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Link Posted: 2/27/2007 12:03:42 PM EDT
My message to the President...

Dear Mr. President,

I would like to bring your attention to H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007.  Although this bill is still in committee, it is without a doubt one of the most sweeping gun bans ever proposed and a direct attack on every American's Second Amendment rights.  It goes far and beyond what the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban did in scope and coverage.  As Republicans and Americans, it is our duty and responsibility to prevent infringement of the Constitutional rights handed down to us by our Founding Fathers.  Any gun ban only helps to disarm law abiding citizens and give criminals the upper hand.  Criminals DO NOT follow laws.  If this bill makes it any farther than committee I urge you to communicate to every representative and senator that their job is to defend every American's freedom to keep and bear arms, not restrict it.  I would also hope that if this bill ever made it to your office that you would swiftly strike it down with a veto.  Passing of H.R. 1022 would be one giant leap towards complete gun confiscation and beginning of a new era of liberalism for our nation.

Best Regards,
Registered Republican
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 12:22:15 PM EDT
What's that rumbling sound...

ETA:  Alright, I'm finally ready and willing to get off my ass and actually start contacting my state representatives.  How can I find out what district I'm in and who I need to contact?

Go here:


Then write and mail or fax the letter.  Emails and phone calls don't count as much as written letters.
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 12:52:03 PM EDT


What's that rumbling sound...

ETA:  Alright, I'm finally ready and willing to get off my ass and actually start contacting my state representatives.  How can I find out what district I'm in and who I need to contact?

Go here:


Then write and mail or fax the letter.  Emails and phone calls don't count as much as written letters.

Here is another one:

Link Posted: 2/27/2007 2:08:22 PM EDT

What's that rumbling sound...

ETA:  Alright, I'm finally ready and willing to get off my ass and actually start contacting my state representatives.  How can I find out what district I'm in and who I need to contact?


this is the first time I will ever contact my state reps, this s#*t is pissing me off.  How can they do this anyways?  Has anyone else heard of bandits robbing grandma and grandpa, 7-11's, etc with their ARs.  WTF is wrong with these spineless morons?  

We need more people to stand up against these pieces of CRAP!  This is really getting me worked up, I am done here
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 2:22:29 PM EDT
I sent an email yesterday to my Congressman, and today I wrote a letter
and sent the original to his office in D.C., and a copy to his office in Richardson,
Texas. Sam Johnson in my Congressman. The ink didn't get dry good before
the Anti gub movement is at it again. Sam Johnson is pro 2nd Amendment.
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 2:27:30 PM EDT
I haven't had time to read through all of these posts, but here's a link to a petition against HR 1022, in case no one else posted it: www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/409898348
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 2:43:50 PM EDT

I just looked at Carolyn McCarthy's website and she uses the Salt Lake City shootings as a example of why we need the new AWB.  No mention that he used a shot gun not a AW.  I guess the facts are unimportant.  

Read the text of H.R.1022 carefully.  It is not an assault weapon ban, it's a gun ban.  Shotguns do not have to be semiauto to be banned by H.R.1022.  In fact, due to the wording of the 'military and law enforcement use' clause, H.R.1022 gives the Attorney General the authority to ban all Remington model 700's,  Mossberg 500's and 590's, Ithica 37's, and a ridiculously long list of other "sporting" firearms - just because they are, or were, used by the military or law enforcement.

"...as determined by the Attorney General. In making the determination, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a firearm procured for use by the United States military or any Federal law enforcement agency is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, and a firearm shall not be determined to be particularly suitable for sporting purposes solely because the firearm is suitable for use in a sporting event."
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 2:59:37 PM EDT
Scary, isn't it? I can't imagine anyone in their right mind would support this, but can you imagine if it actually passed through? That would be a grim day indeed.
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 2:59:44 PM EDT

I haven't had time to read through all of these posts, but here's a link to a petition against HR 1022, in case no one else posted it: www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/409898348

Nice to see this is inciting the ones who don't usually come forth and get off their asses to extinguish this CRAP Bill.

Congrats on the 1st post.  Be sure to tell everyone you know.
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 3:33:21 PM EDT
As i sit here pissed off about this stupid bill, I wonder what the gun industry is doing to stop this. it would be interesting to see how much of a profit loss the industry got hit with when the clinton ban took into effect? I would assume enthusiast spend multi millions if not billions on firearms and acc. a year, not to mention ammo? idunno just my 2cents
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 3:34:12 PM EDT
sorry hit the submit button twice
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 3:40:27 PM EDT
I just got this back from my Senator and I'm glad I voted for him!hank
When our Founding Fathers drafted the Constitution, they included the Second Amendment to guarantee people the right to keep and bear arms. This is a fundamental part of our American identity, and I will work with my Senate colleagues to ensure that this liberty is protected for all law-abiding citizens.

On February 13, 2007, Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act (H.R. 1022). This legislation would reauthorize for ten years the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, which prohibits the manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon or a large capacity ammunition feeding device. H.R. 1022 has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where it awaits further approval.

Although no similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind as we proceed in the 110th Congress.

Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. In addition, for more information about issues and activities important to Florida, please sign up for my weekly newsletter at http://martinez.senate.gov.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 5:33:53 PM EDT
The sadest part of all is if any one of us vocalized our intent to do our constitutional duty regarding this matter, it's very likey we be placed under arrest or at least investigated for conspiracy. It may be getting to the point of shutting up and putting up. Our forefathers gave so much more than most of us realize. And look what it has come to
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 6:22:09 PM EDT
maybe  she should monitor this site www.assaultweaponwatch.com/. it could teach her a thing or two.
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 6:29:07 PM EDT
2 emails sent to my representatives !
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 7:08:00 PM EDT
Scary, isn't it? I can't imagine anyone in their right mind would support this, but can you imagine if it actually passed through? That would be a grim day indeed.

No co-sponsors - I wonder why ???
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 7:31:49 PM EDT


Scary, isn't it? I can't imagine anyone in their right mind would support this, but can you imagine if it actually passed through? That would be a grim day indeed.

No co-sponsors - I wonder why ???

Probably waiting to see if supporting it might hurt their chances in their next election.  If it starts to look like they might be able to get some positive press, the regulars will be looking for photo ops with Sarah Brady.

McCarthy has never hidden the fact that gun control is the sole issue that motivated her run for office.  She's not worried about a gun ban hurting her political career, since that's the only goal of her political career.
Link Posted: 2/27/2007 7:53:52 PM EDT

Probably waiting to see if supporting it might hurt their chances in their next election.

No kidding... especially since all of them seem to be running to president.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 2:56:16 AM EDT


Probably waiting to see if supporting it might hurt their chances in their next election.

No kidding... especially since all of them seem to be running to president.

Ya'll remember what happened he last time some of these highly misinformed politicians tried to pull this kind of ludicrous bullshit.

Actually, I do see a silver lining here.

I feel this absolute disregard for the will of the people and their saftey when it pertains to protecting our loved ones, homes and property is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

For hundreds of years now  american's have also legally owned and utillized firearms for recreational and hunting purposes and the right of American citizens to do so was then, and is now guaranteed by our constitution.

I believe this house bill although a political killer at least for now, should be veiwed by american's all over our great country with grave concern.

Many here that share simular veiws as I do must become politically active now and thwart the threat of this very serious issue.

We can no longer afford to remain silent to the fact that many politicians in D.C. as well as on the state and local level because of their liberal views and agendas must be challenged by the voting public, our own elected officials,[ and there are many] utillizing and maximizing their political clout and through all levels of the court system if need be.

These actions are and will bring legal gun owning citizens closer together to stand against somthing which is in my opinion, is not only fundamentally illegal due to it's nature, but is a threat as big as any to our personal freedoms as americans, and also to our national heritage pertaining to gun sports, hunting and personal protection against the crimminal element [who currently posses these types of firearms in large numbers stated in the proposed ban] and national defense as a potential first responder to combat a very real and present threat of another terrorist attack here on american soil whether it be foreign or domestic in origin.

''United we stand, divided we fall''.

We the law abiding have been called into the street.

Who will go with me ?

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 3:01:01 AM EDT
I'm in.

I wrote my Congressman, and I will write my Senators tonight.
This is a travesty that we even have to deal with this crap, BUT
if we don't protest this in mass, we will be doomed.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 3:12:45 AM EDT


Probably waiting to see if supporting it might hurt their chances in their next election.

No kidding... especially since all of them seem to be running to president.

The problem is that the democratic party has already proven that they can tell McCarthy to shut up and actually make her do it.  When the news media finally made it absolutely clear that Clinton had been fooling around with Lewinsky, McCarthy was one of the first politicians to talk to the press about it.  McCarthy was outraged and essentially wanted Clinton's head on a platter for his actions.  In less than 24 hours, McCarthy apparently lost all motivation to say a single word on the subject (must've gotten a royal chewing out for talking before the party leadership told her what her opinion was).

But they don't seem to have done anything about McCarthy trying to ban guns, so they must be using her to gauge public opinion.  If McCarthy can get a little positive feedback from her actions, then the water must be fine and they can all jump in with their support for the ban.  If McCarty can't get a single press conference or appearance on Oprah, then they can quietly pretend nothing is going on.

What we need, is for the national news media to take notice of what's happening with H.R.1022.  We need reporters going to members of Congress and asking them why the 2004 'AWB extension' bill was such a major issue for the party, while this new 'reinstatement' bill is apparently getting no attention.  We need them to be put in a position where they have to make a public statement of their position.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 5:08:06 AM EDT
Check this out. Makes me proud to be a Texan. We ALL need to write letters of support for this along side our letters of protest to H.R. 1022

H.R. 1096

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 7:21:53 AM EDT
Im not quite understanding that proposed bill.  Are they basically saying that there will be no more manufactured or are they saying that there going to take our guns from our homes?  Im in total disagreement as you all are but im wondering if I should stock pile everything AR related or if its business as usual since there going to take them away any how?
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 7:59:10 AM EDT
Dear Representative ,

I am writing you to ensure that you will stand in opposition to  H.R. 1022, the bill introduced by Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) and any other anti second amendment Legislation introduced this session. As we in Florida and many other states have shown gun-control legislation does nothing to hamper crime, it only removes constitutionallyt protected rights from law abiding citizens. Florida’s right to carry laws should be a testament to the responsible nature of law abiding citizens when they are unbound by restrictive legislation and allowed to exercise their constitutional rights. Since these laws went into effect over 15 years ago crime in our state has dropped in a steady manner, and I believe, to date, not a single permit holder has been convicted of a commission of a crime that involves the improper use of a firearm. when law abiding citizens are held hostage by gun control, crime rates rise. It is our duty and right as citizens of these United States to defend our selves and our families. Infringing upon this right is not only unconstitutional, but it promotes crime, as is evident in cities like Washington D.C. and New York. These cities have the toughest anti-gun laws in the country and yet their crime rates are some of the highest in the nation.

I would also encourage you to introduce or support any legislation that actually gets tough on crime. It is apparent to me and many of your constituents that the only way to really reduce crime is to punish criminals. Plea bargains and reduced sentences are a major part of the crime problem in this country. Every day we read in the papers or watch on television horrible crimes that were committed by people that have records a mile long, and should have been in jail, not free to continue robbing, raping, and murdering.

It is time we stop passing “feel good” legislation that does nothing, and get to the root of the crime problem in this country, which is the criminal. Punishing criminals and protecting the rights of law abiding citizens is the only way to ensure a safer tomorrow.

Thank you,

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 7:59:36 AM EDT
maybe  she should monitor this site www.assaultweaponwatch.com/. it could teach her a thing or two.

can you believe they are that brazen to call all this a experiment?? 5-7 assualt pistol??? hahahahahahahaha now this site is full of reasons to never ever!! kiss your sister!!
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 8:30:06 AM EDT
Just another (of many) reasons to keep the libbys outa control.
I swear.....this countrys going to hell in a Hot Wheel!!
God help us all if 'skank-face' gets into the White House.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 8:32:38 AM EDT
I hit every politician in Missouri with: Dear Whomever,
Please help preseve my 2nd Ammendment Rights to lawfully own 'Sport Weapons' granted me under the Constitution and as a resident of Missouri. Please do not sign the unscupulous H.R 1022 bill recently introduced by Rep Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) which makes erroneous claims that banning these weapon types will lower the crime rate nationwide.
This Bill would cause undue hardship on the many families which legally operate the companies which would come under attack by the unscrupulous H.R 1022 Bill if it were received by Congress.
Thank Your for your time and hard work.
                        Missouri Resident

                        Michael R. George    
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 8:48:06 AM EDT
This is my first post although I've been a reader here for quite a while. I guess this bullshit scared me out of hiding. Anyway i fired off my letters to my reps yesterday and felt even more action was necessary, so here is the text to the letters I will be sending the editors of local newspapers. I thoguht it would be good if ppl from more than jsut my area read it so feel free to copy it.

One issue that has net seen much attention from the media yet, one that I think everyone should be made aware of, is the proposed reinstatement of the Assault Weapons  Ban, specifically, H.R. 1022.

This bill, introduced by Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), if passed, will ban the sale, through an FFL dealer or private, of almost ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, not just guns like the AK-47. It will ban any firearm with features such as a removable magazine with a 10-round or greater capacity, pistol grips, folding stocks, etc. the list includes firearms many people would not expect such as the Ruger 10/22, and can be interpreted to include the Remington Model 700, a rifle many hunters use as their primary sporting rifle. Hunters and collectors can no longer say that this does not affect them.

Anyone with and ounce of patriotism should immediately become furious with this obvious infringement on our constitutional right to bear arms. This bill would weaken the principles our fore-fathers gave so much to defend, as well as lead the way to more infringements of our rights as American citizens. To me, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Rep. McCarthy’s reasoning for the ban is to make our country safer by taking assault weapons from criminals. But why would any criminal conform to gun laws if they are not opposed to using weapons to commit crimes? So called “gun control laws” only take firearms away from responsible, law-abiding citizens, which further hinders our ability to prevent crime. More to the point, “assault weapons” are used in less than 2% of crime involving weapons. It is ridiculous to think that this proposed ban would have any effect whatsoever of reducing crime.

I strongly suggest that you stand up and make your voice heard on this issue. Take a few short minutes to write a letter or email to your congressmen and women to let them know how their constituents feel on this issue. We must stay away from the “Let the NRA deal with this” or “It won’t pass” mentality. That was the opinion of the majority of the gun-owning population in the early 90’s and they did nothing, resulting in the previous 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. We must not let this treasonous bill gain momentum, we must take a stand.

Edit for spelling
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 10:01:16 AM EDT
I got a response from Mel Martinez (or whoever answers his emails)-

Below is a response to the recent comments I received from you:

Dear Mr. Parrish:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the semiautomatic weapons ban. I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond to your concerns.

When our Founding Fathers drafted the Constitution, they included the Second Amendment to guarantee people the right to keep and bear arms. This is a fundamental part of our American identity, and I will work with my Senate colleagues to ensure that this liberty is protected for all law-abiding citizens.

On February 13, 2007, Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act (H.R. 1022). This legislation would reauthorize for ten years the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, which prohibits the manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon or a large capacity ammunition feeding device. H.R. 1022 has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where it awaits further approval.

Although no similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind as we proceed in the 110th Congress.

Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. In addition, for more information about issues and activities important to Florida, please sign up for my weekly newsletter at http://martinez.senate.gov.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 12:59:18 PM EDT
I've written Congressman Bennie Thompson taking care to refrain from using too many "BIG" words. I've also posted my feelings about this on the Judicial website.

I suspect I'll get a reply from Congressman Thompson the minute he finds someone who can read it to him.

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 3:02:08 PM EDT
hazmat...got the same one  
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 3:14:01 PM EDT
What you voted in elections you got. Same as here.

These cripples who only call for help, but will never help other. They never do anything for their safety, they want help from anybody other. But also they're pissed off when somebody do his best for his own safety and feels safer than they.

BTW> Can anybody explain me why the liberals call themself liberals? Somehow I unterstand this as "open-minded", but they try to prohibit everything.

I very hate all humanists, pseudo-humanists, ecological terrorists and "politically correct" homo sapiens!

If this ban will become in approved, than she will realize what the gun black market means.
Reports from GB said there were almost 4000 000 legal guns in GB. After the ban, only 3000 000 guns were commited. So there is million black guns. Nice result.

Good luck fighting this insect.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 3:41:55 PM EDT
yes because the vast majority on these boards vote for this or put someone in office that would do this to our rights.....think for gods sake
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 3:46:07 PM EDT
hazmat...got the same one   Figured I wasn't special or anything. I really don't care what it says as long as he gets the idea that people in Florida don't agree with that stupid ban.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 4:02:58 PM EDT

I hit every politician in Missouri with: Dear Whomever,
Please help preseve my 2nd Ammendment Rights to lawfully own 'Sport Weapons' granted me under the Constitution and as a resident of Missouri. Please do not sign the unscupulous H.R 1022 bill recently introduced by Rep Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) which makes erroneous claims that banning these weapon types will lower the crime rate nationwide.
This Bill would cause undue hardship on the many families which legally operate the companies which would come under attack by the unscrupulous H.R 1022 Bill if it were received by Congress.
Thank Your for your time and hard work.
                        Missouri Resident

                        Michael R. George    

Our constitution is forever under attack, and we as Americans need to answer the clarion call to defend our freedom and liberty. Anti-American enemies of freedom are always attempting to twist and distort the true meaning of those sacred words that are written in the blood of past patriots. Most commonly it is the second amendment that is under attack due to the fact that one of the first steps taken on the path to tyranny must be to disarm the people. It is no surprise that this is the case. The framers of our constitution warned us of this in numerous writings.

It is a fact that the founding fathers of this country intended the entire citizenry to be armed. The second amendment is very clear that “the right of the “people” to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. A study of any quotes or writings from the framers of the constitution on this subject will make it crystal clear that the intended pourpose of the second amendment is to insure that the citizenry will always be able to defend itself from tyranny. Neither in the wording of the constitution nor in the writings of the founding fathers on this subject can it possibly be construed that the second amendment referred to the right of the people to keep and bear only “sporting arms” approved by the government. However this is exactly what the enemies of our liberties would have us believe.

The second amendment refers to “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State “; some would have us believe that this should be interpreted as the right of the state to have a (National Guard). The Second Amendment declares by implication that if the "MILITIA" is not "WELL REGULATED" by "PEOPLE" keeping and bearing arms, the "MILITIA" becomes a threat to the "SECURITY OF A FREE STATE." The "MILITIA" has no "RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS" in the Second Amendment; rather it is only "THE RIGHT OF THE ""PEOPLE"" TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (that) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."
We also must remember that the Bill of Rights was intended to limit the rights of the government. It outlines what rights the government does not have, and what rights we the people posses that the government can not touch.

It is a travesty that over time we the people have become complacent and ignorant to the true meaning of the second amendment, and allowed some legislators to twist the words of that most sacred document and rob from us the very means that the founding fathers provided to ensure our liberty. As citizens of this great nation we must be ever vigilant in the protection of our rights and guard with jealous attention the liberty that we were so fortunate to be born with.

When will this siege on our freedoms end? The answer is most assuredly: Never.
As patriotic Americans we look upon the framers of our constitution with respect and admiration, but we must do more than admire the framers of the constitution. We must strive to emulate those rare men in our actions and in the defense of our freedom and liberty. Never allow the enemies of freedom and liberty to lure you into compromise when our rights are in danger of being striped away.

Kevin Neil Conkle
Edgewater, Fl
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quotes:

"On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." (Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, June 12, 1823, The Complete Jefferson, p. 322)
"No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." (Thomas Jefferson, Proposal Virginia Constitution, 1 T. Jefferson Papers, 334,[C.J.Boyd, Ed., 1950])
"The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." (James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 [June 8, 1789])

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms." (Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Farmer (1788) at 169)
"...to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380)
"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison, The Federalist Papers #46 at 243-244)
"the ultimate authority ... resides in the people alone," (James Madison, author of the Bill of Rights, in Federalist Paper #46.)
"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation. . . Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison, author of the Bill of Rights, in Federalist Paper No. 46.)
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426)
"The Constitution shall never be construed....to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms" (Samuel Adams, Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 86-87)
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them." (Richard Henry Lee, 1788, Initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights, Walter Bennett, ed., Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican, at 21,22,124 (Univ. of Alabama Press,1975)..)
"The great object is that every man be armed" and "everyone who is able may have a gun." (Patrick Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the Constitution. Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia,...taken in shorthand by David Robertson of Petersburg, at 271, 275 2d ed. Richmond, 1805. Also 3 Elliot, Debates at 386)
"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" (Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836)
"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." (Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-8)
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants" (Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787. Taken from Jefferson, On Democracy 20, S. Padover ed., 1939)
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined" (Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836)
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence ... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good" (George Washington)
"No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion." (James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775])
"To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege." [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)]

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 4:09:31 PM EDT

"To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege." [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)]


Thank you - I've never read that one.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 4:30:41 PM EDT
Ms. McCarthy got involved in politics after her husband was killed and her son was injured during the NY subway shooting in 1993. I wonder why it never occurred to her that if just one good guy on the train would have been packing the outcome might have been very different. But, like everywhere carry is unlawful there was nothing to do but run and scream like a bunch of frightened sheep. Also, how would the absence of "assault rifles" have prevented this? Just another case of a liberal "doing something" to make them feel better.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 4:37:42 PM EDT

Check this out. Makes me proud to be a Texan. We ALL need to write letters of support for this along side our letters of protest to H.R. 1022
H.R. 1096

It's a good start. I'm not sure how well received the removal of the background check will be. If I'm reading that right they want to get rid of that or just the waiting period?

I'd like to see:
- more in regards to concealed carry like a "no state can limit a person's right to carry" clause
- getting rid of the NFA tax stamp (or the entire overly lengthy process of obtaining a suppressor)
- pretty much every law in California, NJ, NY, etc. I live two hours from NJ, have friends there I'd like to shoot with but practically can't because so much of my stuff is NJ-unfriendly.
- bullet restricting laws
- SBR laws (how nice would it be to just be able to buy an barrel shorter than 16" without having to pay $200 extra plus all the BS paperwork which has absolutely no sound reasoning behind it.

I'm sure i'm missing some stuff. I wonder what the odds are the authors of that bill will consider some of these "revisions" if I wrote him.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 5:09:30 PM EDT


Check this out. Makes me proud to be a Texan. We ALL need to write letters of support for this along side our letters of protest to H.R. 1022
H.R. 1096

It's a good start. I'm not sure how well received the removal of the background check will be. If I'm reading that right they want to get rid of that or just the waiting period?

I'd like to see:
- more in regards to concealed carry like a "no state can limit a person's right to carry" clause
- getting rid of the NFA tax stamp (or the entire overly lengthy process of obtaining a suppressor)
- pretty much every law in California, NJ, NY, etc. I live two hours from NJ, have friends there I'd like to shoot with but practically can't because so much of my stuff is NJ-unfriendly.
- bullet restricting laws
- SBR laws (how nice would it be to just be able to buy an barrel shorter than 16" without having to pay $200 extra plus all the BS paperwork which has absolutely no sound reasoning behind it.

I'm sure i'm missing some stuff. I wonder what the odds are the authors of that bill will consider some of these "revisions" if I wrote him.

I like this idea....not only should we be fighting these laws but ALSO pushing for repeal of PAST really bad laws thus confounding liberals as much as we must confound them!
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 5:26:31 PM EDT
Has anyone seen anything on the NRA website regarding HR1022 or am I just not exploring the website properly?
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 6:07:20 PM EDT

Has anyone seen anything on the NRA website regarding HR1022 or am I just not exploring the website properly?

According to Cam and Company of NRA-NEWS as of end of business February 28, H.R. 1022 so far has had no co sponsors and has sat dormant in the judiciary committee since it was introduced on February 13. The NRA and ILA are keeping a very close eye on this bill as we all should. I strongly feel that if this bill passes it will be time to put up or shut-up and take this issue to the Supreme Court. Win or lose we must fight for our constitutional rights and see what our Supreme Court Justices are made of. If we come out on the other end with a bad ruling it might be time to take Thomas Jefferson's advice.
Link Posted: 2/28/2007 8:28:39 PM EDT
ON watching the elections and finding on Nov.7 the sweep of Dems. taking office and the U.S. Congress I knew there would be major troubles a head. Heck u could see it comming before Nov. 7. At the last gun show I asked the old timmers and I felt a little paranoid because all of them said "Na, it won't happen or they'd grandfather all the guns ,etc" Well when I found out yesterday about this womans' bill I felt sick and pissed so many people will not take this serious!

With the UN's mandate on citizens not owning guns and the Dems/ Soros ever dilegently working for a gun free U.S. where Blue Helmets stand on every corner. We must make a stand. Look at Canada and especially the UK where crimes involving guns are up 35% (BBC News). Where classes are taught of helping victims help each other via medical classes to deal with the criminals abomination use of a gun and which left the bleeding victim on the street left gasping and calling out for a "Bobby" where at a time wore no revolver but now a MP5 made in their Sterling weapons plant in England. No, this will not happen here?

John Bolton (yes a character) but was the only one who voted against UN's mandate of citizens ownership this time around. Next vote is in 5 years and with a Dem congress and President we could kiss our 2nd rights away. Personally I could not live in that world.

No my friend, it's not about crime but about fear from their own people-you and me and their ever so greed for power. On Valentines Day this bill was introduced. Give me a break. This may be our 2nd revolution hopefully through voting. Hey, they know where we live so maybe I'll get a "Jack Boot" knock on my door at 3am. Oh well, they'll flash bang my bedroom to wake me up and then have a slip on the old trigger as I try to but my hands over my eyes...

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 9:23:21 PM EDT

I'd like to see:
- more in regards to concealed carry like a "no state can limit a person's right to carry" clause
- getting rid of the NFA tax stamp (or the entire overly lengthy process of obtaining a suppressor)
- pretty much every law in California, NJ, NY, etc. I live two hours from NJ, have friends there I'd like to shoot with but practically can't because so much of my stuff is NJ-unfriendly.
- bullet restricting laws
- SBR laws (how nice would it be to just be able to buy an barrel shorter than 16" without having to pay $200 extra plus all the BS paperwork which has absolutely no sound reasoning behind it.

I'm sure i'm missing some stuff. I wonder what the odds are the authors of that bill will consider some of these "revisions" if I wrote him.

Requiring all states to recognize carry permits from other states ('just like we do with driver's licenses') would probably be seen as less federal intrusion into state authority.  There's already a precident with the law granting police officers the ability to carry in other states.

Repealing the NFA would be nice, but any smaller step in weakening it would be a step in the right direstion:
-repeal the 1986 full-auto ban.
-remove noise suppressors from the NFA (they're not firearms, just accessories that keep the neighbors happier).
-remove SBR's, SBS's, and AOW's from the NFA (wasn't the darn law created because of criminal misuse of submachineguns?).

The Brady's have been fighting this political war by small incremental steps (with an occasional big jump).  We can do the same.
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 5:36:24 AM EDT
Now is not the time to sit and complain about “black helicopter” stuff.

We need to educate our selves on matters of the constitution and on the ideas and convictions of the framers of that great document and fight with great vigor to restore the greatness that lives in the history and spirit of our nation. We can not afford to be lazy.
We really need to be knowledgeable and articulate in our arguments concerning our freedoms.

Get out and promote the pro-American, and pro-constitutional ideas we all believe in and so many have died to protect. If we do not get pro-active in the protection of our rights we will most assuredly loose them and we will have no one to blame but our selves.
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 9:35:12 AM EDT


I'd like to see:
- more in regards to concealed carry like a "no state can limit a person's right to carry" clause
- getting rid of the NFA tax stamp (or the entire overly lengthy process of obtaining a suppressor)
- pretty much every law in California, NJ, NY, etc. I live two hours from NJ, have friends there I'd like to shoot with but practically can't because so much of my stuff is NJ-unfriendly.
- bullet restricting laws
- SBR laws (how nice would it be to just be able to buy an barrel shorter than 16" without having to pay $200 extra plus all the BS paperwork which has absolutely no sound reasoning behind it.

I'm sure i'm missing some stuff. I wonder what the odds are the authors of that bill will consider some of these "revisions" if I wrote him.

Requiring all states to recognize carry permits from other states ('just like we do with driver's licenses') would probably be seen as less federal intrusion into state authority.  There's already a precident with the law granting police officers the ability to carry in other states.

Repealing the NFA would be nice, but any smaller step in weakening it would be a step in the right direstion:
-repeal the 1986 full-auto ban.
-remove noise suppressors from the NFA (they're not firearms, just accessories that keep the neighbors happier).
-remove SBR's, SBS's, and AOW's from the NFA
(wasn't the darn law created because of criminal misuse of submachineguns?).

The Brady's have been fighting this political war by small incremental steps (with an occasional big jump).  We can do the same.

These things would never happen, but you're right--it would be one hell of a counter-punch and would take the focus off of current communist attacks.
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 10:00:56 AM EDT

Repealing the NFA would be nice, but any smaller step in weakening it would be a step in the right direstion:
-repeal the 1986 full-auto ban.

Taking it one step further... since a complete removal would probably be too big to swallow... just knock off the part about manufacturing "new" machines guns so that people could slap some M16 trigger parts into their AR's and send their forms in.
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 12:12:00 PM EDT
Not too worried,  I don't think the "Dems" want a repeat of November 94
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 12:21:43 PM EDT
This bill is currently in the house judiciary committee. In addition to writing your senators and representatives you should also write the judiciary committee. It is up to them if this bill even makes it to the floor of the house.

E-mail judiciary committee
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 12:25:42 PM EDT

Not too worried,  I don't think the "Dems" want a repeat of November 94

damnit man!!

That is the kind of attitude that will ensure that WE will see a repeat.
Do not be complacent!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/1/2007 1:43:25 PM EDT
Just finished giving Mitchell Daniels my .02
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