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Link Posted: 1/23/2023 7:43:16 PM EDT
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So robots and sex dolls can't have kids, who knew?
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Blade Runner 2049 - (K. fights Sapper Morton) "You've never seen a miracle" Full Scene [HD]
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 7:44:13 PM EDT
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That ship has sailed long ago. Every other military recruiting or birth rate article I’ve read recommends more immigration at the end of the article as a solution. 84 million immigrants and their family already in our 333 million population not including the 5 million that just walked across the border.
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That kind of comment will just give Democrats justification for opening the floodgates on illegal immigration, even though we see how well that worked out for the Romans.

That ship has sailed long ago. Every other military recruiting or birth rate article I’ve read recommends more immigration at the end of the article as a solution. 84 million immigrants and their family already in our 333 million population not including the 5 million that just walked across the border.

Legal immigrants from nations that have similar cultures and work ethics isn’t a bad thing.  This bullshit both parties are neck deep in is about cheap labor for the corporations that are paying them.   For all the liberal whines about slavery, they also support a party that is complicit in allowing illegals to be paid less than minimum wage, which isn’t too far off from slavery.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 7:50:26 PM EDT
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It's like the threads about fast food worker shortages. People bitching about younger generations and laziness, unemployment extensions, economic/Covid stimulus check money. Video games, and couch-surfing while vaping pot at their childhood home into their 30's...

All of that doesn't "help", but it's not enough to really drive what's happening.

It's simple demographics. From a labor/workforce perspective, the Boomers are all dead, retired, or are getting too old to work even if they want to. Gen Z that backfills them is smaller than the Boomers, and the Millennials that backfill Gen Z are even smaller in number. It's an inverted pyramid, and has a compounding domino effect.

And this is why the drive-thru line at McDonald's is long, your order is always wrong, and they're short-staffed. And the people working at Walmart are lazier, sketchier, and "methier" looking than ever. There's no cheap and reliable robotics that can replace all this labor yet. Everybody with two brain cells that connect in their skull has a better job that's either easier, more interesting, or higher paying, or all three. And entry-level service-sector jobs are left scrambling for people who can piss clean, and will actually maybe show up for their shift.

The illegals can't fill all these jobs. The large employers, or any that have actual HR systems can't fake the I9 forms & ID info. There's not enough passable forged info or identity theft credentials to go around, and only certain economic sectors that are better suited to absorb illegal immigrant labor can take them. Businesses netter suited to cash pay under the table, like independent restaurants, or construction trades with layers of contractors and sub-contractors where there's some plausible denial and insulation from illegal worker fines/raids, agricultural work where they're spread all over the countryside, or jobs so undesirable, the business is complicit with the illegal immigrant like certain meat packing plants, and there's a sort of uneasy unspoken truce, where INS/CPB doesn't raid every last one of them they could, for fear an entire business sector would collapse. And the occasional raid that makes the news is unlucky for that particular company, and just political theater to a degree.

Cultural attitudes and trends, economics and politics can add some amount to the overall birthrate decline, but they're all secondary factors at best. Even with all the issues people like to point to, birth control, (Hello, condoms have been a thing for a long time now...) social, and economic/policy/tax demands creating two parent, or married couple working families with less time for kids, laziness, online activities/social media, all of that, it contributes, but it's also just nibbling around the edges.

From the perspective of the United States, and to varying degrees, the rest of the world... two big things happened. The internal combustion engine, and WWII.

in 1900, about 35% of the American population were farmers, or farm-families, or otherwise lived on a farm. The non-farming distributed rural population was perhaps 50%. Today, roughly 2% of the American population is "agricultural". And some chunk of that isn't actually farmers/ranchers even. There's some packing plant workers, grain elevator operators, people dealing with fertilizer or whatever, some farm/livestock veterinarians, and other agricultural support functions/people in that 2%.

There have been huge upsides to this. The average price paid for 2000 calories of food per day paid by average American workers/incomes as inflation adjusted dollars, or just hours worked, has fallen by about 85% since 1900. It would be even more, except that the enormous savings has partially been poured back into higher margin value-added convenience food services, aka "eating out". If you compare to just food prepared at home in kitchens, the relative price decrease is even bigger. If you compare a fixed basket of goods, base raw ingredients and staples (things most people hardly use anymore) like flour, oils/fats, sugar, raw meat, dairy, eggs, vegetables and fruit... the decrease for food vs. real/adjusted wages or work hours is possibly as much as 95%.

The lifestyle where more kids = more labor for the farm, and there was no electricity, no radio, no TV, much less Internet, and the million other things we have today, and nothing to do after sundown but play hide the salami with your wife by candlelight... the last big chunk of Americans living that lifestyle, it just died.

And then, WWII happened. War, danger, insecurity, huge amounts of people leaving, then returning... whatever, it seems to make people horny. And that insecurity drives the third-world birthrate to a degree, and it'll drop too, assuming their cultural issues unfuck themselves enough to allow for increased infrastructure and modernity to continue to penetrate their countries.

And the internal American economic demand post-war from the Baby Boomer demographic glut, people kind of just took that to be "the new normal."

And the economic, rade, and industrial factors from the US being the only world power that didn't see any significant damage, and wasn't also closed off and hamstrung by the Iron Curtain/Communism, people kind of took that to be "the new normal" as well, and just sort of assumed it would be that way forever too.

Yes, the US government, and various social changes/attitudes influencing our national economic and international policy have been absolutely pants-on-head stupid, if not downright intentionally evil and anti-American at times. And some aspects of post-war American global dominance are a problem too. The "surface area" of the US Dollar as the #1 world reserve currency, and the Petrodollar, and perpetual inflation from debt-backed Federal Reserve notes, and the final nail in that coffin with stuff Nixon did, means there is or was, a ton of "surface area" for the Fed Reserve to print/issue dollars like crazy and Congress to continually deficit spend, and not suffer bad "inflation", at least much of the time. (There's always some with debt-backed fiat currency and a central bank, always...) And the effects of that on real wages for Americans arguably accelerated the pressure for two-income married couples/families. Plus a bunch of other social things that drove it too.

There were also other things that arguably robbed the American people of even greater prosperity, like a couple of arguably wasteful wars/occupations that cost trillions of dollars, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a ton of excessive cold war spending that didn't really match the actual military or economic poverty of the Warsaw Pact. Both out of a cynical desire to line one's pockets, maintain political/military power and influence, and an honest dose of "better safe than sorry" over-caution all fed it. Argue the details all we want, but out of the billions or trillions spent on defense, whatever portion of it was unnecessary or waste, was a tax dollar Americans could have spent on themselves or saved. Or it was deficit spent, and drove inflation, shrinking the dollars Americans had in their purses, wallets, and bank accounts, and paychecks.

President Eisenhower warned us about it in his "Military Industrial Complex" speech, but it went nowhere.

Then, in a double-whammy, LBJ's "Great Society" went and did the same thing with welfare/entitlements as Cold War military spending, and added to it the creation of an intergenerational welfare-dependent underclass that played a big part in stopping whatever good came out of the Civil Rights Movement, and race relations in America dead in it's tracks.

But as much as one can bitch about all of that, and more, China's "most favored nation status", the WTO and the G8, 9, 13 or whatever the hell it is now, NAFTA, and whatever else, had that all been "done right", many things around the edges would indeed be significantly better, but in the large broad strokes, America would still be in the same boat we are now no matter what. Even had every last aspect of US economic, military, and foreign policy all been "perfect" from the standpoint of protecting the best interests of the American people as a whole.

The internal combustion engine, taking on the form of the modern farm tractor, ended the era of America being a significant agrarian economy, in terms of employment and lifestyle for good. And cemented our existence as a majority urban/suburban industrial economy. And WWII, the Baby Boomers, and the post-war decades of America being the last-man-standing economically... none of that was going to last forever.
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holy wall of text Batman.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 7:56:24 PM EDT
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Just put planes to Japan at our souther border.  It's mostly breeding age men anyway
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We can ship our immigrants there
Just put planes to Japan at our souther border.  It's mostly breeding age men anyway

That could be dangerous down the road. Thats kinda how we got killer bees…
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 7:57:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 7:58:48 PM EDT
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Modern japanese women are extremely disloyal and cheating is far more acceptable there than it is in US culture, something to keep in mind.
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You have no idea WTF you area talking about
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:00:08 PM EDT
Thought it would be due to their debt.  Last I recall it dwarfed the US’s debt.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:06:49 PM EDT
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What’s wrong with population decline?


Less demand? Then less supply. Everything is proportional.

What’s the problem is government socialism, they spent too much of other peoples money and need the population to be a nice pyramid of more young to support the old.

We have 50 million illegals here but they are not as productive and are raised in the concept of equity so when it all crashes here, they will merely take what $$$ is left.

Then we become a corrupt 3rd world begging for any help. Then the globalists make an offer we cannot refuse.

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Yep. Greedy socialists need forever expansion. Fuck em.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:09:21 PM EDT
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Cheaper than losing half your shit in a divorce, just wait until they make a affordable fembot.
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Too much internet and manga tentacle porn for the young lads there. They just sit inside and jerk off all day.
Cheaper than losing half your shit in a divorce, just wait until they make a affordable fembot.
MGTOW thread
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:10:20 PM EDT
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Nope, if you live outside the major metro areas it is CHEAP liek 50k can get you a NICE house with a tiny yard.


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Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:11:29 PM EDT
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Too much internet and manga tentacle porn for the young lads there. They just sit inside and jerk off all day.
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Safer than losing half your stuff when she decides the marriage doesn't work for her anymore.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:17:08 PM EDT
The socialist ponzi scheme will collapse.
Japan will still be there and unless they continue to fill it with foreigners it will still be Japan beyond a geographic and economic zone.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:17:09 PM EDT
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Thought it would be due to their debt.  Last I recall it dwarfed the US’s debt.
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It's not what you think.  You're only seeing half of the equation.

I can be in debt $1 million.  I have total assets of $5 million.  Am I in trouble due to my debt?

Japan owns their own debt and then some.  Indeed, Japan is the largest creditor nation in the world.  

Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:19:03 PM EDT
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There are YouTube videos showing the growing number of abandoned single family homes in the rural areas of Japan. Some of them look easily livable, they just have no buyers. Their young people only want to live in the mega cities. Japan has also shut down a huge percentage of their public schools over the past 30 years due to lack of school age kids. They are definitely hurting as a society/nation.
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There numerous abandoned homes and towns across America as well.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:19:45 PM EDT
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Safer than losing half your stuff when she decides the marriage doesn't work for her anymore.
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Too much internet and manga tentacle porn for the young lads there. They just sit inside and jerk off all day.

Safer than losing half your stuff when she decides the marriage doesn't work for her anymore.
Just because they are making the tentacle porn does not imply they are the largest viewing audience or consumer of the tentacle porn.
Look at all the westerners talking about it.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:19:54 PM EDT
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What’s wrong with population decline?


Less demand? Then less supply. Everything is proportional.

What’s the problem is government socialism, they spent too much of other peoples money and need the population to be a nice pyramid of more young to support the old.

We have 50 million illegals here but they are not as productive and are raised in the concept of equity so when it all crashes here, they will merely take what $$$ is left.

Then we become a corrupt 3rd world begging for any help. Then the globalists make an offer we cannot refuse.

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Yeah, there really isn't a problem with population decline.   Other than the current monetary system doesn't do well with it.

Area-wise, Japan is about the same as Montana.  Do they really need 125+ million people in that space?  Seems like an over-crowding problem that is solving itself.  

Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:33:58 PM EDT
I know nothing about Japan so please take that into consideration when you read my post, but............

In some other places, women have decided to monetize their sexual attractiveness and men are slowly figuring out that marrying them is a suckers bet.  

A few years down the road they will leave with the kids and half your money.  And, what did the husband get out the the deal?  A stress induced ulcer, and temporary use of some previously owned vag.

Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:44:52 PM EDT
Japan really is a society of old people.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 8:49:14 PM EDT
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I think they'd rather die off than let the gaijin immigrant in.
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No round eye!

Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:10:42 PM EDT
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Well who in the hell wants to fuck a blurry pixelated pussy.
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Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:19:38 PM EDT
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Yea but they are not letting any American show up and buy a home.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:22:34 PM EDT
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Japan really is a society of old people.
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The have hundreds of thousands of old people’s homes setting empty.  No one wants to live that way…meaning young folks.  
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:24:20 PM EDT
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Yeah, there really isn't a problem with population decline.   Other than the current monetary system doesn't do well with it.

Area-wise, Japan is about the same as Montana.  Do they really need 125+ million people in that space?  Seems like an over-crowding problem that is solving itself.  

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What’s wrong with population decline?


Less demand? Then less supply. Everything is proportional.

What’s the problem is government socialism, they spent too much of other peoples money and need the population to be a nice pyramid of more young to support the old.

We have 50 million illegals here but they are not as productive and are raised in the concept of equity so when it all crashes here, they will merely take what $$$ is left.

Then we become a corrupt 3rd world begging for any help. Then the globalists make an offer we cannot refuse.

Yeah, there really isn't a problem with population decline.   Other than the current monetary system doesn't do well with it.

Area-wise, Japan is about the same as Montana.  Do they really need 125+ million people in that space?  Seems like an over-crowding problem that is solving itself.  

I think they are net food importers too and import feed for cattle.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:28:37 PM EDT
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I don't think this is a surprise to anyone. The question is, what's going to happen? There are only two three ways out of this, babies or immigration or robots.

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Robots that can have babies.


In the future automation and a single global government leads to a world dominated by  feminism.  

Men turn to sexbots.

Mad scientist develops a robots with wombs that can have babies. Feminist Government shits bricks and sends assassins to end this shit.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:30:17 PM EDT
I grew up hearing how overpopulated Japan was.  Or maybe that's just Tokyo.  Doesn't seem like a crisis at this point yet.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:33:58 PM EDT
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Don't worry, I got this.

Shopping list:

Plane ticket to Japan - 1
Tentacle monster costume - 1
Condoms - 0
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Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:38:43 PM EDT
93 million in 1960. It's not like the total number is a problem. They just have to adjust the economy so that the working population is able to support the dying-off seniors. With robots, that seems doable.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:38:50 PM EDT
Kids are an expensive luxury in todays world, with the exception of those paid by government to breed as a career choice for the lazy and mentally challenged.

I could not afford them, ???????

Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:39:55 PM EDT
We follow the same path.  

The only difference is illegal immigration.

Yet the world population grows at a fast rate.  The "superpowers" are dying.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:44:28 PM EDT
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There numerous abandoned homes and towns across America as well.
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Please advise where free livable abandoned homes exist……want one.

I’m calling BS unless it’s in some crime ridden democrat city.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 9:46:34 PM EDT
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We can ship our immigrants there
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LOL fuuuck that!!!

Pay families to fuck, either cash incentives or tax breaks.  Stipulate they have to be Japanese, Korean, or white and provide genetic proof.

Why not, NAACP got no offices there.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:13:35 PM EDT
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I thought there was too many people?
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There have never been more assholes walking around than there are right now. I’m not yet 50 years old and the world population has doubled since I was born. The US population has grown by over 100,000,000 in that time. Sorry I don’t give a fuck the population growth rate has slowed and whatever Ponzi schemes our governments have created on the basis of never ending growth will eventually come crashing down.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:17:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:24:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:27:29 PM EDT
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That was my thought as well, but I bet most young Japanese women would choose seppuku over the average ARFCOM'er.
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I'd be willing to help them out

That was my thought as well, but I bet most young Japanese women would choose seppuku over the average ARFCOM'er.

LOL, most women here in the U.S. would too. Have you seen all the "my wife is leaving me for another man" threads every other week.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:31:34 PM EDT
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Well who in the hell wants to fuck a blurry pixelated pussy.
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Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:34:09 PM EDT
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Yeah, there really isn't a problem with population decline.   Other than the current monetary system doesn't do well with it.

Area-wise, Japan is about the same as Montana.  Do they really need 125+ million people in that space?  Seems like an over-crowding problem that is solving itself.  

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What’s wrong with population decline?


Less demand? Then less supply. Everything is proportional.

What’s the problem is government socialism, they spent too much of other peoples money and need the population to be a nice pyramid of more young to support the old.

We have 50 million illegals here but they are not as productive and are raised in the concept of equity so when it all crashes here, they will merely take what $$$ is left.

Then we become a corrupt 3rd world begging for any help. Then the globalists make an offer we cannot refuse.

Yeah, there really isn't a problem with population decline.   Other than the current monetary system doesn't do well with it.

Area-wise, Japan is about the same as Montana.  Do they really need 125+ million people in that space?  Seems like an over-crowding problem that is solving itself.  

Yep. Housing prices drop as more supply is available than demand.

Japan has it right, we filled our low birth rate with poor dumb people who will do anything for a dollar.

When they have the numbers, they will decide elections, vote to take away wealth of anybody with any money left. Corruption will skyrocket. Dumber society. Less productivity. Crime increase. More greasing the wheels leading to evermore inefficiency.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:36:03 PM EDT
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LOL fuuuck that!!!

Pay families to fuck, either cash incentives or tax breaks.  Stipulate they have to be Japanese, Korean, or white and provide genetic proof.

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They already subsidize kids though. They should probably start taxing non-commercial internet usage by the minute. Make it nonviable to be terminally online, and this problem will end quick.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 10:50:28 PM EDT
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LOL, most women here in the U.S. would too. Have you seen all the "my wife is leaving me for another man" threads every other week.
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I'd be willing to help them out

That was my thought as well, but I bet most young Japanese women would choose seppuku over the average ARFCOM'er.

LOL, most women here in the U.S. would too. Have you seen all the "my wife is leaving me for another man" threads every other week.
Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 1/23/2023 11:42:43 PM EDT
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I don't think this is a surprise to anyone. The question is, what's going to happen? There are only two three ways out of this, babies or immigration or robots.

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Id be willing to help threeway them out of this
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 11:51:47 PM EDT
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Who's going to pay for the kids? Clearly not the NEET(Not in Education, Employment, or Training)
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You can't if you want progressivism, but lose the progressive values and its easy.

Have lower taxes for families and the corporations employing them.  If you want something, you create rewards for that kind of behavior.

Similarly de-incentivize anti-family/anti-Japanese behaviors.

Probably the biggest thing they could do is to have a similar law of return/citizenship/homecoming program for individuals of Japanese ancestry in the US like what Israel has for Jews.  But Japan'd have to readopt bushido/quasi bushido or push a similar value system or they'd just end up with more people engaging in the same crap and just attract manga/anime dweebs to continue the drain.
Link Posted: 1/23/2023 11:58:12 PM EDT
Been wondering what the cause of their declining birth rate is; social, economic, or biological issues?

Maybe all three.

But I’d be happy to help out, lol.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 12:50:06 AM EDT
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Been wondering what the cause of their declining birth rate is; social, economic, or biological issues?

Maybe all three.

But I'd be happy to help out, lol.
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It is all three. Well mostly the first two. The government has already tried creating beneficial economic conditions for people that have kids. It's not working. I was being cheeky about taxing the internet by the minute, but to be frank, society (Not just Japan but the whole of the developed world) is going to have to start having hard conversations about addiction to technology, because I do think it is a big problem. I mean, you can look at my post count and see that I like dicking around on computers, but I would be lying if I said that was ultimately healthy. We live in a time where a person can feasibly do everything from home  (work, entertainment, shopping, even base level socializing with others online), except make truly meaningful and intimate relationships. Computer assisted subsistence is so convenient, that it's ultimately destroying us. I don't really know how you fix that. Seeing the older kids of Gen Z coming of age, and seeing how seriously they take their internet identity now, having grown up with it from birth, it honestly scares me.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:23:28 AM EDT
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Well who in the hell wants to fuck a blurry pixelated pussy.
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The pixels disappear when you're there in person.  Trust me.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:32:27 AM EDT
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The developed world is collapsing while the illiterate third world expells it's excess to western shores to everyones detriment
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This dude ain't wrong.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:33:33 AM EDT
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I don't think this is a surprise to anyone. The question is, what's going to happen? There are only two three ways out of this, babies or immigration or robots.

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Or stop having a treacherous system of "print now, steal the value and equity of the currency holder, so they have to sprint on the treadmill of
inflation just to barely stay in one spot while we spend the future with impunity". You know that one paradigm that all nations seem to be operating under and the fuse is burning close to the powder keg.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:35:43 AM EDT
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I would absofuckinlootley help out if i wasnt married and didn’t have to fly, with emphasis on the later.

Jap males are a bunch of fags.
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Uh, at least they know how to define “woman”, unlike American males.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:36:07 AM EDT
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Oh noes.  And yet the US is projected to have another 100,000,000 more people by then.
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It’s under the assumption open borders and Obama - Biden levels of immigration continue to the end of the century. Trump interrupted that for a few years even with all those GD disappointed directed at him over not getting the entire border walled in 4 years with Nancy shutting down government to block him.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:37:25 AM EDT
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There have never been more assholes walking around than there are right now. I’m not yet 50 years old and the world population has doubled since I was born. The US population has grown by over 100,000,000 in that time. Sorry I don’t give a fuck the population growth rate has slowed and whatever Ponzi schemes our governments have created on the basis of never ending growth will eventually come crashing down.
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I have a strong suspicion the Japanese Prime minister isn’t soliciting your view on the matter.
Link Posted: 1/24/2023 1:54:36 AM EDT
Honestly, I don't think there is a fully developed country on the earth that is not facing that situation.  But immigrants are holding up the population numbers for most of the others.  I forget if it is Spain or Italy that is really getting fucked the most with this at the moment.
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