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Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:09:18 PM EDT

A bunch of guys with guns, raining hell fire down on the countryside show up on their roof. You expect them to be hostile? Your story doesn't prove anything. You have no clue what they are doing now, or what they were doing before you arrived. How can somebody who has been there be so naive? How can you think your feel good bullshit is going to convince anyone that islam isn't an evil, quasi religion/political philosophy?  

Never said Islam wasn't evil.  Hell, I don't know.  A lot of them are like American Christians.  Not very devout at all.

ETA: And what, exactly, are you proving?

I didn't start the thread making a point about muslims who aren't crazy. I don't have anything to prove. You go up on someone's roof with a bunch of other guys, armed to the teeth, and in advance of a huge invasion force. They are nice to you, and that proves they are good people? No, that makes them survivors. To be fair, it also proves they aren't crazy, but I don't think that's the kind of crazy you mean.

I was on the rooftops of plenty of Iraqis who straight up told us they hate us. That's my point. Too much fucking hating the whole lot. The whole lot isn't bad.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:10:49 PM EDT
Yes, obviously not all of them are terrorists.

I still distrust them all though because you never know.  The guys that hijacked the planes probably appeared to be "normal" muslims too.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:14:07 PM EDT
Just because a man appreciated the removal of Saddam doesn't mean he is a good man, even bad guys and selfish or stupid people will be thankful to be rid of an enemy. I'm not suggesting that the man in your story was any of these things, I'm just pointing out the obvious.

Concerning your not all muslims are craay sentiment, people who push their religion on others tend to create enemies where there previously were none.

It's a nice story though.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:14:09 PM EDT
yeah––- you are right remember all the moderate nazis we killed because of the few dirtbags? Neither does anyone else.
Join a frikken religion that is not batshit and maybe then we can discuss how moderate you are. Entire frikken history of islam is nothing but dirt and crap.
Show me a follower of a man whw married a nine year old and then try to convince me they are misunderstood? not bloody likely
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:14:44 PM EDT
They seem to be in the minority.  The jackasses blowing our guys up seem to get most of the attention.

I always estimated that about 5% of the population around us hated us, about 10% actually liked us, and about 85% just wanted to be left alone to work their farms and raise their kids.

Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Like the Sunni Awakening? Or the hundreds of thousands of people who joined the security forces of both Iraq and Afghanistan and are dying daily to try to defeat those guys?

Those ones? They're the ones not doing enough?

Yeah, okay.

-e- There's a shit ton of bad Americans, too. Why aren't you guys doing more to keep your country from hemorrhaging funds into the pockets of welfare rats, and why aren't you doing more to stop the gang violence near the border? It's your country, why aren't you fixing it?
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:20:42 PM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

I wanna see where you move the goalposts now.


I'll move nowhere. It's a fine first step.

Now we'll see where it leads. I bet it leads to nothing, but I'm a pessimist when it comes to them.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:23:23 PM EDT
They seem to be in the minority.  The jackasses blowing our guys up seem to get most of the attention.

I always estimated that about 5% of the population around us hated us, about 10% actually liked us, and about 85% just wanted to be left alone to work their farms and raise their kids.

Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Like the Sunni Awakening? Or the hundreds of thousands of people who joined the security forces of both Iraq and Afghanistan and are dying daily to try to defeat those guys?

Those ones? They're the ones not doing enough?

Yeah, okay.

-e- There's a shit ton of bad Americans, too. Why aren't you guys doing more to keep your country from hemorrhaging funds into the pockets of welfare rats, and why aren't you doing more to stop the gang violence near the border? It's your country, why aren't you fixing it?

Could not have said it better.

Some of you have good points, and I understand your anger. Having said that, condemning all of them isn't very moral. Everyone knows ARFCOM is all about morals.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:24:14 PM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

That's like asking why don't the regular Mexican people stop the drug lords. The average person just wants to do his work, then come home and enjoy his wife and watch their children smile and grow up.
There is next to nothing the average person can do against small groups of single-minded, organized, well-funded and well-armed individuals motivated by powerful incentives (money or strong religious conviction)
who are even capable of corrupting or infiltrating the power structures of a state.

I'm sure the regular Germans and Japanese in 1942 were beautiful people also.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:35:32 PM EDT



Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

That's like asking why don't the regular Mexican people stop the drug lords. The average person just wants to do his work, then come home and enjoy his wife and watch their children smile and grow up.

There is next to nothing the average person can do against small groups of single-minded, organized, well-funded and well-armed individuals motivated by powerful incentives (money or strong religious conviction)

who are even capable of corrupting or infiltrating the power structures of a state.

Pretty much this.  Christianity had the reformation, and several lesser known revolutions that got it out of the whole holy war idea...  To say nothing about a pair of world wars that had their own religious tie-ins.  Obviously, most Christians weren't violent.  But Christianity didn't have much of a reputation back then, I would imagine...


The truth is, the core problem isn't islam.  It's shitty governments that blame the west for everything, and tribalism...  Add some oil money, and you have trouble.

A friend/acquaintance of mine owns a little restaurant...  Has two kids in the military, spent most of his life working for the FDA...  His name is Mohammed, and he is from Pakistan.  He loves nothing more than to talk about how proud he is of his Children's service for his adopted country.  A country that shamefully has not always treated him like it should have.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:41:00 PM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

In much of the ME we see a trend where ANY political participation (to include potentially political speech) that doesnt toe the regime line gets heavily and often brutally punished. Often those that control the regime are brutally authoritarian and/or supportive of extreme religious perspectives for one reason or another. Even in cases like Iraq pre-invasion and Syria were the regimes are mostly secular, the only folks crazy and motivated enough (and that have the existing social structures that allow them to organize) are the religious extremists. It's difficult to be a noticeable moderate when your perspective may get you imprison or killed (setting aside the fact that folks with moderate perspectives, regardless of what you measure that relative to, tend not to be the most vocal subset in the first place).

Their ARE plenty of folks though that speak out against both religious extremism and the brutal policies of authoritarian regimes. You often dont hear them in the West though because they dont make the news (whether we are talking about traditional or new media) as they arent scary/sexy and because many folks arent looking to hear that perspective because it doesnt tell the narrative they are looking to put forth.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:45:26 PM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

In much of the ME we see a trend where ANY political participation (to include potentially political speech) that doesnt toe the regime line gets heavily and often brutally punished. Often those that control the regime are brutally authoritarian and/or supportive of extreme religious perspectives for one reason or another. Even in cases like Iraq pre-invasion and Syria were the regimes are mostly secular, the only folks crazy and motivated enough (and that have the existing social structures that allow them to organize) are the religious extremists. It's difficult to be a noticeable moderate when your perspective may get you imprison or killed (setting aside the fact that folks with moderate perspectives, regardless of what you measure that relative to, tend not to be the most vocal subset in the first place).

Their ARE plenty of folks though that speak out against both religious extremism and the brutal policies of authoritarian regimes. You often dont hear them in the West though because they dont make the news (whether we are talking about traditional or new media) as they arent scary/sexy and because many folks are looking to hear that perspective because it doesnt tell the narrative they are looking to put forth.

You mean like GD?
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:53:19 PM EDT
I've known Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and many African Muslims.

At least most of the ones that make it to this country seem to be nice upstanding folk.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:54:37 PM EDT

Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

That's like asking why don't the regular Mexican people stop the drug lords. The average person just wants to do his work, then come home and enjoy his wife and watch their children smile and grow up.
There is next to nothing the average person can do against small groups of single-minded, organized, well-funded and well-armed individuals motivated by powerful incentives (money or strong religious conviction)
who are even capable of corrupting or infiltrating the power structures of a state.

Pretty much this.  Christianity had the reformation, and several lesser known revolutions that got it out of the whole holy war idea...  To say nothing about a pair of world wars that had their own religious tie-ins.  Obviously, most Christians weren't violent.  But Christianity didn't have much of a reputation back then, I would imagine...  

The truth is, the core problem isn't islam.  It's shitty governments that blame the west for everything, and tribalism...  Add some oil money, and you have trouble.

A friend/acquaintance of mine owns a little restaurant...  Has two kids in the military, spent most of his life working for the FDA...  His name is Mohammed, and he is from Pakistan.  He loves nothing more than to talk about how proud he is of his Children's service for his adopted country.  A country that shamefully has not always treated him like it should have.

You are more right about this than you know. The wave of religious extremism in the ME as a significant regional and global movement is relatively new. It's one that has grown out of a number of factors; the failure of Arab nationalism, the political realities of the Cold War and larger geopolitical considerations, the presence of large number of brutal authoritarian regimes (some supported by the west), the ability of regimes to operate without the financial success and financial consent (visa vi taxation)of the populace,competition for resources in an area rich in certain natural resources, regional conflicts,  the failure of more traditional political and revolutionary organizations and ideologies (to include nationalism to some degree), often extreme poverty and lack of social mobility for much of the population, perception of loss of cultural identity   in the face of increasing globalization, and the perpetuation of a so called "Golden Age myth" especially by those in certain religious communities (among other factors).

As to the issue of oil, see the concept of the rentier state.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:58:16 PM EDT


I don't care.

I first learned about the danger of Islam in 1979. Since then, Mohamed's faithful have continuously reinforced a negative perception of them. For me, a muslim is a person not to be trusted. I don't give a shit who it offends. If there are "good" muslims in the world, they need to start cleaning house.  
Dude, did you ever hear of these guys?

Or have you ever read about events like these in the book of Joshua (or much of the Old Testament)?

The Muslims could (and sometimes do) say the same things about Christians and Jews. Hating people for events that happened long ago or the actions of a few assholes never got anyone anywhere.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 9:58:50 PM EDT


Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Or pissing off the bad guys results in the death of your entire extended family.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:04:24 PM EDT
Just to add, Islam worships the God of Abraham. I see them more as misguided cousins than brutal enemies. Much as I respect but disagree with Jews for not accepting Jesus as the Son of God, Catholics for their Romanized doctrine, etc. Heck, I see Islam the same way I see the LDS. They both added a book, stating that the old ones had been corrupted by Man. That is their belief, and while I do not believe it, I respect it.

Anyone who denies that Jews, Christians and Muslims attempt to worship the same divine entity is  academically dishonest. I find it frustrating and amusing at the same time.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:08:29 PM EDT




Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Maybe because the moderates get beheaded?  I don't know.  Might be why.

Well, alrighty, so carry this thing through to 2112 ... seein' as the modrates are skeered, what's the world map gonna look like in a 100 years?
It will be illuminated by the Red Star of the Solar Federation.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:11:25 PM EDT

I don't care.

I first learned about the danger of Islam in 1979. Since then, Mohamed's faithful have continuously reinforced a negative perception of them. For me, a muslim is a person not to be trusted. I don't give a shit who it offends. If there are "good" muslims in the world, they need to start cleaning house.  
Dude, did you ever hear of these guys?


Or have you ever read about events like these in the book of Joshua (or much of the Old Testament)?


The Muslims could (and sometimes do) say the same things about Christians and Jews. Hating people for events that happened long ago or the actions of a few assholes never got anyone anywhere.


You do understand that the Crusades were a belated response to the Muslim invasion of southern Europe, right? The Muslims got as far as Poitiers France.  They were only turned back by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers (Battle of Tours) in 732.  

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:21:22 PM EDT
I heard most mushrooms aren't poison either. That doesn't make a compelling argument for me to walk through the woods randomly sampling them.
When Middle Eastern Muslims step up and kick the shit out of the homicidal motherfuckers in their society, maybe I'll reassess my position.
Until then, I will not have anything to do with any of the Middle Eastern followers of what appears to be a mental disorder masquerading as a religion.
Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:21:27 PM EDT


Just to add, Islam worships the God of Abraham. I see them more as misguided cousins than brutal enemies. Much as I respect but disagree with Jews for not accepting Jesus as the Son of God, Catholics for their Romanized doctrine, etc. Heck, I see Islam the same way I see the LDS. They both added a book, stating that the old ones had been corrupted by Man. That is their belief, and while I do not believe it, I respect it.

Anyone who denies that Jews, Christians and Muslims attempt to worship the same divine entity is  academically dishonest. I find it frustrating and amusing at the same time.


Expecting a scholarly and honest examination of the facts from fanatical followers of a belief system that is rooted in the idea that people deserve to burn forever for not believing in their imaginary friend is like asking Stephen Hawking to sing in your barbershop quartet.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:35:21 PM EDT
Another thread got me thinking.  The one about Libyans going after the extremist compound.

I got news for you guys.  They aren't all crazy, and they aren't all shitbags.

One story in particular, among many, stands out in my mind.  During the invasion of Iraq, I was in the 101st.  My scout platoon was in Najef, pushed ahead of the rest of the battalion, providing overwatch, and calling in indirect fires.  We had taken up positions on the roof of some poor fuckers house.  We tried be nice to him, but how nice can you really be when you're wearing body armor, carrying machineguns, and calling mortars in on the next block over?

Anyway, around 10pm, him, his wife, and his kids brought up sleeping mats for us.  Afterwards, they went into their yard, slaughtered the only chicken they had, cooked it, and tried to feed us.  Of course, we wouldn't take it.  During our down time, we went downstairs, played with his kids, and made sure they ate.

He cried, and all he kept saying was, "Thank you."  Over and over.

When we left in the early morning to link back up with our battalion, he thanked us again.  He gave us an Iraqi flag, and said, in broken English, "The butcher is gone.  Thank you.  We never forget."

There were other stories.  Many other members here could tell many other stories like this.

You can hate all of them, that is your right.  But you'd be wrong to do it.  Is it so shocking that the moderate ones are drowned out in a sea of violence?  I don't think so.

Flame away.

Some, and I mean some are ok. I owned a Tavern in a previous life. Was a stone cutter prior. Met a welder/smith, good guy. Opened said Tavern on a Sunday so he and his people could celebrate some sort of independence day. Bosnia/serb/Yugo.

My wife's family is of the Yugo he was Boz. Anyway, they brought some flags to the joint, decent size too. I admittedly let my love for the stars n stripes get in the way a bit. I started getting all sorts of fucking pissed off that some shitbag was tacking up assfuck whore scum flags in my joint. However, after putting up their flags and doing their muslim mumbo jumbo, they being the serbs and boz's brought out a huge stars n stripes and hung it on the wall above their flags. Talked to some of them, a lot (not all) but most fucking hated dear leader I recently met one of them at my new profession, we talked of that day. She is now Christian, and still has a dislike for dear leader May not seem like much coming from a fat retard who shoplifts, cooks meth, and hates fudds and statists, but it is what it is.



For what it is worth, OP is right.

Link Posted: 9/21/2012 10:35:56 PM EDT




I don't care.

I first learned about the danger of Islam in 1979. Since then, Mohamed's faithful have continuously reinforced a negative perception of them. For me, a muslim is a person not to be trusted. I don't give a shit who it offends. If there are "good" muslims in the world, they need to start cleaning house.  
Dude, did you ever hear of these guys?


Or have you ever read about events like these in the book of Joshua (or much of the Old Testament)?


The Muslims could (and sometimes do) say the same things about Christians and Jews. Hating people for events that happened long ago or the actions of a few assholes never got anyone anywhere.


You do understand that the Crusades were a belated response to the Muslim invasion of southern Europe, right? The Muslims got as far as Poitiers France.  They were only turned back by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers (Battle of Tours) in 732.  

It was an expedition to recapture Byzantine provinces lost to the Muslims that got sabotaged by Western Europeans who claimed them for their own.  Those people didn't give a shit about something that happened 300 years earlier.  That's like calling the Battle of Tippecanoe a belated response to Indian raids against Jamestown.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:11:36 AM EDT

I don't care.

I first learned about the danger of Islam in 1979. Since then, Mohamed's faithful have continuously reinforced a negative perception of them. For me, a muslim is a person not to be trusted. I don't give a shit who it offends. If there are "good" muslims in the world, they need to start cleaning house.  
Dude, did you ever hear of these guys?


Or have you ever read about events like these in the book of Joshua (or much of the Old Testament)?


The Muslims could (and sometimes do) say the same things about Christians and Jews. Hating people for events that happened long ago or the actions of a few assholes never got anyone anywhere.


Really...this post?   Dude, all I can say is you really do eat too many twinkies.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 1:05:26 AM EDT
I don't care.

I first learned about the danger of Islam in 1979. Since then, Mohamed's faithful have continuously reinforced a negative perception of them. For me, a muslim is a person not to be trusted. I don't give a shit who it offends. If there are "good" muslims in the world, they need to start cleaning house.  

Agreed. Perfectly stated and right to the point.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 1:13:17 AM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Maybe because the moderates get beheaded?  I don't know.  Might be why.

Well, alrighty, so carry this thing through to 2112 ... seein' as the modrates are skeered, what's the world map gonna look like in a 100 years?

You know the funny about all of this is that if Muslims would stop bombing and keep fucking
they would probably take over the planet within 100 years based on current population statistics.
I respect your opinion, OP, but until we see some results of them policing themselves, thir war willgo on and on in some form.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 1:30:29 AM EDT
There's 1.6 million muslims.


If you assume 40% of males are of fighting age that means 360 million muslims of fighting age who could be attacking us if they subscribed to the "convert or kill/enslave them" version of Islam.

That tells me the vast vast majority of Muslims are the moderates who just want to be left alone (so they can hide away their women and bugger little boys).

Even if we exclude Sunni Muslims and just look at Shiites we still get between 36 and 72 million of fighting age.... yet Al Qaeda only has about 500 fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We need to get over the kill them all attitude, and start doing a better job of making the moderate majority deal with their problem children.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 1:41:17 AM EDT
This thread needs more Charlton Heston.

And thus The Cid rode out of the gates of history into legend...
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 5:27:06 AM EDT
The people who argue in favour of the "kill 'em all" approach are playing into the hands of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda argues that all Muslims will have to fight the West and some of the basement-dwelling crusaders on this site want to make it come true.

In reality most Muslims don't give a shit about the West and some of them are actively fighting against the radicals.

What the Muslim World needs is stable governments, education, economic development and Western influence. That will destroy the Jihadist movement better than any war ever could.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 5:55:36 AM EDT


I don't care.

I first learned about the danger of Islam in 1979. Since then, Mohamed's faithful have continuously reinforced a negative perception of them. For me, a muslim is a person not to be trusted. I don't give a shit who it offends. If there are "good" muslims in the world, they need to start cleaning house.  
Dude, did you ever hear of these guys?


Or have you ever read about events like these in the book of Joshua (or much of the Old Testament)?


The Muslims could (and sometimes do) say the same things about Christians and Jews. Hating people for events that happened long ago or the actions of a few assholes never got anyone anywhere.


You do understand that the Crusades were a belated response to the Muslim invasion of southern Europe, right? The Muslims got as far as Poitiers France.  They were only turned back by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers (Battle of Tours) in 732.  

It was an expedition to recapture Byzantine provinces lost to the Muslims that got sabotaged by Western Europeans who claimed them for their own.  Those people didn't give a shit about something that happened 300 years earlier.  That's like calling the Battle of Tippecanoe a belated response to Indian raids against Jamestown.

and we are not those people. bringing up those points is about as retarded and saying I owe people reparations for white people owning slaves in America at some point. It doesn't matter anymore.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 6:11:49 AM EDT
I agree with you OP. They aren't all the same. Thanks for sharing the story. And thanks for your service.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 6:12:58 AM EDT
In the wave of media hysteria, we tend to forget that they are people.  They have extremist just like we do.  They have nuts just like we do and they have normal people who want to be left alone to raise their families in peace just like we do.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 7:52:12 AM EDT
OP: That is a sweet story you got there, I do think you are in error with your conclusion thought. Alllow me to respectfully dispute your position.
Your statement is based on a short encounter with a family of limited communication abilities. The "normal" Muslims you speak of are not much differently than
The radical ones. I currently live in a modernized Muslim country, suffice to say I've lived and been in Iraq, Turkey, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kuwait and Lebanon. Some of these countries most would consider westernized,  I challenge you to dIg into the minds off these modernized Muslims. It is truly a world iof wolves in sheep's clothing mtater.
I spent time with what I believed to be a very nice and hospitable family in Lebanon a few months ago. The issue remained,  you should marry a Lebanese woman, bur first convert to Islam. I've kept contact with a young girl who was extremely sweet only to find that her opinion about these embassy attacks it's very clear. Americans should not have free speech If it offends us.

That later turned into my children ( 5 & 7)  will always fight Israel and matured to... America helps Israel so enemy by association. I cannot tell you how many nice Muslims
Hide their hate for the American way of life until you search deaper through conversation.

They hate Christians, freedoms, and anything contradictory to their religion. Hate is. A strong word but I have seen it in their eyes.

I wish it were not the case, Lebanon is a beautiful country. Make no mistake about it though, they would like nothing more than to force you to convert, hate you for not doing so,  or kill u trying. Only difference it's that the "radical" ones have the testicular fortitude to carry on the desire. The rest just support them for doing so.

Ofcourse there are exemptions, that number is so small it's negligible.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 2:07:52 PM EDT
No you are right but like with most anything, the vocal 20% makes it hard on the other 80%. Problem for most people is that they dont hear the less-radical, less-jihadi crowd calling out their brothers but I dont think they are different from others
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 2:13:50 PM EDT
I'd never flame you for that.  Anybody who paints with too broad a brush is an idiot.  I know a few Bosnians, aTurk, and even some Iranians who fled the Ayatollah (Grandpa worked for the Shah, it was leave or die.) and they're all good folks.  Different, but they're American.

We have a pretty awesome Turk here on the forum.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I believe there might be another Muslim on here as well.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 2:16:21 PM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Sounds like some of the Libyans are finding their voice. This is a good sign, hope to see/hear more of it.
Sadly, our government seems to like the extremists more then the moderates (see Egypt vs Iran).
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 2:26:17 PM EDT
I know they aren't all crazy, or evil, but they are in control of their destiny.  The majority of Iranians, for instance, may be American-loving young people (as the media keeps telling me) but if they allow their government to continue to develop nuclear weapons then they will have to go.  It will bother my conscience a little to see them die along with Ahmadinejad but not as much as seeing my children threatened with terrorist nukes.  They revolted once.  They could do it again if they really cared.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 2:51:22 PM EDT
The Obama administration wants to release 1/3 of the Jihadis at GITMO and they are definitely crazy.

When there is still fighting going on in Afghanistan... and released GITMO prisoners have returned to the battlefield to kill american soldiers (and the LIbyan embassy attack now) ... someone tell me why this is a good idea.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 2:57:20 PM EDT
Not every rattle snake will bit you either.  But enough do that I will never let my guard down around them.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 3:04:30 PM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

Maybe because the moderates get beheaded?  I don't know.  Might be why.

Well, alrighty, so carry this thing through to 2112 ... seein' as the modrates are skeered, what's the world map gonna look like in a 100 years?

You know the funny about all of this is that if Muslims would stop bombing and keep fucking
they would probably take over the planet within 100 years based on current population statistics.
I respect your opinion, OP, but until we see some results of them policing themselves, thir war willgo on and on in some form.

The problem is we seem to have two camps among those concerned about that map.  

In one camp, are those whose concern causes them to believe the West must to play an active role in driving a wedge between the radicals and the normals and allowing the radicals to be marginalized and shape that map favorably.  

In the other camp are those who trip over themselves to insist the radicals are the true voice of the Muslims and thus we need to hurry up and start a massive global Holy War, but we can't right now because our own government is complicit and, heck, our own president is one of them!  They are determined to not only convince their fellow Westerners of this fact, but also to remind every Muslim on the planet that they will never be welcome in polite society, and thus they should either join with the nuts or perish as outsiders.  

The latter are very, very loud here, and consider anyone else to be libtards, naive, leftists, etc. and don't shut up about it.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 3:06:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 3:08:26 PM EDT


Just to add, Islam worships the God of Abraham.


Buuuuuuullshit. They say they do, but the two are nothing alike. I bet when Obama said in his speech he was going to work on paying down the deficit you believed him.

Link Posted: 9/23/2012 6:58:42 AM EDT

Just to add, Islam worships the God of Abraham.

Buuuuuuullshit. They say they do, but the two are nothing alike. I bet when Obama said in his speech he was going to work on paying down the deficit you believed him.

Looks to me like they worship Mohammed.
Link Posted: 9/23/2012 10:29:39 AM EDT
Why don't the moderate Muslims stop the bad Muslims?

Either they don't give a shit, or they aren't numerous enough.

The bad ones have money, power, and the capability to do horrible things to the good Muslims.

Simply put, the bad ones have the monopoly on terror.

The moderate Muslims need to wage war on the extremists.
Link Posted: 9/23/2012 10:37:30 AM EDT
99% of all the terrorist incidents recorded have involved muslims.

That's enough for me.
Link Posted: 9/23/2012 10:50:58 AM EDT
A bunch of guys with guns, raining hell fire down on the countryside show up on their roof. You expect them to be hostile? Your story doesn't prove anything. You have no clue what they are doing now, or what they were doing before you arrived. How can somebody who has been there be so naive? How can you think your feel good bullshit is going to convince anyone that islam isn't an evil, quasi religion/political philosophy?  

it's obviously not going to convince anyone who already has an irrational, tribalist hatred of muslims and who effectively mirrors the ones he or she condemns.

besides, how could feel good bullshit compete with comic book morality?  
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