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Link Posted: 9/17/2019 10:52:50 PM EDT
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I'm guessing it's an enumerated power in the Constitution falling under the power to 'regulate commerce'...but then I'm not a constitutional scholar.
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I'm not sure where the federal government (NLRB and Department of Labor) derive their powers over this. These are publicly traded companies who should set wages. If an employee doesn't like it, they're free to go somewhere else.
I'm guessing it's an enumerated power in the Constitution falling under the power to 'regulate commerce'...but then I'm not a constitutional scholar.
Congress has authority to regulate interstate commerce.  A company setting wages for its employees does not rightly fall under this authority, notwithstanding the incredible abuse of that clause that the Supreme Court has allowed over the years.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 10:53:39 PM EDT
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I don't get how so many grown men are this emotional / give a shit?

Jealously?  I'm not pro or anti union but wow lol
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The issue goes directly to the ever increasing socialist mentality and its encroachment on our society.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 10:55:55 PM EDT
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I'm old enough to have heard the stories about my grandfather who died from working in a coal mine before the unions could improve the safety conditions. Management never even went into the mines. Communists made inroads into labor unions because greedy fucks in management opened the door for them.
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Well comrad  turn in your gear.

If not for the coal mines where would your pappy have worked?

I get it he was forced to be a coal miner.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 10:57:14 PM EDT
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One would think that employers would get it through their skulls that if they simply treated their employees fairly, and decently unions would probably go away....Nope, you get morons with "God complexes"  that get their jollies off fucking with their employees......and there  are hundreds of thousands of businesses in this country with atrocious turnover rates, and stupid owners that can't figure out why.
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Not sure why this is so funny?
Because nobody is entitled to a job.

Don’t like the working conditions? Go elsewhere.

Striking is for petulant children.
Unions still exist because shitbag employers play their little games...then whine when those games are played on them.
There's a hundreds of thousands of employers in this country and countless opportunities for self employment.  There is absolutely no reason to suffer a shitbag employer.
One would think that employers would get it through their skulls that if they simply treated their employees fairly, and decently unions would probably go away....Nope, you get morons with "God complexes"  that get their jollies off fucking with their employees......and there  are hundreds of thousands of businesses in this country with atrocious turnover rates, and stupid owners that can't figure out why.
Once a union is in, it's sole purpose is to perpetuate its own existence.  Every. Single. Employer that's tried to play nice-nice is driven out of business because the bosses have to keep justifying their wages at the expense of workers' dues.  So they concoct ridiculous stories about how much money the company is 'really' making & blow every little incident out of proportion, in order to create a combative working environment.

If I turn a screwdriver as an engineer I can cause a goddam international incident if some hourly fuck spots me, shouting "he's takin' our jerbs!"  Instead, I'm supposed to wait until they find someone who's not already busy, and isn't on their break, to come over and bill an hour's time for a 30 second job.  And I'll probably end up doing it myself anyway, just to make sure it's done right; as long as he's getting paid, Bubba doesn't care.

Unions are best when they are incredibly weak.  Unions were conceived and created by the socialist movement (then called the Progressive movement) and are a staple of leftist bureaucracy.  They have been continuously managed & directed by leftist interests, even to the extreme of being international communist fronts.

Even in the olden days of isolated company towns, striking was a very poor way to accomplish what was needed.  It was a half-step removed from simply rioting & killing the owners.  Today, we have easy & cheap transport and effortless communication; no one is getting away with paying in company script, or paying half the going rate, or chaining workers to the radiator.  It's over.  The only purpose of unions now is to negotiate raises, and when you are paying a couple percent in wages a year to a group of leftist political hacks, in the hopes they squeeze another couple percent above *that* from your employer...you're just being greedy.  Willing to pay 3% in dues for a 6% wage instead of a 3% raise (or just applying for new jobs periodically to get a much larger bump), without any regard for the fact that extra 3% has to come from somewhere.  But the union boss tells me "they're hiding all sorts of profits from you guys; you gotta let me ask for more!"
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 10:59:33 PM EDT
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Many here know that a percentage of a UAW workers union dues goes to the democrat party.

Many here do not know that a UAW worker can opt out of paying the percentage that is taken out for this purpose.

So not all UAW workers support the democrat party.
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They work for and support a money mill for the democratic party. There's no churching that up.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:00:17 PM EDT
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How about cut management's pay and put them into the GM retirement plan? If they don't like it, they can... oh, wait. They get taken care of by their buddies on the BoD.
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Not sure why this is so funny?
Because nobody is entitled to a job.

Don’t like the working conditions? Go elsewhere.

Striking is for petulant children.
How about cut management's pay and put them into the GM retirement plan? If they don't like it, they can... oh, wait. They get taken care of by their buddies on the BoD.
Who are we to decide how much management is allowed to make?  Anyone who wants to be management is free to start their own company.  Most won't, but will continue bitching about "the man" keeping them down while "the man" provides them with a job by doing what they are either unwilling or unable to do themselves.

<---- Not management because I don't want to deal with the headaches.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:00:52 PM EDT
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Nope. The loan has been satisfied.

The problem is that the .gov wanted the company to pay them back with a certain percentage of stock shares. Those shares are underperforming so the .gov has not recovered the full amount of the loan. But that’s their own dumb fault for asking for stocks instead of actual money.

GM has fulfilled their end of the loan, and did so a few years earlier than expected.
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I'm no fan of the UAW, but GM paid back its loan ahead of schedule.
I believe there was something like $24B outstanding, that could have been a combined total, I don't remember.
Nope. The loan has been satisfied.

The problem is that the .gov wanted the company to pay them back with a certain percentage of stock shares. Those shares are underperforming so the .gov has not recovered the full amount of the loan. But that’s their own dumb fault for asking for stocks instead of actual money.

GM has fulfilled their end of the loan, and did so a few years earlier than expected.
No, that arrangement was part of the scam.  The magic beans stock shares were requested so cash would be available to...the union Democrat pass-through.  At the time, I remember analysts saying it was basically the government brokering a partial default just so the union wouldn't have to sacrifice along with all the creditors.  The union which had largely contributed to the cashflow problem and crushing bureaucracy of GM in the first place.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:00:59 PM EDT
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In to see how many union haters, have union built vehicles in their driveways.

Here's a list of union built items that union haters can avoid.
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Thank you, I will put this to good use.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:03:56 PM EDT
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Congress has authority to regulate interstate commerce.  A company setting wages for its employees does not rightly fall under this authority, notwithstanding the incredible abuse of that clause that the Supreme Court has allowed over the years.
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I was referencing Article 1, Section 8 listing the 35 enumerated powers.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

As I said, I'm no Constitutional scholar but would not the labor practices of a company engaged in selling vehicles in all 50 states and the US Territories qualify as engaging in interstate commerce?

I'm not trying to be a smart ass...I just don't know the answer.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:07:12 PM EDT
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Precedent case?

It's been done by many companies successfully in the past...
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Yep.  Pretty soon, it's rank and file will run out of money.  Most people live paycheck to paycheck.  As weeks go by, people will need to cross the picket line and go back to work.   GM might offer a little bonus or pay raise for those that chose to do so early.  
GM cannot do that, it’s is deemed by the federal gov’t to be an unfair labor practice and a violation of good faith negotiations.
Precedent case?

It's been done by many companies successfully in the past...
I’m not going to look up the reg or cases but Obama changed the NLRB regs.

Here from NLRB regarding unionized workers “right to strike:”

And here, from one of many labor law sites you can find by googling “firing striking union employees:”
Sec. 7. [§ 157.] Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 8(a)(3) [section 158(a)(3) of this title].


Sec. 8. [§ 158.] (a) [Unfair labor practices by employer] It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer--

(1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7 [section 157 of this title];


Striking, if organized properly, falls under sections 7's “concerted, protected activity” clause of section 7 — and in section 8(1), the employer will be committing an unfair labor practice if they interfere with the rights guaranteed in section 7

So, if they fired workers en masse, they would be committing an unfair labor practice, which is against what is permissible according to the NLRA.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:09:31 PM EDT
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Actually most of the boomers are the ones complaining about the union/gm etc from what I can tell

Yet they're all very pro police...which if I'm correct has one of the largest union presences?
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I support policemen and women, but not necessarily police unions.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:14:40 PM EDT
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You can get a job at a fast food place or grocery store making almost that and have better working conditions and hours. Permanent hires are better, but even that isn't enough to make up for the shit hours for the folks you want to hire.
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That pay is more than competitive in today's labor market.

Just like management's pay.  Don't like it?  Go work somewhere else.
You can get a job at a fast food place or grocery store making almost that and have better working conditions and hours. Permanent hires are better, but even that isn't enough to make up for the shit hours for the folks you want to hire.
Then do it.  Quit making excuses and go out and earn more money.

You might make $15/hr at Walmart.  Eventually.   Your benefits will suck, your hours will suck, and your retirement will suck.  And, unlike the cushy job at GM, Walmart can fire your ass at a moments notice, for any reason.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:15:36 PM EDT
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Well I guess the union members could elect to put in better leadership or those people could chose not to associate with that union at all, or you could live in a state where you are not forced to join a union or pay union dues.
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Look at it from a logistical standpoint.

You have a large plant that plans on opening in the near future and employing 10,000 people. Project managers and HR managers estimate it will cost $1,750,000 dollars to advertise, interview, and process all the applicants to get to an acceptable staffing level. Then add on another $175,000 a year for employee loss and new hires and $500,000,000 for wages/benefits per year. A union comes to the company and offers its services to provide employees who are already familiar with that companies industry at $450,000,000 a year to do all the work/costs previously mentioned. The company runs the numbers the union presented and sees that it will save them approx $50,000,000 dollars a year. Any company would seriously take that option and consider it since companies are in the business of saving/making money.

Now you get the govt involved to some extent because once you get to the point of having 10,000 workers employed they govt wants to ensure, as best as they can, the stability of that economy. I think the intention is to prevent a economic catastrophe where all 10,000 workers lose their jobs turning that 10-15 year built up area into a 3rd world shit hole with 10,000 unemployed and a company that has a major effect on the economy unable to produce goods and damaging the market.
You are naive, gov’t union labor regs are designed to allow unions to all but extort dues from members so unions can fund democrat coffers.
Well I guess the union members could elect to put in better leadership or those people could chose not to associate with that union at all, or you could live in a state where you are not forced to join a union or pay union dues.
Federal law and regs trump state law. If a company in a right to work state is unionized even non union employees can be forced to pay union dues, and to be represented by a union.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:15:45 PM EDT
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I was referencing Article 1, Section 8 listing the 35 enumerated powers.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

As I said, I'm no Constitutional scholar but would not the labor practices of a company engaged in selling vehicles in all 50 states and the US Territories qualify as engaging in interstate commerce?

I'm not trying to be a smart ass...I just don't know the answer.
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Congress has authority to regulate interstate commerce.  A company setting wages for its employees does not rightly fall under this authority, notwithstanding the incredible abuse of that clause that the Supreme Court has allowed over the years.
I was referencing Article 1, Section 8 listing the 35 enumerated powers.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

As I said, I'm no Constitutional scholar but would not the labor practices of a company engaged in selling vehicles in all 50 states and the US Territories qualify as engaging in interstate commerce?

I'm not trying to be a smart ass...I just don't know the answer.
Only the actual selling across state lines is interstate commerce.  Employing people to build cars is not itself interstate commerce regardless of where the cars eventually get shipped.  Once we depart from defining interstate commerce as only the actual transactions that cross state lines we open the door to allowing Congress to regulate anything it pleases, since everything we do can have some indirect impact on interstate commerce.  Hence the idiotic Supreme Court ruling that a farmer growing grain to feed to his own livestock was subject to federal restrictions because by growing his own grain, he didn't have to buy it on the interstate market and therefore influenced prices on that market.  That clearly was not the intent of the people who wrote the constitution.  By giving the Congress authority over commerce among the several states, the writers of the constitution intended to prevent states from engaging in trade wars with each other by levying tarrifs on each other's goods or banning them outright.  Those kinds of things had been going on under the Articles of Confederation and were weakening the nation as a whole.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:18:52 PM EDT
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I believe that is in "support " of them.  I think k they already finished / extended their own contracts and it was only GM that is the problem for some reason.

(Seems like is always GM more so than the other 2 for some reason )
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GM was chosen by the UAW this time around (and has been in the past too) to be the UAW whipping boy.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:20:52 PM EDT
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But GM can negotiate and if a negotiation cannot be completed they can claim an impasse and move forward. If GM didn't want these problems then they should have hired the UAW and hired people who would do the work on their own.
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Read up on unionizing a company. The short version is the union can lie and cheat and the company’s hands are tied.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:22:29 PM EDT
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I’m not going to look up the reg or cases but Obama changed the NLRB regs.

Here from NLRB regarding unionized workers “right to strike:”

And here, from one of many labor law sites you can find by googling “firing striking union employees:”
Sec. 7. [§ 157.] Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 8(a)(3) [section 158(a)(3) of this title].


Sec. 8. [§ 158.] (a) [Unfair labor practices by employer] It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer--

(1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7 [section 157 of this title];


Striking, if organized properly, falls under sections 7's “concerted, protected activity” clause of section 7 — and in section 8(1), the employer will be committing an unfair labor practice if they interfere with the rights guaranteed in section 7

So, if they fired workers en masse, they would be committing an unfair labor practice, which is against what is permissible according to the NLRA.
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Not fire them...   Lock them out.   Two different situations.

Cat didn't fire all the striking workers, it replaced them with temp labor and management.  Totally legal, even under Obama's administration.  The strike went on and off for 9 years .

It offered positions back to anybody willing to cross the picket line.   Totally legal.

Anybody left after 9 years got to come back under the new contract which fucked the UAW over.   They signed the contract, because there was nobody left to support the strike.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:24:49 PM EDT
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Correct but they are not indefinite.
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What are the parameters in which a company is forced to hire union workers?

Explain to me how a company is forced to employ union workers.
Can you point out the forced part to me please.
Sec. 7. [§ 157.] Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 8(a)(3) [section 158(a)(3) of this title].


Sec. 8. [§ 158.] (a) [Unfair labor practices by employer] It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer--

(1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7 [section 157 of this title];

(2) to dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization or contribute financial or other support to it: Provided, That subject to rules and regulations made and published by the Board pursuant to section 6 [section 156 of this title], an employer shall not be prohibited from permitting employees to confer with him during working hours without loss of time or pay;

Apparently striking is covered under " other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection", so firing them en masse is considered "unfair labor practices" under section 8.

Also under section 8, if the employees vote to unionize, then they get to unionize and tough shit if the employer doesn't like it.  Your only other option at that point is to close up shop.

but you probably knew all this already.
Is GM firing them? I thought GM was attempting to negotiate a contract now that the last one is expired.
NLRB regs extend beyond the expiration of contracts.
Correct but they are not indefinite.
They are indefinite. Ending only when the company goes belly up, is able to decertify a union via vote or an agreement is reached. [So long as the strike is “lawful.” Read the previously posted citation to labor striking rights for a definition of a lawful strike]
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:27:07 PM EDT
A little Wobblies anybody?

Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:27:36 PM EDT
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Imagine if your job was to sit  on a hard stool in front of a conveyor line that moved parts by in front of you.

Your job was to run an air powered automatically fed screw gun and install 20 000 screws each day.

You are not getting $20 an hour because you are a rocket surgeon, you are getting it because of the repetitive movement stress damage you are inflicting on your fingers, wrist, elbow.

No way I would want that job.

Yet that is exactly what my buddy did at Ford.
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His job would have been automated but for union negotiated work “rules.”
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:28:45 PM EDT
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Only the actual selling across state lines is interstate commerce.  Employing people to build cars is not itself interstate commerce regardless of where the cars eventually get shipped.  Once we depart from defining interstate commerce as only the actual transactions that cross state lines we open the door to allowing Congress to regulate anything it pleases, since everything we do can have some indirect impact on interstate commerce.  Hence the idiotic Supreme Court ruling that a farmer growing grain to feed to his own livestock was subject to federal restrictions because by growing his own grain, he didn't have to buy it on the interstate market and therefore influenced prices on that market.  That clearly was not the intent of the people who wrote the constitution.  By giving the Congress authority over commerce among the several states, the writers of the constitution intended to prevent states from engaging in trade wars with each other by levying tarrifs on each other's goods or banning them outright.  Those kinds of things had been going on under the Articles of Confederation and were weakening the nation as a whole.
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Thank you.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:32:21 PM EDT
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I gathered as much. I suppose GM could always give the 60 day notice to terminate and call the UAW's bluff. I would be fine with that.
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The 60 day notice is to close a factory or the whole company.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:33:35 PM EDT
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Let's say you feel that moderators on AR15.com deserve to get paid for their services.

Would you:

A) Lock every thread, lock every user account, and prevent the site from operating until you got what you wanted


B) Approach the Brownells and the Avilas to discuss your proposal
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So people shouldn't be able to associate with other people or groups freely?
Not while trying to hold a company hostage
What is wrong with contract negotiations?
Let's say you feel that moderators on AR15.com deserve to get paid for their services.

Would you:

A) Lock every thread, lock every user account, and prevent the site from operating until you got what you wanted


B) Approach the Brownells and the Avilas to discuss your proposal
Now you did it. Think of all the grievances and appealsAttachment Attached File
when someone is warned, and the chaos when they go on strike!
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:35:00 PM EDT
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Look at what unions did to Hostess.

The union would rather run the company out of business than give up any of their perks.

Hostess came back unionless and is doing just fine.
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That's not the half of it. Both the Teamsters and Bakers Unions were striking at Hostess.
The Teamsters sat down with to negotiate with Hostess and gave Hostess their demands. Hostess told them the company was serious trouble and couldn't meet their demands. Teamsters called bullshit but Hostess showed them books. Teamsters called off their strike.
The Teamsters tried to tell the Bakers that Hostess was in trouble. Bakers refused to end their strike and work with the Company to save jobs.
Hostess shut down, Bakers had struck a knife in their "union brother's" back. They joined them on unemployment line but those baker sure did show those fatcats at Hostess.

Of course, the heads of Unions never lost any sleep over their "brothers and sisters " being on unemployment, but they never do.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:35:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:35:12 PM EDT
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Or you can close down and reopen elsewhere.
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Yea, that’s a real alternative, right?
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:36:22 PM EDT
I wonder how much Wagoner earned when he destroyed the largest company in the world?
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:37:17 PM EDT
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I would see it as a violation of the first amendment. Freedom of association also carries with it the freedom not to associate. In other words GTFO of my way, union middlemen. This is between me and a viable employer.

Also, the union is not a government body. Why are they confiscating part of a person's property (i.e., their earnings)?  How does a free individual become beholden to a group? No way. That's VERY unamerican.
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I'm guessing it's an enumerated power in the Constitution falling under the power to 'regulate commerce'...but then I'm not a constitutional scholar.
I would see it as a violation of the first amendment. Freedom of association also carries with it the freedom not to associate. In other words GTFO of my way, union middlemen. This is between me and a viable employer.

Also, the union is not a government body. Why are they confiscating part of a person's property (i.e., their earnings)?  How does a free individual become beholden to a group? No way. That's VERY unamerican.
That’s the federal gov’t and unions!
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:40:01 PM EDT
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If there is an impasse the only viable options open to them, (as opposed to closing down and selling the company), is to agree to binding arbitration. They can hire non-union fill in labor but I don't think they can be permanent employees.

Possibly somebody has a better grasp on the non union employee during a strike thing.
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“Lawfully” striking employees, as defined by NRLB, have a right to be re-hired under NLRB regulations.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:43:23 PM EDT
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They absolutely can.

The union isn't doing anything there, the people they extort money from do. Gm can dump the union and keep the people (that is, if they want a job).
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GM cannot fire strikers.

GM cannot dump the union. Only a vote of employees in unionized positions can decertify a union.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:45:10 PM EDT
A distant relative worked at a GM parts distribution center.  My dad and grandmother both told stories of her complaining prior to a strike at her plant in the late 1980s.  Her complaint, you ask?  She only made $16/hour to tape boxes shut.. Literally her only job was to run a tape gun over a box that someone else packed, someone else pushed down the belt, and someone else would take from her and load on to a truck.  That $16/hour did not include her benefits.  This was when minimum wage was $3.35/hour.  I don't want to know what a union box taper makes these days.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:45:23 PM EDT
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Back in the 1920s my gramps built oil derricks in Texas and New Mexico. He was strongly against his small company being unionized. He was attacked on a train by 3 or 4 Wobblies when they figured out who he was. In the ensuing struggle he dumped one of them out a door in between the cars onto the tracks where he was run over by the train. Supposedly the others backed off after that. Fuck the Wobblies.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:45:56 PM EDT
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Yea, that’s a real alternative, right?
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Or you can close down and reopen elsewhere.
Yea, that’s a real alternative, right?
Yes, shutting down a refinery or a mine or a chemical plant is easy to do. Just turn the switch off, call in a few uhauls, and move. Duh.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:47:53 PM EDT
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Look at what unions did to Hostess.

The union would rather run the company out of business than give up any of their perks.

Hostess came back unionless and is doing just fine.
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Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:48:03 PM EDT
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how many people do foriegn automotive makes employee in this country? Honda in employs like 16,000 or more JUST IN OHIO

BMW build plants here, Toyota has many plants, Subaru, etc

They sure seem to make money and employ a lot of people making living wages...
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There was a post awhile back that pointed out the pay disparities. GM pays about $15/hr more in total compensation than the average for foreign owned companies US plants.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:50:16 PM EDT
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Not sure why this is so funny?
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Because unions suck and cost businesses way to much money.  People in unions think they are necessary because they don't want to compete for a job.
Plenty of people in non union positions make plenty of money because they are motivated to do a good job because if they don't, they get fired. Businesses aren't in business to give people jobs. Jobs are a side effect of running a business.  
People in unions especially the UAW need to realize, GM could just move shop to China or India completely and then everyone is out of a job.
Or they can just close up factories in Union areas and open more places in right to work states and simply fire anyone that tries to unionize.  All the while, they'll just automate more.  
UAW people do simple repetitive tasks that anyone can be trained to do.  The only people in the whole operation that could be considered Craftsmen would be the ones that hand build engines for specialty vehicles.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:51:44 PM EDT
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GM cannot fire strikers.

GM cannot dump the union. Only a vote of employees in unionized positions can decertify a union.
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The hell you say. The company can lock them out, hire replacements and then go before the NLRB an show they negotiated in good faith. If the NLRB rules in the company's favor the replacements can become permanent. Union be Gone

ETA; not likely to happen in Michigan but it happened in Tennessee
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:52:17 PM EDT
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GM cannot fire strikers.

GM cannot dump the union. Only a vote of employees in unionized positions can decertify a union.
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They absolutely can.

The union isn't doing anything there, the people they extort money from do. Gm can dump the union and keep the people (that is, if they want a job).
GM cannot fire strikers.

GM cannot dump the union. Only a vote of employees in unionized positions can decertify a union.
The only person here that said anything about firing strikers is you.

They have a contact, it will expire at a set date. They don't have to sign it again.

It has been done many times (especially in my industry).
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:52:19 PM EDT
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Fuck unions
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Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:54:07 PM EDT
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Right-to-work means that employees are entitled to work in unionized workplaces without actually joining the union or paying regular union dues. They may also cancel their union membership at any time, without losing their jobs.

As of 2018, 27 states have adopted right-to-work laws. They are:
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
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Not quite. As I wrote, federal laws and regs trump state laws.

Unions under NLRB regs can for e non-union employees working for unionized companies in “union positions” to pay union dues. The non-union employee can seek reimbursement for the portion of dues attributed to political activity by the union, but not for that portion attributable to collective bargaining expenses. The union gets to do the expense breakdown....
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:55:01 PM EDT
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The hell you say. The company can lock them out, hire replacements and then go before the NLRB an show they negotiated in good faith. If the NLRB rules in the company's favor the replacements can become permanent. Union be Gone

ETA; not likely to happen in Michigan but it happened in Tennessee
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GM cannot fire strikers.

GM cannot dump the union. Only a vote of employees in unionized positions can decertify a union.
The hell you say. The company can lock them out, hire replacements and then go before the NLRB an show they negotiated in good faith. If the NLRB rules in the company's favor the replacements can become permanent. Union be Gone

ETA; not likely to happen in Michigan but it happened in Tennessee
If they were smart they'd get rid of the union asap.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:56:00 PM EDT
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You can get a job at a fast food place or grocery store making almost that and have better working conditions and hours. Permanent hires are better, but even that isn't enough to make up for the shit hours for the folks you want to hire.
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You are missing the benefits. Average GM hourly pay is $63/hr including benefits.
Link Posted: 9/17/2019 11:59:27 PM EDT
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Congress has authority to regulate interstate commerce.  A company setting wages for its employees does not rightly fall under this authority, notwithstanding the incredible abuse of that clause that the Supreme Court has allowed over the years.
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If any of the company’s product are sold interstate, or raw materials bought interstate... let alone international sales or purchases...
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:01:24 AM EDT
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I get to pay more for a car because these people are paid far above market value for their labor.
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And all the union people who don't build anything but the "dues' keep them in nice houses and cars.
Wich brings the price of goods. Maybe a car higher for me and you.

We pay more to support people who don't do shit
To make the product.
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:07:28 AM EDT
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No; as stated I have ZERO info about GM/UAW. Assumed it was just a strike for better work place. Assumed wrong. I don't want to derail this thread so ill just read for info.
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In perfect world, GM could fire people that didn't work.  They can't.

You telling us that you're okay with type of government interference in the free market?
No; as stated I have ZERO info about GM/UAW. Assumed it was just a strike for better work place. Assumed wrong. I don't want to derail this thread so ill just read for info.
UAW has stated openly that they are striking for "a bigger slice of the pie".  They also threw in "seniority for temporary employees", in order to gain their support since GM has taken to using a shitload of them.

Fuck them.
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:09:10 AM EDT
I dunno about GM, but BMW rotates their line workers every 2hr to a different station so their work doesn’t get repetitive.

Let’s face facts, the Union wants more workers paid more so the Union can get more members and more money... If they were complaining about shit work conditions, I would agree. They are also using this to force Ford and Fiat in the future.

Unions were good when the work conditions were shit and the companies took advantage of their workers, we have laws in regards to those... Unions are just greedy interest groups that in many cases let employees get away with shit they should be reprimanded for. How much does the heads of these unions get paid vs. their members?
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:11:39 AM EDT
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You are missing the benefits. Average GM hourly pay is $63/hr including benefits.
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You can get a job at a fast food place or grocery store making almost that and have better working conditions and hours. Permanent hires are better, but even that isn't enough to make up for the shit hours for the folks you want to hire.
You are missing the benefits. Average GM hourly pay is $63/hr including benefits.
What a rip off for primitive basic labor.

GM should invest more in automation.
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:13:38 AM EDT
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So we're cheering for American manufacturing employees to have worse lives at the expense of a shitty corporation simply because they collectively bargain instead of individually and everyone voluntarily did this? Cool, got it.
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As someone else posted, this is much more akin to cutting someone's femoral artery, then holding a gun to their head and negotiating a price for the tourniquet.  It's bullying and hostage taking of the worst kind.  Nothing even close to "negotiation in good faith".
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:13:47 AM EDT
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A distant relative worked at a GM parts distribution center.  My dad and grandmother both told stories of her complaining prior to a strike at her plant in the late 1980s.  Her complaint, you ask?  She only made $16/hour to tape boxes shut.. Literally her only job was to run a tape gun over a box that someone else packed, someone else pushed down the belt, and someone else would take from her and load on to a truck.  That $16/hour did not include her benefits.  This was when minimum wage was $3.35/hour.  I don't want to know what a union box taper makes these days.
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Probably 16.87
Link Posted: 9/18/2019 12:17:41 AM EDT
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At $15 an hour there was over 50% turnover within 30 days for all new hires. The current pay progression scale wasn't even a real point of contention for the first few years of employment, it was only the upper end that was an issue. You simply can't retain workers at the lower end of the pay progression. Why work in a hot ass factory climbing in and out of vehicles a thousand times a day with hours that prevent you from seeing your family when you can make just as much at a ton of other places with better hours and easier work?
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Good! I’ll take a job at half the pay 1/4 of the benefits and not bitch for a second.
At $15 an hour there was over 50% turnover within 30 days for all new hires. The current pay progression scale wasn't even a real point of contention for the first few years of employment, it was only the upper end that was an issue. You simply can't retain workers at the lower end of the pay progression. Why work in a hot ass factory climbing in and out of vehicles a thousand times a day with hours that prevent you from seeing your family when you can make just as much at a ton of other places with better hours and easier work?
The job must be really easy (and thus low value) if they can just keep pulling in new people off the street and plugging them in.

Sounds like the job has the right price tag attached to it.

When they have trouble coming up with people to do the work, they will raise the wage.  It's what happens in a free market.
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