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Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:40:30 AM EDT
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I don't have any problem tossing administrative assistants (we don't call them secretaries anymore) who helped run concentration camps in the pokey, but she's being prosecuted in youth court because of her age at the time.

If she was a minor (or young adult) was she really going to tell the ghoul SS commander to knock it off or say she was quitting?
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Makes sense for them to wait for her mental state to revert to juvenile levels.

But seriously I don't think a teenage girl is really going to have a choice here.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:41:33 AM EDT
Article says she is being tried as a juvenile. Seriously?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:42:35 AM EDT
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A secretary?  
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My first reaction too!
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:43:42 AM EDT
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Well when she was typing-out the number of bodies cremated for the month, pounds of hair, gold fillings, etc collected that should have been called a clue.
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Could you charge the PD office employees who check or file reports with crimes if a police officer was tried and convicted of police brutality, asaault, or the unlawful death of a citizen? How about the chief who hired them? Maybe the city council or mayor?...................

Chain of command.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:54:30 AM EDT
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Most of them will tell you that they run the office.
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Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:55:21 AM EDT
When are they going to go after all the last-ditch “SS” soldiers who were 13 and 14 at the end of the war? That’ll really bring some justice.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:56:30 AM EDT
And yet our government is loaded with real fascists…
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 7:57:44 AM EDT
Next up: Local farmers who sold carrots to the Nazis.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:00:22 AM EDT
Stalin killed more , mao killed more .
Why is no one going after their subordinates?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:00:23 AM EDT
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Not really different than being charged as an accessory or coconspirator to a crime. You can do acts that aren't criminal in assistance to a criminal enterprise and still be criminally liable.
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Unless you're George Soros.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:03:37 AM EDT
I'm from Belgium. I visit battlefields and also camps from WW2. I've been to that camp, Stutthoff in Poland.

Anyone who served in the Camp system should be arrested, tried and prosecuted. No exceptions. Age, mental state and possible re-habilitation later in life can be considered by the courts. But they should be sought out. There is a difference between a soldier serving his country in the regular army, and the people who were involved in perpetuating mass-murder. 'Following orders' cannot be a get-out-of-jail-free-card simply because you were not the "hombre principal".

I've been to plenty of these places all over Europe.



The wooden barracks were burned to the ground, only the chimneys remain:

Gas chamber:


Took the time to visit the Wolfsschanze too:

The plaque on the foundations of the bunker where Stauffenberg tried to assassinate Hitler:

It was a fun deployment!
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:04:57 AM EDT
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If someone goes into a concentration camp knowing what's going on to help build ovens or as a clerical worker helping the Nazis run the camp they're part of the criminal enterprise just like "a guard who never fired a shot"

I think you could still make an argument based on age and other issues regarding culpability ie were they afraid of retaliation if they quit
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Might as well go after the guy who made the bricks for the ovens.  Or the guy who transported the bricks to the camp.   Or the guy who put the horseshoes on the horse that pulled the wagon of bricks to the camp.

Where does it stop?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:06:13 AM EDT
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They should put her in a public cage during winter and starve her.
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why ?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:06:46 AM EDT
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Most of them will tell you that they run the office.
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?

Most of them will tell you that they run the office.

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Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:07:11 AM EDT
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Well hell, then they should prosecute anyone who voted for Hitler or the NSDP, cause they undoubtedly started the events that 'helped' lead to the death camps.
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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."
Well hell, then they should prosecute anyone who voted for Hitler or the NSDP, cause they undoubtedly started the events that 'helped' lead to the death camps.

They will probably go after Hitler Jugend survivors next
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:07:54 AM EDT
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Might as well go after the guy who made the bricks for the ovens.  Or the guy who transported the bricks to the camp.   Or the guy who put the horseshoes on the horse that pulled the wagon of bricks to the camp.

Where does it stop?
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When all the witnesses are dead.

I'm sure there's an ulterior motive. We just don't know what it is.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:13:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:16:38 AM EDT
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Hogan was beat to death in a Scottsdale hotel room for being friendly with the nazis
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:17:13 AM EDT
But we still have Merecedes-Benz and Volkswagen....

And IBM and Ford....
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:17:25 AM EDT
If she was a scientist Paperclip could have saved her.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:17:43 AM EDT
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The worst lingering effect of the 3rd Reich is that it's viewed as an aberrant one off to which nothing before, or since, is allowed to be compared as other than hyperbole. And that is simply not the case.
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?

I suspect she had the “power” to realize she was facilitating something ineffably evil and the “power” to weasel her way out of continuing to do it.

That said, the German authorities are pretty much down to stems and seeds when it comes to punishing those responsible for the Holocaust.  Might be better to direct their moral outrage to modern day atrocities, of which there is certainly no shortage.

The worst lingering effect of the 3rd Reich is that it's viewed as an aberrant one off to which nothing before, or since, is allowed to be compared as other than hyperbole. And that is simply not the case.

True. Hitler was a piker compared to Stalin and Mao, the Japanese ran up a pretty good score in China, and the various European countries didn’t do the indigenous peoples many favors with colonialism.  I’m thinking militant Islam is the one that ultimately proves unstoppable, because its atrocities are committed under the cover of being “one of the world’s great religions”.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:17:49 AM EDT
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?
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blowjob skills to get what she wants?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:19:58 AM EDT
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How about they round up all the commies in the German government and try them.
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Do that here and we would have to start from scratch to fill all positions.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:21:48 AM EDT
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A secretary?  
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At this point they might as well charge the farmer who provided milk, cheese, or wheat, to the Nazi regime.  

An underage (at the time) secretary for the commander of the camp is only barely empowered above the prisoners.  

Germans who were above the age of majority at the time bear more responsibility for Nazi empowerment.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:21:55 AM EDT
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How about they round up all the commies in the German government and try them.
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How about they round up all the commies in OUR government...
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:22:05 AM EDT
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Next up: Local farmers who sold carrots to the Nazis.

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After that it’ll be people who played Nazis on TV.  Look out Werner Klemperer …. they’re coming for you next!  

Yeah… I know he’s dead … but I’m not sure when they get to that point that it’s going to really matter!
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:24:12 AM EDT
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You are under the false impression that the US will still be a super power in 50 years.....................

We are going to be a broke ass 2nd world country at best if deficit spending continues no matter who is in charge of the country.
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I believe the target is now less than 50 months.
2020 emboldened the nation's enemies, inside and outside the Biden White House, more than I believed possible.

Anyway, this looks like the final fundraising opportunity for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, so they can't let it go to waste any more than Wayne LaPierre could let a gun control bill die.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:25:57 AM EDT
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After that it’ll be people who played Nazis on TV.  Look out Werner Klemperer …. they’re coming for you next!  

Yeah… I know he’s dead … but I’m not sure when they get to that point that it’s going to really matter!
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Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:26:28 AM EDT
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You are under the false impression that the US will still be a super power in 50 years.....................

We are going to be a broke ass 2nd world country at best if deficit spending continues no matter who is in charge of the country.
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I'm under the impression that our .mil didn't round people up and gas them, along with having an ROE that kept them from doing stuff they probably legally could have. Along with the world not only not getting together to destroy us, but actually help.

But hey, maybe the US will become Muslim and it'll do what you say.

If/when things get as bad as you say I think most people will be more worried about other stuff than some geriatric vet.

Or not
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:29:30 AM EDT
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I suspect she had the “power” to realize she was facilitating something ineffably evil and the “power” to weasel her way out of continuing to do it.

That said, the German authorities are pretty much down to stems and seeds when it comes to punishing those responsible for the Holocaust.  Might be better to direct their moral outrage to modern day atrocities, of which there is certainly no shortage.
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?

I suspect she had the “power” to realize she was facilitating something ineffably evil and the “power” to weasel her way out of continuing to do it.

That said, the German authorities are pretty much down to stems and seeds when it comes to punishing those responsible for the Holocaust.  Might be better to direct their moral outrage to modern day atrocities, of which there is certainly no shortage.

But then they'd have to acknowledge those modern atrocities.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:30:46 AM EDT
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If she was a minor (or young adult) was she really going to tell the ghoul SS commander to knock it off or say she was quitting?
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How many germans and other occupied peoples left germany (or wherever) any way they could to get away from the Nazi regime? She had a choice and made it... those in the camps didnt.

Of course this is the same thread from weeks ago when they announced she was going to trial in October. Same posters, same responses...
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:32:03 AM EDT
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If there was ever a more repulsive and bullshit show on TV, I don't know what it would be.
I worked with WW2 Vets, who had been captured, they hated this show.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:32:30 AM EDT
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Wait until they start going after US Soldiers who served in the ME for ''war crimes'' in 50 years. Hope you aren't one of the guys who had to pull a trigger or sent some bombs or rockets down range.
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Did they commit genocide?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:35:02 AM EDT
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Liberal mental illness at work

She was 18 years old when she was a typist for the camp commander and they're charging her with 11,000 counts of accessory to murder

You have to be a pretty sad fuck to spend your time hunting down the camp typist from 80 years ago to charge a near centenarian with a bunch of bullshit you can't remotely prove.

Virtue signaling is a fucking cancer.
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That is just crazy.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:37:37 AM EDT
Next on the list, the local towns

"We thought they were having a daily BBQ, it smelled so good"
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:38:12 AM EDT
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Fifty years, my ass.  Half that, at best. In fifty, America will be a Red Chinese client state.
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How long did it take the socialists to topple Venezuela? You're on the same path
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:39:05 AM EDT
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Might be better to direct their moral outrage to modern day atrocities, of which there is certainly no shortage.
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Smoke and mirrors. This trial is a cynical attempt to divert your attention from the above.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:39:46 AM EDT
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How often do you hear of Stalin's holodomor that killed 60 million total civilian innocents, as compared to the estimated 12 million, only half of which were Jews? More Jews were killed by the state in Soviet Russia than under the nazis, but we were allied with them at the time, so we don't talk about that. No, it's only the Nazis.

All the Nazis had was no fear of doing it right out in front of God and everybody, and a million hours of documentary films and a billion pages of history texts driving that lesson home for 80 years. The Soviets didn't document their atrocities, see. So that was different *omarwhitememe
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So 12 million is okay?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:40:53 AM EDT
There are those who have made an industry out of pursuing these people.

They did GREAT work for many years, but now it's painfully obvious that their industry is dying along with their targets.

Most of it I believe rises from the approaching truth that there's about to be no such thing anymore as a WWII "Nazi Hunter."

It's just desperation at this point and it seems a lot more pathetic to me than honorable.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:40:57 AM EDT
Hey, we're doing teenagers for recordkeeping violations?

Next we can do 14 year old George Soros, gleefully counting the Jews getting loaded onto boxcars.
He's on record as saying it was the happiest time of his life, I believe in a 60 Minutes interview.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:41:38 AM EDT
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So 12 million is okay?
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It seems 60m is ok though ,I think mao did 40m?
That must be ok too,nobody ever does anything about it
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:42:04 AM EDT
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A secretary?  
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This, kinda.  There's a point at which it just becomes absurd.

They going to go after the random bloke who worked the rail line water tower and added water to the engine's boiler on the way to the camps?  Because that's the level they're reaching.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:42:32 AM EDT
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So 12 million is okay?
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How often do you hear of Stalin's holodomor that killed 60 million total civilian innocents, as compared to the estimated 12 million, only half of which were Jews? More Jews were killed by the state in Soviet Russia than under the nazis, but we were allied with them at the time, so we don't talk about that. No, it's only the Nazis.

All the Nazis had was no fear of doing it right out in front of God and everybody, and a million hours of documentary films and a billion pages of history texts driving that lesson home for 80 years. The Soviets didn't document their atrocities, see. So that was different *omarwhitememe

So 12 million is okay?

Absolutely no one is arguing that.

However, communism, under the guise of “social justice, “equity,” and “pay your fair share” is gaining more and more traction in this country, and no one is teaching how evil Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro were.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:42:47 AM EDT
My bet is that in 100 years, they'll somehow still be finding people to charge with Nazi war crimes
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:43:16 AM EDT
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?
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bureaucracy of murder
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:43:39 AM EDT
How are they even finding these people after so many years?  They must be very dedicated.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:43:54 AM EDT
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Makes sense for them to wait for her mental state to revert to juvenile levels.

But seriously I don't think a teenage girl is really going to have a choice here.
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Life's full of choices.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:45:42 AM EDT
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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."

ah Nazis doing what Nazis do best, trying to white wash history as much as possible.
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Was she a member of the Nazi Party?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:47:26 AM EDT
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I was trying to be an optimist..........hopefully I'd be dead and ashes before it all crumbles to the ground. Idiocracy was a documentary.
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You are under the false impression that the US will still be a super power in 50 years.....................

We are going to be a broke ass 2nd world country at best if deficit spending continues no matter who is in charge of the country.

Fifty years, my ass.  Half that, at best. In fifty, America will be a Red Chinese client state.

I was trying to be an optimist..........hopefully I'd be dead and ashes before it all crumbles to the ground. Idiocracy was a documentary.

I’ve pretty much lost that ability.  I think America is going down. The only question in my mind is whether there will be a civil war first.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 8:49:07 AM EDT
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Did they commit genocide?
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Wait until they start going after US Soldiers who served in the ME for ''war crimes'' in 50 years. Hope you aren't one of the guys who had to pull a trigger or sent some bombs or rockets down range.

Did they commit genocide?

Odd comment in a thread where a woman is being charged for a crime that she is accused of committing 80 years earlier, and presumably, was not a crime during most of those 80 years

There is no statute of limitations for prosecution of political enemies, or for social-financial causes
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