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Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:30:59 PM EDT
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Heh. Dude, it's far worse than you think. Via a combination of medical complications (undiagnosed sleep apnea, which aggravated undiagnosed ADHD to the point I had to get meds for it) my 4 year plan to do a math/physics dual major in my late 30s became an 8 year plan. Going back to college in your late 30s was interesting because the profs treated me like a peer, not a student, for the most part... and the stories they related about teaching the Physics for Educators courses were horrifying.  People in their early 20s who didn't understand phases of the moon, couldn't be bothered to do simple arithmetic (grade school math, mind you), or a number of other similar things. This, coming from people who *had* to pass those classes to get out of high school. We joked about engineers being "special" and pre-med/pre-law students not being nearly as bright as they thought they were, but when it came to education majors, the laughter disappeared. That was from the actual physics physics types, the particle physicists and our pet theoretician... the Physics Educator guy, he'd get absolutely morose.  I found out my department chair was just as conservative/libertarian-ish as I am when I was in his office and he went off on a rant on how shitty the Ed majors were and how throwing money at the problem would never fix that level of dumb.

Are we obeying standard order of operations here? If so, PEMDAS dictates that's 0. Personally, I hated order of operations questions in grade school. They're pointless bullshit. Outside of grade school, high school, and 'haha gotcha!' social media posts, I've never had to use order of operations rules. If anything, the only use I can see for them today is ghetto obfuscation/encryption... much like a stick shift is an effective anti-theft device now, a OO equation would stump most people.
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Long time adjunct here.  Older students and students who are either in the reserves or out of active duty make the best students.  No BS, no excuses, they just do the work and generally do it well.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:31:19 PM EDT
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Maybe she's using her fat ass to move weight. CUZ is hella chonk
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Now you know who’s eating all that pasta. Pics of Chonk?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:32:32 PM EDT
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Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
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Just part of bringing back royalty, serfs and the loss of your freedoms. If you have to ask, you're a serf.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:36:19 PM EDT
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Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
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She weighs less in kg.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:38:34 PM EDT
Math teacher is ESL
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:39:19 PM EDT
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Just part of bringing back royalty, serfs and the loss of your freedoms. If you have to ask, you're a serf.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:40:02 PM EDT
2g was likely just a typo, and she meant 2kg.

And that’s a 2nd grade math problem?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:44:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:53:20 PM EDT
Math is relatively easy and straight forward, once you realize it is a shitty programming language with no IDE, one letter variables, no data typing, a very minimal set of core functions, and no source code.

On the other hand, TEACHING math is really hard since not only do you have to constantly overcome the students "math is hard" self-block but you also have to teach, and doing a good job of teaching any subject takes a lot of work and is hard to do.

Then throw in the BS that the states impose on how things are taught, created by people who aren't excellent teachers, etc.  

For what is spent per student on K-12 education, a much better job could be done but it would involve firing a bunch of people and paying qualified people to develop course content, exams, homework, etc and then more qualified people to present that content to the students and help them learn it.  If you doubt this, for anyone over 50 compare your middle and high school education and what was expected of you compared to todays students...

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:53:49 PM EDT
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is it Louisiana math?
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No, because the pot would've had etouffe, jambalaya, crawfish, shrimp, or crabs.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:56:45 PM EDT
It is ALL in the shitty teacher's unions, protecting the bad teachers, and the "diversity" hiring.    
Remember when Jay Leno did his "Jaywalking" bit?   Some of the most incredibly stupid respondents were TEACHERS
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:00:24 PM EDT
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Long time adjunct here.  Older students and students who are either in the reserves or out of active duty make the best students.  No BS, no excuses, they just do the work and generally do it well.
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I got both~ Was active duty Navy from 00-06 and active reserve from 06 to 08.  I came in accepting that I wasn't nearly as quick at math as I used to be... During HS and my first attempt at a degree in the late 90s, I was almost always the first person to hand in a math exam. This time around I was usually the last, and depending on the class I'd regularly run out of time. That said, really enjoyed most of my classes until the sleep apnea beat most of my brain cells into submission.

I was the "Walk in, take exam cold, get an A" type for all my classes until I hit the "Okay, we're taking the kids gloves off" math/physics 200-level courses. I'd study for a week leading up to the exam, could recite damn near the entire tested material, give examples, and solve them in my head while explaining the steps orally... but the moment I sat down for the test itself, it all went away, and didn't come back until I was walking to my car after the exam was over. I chalked it up to test anxiety at first. My Dept chair was just as confused as I was. When my wife (nurse) noticed I regularly stopped breathing in my sleep, I got treated, and that mostly fixed the memory issues. Quite a few of my profs (including the chair) apologized for not making the connection, since the moment I said apnea most of their eyes lit up, followed by "Oh. Yeah, that'd do it."  

Those two semesters were rough as hell. Nearly dropped out because I thought I was too slow and not smart enough. Sadly, treating the apnea didn't fix the test anxiety, but I did get a bit quicker with the math. I was bitching about that and my newfound complete inability to focus or get shit done to a group of friends, which included a licensed psychiatrist, and he pointed out what happened to me is remarkably common for folks with ADHD who learned to tame it when they were younger. Apnea makes you too tired to be ADD, brain deletes all the ADD coping mechanisms you developed as a teen because it doesn't need them anymore, and when the apnea goes away, a good chunk of your brain is basically rolled back to when you were 10-12. Dealing with that has been "fun." Even with meds, I'm "better" but I still have problems.

Eh, sorry for the wall of text... I'm obviously still working through a lot of that.  And also procrastinating.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:10:30 PM EDT
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Math is relatively easy and straight forward, once you realize it is a shitty programming language with no IDE, one letter variables, no data typing, a very minimal set of core functions, and no source code.

On the other hand, TEACHING math is really hard since not only do you have to constantly overcome the students "math is hard" self-block but you also have to teach, and doing a good job of teaching any subject takes a lot of work and is hard to do.

Then throw in the BS that the states impose on how things are taught, created by people who aren't excellent teachers, etc.  

For what is spent per student on K-12 education, a much better job could be done but it would involve firing a bunch of people and paying qualified people to develop course content, exams, homework, etc and then more qualified people to present that content to the students and help them learn it.  If you doubt this, for anyone over 50 compare your middle and high school education and what was expected of you compared to todays students...

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" />
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:15:17 PM EDT
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Math is relatively easy and straight forward, once you realize it is a shitty programming language with no IDE, one letter variables, no data typing, a very minimal set of core functions, and no source code.

On the other hand, TEACHING math is really hard since not only do you have to constantly overcome the students "math is hard" self-block but you also have to teach, and doing a good job of teaching any subject takes a lot of work and is hard to do.

Then throw in the BS that the states impose on how things are taught, created by people who aren't excellent teachers, etc.  

For what is spent per student on K-12 education, a much better job could be done but it would involve firing a bunch of people and paying qualified people to develop course content, exams, homework, etc and then more qualified people to present that content to the students and help them learn it.  If you doubt this, for anyone over 50 compare your middle and high school education and what was expected of you compared to todays students...

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Oddly enough, I found that teaching the math/physics I was trying to learn really helped me get a better hold on it. Doesn't hurt that I've always been a bit of a math nerd and I actually enjoy teaching when the other person actually wants to learn. Admittedly, it's not like I have a lot of experience, but what little experience I do have tells me that a good chunk of teaching math effectively is wrapping your head around how the student sees/understands things now, and building a linguistic bridge to relate the concept you're trying to teach into terms they can wrap their head around. Do that successfully enough for enough topics and eventually the need to build those bridges drops precipitously.  Until you hit shit that requires differential equations and linear algebra as a construction basis, math isn't hard unless you have a shitty instructor. Writing proofs on the other hand? Well, that shit's not hard either, it's just irritating as fuck. "Prove 1+1=2 without using math." -> "Go fuck yourself with a bag of hammers."

 My wife's a nurse, so she never had to do more than moderately complicated algebra. I helped her refresh a lot of that when she decided to go to nursing school when we first met, which involved a lot of "You're not as bad at this as you think. I think you just had shitty teachers" moments.  When I went back to college, I ended up teaching her basic calc (derivatives mostly), and eventually at least covering the principles of integration so she at least knew what was up even if she didn't have all the tools to do it herself. As my classes grew more complex, she'd actually randomly ask me questions on physics. Sometimes they covered stuff my classes had already hit on, so I got the opportunity to relate some of that.  "Either someone vomited the greek alphabet on your homework, or you're trying to summon a demon" was one of her favorite comments when I hit 300 level courses. Still, she's the only nurse I know who understands how basic quantum mechanics works, what an operator is, what gradient/curl does and what they mean, can actually explain what a dirac delta function is and how it interacts with calc, and didn't need a 30 minute lecture to understand how Green's Functions work... so I'm pretty sure I didn't fuck up to hard trying to teach her what I was learning.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:26:04 PM EDT
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Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

Looks like it's a conversion question, kg to g. How's your kids critical thinking and or reading comprehension teacher?
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My kid was like

Fadda who da hell cooks 9 pounds of pasta!
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:27:17 PM EDT
Best math teacher I had was a Vietnam vet
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:51:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:04:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:04:48 PM EDT
Listen to this stupid fucking questions.

Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

Then was 2g eaten....fuck yeah if 4kg missing...but are you asking if only 2g were eaten? BE MORE FUCKING SPECIFIC

At least this lady can add 2+2
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Nobody who is going into teaching at grade level 12 and below plans on teaching math.
I tutored education majors in college for the basic math classes that they were required to take.
Fractions and decimals were the usual sections that I tutored for.
Followed closely by story problems for any manner of math function.
Paid by the college.
I always wondered if the hours I reported were ever questioned.

The math teachers my kids have had have been barely tolerable.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:04:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:10:26 PM EDT
She’s not there to teach.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:11:27 PM EDT
Math is racist.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:23:02 PM EDT
Lol. Before OP criticizes math teacher he should learn basic grammar
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:27:10 PM EDT
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Lol. Before OP criticizes math teacher he should learn basic grammar
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Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:29:22 PM EDT
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Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
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Scientists, engineers, doctors, sometimes even cooks too.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:30:37 PM EDT
I am a retired engineer so 95% of my college courses were basically math.  I did not really learn math until I got to college and I took my first calculus course and my teacher had a real bad stutter and that slowed down the class enough to help me learn and in that class math clicked for me and was all A's after that.  

Math is a hard course to teach, if the person learning does not have an aptitude for math, will be difficult to learn the rules and process of solving problems...

ETA:  All of my engineering courses were in metric units, this was 44 years ago, so I learned metric and can work and convert very well in my head

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:33:55 PM EDT
Found out today that there is an employee that is unable to add 6.5 and 1.5 or similar types of numbers. A supervisor has to do his daily time card.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:34:26 PM EDT
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It's all bullshit.

Just wait, as soon as your kid gets numbers figured out they'll start adding letters and symbols and other made-up shit.
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Ha ha ha.  My thoughts too!
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:38:49 PM EDT
Respond with "Is Angelos a spark driver?"
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:39:56 PM EDT
Incomplete question...were they on a treadmill?

And yeah if 2 kilos are gone I'd say 2 grams are eaten for sure.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:45:11 PM EDT

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

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That’s obvious.  Angelo is cooking all that pasta for his THICC lady friend.  Takes a lot of carbs to get that booty.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:46:49 PM EDT
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but has anyone else caught the whole g versus kg unit issue?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:56:06 PM EDT
OP has his kid in public school?  If he has any means to change that he should or take some time each day to be a math instructor to his kid.  It wouldn't have to be much, just make sure the kid can do multi-row addition, subtraction/multiplication/long division; basic geometry concepts; beginning calculus; differential equations; linear algebra; Laplace transforms; etc.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:56:29 PM EDT
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I went to public school in south louisiana...you liucky I can use a cpomuters.

Are we?

Now that’s a spicy meatball!!
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:57:20 PM EDT
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Lol. Before OP criticizes math teacher he should learn basic grammar
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Herp derp
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:58:25 PM EDT
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OP has his kid in public school?  If he has any means to change that he should or take some time each day to be a math instructor to his kid.  It wouldn't have to be much, just make sure the kid can do multi-row addition, subtraction/multiplication/long division; basic geometry concepts; beginning calculus; differential equations; linear algebra; Laplace transforms; etc.
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Naw the only private school in town
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 7:59:12 PM EDT
Just show me how you got your answer and you are correct, duh
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 8:02:05 PM EDT
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I haven't read the whole thread yet, but has anyone else caught the whole g versus kg unit issue?
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Yes I did and did not address, units will get you in trouble every time, I assumed it was a typo.

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 8:03:20 PM EDT
I used to teach math. That problem is incredibly poorly written.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 8:15:04 PM EDT
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I went to public school in south louisiana...you liucky I can use a cpomuters.
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The jury is still out.

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 8:20:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 9:00:11 PM EDT
How the fuck would I know?  Someone cooking something doesn't mean a single molecule was 'eaten'.

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 9:03:05 PM EDT
First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

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Fat chicks eat a lot
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 9:14:40 PM EDT
Listen to this stupid fucking questions.

Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

Then was 2g eaten....fuck yeah if 4kg missing...but are you asking if only 2g were eaten? BE MORE FUCKING SPECIFIC

At least this lady can add 2+2
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Wha age is that question 4?

4kg, wtf that’s 8 packets of spaghetti

Also insufficient  data who’s eating some 90lb chick who eats like a mouse or me?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:12:11 PM EDT
Correct answer is 3.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:15:20 PM EDT
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Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
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Not when cooking but when mixing chemicals.

It's hard to remember how meany tea spoons in a peck, and how many handfuls in a henway, and cups in a quart per fluid ounce.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:41:39 PM EDT
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Found out today that there is an employee that is unable to add 6.5 and 1.5 or similar types of numbers. A supervisor has to do his daily time card.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:46:24 PM EDT
Listen to this stupid fucking questions.

Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

Then was 2g eaten....fuck yeah if 4kg missing...but are you asking if only 2g were eaten? BE MORE FUCKING SPECIFIC

At least this lady can add 2+2
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If your son is having trouble after 2 years, it's him. Get him tested.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 11:00:37 PM EDT
2g could have been dropped on the floor by little Charlie.

Or it could have tasted like shit because the cook used metric Instead of standard units for the recipe that was in standard, and it tasted like shit so it all went in the trash!
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 11:05:34 PM EDT
Math is hard.
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