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Link Posted: 2/10/2012 6:51:22 AM EDT
Well, the douchebags who are offended by things like this hate our military (and our country) anyway, so their opinion means jack shit.

It really is a mental disorder.

Wait - let me get this straight - a person who thinks a US military unit adopting the symbol of an enemy that was engaged in the systematic murder of people is someone who hates the US military, while someone who defends adopting the enemy symbol is the patriot?  Do I have that correct?
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 6:51:45 AM EDT
Way to misrepresent what they actually posed with.  

This is the image I saw.  

I'm Jewish, and that offends me not in the slightest. Sounds like someone's getting offended and butthurt on behalf of others.

ETA: Most of the SS were not the Totenkopf Division or had anything to do with the mass exterminations. Most were some of the finest soldiers the world has ever seen, fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds and to the death in many instances, and I see no problem with wanting to emulate that aspect.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 6:55:23 AM EDT
Well, the douchebags who are offended by things like this hate our military (and our country) anyway, so their opinion means jack shit.

It really is a mental disorder.

Wait - let me get this straight - a person who thinks a US military unit adopting the symbol of an enemy that was engaged in the systematic murder of people is someone who hates the US military, while someone who defends adopting the enemy symbol is the patriot?  Do I have that correct?

No, and please stop using logic.

This is about MSNBC!!
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:00:17 AM EDT
Way to misrepresent what they actually posed with.  

This is the image I saw.  

I'm Jewish, and that offends me not in the slightest. Sounds like someone's getting offended and butthurt on behalf of others.

ETA: Most of the SS were not the Totenkopf Division or had anything to do with the mass exterminations. Most were some of the finest soldiers the world has ever seen, fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds and to the death in many instances, and I see no problem with wanting to emulate that aspect.

Sorry - you don't get to pick and choose.  The Schutzstaffel (protective guard) was established to be Hitler's personal protective unit when he lost confidence in the SA.  As they expanded they took over the camps.  The Waffen SS came along later to help ensure the political reliability of a fighting force.

All of them used the runic SS symbol - you get everything or nothing.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:05:21 AM EDT
Way to misrepresent what they actually posed with.  

This is the image I saw.  

I'm Jewish, and that offends me not in the slightest. Sounds like someone's getting offended and butthurt on behalf of others.

ETA: Most of the SS were not the Totenkopf Division or had anything to do with the mass exterminations. Most were some of the finest soldiers the world has ever seen, fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds and to the death in many instances, and I see no problem with wanting to emulate that aspect.

Sorry - you don't get to pick and choose.  The Schutzstaffel (protective guard) was established to be Hitler's personal protective unit when he lost confidence in the SA.  As they expanded they took over the camps.  The Waffen SS came along later to help ensure the political reliability of a fighting force.

All of them used the runic SS symbol - you get everything or nothing.

Don't you have to go on patrol now?
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:08:55 AM EDT
Well, the douchebags who are offended by things like this hate our military (and our country) anyway, so their opinion means jack shit.

It really is a mental disorder.

Actually I hate and despise the Nazis, especially the SS, and find the thought of associating their legacy with that of our fine Scout/Snipers utterly repugnant.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:14:22 AM EDT
Way to misrepresent what they actually posed with.  

This is the image I saw.  

I'm Jewish, and that offends me not in the slightest. Sounds like someone's getting offended and butthurt on behalf of others.

ETA: Most of the SS were not the Totenkopf Division or had anything to do with the mass exterminations. Most were some of the finest soldiers the world has ever seen, fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds and to the death in many instances, and I see no problem with wanting to emulate that aspect.

Tell that to the US soldiers killed in the Malmedy massacre.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:17:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:20:50 AM EDT
War on Terror has now become War on Semiotics.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:22:40 AM EDT
The Care-o-Meter couldn't possibly dial any lower.

What a bunch of stupid hysterics over nothing. In fact, you could probably take any symbol and find some "offensive" comparison throughout history, if you were inclined to.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:28:32 AM EDT
i love how everyone defending the ss symbolism is alleging that people against it hate the military and the country. It's laughable how over half the people in these threads fit the lance comic PERFECTLY

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:33:48 AM EDT
This happens every couple of years, it gets stamp down because of the poor optics of it.  But it comes back every few years because the Scout Sniper community often chafes at what they see as wacky PC crap coming from higher headquarters.  

Honestly, they could probably say this is part of the IO program, the SS did have the Handzar SS Division which was made up of Muslims, so we are showing sensitivity to Muslims  
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:38:12 AM EDT
The US 30th Infantry Division in WW2 was nicknamed "Roosevelt's SS"....There was even an unofficial patch drawn up showing the SS in the 30th oval...

My father in law was in the division.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:44:26 AM EDT
The US 30th Infantry Division in WW2 was nicknamed "Roosevelt's SS"....There was even an unofficial patch drawn up showing the SS in the 30th oval...

My father in law was in the division.

By the German High Command - not self-identifying.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:45:06 AM EDT


Whoop de doo.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:48:05 AM EDT
Post nothing that can be used against you

Opsec always
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:48:44 AM EDT
Post nothing that can be used against you

Opsec always


Facebook is the debbil
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 7:58:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:03:40 AM EDT
Whoop Dee Doo.

Scout Snipers have been using that for a while.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:10:13 AM EDT
So I guess GM is a NAZI company since they produced in the 1960's and 70's...
Camero SS...
Nova SS...

and Obama bailed out GM, so Obama is a NAZI too.

Fuck Liberal Political Correctness, eat shit and die all of you liberal shits.

Ironically, presidental security is handled by the Secret Service.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:13:21 AM EDT

Much ado about nothing

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:15:24 AM EDT
I guess I'm going to go against the grain here and say I think it's inappropriate to use the SS symbol. Like it or not, much of what the military is involved in concerns public opinion. I don't see a good reason why we, as the Corps should identify ourselves with a group as dispicable as the SS.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, but I think it's unwise to adopt the SS symbol. I thought this when I was a young enlisted infantryman and I still believe it.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:17:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:27:11 AM EDT
Its pretty obvious that the SS means scout sniper and not Nazis

But but but it looks like nazi runes, so we must protect the children.
Anything to disaparage the military by the communist media.

Since when did NAZIs have runes?  They used Nordic/Germanic runes.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:31:48 AM EDT
Posting that on Facebook probably wasn't the best thing to do, but I really don't have an issue.  Drive on Devil Dogs.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:37:41 AM EDT
Big fucking deal. Scout Sniper initials = SS. I have a friend who branded SS into his chest after Scout Sniper graduation.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 8:49:08 AM EDT


Big fucking deal. Scout Sniper initials = SS. I have a friend who branded SS into his chest after Scout Sniper graduation.

This. My buddy did it on his shoulder. I took the sniper indoc and passed, but 2 of my other buddies were allowed to go but I wasn't... Because they couldn't "lose another Assaultman...".

And for the twat mind-fucked libs here:

Semper Fi

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 9:11:37 AM EDT
Meanwhile, American hippies march under the hammer and sickle and not a peep of outrage from the media....

Don't forget buring/pissing on our nation's flag too. But that's ok.
SS might offend someone.

Absolutely.  The USMC should certainly be allowed to lower themselves to this standard of conduct because OWS does it.  

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 9:18:40 AM EDT
This is nothing new and I don't take offense to it (although I havent seen a picture yet if there is one) The Marines have long since tried to integrate certain emblems and crests after defeating their enemies, its nothing new in warfare and I don't think theres anything wrong with it, although it has almost always been shot down by the brass right on spec.

The EGA pasted in front of the palm tree a la the nazi Afrik Corps is the one the most often comes to mind.
Its common knowledge that the USMC SCout Snipers essentially said fuck that and desiged their Scout Sniper emblem at least unofficially in the NAZI designed SS lightening bolt style font.

Its pretty common to see Snipers all stencil in the SS logo on their 700's and wear swag bearing the same symbol.

Fuckit their Marines, they've earned it. Just my opinion

Edit: OK just saw the pic. Whoever decided to orchestrate this obviously bullshit outrage should be beaten severely with the butt end of an M40

SS Scout Sniper. what. the. fuck.

Just cause the Nazi's were fucking assholes doesn't mean they get to have permanent ownership over certain objects and emblems, it really should mean exactly the opposite.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 9:30:01 AM EDT



lots of my buddies have em as a tattoo.....

my give-a-fuck meter is pegged at 0

A lot of heads would explode if they knew that at one time a certain Army Division's emblem was the swastika and that emblem is still posted in a certain eating area at a prominent military academy...


post that picture right above the one of our previous style salute (the one with the small schoolchildren saluting the American flag before class) right next to the massive Nazi rallies that for a long time used to fill up Madison Square Garden and some idiots heads would flat out explode.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 9:37:37 AM EDT
i'm glad that arfcom's primary criteria for determining who's liberal consists of:

1.) they disapprove of insignia which,  in the context of the 21st century, is clearly understood by society to be associated with naziism.

some seriously epic levels of denial on this site.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 9:43:11 AM EDT
can't find my give a fuck o meter.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 10:32:34 AM EDT

Truth be told, most guys know what the runes stand for.  Thing is, most Marines despise what they stood for but they admire the tenacity of the Waffen SS.  Just like a lotta treadheads admire Rommel for his abilities.

This is PC bullshit generated by a bunch of pillowbiting faggots who've never done a fucking thing for their country or else just want to scream and rage so they can see their names in print.

Fuck them all.

I fucking loathe slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging civilians.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 10:36:45 AM EDT

Don't tell the media about Teufel Hunden...

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 10:40:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 11:11:16 AM EDT
The ultimate irony is that the Arabs would actually approve of Nazi insignia.  They loved the Nazis.  

Who says the Marines don't know how to do that "hearts and minds" shit?

Part of the psychodynamic of every military elite group is that they see themselves as special, barely controllable bad boys, unbound by conventional sensibilities.  I've never heard of an elite combat group whose point of pride was that no one in their unit had ever gotten an Article 15 for public drunkenness. I'll guarantee that that every Marine Sniper Scout for the last umpty-ump years knew the runic SS symbol was associated with the elite Waffen-SS. That's why it's been so popular: not because they admire the Nazi Party's values, but because it plays into their bad boy image.  Well that and a little "America, fuck yeah.  They were the best the Krauts had, beat their ass and stole their shit.  Fuck with us, we'll beat yours too, steal your shit."  

Personally, I don't have too much of a problem with American troops taking ears or whatever keeps them pumped up to do our country's dirty work.  I just thank God we have men who are willing to it.  The people pissing and moaning about this non-issue need to shut the fuck up and get on back to their Mary Kay party.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 11:42:39 AM EDT
i'm glad that arfcom's primary criteria for determining who's liberal consists of:

1.) they disapprove of insignia which,  in the context of the 21st century, is clearly understood by society to be associated with naziism.

some seriously epic levels of denial on this site.

These men shoot people in the fucking face for a living. People who shoot back. I doubt they give a molecular fuck what society says about they shape of their emblem when they are busy laying face down in a filthy shit filled puddle of dirt for 8 hours  straight, then get up and punch a hole in someones face.

talk about epic level of denial.
If the Corps says its a problem then Ill agree its a problem, because a Marine should not disrespect the USMC, but as for what society or people like me care, ya... just no.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 11:50:06 AM EDT



i'm glad that arfcom's primary criteria for determining who's liberal consists of:

1.) they disapprove of insignia which, in the context of the 21st century, is clearly understood by society to be associated with naziism.

some seriously epic levels of denial on this site.

These men shoot people in the fucking face for a living. People who shoot back. I doubt they give a molecular fuck what society says about they shape of their emblem when they are busy laying face down in a filthy shit filled puddle of dirt for 8 hours straight, then get up and punch a hole in someones face.

talk about epic level of denial.

If the Corps says its a problem then Ill agree its a problem, because a Marine should not disrespect the USMC, but as for what society or people like me care, ya... just no.

Public affairs efforts can have positive as well as negative

impacts in the battlespace, and these actions can have possible

decisive effects on the operational mission.

The Marine Corps exists today because America wants

a Marine Corps—that is, the spirit, values, and capabilities the

Marine Corps represents. Without support from the public, the

Marine Corps would cease to exist. Congress legislated the

Marine Corps into existence and can just as easily abolish it. The

public does not blindly give its support, but expects and deserves

to know who its Marines are, what they do, and how they do it.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 11:55:49 AM EDT


Its pretty obvious that the SS means scout sniper and not Nazis

I don't think it's totally unreasonable for the average person to see the picture and automatically assume a neo-Nazi connotation. I can't fault someone not knowing the symbol is used by Scout Snipers when virtually the only exposure most people have to that symbol is through WWII movies, games, etc. I blame the media for not doing 5 minutes of research online before sensationalizing this story nationwide.

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 12:10:09 PM EDT


i'm glad that arfcom's primary criteria for determining who's liberal consists of:

1.) they disapprove of insignia which,  in the context of the 21st century, is clearly understood by society to be associated with naziism.

some seriously epic levels of denial on this site.

I Guarantee you that the reaction of HQMC and the local commands to this "revelation" (because no one knew right BS) will further reaching  and more rigorous than you can imagine with all your hand wringing and worrying. The hunt for offending symbols is likely to turn the entire Corps upside down for awhile.

So you can sleep tonight content knowing that the investigation will beget witch hunts Corps wide as it always does.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 1:08:39 PM EDT
Let me know when they start sawing the heads off of live captured prisoners

Until then I couldn't give a fuck less

I'm all for nuking the whole region and walking away

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 1:20:41 PM EDT
We train young men to drop fire on people... but we won't let them write fuck on their airplanes because it's obscene!
- Col Kurtz
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 2:00:55 PM EDT
The ultimate irony is that the Arabs would actually approve of Nazi insignia.  They loved the Nazis.  

Who says the Marines don't know how to do that "hearts and minds" shit?

Part of the psychodynamic of every military elite group is that they see themselves as special, barely controllable bad boys, unbound by conventional sensibilities.  I've never heard of an elite combat group whose point of pride was that no one in their unit had ever gotten an Article 15 for public drunkenness. I'll guarantee that that every Marine Sniper Scout for the last umpty-ump years knew the runic SS symbol was associated with the elite Waffen-SS. That's why it's been so popular: not because they admire the Nazi Party's values, but because it plays into their bad boy image.  Well that and a little "America, fuck yeah.  They were the best the Krauts had, beat their ass and stole their shit.  Fuck with us, we'll beat yours too, steal your shit."  

Personally, I don't have too much of a problem with American troops taking ears or whatever keeps them pumped up to do our country's dirty work.  I just thank God we have men who are willing to it.  The people pissing and moaning about this non-issue need to shut the fuck up and get on back to their Mary Kay party.


Great post imo
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 4:29:50 PM EDT
The US 30th Infantry Division in WW2 was nicknamed "Roosevelt's SS"....There was even an unofficial patch drawn up showing the SS in the 30th oval...

My father in law was in the division.

By the German High Command - not self-identifying.

How in the world do you know if they did or did not identify themselves with that nickname? You don't...and i will leave it at that.
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 5:25:10 PM EDT



Meanwhile, American hippies march under the hammer and sickle and not a peep of outrage from the media....

fucking this

People get offended at Swastikas, Runes, or any hint of Nazi type symbols (which is completely understandable), yet I see kids everyday wearing shirts with the Hammer and Sickle on them. One kid even had hat with the hammer, sickle, and "CCCP" on it

One of these days I should file a complaint on them, I had relatives shot/jailed by the Russians

Soviet Worship, and worship of Putin, are not taboo.  So is being a communist.  

Link Posted: 2/10/2012 5:27:35 PM EDT
Marine SS former members are in full anti-propaganda mode
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 5:47:37 PM EDT
This is nothing new and I don't take offense to it (although I havent seen a picture yet if there is one) The Marines have long since tried to integrate certain emblems and crests after defeating their enemies, its nothing new in warfare and I don't think theres anything wrong with it, although it has almost always been shot down by the brass right on spec.

The EGA pasted in front of the palm tree a la the nazi Afrik Corps is the one the most often comes to mind.
Its common knowledge that the USMC SCout Snipers essentially said fuck that and desiged their Scout Sniper emblem at least unofficially in the NAZI designed SS lightening bolt style font.

Its pretty common to see Snipers all stencil in the SS logo on their 700's and wear swag bearing the same symbol.

Fuckit their Marines, they've earned it. Just my opinion

Edit: OK just saw the pic. Whoever decided to orchestrate this obviously bullshit outrage should be beaten severely with the butt end of an M40

SS Scout Sniper. what. the. fuck.

Just cause the Nazi's were fucking assholes doesn't mean they get to have permanent ownership over certain objects and emblems, it really should mean exactly the opposite.

The USMC was largely absent in the European theatre in WWII.  (They were somewhat pre-occupied in the Pacific dealing with Japan)  Perhaps they should work this in instead:

or this:

In any event, when you put on that uniform, you represent your branch of the military, your country and those that came before you, you know, like the ones that actually fought WWII.  You also agree to obey lawful orders of the CIC and the officers appointed above you.  If you have a problem with this, don't join.  Using Nazi symbols, will generally be frowned upon, pretty much everywhere.    

Somewhat related, I was talking with an Indian guy this last week the the topic of the Swastika came up.  He was somewhat annoyed that the symbol, which in Indian culture meant good health, was ruined by the Nazis.  The Nazis tainted some symbols and they will stay that way for a long time.  
Link Posted: 2/10/2012 5:49:52 PM EDT

Truth be told, most guys know what the runes stand for.  Thing is, most Marines despise what they stood for but they admire the tenacity of the Waffen SS.  Just like a lotta treadheads admire Rommel for his abilities.

This is PC bullshit generated by a bunch of pillowbiting faggots who've never done a fucking thing for their country or else just want to scream and rage so they can see their names in print.

Fuck them all.

I fucking loathe slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging civilians.

You do know how Rommel died, right?  Did you know the Africa Corps was not involved with death camps either?  (yeah, yeah, only part of the SS was running death camps, or Einsatzgruppen, or were at Malmedy...)

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 1:17:02 AM EDT
We train young men to drop fire on people... but we won't let them write fuck on their airplanes because it's obscene!
- Col Kurtz

And that is the issue many people have with this non-issue.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 1:37:07 AM EDT
In 1992, our scout sniper team was told they they could not be known as the "head hunters," because Buddhists held the head to be a sacred thing and would be offended.

MOST scout snipr teams/platoons have been told for years that the SS logo is a no-go.

This is truth.

It was discouraged in 1993 but everyone did it anyway. There were SS stencils in many sizes and guys tagged everything they could. As soon as everyone got out of Division School half of the damned class went right out and got SS tattoos. I remember telling someone that in 50yrs they are wheeled in unconscious for open heart surgery their jewish doctor will pull back the sheet, see the SS and think "fuck this guy".
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