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Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:40:00 AM EDT



"As long as hunters use the whole animal, I'm OK with that, they shouldn't waste anything."

"What do you mean there is scrap meat in my McD's meat patties, no one wants to eat the whole animal!"

In the end, its meat, the only difference between 'good' meat and 'bad' meat is the amount of seasoning required.

Fucking THIS. Right here.    

My only gripe is the fact that they add sugar to it (personal gripe - not really a big deal).

Am I the only one here who actually eats offal?

The sugar is in the sauce.  

I have grown fond of venison liver. Because deer are jumpers, the liver is resistant to tearing so it has a bit more toughness to it.  Well, it isn't tough, just resembles muscle more than beef liver.  Less liver tasting than beef too.

Venison heart is also great but it IS tough.  I don't mind.

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:40:27 AM EDT



Listen. If you don't like what gets put into processed food, good. It really is nasty stuff. But God dammit, I don't care. I like the McRib. You could tell me it was made out of horse shit and potato bugs, and if it tastes good, I'd still eat it.

Fucking let yourself ENJOY something and quit worrying about what it's made out of. If you thought it was made out of ribs, you really were too stupid anyway.

Supposedly someone sells you an AR15 telling you its Colt, it shoots good, it's precise, its reliable, it looks like a Colt. But later you find out its in fact a Bushmaster.

But hey, just enjoy it.

It's called a "McRib", not a rib sandwich. They have never claimed it contained rib meat. Don't be obtuse.

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:42:13 AM EDT



Listen. If you don't like what gets put into processed food, good. It really is nasty stuff. But God dammit, I don't care. I like the McRib. You could tell me it was made out of horse shit and potato bugs, and if it tastes good, I'd still eat it.

Fucking let yourself ENJOY something and quit worrying about what it's made out of. If you thought it was made out of ribs, you really were too stupid anyway.

Supposedly someone sells you an AR15 telling you its Colt, it shoots good, it's precise, its reliable, it looks like a Colt. But later you find out it is in fact a Bushmaster.

But hey, just enjoy it.

You're comparing an exact replica of something to the real thing... More like "suppose someone sold you a rib-shaped meat patty with bbq sauce, pickles and onions on a bun, and yold you it was a McRib..."
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:44:28 AM EDT



Listen. If you don't like what gets put into processed food, good. It really is nasty stuff. But God dammit, I don't care. I like the McRib. You could tell me it was made out of horse shit and potato bugs, and if it tastes good, I'd still eat it.

Fucking let yourself ENJOY something and quit worrying about what it's made out of. If you thought it was made out of ribs, you really were too stupid anyway.

Supposedly someone sells you an AR15 telling you its Colt, it shoots good, it's precise, its reliable, it looks like a Colt. But later you find out it is in fact a Norinco.

But hey, just enjoy it.

Brand differs.  You are buying on brand.  

McDonald's isn't selling McRib as "100% Hampshire pork", are they?  No, they are selling a pork sandwich, much like a pulled pork only instead of shredding the pork after it is cooked, they use pork trimmings, mostly shoulder meat but CAN INCLUDE other cuts.  This pork is then formed into oblong patties which are embossed with ribbing for flavor during the cooking process.

The whole backlash against the McRib is from the anti-pork crowd.  Smells like a Muslim conspiracy

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:49:56 AM EDT
well I love beacon and I love beacon on ribs even more.

But if someone is selling me something called McRib, in the form of a sandwich and tells me the meat in the middle is pork, I damn well expect ribs in there.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:56:39 AM EDT
IDK if its national or regional, but here in Iowa you can get a second McRib added for only a dollar.

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:01:53 AM EDT
IDK if its national or regional, but here in Iowa you can get a second McRib added for only a dollar.


$1 McRibs?! Oh shit. I'm in.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:05:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:16:17 AM EDT
Haven't had a McRib in over 30 years. Don't remember if I liked it or not. I've been seeing the commercials lately and thought about trying one though.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:20:42 AM EDT
I ain't eatin' one of dose, they're filled with nasty garbage meat... pass the hotdogs please.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:29:51 AM EDT

" Made up of pork tripe, heart, and scalded stomach, the piece of meat served on the sandwich is processed down with water and sugar and then formed into the shape of ribs to give it a special appeal, when it’s not actually ribs at all."

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:31:29 AM EDT
How is this any worse than hot dogs, sausage, or any other processed meat pulp product?
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:33:32 AM EDT
IDK if its national or regional, but here in Iowa you can get a second McRib added for only a dollar.


$1 McRibs?! Oh shit. I'm in.

I know that's good at least in north-central Missouri and central Illinois.  You have to buy a McRib meal, then you get a second sandwich for a buck.  

Yup. You can get that deal in MI too.

That reminds me, I need to go get lunch.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:41:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:46:54 AM EDT
Meh, I just had one the other day. Still alive.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:50:48 AM EDT
I know what I am having for lunch

TWO McRibs.  That dollar kicker thing rocks.

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:56:06 AM EDT
How is this any worse than hot dogs, sausage, or any other processed meat pulp product?

exactly, I enjoy all those things.  I guess we have more pussies here on ARFCOM than I thought.  If you actually thought a Mcrib or any of those rib patties are rib meat than I feel
sorry for you.

By the way that 2nd Mcrib for a buck also applies down here in TX.  I actually prefer the filet-o-fish over the Mcrib but you can't beat the Mcrib deal they got going.

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:16:20 PM EDT
Heart meat is the best meat on the animal.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:21:39 PM EDT
I have eaten it before and will eat it again.  My favorite meat in breakfast burritos is Chorizo aka Mexican Sausage and it usually includes "Pork salivary glands and nyphnods"  Sounds gross I guess but damn its tasty.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:28:17 PM EDT
I saw the sign in front of the local McD.  For a guy that grew up eating head cheese, scrapple, tripe, and potted meat, the McRib is a welcome reminder of my childhood.

Yep.  I mean WTF do people think hot dogs, sausages, bologna, etc are made of?
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:29:26 PM EDT
I had a mcrib once.  Could not finish it.  Thought it was going to give me colon cancer in my brain.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:31:41 PM EDT


I had a mcrib once.  Could not finish it.  Thought it was going to give me colon cancer in my brain.

So what you are saying is your head is up..

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:32:56 PM EDT
I like them. I just ate a mcrib and some mcnuggets...
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:33:40 PM EDT
its the same here in AZ, buy the meal (i wanna sya like $4.99) and u get a 2nd McRib for $1.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 2:34:01 PM EDT

I had a mcrib once.  Could not finish it.  Thought it was going to give me colon cancer in my brain.

So what you are saying is your head is up..

see, he got it.  Keith is on the ball tonight.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 5:54:44 PM EDT
Had a McRib tonight.  Shit was delicious.  
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 5:56:44 PM EDT
McDonalds/fast food in general is disgusting. After eating healthy for a while even the thought of it disgusts me. It's not even real food.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:07:17 PM EDT
The whole backlash against the McRib is from the anti-pork crowd.  Smells like a Muslim conspiracy


 Never even considered that! Just one more reason to get a couple more. Anything less could be un-American.

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 7:55:29 PM EDT
hell people would eagerly chow on soylent green if you had the right commercials
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:01:08 PM EDT
There was an MRE back in the 1980s that had a dehydrated pork patty.  It was much like a McRib...wonder if that is what it was?

The accessory packet contained dehydrated ketchup.  I would crumble the dry patty, then sprinkle the ketchup over it and rehydrate with fresh hot coffee (not that nasty MRE coffee, I made my own in the field).  That spread over the crackers was quite tasty.

Off to get a McRib and freeze dry it

Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:08:26 PM EDT
I don't care I still eat them
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:12:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:15:35 PM EDT
All this hate for beef and pork meat that's processed by a machine, yet people pay out the ass for bottom-feeding water bugs.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:17:37 PM EDT


Heart meat is the best meat on the animal.


Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:31:20 PM EDT
I don't care I still eat them

This. Just had a couple a few days ago. Dollar Mcrib, mmmm.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:34:12 PM EDT
Nasty. Not something yummy like tripas de leche.
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:34:51 PM EDT
meat slurry formed into a rib......just pop a cholesterol pill and you are good to go!!!  
Link Posted: 1/2/2013 8:36:49 PM EDT
I can honestly say I've never eaten one. Now I reeeeeeeeeeeeeealy don't want one.
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 8:57:41 AM EDT
I have turned it into poop.  I am not ashamed.

And they turned that poop into rib shaped meat... The Circle of life!!!!!
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 9:12:13 AM EDT
I tried one last week and between the grissle crunching between my teeth and the taste of suger catsup, I only made it half way before chucking it. If I had found out what it made of that day I would have puked.
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 9:53:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:01:08 AM EDT
The yellow journalists got it wrong.  It is mostly pork shoulder and pork trimmings which includes outer rib meat.  Pork trimmings can include tripe, heart etc.

But pork heart is like any other heart muscle and very dark, it doesn't turn to a light color when cooked so it would make an off-color in the finished product.  

Tripe, especially pork tripe, would also cause off-flavor.  Anyone who has smelled the stench of menudo (the Spanish soup made with tripe) can attest to this foul odor.

Having spent a lot of time in predominantly Mexican neighborhoods all over southern California, I can close my eyes & still recall that aroma.
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:05:11 AM EDT
I have never had a McRib and I never will.
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:06:05 AM EDT
hell people would eagerly chow on soylent green if you had the right commercials

They don't call it "long pork" for nothing...
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:12:55 AM EDT
Love some  McRib Sammich

2 for $4 here, get em by the sack full

Mc Donald's is a nasty shithole tho
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:18:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:20:53 AM EDT
Love some  McRib Sammich

2 for $4 here, get em by the sack full

Mc Donald's is a nasty shithole tho

2 for 4$! I think my local Mc Donald's took the Mcrib off the menu already.
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:30:24 AM EDT
There was an MRE back in the 1980s that had a dehydrated pork patty.  It was much like a McRib...wonder if that is what it was?

The accessory packet contained dehydrated ketchup.  I would crumble the dry patty, then sprinkle the ketchup over it and rehydrate with fresh hot coffee (not that nasty MRE coffee, I made my own in the field).  That spread over the crackers was quite tasty.

Off to get a McRib and freeze dry it

Those still exist, and they are awesome.

Link Posted: 1/3/2013 10:50:02 AM EDT
Im honestly amazed at what people will consume. That this passes as 'food' says a lot about the consumer base FDA.


I ordered ONE for the first time, a few weeks ago.  I had NO IDEA this is how it was made.  My wife and I each took a bite and then looked at each other in disgust.  My dog wouldn't even take a bite of the remaining sandwich that we refused to finish.

How was I, a consumer, supposed to know this is what I was ordering when none of its contents are published in or around the McDonald's, for my knowledge?

Pretty dumb statement.
Link Posted: 1/3/2013 11:01:17 AM EDT
I love them fuckers.  
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