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Link Posted: 5/22/2013 4:42:55 AM EDT
Nobody's ever a reservist.


Engineering equipment operator.

Hsld I know.

That's my wife. Navy EO.

I'm with the Comm guys at heart. First MOS was 2513.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 5:10:43 AM EDT
I am acquaintances with a couple guys that are super nice guys, funny almost dorky not like you'd think a super hero stud military type would be.

Turns out they are helicopter pilots that have flown some wild and even historical missions.

Yes, but we were all such dashing young stud aviators in our day...........................and bulletproof!

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 5:20:58 AM EDT
I emptied trash cans and swept motor pools.

Who wants to be my friend and be CBA????
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 5:28:28 AM EDT
Nobody's ever a reservist.


Engineering equipment operator.

Hsld I know.

I'am ....Twice!

1986-1996 Fort Garry Horse,  Armoured Recce (Canada)
2011-Present 15Y MO Nat Gaurd.  FYI-going through BCT at Ft.Benning at 41yrs old...SUCKS!!!
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 5:41:10 AM EDT
I swear I'm the only person in the world that doesn't own a National Guard backpack.

We can change that.

What do they look like?

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 5:42:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:01:26 AM EDT


here is the jack asses facebook page.Douchebag fan page

dude claims to be in the SCV, I'd like to know what SCV Camp he is in myself.

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:06:49 AM EDT


I worked with a guy who's buddy was in the Navy and said he just got in the 360 club. Supposedly in the middle of the night, he turned the ship slightly so nobody would notice, and made a complete circle. I've asked a couple people I've met and nobody has ever heard of this. Any Navy guys here ever heard this one?  


Phantom Shitter status is where it's at, you drop a deuce on the quarter deck and live to tell about it you've done something.

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:12:10 AM EDT
I worked with a guy who's buddy was in the Navy and said he just got in the 360 club. Supposedly in the middle of the night, he turned the ship slightly so nobody would notice, and made a complete circle. I've asked a couple people I've met and nobody has ever heard of this. Any Navy guys here ever heard this one?  


Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:19:59 AM EDT


I worked with a guy who's buddy was in the Navy and said he just got in the 360 club. Supposedly in the middle of the night, he turned the ship slightly so nobody would notice, and made a complete circle. I've asked a couple people I've met and nobody has ever heard of this. Any Navy guys here ever heard this one?  

I have heard bubbleheads talk about doing that.

I was a SWO and I heard about it. Never saw it done.

So many people would have to be asleep at the switch that to pull it off would be next to unthinkable.

- The OOD
- The JOOD
- The TAO
- The QMOW
- The ASUW Coordinator
- The Lee Helmsman (who would be expected to say something about it)

No way, man, and heaven help the poor soul caught trying to pull that off....

A little easier to pull off on a submarine, fewer watchstanders. And I've heard of the AOW/AEF coming back from a round to find the ENTIRE ships control party asleep.

ETA: Probably a little harder to do today with VMS. But back in the day, catch the QMOW between log entries.....

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:25:09 AM EDT

I worked with a guy who's buddy was in the Navy and said he just got in the 360 club. Supposedly in the middle of the night, he turned the ship slightly so nobody would notice, and made a complete circle. I've asked a couple people I've met and nobody has ever heard of this. Any Navy guys here ever heard this one?  


Phantom Shitter status is where it's at, you drop a deuce on the quarter deck and live to tell about it you've done something.


Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:42:07 AM EDT
<=== part of the USN a/v club for four years!
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 7:44:39 AM EDT
I am acquaintances with a couple guys that are super nice guys, funny almost dorky not like you'd think a super hero stud military type would be.

Turns out they are helicopter pilots that have flown some wild and even historical missions.

Yes, but we were all such dashing young stud aviators in our day...........................and bulletproof!

HMM TXJoe,  you are in Texas. I wonder if I served with those two guys???  Were they by chance with the 36 CAB OIF 06-08?  Our BDE did some interesting and some might say historic flights while we were there???

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 8:01:29 AM EDT
I had a great uncle who was one of 13 boys and 1 girl. Grandparents said in passing one time he was 'in the service' when I was a little kid. 20 years later I was talking to him at my grandma's funeral and happened to ask what branch of the military he was in.

He was a Marine at Iwo Jima. A machinegunner no less.

Serving was prolific :P 13 boys served in our armed forces.

No posing there. A lot of WWII vets are dying, but I wonder if there were as many posers there.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 8:37:03 AM EDT

Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I have noticed this as well... I have never met a single service man who told me that they were convoy driver, engineer, logistics,  not even anything "cool" like artillery or mortar man.  They were all snipers, special forces, EOD, or some general's body guard.

I was a fuel specialist. Deployed 3 times to iraq. Spent two of those tours attached with the grunts, LAR and occasionally some high speed guys who would pass through. Never saw a large FOB except when I would have to fly back to get parts for our equipment and whatnot. Slept in the same shitholes they did, went on patrols with the guys when someone else was too tired or didn't feel well, basically did everything they did at one point or another but also took care of my equipment and my three Marines and made sure the battalion could complete the mission by keeping everyone fueled up. Never understood why people get so ashamed to talk about their real job. I had a blast overseas, have a few cool stories which I won't be posting on a public forum, and am generally proud of my service. Wish others would do the same.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:02:36 AM EDT

IYAOYAS...what we do with the dumb ones who can't pass the tests for Bosun's Mate.

Spent my career (20 years) as a super secret squirrel Airframer...did a lot of seriously close hold stuff, but it mostly involves hookers and booze, and I had to sign an NDA when I retired, so I can't talk about it.

But there was this one time, off the shores of Iran...there I was, manning my grease rifle, when all hell broke loose...
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:07:36 AM EDT
I was a mechanic for my 4 years and did work out in 45b . I am still waiting to meet the first mechanics from Vietnam.. I have no idea how we dis not win it appears we sent over thousands of snipers. Not one mechanic , not one company clerk. I did meet a payroll clerk once.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

When I worked at the VA, everyone was a sniper in Vietnam at one point or another.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:08:03 AM EDT
You know, I just don't get it.

I've accomplished a lot in life. Not everything, but a lot. I graduated USNA, but didn't do well enough to go to Nuc school, so I was stuck as a SWO. I would love to have been a SEAL, but bad grades, lousy eyes, and an aversion to exercise took care of that early.

But why lie about it? I don't wear anything with a logo I didn't earn: no SEAL shirts, not even USMC shirt offered to me by my former USMC BIL. I wear USNA stuff, Navy stuff, SWO stuff, and enlisted submarine stuff (I qualified). Why pretend to be what I'm not?

It's not like people can't see through it...

I dunno. I guess I outgrew that bullshit in the 10th grade or so...

Yeah, but you SWO's are used to abuse and ridicule...

What subs were you on as an EM?  You might have crossed paths with my Pop.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:25:32 AM EDT

Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I have noticed this as well... I have never met a single service man who told me that they were convoy driver, engineer, logistics,  not even anything "cool" like artillery or mortar man.  They were all snipers, special forces, EOD, or some general's body guard.

I was a fuel specialist. Deployed 3 times to iraq. Spent two of those tours attached with the grunts, LAR and occasionally some high speed guys who would pass through. Never saw a large FOB except when I would have to fly back to get parts for our equipment and whatnot. Slept in the same shitholes they did, went on patrols with the guys when someone else was too tired or didn't feel well, basically did everything they did at one point or another but also took care of my equipment and my three Marines and made sure the battalion could complete the mission by keeping everyone fueled up. Never understood why people get so ashamed to talk about their real job. I had a blast overseas, have a few cool stories which I won't be posting on a public forum, and am generally proud of my service. Wish others would do the same.

Thanks for you service, please ignore the fucking clown shoes who thinks that (maybe) paying taxes is more righteous than your time supporting gwot.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:37:40 AM EDT
I had a great uncle who was one of 13 boys and 1 girl. Grandparents said in passing one time he was 'in the service' when I was a little kid. 20 years later I was talking to him at my grandma's funeral and happened to ask what branch of the military he was in.

He was a Marine at Iwo Jima. A machinegunner no less.

Serving was prolific :P 13 boys served in our armed forces.

No posing there. A lot of WWII vets are dying, but I wonder if there were as many posers there.

Family business, eh?  Kinda like us...Grandpop (Navy- GM during WWII) Dad (Navy- Nuc submariner during Cold War) Big Brother (The black sheep, he was Army Intel GW1&2, Kosovo, etc) Me (Navy GW1&2, etc)  Have a great uncle (Dad's unk) entombed on USS Arizona, numerous other buried around the world.  We've been fighting our countries battles since before it was a country.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:43:20 AM EDT
I was a mechanic for my 4 years and did work out in 45b . I am still waiting to meet the first mechanics from Vietnam.. I have no idea how we dis not win it appears we sent over thousands of snipers. Not one mechanic , not one company clerk. I did meet a payroll clerk once.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I know a chap who served in Vietnam as a mechanic.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:44:32 AM EDT
Nobody's ever a reservist.


Engineering equipment operator.

Hsld I know.

Son, you know the greatest soldier on ARFCOM is a Reservist 88M from AZ. Of course, he's saddled with being in the worst unit in the Army, complete with shitty NCO's who don't know how to take care of soldiers. But, even that didn't stop him from single-handedly winning the war in Iraq.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:46:49 AM EDT
With my current place of duty I feel like a military poser. God I miss the infantry.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 9:55:08 AM EDT
Had a clown tell me he was in  "1st Marines at Camp Lejeune"; but the REAL punch line was when asked about the wings on his BDUs, told us it was  "HALO; High Altitude Low OPERATION"  Was later charged, reduced, booted out.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 10:33:32 AM EDT
I was a mechanic for my 4 years and did work out in 45b . I am still waiting to meet the first mechanics from Vietnam.. I have no idea how we dis not win it appears we sent over thousands of snipers. Not one mechanic , not one company clerk. I did meet a payroll clerk once.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I know a chap who served in Vietnam as a mechanic.

I know a guy that was a butcher in the Army in Vietnam.  Like a meat cutting kind of butcher.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 11:01:33 AM EDT


I know a guy that was a butcher in the Army in Vietnam.  Like a meat cutting kind of butcher.

Did he ever snuff a rooster?

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 11:03:53 AM EDT


I know a guy that was a butcher in the Army in Vietnam.  Like a meat cutting kind of butcher.

Did he ever snuff a rooster?

I didn't say machine gun man.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 11:18:41 AM EDT
I personally have met two gentlemen who claimed to be trained as electronics technicians in the Navy.  We hired them.

Sure enough, put them in front of a circuit board and gave them a Fluke meter and an O-scope and they debugged the hell out of those boards.  Continued on to impress the hell out of all of us on many projects.

It appears the Navy trains their techs really well and they are indeed well prepared for getting a job in the civilian world.

No posers in this story.  Just grateful to have some new-hires who could get the job done.

In my limited experience, navy trains the best technicians.
a necessity at sea.  you can't just fly in a contractor everytime something breaks.

This is very true. That is the reason why I chose the Navy over all the other services, was the technical training I would receive.
I wouldn't be inthe engineering position I am today if it wasn't for the Navy and their training
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 6:21:25 PM EDT
I was a tank mechanic at Ft Hood, never went overseas. Played spades whenever the tanks were out running around or shooting gunnery.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 6:09:52 PM EDT
I was a mechanic for my 4 years and did work out in 45b . I am still waiting to meet the first mechanics from Vietnam.. I have no idea how we dis not win it appears we sent over thousands of snipers. Not one mechanic , not one company clerk. I did meet a payroll clerk once.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I know a chap who served in Vietnam as a mechanic.

I do also. Said that he fixed slot machines on the main army base in Vietnam. Sounded a little fishy to me.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 7:01:27 PM EDT
I guess Mr. Crazy left and never came back
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 7:02:40 PM EDT
I was in the Air Force.

I'm pretty sure that means I'm a military poser.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 7:25:36 PM EDT
Back in high school, there was this kid who would tell anyone dumb enough to listen that he was part of a super hsld Marine Corps sniper team and he was one of their best shooters. He would be leaving to join them full time as soon as he finished high school. When my friend who was an Army reservist questioned him about it, he toned down the bullshit a little bit, but he was still full of it. This was my senior year of high school, and he was a year younger.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:00:12 PM EDT
I think you guys forgot cadets.

I had a girl tell me that she was a Cadet major (college ROTC) and I was a lowly specialist. I told her that I wasn't in the make believe army. She never talked to me again.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:29:16 PM EDT
I have lost track of the number and types of posers out there.
"Retired CSMs" that have E6 retiree ID cards,
CA guys that were "operators,"
and worse crazy whacked out lies.
And that's from people that were actually in and nowhere near the depth of the lies I have heard from some others.  

If someone was a
PFC 11B in some hard fighting in Iraq, hats off to him.  
Hell, there are low speed leg truck drivers that got into some serious shit and did brave things on  convoys..
I don't know why it always has to be  a high ranking, special MOS, doing secret stuff story to be respectable.

I would respect anyone's contribution if they were honest about it.

The bull shitting I get from some people irks me.  It makes me very critical of them.
And I get black and white about it.

If someone told me-" I joined for the college money, got commo/electronics training, did a tour, never left the FOB, I was always laying cable and fixing shit, and IDF never got any where close to me, and am now working on my bachelors in engineering"


"I'm a crew chief on a fixed wing dropping off pallets everywhere"
I would be totally cool with it.

Once someone starts BSing me,
it aggravates me.

Once in a while it can really piss me off.  Plenty of people have died actually doing/being they guys they are lying about being.
I went off on a guy BSing me one time and laid it out.

Either you had your measure as a man taken and succeeded (Force Recon pipeline, CCT/PJ indoc pipeline, SFAS/Q-Course, RIP/RGR BN/RGR School, BUDS, etc.) or you never tried or you failed.  It's that simple.
Either you've been on target and sometimes got in some shit or you did not. Period.  
Either you have put yourself at risk when SHTF or you have not.
People  that have done one or more of those things know when they are talking to someone that has done one or more of those things for real or not..  
End of story.

He turned into white faced, watery eyed boy and went elsewhere.  Probably back to his barracks at the WTB so he can go to all his appointments for GERD at the hospital that he got sent home from his deployment for.  Maybe there all the chicks that got sent home for migraines, low back pain, or being pregnant would dig his stories.  The guys with real injuries and illnesses at the WTBs should probably get PTSD and depression benefits from putting up with all those ass clowns.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:36:03 PM EDT
Wore a multi cam ball cap with subdued flag patch.  Am I a poser or being patriotic for the weekend?  You tell me.

Many friends former and active duty.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:42:02 PM EDT
Just be proud of what you did...

I did IT work....and I was proud of it and I AM PROUD of it.

I watched slingers and pounders come in from their setups and gist back to the FOB.

I was busy all day and night fixing shit left and right to even cleaning pubic hairs from the keyboard..

It wasn't glamorous nor do I get a combat medal but I don't care.

I made sure stuff worked and people can do their jobs.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:57:05 PM EDT
Fucking pogues.

My first few years I was a buffer operator.

That's right! Operator.

Scrubbed shitters and showers too. Earning that drain baby badge was not easy.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:58:12 PM EDT

I usually just let them spout their bullshit.

This is the issue. Shut them down if you know better.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 9:59:08 PM EDT
Guy told me he served 6 years in the Army, Special Forces of course. He saw combat in Panama, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross twice. According to Federal law, when he dies he MUST be buried in Arlington, he has no choice. Anyone who gets a DSC must be buried there, and once he dies one of the DSC's automatically become a Medal of Honor.

I just ignored his bullshit. I do hope I am present when he spouts this shit off to the wrong person......

You should be the wrong person. Way to be an enabler.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 10:12:35 PM EDT
I worked with a guy who's buddy was in the Navy and said he just got in the 360 club. Supposedly in the middle of the night, he turned the ship slightly so nobody would notice, and made a complete circle. I've asked a couple people I've met and nobody has ever heard of this. Any Navy guys here ever heard this one?  

Yep.  I've heard of helmsmen trying that one.  Even saw it once.  Any conning officer or OOD who doesn't want to get red assed by the CO and every other officer and Chief on the ship would catch it pretty fast though.

I did know a female Coastie LT (CO of a 110 ft Cutter) that had that happen to her.... she was well known in the Norfolk area to say the least.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 10:20:05 PM EDT
I was filling my tank at Circle-K when a guy told me all about how he was a Lt Col in the SEALs in Vietnam.

Link Posted: 5/25/2013 6:27:58 AM EDT

What do they look like?

Cheap knockoffs of Oakley backpacks in black or another design in ACU.

With  big ol' National Guard recruiting logo splashed all over them
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 6:34:05 AM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

Commo, you can talk about us, but you can't talk without us.........

Which seems like all the fucking time! How long is your shops fucking smoke break?!
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 6:40:35 AM EDT
Actually JBLM instead of smoke breaks we had HALO breaks for HALO and COD
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

Commo, you can talk about us, but you can't talk without us.........

Which seems like all the fucking time!  How long is your shops fucking smoke break?!
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 6:43:47 AM EDT
My Uncle joined the Navy to avoid the draft for Vietnam.  They were looking for band members when he went through boot camp, so he was assigned to a band.  He spend the war as a litter bearer carrying the dead and wounded.  He is still fucked up
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 6:55:53 AM EDT
Actually JBLM instead of smoke breaks we had HALO breaks for HALO and COD
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

Commo, you can talk about us, but you can't talk without us.........

Which seems like all the fucking time!  How long is your shops fucking smoke break?!

Link Posted: 5/25/2013 7:15:40 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/25/2013 7:36:36 AM EDT
Wore a multi cam ball cap with subdued flag patch.  Am I a poser or being patriotic for the weekend?  You tell me.

Many friends former and active duty.

100% your right as an American to wear it.

But yes, in general, when you wear something associated with a certain background or accomplishments you don't have equals tool/poser status.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 7:55:33 AM EDT
Wore a multi cam ball cap with subdued flag patch.  Am I a poser or being patriotic for the weekend?  You tell me.

Many friends former and active duty.

I wear one all the time, I ordered it while I was in Afghanistan and like it too much to quit wearing it (Viper Headwear). Who cares what people think? Multicam (and most other camo styles) are so ubiquitous now that most people aren't going to look at a hat and automatically think military. Unless, of course, they're the ones eager to call you out as a military poser (I'm a contractor, not military). If they have an issue, they're free to ask me about it.

Now if I was wearing one that had an Army or Marine Corps patch, sure, that would be pushing it. But I've never understood the guys that get pissed off about civilians wearing camo.
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