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Link Posted: 1/2/2019 4:02:40 PM EDT
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Oh, another thing. Nuke China over Taiwan?
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Pick a reason, it will only be harder in the future
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 6:44:55 PM EDT
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The Roman monarchy lasted from 753 BC to 509 BC. Please name the big, high casualty Roman war that occured during this time (hint: there isn't one).

The Roman monarchy was followed by the Roman Republic, and that is when the bloodlust began.

The Republic was followed by the Empire. If you are claiming the Roman Empire was a monarchy, you are sufficiently ignorant of the history of government structures that everything you say should be disregarded.

From disease, yes.

From government actions like war, intentional starvation, execution and genocide? Hell no. Only a someone completely ignorant of the 20th century death toll would claim that.

People do not become better with time. Our tools and institutions become more efficient at murder with time though.
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The Roman emperors inherited their power.  Augustus was Ceaser's nephew, Tiberius was Augustus' step son, Caligula was Tiberius' nephew, Claudius was the nephew of Tiberius, Nero was the nephew of Caligula, etc, etc, etc.  They ruled with absolute power and passed it on to their closest heirs.  The emperors of the later dynasty even to more extremes.  You sir are ignorant of history to argue against the emporers being nothing other than absolute monarchs.

The Punic Wars resulted in the deaths of more than 1.5 million people at a time when the population of the entire Roman Empire was only 4 million people.  That's 37.5% of the population, bigger than anything seen in WW2.  Poland suffered the highest percentage of deaths at 17% of their population by war's end.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 8:08:43 PM EDT
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Are you willing to sacrifice your sons in a war over Taiwan?  I'm not.  Are you aware the majority of the population in Taiwan sees reunification with China as a good thing?
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Are you willing to sacrifice your sons in a war over Taiwan?  I'm not.  Are you aware the majority of the population in Taiwan sees reunification with China as a good thing?
This is rather ironic since you're flying the KMT/ROC/Taiwanese flag as your location here.  You should probably swap that out for a nice bright red PRC flag.

And "the majority" in Taiwan sees no such thing.  Only a tiny fraction of the hard-blue KMT wants reunification, mostly the ones who fled the mainland in 1949 and some of their brainwashed offspring, and they're dying off rapidly.

The majority of Taiwanese would prefer to declare that Taiwan is its own country -- not "declare independence" because they have been since before the PRC existed -- but don't want to antagonize mainland China and so they talk about "maintaining the status quo".

large majority want independence, only 6% identify as "Chinese" in the sense of "being part of China".

A clear majority (65.2%) of those polled -- 1,079 valid samples from 20 cities and counties -- preferred to maintain today’s political status quo of de facto independence. However, when only given “independence” or “unification” as the options, 68.9 percent would support independence, while 17.1 percent said they would support unification with China.
No, Formosa was where the Chinese National Socialists fled (KMT).  Taiwan was a dictatorship up until very recently.  The KMT is also now the political party that wants reunification.

The situation is not as black and white as most Americans would like to fantasize it is.
It's even less black-and-white than you pretend, too.

And the KMT weren't "national socialists", they were "nationalists" and also Leninists who decided they could make more money leeching off the U.S. so they turned into straightforward tyrants.  Fortunately they've mostly dropped dead.  Unfortunately, the other "party" is really more of a coalition of factions and can't get its act together, plus China keeps screeching about invading whenever the KMT loses, which terrifies enough Taiwanese into "maintain the status quo" votes for the KMT that they get back into power.

Not sure how this is in our national interest.
How about "because China would obtain a massive tech boost out of a takeover"?

Taiwan has advanced semiconductor and precision machining manufacturing capabilities that China doesn't and hasn't been able to develop on its own.  Taiwan's electronics and semiconductor companies also have a lot of information from U.S. companies that they do work for.

How about "because Taiwan used to be a useful airbase for U.S. operations in Asia, and easily can be again"?

The Black Cat squadron flew U-2s over China;  the Black Bat squadron specialized in other espionage-related aviation.  Lookemup.

How about "because Taiwan is part of what keeps China from taking over all of the Western Pacific"?

Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines are part of the overall strategy of containing China.

China couldn't even make a dent in Vietnam when they invaded it in 1979. Got their asses handed to them by border guards.

And that didn't involve an opposed amphibious landing, the most difficult type of military operation known to man.

If the Taiwanese are willing to fight, the ocean will run bright red with PRC blood.
Vietnam had a shitload of experienced warfighters.  China had whatever remained after their latest Maoist purge.  There was also quite a lot of luck involved.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 8:09:23 PM EDT
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I guess vacationing in Taipei is not a good idea at this time.
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I guess vacationing in Taipei is not a good idea at this time.
April and October/November are best.

If someone's grasp of geography,let alone knowledge of international treaties,is so poor that they have to ask if Taiwan is in NATO
Well at least he didn't start screeching about "peak ladyboys!" and Soi Cowboy.

I’m no geopolitical strategist, but neither are the bulk of other posters. It’s incredibly important on the world stage that our word is our bond, especially when it comes to people we say we protect. Whenever we leave them to the wolves we look like shit, and we’ve done that a good bit recently. Other groups see that. Both groups we claim to protect, and people that would do them harm. Once both see our word is no good, our international interests are going to falter.

The only thing that expired was the 99 year lease on the New Territories, the UK was under no obligation to return Hong Kong Island or Kowloon.
Unfortunately for them, the way the city developed it was 100% dependent on the New Territories, IIRC for water.  The British decided they couldn't separate things well enough to continue functioning and so they backed out.

Eta, I'm a defacto Taoist, so perhaps I have more skin in the game then most @NickGunar
I hereby dub thee Xiao Xiao Ma ???
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 8:11:19 PM EDT
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Oh, another thing. Nuke China over Taiwan?
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Or help Taiwan develop their own nukes
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 8:34:21 PM EDT
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It sucks if they ever do it, but starting a nuclear war over it would be crazy. It’d be like us nuking the USSR because they invaded Afghanistan...which would’ve been utterly insane.
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Taiwan was part of China for 300 years.  We're as likely to start a nuclear war with China for invading Taiwan as we are to start a nuclear war with Russia for taking Crimea.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 8:38:54 PM EDT
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I’m no geopolitical strategist, but neither are the bulk of other posters. It’s incredibly important on the world stage that our word is our bond, especially when it comes to people we say we protect. Whenever we leave them to the wolves we look like shit, and we’ve done that a good bit recently. Other groups see that. Both groups we claim to protect, and people that would do them harm. Once both see our word is no good, our international interests are going to falter.
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We have violated no treaties or pacts.  Who have we left to the wolves?  The Syrian Kurds were used by us as proxies and they in turn used us, mutually beneficial relationship.  We have no obligation to protect them in perpetuity. Geopolitical strategy is strategy after all...not platitudes.  We have done such things for decades, one would be naive to think otherwise.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 8:42:54 PM EDT
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Pick a reason, it will only be harder in the future
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Oh, another thing. Nuke China over Taiwan?
Pick a reason, it will only be harder in the future
We blew our chance to eliminate the Chinese Communists when it would have been much easier and viable over 60 years ago.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 9:10:51 PM EDT
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National interest? Yes and no.

For the interest of freedom for all Humanity? It is, tyranny has to be stopped at every level no matter where it is in the world, at least when tyranny is the second most powerful Nation on Earth
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Thanks for your well thought out military / political strategy.

Not sure how this is in our national interest.
National interest? Yes and no.

For the interest of freedom for all Humanity? It is, tyranny has to be stopped at every level no matter where it is in the world, at least when tyranny is the second most powerful Nation on Earth
Schwack China, we lose one of the few world powers capable of harming us. The remaining are Europe and Russia. And Russia would think twice after seeing their communist neighbor get their shit kicked in.

Fuck China. Now is the optimal time to fuck them over, while their economy is teeter-tottering on a razor's edge.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 9:14:09 PM EDT
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I hereby dub thee Xiao Xiao Ma ???
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Link Posted: 1/2/2019 9:14:43 PM EDT
In a strictly military sense and without US intervention, China will overwhelm Taiwan given enough time, but at what cost?

Once shooting starts, China has to win, and in an overwhelming way.  Thanks to its Kaiser Wilhelm II level of political and diplomatic ineptitude, it is surrounded by all side with suspicious neighbors to the east, and outright hostile ones to the west.  Any sign of weakness may make Tibet and Uighur rise up in revolt while China's distracted, and though Japan, South Korea, Philippines, and Vietnam probably won't intervene directly, China certain won't get any love from them.

And US?  We can simply declare an embargo on all Chinese goods and trades.  I think we didn't intervene when Russia attacked its neighbors because we simply didn't have much leverage over there short of direct military intervention, but with China we have plenty.  And is anyone going to send their cargo ships to Chinese coast while there's a shooting war going on?

Seeing what China did to all the people it subjugated, from Tibet to Hong Kong, Taiwan will more than likely put up a good fight, while China will gain... what exactly?
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 9:21:11 PM EDT
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Like crimea.....
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Not really.  We are bound by treaty to defend Taiwan.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 9:36:54 PM EDT
China is too weak to make an attempt on Taiwan, they're too afraid to get dominated by the one true world superpower.  Weak little country with a weak little military, controlled by a weak little president.  China doesn't have a chance in conquering anything, much less Taiwan.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 10:06:29 PM EDT
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Seeing what China did to all the people it subjugated, from Tibet to Hong Kong, Taiwan will more than likely put up a good fight, while China will gain... what exactly?
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I wouldn't necessarily count on that.  The officer corps of the military is overwhelmingly KMT.  I would expect at least some of them to do the same thing the Russian-Ukrainians did in Crimea -- mutiny and take their ships/planes over to the other side, sabotage what's left behind, or sandbag their units if they stay.  Even if the traitors are only a few percent, they could cause major damage to any defense.

A lot more of them would flee to the U.S.  Many of the KMT bigwigs have dual citizenship, if not for themselves then their kids got it through "birth tourism".  The Taiwanese have always been huge about doing that, and the KMT were the ones who gave their supporters all the good jobs and good perks (IIRC they were paying 18% interest on savings accounts for their civil servants, for example) to be able to afford to do it.

I don't think Taiwan would make it unless U.S. forces are already supporting Taiwan's at the outset, as in South Korea.
Link Posted: 1/2/2019 10:13:07 PM EDT
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If the ex-pats could move to Taiwan, why can't they move farther?

Evac anyone who doesn't want to live under Chinese rule, blow up anything valuable, and let China have it.
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That would be a shame.
It’s a beautiful island. I spent May through July there in 2000.

Would love to go back.
Lots of young Scottish, English, and Australian women teaching English over there.
Link Posted: 1/3/2019 3:46:43 PM EDT
... if it was me, nukes would be flying the minute PRC Marine sets one foot on taiwan's beach.
But no, I bet when the day comes we will just sit there and watch just like we did with Hong Kong.
What a ridiculous world we live in
... I'm just tired, tired of it all, I care far too much, what a ridiculous hell I'm forced to live in.
Big pony and I need to move out to the country.
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And what if their nuclear counter attack gets through?  You're idealism just doomed my children to live in a radioactive wasteland for a bunch of people I have no relation too, that have shown very little interest in their own independence, that have shown no interest in my well being, on an island almost 6000 miles away from the continental United States.  Are you going to decide to pull off your panty hose, go fight off the invading hordes, bang out a bunch of kids with a woman survivor, and raise your children to be healthy and well adjusted men and women?

Are you going to leave that up to the breeder chumps while you go hide away in the countryside, crying about how bad your childhood was while mine learn how to avoid radioactive food by only eating the scraps that are covered in rats and roaches?  Will you come crawling back in your tattered dresses to beg someone else's children to care for you in your old age?

When I was younger I would have thought this was a good idea, but now I realize we can't heal the world, they aren't willing, and anyways we can't afford it.  I hope you carefully reconsider how demented, treacherous, and evil this neocon line of thinking actually is.  As for the hell you are forced to live in, lots of people have horrific childhoods, stop letting those demons control your life and overcome them.  If you need help, I have found Jesus Christ to be a useful friend that shines light into the darkness.  Best wishes Little Pony.
Link Posted: 1/3/2019 3:57:27 PM EDT
China state media posted this today
Link Posted: 1/3/2019 4:28:33 PM EDT

The Qing ceded Hong Kong and the tip of Southern Kwonloon in perpetuity to the United Kingdom, the lease was on the larger portions of land.  The UK could have done a number of things, but the eternally inept government of Queen Elizabeth chose the villainous path.

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webtaz99: If the ex-pats could move to Taiwan, why can't they move farther?
Evac anyone who doesn't want to live under Chinese rule, blow up anything valuable, and let China have it.

Chisum: Brilliant, so are you volunteering the USA to accept them?

webtaz99: If they qualify and want to be in the US, sure. Many may want to go elsewhere.
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webtaz99: If the ex-pats could move to Taiwan, why can't they move farther?
Evac anyone who doesn't want to live under Chinese rule, blow up anything valuable, and let China have it.

Chisum: Brilliant, so are you volunteering the USA to accept them?

webtaz99: If they qualify and want to be in the US, sure. Many may want to go elsewhere.
If by expats you mean the foreigners living in China that are relocating to Taiwan like C-milk and serpetnZA, then that is fine one is an American and South Africans, the other, are very culturally and genetically similar to ethnic Americans.  Just don't let their Chinese wives get a vote.

Taiwanese and indigenous Formosans apparently didn't have enough objection to Japanese rule to seriously revolt against them, while the Chinese Nationalists apparently don't care enough to strongly assert their independence.  They can stay where they are, and make a fate for themselves.  I don't mind selling them weapons and munitions in peace time.

9divdoc: The communists stole China from the people and have been holding hostage ever since.
Formosa was where the freemen fled

BlueJames: No, Formosa was where the Chinese National Socialists fled (KMT).  Taiwan was a dictatorship up until very recently.  The KMT is also now the political party that wants reunification.
The situation is not as black and white as most Americans would like to fantasize it is.
"China" is made up, even a lot of people are duped into thinking they are "Han" when they aren't.  The People's Republic should be partitioned into several different countries.
I don't know if the KMT was national socialists, judging from Chiang's behavior he was more like Mussolini than Hitler so I would call the KMT fascist.  I will say this, Liu Shaoqui figured out Communism was idiotic and tried to implement reforms but he was destroyed by Mao's Cultural Revolution. Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiapoing succeeded where their colleague failed and transformed the People's Republic into a fascist country that still calls itself Communist.  This was very good for the People's Republic, and it, like Taiwan and South Korea, used America's stupid trade policies to develop it's own economy.

None of this is America's concern, we should never have occupied the Philippines, we should not have loaned Japan money in the Russo-Japanese War, we should have embargoed everyone in WW1, we should have supported Tsarist forces in the Russian Civil War, we should have told the Japanese that we were committed to non-interference in the Second Sino-Japanese War, we should have supported the KMT's position in Southern China, and we should have retaliated against China for their actions in Korea.  But we didn't, and now we are here.
Link Posted: 1/3/2019 4:34:08 PM EDT
Reaction to Taiwan’s defiance Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/3/2019 5:21:17 PM EDT
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The Qing ceded Hong Kong and the tip of Southern Kwonloon in perpetuity to the United Kingdom, the lease was on the larger portions of land.  The UK could have done a number of things, but the eternally inept government of Queen Elizabeth chose the villainous path.

If by expats you mean the foreigners living in China that are relocating to Taiwan like C-milk and serpetnZA, then that is fine one is an American and South Africans, the other, are very culturally and genetically similar to ethnic Americans.  Just don't let their Chinese wives get a vote.

Taiwanese and indigenous Formosans apparently didn't have enough objection to Japanese rule to seriously revolt against them, while the Chinese Nationalists apparently don't care enough to strongly assert their independence.  They can stay where they are, and make a fate for themselves.  I don't mind selling them weapons and munitions in peace time.

"China" is made up, even a lot of people are duped into thinking they are "Han" when they aren't.  The People's Republic should be partitioned into several different countries.
I don't know if the KMT was national socialists, judging from Chiang's behavior he was more like Mussolini than Hitler so I would call the KMT fascist.  I will say this, Liu Shaoqui figured out Communism was idiotic and tried to implement reforms but he was destroyed by Mao's Cultural Revolution. Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiapoing succeeded where their colleague failed and transformed the People's Republic into a fascist country that still calls itself Communist.  This was very good for the People's Republic, and it, like Taiwan and South Korea, used America's stupid trade policies to develop it's own economy.

[color=#ff0000]None of this is America's concern, we should never have occupied the Philippines, we should not have loaned Japan money in the Russo-Japanese War, we should have embargoed everyone in WW1, we should have supported Tsarist forces in the Russian Civil War, we should have told the Japanese that we were committed to non-interference in the Second Sino-Japanese War, we should have supported the KMT's position in Southern China, and we should have retaliated against China for their actions in Korea.  But we didn't, and now we are here.
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Indeed, 100 Years of total American and Western incompetence
Link Posted: 1/3/2019 7:09:17 PM EDT
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This is rather ironic since you're flying the KMT/ROC/Taiwanese flag as your location here.  You should probably swap that out for a nice bright red PRC flag.

And "the majority" in Taiwan sees no such thing.  Only a tiny fraction of the hard-blue KMT wants reunification, mostly the ones who fled the mainland in 1949 and some of their brainwashed offspring, and they're dying off rapidly.

The majority of Taiwanese would prefer to declare that Taiwan is its own country -- not "declare independence" because they have been since before the PRC existed -- but don't want to antagonize mainland China and so they talk about "maintaining the status quo".

large majority want independence, only 6% identify as "Chinese" in the sense of "being part of China".


It's even less black-and-white than you pretend, too.

And the KMT weren't "national socialists", they were "nationalists" and also Leninists who decided they could make more money leeching off the U.S. so they turned into straightforward tyrants.  Fortunately they've mostly dropped dead.  Unfortunately, the other "party" is really more of a coalition of factions and can't get its act together, plus China keeps screeching about invading whenever the KMT loses, which terrifies enough Taiwanese into "maintain the status quo" votes for the KMT that they get back into power.
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Why the fuck would I fly the PRC flag?  I have no allegiance to them at all and the TSU flag isn't an option.  What's the point of your comment?  Just to be snarky and immature I guess or maybe an ill gotten attempt to be edgy.  The sample size of the Forbes survey is only 1,000 people.  Well I've conducted my own survey over the past 6 years well in excess of 1,000 people and I found the difference in the results to be significant.  In Taipei you will be hard pressed to find anyone who sees reunification with PRC as a negative outside of a few kooky senior citizens that like to wear TAIP t-shirts with matching hats on a daily basis.  This is especially true of anyone under 35 who will typically tell you "I don't really care, but China is powerful so reunification wouldn't be a bad thing."  I've heard some of the people friendly to the cause like to hang out at Green Bean in Zhongshan if you're interested.  Out in Taipei county and the rest of the country you'll still find the majority of people still view China as more good than anything else but with the caveat that reunification would mean Taiwan would get the same deal that HK did: One country, two systems.  I'll agree that most people do not want to see a total takeover by PRC because they understand what freedoms they have would quickly end.  But to say that "Only a tiny fraction of the hard-blue KMT wants reunification" is complete bullshit.  That sentiment is all over the streets and in people's homes at the dinner table.

Sun Yat-sen was founded the KMT originally as a democratic, anti-monarchistic party intent on establishing a republic.  There was never any discussion of or association with Leninism.  Are you aware that in 1924 Sun Yat-sen sent Chiang Kai-shek to Moscow to study their military and political system?  He met with Trotsky and others but came home a staunch detractor of Communism.  In 1927 Chiang, as head of the KMT, was the one who started the Chinese civil war by slaughtering every communist he could find in Shanghai because he hated them with a passion.  He loved to use terror tactics against people who he accused of being Communists.  At the same time the KMT also went after business owners and accused them of exploitation, seized assets from the wealthy and arrested anyone who spoke out.  They were nationalistic, anti-capitalist, and quasi-religious just as much as the Nazis were and hated the Communists just as much for the exact same reasons.  And they did all this long before the US was even a world power so I seriously doubt they played a decades long game to sap resources away from the US.  They were Nationalist Socialist thugs long before WW2 was even on the horizon.  I'm pretty sure you just made that Leninist bullshit up yourself too.

This quote juxtaposed with the murdering of Communists and promotion of Chinese Nationalism pretty much sums up the KMTs politics up until the early 1990s:

"The railroads, public utilities, canals, and forests should be nationalized, and all income from the land and mines should be in the hands of the State. With this money in hand, the State can therefore finance the social welfare programs." Sun Yat-sen

Link Posted: 1/3/2019 7:42:06 PM EDT
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Why the fuck would I fly the PRC flag?  I have no allegiance to them at all and the TSU flag isn't an option.  What's the point of your comment?  Just to be snarky and immature I guess or maybe an ill gotten attempt to be edgy.  The sample size of the Forbes survey is only 1,000 people.  Well I've conducted my own survey over the past 6 years well in excess of 1,000 people and I found the difference in the results to be significant.  In Taipei you will be hard pressed to find anyone who sees reunification with PRC as a negative outside of a few kooky senior citizens that like to wear TAIP t-shirts with matching hats on a daily basis.  This is especially true of anyone under 35 who will typically tell you "I don't really care, but China is powerful so reunification wouldn't be a bad thing."  I've heard some of the people friendly to the cause like to hang out at Green Bean in Zhongshan if you're interested.  Out in Taipei county and the rest of the country you'll still find the majority of people still view China as more good than anything else but with the caveat that reunification would mean Taiwan would get the same deal that HK did: One country, two systems.  I'll agree that most people do not want to see a total takeover by PRC because they understand what freedoms they have would quickly end.  But to say that "Only a tiny fraction of the hard-blue KMT wants reunification" is complete bullshit.  That sentiment is all over the streets and in people's homes at the dinner table.

Sun Yat-sen was founded the KMT originally as a democratic, anti-monarchistic party intent on establishing a republic.  There was never any discussion of or association with Leninism.  Are you aware that in 1924 Sun Yat-sen sent Chiang Kai-shek to Moscow to study their military and political system?  He met with Trotsky and others but came home a staunch detractor of Communism.  In 1927 Chiang, as head of the KMT, was the one who started the Chinese civil war by slaughtering every communist he could find in Shanghai because he hated them with a passion.  He loved to use terror tactics against people who he accused of being Communists.  At the same time the KMT also went after business owners and accused them of exploitation, seized assets from the wealthy and arrested anyone who spoke out.  They were nationalistic, anti-capitalist, and quasi-religious just as much as the Nazis were and hated the Communists just as much for the exact same reasons.  And they did all this long before the US was even a world power so I seriously doubt they played a decades long game to sap resources away from the US.  They were Nationalist Socialist thugs long before WW2 was even on the horizon.  I'm pretty sure you just made that Leninist bullshit up yourself too.

This quote juxtaposed with the murdering of Communists and promotion of Chinese Nationalism pretty much sums up the KMTs politics up until the early 1990s:

"The railroads, public utilities, canals, and forests should be nationalized, and all income from the land and mines should be in the hands of the State. With this money in hand, the State can therefore finance the social welfare programs." Sun Yat-sen

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finally someone i can actually fucking talk with, know anything about the wartime logistical nightmare? i find it fascinating.

though most find it dull
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