd be 100% certain to get a fixed blade.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:12:09 AM EDT

seriously, that is an awesome fighting knife

what are the dimensions on it?

just curious

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:14:01 AM EDT
A Randall 1-7, just a classic piece of Americana.



You have good taste.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:15:57 AM EDT



If you want a "fighting knife" you want a fixed blade. No such thing as a folding fighting knife, IMO.



Gerber Mark II

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:16:16 AM EDT
I'm gonna have to be talked out of this knife.

Grayman warrior 5.5


It's a little pricey, but I've bought cheap before.

"Buy Once....."

still buy a KA-BAR  same blade length

it just aint as pretty

and its a quarter of the cost

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:16:55 AM EDT

Busse Gladius

another pic of the Busse

or a John Gage Tactical Gladius

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:22:41 AM EDT
Gladius is tough to EDC
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:25:21 AM EDT
I loves me a Randall M14.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:25:45 AM EDT
Busse.  Bigger is better

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:27:50 AM EDT

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:32:57 AM EDT

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:36:14 AM EDT
"Don't bring a knife to a gunfight"

BTW, all fights are gunfights.  
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:40:42 AM EDT

Applegate~Fairbairn the first name in fighting knives


It has a great kydex sheath that holds the blade in well but is easy to remove.  It has a belt loop.  There is also a rubber loop that goes around the handle if you want it secured even more so.  Unfortunately, there are no nice pictures showing both the knife and the sheath:

It has everything you want in a 'fighting' knife:

1)  Blade length of 6".  It is long enough to reach organs but not so long it becomes unwieldy.  

2)  Blade is double edged which creates more severe wounds since it cuts on both edges on its way in and out, and it's more  
    difficult to defend against since you can't grab the blade as easily.

3)  The blade is thicker/wider than the traditional WWII Fairbairn-Sykes knife which makes it less likely to break.

4)  The handle is easy to grip and won't slip easily when wet.

It does come with a version that has partial serrations on one side.  While I do not use this as a utility knife, I personally prefer the one that comes with the serrations.  They do cut rope, fabric, etc. more easily than the regular edge.

I highly recommend this as an excellent fixed-blade fighting knife.

ETA:  Sorry, I meant to say do not use as a utility knife.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 10:50:32 AM EDT

Isn't that the guy that was posing as former R-SAS?  Mike Ajax?

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 11:11:38 AM EDT

Isn't that the guy that was posing as former R-SAS?  Mike Ajax?

I don't like his grinds.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 11:43:58 AM EDT

Isn't that the guy that was posing as former R-SAS?  Mike Ajax?

any more info so i can look into it
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:02:41 PM EDT
A Randall 1-7, just a classic piece of Americana.



I like the Randals and some of the SOG bowie offerings. You could pick up a Sealpup Elite to try the design out before committing to a bigger purchase.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:03:51 PM EDT

Scrap Yard Knife Yard Hook
Scrap Yard Knife Son Of Dogfather SOD

Scrap Yard Knife Scrapper 5

Scrapyard Dogfather Desert

Busse Combat High Street

Scrap Yard Regulator Test Team edition

Scrap Yard Scrapper 5 Limited Edition

Fairbairn Sykes fighting knife


Cattaraugus 225Q


Thanks Pitbull. After looking at your pics I started missing my Dumpster Mutt so I just bought a Regulator. DAMN YOU !!!
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:05:03 PM EDT
Busse Badger Attack.  If nothing else, get one because it is called a Badger Attack.  Love this knife!

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:08:26 PM EDT

Applegate~Fairbairn the first name in fighting knives

I have a few of those.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:12:31 PM EDT
These are my picks for fixed blades

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:15:44 PM EDT
A Randall 1-7, just a classic piece of Americana.



I'll see your Randall and raise you an Ek Bowie...


I've loved them since the 80s when I'd see them at gun shows. I have two now, brand new, off eBay.

So, OP: In my opinion a real fighting knife isn't a folder.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:17:47 PM EDT
How about a Finnish Puukko

The Ranger Puukko was designed by Captain J.P. Peltonen and heavily tested and approved by Nordic, US and UN troops. The hand forged Teflon coated blade is an impressive 5mm in thickness.

Leather sheath features: Innovative locking system, strong 3 mm leather, protective inner liner.


Product Details:

   * Blade: 6" Hand Forged Carbon Steel, Teflon Coated
   * Handle: 5" Tempered Rubber
   * Sheath: 3mm Leather, Locking Sheath
   * Item ID: JPM95

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:27:14 PM EDT
A Randall 1-7, just a classic piece of Americana.



I'll see your Randall and raise you an Ek Bowie...


I see your Ek, and raise you 3 of my Model 14 Randall Made Knives:

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:30:42 PM EDT
Fixed blade or folder?  And why.

I have three Benchmade folders now that I use.  The barrage is my EDC.  This would be something that goes with my first line gear.  

I don't even know why I want one, but you know how it is.

If your looking to have this as a defensive knife that your going to carry.....you want a folder. Fixed bladed are of course great, but not really handy to carry concealed without special scabbards. First thing to understand is that a "fighting knife" is any knife you have on hand in a fight. And while having a Randall 14 is like a 1911, and a folder like my favorite the Kasper folding fighter is like a S&W 36......You have to ask which are you going to have when you need it.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:32:37 PM EDT
Get a tomahawk.

Trust me.

ETA: If not a tomahawk, there's a lot of cool fixed blades out there.

ETA2: I have alot of incomplete thoughts. I have both a SOG tomahawk, and Blackhawk Nightedge on my firstline gear.

I'll just go ahead and quote this post, instead of typing all that.  

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:34:23 PM EDT

Strider MT , MT-L or MT mod 10 Sniper

Tough as nails
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 12:34:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 2:04:48 PM EDT

CRKT CR2125KV, they do make a longer blade in this model.  I chose this one to comply with TX law (>5.5")...
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 2:37:10 PM EDT
http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-5.htm is what I would pick.

We have a 5.5" limit here.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 2:52:01 PM EDT
Combat knife or fighting knife?

Sure, you coulod hack a tree apart with a chopper like a Busse or whatever, but for a true fighting knife?

Gerber Mark II.

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 2:58:16 PM EDT
For a straight forward fighting knife, fixed would be the way to go. For a knife you can just as easily take anywhere with you, and in a pinch use to protect yourself, you need a folder. Me, I like utility. My little buck pinknife is good and all, but as soon as I can convince the wife, I'm getting me a surefire crank!
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 3:31:52 PM EDT
Randal #1 and a Pat Crawford folder

EK Desert Shield fighting knife and Sog Bowie knife

And a Kit Carson Large #7 folding fighting knife(Will set you back about a grand if you can find one)And a Meerdink Neck knife

I like old school fighting knives and you cant beat a Kabar or Applegate Fairbairn
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 3:35:46 PM EDT
Blackjacks ain't bad for the money
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 3:42:17 PM EDT
Read this.  I did not write it, I picked it up somewhere on the web.  Possibly here.

Ten Points About The Fighting Knife

1). The knife is always with you, even in places where the gun cannot go.

2). It becomes the first line of weaponry when the pistol is not available by choice, policy, inaccessibility or loss.

3). If things have gotten bad enough to need the knife, the use of the knife should be aggressive, brutal and terminal, and not "defensive".

4). There is a place for using a knife against the unarmed adversary if that adversary is younger, stronger or faster than you are...or more numerous.

5). There is a place for keeping them away with your edge, but there is also a place for closing and stabbing.

6). A knife worthy of combat carry should facilitate stabbing and be simple and instictive to use.

7). The more complicated and complex a knife is, and the more elaborate its system of use, the less desirable it is.

8). Conversely, the simpler the knife and the system and more gross motor dependant it is, the better it will do in a fight.

9). A fixed blade is more desirable than a folder, but a folder may be required in some applications. If a folder is used, the lock should be robust and not technically clever.

10). Learn to be violent with your knife

Ten Attributes To Select Your Fighting Knife

1). Sharp as hell and pointy as f***, you can't stab anyone or cut anyone with a dull round nosed blade. If this sounds vulgar, it is. There is nothing dainty about ramming a 3" piece of steel into a man's thrioat and tiwsting it as he fights to get it out.

2). Point in line with the handle. Upswept blades may be the acme of the knifemaker artist, but they suck eggs for ramming through a clavicle.

3). Long enough...but not too long. We hear that about lots of things.

4). Rough handle. Either G-10 or rough designed zytel handles. When you stab another man, his juices will get all over your blade and hand.

5). Solid lock. Liner locks suck. I don't care how graceful or cool they are...they suck. Axis lock as seen with benchmade or with Cold Steel is the way to go, or with an old style lockback design.

6). Solid opening method. This being 2009, and the "Wave" concept being as old as the pyramids now....a combat blade should have a wave feature if it is a folder.

7). Good steel. That does NOT mean stainless. I don't give an airborne fornication about stains on my knife...I WANT IT SHARP!

8). Again, if a folder, it needs a movable clip so operators may carry it as desired. The more I work on this Killing-focused system, the more I am liking reverse grip - edge in. That means for a righty, you carry point up- blade forward.

9). It must be cost-effective. Notice I did not say CHEAP. Cheap knives are for fags. Cost-effective means that if I decide to ditch it, I will not be heart broken to lose my special one-of-a-kind....nor will that special one-of-a-kind be tied to me.

10). There should be a boatload of them out there in society....like Glocks. Thus you cannot be identified or tied to the gear you use.

If some of this stuff sounds like it comes from the world of the criminal rather than the world of the law abiding good guy, it does. One does not go to a clean shaven altar boy to learn to cut a throat.

Ten Points About Using The Knife In A Fight

1). A fighting is knife is fueled by rage and ferocity, not by cleverness and showmanship. I recall seeing CWS go ape (or was it AMOK) on a knife expert we brought in one year. The best the very clever and artistic knife expert could do was match CWS stab for stab. But that was after CWS had stabbed him three or four times.

2). Learn to stab....HARD

3). Learn to hold the knife in a way that you will not lose it when you STAB HARD.

4). Since few of us go about with a 10" bowie, learn your targets. You may not be able to behead an attacker, but you can in fact rip out his jugular even with a 2" box cutter.

5). Footwork gets you off the line of the attack, but also gets you close enough to STAB HIM HARD.

6). The instant you pull steel your intent should be to stick it in his neck and rip it out a different way, and not to spar, fend, or ask him to stay back.

7). The grip area of your knife MUST be rough enough to stay in your hand if your hand is covered with blood (hopefully not yours).

8). The point must be in line with your stab. A Cold Steel Scimitar of a Spyderco Chinook do not have this, but a Cold Steel AK-47 and a Spyderco Endura do.

9). To train it, each knife must have an identical trainer (dulled knife) and a wooden/rubberized trainer (like Nok's). The identical trainer is used for technical and access drills. The wooden type trainer is used for attacking the heavy bag or the stabbing post.

10). Contrary to the advice of others, use your fighting knife for everything. From opening letters to cutting cheese or tomatoes. Handle your knife daily, keep it sharp, keep it handy. make accessing it as natural as scratching your butt.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 3:43:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 3:51:21 PM EDT

Scrap Yard Knife Yard Hook
Scrap Yard Knife Son Of Dogfather SOD

Scrap Yard Knife Scrapper 5

Scrapyard Dogfather Desert

Busse Combat High Street

Scrap Yard Regulator Test Team edition

Scrap Yard Scrapper 5 Limited Edition

Fairbairn Sykes fighting knife


Cattaraugus 225Q


Which of these would you recommend?  I really like the Scrapyard knives too.  Especially the SOD.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 3:52:09 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:02:16 PM EDT
Try http://spartanbladesusa.com/cart/index.php  Tier 1 for sure!
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:07:25 PM EDT
Bark River Bravo 1, I bought one like this today.

Bark River STS5

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:07:57 PM EDT

This is a really hard knife to beat.

One of the best purpose built fighting knifes if you read the requirements I posted above.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:13:24 PM EDT
I've never stabbed anyone, but I've field dressed and disassembled enough animals to come to the conclusion that any knife without a hilt guard such as the Ka-bar would be pretty dangerous if you needed to stab someone in anger.

The last thing you would want is your hand slipping forward toward the blade from the blood/sweat and cutting yourself when you really need to be on your A game.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:24:41 PM EDT
A Randall 1-7, just a classic piece of Americana.



That's a great looking knife, but I'm not responsible enough to have things that look nice.

My stuff just needs to be extra durable.  I'm not into caressing most of my stuff.  

Lots of folks carried and used those Randall knives in the late southeast asia unpleasantness.

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:34:12 PM EDT
Now that i'm not a kid, I wish I could still buy a Buck 184 survival knife
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:41:10 PM EDT




Scrap Yard Knife Yard Hook

Scrap Yard Knife Son Of Dogfather SOD


Scrap Yard Knife Scrapper 5



Scrapyard Dogfather Desert


Busse Combat High Street


Scrap Yard Regulator Test Team edition


Scrap Yard Scrapper 5 Limited Edition


Fairbairn Sykes fighting knife


Cattaraugus 225Q


Which of these would you recommend?  I really like the Scrapyard knives too.  Especially the SOD.

If I could only have one?

It would be the SOD.  It's not too small, not too big, and can split wood/chop trees if you need it to.

That said, the Scrapper 5 is a more useful knife day to day (as is the High Street).  The size of the S5 and HS are more conducive to unobtrusive carry and daily tasks.  They just seem "right".

But in a camping, combat, or SHTF scenario, I think I'd reach for the SOD.  It's a hell of a knife.

Oh, btw, on a budget, the LMF from Gerber is not too shabby.  I paid $65 for mine and it's worth every penny....it rides in my just in case bag in my truck.  Cheap enough that I don't mind losing it; good enough that I won't feel "outknifed" LOL

Link Posted: 1/22/2011 4:45:39 PM EDT
If I could only have one?

It would be the SOD. It's not too small, not too big, and can split wood/chop trees if you need it to.

That said, the Scrapper 5 is a more useful knife day to day (as is the High Street). The size of the S5 and HS are more conducive to unobtrusive carry and daily tasks. They just seem "right".

But in a camping, combat, or SHTF scenario, I think I'd reach for the SOD. It's a hell of a knife.

Oh, btw, on a budget, the LMF from Gerber is not too shabby. I paid $65 for mine and it's worth every penny....it rides in my just in case bag in my truck. Cheap enough that I don't mind losing it; good enough that I won't feel "outknifed" LOL

Where do you buy the SOD?  I checked their site and it seems like they only have one knife you can order.  I really like the tan SOD, their site is just a little confusing.
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