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Link Posted: 3/24/2017 8:50:48 AM EDT
She had crazy eyes.

Hind sight she also had a truckload of plain old fashioned crazy also - found that out after I broke up with her.

ETA - missed page ownage - i'm very bad at that.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 8:51:28 AM EDT
I hated her laugh.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 8:52:32 AM EDT
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Broke up with my high school gf to have more time for gta san andreas
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lol.  Fuckn cold.

I like your style.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 8:55:21 AM EDT
For not smoking . Dated a very nice girl 20 years ago for a year and a half that had smoked cigs when not around me. It made no difference to me. I never had smoked so she decides she will stop cold turkey.

 We would be out in the boat or a date and she would bust out crying , I asked why and was told she wanted a cig , go ahead I told her. Nope I just want to bawl like a baby. After months of  this I tell her use the nicotine gum , patch  or chew Redman or do something , nope.

  Saw her last year , still hot and still smoking
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:13:24 AM EDT
My wife broke up with a guy (in the past) because he spelled 'terrific' wrong in a card he gave her. She's an English teacher.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:24:44 AM EDT
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Is an "uptalker" like a "one upper?"
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It's when people gradually raise the tone of their voice towards the end of a statement making everything they say sound like a question.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:26:25 AM EDT
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We are talking weak reasons here, not logical no shit reasons.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:28:49 AM EDT
Her birthday was coming up and I didn't want to bother shopping for gift or doing the whole birthday thing. I just wasn't that into her.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:33:27 AM EDT
One of my coworkers got divorced because his wife wouldn't let him eat cereal for dinner.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:33:41 AM EDT
Dated several teachers.
Last one was an elementary teacher.  Dated her 3 years.  Things were supposedly going great.  There was talk of "forever n ever" (from her).  Then one day, I got the "I love you Im just not in love with you" line.  So I broke it off.  a year later, met my future wife.  A year into having been married, old gf tries getting in touch with me about getting back together.  WTF?  I told her to move on, that ship sailed....

Another was pre-med.  Dated her for about a year.  She went to Argentina for a family wedding.  While she was away, friends gave me some intel, checked into it.  Girl was a player.  So, when she got back, I met her at her house.  Told her I had something for her.  Gave her a bag with all her shit in it.  Gave her a kiss told her "see you around".  She haunted me for the next 2 months with incessant phone calls and messages before she gave up.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:36:29 AM EDT
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Problems we all wish we had.
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My girth made sex too painful for her
Problems we all wish we had.
No, you don't.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:38:37 AM EDT
Dropped one because she was waiting for marriage to have sex. There's a reason she was 33 and still single. It was, of course, always the guy's fault. Bail.

Dropped one because she said Star Wars (and most scifi) was for children.  Bye.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:41:41 AM EDT
Her asshole always looked bruised.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:44:08 AM EDT
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Her asshole always looked bruised.
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Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:44:09 AM EDT
Nice gal, good figure,  but when she talked, it was in a complete monotone. Absolutely zero inflection in her voice no matter what. After you'd talk awhile, it would grate on you to the point you had a hard time following the conversation as you kept looking for a break from that lack of inflection.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:48:36 AM EDT
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Just about every time, I find out they are liberals.   Environmental wacko liberals.  Feminist liberals.

That's not really a lame reason i guess... there are so many liberal women in their late 20s early 30s.   The good conservative ones seem to be taken long ago
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This should be written in the good book.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:53:13 AM EDT
For having a little bit of hair on her chest right between her titties. Just freaked me out.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:54:47 AM EDT
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Worst kisser ever was this chick with a really narrow tongue. It felt weird.
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she sucked at kissing.... TERRIBLE
Worst kisser ever was this chick with a really narrow tongue. It felt weird.
Like a cock amirite?
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:54:58 AM EDT
I've dumped 2 girls once I discovered they plop their bare asses down on public toilet seats with no barriers... who wants to touch that shit now? And I personally do not think my reason was weak...
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:54:59 AM EDT
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Broke up with my high school gf to have more time for gta san andreas
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Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:58:02 AM EDT
I broke up with a girl once because her best friends were too young for her to be be hanging out with and it made me feel awkward when we were out in public with them. She was 18.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 9:59:44 AM EDT
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Nice gal, good figure,  but when she talked, it was in a complete monotone. Absolutely zero inflection in her voice no matter what. After you'd talk awhile, it would grate on you to the point you had a hard time following the conversation as you kept looking for a break from that lack of inflection.
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I like girls who talk like this.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:00:08 AM EDT
Several women.

1) I was working on a search warrant to bust her father in a car theft ring.  It would have been awkward.
2) She liked to dress up like a Gorilla and do interpretive dance on the corner of State and Court Streets in Athens on a Saturday night.
3) Put one in the friend zone because she said we were "great friends".  Later discovered she despises me for not having my way with her the night she told me this while sitting on her bed.  Oh well.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:01:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:06:40 AM EDT
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My girth made sex too painful for her
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Lose weight.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:12:45 AM EDT
I stopped seeing a girl when she dyed her hair once.

It was an easy excuse to use on a Stahe 5 clinger.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:13:26 AM EDT
"It's an election year."
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:15:20 AM EDT
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Her asshole always looked bruised.
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That's because it's a vein you're seeing, i.e. She had hemorrhoids.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:19:57 AM EDT
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Had a white glove clean mustang that i had done a shit ton of work to from top to bottom

Always kept it clean,never drove it in the rain,etc

GF lived on a long gravel driveway.Yeah the end

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That is TOTALLY valid. Good eject!

I threw my kid under the bus a couple times last summer. "Man, my son is going off to college and I just want to spend as much time with him as possible".

He was working full time a Sbux and hanging out with friends so I'd get 15 min of face time a day if I was lucky.  Yeah, I know, Father of the Year...

Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:25:36 AM EDT
Broke up with a woman over a cat. Damn cat didn't like me, I didn't like it. She was a good looker, smart as a whip, and an awesome cook but I couldn't stand that damn cat.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:27:47 AM EDT
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One stated she wanted to have 12 children.  Dumped.

Many dumped because they bitched because I raced sailboats three times a week.

Last one didn't complain about my racing schedule.
Said she would visit with my parents and drink beer until I got back in from racing.
Married her two years later.
Still married after 38 years.
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I dumped one last year because she must have had an 80 IQ.. Another one (blonde, big tits, smart) had a mean streak and demanded exclusivity after two dates.

The crazy redhead described in a thread last summer let her dog shit in the house and didn't really think too much about it. The fuck?

Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:29:44 AM EDT
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my last girlfreind was a squirter.  I got tired of being pissed on
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I had one of those and she was amazing in the sack but her face was severely weathered. She was 59 and looked 67. The squirting wasn't urine, just a heavy discharge.  Tasted yummy.

Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:31:01 AM EDT
What is the lamest reason you have ever ended a relationship over?

I have some good ones but just this week I dumped a cute, 24 year old teacher that was cool but was just too hardcore of a millennial. Constant use of stupid slang, pestering me to use whatever dumb social media app and constantly doing dumb hipster shit.

I'm only 27 but I just couldn't relate to her or tolerate it anymore.

Got any good ones?
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That's not weak at all.  She was basically a kid doing kid stuff and you're more of a mature adult.
Nothing wrong with that.  Wish her the best of luck in trolling for a date at the local high school prom or coffee shop.

Consider it a good move on your part.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:31:17 AM EDT
Broke up with a good looking girl who wore some type of off brand makeup... Looked great, but smelled fucking horrible. Every time we kissed I nearly gagged. Ended it after like 3 days
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:33:44 AM EDT
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When I was young I would break up with a girl because I wanted some strange. Usually I didn't tell them we were broke up. Sometimes they found out. It made for a bad scene.
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Kinda chickenshit, but...

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/24/2017 10:34:43 AM EDT
One girl I stopped seeing because she was about an inch taller than me... sex was great, great body, absolutely beautiful... looked like Danica mckellar... except tall as shit.especially wearing high heels. I couldn't get over it(literally).

One girl I was seeing was this cute sweet looking blonde on the outside... when we were alone she wanted me to slap her, choke her, and yank the shit out of her hair... she stopped calling me so I called and I asked why... and she finally said that I "kissed her too rough"... I replied "I didn't know that while I was pulling your hair out and choking you out you wanted me to kiss you like a lady." Hung up never called her back.

ETA: another girl I was seeing for 6 months. Was awesome. Would let me do whatever I wanted to her... she used to call herself my little whore. She was fun... but I couldn't get over her kids... they acted like fucking animals and destroy the house. I couldn't deal with it.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 11:11:20 AM EDT
Oh goodness ... these days, being 39 with one kid ...

- One girl was desperate to get married and have kids (35, never married, etc).  Sweet girl, just couldn't ...
- One girl waited until we were actually on a date to tell me she had six .. yes SIX ... kids.  Nice body and all, but I won't finance SIX kids.  What is that?  A clown car?  Catholic?  LDS?  ;)
- In the pre-date texting marathon (was meeting her the next day), one started going on an on about Hillary and started bashing Trump.  I just stopped replying.  She got the hint.
- One girl was a PhD in Weather what-not.  She was nice, but conversation seemed forced.  Total introvert.
- One 23-yr old was really hot, but my goodness was she DUMB.  I mean no common sense at all.
- Found out one had a coke problem that she hid really well ... until I caught her cutting her "friends" coke at a get-together one night.  She seemed pretty adept at it.  Can't have that.  Problem was, she was aweseom and I had totally fallen for her.

I could go on and on and on and on and on ...  Now I'm happy and settling down with what might actually be the future Mrs. KiloBravo.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:02:02 PM EDT
What is the lamest reason you have ever ended a relationship over?

I have some good ones but just this week I dumped a cute, 24 year old teacher that was cool but was just too hardcore of a millennial. Constant use of stupid slang, pestering me to use whatever dumb social media app and constantly doing dumb hipster shit.

I'm only 27 but I just couldn't relate to her or tolerate it anymore.

Got any good ones?
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That sounds like a good reason to me.

You pick up the values of who you are close to, and usually this means dumb people bring the other down, not the other way around.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:13:02 PM EDT
She didn't like that I took a 1911 to open the door when we heard people talking outside.
It was two door-to-door church people,  who when we didn't answer their knocks (we thought it was the bed frame) decided to take a break on the stoop and chitchat. Oh well, next.

Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:14:59 PM EDT
She ate her peas one at a time!
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:17:06 PM EDT
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She didn't like that I took a 1911 to open the door when we heard people talking outside.
It was two door-to-door church people,  who when we didn't answer their knocks (we thought it was the bed frame) decided to take a break on the stoop and chitchat. Oh well, next.

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I wouldn't like that either. I'd want you to wait inside for them to break in. I'm not big into risk.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:21:04 PM EDT
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I lol'd
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Broke up with my high school gf to have more time for gta san andreas
I lol'd
Obviously you were not getting laid.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:21:16 PM EDT
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That's because it's a vein you're seeing, i.e. She had hemorrhoids.
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Her asshole always looked bruised.
That's because it's a vein you're seeing, i.e. She had hemorrhoids.
Poor Gal....the roids ain't no joke.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:22:14 PM EDT
Dumped one because her ex kept coming around and starting shit with me.  She liked the idea of being fought over.  Gone.

Dumped a hot brunette, smoking hot, fun, liked guns, a damn animal in the sack.  One night me, her, and our friends were out and one of my buddies started giving me shit about something, just poking fun at me for some stupid reason.  She came unglued, beat his ass to a pulp.  Literally, he looked like a sack of dirty laundry when she got done.  Found out then she was a black belt with a really bad temper and a short fuse.  This was the third date.  She stalked me for a couple months, doing burnouts in my driveway in her pickup and following me to work and setting in the parking lot all night.  Cray.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:23:34 PM EDT
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Broke up with a woman over a cat. Damn cat didn't like me, I didn't like it. She was a good looker, smart as a whip, and an awesome cook but I couldn't stand that damn cat.
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I didn't pursue a love interest once because her apt was not really dirty, but not really clean, and she had a cat that you could smell the litter box every now and then.

Which is Ironic since I lived in a garage while going to college. Like I literally walked past the tools and the guys motorcycle to get to my room.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:24:50 PM EDT
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Oh goodness ... these days, being 39 with one kid ...

- One girl was desperate to get married and have kids (35, never married, etc).  Sweet girl, just couldn't ...
- One girl waited until we were actually on a date to tell me she had six .. yes SIX ... kids.  Nice body and all, but I won't finance SIX kids.  What is that?  A clown car?  Catholic?  LDS?  ;)
- In the pre-date texting marathon (was meeting her the next day), one started going on an on about Hillary and started bashing Trump.  I just stopped replying.  She got the hint.
- One girl was a PhD in Weather what-not.  She was nice, but conversation seemed forced.  Total introvert.
- One 23-yr old was really hot, but my goodness was she DUMB.  I mean no common sense at all.
- Found out one had a coke problem that she hid really well ... until I caught her cutting her "friends" coke at a get-together one night.  She seemed pretty adept at it.  Can't have that.  Problem was, she was aweseom and I had totally fallen for her.

I could go on and on and on and on and on ...  Now I'm happy and settling down with what might actually be the future Mrs. KiloBravo.
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But do you know how clean your house would have been.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:25:06 PM EDT
Refused to go to the doctor to get checked for a yeast infection because I suggested it.

Her crotch smelled like a bait bucket half full of squid left out in the Sun and she thought it was normal.

I bailed on her for that reason alone.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:27:03 PM EDT
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She ate her peas one at a time!
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you dodged a bullet there!!
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:29:27 PM EDT
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Refused to go to the doctor to get checked for a yeast infection because I suggested it.

Her crotch smelled like a bait bucket half full of squid left out in the Sun and she thought it was normal.

I bailed on her for that reason alone.
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unfortunately some women think that it's normal, it's fucking not.

You either have bacterial of fungus infection...go to the doc if the doc says nothing is wrong find another doc.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:30:05 PM EDT
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Come on dude, you know better.

You agree to anything she asks and enjoy the promised three-way with whatever other sexual things you can manage then go back to doing whatever you wanted to do in the first place. They can't un-lick your butthole
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I laughed hard.....
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