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Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:40:25 AM EDT

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How about the 30% ~ 40% of the Republican party that supports Trump?  He's not running on a platform of liberty, he proposes to be America's Strong Man.  

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Why do conservatives hate liberty?

Are you talking about evangelists, homophobes, and anarcho-capitalists?

Those are faux conservatives, who wrap themselves in the costume of moral superiority.


How about the 30% ~ 40% of the Republican party that supports Trump?  He's not running on a platform of liberty, he proposes to be America's Strong Man.  

I'm not sure how many of them are actually republicans.  They mostly seem to be angry, low-information people who are hearing their Pied Piper whistle a tune.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:45:45 AM EDT
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I'm not sure how many of them are actually republicans.  They mostly seem to be angry, low-information people who are hearing their Pied Piper whistle a tune.
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Why do conservatives hate liberty?

Are you talking about evangelists, homophobes, and anarcho-capitalists?

Those are faux conservatives, who wrap themselves in the costume of moral superiority.

How about the 30% ~ 40% of the Republican party that supports Trump?  He's not running on a platform of liberty, he proposes to be America's Strong Man.  

I'm not sure how many of them are actually republicans.  They mostly seem to be angry, low-information people who are hearing their Pied Piper whistle a tune.

True enough, but I think to say that the hatred of liberty is purely a phenomena of the left is a fallacy.  We can see that there are plenty of those that call themselves conservatives that are lining up in droves to vote for the Strong Man.  Sadly, this is a phenomena of humanity.  

In the past I'd tell you that the left is especially infected with this hatred of liberty, but I'm not even sure about that anymore.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:46:52 AM EDT


I define the modern 'Liberal' as one who BELIEVES  Government is the ultimate solution  for all social and  economic problems.

.  The  Liberal mindset does not trust the  free individual  to make informed decisions, but instinctively trusts the state with unlimited power..

Essentially, the Liberal  doesn't trust the Individual, and so  willingly cedes all power to the State.


Why does the Liberal fear Liberty ?

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I'm no liberal, OP.

But i guarantee you, I hate your understanding of the concept of "liberty".

Because, if you are like most people who trot out the words "freedom" and "liberty" today; it is a modern "living constitution" perversion that confuses freedom with license, and would have been anathema to the founders who drafted the constitution.

Ours is a system of ordered liberty.  

Not the chaotic, do whatever you feel, "living" constitution abortion that prevails today.

I hate that.

and I'm no liberal.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:50:50 AM EDT
A subservient personality with an uncontrollable sense of guilt based on an irrational concept of "fairness" that literally consumes them.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:56:22 AM EDT
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Because they hate God.  
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A lot of them are athiests, so they don't hate your god any more than you hate Svantevit.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:07:04 AM EDT
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I've come to the conclusion that most people hate liberty.

Sure, the left has hated liberty for ages, but look at us on the right.  We're about to nominate a man that is no friend of liberty.  From his abuse of eminent domain to his obvious admiration of Putin and the Chinese put down of Tienanmen Square, Trump proposes to be a Strong Man - not a defender of liberty.  Listen to his campaign rhetoric - how often do you hear him talking about liberty?  Almost never.  Instead he talks about leaning on other countries to make better deals.  Standing up to other countries. But very very rarely does he talk about liberty.  

Most people will pick a Strong Man leader without any regards to their liberty.  Given the choice between liberty and security the vast majority will pick security every time.

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Well we are so desperate that we hope he has changed his mind on these many things.

Not much else we can do with Satan as his opposition.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:22:21 AM EDT
Because they're not really liberal.

They just coopted that moniker because it sounds good.  They're authoritarians.  They also self-identify as "progressive", which is really just another moniker that sounds better than authoritarian.

They believe that an elite authoritarian class should wield the force and violence of government, for the greater good.  Basically they believe in "rulers" or a "ruling class".   They call themselves "liberal" based on a few superficial "socially liberal" issues.  Just like some of them call themselves "conservative" based on  a few superficial "socially conservative" issues.

The left-like authoritarians, and right-like authoritarians, are closely related.  

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:23:21 AM EDT
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Well we are so desperate that we hope he has changed his mind on these many things.

Not much else we can do with Satan as his opposition.
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I've come to the conclusion that most people hate liberty.

Sure, the left has hated liberty for ages, but look at us on the right.  We're about to nominate a man that is no friend of liberty.  From his abuse of eminent domain to his obvious admiration of Putin and the Chinese put down of Tienanmen Square, Trump proposes to be a Strong Man - not a defender of liberty.  Listen to his campaign rhetoric - how often do you hear him talking about liberty?  Almost never.  Instead he talks about leaning on other countries to make better deals.  Standing up to other countries. But very very rarely does he talk about liberty.  

Most people will pick a Strong Man leader without any regards to their liberty.  Given the choice between liberty and security the vast majority will pick security every time.

Well we are so desperate that we hope he has changed his mind on these many things.

Not much else we can do with Satan as his opposition.

Well, his stated admiration for Putin and the way the Chinese government put down Tienanmen Square are quite recent.  So hoping he's changed his mind on that seems a bit odd.  

And I think Trump has lead the polls from the beginning *because* he has portrayed himself as the strong man.  The man who is going to made Mexico build that wall and pay for it.  The tough guy that is going to go out and make better deals than what the wimps have made.  The strong man that will make America great again.  

Look, there were a few actual conservatives in this race.  Walker dropped out early on because he was "low energy".  Cruz hasn't managed to get above 25%.  The people have spoken.  They prefer the strong man to the conservative.  And no one in the Trump camp is even *talking* about liberty.  

The left hates liberty for the same reason the right does apparently.  They both think they can trade it for security.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:27:21 AM EDT
The average leftist (as pointed out, not 'liberal' in any sense of the origin of the word) DOES want 'freedom'... but as some have mentioned, they want a freedom that is different than what we would call it.

They want freedom from responsibility.

IMHO, it's childish - they want to replace their parents as children with the government as adults.

Try to get into their heads that they need to learn useful skills and get a useful job, they'll just whine about how it isn't "what they love" and they shouldn't have to do anything they don't love. They're completely disconnected from how the economy works, much like children.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:40:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:44:59 AM EDT
See "history of communism".

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 9:53:13 AM EDT
It's collectivism versus individualism. It's that simple. Liberty is  antithetical to collectivism. Guns in the hands of an empowered individual are particularly antithetical to collectivism. You have to remember, though, that  individualism, as a way to structure a society, is a  relatively new idea. It started somewhere in the 1700s. The United States is the only country I know of that has structured itself around the idea. Collectivism is society's default setting. Don't be surprised that so many flock to it.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 10:00:04 AM EDT
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But they do hate religion for interfering with the machinery of the State... And they have an almost irrepressible need to sneer at anybody with religious beliefs.

Because they're smarter than that... And that means they're smarter than you.
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Because they hate God.  

A lot of them are athiests, so they don't hate your god any more than you hate Svantevit.

But they do hate religion for interfering with the machinery of the State... And they have an almost irrepressible need to sneer at anybody with religious beliefs.

Because they're smarter than that... And that means they're smarter than you.

As Gray stated, they hate religion due to it being an obstacle of reliance on the state.

Destroy religion and destruction of the family will follow.

Destroy the family and replace it with the Nanny state.

You can see it happening right before your very eyes.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 10:07:02 AM EDT
I've come to the conclusion that at least 87% of the populace, to at least some degree, are busy-body control freaks.  This includes rent seekers.  

Regarding "liberals," many of them tell each other how enlightened they are and have convinced themselves that it entitles them to run others' lives.  They think that govt. is the magic ingredient that somehow makes what is wrong and too scary for them to do on their own (like stealing your stuff), acceptable and even righteous. Some "conservatives" aren't too different.  They use slightly different rationalizations and pick different causes like getting pot needles off the street (plenty of libs are against the pot needles, too).
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 10:11:57 AM EDT
I define the modern 'Liberal' as one who BELIEVES  Government is the ultimate solution  for all social and  economic problems.
Essentially correct.

.  The  Liberal mindset does not trust the  free individual  to make informed decisions, but instinctively trusts the state with unlimited power..
...run by politicians with essentially zero transparency and/or accountability.

Essentially, the Liberal  doesn't trust the Individual, and so  willingly cedes all power to the State.
Why does the Liberal fear Liberty ?

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Liberals want their "liberty" and "rights" spoon-fed to them by the government.

Liberal opinion: Rights come from the government.

Conservative opinion: Rights are protected by the government.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 10:21:41 AM EDT
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I've come to the conclusion that most people hate liberty.

Sure, the left has hated liberty for ages, but look at us on the right.  We're about to nominate a man that is no friend of liberty.  From his abuse of eminent domain to his obvious admiration of Putin and the Chinese put down of Tienanmen Square, Trump proposes to be a Strong Man - not a defender of liberty.  Listen to his campaign rhetoric - how often do you hear him talking about liberty?  Almost never.  Instead he talks about leaning on other countries to make better deals.  Standing up to other countries. But very very rarely does he talk about liberty.  

Most people will pick a Strong Man leader without any regards to their liberty.  Given the choice between liberty and security the vast majority will pick security every time.

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Many people who claim to like liberty really only like the liberty to do things they agree with. When it comes to people doing things they don't like, their love of government authority outshines their love of liberty. Social collectivism is the  economic conservative's Achilles heel for liberty.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 10:28:45 AM EDT
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because they can't get their own shit together so they want someone else to do it for them.
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Link Posted: 3/12/2016 6:30:04 PM EDT
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Are you talking about evangelists, homophobes, and anarcho-capitalists?

Those are faux conservatives, who wrap themselves in the costume of moral superiority.
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Why do conservatives hate liberty?

Are you talking about evangelists, homophobes, and anarcho-capitalists?

Those are faux conservatives, who wrap themselves in the costume of moral superiority.

Anarchists are conservatives?

Evangelists, homophobes,?  LOL.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 6:39:51 PM EDT

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Because they're not really liberal.
They just coopted that moniker because it sounds good.  They're authoritarians.  They also self-identify as "progressive", which is really just another moniker that sounds better than authoritarian.
They believe that an elite authoritarian class should wield the force and violence of government, for the greater good.  Basically they believe in "rulers" or a "ruling class".  They call themselves "liberal" based on a few superficial "socially liberal" issues.  Just like some of them call themselves "conservative" based on  a few superficial "socially conservative" issues.
The left-like authoritarians, and right-like authoritarians, are closely related.  
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I would take issue with regard to "superficiality" of distinction.

I could also write a lengthy discursus on "the greater good" which, in my case, would be whatever it took to get us back to status quo ante the constitution, before it, as laid down by the founders, was usurped.

However, with the above caveats out of the way, in all honestly, Qwevoox nails why I am, politically, a right wing authoritarian.

Given the state of affairs today, in my personal capacity, I would totally impose my views/judgement on you all without compunction and without consideration of whatever you regard as your freedom and liberty.

Moreover, I would, euphemistically speaking, eliminate all Marxist influence in our society.  By any means necessary.  Without hesitation.

Or mercy.

If I was in a position to do so.

Which I am not.

I basically never agree with Qweevox, but I do think adherence to the truth requires the acknowledgment of his hitting the mark.

At least where I am concerned.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:11:40 PM EDT
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I would take issue with regard to "superficiality" of distinction.

I could also write a lengthy discursus on "the greater good" which, in my case, would be whatever it took to get us back to status quo ante the constitution, before it, as laid down by the founders, was usurped.

However, with the above caveats out of the way, in all honestly, Qwevoox nails why I am, politically, a right wing authoritarian.

Given the state of affairs today, in my personal capacity, I would totally impose my views/judgement on you all without compunction and without consideration of whatever you regard as your freedom and liberty.

Moreover, I would, euphemistically speaking, eliminate all Marxist influence in our society.  By any means necessary.  Without hesitation.

Or mercy.

If I was in a position to do so.

Which I am not.

I basically never agree with Qweevox, but I do think adherence to the truth requires the acknowledgment of his hitting the mark.

At least where I am concerned.
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Because they're not really liberal.

They just coopted that moniker because it sounds good.  They're authoritarians.  They also self-identify as "progressive", which is really just another moniker that sounds better than authoritarian.

They believe that an elite authoritarian class should wield the force and violence of government, for the greater good.  Basically they believe in "rulers" or a "ruling class".  They call themselves "liberal" based on a few superficial "socially liberal" issues.  Just like some of them call themselves "conservative" based on  a few superficial "socially conservative" issues.

The left-like authoritarians, and right-like authoritarians, are closely related.  


I would take issue with regard to "superficiality" of distinction.

I could also write a lengthy discursus on "the greater good" which, in my case, would be whatever it took to get us back to status quo ante the constitution, before it, as laid down by the founders, was usurped.

However, with the above caveats out of the way, in all honestly, Qwevoox nails why I am, politically, a right wing authoritarian.

Given the state of affairs today, in my personal capacity, I would totally impose my views/judgement on you all without compunction and without consideration of whatever you regard as your freedom and liberty.

Moreover, I would, euphemistically speaking, eliminate all Marxist influence in our society.  By any means necessary.  Without hesitation.

Or mercy.

If I was in a position to do so.

Which I am not.

I basically never agree with Qweevox, but I do think adherence to the truth requires the acknowledgment of his hitting the mark.

At least where I am concerned.

Thankfully, as long as there are people who share my views, people like you will never have their narcissistic fantasies realized.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:16:57 PM EDT

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Thankfully, as long as there are people who share my views, people like you will never have their narcissistic fantasies realized.
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Because they're not really liberal.

They just coopted that moniker because it sounds good.  They're authoritarians.  They also self-identify as "progressive", which is really just another moniker that sounds better than authoritarian.

They believe that an elite authoritarian class should wield the force and violence of government, for the greater good.  Basically they believe in "rulers" or a "ruling class".  They call themselves "liberal" based on a few superficial "socially liberal" issues.  Just like some of them call themselves "conservative" based on  a few superficial "socially conservative" issues.

The left-like authoritarians, and right-like authoritarians, are closely related.  


I would take issue with regard to "superficiality" of distinction.
I could also write a lengthy discursus on "the greater good" which, in my case, would be whatever it took to get us back to status quo ante the constitution, before it, as laid down by the founders, was usurped.

However, with the above caveats out of the way, in all honestly, Qwevoox nails why I am, politically, a right wing authoritarian.
Given the state of affairs today, in my personal capacity, I would totally impose my views/judgement on you all without compunction and without consideration of whatever you regard as your freedom and liberty.

Moreover, I would, euphemistically speaking, eliminate all Marxist influence in our society.  By any means necessary.  Without hesitation.

Or mercy.

If I was in a position to do so.

Which I am not.

I basically never agree with Qweevox, but I do think adherence to the truth requires the acknowledgment of his hitting the mark.

At least where I am concerned.


Thankfully, as long as there are people who share my views, people like you will never have their narcissistic fantasies realized.


What is clear to me, is that you have never been in a position where you are responsible for other people.

At least people who you are not a blood relative of.

It's easy to have noble savage fantasies.

When you see the real savage, you realize the gloves need to come off.

It's not your fault you're living in fantasy land.

You just have no experience with how things really are.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:18:41 PM EDT
They're too  indoctrinated into believing that we have a benevolent and caring government.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:28:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:31:20 PM EDT
The same reason conservatives hate winning: their political plumage is about looking good to friends, not altering the world.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:37:16 PM EDT

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The same reason conservatives hate winning: their political plumage is about looking good to friends, not altering the world.
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People do what they perceive to be in their interests.

If you can identify what a person perceives as their interest in a particular matter, you will, almost without fail, be able to predict their behavior.

That sounds cliche, but, when you integrate that as a lens through which you view all things pertaining to human interaction, it will change the way you look at the world.

And the world will make sense to you.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:42:45 PM EDT
All liberalism originates from the basic fact that liberals know that they can't compete on a level playing field.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:44:22 PM EDT
You boys remember what happened to Jim Hopper? Until we do to Liberal swine what happened to Jim Hopper we will never be free of these vampires.
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:45:51 PM EDT
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What is clear to me, is that you have never been in a position where you are responsible for other people.

At least people who you are not a blood relative of.

It's easy to have noble savage fantasies.

When you see the real savage, you realize the gloves need to come off.

It's not your fault you're living in fantasy land.

You just have no experience with how things really are.
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Because they're not really liberal.

They just coopted that moniker because it sounds good.  They're authoritarians.  They also self-identify as "progressive", which is really just another moniker that sounds better than authoritarian.

They believe that an elite authoritarian class should wield the force and violence of government, for the greater good.  Basically they believe in "rulers" or a "ruling class".  They call themselves "liberal" based on a few superficial "socially liberal" issues.  Just like some of them call themselves "conservative" based on  a few superficial "socially conservative" issues.

The left-like authoritarians, and right-like authoritarians, are closely related.  


I would take issue with regard to "superficiality" of distinction.

I could also write a lengthy discursus on "the greater good" which, in my case, would be whatever it took to get us back to status quo ante the constitution, before it, as laid down by the founders, was usurped.

However, with the above caveats out of the way, in all honestly, Qwevoox nails why I am, politically, a right wing authoritarian.

Given the state of affairs today, in my personal capacity, I would totally impose my views/judgement on you all without compunction and without consideration of whatever you regard as your freedom and liberty.

Moreover, I would, euphemistically speaking, eliminate all Marxist influence in our society.  By any means necessary.  Without hesitation.

Or mercy.

If I was in a position to do so.

Which I am not.

I basically never agree with Qweevox, but I do think adherence to the truth requires the acknowledgment of his hitting the mark.

At least where I am concerned.

Thankfully, as long as there are people who share my views, people like you will never have their narcissistic fantasies realized.


What is clear to me, is that you have never been in a position where you are responsible for other people.

At least people who you are not a blood relative of.

It's easy to have noble savage fantasies.

When you see the real savage, you realize the gloves need to come off.

It's not your fault you're living in fantasy land.

You just have no experience with how things really are.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 7:52:14 PM EDT

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Thankfully, as long as there are people who share my views, people like you will never have their narcissistic fantasies realized.


What is clear to me, is that you have never been in a position where you are responsible for other people.

At least people who you are not a blood relative of.

It's easy to have noble savage fantasies.

When you see the real savage, you realize the gloves need to come off.

It's not your fault you're living in fantasy land.

You just have no experience with how things really are.


You strike me as an intelligent person.

And it is not a jab at your candle power when I say that your understanding of the world is theoretical.

That theory is fantasy.  Fiction.

You have a sheltered child's understanding of the world.

It's not your fault.

It does, however, render your opinion meaningless to me.

And by meaningless, I mean, if I were ever in a position to dictate terms to you,  about anything that I believed in my judgment to be necessary, I would, without regard to your opinions or sensibilities.

Same applies to 87% of the other people in GD who don't have the candle power you do.

But, saving grace, it's unlikely to come to that.

But if it did.

I would.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:14:03 PM EDT

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I'm no liberal, OP.
But i guarantee you, I hate your understanding of the concept of "liberty".
Because, if you are like most people who trot out the words "freedom" and "liberty" today; it is a modern "living constitution" perversion that confuses freedom with license, and would have been anathema to the founders who drafted the constitution.
Ours is a system of ordered liberty.  
Not the chaotic, do whatever you feel, "living" constitution abortion that prevails today.
I hate that.
and I'm no liberal.
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I define the modern 'Liberal' as one who BELIEVES  Government is the ultimate solution  for all social and  economic problems.

.  The  Liberal mindset does not trust the  free individual  to make informed decisions, but instinctively trusts the state with unlimited power..
Essentially, the Liberal  doesn't trust the Individual, and so  willingly cedes all power to the State.


Why does the Liberal fear Liberty ?

I'm no liberal, OP.
But i guarantee you, I hate your understanding of the concept of "liberty".
Because, if you are like most people who trot out the words "freedom" and "liberty" today; it is a modern "living constitution" perversion that confuses freedom with license, and would have been anathema to the founders who drafted the constitution.
Ours is a system of ordered liberty.  
Not the chaotic, do whatever you feel, "living" constitution abortion that prevails today.
I hate that.
and I'm no liberal.

So, just for fun, tell us what freedoms you'd allow people to have.

Since we wouldn't be doing whatever we feel in your ordered liberty (my new favorite phrase), what's free enough for ya?

Could I buy opium and injest it? Can I own another human being, as long as he's culturally less developed?

That was the Founders ordered liberty....I assume you're down with those.

Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:27:04 PM EDT

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  So, just for fun, tell us what freedoms you'd allow people to have.

Since we wouldn't be doing whatever we feel in your structured liberty (my new favorite phrase), what's free enough for ya?

Could I buy opium and injest it? Can I own another human being, as long as he's culturally less developed?

That was the Founders structured liberty....I assume you're down with those.

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I define the modern 'Liberal' as one who BELIEVES  Government is the ultimate solution  for all social and  economic problems.

.  The  Liberal mindset does not trust the  free individual  to make informed decisions, but instinctively trusts the state with unlimited power..

Essentially, the Liberal  doesn't trust the Individual, and so  willingly cedes all power to the State.


Why does the Liberal fear Liberty ?



I'm no liberal, OP.

But i guarantee you, I hate your understanding of the concept of "liberty".

Because, if you are like most people who trot out the words "freedom" and "liberty" today; it is a modern "living constitution" perversion that confuses freedom with license, and would have been anathema to the founders who drafted the constitution.

Ours is a system of ordered liberty.  

Not the chaotic, do whatever you feel, "living" constitution abortion that prevails today.

I hate that.

and I'm no liberal.


  So, just for fun, tell us what freedoms you'd allow people to have.

Since we wouldn't be doing whatever we feel in your structured liberty (my new favorite phrase), what's free enough for ya?

Could I buy opium and injest it? Can I own another human being, as long as he's culturally less developed?

That was the Founders structured liberty....I assume you're down with those.


I'm fine with the Constitution.

Not the current "living document"

The problem, flaw really, with the founders was that they assumed, in their humility, that each succeeding generation of posterity would have character equivalent to or greater than their own.

If I were to truncate rights, it would be durational; to put things back to status pre usurpation.

So, we'd need a 20 year period to create conditions to reintroduce constitutional rule.

Since the founders were relatively homogenous, they didn't have to spell out assumptions underlying the BOR.

Big lesson from our current predicament, IMO? BOR needs to be accompanied by a statement of assumptions to circumvent future end runs by unborn generations of clever weaklings (Marxist deconstructionists and the like).

Or, ya know, we could just keep doing what we're doing now.

If you're happy with how that's working
Link Posted: 3/12/2016 8:35:13 PM EDT
Because they cannot control what is GOD Given. Life,Liberty and Happiness in Religion in Country and in Family. Progressives have to be in CONTROL of your destiny and your life.....What's sad is that so many want their lives to be controlled by the govt. from cradle to grave because they can't do it themselves....
Link Posted: 3/19/2016 6:11:08 PM EDT

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They're too  indoctrinated into believing that we have a benevolent and caring government.
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Essentially, you  are saying that  a Liberal person is granted freedoms BY the Government, in contrast to a   'Regular person', who  is BORN free, and enjoys  freedom FROM the Government.

Link Posted: 3/19/2016 6:31:42 PM EDT
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How about the 30% ~ 40% of the Republican party that supports Trump?  He's not running on a platform of liberty, he proposes to be America's Strong Man.  

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Why do conservatives hate liberty?

Are you talking about evangelists, homophobes, and anarcho-capitalists?

Those are faux conservatives, who wrap themselves in the costume of moral superiority.

How about the 30% ~ 40% of the Republican party that supports Trump?  He's not running on a platform of liberty, he proposes to be America's Strong Man.  

Liberty is a subjective thing. Leftists often define liberty through the lens of a single issue such as gay marriage, abortion rights, etc. Many on this site were introduced to the the right wing of political thought through gun rights.

Trumps (campaign) position on gun rights is definitely pro-liberty.
Link Posted: 3/19/2016 6:48:02 PM EDT
progressives: adult-aged children in search of new and better parents.

Link Posted: 3/19/2016 6:49:44 PM EDT

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Liberty is a subjective thing. Leftists often define liberty through the lens of a single issue such as gay marriage, abortion rights, etc. Many on this site were introduced to the the right wing of political thought through gun rights.
Trumps (campaign) position on gun rights is definitely pro-liberty.
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How about the 30% ~ 40% of the Republican party that supports Trump?  He's not running on a platform of liberty, he proposes to be America's Strong Man.  

Liberty is a subjective thing. Leftists often define liberty through the lens of a single issue such as gay marriage, abortion rights, etc. Many on this site were introduced to the the right wing of political thought through gun rights.
Trumps (campaign) position on gun rights is definitely pro-liberty.

This is copy/paste from Trumps campaign platform:

....Donald J. Trump on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.

The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.

It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom. That’s because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment. Protecting that freedom is imperative.

Defend The Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners


Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like "assault weapons”, "military-style weapons” and "high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own.


Link Posted: 3/19/2016 6:50:58 PM EDT
Liberty is something out of their control.  Thus, since they wish to control everything, it is hated...and, feared.  <<shrugs>>

Link Posted: 3/19/2016 6:59:05 PM EDT
like all social liberals they don't love "liberty" they love license....

democracy is only fit for a moral people....
Link Posted: 3/19/2016 7:15:12 PM EDT

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like all social liberals they don't love "liberty" they love license....

democracy is only fit for a moral people....
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This man gets it.
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