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Link Posted: 8/25/2022 10:52:02 PM EDT

The Russian government pays for abortions.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 10:52:45 PM EDT
I don't buy this any more than I do the Putin = Hitler / Zelensky = William Wallace line.

People have been fighting over the prime real estate of the Crimea for centuries, it's strategically vital to multiple players. Slavs, Europeans, the Turks all fought over it in the past and in another century or two there will be more conflict over it.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:01:17 PM EDT
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oh bullshit.

highly Christian to invade your neighbor and slaughter their women and children with indiscriminate artillery fire on civilian areas.

Not that the west has much religious moral high ground to stand on but the corrupt Russian orthodox church is nothing more than a means of controlling the masses. Though most organized religion is just that...

The russians aren't fighting globohomo this was a straight up land grab aggression with a side of genocide. The Christian thing would be to love thy fellow sinner and hope to bring light to their sinful ways not blow them up cause they fags.
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When Ukraine declared its independence it also broke with the Russian Orthodox Church because of the Russian govt. control and corruption of the ROC. The Eastern Orthodox leaders agreed to the split as a means to weaken the Russian scam. Putin was enraged at the move and vowed to reverse it.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:12:08 PM EDT
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And the fact that Western Ukraine has been shelling the Donbas for 12 years is okay?
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When traitors and terrorists are trained and supplied by Putin, and fire on Ukrainian troops sent to keep the peace, you bet. Don't forget the assholes shot down an airliner with a Russian missile.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:17:51 PM EDT
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Tell that to Canadian truckers who had the fortunes seized/banks accounts locked (to this day).

Yeah. Free speech is alive and well, yo.

Bravo Sierra.
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My wife is Canadian and corresponds with some of them. Trudeau is a tyrant who, just like Putin, will go to any extreme to persecute anyone who defies him.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:22:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:27:37 PM EDT
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I can't find it now, but someone above said the "Christianity has killed more people than any other cause".

I don't believe it. Let's see some proof of that.

On the other hand, Communism killed around 200,000,000 people in the 20th Century alone.

That's a mighty big number.
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I can't find it now, but someone above said the "Christianity has killed more people than any other cause".

That lie is often used by haters but is not a fact. Stalin outdid Hitler and Mao insisted on being in first place. Well over 150 million between the three of them. Christians were more likely the victims.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:38:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:41:45 PM EDT
Haven't had the chance to post this in a while...

Would you just look at who is listed right there at the top!


Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:46:55 PM EDT
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I don’t care if Russia ends up overrunning Ukrainia or Ukrainia boots the Ruskies all the way back to Moscow.

Not my people, not my problem.

This isn’t a religious war, though people on both sides would like to convince others it is…and the anti-religious NWO types would probably relish a weaker Russia.
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Yep. That sums it up pretty well.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:53:30 PM EDT
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I don’t care if Russia ends up overrunning Ukrainia or Ukrainia boots the Ruskies all the way back to Moscow.

Not my people, not my problem.

This isn’t a religious war, though people on both sides would like to convince others it is…and the anti-religious NWO types would probably relish a weaker Russia.
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I hope someday when you need help you meet up with a Good Samaritan otherwise you're screwed.  
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:55:15 PM EDT
So, let me get this straight... Russia knows it can't win in a head to head fight with NATO... But it's war against Ukraine is a threat to NATO because they're going to invade a NATO country next - to reestablish the COMBLOC?

Do you realize how insane that is on its face?
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:58:36 PM EDT
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So, let me get this straight... Russia knows it can't win in a head to head fight with NATO... But it's war against Ukraine is a threat to NATO because they're going to invade a NATO country next - to reestablish the COMBLOC?

Do you realize how insane that is on its face?
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Considering your account is as old as mine, if I were you, I'd just ask for mods to lock this and let your stupidity fade into the obscurity of the archives. Maybe blame it on some booze and cough syrup.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 11:59:33 PM EDT
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Actually, he described non-orthodox modern Christianity very well.
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You clearly know absolutely nothing about modern Christianity.

Actually, he described non-orthodox modern Christianity very well.

No, he did nothing of the sort and clearly has no clue what he is talking about. But, hey I know being analytically myopic is all the rage these days, so have fun.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:08:36 AM EDT
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Its not even the same ballpark. I disagree with those things when they happen, but it's not. Even. Close. To the totalitarianism in Russia now.

Go protest down at city hall and let me know how it goes from your nice comfy chair later.  

You guys have lost your damn minds.

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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia's largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.
The UK has thousands upon thousands of people a year who are jailed over "speech crimes".
Joe Biden, and the entire DNC, openly talks about how America needs the same restrictions on free speech.

If the election were "more fortified" and we lost both houses in 2020..... you'd see people going to jail right now for spreading "misinformation".

The difference is, we excuse the totalitarian aspects of our own government.

When the Russians demand businesses shutdown speech critical of the regime... we call that totalitarianism. When the US Government does it, its just "Oh but they're a private business, so its OK!"

Sure, America isn't as bad as Russia... but the DNC and many Neo-Con subhumans desperately want it to be.
If the Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons had their way... you'd be jailed for criticizing our involvement in Ukraine or criticizing Mask mandates or Vax mandates.

Its not even the same ballpark. I disagree with those things when they happen, but it's not. Even. Close. To the totalitarianism in Russia now.

Go protest down at city hall and let me know how it goes from your nice comfy chair later.  

You guys have lost your damn minds.

Go to the UK and go share an "offensive post" and see what happens. A GWoT Vet has been arrested for literally sharing an "offensive" meme.
FFS, the UK Police frequently like to show up to people's homes and literally say "We came here to check your thinking".

Go to the UK or goto Canada and post a billboard saying "There are only two genders" or "Woman: Definition - Adult Human Female" and see where that gets you.

Here in the US, its no where near as bad as Russia... I admit. But you're *INSANE* if you think the Democrat Party doesn't want people to be thrown in jail simply for not being in lock step with their stupid worldview.
FFS, we now know that the US Government has been collaborating and colluding with Big Tech,.. advising them who to silence and who to deplatform... which is a *BLATANT* violation of the 1st Amendment.

I don't fucking *CARE* if Russia is worse.
While the infringements on our rights might be "less severe"... they're *ACTUALLY HAPPENING HERE!"

There are no Russians arresting Americans.... in America... for speech violations.
If Russians ever show up on our streets, arresting and executing Americans for criticizing Putin... *THEN* I'll start worrying about "Muh Russia".

An oppressive government on the other side of the planet is far less relevant to me than oppressive governments here at home, and in the West in general.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:16:50 AM EDT
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The West will cancel you and put you in internet jail for wrongthink. Russia will put you in real jail.
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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia's largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.
The UK has thousands upon thousands of people a year who are jailed over "speech crimes".
Joe Biden, and the entire DNC, openly talks about how America needs the same restrictions on free speech.

If the election were "more fortified" and we lost both houses in 2020..... you'd see people going to jail right now for spreading "misinformation".

The difference is, we excuse the totalitarian aspects of our own government.

When the Russians demand businesses shutdown speech critical of the regime... we call that totalitarianism. When the US Government does it, its just "Oh but they're a private business, so its OK!"

Sure, America isn't as bad as Russia... but the DNC and many Neo-Con subhumans desperately want it to be.
If the Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons had their way... you'd be jailed for criticizing our involvement in Ukraine or criticizing Mask mandates or Vax mandates.

Its not even the same ballpark. I disagree with those things when they happen, but it's not. Even. Close. To the totalitarianism in Russia now.

Go protest down at city hall and let me know how it goes from your nice comfy chair later.  

You guys have lost your damn minds.

The West will cancel you and put you in internet jail for wrongthink. Russia will put you in real jail.
The West will put you in real jail too.
Just not America... yet.

But in the UK?! They absolutely *DO* put people in jail over "offensive speech".

FFS, the British Police showed up Posie Parker's home... to talk to her because she was "being untowards pedophiles".
Sure, they didn't arrest her... and they later apologized... but its appalling that a cop would even have the *BALLS* to do something like that. Like, any normal cop should be mortified about being put in a position to defend pedophiles from well-deserved derision.

Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:16:53 AM EDT
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Where is he incorrect:
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First paragraph was all I needed to read to know this guy is an idiot.

Where is he incorrect:
The collective West is now a totalitarian and aggressively anti-religious power-block that seeks to export its anti-Christian and anti-human ideology onto the rest of the world.

He’s right about America being a post/Christian nation.  He’s wrong about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine being some kind of religious crusade.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:47:36 AM EDT
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Haven't had the chance to post this in a while...

Would you just look at who is listed right there at the top!



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I've been looking for this. Good post.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:48:06 AM EDT
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ALL of history is in flux.  Save your high school Histrory books or buy another set.  Though getting an original edition will be difficult, get one.  See what it says about everything from US Law to the civil war to who settled Libya and Egypt to USSR  and China.  Then compare to what is sold as history now, and try to find other versions from High School each decade on the interweb, most of them will be banished from Wikipedia soyou have to go to "unsavory sites" to actually get what history used to be, and it was also as truthful as what is sold today.  

It is ALL propaganda.  The flavor propaganda of the day is what is being pushed in various directions by various countries.  Who knew the news could have so many versions, with none of them being entirely incorrect.

Read Israel and Euro and UK News and branch out from there to Japan and what they say about the US.   Russia has been a target for war By democrats and MIC since 2006 or so when they were actually not failing.  Democrats have wanted war with Russia since turn of century and some of them even sooner than that.   Remember Hillary all ready to start war with Russia if she got elected?   Then the Russian propagnada continual bashing of "Donald Trump is a Rusian Spy!"  (which turned out to be 0% factual).  

Stop believing in only one history, most of all of it is a lie.  If anything near you turns out to be national news, compare what you know happened due to local grapevine and First/prime sources on that topic to how it is portrayed in a national broadcast.  Accuracy is about 10%, and not the important 10% is the accurate part.  We see that all the time here in GD when somebody posts their local news of a happening near them, then wait a few days to a week and it's all new bad guys and people not even involved being heldup a s "I saw it all" sources/mouthpieces for CNN.  Similar to how the news had hospital workkers drive around the block a bunch of times to make it look likethere was a long line to get tested for Covid, when in reality there was a car every 20 minutes or so when they got called on it.  Their excuse was "to portray the process, not the exact coverage" which was Bullshit since they didn't mention that tidbit until they got busted on it.

It's ALL propaganda built on bald faced lies.  Don't believe in your favorite one because it's mostly wrong, no matter which one you pick.

We've always been at War with EastAsia.
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ROFL Over half of what I read is from sources outside the USA. The BS you just wrote tells me you are clueless about history. You really need to ditch the conspiracy theory crap. When I wanted to know about what made Christopher Columbus tick I didn't read about him, I read what he actually wrote. I'd rather read the memoirs of Lee and Grant than what some yahoo thinks. I prefer to get as close to the source as possible when I can. Way too much revisionism today is based on politics, not on research and facts. I don't find the Ultra-Right or Left interested in facts. I agree there is so much that is propaganda. CNN is not a news network and hasn't been for a long, long time. Fox is hit or miss, mostly misses, depending on who is reporting what.

In 1980 Grand Forks AFB had a "big" anti-nuclear war protest. Two cars of college kids showed up for a protest with a local news camera team in a van. About a dozen students piled out, with their signs and began walking in a circle. The crew told them to bunch up closer so the camera was full of students. They got a couple of student 15-second interviews for the evening news, packed everything up, and were gone in less than 15 minutes. They even called us ahead of time hoping we'd have a riot squad present. The commander didn't fall for that ploy. The "Protest" was shown all over the country that evening. I knew it was all a sham because I witnessed it.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:48:20 AM EDT
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So, let me get this straight... Russia knows it can't win in a head to head fight with NATO... But it's war against Ukraine is a threat to NATO because they're going to invade a NATO country next - to reestablish the COMBLOC?

Do you realize how insane that is on its face?
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You're off the rails dude.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:49:53 AM EDT
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Go to the UK and go share an "offensive post" and see what happens. A GWoT Vet has been arrested for literally sharing an "offensive" meme.
FFS, the UK Police frequently like to show up to people's homes and literally say "We came here to check your thinking".

Go to the UK or goto Canada and post a billboard saying "There are only two genders" or "Woman: Definition - Adult Human Female" and see where that gets you.

Here in the US, its no where near as bad as Russia... I admit. But you're *INSANE* if you think the Democrat Party doesn't want people to be thrown in jail simply for not being in lock step with their stupid worldview.
FFS, we now know that the US Government has been collaborating and colluding with Big Tech,.. advising them who to silence and who to deplatform... which is a *BLATANT* violation of the 1st Amendment.

I don't fucking *CARE* if Russia is worse.
While the infringements on our rights might be "less severe"... they're *ACTUALLY HAPPENING HERE!"

There are no Russians arresting Americans.... in America... for speech violations.
If Russians ever show up on our streets, arresting and executing Americans for criticizing Putin... *THEN* I'll start worrying about "Muh Russia".

An oppressive government on the other side of the planet is far less relevant to me than oppressive governments here at home, and in the West in general.
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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia's largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.
The UK has thousands upon thousands of people a year who are jailed over "speech crimes".
Joe Biden, and the entire DNC, openly talks about how America needs the same restrictions on free speech.

If the election were "more fortified" and we lost both houses in 2020..... you'd see people going to jail right now for spreading "misinformation".

The difference is, we excuse the totalitarian aspects of our own government.

When the Russians demand businesses shutdown speech critical of the regime... we call that totalitarianism. When the US Government does it, its just "Oh but they're a private business, so its OK!"

Sure, America isn't as bad as Russia... but the DNC and many Neo-Con subhumans desperately want it to be.
If the Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons had their way... you'd be jailed for criticizing our involvement in Ukraine or criticizing Mask mandates or Vax mandates.

Its not even the same ballpark. I disagree with those things when they happen, but it's not. Even. Close. To the totalitarianism in Russia now.

Go protest down at city hall and let me know how it goes from your nice comfy chair later.  

You guys have lost your damn minds.

Go to the UK and go share an "offensive post" and see what happens. A GWoT Vet has been arrested for literally sharing an "offensive" meme.
FFS, the UK Police frequently like to show up to people's homes and literally say "We came here to check your thinking".

Go to the UK or goto Canada and post a billboard saying "There are only two genders" or "Woman: Definition - Adult Human Female" and see where that gets you.

Here in the US, its no where near as bad as Russia... I admit. But you're *INSANE* if you think the Democrat Party doesn't want people to be thrown in jail simply for not being in lock step with their stupid worldview.
FFS, we now know that the US Government has been collaborating and colluding with Big Tech,.. advising them who to silence and who to deplatform... which is a *BLATANT* violation of the 1st Amendment.

I don't fucking *CARE* if Russia is worse.
While the infringements on our rights might be "less severe"... they're *ACTUALLY HAPPENING HERE!"

There are no Russians arresting Americans.... in America... for speech violations.
If Russians ever show up on our streets, arresting and executing Americans for criticizing Putin... *THEN* I'll start worrying about "Muh Russia".

An oppressive government on the other side of the planet is far less relevant to me than oppressive governments here at home, and in the West in general.

I don't give a fuck what the Democrats want. This thread is about the war in Ukraine. Maybe you can start a different thread to bitch about whatever has your panties in a bunch right now.

Here we're discussing Russian propaganda and stupid Americans who believe in it.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:57:28 AM EDT
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oh bullshit.

highly Christian to invade your neighbor and slaughter their women and children with indiscriminate artillery fire on civilian areas.

Not that the west has much religious moral high ground to stand on but the corrupt Russian orthodox church is nothing more than a means of controlling the masses. Though most organized religion is just that...

The russians aren't fighting globohomo this was a straight up land grab aggression with a side of genocide. The Christian thing would be to love thy fellow sinner and hope to bring light to their sinful ways not blow them up cause they fags.
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Biden Admin's actions are opening up the religious aspect of the war by doing things like pressuring Ukraine to pass gay marriage laws mid war if they want arms and cash.

Russia has branded itself the defender of the Eastern Orthodox Christianity for many years now, Dugin has spoken on this frequently as it forms a back bone of his Trad movement.  Uk passing sinful laws just feeds into the Russian propaganda game that they feed to their citizens to justify their war, the domestic pains, and the lost Russian lives.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:59:05 AM EDT
Y’all are missing the point of the article.

However, certain groups within the country – mainly ethnic Jews – had important and wealthy connections abroad. These arranged to have funds sent into Russia for the purpose of purchasing the country’s state-owned industries. Desperate for any dollars and euros it could lay its hands on, the Yeltsin administration sold these industries for a tiny fraction of their true value. (Russia’s natural resources alone make it potentially one of the wealthiest countries on the planet). The buyers of said industries became the notorious “oligarchs,” who systematically plundered the country for almost ten years, in what has been described as the biggest act of looting in history.
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Don’t you see? It’s all the Jews’ fault!

Fucking propaganda could be a little less transparent, no?
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 12:59:27 AM EDT
Putin is a wild card and there is no religious aspect to what he is doing. His game is power and control on his terms. This does not follow the agenda of the puppet masters in the shadows as they want absolute power not shared with a Napoleonic power monger like Putin.

To the point of religion, my theory is that the leftist puppet masters have formed an unholy alliance with the Caliphate to destroy Western Civilization and take total control over the world population. Once this is achieved, the leftist masters will turn on the Caliphate or vise versa and war with each other for as long as it takes until one side wins. All the while they will pit their "slaves" against each other in bloody destructive war. Is it going to be Revelations? Anti Christ? 1984 on crack? We just don't know.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:17:46 AM EDT
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Putin is a wild card and there is no religious aspect to what he is doing. His game is power and control on his terms. This does not follow the agenda of the puppet masters in the shadows as they want absolute power not shared with a Napoleonic power monger like Putin.

To the point of religion, my theory is that the leftist puppet masters have formed an unholy alliance with the Caliphate to destroy Western Civilization and take total control over the world population. Once this is achieved, the leftist masters will turn on the Caliphate or vise versa and war with each other for as long as it takes until one side wins. All the while they will pit their "slaves" against each other in bloody destructive war. Is it going to be Revelations? Anti Christ? 1984 on crack? We just don't know.
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What Caliphate?
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:41:57 AM EDT
There may be a seed of dishonest truth in it.  Putin decided to use religion to help his power base, most of the west has chosen to attack religion for their power base.  I don't think Russia is religious - but like the middle east, they recognize it can be an asset used...

Honestly, it is not even fair to say the west has not chosen to choose religion to gain power - it is just not a Christian religion.  It is a post-god religion.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 2:33:08 AM EDT
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There may be a seed of dishonest truth in it.  Putin decided to use religion to help his power base, most of the west has chosen to attack religion for their power base.  I don't think Russia is religious - but like the middle east, they recognize it can be an asset used...

Honestly, it is not even fair to say the west has not chosen to choose religion to gain power - it is just not a Christian religion.  It is a post-god religion.
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The people in power in the west (not everyone) have made it very clear what their religion is and it starts off with “Do as thou wilt”
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 4:46:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:19:57 AM EDT
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I don't buy this any more than I do the Putin = Hitler / Zelensky = William Wallace line.

People have been fighting over the prime real estate of the Crimea for centuries, it's strategically vital to multiple players. Slavs, Europeans, the Turks all fought over it in the past and in another century or two there will be more conflict over it.
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For the historically ignorant you restate the argument that keeps causing the bloodshed. The truth is the Turks didn't just want some good soil to farm. They wanted to force Islam on any and everyone they could. Europe was, in their mind, wide open to Islam for the taking. The Russians wanted to dominate Europe for centuries. They use Russian Orthodoxy as a means to spread their influence followed by Russian boots. That is why they don't cll it Eastern Orthodoxy. That is why the Russian/Soviet government controls the hierarchy so tightly. Besides Europe, Russia has always had designs for Siberia, Mongolia, and Central Asia too. Clinging to ignorance you can find an excuse for doing nothing every time and repeating history, over and over.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:43:43 AM EDT
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Putin is a wild card and there is no religious aspect to what he is doing. His game is power and control on his terms. This does not follow the agenda of the puppet masters in the shadows as they want absolute power not shared with a Napoleonic power monger like Putin.

To the point of religion, my theory is that the leftist puppet masters have formed an unholy alliance with the Caliphate to destroy Western Civilization and take total control over the world population. Once this is achieved, the leftist masters will turn on the Caliphate or vise versa and war with each other for as long as it takes until one side wins. All the while they will pit their "slaves" against each other in bloody destructive war. Is it going to be Revelations? Anti Christ? 1984 on crack? We just don't know.
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Obviously, you haven't read what Putin has to say. He claims to be a devout Russian Orthodox believer. Tyrants do that, real or not is not important to them only to the followers. If he wins, he's a god in his own mind. If he loses religion gets the blame claiming god made him do it. This, in your mind, maybe irreverent, but to Putin, it's a good means to find support, and motivation from the people who would otherwise be against him.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 7:46:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 8:09:28 AM EDT
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Y’all are missing the point of the article.

Don’t you see? It’s all the Jews’ fault!

Fucking propaganda could be a little less transparent, no?
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Y’all are missing the point of the article.

However, certain groups within the country – mainly ethnic Jews – had important and wealthy connections abroad. These arranged to have funds sent into Russia for the purpose of purchasing the country’s state-owned industries. Desperate for any dollars and euros it could lay its hands on, the Yeltsin administration sold these industries for a tiny fraction of their true value. (Russia’s natural resources alone make it potentially one of the wealthiest countries on the planet). The buyers of said industries became the notorious “oligarchs,” who systematically plundered the country for almost ten years, in what has been described as the biggest act of looting in history.

Don’t you see? It’s all the Jews’ fault!

Fucking propaganda could be a little less transparent, no?

Link Posted: 8/26/2022 8:13:34 AM EDT
If you Google “Putin” “Orthodox”, there is a decade’s worth of articles written about how he has identified himself with the church, and done what he could to align it with himself.  This is nothing new.  

I will say that the DC ruling class has an odd paternalism for Ukraine.  It’s reminiscent of the way they thought of China before World War II.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 8:41:48 AM EDT
Such holy.
Much Christian.


And then finally, I promise I did not coordinate on this with my Ukrainian colleague, but regarding the focus by our Russian colleagues on Amnesty International, since they seem so eager now to view Amnesty International’s reports as evidence of potential misconduct, perhaps they would be willing to respond to some of the findings Amnesty has released since the war began on February 24th that discuss Russia’s violations of human rights?  For example:

Russian military commits indiscriminate attacks during the invasion of Ukraine (Feb 25)

Russian “dumb bomb” air strike killed civilians in Chernihiv (March 9)

Beleaguered town of Izium at breaking point after constant attack from Russian forces (March 16)

Russian forces extrajudicially executing civilians in apparent war crimes (April 7)

Hundreds killed in relentless Russian shelling of Kharkiv (June 13)

Civilians killed by “reckless” Russian attacks on Serhiivka apartment block and beach resort (July 7)

Russian soldiers filmed viciously attacking Ukrainian POW must face justice (July 29)

These are just the titles of the reports Amnesty has published since the war began, and each of these reports contains horrifying details of abuses and crimes committed by Russia’s invading forces.  

And so I have a question – can we now assume, since our Russian colleagues raised this issue here today, that they would be willing to discuss the atrocities detailed in these reports?  And can we move on to the myriad of other reports Amnesty has issued detailing human rights violations inside Russia itself?

(Thanks @Prime )
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 9:00:02 AM EDT
«????????????, ?????» — ???? ????? ?????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ?????? / hromadske
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:05:19 PM EDT
Agree with you 100%.

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I like Bracken as an author, his books are fun, but this is way off base.  

That’s ok, it takes all kinds, and we have plenty of them around here.
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Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:06:21 PM EDT
Agree with you 100%.

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I like Bracken as an author, his books are fun, but this is way off base.  

That’s ok, it takes all kinds, and we have plenty of them around here.
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Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:06:56 PM EDT
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I disagree. It is a power struggle between totalitarian ideologies.

Putin masks his gangsterism behind religion.

The west is hiding their ever expanding corruption and power behind the illusion of democracy.
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Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:14:47 PM EDT
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The West is controlled by Satanist like globalists Gaytes, Klown Schwab, Phauxi, the central banks and their controllers.  "You will own nothing and you'll be happy" and "Maintain humanity below 500,000 and in perpetual harmony with nature" type sh*t.  Hence their anti-Christian outlooks (kill humanity off) and destruction of western society (climate engineering, ban on means of food production including nitrogen and farm critters) and importation of Turd World People to replace those of us with western values.  

That's where #45 the Naughty Sunkist Person was bad to them.  He was a nationalist, not a globalist.  Similarly, Vlad is also a nationalist who openly serves Russia's interest; which is not saying he is either good or bad but just a nationalist.  Churches are open in Russia and in this country there has been a flight from Christianity and the embracing of satanic values (pedophilia, child sacrifice and ritual murder or even "Do as thou wilst" instead of service in futherance of that of the Creator/Gawd/Hay-Suess).  

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This ^

It is painfully obvious to those with their eyes open.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 1:57:02 PM EDT

The Saker? WTF??? Kremlin propoganda mill like ZeroHedge, Infowars, Jeff Rense, BeforeItsNews.com, WhatReallyHappened.com, SteveQuayle.com, Paul Joseph Watson, Trends Journal/Gerald Celente, George Noury/Coast to Coast, Paul Craig Roberts, etc.

Perfect news sites for conservatives who never read a history book since high school to get their news, as well as for UFO alien researchers, ESP hobbyists, ghost hunters, bigfoot enthusiasts and other crackpots. A structured mix of some facts about conspiratorial history with absolute bullshit conspiracy theories and Russian propoganda.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 2:03:21 PM EDT
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Such holy.
Much Christian.


And then finally, I promise I did not coordinate on this with my Ukrainian colleague, but regarding the focus by our Russian colleagues on Amnesty International, since they seem so eager now to view Amnesty International’s reports as evidence of potential misconduct, perhaps they would be willing to respond to some of the findings Amnesty has released since the war began on February 24th that discuss Russia’s violations of human rights?  For example:

Russian military commits indiscriminate attacks during the invasion of Ukraine (Feb 25)

Russian “dumb bomb” air strike killed civilians in Chernihiv (March 9)

Beleaguered town of Izium at breaking point after constant attack from Russian forces (March 16)

Russian forces extrajudicially executing civilians in apparent war crimes (April 7)

Hundreds killed in relentless Russian shelling of Kharkiv (June 13)

Civilians killed by “reckless” Russian attacks on Serhiivka apartment block and beach resort (July 7)

Russian soldiers filmed viciously attacking Ukrainian POW must face justice (July 29)

These are just the titles of the reports Amnesty has published since the war began, and each of these reports contains horrifying details of abuses and crimes committed by Russia’s invading forces.  

And so I have a question – can we now assume, since our Russian colleagues raised this issue here today, that they would be willing to discuss the atrocities detailed in these reports?  And can we move on to the myriad of other reports Amnesty has issued detailing human rights violations inside Russia itself?

(Thanks @Prime )
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"buH, pUTiN iS A cHRisTiAN figHT'eN fEr aLL 'mERiCaNs RIghTS 'GainSt dA gLObALiStS." [drool, drool, Cheetos crunch]
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 2:15:23 PM EDT
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The West will put you in real jail too.
Just not America... yet.

But in the UK?! They absolutely *DO* put people in jail over "offensive speech".

FFS, the British Police showed up Posie Parker's home... to talk to her because she was "being untowards pedophiles".
Sure, they didn't arrest her... and they later apologized... but its appalling that a cop would even have the *BALLS* to do something like that. Like, any normal cop should be mortified about being put in a position to defend pedophiles from well-deserved derision.

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The UK has become a place that IMMEDIATELY starts backpeddaling and tripping every single time 1 person says "I'm a member of a minority group and I am offended." Companies pull commercials, cops show up, people get fired, canceling goes rampant, all of it. Posie Parker is not a person easily intimidated by cops showing up. And I like what she is saying and how she says it. Somebody should.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 4:40:33 PM EDT
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The Saker? WTF??? Kremlin propoganda mill like ZeroHedge, Infowars, Jeff Rense, BeforeItsNews.com, WhatReallyHappened.com, SteveQuayle.com, Paul Joseph Watson, Trends Journal/Gerald Celente, George Noury/Coast to Coast, Paul Craig Roberts, etc.

Perfect news sites for conservatives who never read a history book since high school to get their news, as well as for UFO alien researchers, ESP hobbyists, ghost hunters, bigfoot enthusiasts and other crackpots. A structured mix of some facts about conspiratorial history with absolute bullshit conspiracy theories and Russian propoganda.
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And that is what should be painfully obvious to those with their eyes open.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:13:27 PM EDT
For people interested in how otherwise intelligent people like the OP can get suckered by Russian propaganda, this is an interesting read. I'm about half way through it.

You guys need to understand that we are quite literally the target of a protracted propaganda campaign conducted by Russia.


Another good one

Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:18:28 PM EDT
LOL if you think Putin represents Christianity or
Christian values, you’re fucked in the head.

Contrarian “conservatives” have become as stupid as liberals always said they were.  They hate their country so much that they suck up Russian propaganda like a milkshake.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:38:33 PM EDT
Let's also take a moment to look at saker.is's RSS news feed


Let's see...

Russia Today
Various pro Russian Twitter accounts and Telegram channels
A link to child molester Russia Bot Scott Ritters website
TopWar.RU with the comment: "Why did Khrushchev destroy Stalin’s artels
(Stalin again??i am truly fascinated, what is the reason he is so vilified? He led Sovjet to become a mighty world power, his heirs destroyed the union..??)?

Guys, we as whole, need to be better than this. We need to use critical thinking and check sources. They want you confused. They want you to not know what to believe. Don't fall for it.
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:53:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:55:06 PM EDT
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You can always just read the top of the first page, and then move on?
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Yup. Just trying to give out a few other tools for websites that aren't so blatantly obvious

But yeah, if a site is displaying a st George ribbon it's safe to say it's not reliable
Link Posted: 8/26/2022 5:56:32 PM EDT
did ukraine become anti-God first?
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