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Link Posted: 6/30/2010 10:31:15 AM EDT
OP, you asked for all questions from GD...even said "fuck me up".

Now you're getting the red-ass because this is happening?

How's that....I'm trying to answer the inquiries as best I can......how's about you just fuck the hell off.

You should have established a Safe Word before you started this gang bang.

How are we supposed to know when "No: Stop!" and all the screaming/crying really means that you're done with the roleplaying?

Keyboard just received a Diet Mt. Dew shower thanks again to You...       Ya' Bastard!!

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 10:38:18 AM EDT
My last, and I mean LAST experience with U-Haul:

Last time we moved, across town, I needed a 24' truck. I went to the store 1 month in advance to reserve the truck. No problem.  Called 2 weeks prior to the move and was advised, "Yep, you're all set." Called again 1 week prior to move––"We gotcha covered." Called three days prior to confirm that there would be a truck for me: "It'll be here waiting for you.

Showed up first thing that Saturday morning. Customers were lined up out the door and one person was working the counter. I wait my turn, after hearing several, "We have no trucks to rent." I say to myself, "That's what happens if you don't reserve in advance and re-confirm." I finally get to the front of the line.

"We have no trucks to rent."
"But I reserved one last month and re-confirmed several times"
"We are out of trucks."
"Where is the 24' truck I reserved?"
"All our trucks are gone. Don't you know that both Radford University and Virginia Tech are moving out this weekend?"
"So what? I reserved a truck. I called several times, the last time was 2 days ago, and was promised a 24' truck."
"We have no trucks to rent."

Went to a local rent-all place. They rented me "The Cornbinder" - an ancient International Harvester with a lift ramp. Glad I can drive a stick!

Every time I drive by the U-Haul place, I beep the horn and flip them the finger. It's been over 10 years.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 10:38:52 AM EDT
This thread sure went
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 10:51:40 AM EDT
Why are your trucks so ghetto and ratty? Every time we have rented one its a dump, the store owner is a jerk/weirdo.

eta: guess this answers it.


Language is NSFW


Can someone tell me how to embed please?
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 10:57:21 AM EDT
Does U-Haul ever buy new vehicles?    

I rented a brand new box truck from them last year. 6,000 miles on the odometer.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 10:59:25 AM EDT
Ok, here is a fucking UHaul story that will add to the cluster fuck:

4 days after getting married I had to pack up my wife from the Oakland Apartment to get to our new house in Reno. This was in May, and it was getting hot early that year. To get to Reno from Oakland, one must cross the Sierra Nevada over one of many passes. Donner Pass is the quickest route.

I reserved a 26' UHaul, but had to settle for the 24' model. Ok, no problem, everything should fit ok, just more careful packing. I asked many times if the truck was GTG and ready for a full haul over Donner Pass. "Oh yeah, we take good care of the trucks, blah blah, lbha, grubble."

It all went in well enough with some help from FIL, MIL and a few guys we picked up to help move everything. We left that night with her following me. She got tired and we stopped to sleep in Auburn just before the climb.

Next day we started uphill.

Just past Colfax the truck momentarily felt a bit weak. It went away, but I kept an eye on what I could and kept alert.

Then it happened. BOOM. Then nothing. Truck just rolled to a stop just downhill from Nyack at the chain up area. Got out and looked under the truck.... massive fluid dump. I never knew how much fluid these things held.

I call Uhaul. Of course they are "Shocked" and were going to send out somebody "Immediately".

Well 2 hours later the Chippy patrolling the route stopped to see if we were ok. Even he was amazed at the amount of fluids on the road and commented that Uhaul will get a nice bill for that.
Long story short, the truck apparently had not had the oil or fluids changed for many thousands of miles, nor engine or trans maint done for the same. hey had to tow that bitch to Reno, and they helped me transfer the contents to 3 different trucks and get 6 guys to help me unload into the garage. I only paid for the trucks use from Oakland to Nyack. So the lack of maint on ONE truck cost them the same as buying probably 2/3 new trucks. Yay UHaul!

How they are still in business still escapes me.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 11:02:52 AM EDT



what can I say I have a good, mid size suv, and tried to rent a small trailer from u-haul.

They said, literally, we will not rent a trailer to be towed by a Ford Explorer.

And they would not.

Fuck em.


Sorry dude...can't rent to explorers.......focus your anger to Ford not U-Hauil

Then why can you rent to people with Mercury Mountaineers? Which is virtually identical?

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 11:04:19 AM EDT



what can I say I have a good, mid size suv, and tried to rent a small trailer from u-haul.

They said, literally, we will not rent a trailer to be towed by a Ford Explorer.

And they would not.

Fuck em.


Sorry dude...can't rent to explorers.......focus your anger to Ford not U-Hauil

Then why can you rent to people with Mercury Mountaineers? Which is virtually identical?

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 11:31:53 AM EDT
One thing I will say in defense of U-Haul,,,,, sticking to the 45mph speed limit would prevent a lot of accidents, and yet it's something a lot of people don't do. They think they're "such good drivers" that they can recover from... whatever it is that is bad that might happen.

They don't let the kids play with improperly-loaded trailers in high-school driver's ed, so most people don't know how quickly it can get away, or how impossible it can be when it does.

what can I say I have a good, mid size suv, and tried to rent a small trailer from u-haul.

They said, literally, we will not rent a trailer to be towed by a Ford Explorer.

And they would not.

Fuck em.


Sorry dude...can't rent to explorers.......focus your anger to Ford not U-Hauil

Ford doesn't own my car anymore, what's their opinion got to do with anything?  

I had the same experience once when I tried to rent from them.
This was shortly after the Explorer/Firestone tire thing, even though my vehicle was a model year earlier than the recall.

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 11:38:05 AM EDT
This is an awesome thread!

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 11:38:14 AM EDT
I've never had to rent a u-bawl truck for a long haul, but after the op attitude I don't think I ever will.............way to go.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:04:26 PM EDT
Well, you asked for it, so here it is...

Why do you advertise a 20ft truck, with a 4ft cab overhang, as a 24ft truck?  IT ISN’T!!

Why do your clerks insist on playing “Fifty Questions” when I try to rent a trailer.   I got so tired of this hassle, I bought my own instead.

Why the FUCK can’t your clerks be honest about fuel efficiency.   I rented a 24ft truck for a 2200 mile trip.  The clerk said 10 mpg.


ON  A  2200  MILE  TRIP!!!


Why can’t you hire clerks with enough integrity to NOT send their junker trucks on the one-way trips.   It’s a nice way to get rid of maintenance problems, but it really screws your customers.

I rented a 24ft truck with car trailer, going from CA to NY.   That POS had 120 degrees of play in the steering wheel, and I couldn’t exceed 55mph and keep it on my side of the highway.  In the Sierra-Nevada Mountains, I get detoured onto narrow winding roads cut out of the side of a mountain.   A freak snowstorm turns the roads icy.   There is no place to turn this rig around, I cannot stop because I won’t have enough traction to get moving again, so I drive for 12 hours straight.  
The only real problem is that I have no idea where the front wheels are pointing, and 4ft to the left, is a 1000'  drop down a mountainside, no guardrails.   Every 10 seconds the truck heads to the side and I have to immediately correct.   The steering is so squirrely, I keep the driver’s door propped open with my left foot, so if the truck heads over the edge, I’ll have a chance to bail out.   And I freeze my ass off, because there is NO heat to the cabin, despite the coolant gage showing constant engine overheating.

I rented another 24ftr, returned to the rental center because it was difficult to shift.   Clerk said a new transmission was just installed (a lie), and I got the usual “It’s the only truck available” BS, even with three identical trucks on the lot.   Packed it full of HHG, and drove through the Great Smoky Mountains.

After cresting a mountain top, I put it in neutral and let it coast down a 6% grade.   At 55mph I try to put it in gear but it won’t go.   I’m bending the shift rod, stomping that clutch, speed hits 70mph, and no luck.

I jump on the brakes, which slows acceleration but doesn’t stop it.   Blue smoke is pouring out of the rear brakes, and speed keeps increasing.   I hit the headlights and lay on the horn to warn driver’s ahead I can’t stop.    Fucking junker still won’t go into gear.   At 85mph, downhill, my mother, in a following vehicle, is on the CB radio begging me to slow down, expecting to see me die any moment.   Brakes fade to uselessness.  Speedometer was pegged at 95 for an eternity.   I take the breakdown lane to avoid hitting cars as I blow past them.  I'm thinking, this is a really shitty way to die, and my mother is going to witness it.

Still no luck with the shifter.   Road levels out, speed slowly drops,  and I coast for a mile until stopping.   Rear brakes are completely burned up, and continue smoking and cracking apart for another hour.

Get to wait in sweltering heat for four hours, until a wrecker tows it to a service center.   They can’t get parts for a week, and I can’t wait, so I unload 10,000lbs from this truck into another, in 104 degree heat and 80% humidity.   When I explain the ordeal to the 1-800 clerk, she rudely refuses to do anything but give me an extra day on the rental contract.   I curse her out until she hangs up.

As I was leaving, the service tech showed me the  transmission pan, full of ball bearings and broken gears, and said that tranny should have been replaced long ago.

This is why I’d rent a one-wheel cart,and a blind, 3-legged donkey before I’d rent another U-Haul.

Why not email this thread to U-Haul’s corporate marketing chimps, maybe something will improve...


Sorry, I know none of this was your fault.   But you DID ask for it.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:07:39 PM EDT
All I can say is wow!. I can't believe the OP would admit to working at u haul. I had the misfortune of working at a u haul owned center for about a year after I got out of the .mil. I wouldn't rent a u haul to save my life after some of the stuff I have seen. They knowingly rent trucks and trailers that should NOT be on the road. I also can't believe anyone would go to them to get a hitch installed. I was working there for about a month when my manager told me I had to install a hitch. I flat out refused and said I had no training and that I would not take that responsibility upon myself. He had another guy install the hitch that had been there less time than me. They had no torque wrench to properly torque the nuts, just a pneumatic drill with a socket on it. SCARY!!!
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:12:36 PM EDT
All I can say is wow!. I can't believe the OP would admit to working at u haul. I had the misfortune of working at a u haul owned center for about a year after I got out of the .mil. I wouldn't rent a u haul to save my life after some of the stuff I have seen. They knowingly rent trucks and trailers that should NOT be on the road. I also can't believe anyone would go to them to get a hitch installed. I was working there for about a month when my manager told me I had to install a hitch. I flat out refused and said I had no training and that I would not take that responsibility upon myself. He had another guy install the hitch that had been there less time than me. They had no torque wrench to properly torque the nuts, just a pneumatic drill with a socket on it. SCARY!!!

I've come to the conclusion that the OP in fact works for Penske or some other U-Haul competitor, and started this thread with eyes wide open.  His reaction to criticism is far too stereotypically spot-on for a U-Haul employee to be real (especially the "I'm handling inquiries as fast as I can, so fuck off" bit, that was hysterical!).  Notice how many people have stated that they will never rent from U-Haul again in this thread.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:15:54 PM EDT
All I can say is wow!. I can't believe the OP would admit to working at u haul. I had the misfortune of working at a u haul owned center for about a year after I got out of the .mil. I wouldn't rent a u haul to save my life after some of the stuff I have seen. They knowingly rent trucks and trailers that should NOT be on the road. I also can't believe anyone would go to them to get a hitch installed. I was working there for about a month when my manager told me I had to install a hitch. I flat out refused and said I had no training and that I would not take that responsibility upon myself. He had another guy install the hitch that had been there less time than me. They had no torque wrench to properly torque the nuts, just a pneumatic drill with a socket on it. SCARY!!!

I've come to the conclusion that the OP in fact works for Penske or some other U-Haul competitor, and started this thread with eyes wide open.  His reaction to criticism is far too stereotypically spot-on for a U-Haul employee to be real (especially the "I'm handling inquiries as fast as I can, so fuck off" bit, that was hysterical!).  Notice how many people have stated that they will never rent from U-Haul again in this thread.

Even if true,

Ya gotta admit...

This has been one of the most entertaining threads in quite a while.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:28:47 PM EDT
All I can say is wow!. I can't believe the OP would admit to working at u haul. I had the misfortune of working at a u haul owned center for about a year after I got out of the .mil. I wouldn't rent a u haul to save my life after some of the stuff I have seen. They knowingly rent trucks and trailers that should NOT be on the road. I also can't believe anyone would go to them to get a hitch installed. I was working there for about a month when my manager told me I had to install a hitch. I flat out refused and said I had no training and that I would not take that responsibility upon myself. He had another guy install the hitch that had been there less time than me. They had no torque wrench to properly torque the nuts, just a pneumatic drill with a socket on it. SCARY!!!

I've come to the conclusion that the OP in fact works for Penske or some other U-Haul competitor, and started this thread with eyes wide open.  His reaction to criticism is far too stereotypically spot-on for a U-Haul employee to be real (especially the "I'm handling inquiries as fast as I can, so fuck off" bit, that was hysterical!).  Notice how many people have stated that they will never rent from U-Haul again in this thread.

Even if true,

Ya gotta admit...

This has been one of the most entertaining threads in quite a while.

Very true!
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:30:14 PM EDT
How can you sell me a break controller and install it for $20 cheaper than I can find it on the internet?  I have always had good luck with U-Haul.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:36:29 PM EDT
My experiences haven't been too bad.  One time though they started the truck for me, "to warm it up," before we went back inside to sign some final papers.  When I came out the truck had died and I had to start it again.  Go going down the street, and made it to the freeway until my brother, who was following me, calls to ask why I'm not using my blinkers.  I was, so it turns out the blinkers don't work.  And I'm trying to make my way across lanes on the freeway with no blinkers, while everyone thinks I'm an asshole for cutting in without signaling.  

Last time I moved I rented a Penske truck and it was immaculate, very nice truck.  The people at the office we rabid U-Haul haters, and kept telling me over and over how bad U-Haul was.  They even had flyers on the front desk about how U-Haul doesn't maintain their trucks.  It was a little over the top.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:39:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 12:39:30 PM EDT
Last time we needed to rent a van/truck we rented from Budget to go from IL to NE and back to take my sister home from college for the last time.   That was good.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 1:05:22 PM EDT
Ummmm.    Gau5-A-A.  

You said that you "put it in neutral down a 6% grade"?????????

Ummmmm , Yeah,.............Wow............

OK.  I bashed U Haul earlier in this thread BUT you FUCKED UP    !!!!!ROYALLY!!!!!   K????????

You NEVER, and I repeat _______––––––––-________ NEVER_________––––––––-________

put a big truck in neutral going down a hill.   K????

Your ignorance could very easily have killed an innocent motorist.  K????

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 1:30:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 1:38:13 PM EDT
don't worry cvanbrunt.

I'm not calling him out or being disrespectful.

It's simply a fact of driving a truck.  Ya don't coast down a hill.  All good.  Life's a learning curve.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 3:59:55 PM EDT
All I can say is wow!. I can't believe the OP would admit to working at u haul. I had the misfortune of working at a u haul owned center for about a year after I got out of the .mil. I wouldn't rent a u haul to save my life after some of the stuff I have seen. They knowingly rent trucks and trailers that should NOT be on the road. I also can't believe anyone would go to them to get a hitch installed. I was working there for about a month when my manager told me I had to install a hitch. I flat out refused and said I had no training and that I would not take that responsibility upon myself. He had another guy install the hitch that had been there less time than me. They had no torque wrench to properly torque the nuts, just a pneumatic drill with a socket on it. SCARY!!!

I've come to the conclusion that the OP in fact works for Penske or some other U-Haul competitor, and started this thread with eyes wide open.  His reaction to criticism is far too stereotypically spot-on for a U-Haul employee to be real (especially the "I'm handling inquiries as fast as I can, so fuck off" bit, that was hysterical!).  Notice how many people have stated that they will never rent from U-Haul again in this thread.

If that is the case, it was a brilliant troll and kudos to the OP.  You simply have to respect any job that well done.

The last time I rented a truck from them was 1997.  The "reserved" truck was there, but had a fuel leak.  The dealer was actually decent and found a replacement truck about 45 minutes away.  However, due to the delays, I had to leave to sign the lease at my new place and get the keys.  They wouldn't do this the day before when I was up there.  So, I didn't actually load anything on the truck.    I still hear about it.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 4:20:31 PM EDT
Which end of the state are you in?
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 4:24:52 PM EDT
Since this has become a uhaul bashing thread...

I just thought I'd mention that I've rented at least 5 penskes with great results.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 4:59:57 PM EDT
Over the years I've moved dozens of times and had most of the Hoo-Ya'll nightmares mentioned above...
(and a few problems not mentioned above)

Then one day I rented a Penske:
It was clean, quiet, had A/C that worked, and a smooth efficient automatic turbo diesel in it.
No mystery noises.
No mystery smells.
No sticky floor or pedals.
No odd stains on the seat.
The brakes worked like power brakes should.
There was a radio -and music came out of it!

I seriously never thought I could move cross-country without being exhausted from the drive.

I almost don't hate moving anymore after that experience!

Fuck Obama.
Fuck Hoo-Ya'll.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:05:09 PM EDT
Why in the blue fuck can't U haul make a decent wire splice.....

Scotch-loks are the fucking DEVIL!!!!

Butt splice-solder -shrinktube.

I have had to fix the wiring on EVERYTHING i have ever rented from you guys for SOMETHING not working
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:09:12 PM EDT
Ummmm.    Gau5-A-A.  

You said that you "put it in neutral down a 6% grade"?????????

Ummmmm... You NEVER, and I repeat _______––––––––-________ NEVER_________––––––––-________

put a big truck in neutral going down a hill...

True, but you have to admit, his story IS funny once you look past that little detail!:

I jump on the brakes, which slows acceleration but doesn’t stop it.
Blue smoke is pouring out of the rear brakes, and speed keeps increasing.
I hit the headlights and lay on the horn to warn driver’s ahead I can’t stop.
Fucking junker still won’t go into gear.
At 85mph, downhill, my mother, in a following vehicle, is on the CB radio begging me to slow down, expecting to see me die any moment.
Brakes fade to uselessness.  
Speedometer was pegged at 95 for an eternity.
I take the breakdown lane to avoid hitting cars as I blow past them.
I'm thinking, this is a really shitty way to die, and my mother is going to witness it...

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:10:11 PM EDT
what can I say I have a good, mid size suv, and tried to rent a small trailer from u-haul.

They said, literally, we will not rent a trailer to be towed by a Ford Explorer.

And they would not.

Fuck em.


Sorry dude...can't rent to explorers.......focus your anger to Ford not U-Hauil

Why? they are rated to tow in excess of the capacity of the trailer, How is that ford problem?
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:11:09 PM EDT
Where did the OP dissappear to?  There are at least a few legitimate questions in these posts
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:21:57 PM EDT


Where did the OP dissappear to?  There are at least a few legitimate questions in these posts

He'll probably show up just long enough to request a thread lock.

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:35:33 PM EDT
This thread is literally Uhaul standard. OP makes this shitfuck thread, doesn't really answer anything then goes to fucking bed.

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:37:23 PM EDT
OP, you asked for all questions from GD...even said "fuck me up".

Now you're getting the red-ass because this is happening?

How's that....I'm trying to answer the inquiries as best I can......how's about you just fuck the hell off.

May sound stupid, but your pissy attitude in a thread you started cost UHaul my business. I have had enough bad experiences with them in the past, I don't need to deal with a pissed off employee in the future.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:38:07 PM EDT
OP has to be from one of the competitors. This is just... toooo perfect.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:39:30 PM EDT
I rented a U Haul truck once, to bring home a gun safe from a store maybe 10-12 miles away.  It was one of those $19.95 specials.  By the time they got done with me it cost about $100.  
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:39:54 PM EDT

After cresting a mountain top, I put it in neutral and let it coast down a 6% grade.   At 55mph I try to put it in gear but it won’t go.   I’m bending the shift rod, stomping that clutch, speed hits 70mph, and no luck.

Non synchro'd gears ( or worn Synchros depending on year and make of the truck.....) Georgia Overdrive is ALWAYS a bad idea unless you REALLY know your equipment, FYI
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:41:09 PM EDT
My experiences haven't been too bad.  One time though they started the truck for me, "to warm it up," before we went back inside to sign some final papers.  When I came out the truck had died and I had to start it again.  Go going down the street, and made it to the freeway until my brother, who was following me, calls to ask why I'm not using my blinkers.  I was, so it turns out the blinkers don't work.  And I'm trying to make my way across lanes on the freeway with no blinkers, while everyone thinks I'm an asshole for cutting in without signaling.  

Last time I moved I rented a Penske truck and it was immaculate, very nice truck.  The people at the office we rabid U-Haul haters, and kept telling me over and over how bad U-Haul was.  They even had flyers on the front desk about how U-Haul doesn't maintain their trucks.  It was a little over the top.

The truth is never over the top
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:42:54 PM EDT
Since this has become a uhaul bashing thread...

I just thought I'd mention that I've rented at least 5 penskes with great results.

I rent 3-10 Penske trucks ( class 8 twin screw sleepers) a week and almost NEVER get complaints. I can't remember the last time I had to call them on a breakdown

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 5:45:28 PM EDT


Why do you overbook rental trucks?

Purposely overbooking ANYTHING should be a Federal crime punishable by public flogging.

There's no fucking excuses for that

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:00:51 PM EDT
OP, you asked for all questions from GD...even said "fuck me up".

Now you're getting the red-ass because this is happening?

OP is just worn down from getting these complaints in person day in and day out.  Poor guy.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:03:16 PM EDT
I peddle crack cocaine to toddlers. Fuck me up!

Pretty much the thread at hand.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:04:22 PM EDT
Hey OP, where ya at?  You haven't responded to my post yet  

C'mon, get back in here and tell me to fuck off or something.  

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:06:26 PM EDT
I dont hate U-Haul...Did I miss am memo?
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:08:38 PM EDT
don't worry cvanbrunt.

I'm not calling him out or being disrespectful.

It's simply a fact of driving a truck.  Ya don't coast down a hill.  All good.  Life's a learning curve.

I hope he's well ahead of the curve now for his own good.  HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:10:13 PM EDT
i cant believe you people dont lie to Uhaul.  I lie every fucking time I need to tow a car.  Problem solved.
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:11:29 PM EDT
What maximum speed would a U-Haul truck be capable of attaining? Are these vehicles governed?
I have an itching to get my hands on a truck and then shoplift a 12 pack of beer from a gas station and lead police on a high speed chase across 2 counties
Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:14:54 PM EDT



I have a friend (yes, really) that always says "dont rent from U-haul, rent from Penske, Penske buys new equipment, while U-haul is used up crap".  I'm not too sure about this, do you have any info?


Good luck finding a Penske
We rented a brand new 26' truck from Penske for our CA to TX move. Guess what? Broke down 5 times. Refused to start after stopping for fuel. Got to the point where we wouldn't shut it off during fueling because it may not start again. Penske reluctantly decided to send a repair tech out, but by then we had gotten it started by ourselves after following their chinese fire drill instructions for rebooting the onboard computer and getting it running.

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:22:05 PM EDT
I've got to get in on this one.  I sense a possibliltiy of going arfcom-viral

My story - the ONE and ONLY time I rented a moving truck from Uhaul when we moved houses - the @#$% broke down, guess when?  In the drive way, after we'd totally loaded it full and were going to drive to the new house.  Had to be towed.  Set us back time that we didn't have, and we received no refund, or even a "sorry" for the complete and total hassle that it turned out to be (broke an antique marble table inside during the process, etc, etc).

Link Posted: 6/30/2010 6:22:10 PM EDT
I had to physically place myself between my vehicle and the trailer to get the uhaul rep to cease connecting a trailer. After telling him 5 times that a wheel was missing, and 3 others telling him the same thing, he still did not beleive us.

True story. Needless to say, we got a different trailer.
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