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Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:18:30 PM EDT
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We don't have female clergy in my church, and I don't have a problem with that. But that's not even what I was talking about in the post you quoted.  (But still...I remember in a Christianity thread from maybe a year or so ago, another GD member said that adult men shouldn't even read Christian books written by women. Because those books are "shallow" and not useful. Women can't write books on the Christian faith that would be useful to men. Would you carry it that far or not?)

No.  I do not consider a book's author to have religious authority over me - save for one particular Book.

I wholeheartedly agree.

I'm not defending Jane Rainbow Lesbian being a pastor of a church. That's not something I want. I'm talking more about when Joe Whorealot is pointing his finger and getting all sanctimonious at Mr. Village People because homosexuality is a sin... Even though Mr. Village People isn't attending Joe Whorealot's church, nor does Mr. Village People want to be a pastor. Mr. Village People could be minding his own business and Joe Whorealot is still so shocked and condemning about Mr. Village People's sin... Yeah. Right. Something else is fueling Joe Whorealot's indignation, but it's not because someone isn't adhering to the commandments of the Bible.
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I don't argue with that. I'm not saying that something that is called a sin in the Bible isn't a sin. I guess I'm saying that someone who also sins (in a different way) shouldn't get super high-and-mighty and do the "but that's different" about their sin, while getting all sanctimoniously condemning about someone else's.

Someone who won't acknowledge their sin and feels that there's nothing wrong is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
Women should never be in a position of authority over adult men in a Christian church.
We don't have female clergy in my church, and I don't have a problem with that. But that's not even what I was talking about in the post you quoted.  (But still...I remember in a Christianity thread from maybe a year or so ago, another GD member said that adult men shouldn't even read Christian books written by women. Because those books are "shallow" and not useful. Women can't write books on the Christian faith that would be useful to men. Would you carry it that far or not?)

No.  I do not consider a book's author to have religious authority over me - save for one particular Book.

Unrepentant practicing homosexuals, adulterers, thieves, liars, murderers, etc.  should not be officers or teachers in a Church.  Until such time as they can bring their own lives in compliance with God's direction, how can they help others to do the same?
I wholeheartedly agree.

I'm not defending Jane Rainbow Lesbian being a pastor of a church. That's not something I want. I'm talking more about when Joe Whorealot is pointing his finger and getting all sanctimonious at Mr. Village People because homosexuality is a sin... Even though Mr. Village People isn't attending Joe Whorealot's church, nor does Mr. Village People want to be a pastor. Mr. Village People could be minding his own business and Joe Whorealot is still so shocked and condemning about Mr. Village People's sin... Yeah. Right. Something else is fueling Joe Whorealot's indignation, but it's not because someone isn't adhering to the commandments of the Bible.
No argument from me.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:22:02 PM EDT
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The Apostle Paul:   "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent" (1 Timothy 2:11-12).
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Women should never be in a position of authority over adult men in a Christian church.

Unrepentant practicing homosexuals, adulterers, thieves, liars, murderers, etc.  should not be officers or teachers in a Church.  Until such time as they can bring their own lives in compliance with God's direction, how can they help others to do the same?
Biblical reference?
The Apostle Paul:   "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent" (1 Timothy 2:11-12).
Luther Bible
11 Ein Weib lerne in der Stille mit aller Untertänigkeit. 12 Einem Weibe aber gestatte ich nicht, daß sie lehre, auch nicht, daß sie des Mannes Herr sei, sondern stille sei.

11 A woman learns in silence with all submissiveness. 12 But I do not permit a woman to teach, not even that she is the master of the man, but be quiet.

The Rev. Sharon Stalkfleet was first called as a pastor to the Lutheran Ministry to Nursing Homes in Oakland and Alameda, CA. She started ministry and served in that capacity for six and 1/2 years ending her call in December 2008. She currently lives with her partner Larell in Alameda, CA with their dog Greta.

Rev. Sharon Stalkfleet was received onto the ELCA clergy roster in 2010.

She has worked for prosper, including the once-faltering St. John’s Lutheran Church in Greenpoint, where she has been since 2015.

Foster, a self-described “Lesbian redneck” from the South, said she’s not entirely sure how the production team came to choose her as a film subject, but that they found her “really fascinating,” a comment she denies.

“I’m really not,” she said to the Greenpoint Post. “My anointing that is peculiar is to be a preacher. The way I’m called to preach happens to intercept with the everyday reality of the world.”

With Sörnäinen metro in the background!

Spiritual Babylon has taken over these churches and they are rotten to the core, completely doing a shameless 180° from their own foundational precepts, let alone the Bible.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:22:52 PM EDT
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It would depend on the church. It would depend on how obvious the whoremongering was. Also, just living with your boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage or having sex with them before marriage, while I wouldn't classify it as "whoremongering," would be behavior that is condemned by the Bible.
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Marriage is an institution and a ceremony ordained by God, for God's purposes.  God sets the standard, not I.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:27:42 PM EDT
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Church employees are frequently fired. Church members are rarely excommunicated. There's a huge difference.
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If you're an unrepentant whoremonger, you normally get excommunicated from whatever church it is you belong to.
The scandals in the RCC, SBC, LDS and JWs regarding covered-up child sexual abuse say you're wrong.
Church employees are frequently fired. Church members are rarely excommunicated. There's a huge difference.
Firing them quietly and not notifying authorities (or the next church they're hired at) isn't the proper response for that stuff.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:30:02 PM EDT
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Firing them quietly and not notifying authorities (or the next church they're hired at) isn't the proper response for that stuff.
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If you're an unrepentant whoremonger, you normally get excommunicated from whatever church it is you belong to.
The scandals in the RCC, SBC, LDS and JWs regarding covered-up child sexual abuse say you're wrong.
Church employees are frequently fired. Church members are rarely excommunicated. There's a huge difference.
Firing them quietly and not notifying authorities (or the next church they're hired at) isn't the proper response for that stuff.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:32:51 PM EDT
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A Bible commentary I'm currently reading (this one) explained in one of the Corinthian epistles that the women were getting loud and disruptive. This article talks more about that.

I'm okay with "old fashioned" tradition and won't argue in favor of female clergy, though I'm sure that some women clergy members do a fine job.
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The Apostle Paul: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent" (1 Timothy 2:11-12).
There is a debate on that verse, whether it was "a woman" or "that woman" referring to a specific woman in Timothy's congregation. Given "ministers" such as Phoebe, it's likely the latter.

ETA: another view is that he's rejecting the teachings on gender roles within Artemis worship - IIRC there's ambiguity about "have authority" which is sometimes translated as "usurp authority". The Greek word () refers to domination, not merely having a role in churches that even men aren't to use to dominate others.
A Bible commentary I'm currently reading (this one) explained in one of the Corinthian epistles that the women were getting loud and disruptive. This article talks more about that.

I'm okay with "old fashioned" tradition and won't argue in favor of female clergy, though I'm sure that some women clergy members do a fine job.
IIRC, there were "feminist" attitudes surrounding Artemis worship where women literally dominated men.

Male or female, pastors shouldn't be mixing their politics with the gospel.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:40:34 PM EDT
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Each interpretation and church would have people believe that they are the only "TRUE" and correct religion.
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Ain’t true, and I don’t know why people keep saying it.

I have been a member of a half dozen churches in my life, and all but one took the position that membership in a particular denomination, including their own, was not necessary to be a Christian.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 3:51:23 PM EDT
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The sky is falling!!  Read more here.

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The sky is falling!!  Read more here.

United Methodists tried to come to terms with a General Conference that was meant to unify but instead underscored divisions and had all sides acknowledging a high level of pain.

“Catastrophic” was the summary judgment of the Rev. James Howell, a Western North Carolina Conference delegate.

“The church as we’ve known it will not be. It’s going to fracture in ways — different ways,” he said.
Leaders of the United Methodist seminaries joined in a statement imploring that the Traditional Plan be rejected, arguing it would drive young people in the U.S. from ministry in the denomination.

“If the Traditional Plan passes, we will very soon lose an entire generation of leadership here in the United States,” they said.
The Rev. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan, president of Claremont Theological Seminary, said the seminaries’ unhappiness with the Traditional Plan’s passage runs deep.

“Some of our seminaries may consider whether to leave the denomination,” he said.

The Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, top executive of the denomination’s United Methodist Board of Church and Society, registered her dismay in a statement.

“The United Methodist Church’s special General Conference failed Tuesday (Feb. 26) to love LGBTQIA people, recognize their gifts in the church, maintain our unity in the midst of diversity, and to live out our Gospel mandate to seek justice and pursue peace,” she said.
That last line
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 4:04:07 PM EDT
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Firing them quietly and not notifying authorities (or the next church they're hired at) isn't the proper response for that stuff.
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If you're an unrepentant whoremonger, you normally get excommunicated from whatever church it is you belong to.
The scandals in the RCC, SBC, LDS and JWs regarding covered-up child sexual abuse say you're wrong.
Church employees are frequently fired. Church members are rarely excommunicated. There's a huge difference.
Firing them quietly and not notifying authorities (or the next church they're hired at) isn't the proper response for that stuff.
I can hear you calling the authorities: "Officer, I'd like to report a whoremonger."
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 4:18:19 PM EDT
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I can hear you calling the authorities: "Officer, I'd like to report a whoremonger."  
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If you're an unrepentant whoremonger, you normally get excommunicated from whatever church it is you belong to.
The scandals in the RCC, SBC, LDS and JWs regarding covered-up child sexual abuse say you're wrong.
Church employees are frequently fired. Church members are rarely excommunicated. There's a huge difference.
Firing them quietly and not notifying authorities (or the next church they're hired at) isn't the proper response for that stuff.
I can hear you calling the authorities: "Officer, I'd like to report a whoremonger."  
And then he slips on his sunglasses, looks around, and then says, "Where?"
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 4:30:11 PM EDT
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I can hear you calling the authorities: "Officer, I'd like to report a whoremonger."  
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I guess context matters.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 4:51:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 4:52:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 5:07:27 PM EDT
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Disciples and apostles are two different things.

Baptism itself is a pagan custom, you know that right? Egyptians were baptized for thousands of years before Christ. Do you know anything about the religious environment of Rome? Christianity is Essene/Pagan syncretism.
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When speaking of the 12 disciples of Christ, disciples and apostles are the same thing. They're synonyms.

There is NOTHING remotely pagan about the Essenes. They were a sect of Judaism that was devoted to the prophecies of the coming Messiah. Your accusations are particularly libelous because the Essenes are actually descendants of an ancient priestly line that goes back to King David, and that was historically famous for fiercely resisting paganism. Moreover, they go back far before the Romans.

Ritual bathing is something that goes back to the time of the Exodus, and the Essenes practiced it daily. In the temple era, you had to ritually bathe before entering the temple, and new converts to Judaism were also ritually bathed. There's archeological evidence of ancient Mikvahs, ritual baths that is, all over the Holy Land.

Any natural source of water, according to Jewish law, can be used in place of a Mikvah. Be it a river, lake, the ocean, etc. Absolutely nothing pagan about it. There are some pseudo-academic books running around out there that claim that Christianity is created out of paganism, but they're universally recognized as fakes. They're no different from people like Sitchin. They simply make things up without any sources. You find them repeated in things like American Zeitgeist and the Ancient Aliens people.

ETA: Now infant baptism is pagan, but it's completely removed from traditional Judeo-Christian baptism. It was not practiced by the Essenes.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 5:37:40 PM EDT
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Great article. From one of the comments. Paraphrased."Perhaps the African Church needs to send missionaries to the US instead the other way around."
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Going back decades ago, the Christians in Africa thought it funny that people in America would use this question as a dodge when someone spoke to them about the gospel:

"What about the heathen in Africa?"

Their response was, "What about the heathen in America?"
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 5:57:13 PM EDT
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A Bible commentary I'm currently reading (this one) explained in one of the Corinthian epistles that the women were getting loud and disruptive. This article talks more about that.

I'm okay with "old fashioned" tradition and won't argue in favor of female clergy, though I'm sure that some women clergy members do a fine job.
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If people will argue in favor of homosexual leadership in the church it isn't surprising that they will argue about female leadership in the church.

It's also not surprising which standard fell first. Using the frog in a pot example, women in leadership was not as hot as homosexual leadership.

But as far as scripture goes regarding women, there is no argument.

1 Tim 2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

The Bible says that, for church matters at the very least, women are under the authority of men.

And these arguments about limiting the prohibition are ridiculous.

The passage goes right back to the first woman who ever existed to explain why women are to be under the authority of men.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 6:01:21 PM EDT
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If people will argue in favor of homosexual leadership in the church it isn't surprising that they will argue about female leadership in the church.

It's also not surprising which standard fell first. Using the frog in a pot example, women in leadership was not as hot as homosexual leadership.

But as far as scripture goes regarding women, there is no argument.

1 Tim 2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

The Bible says that, for church matters at the very least, women are under the authority of men.

And these arguments about limiting the prohibition are ridiculous.

The passage goes right back to the first woman who ever existed to explain why women are to be under the authority of men.
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A Bible commentary I'm currently reading (this one) explained in one of the Corinthian epistles that the women were getting loud and disruptive. This article talks more about that.

I'm okay with "old fashioned" tradition and won't argue in favor of female clergy, though I'm sure that some women clergy members do a fine job.
If people will argue in favor of homosexual leadership in the church it isn't surprising that they will argue about female leadership in the church.

It's also not surprising which standard fell first. Using the frog in a pot example, women in leadership was not as hot as homosexual leadership.

But as far as scripture goes regarding women, there is no argument.

1 Tim 2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

The Bible says that, for church matters at the very least, women are under the authority of men.

And these arguments about limiting the prohibition are ridiculous.

The passage goes right back to the first woman who ever existed to explain why women are to be under the authority of men.
1 Timothy 2 falls right in line with Genesis 2.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 6:54:33 PM EDT
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1 Timothy 2 falls right in line with Genesis 2.
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And Genesis 3.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 7:05:13 PM EDT
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When speaking of the 12 disciples of Christ, disciples and apostles are the same thing. They're synonyms.
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Yes, but while all 12 apostles were disciples, not all disciples were apostles.
Link Posted: 2/27/2019 10:21:12 PM EDT
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I seem to recall a very important Man who said that it is not what goes into our mouths that defiles us, but rather what comes out.

Am I mistaken?
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I'll take your share of the shellfish then.  :)
I seem to recall a very important Man who said that it is not what goes into our mouths that defiles us, but rather what comes out.

Am I mistaken?
I don't know much about this defiling business, but I am quite sure that what comes out of people's mouths help define them.

I think you're coming up with a fancy way to keep your shrimp.  It's cool, I'll get my own.  :)
Link Posted: 2/28/2019 1:13:25 AM EDT
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I think you're coming up with a fancy way to keep your shrimp.  It's cool, I'll get my own.  :)
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Is anyone else bound by the terms of a mutual agreement other than the parties who agree to the terms of the contract?

This shrimp/lobster/mixed fabrics/stone an adulterer stuff that guys like you bring up when talking about the church and/or Christianity ...

All it does is show you have no idea what you are talking about.
Link Posted: 3/1/2019 10:54:11 AM EDT
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An existing Church with a recognized name is a much more valuable platform for social engineering.

This is why people within the Catholic Church started dismantling traditional Catholic doctrine in the 1960's.
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Sadly, the USCCB has been an impediment to actual Church Doctrine for as long as I can remember.
Link Posted: 3/1/2019 10:57:28 AM EDT

I petition you, as a most noble and sage OP, to change the thread title to "Africa Wins Again - Liberal Methodists BTFO".
Link Posted: 3/1/2019 11:07:03 AM EDT
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Don't be dense. You know the point he's making.  Respond to it substantively, if you are able.

The saint of this, the saint of that, the saint of dog-walkers ...  It's analogous to pagan practices. The god of this, god of that, god of this town, god of that element ...  derp.

ETA: And it isn't taught by Christ.
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What is wrong with an exemplar of faith?

So, you're maintaining that the organization who wrote the Bible turned around and ignores it?
Link Posted: 3/1/2019 2:44:59 PM EDT
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What is wrong with an exemplar of faith?

So, you're maintaining that the organization who wrote the Bible turned around and ignores it?
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Don't be dense. You know the point he's making.  Respond to it substantively, if you are able.

The saint of this, the saint of that, the saint of dog-walkers ...  It's analogous to pagan practices. The god of this, god of that, god of this town, god of that element ...  derp.

ETA: And it isn't taught by Christ.
What is wrong with an exemplar of faith?

So, you're maintaining that the organization who wrote the Bible turned around and ignores it?
An organization ran by Man. Man is fallible. It happens. Says so, right in the Bible.

I'm still looking for a Catholic that will tell me that when Popes have been deposed by various rulers, who then elevated their chosen Successor to the Papacy; that is actually in line with Apostolic Succession.
Link Posted: 3/1/2019 6:00:13 PM EDT
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What is wrong with an exemplar of faith?

So, you're maintaining that the organization who wrote the Bible turned around and ignores it?
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Where is the part in the Bible where Jesus or a disciple said "Make patron saints for different stuff"?

Or the premise of apostolic descent?

Or infant "baptism"?

Or chaste clergy?  Indulgences?  Auto de fe?
Link Posted: 3/2/2019 9:22:08 AM EDT
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Lol you think this guy is bad? You haven't read Catholic history. It gets pretty disgusting.
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The Catholic light has had a lamp shade over it since Constantine, but the DeMedici popes were a straight up crime syndicate.
The 'scandals' we see today are just afterglow. The 'church' became a profane caricature of itself with the DeMedicis.
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