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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 8:28:14 AM EDT
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Where in my rant should I have said "you are" instead of "your" as in it belongs to you?!?!
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Where in my rant should I have said "you are" instead of "your" as in it belongs to you?!?!

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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 8:28:23 AM EDT
Lol, I think it wasn’t until well after the automobile was invented that they actually figured out which way the electrons moved.  

They didn’t have the technology to see it.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 8:33:44 AM EDT
Wait until you learn that "electron flow" is not the basis of electrical conduction. In fact, electrons flow relatively little. Electromagnetic field "flow" is what's actually at play.

More appropriate to think about charge in terms of power, where the + is the energy flow source, & - is the destination.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 8:48:08 AM EDT
You have to admit, it was kind of epic when he stole electricity from Zeus

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 8:52:34 AM EDT
Your teacher sucked. My high school chem teacher back in the day said ol Ben got it wrong, but we'll just use that +/- standard because that's how everyone thinks of voltage drops working. However, only recently did veritasium explain the fields and how electricity worked to power the toaster, even though I got an A in a semester of E&M in engineering physics in skrool.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 8:54:36 AM EDT
Hole flow in semiconductors is another "reverse" concept.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:16:48 AM EDT
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You have to admit, it was kind of epic when he stole electricity from Zeus
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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:26:21 AM EDT
I’m sensing a lot of NEGATIVITY here!
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:27:21 AM EDT
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Wait till you learn that the power doesn't even flow through the wires.
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Yes it does....that's why you can pinch an extension cord to stop power to a saw while you change the blade....it saves you time from shutting it off.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:44:48 AM EDT
electric theory is polar opposites between electrical engineers and physicists

always has been

just ignore the so called physicists and go on with life

oh and there is no such thing as electron flow, they don't actually move,  the whole thing is just a model so we can wrap our brains around  it and make stuff but electrons dont actually flow, they dont move at all. current is not electrons.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:47:49 AM EDT
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I know, Watts up with this guy?  It's like he's blown a fuse.  Ohm my God!
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We love you, girl.  Don't get so amped up over it.

I know, Watts up with this guy?  It's like he's blown a fuse.  Ohm my God!

IIRC she is a chick not a guy
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 11:40:18 AM EDT
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We found the guy who didn't take electronics in high school.
What did you take instead, OP? Choir?
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Ok, I'm awake.

I took one year of undergrad physics in college. I took several semesters of chemistry. I'm not an electrician, I'm a retired medical microbiologist (as opposed to other microbiologists).

I worked in a genetic research lab in college which was really cool.

Before moving to the microbiology department I rotated in the other departments in the lab. There are a lot of instruments involved in the testing which require maintenance and simple troubleshooting. Way back when cars were mechanical I did what I needed to keep my Volkswagen and '73 olds delta 88 alive, they had Chilton manuals back then so it was semi-fun. I could use a dwell meter and could adjust and change points and condenser, replace alternator, do the drum brakes, and various other routine and simple repairs.

None of this required extensive electrical understanding. But I'm comfortable with minor household electrical repairs.

So through all of this I managed to simply overlook Franklin's fuck up, which is addressed in every electrical book I have.

I thought I would dip my toe in the world of Arduino. This is great because most of this stuff is on the website. I'm still trying to understand how various components work and make little circuits on my little breadboard. It's fun and gives me something to do that doesn't involve going out in 95 degree weather. Most of my sources are geared to ages 10 and up .

What really chapped my ass is the various contradiction of the definition of anode and cathode. Well there is more like calling the place where the electrons come from the positive probe and vice versa. I have to accept it but I don't have to like it. And the deeper you go the more Ben Franklin's little screw up stands out.

But I'm going to build that little fucking car if it's the last thing I do, and it probably will be.

At least chemistry makes sense. I actually enjoyed all of the chemistries, although they were undergrad courses. I never took graduate courses, I assume it gets more challenging but I'm really old now so I'll never know.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 11:42:52 AM EDT
Almost forgot, I dipped my toe in household repair because the so-called electrician recommended by my neighbors was a raging alcoholic and fucked up every simple thing I had him do. I went back and fixed each thing as they failed and if my neighbor ever recommends anyone again I will do the opposite.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 11:53:57 AM EDT
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So here is the deal: Electrons that flow through a conductor in an AC system alternate back & forth at a rate that is based on the frequency. This is measured in amperes, or amps. An amp is equal to 6.28x10 to the 18th electrons flowing past a given point per second. Think about that. That is a metric fuckton of little negatively charged jobbers being transferred from valence ring to valence ring of the atoms within the conductor.

As a result, work is done based upon the design of the load but heat is also created within the conductor. This is due to friction. As an example, do the Mr Miaggi wax on wax off hand rub thing. The more vigorous you wax it off the hotter your hands get. So from this we can see a limitation of any conductor is heat. The more electrons flowing the larger the conductor needs to be. A 12 gauge copper conductor can, per the NEC code book, can have no more than 25 (I think) amps flow through it. However, it is only allowed to be protected by a maximum 20A OCPD (overcurrent protective device) but that is a different discussion.

A 500kcmil (kilo-or thousand- circular mil) conductor can have up to 380A flow through it per the NEC. This is all based on the 75degree Celsius scale in table 310.15(B)(16). This table was formerly 310.16 up through the 2008 NEC & was changed in the 2011 edition. Reason being is that tables in the NEC are numbered based on the section that refers you to said table. There never was a Section 310.16. But back to the amperage thing...

So, this 75degree scale is what I personally always use, as opposed to the 90degree scale, because damn near all lugs on a breaker are rated for 60/75degrees but not 90. You see, any circuit rating is only as strong as its weakest link. If a conductor is sized based on the 90 scale but the lug isn't, than the lug will potentially get hotter than it is rated for and fail. Now some of you are saying that there are lugs rated for 90degrees and you would be correct but many circuit breakers are not made with these lugs. Always check the temp rating of your termination lugs. Look for a marking like 'AL9CU' or 'CU9AL. The letters mean that it is rated for both copper & aluminum while the 9 means that it is 90degree rated. If the '9' was a '7' than it is only rated for 75degrees.

Okay, where was I...oh yeah ---> amperage flows from the source, through the load, & than back to the source. Amperage, or current, should NOT flow within the grounding system. All of the green wires in the system are there for safety. There are different names for different parts of a grounding system based on where it is within the system. The part that makes the physical connection to the earth is the grounding electrode. 250.52 allows for the following types of electrodes: rod, pipe, plate, ring, concrete encased (commonly called a ufer, named after some guy named Ufer because he founded the use of this type of electrode), steel structure of a building, underground metal water pipe, and probably a couple more that I can't remember right now. There are restrictions to material type, install method/rules and such but I ain't going there right now.

The conductor that connects this electrode to your panel/switchgear is the grounding electrode conductor. This is sized based on the equivalent size of the service entrance conductors and isn't required to be larger than 3/0 ( that's 3-ought or 000). You see, on the American Wire Gauge scale the larger numbers are smaller wires and as the wire gets bigger it's AWG number gets smaller. Example being numbers going as such:12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0(1/0 or 1-ought), 2/0, 3/0, and finally 4/0. From here, the size is simply the circular mills of the conductor starting with a 250kcmil, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 750 and so on up to 2000. 750 is a big bitch, I couldn't imagine pulling 2000's!!! Who of you still call a 500 like this---> 500MCM? This is old terminology that means the same thing as kcmil. The first M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 just like k is the metric prefix. The CM than means circular mils.

What is this unit of circular mils that I speak of? It is an area measurement specific to conductor sizing. A mil is a linear measurement equal to one/thousandth of an inch. A circular mil is mils times mils. This formula is not like the area of a circle measurement which is (pi)(r)(squared). Why does the area of s conductor differ from the area of a circle you ask? I ain't sure except to probably get to a much more specific number for it value. A 12awg is 6530 mils, a 10awg is 10,380 mils & I don't remember any others right now. We can talk raceway fill (based on area) and box fill (based on volume) but that's a whole different discussion so back to grounding.

The conductor that connects the grounding conductor to the grounded conductor at the service is the main bonding jumper (system bonding jumper at a seperately derived system such as a transformer). This can be a wire, bus bar, or screw depending. I'm sure you are wondering what this 'grounded' conductor is that I spoke of? This is the system conductor that is intentionally grounded & is commonly called the neutral. It isn't always a neutral and could be a corner of a corner grounded delta but... This neutral is identified by white or gray insulation or black insulation with white or gray tale at its termination points. The neutral IS a normally current-carrying conductor. In your house on a 120v ckt the black, ungrounded 'hot' wire is where the current starts to flow through the circuit conductor toward the load. The neutral is the return path for this current back to the panel to the neutral bus, through the grounded service entrance conductor and finally back to the source or transformer winding(s).

The grounding conductor is the conductor that is continuously performing the grounding, or making the connection to, the metal non-current carrying parts n pieces of all the things. There should NOT be any current flowing on this conductor. This is the green, or bare conductor. What is the purpose of this grounding conductor? It's three fold actually: to put all non-current carrying metal parts at the same potential as the earth (remember the grounding electrode, grounding electrode conductor and main bonding jumper), to perform bonding duties & to be able to safely carry ground fault current to help facilitate the operation of the OCPD. Ground faults are typically high current faults that can be 1,000's of times higher than normal current values. During a ground-fault LARGE amounts of current flow from the source, through the circuit breaker, through the grounding system and back to the source. This is why the secondary windings of a transformer are grounded & why the main bonding jumper is what it is. The main bonding jumper provides a path for this fault current to flow back to the transformer. The circuit breaker says OH SHIT THIS IS WAY TO MUCH CURRENT!!!!! I NEED TO OPEN MYSELF UP!!!! Hopefully it does, as opposed to blowing the fuck up. You see, any OCPD has a rating called its AIC (amps interrupting current). This is the amount that an OCPD can safely have flow through it before it blows the fuck up.

Gear has an SCCR rating (shirt-circuit current rating). Kinda the same but more specific to the bussing in the gear. The higher the rating the more, stronger the bracing for the bussing. I mentioned that heat is created when current flow but one more thing happens. A magnetic field is created when current flows. Copper is non-ferrous (can't be permanently magnetized) but can become an electro magnet. Basically to magnetize a material you need to align many many of the atoms within it. During current flow some of the atoms, specifically electrons, all flow the same direction and work together so that their individual magnetic fields add to each other. The higher the current, the stronger the magnetic field. High faults can easily cause wires to slap around in conduits or for bus bars to be physically attracted to each other (bent like a motherfucker) until they possibly touch each other and blow the fuck up!!! KA-FUCKING BOOM!!!!

I can get deeper into this, explain how transformers and motors work, what voltage, resistance & power are, how to bend conduit in every way, and a bunch of other shit but I need to stop typing so I can get back to chugging my Keystone Lights.

TL:DR OP doesn't understand electricity...
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And all of that makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is calling the anode the negative thing in some instances and the positive thing in others.

Or having to use terminology like "electric current" and "conventional current" because everyone wants to white knight Ben Franklin.

We have to pretend current is the movement of positive charge because of Franklins fee fees.

Notice how the post I'm quoting avoids that topic all together.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 11:55:07 AM EDT
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Wait till OP tries to figure out the definition of now days "man" and "woman"  
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That was a good one.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 11:58:36 AM EDT
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That was in one of my books. I was going to post it but didn't want to emphasize I'm using books for children.

I have others but I quickly put them down in favor of " for ages 10 and up"
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:02:45 PM EDT
All cats are grey in the dark.  Words to live by.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:06:40 PM EDT
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There are two schools of thought that are confusing the OP. Those are current flow and electron flow, current flow is, IIRC, what's shown on schematic diagrams, even the symbols on your meter face. Pick the one most suited to your work and stick with it.
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At least you and the poster above understand the source of my rage.

But at least I know we went to the moon. And how lightbulbs work. And why boats float. And the various other topics I've read here.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:07:05 PM EDT
I don't think Ben Franklin could ever be accused of putting pussy on a pedestal. He owned every coochie from Philly to Paris, rode them hard and put them away drunk and sopping.

Priority? Sure. Pedestal. Na. He wrecked more pussies than syphilis.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:07:26 PM EDT
I knew exactly what this thread was going to be about from the title.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:11:09 PM EDT
The energy that causes the electrons to flow does come out of the positive terminal though.

How Electricity Actually Works
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:11:18 PM EDT
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Here's my mnemonic: old monitors/TVs used cathode ray tubes (CRTs), which energized a phosphor screen with an electron beam. The cathode ray is the electron beam, meaning the cathode emits electrons, meaning the cathode is negatively charged. A bit long-winded, but it's the only thing that helps me remember which is the cathode and which is the anode.

What really messes me up still is solid-state electronics where instead of cathode/anode, you may have source/drain or emitter/collector instead.
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I remembered it because "cathode" has a "t" that looks like a plus sign and Ann (someone I knew) was a negative person.

And I still got the answer right. I would get out my physics book but it's falling apart, I actually have referred to it many times over the years. I'm afraid to get a current one to replace it, the new ones probably have trannies and Trump references in them.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:13:15 PM EDT
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Wait till you learn that the power doesn't even flow through the wires.
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Yeah, I'm to understand it flows on the surface of the wire. Except AC, they just jiggle or something.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:15:43 PM EDT
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Hole flow in semiconductors is another "reverse" concept.
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I actually kind of understand that in a simple childlike way.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:18:30 PM EDT
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IIRC she is a chick not a guy
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Yeah, but I don't do the "IT'S MA'AM" thing, I just ignore it.

Like I should ignore conventional theory.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:21:27 PM EDT
I'm pretty sure there's someone at Boeing who curses me for some Model Node #1/#2 and Bus Parameter L_ENG/R_ENG mismatch.

I can't recall if I ever fixed that.  If I didn't, and they were really, really bothered by it, I suppose they could fix the transposition, themselves.  Though, I'd much rather they didn't; that's they'd internalize their rage; and, I'd get to read about it in a post on Arfcom.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:22:09 PM EDT
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So here is the deal: Electrons that flow through a conductor in an AC system alternate back & forth at a rate that is based on the frequency. This is measured in amperes, or amps. An amp is equal to 6.28x10 to the 18th electrons flowing past a given point per second. Think about that. That is a metric fuckton of little negatively charged jobbers being transferred from valence ring to valence ring of the atoms within the conductor.

As a result, work is done based upon the design of the load but heat is also created within the conductor. This is due to friction. As an example, do the Mr Miaggi wax on wax off hand rub thing. The more vigorous you wax it off the hotter your hands get. So from this we can see a limitation of any conductor is heat. The more electrons flowing the larger the conductor needs to be. A 12 gauge copper conductor can, per the NEC code book, can have no more than 25 (I think) amps flow through it. However, it is only allowed to be protected by a maximum 20A OCPD (overcurrent protective device) but that is a different discussion.

A 500kcmil (kilo-or thousand- circular mil) conductor can have up to 380A flow through it per the NEC. This is all based on the 75degree Celsius scale in table 310.15(B)(16). This table was formerly 310.16 up through the 2008 NEC & was changed in the 2011 edition. Reason being is that tables in the NEC are numbered based on the section that refers you to said table. There never was a Section 310.16. But back to the amperage thing...

So, this 75degree scale is what I personally always use, as opposed to the 90degree scale, because damn near all lugs on a breaker are rated for 60/75degrees but not 90. You see, any circuit rating is only as strong as its weakest link. If a conductor is sized based on the 90 scale but the lug isn't, than the lug will potentially get hotter than it is rated for and fail. Now some of you are saying that there are lugs rated for 90degrees and you would be correct but many circuit breakers are not made with these lugs. Always check the temp rating of your termination lugs. Look for a marking like 'AL9CU' or 'CU9AL. The letters mean that it is rated for both copper & aluminum while the 9 means that it is 90degree rated. If the '9' was a '7' than it is only rated for 75degrees.

Okay, where was I...oh yeah ---> amperage flows from the source, through the load, & than back to the source. Amperage, or current, should NOT flow within the grounding system. All of the green wires in the system are there for safety. There are different names for different parts of a grounding system based on where it is within the system. The part that makes the physical connection to the earth is the grounding electrode. 250.52 allows for the following types of electrodes: rod, pipe, plate, ring, concrete encased (commonly called a ufer, named after some guy named Ufer because he founded the use of this type of electrode), steel structure of a building, underground metal water pipe, and probably a couple more that I can't remember right now. There are restrictions to material type, install method/rules and such but I ain't going there right now.

The conductor that connects this electrode to your panel/switchgear is the grounding electrode conductor. This is sized based on the equivalent size of the service entrance conductors and isn't required to be larger than 3/0 ( that's 3-ought or 000). You see, on the American Wire Gauge scale the larger numbers are smaller wires and as the wire gets bigger it's AWG number gets smaller. Example being numbers going as such:12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0(1/0 or 1-ought), 2/0, 3/0, and finally 4/0. From here, the size is simply the circular mills of the conductor starting with a 250kcmil, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 750 and so on up to 2000. 750 is a big bitch, I couldn't imagine pulling 2000's!!! Who of you still call a 500 like this---> 500MCM? This is old terminology that means the same thing as kcmil. The first M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 just like k is the metric prefix. The CM than means circular mils.

What is this unit of circular mils that I speak of? It is an area measurement specific to conductor sizing. A mil is a linear measurement equal to one/thousandth of an inch. A circular mil is mils times mils. This formula is not like the area of a circle measurement which is (pi)(r)(squared). Why does the area of s conductor differ from the area of a circle you ask? I ain't sure except to probably get to a much more specific number for it value. A 12awg is 6530 mils, a 10awg is 10,380 mils & I don't remember any others right now. We can talk raceway fill (based on area) and box fill (based on volume) but that's a whole different discussion so back to grounding.

The conductor that connects the grounding conductor to the grounded conductor at the service is the main bonding jumper (system bonding jumper at a seperately derived system such as a transformer). This can be a wire, bus bar, or screw depending. I'm sure you are wondering what this 'grounded' conductor is that I spoke of? This is the system conductor that is intentionally grounded & is commonly called the neutral. It isn't always a neutral and could be a corner of a corner grounded delta but... This neutral is identified by white or gray insulation or black insulation with white or gray tale at its termination points. The neutral IS a normally current-carrying conductor. In your house on a 120v ckt the black, ungrounded 'hot' wire is where the current starts to flow through the circuit conductor toward the load. The neutral is the return path for this current back to the panel to the neutral bus, through the grounded service entrance conductor and finally back to the source or transformer winding(s).

The grounding conductor is the conductor that is continuously performing the grounding, or making the connection to, the metal non-current carrying parts n pieces of all the things. There should NOT be any current flowing on this conductor. This is the green, or bare conductor. What is the purpose of this grounding conductor? It's three fold actually: to put all non-current carrying metal parts at the same potential as the earth (remember the grounding electrode, grounding electrode conductor and main bonding jumper), to perform bonding duties & to be able to safely carry ground fault current to help facilitate the operation of the OCPD. Ground faults are typically high current faults that can be 1,000's of times higher than normal current values. During a ground-fault LARGE amounts of current flow from the source, through the circuit breaker, through the grounding system and back to the source. This is why the secondary windings of a transformer are grounded & why the main bonding jumper is what it is. The main bonding jumper provides a path for this fault current to flow back to the transformer. The circuit breaker says OH SHIT THIS IS WAY TO MUCH CURRENT!!!!! I NEED TO OPEN MYSELF UP!!!! Hopefully it does, as opposed to blowing the fuck up. You see, any OCPD has a rating called its AIC (amps interrupting current). This is the amount that an OCPD can safely have flow through it before it blows the fuck up.

Gear has an SCCR rating (shirt-circuit current rating). Kinda the same but more specific to the bussing in the gear. The higher the rating the more, stronger the bracing for the bussing. I mentioned that heat is created when current flow but one more thing happens. A magnetic field is created when current flows. Copper is non-ferrous (can't be permanently magnetized) but can become an electro magnet. Basically to magnetize a material you need to align many many of the atoms within it. During current flow some of the atoms, specifically electrons, all flow the same direction and work together so that their individual magnetic fields add to each other. The higher the current, the stronger the magnetic field. High faults can easily cause wires to slap around in conduits or for bus bars to be physically attracted to each other (bent like a motherfucker) until they possibly touch each other and blow the fuck up!!! KA-FUCKING BOOM!!!!

I can get deeper into this, explain how transformers and motors work, what voltage, resistance & power are, how to bend conduit in every way, and a bunch of other shit but I need to stop typing so I can get back to chugging my Keystone Lights.

TL:DR OP doesn't understand electricity...
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and you don’t understand brevity

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:23:16 PM EDT
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You have to admit, it was kind of epic when he stole electricity from Zeus
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Well then, Zeus should have locked his fucking car doors.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:23:45 PM EDT
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Yeah, but I don't do the "IT'S MA'AM" thing, I just ignore it.

Like I should ignore conventional theory.
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IIRC she is a chick not a guy

Yeah, but I don't do the "IT'S MA'AM" thing, I just ignore it.

Like I should ignore conventional theory.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:23:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:26:19 PM EDT
The only President of the United States who was never President of the United States...
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:28:05 PM EDT
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Here's my mnemonic: old monitors/TVs used cathode ray tubes (CRTs), which energized a phosphor screen with an electron beam. The cathode ray is the electron beam, meaning the cathode emits electrons, meaning the cathode is negatively charged. A bit long-winded, but it's the only thing that helps me remember which is the cathode and which is the anode.

What really messes me up still is solid-state electronics where instead of cathode/anode, you may have source/drain or emitter/collector instead.
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thats not a mnemonic.  violet loves massaging her vagina until she explodes is a mnemonic.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:30:05 PM EDT
Welp, I'm off to scoop up some mosquito larvae for my little fishies.

Some of the replies were pretty helpful, thanks to all that replied.

A couple of my little fishies. They look totally different from when I got them, the male was white, I named him Casper, and the female only had small spots, her name is Confetti.

I have them where I can see them when I'm in the den and I'm mostly in the den. They give me hours of entertainment and happiness watching their antics. I tried giving them little tiny tadpoles to eat but they just spit them out all dead and in pieces. I have a big one in Casper's tank for him to flare at and chase, he's too slow to kill the big ones but looking for it gives him something to do and a reason to live.

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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 12:31:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 10:23:03 PM EDT
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And all of that makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is calling the anode the negative thing in some instances and the positive thing in others.

Or having to use terminology like "electric current" and "conventional current" because everyone wants to white knight Ben Franklin.

We have to pretend current is the movement of positive charge because of Franklins fee fees.

Notice how the post I'm quoting avoids that topic all together.
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So here is the deal: Electrons that flow through a conductor in an AC system alternate back & forth at a rate that is based on the frequency. This is measured in amperes, or amps. An amp is equal to 6.28x10 to the 18th electrons flowing past a given point per second. Think about that. That is a metric fuckton of little negatively charged jobbers being transferred from valence ring to valence ring of the atoms within the conductor.

As a result, work is done based upon the design of the load but heat is also created within the conductor. This is due to friction. As an example, do the Mr Miaggi wax on wax off hand rub thing. The more vigorous you wax it off the hotter your hands get. So from this we can see a limitation of any conductor is heat. The more electrons flowing the larger the conductor needs to be. A 12 gauge copper conductor can, per the NEC code book, can have no more than 25 (I think) amps flow through it. However, it is only allowed to be protected by a maximum 20A OCPD (overcurrent protective device) but that is a different discussion.

A 500kcmil (kilo-or thousand- circular mil) conductor can have up to 380A flow through it per the NEC. This is all based on the 75degree Celsius scale in table 310.15(B)(16). This table was formerly 310.16 up through the 2008 NEC & was changed in the 2011 edition. Reason being is that tables in the NEC are numbered based on the section that refers you to said table. There never was a Section 310.16. But back to the amperage thing...

So, this 75degree scale is what I personally always use, as opposed to the 90degree scale, because damn near all lugs on a breaker are rated for 60/75degrees but not 90. You see, any circuit rating is only as strong as its weakest link. If a conductor is sized based on the 90 scale but the lug isn't, than the lug will potentially get hotter than it is rated for and fail. Now some of you are saying that there are lugs rated for 90degrees and you would be correct but many circuit breakers are not made with these lugs. Always check the temp rating of your termination lugs. Look for a marking like 'AL9CU' or 'CU9AL. The letters mean that it is rated for both copper & aluminum while the 9 means that it is 90degree rated. If the '9' was a '7' than it is only rated for 75degrees.

Okay, where was I...oh yeah ---> amperage flows from the source, through the load, & than back to the source. Amperage, or current, should NOT flow within the grounding system. All of the green wires in the system are there for safety. There are different names for different parts of a grounding system based on where it is within the system. The part that makes the physical connection to the earth is the grounding electrode. 250.52 allows for the following types of electrodes: rod, pipe, plate, ring, concrete encased (commonly called a ufer, named after some guy named Ufer because he founded the use of this type of electrode), steel structure of a building, underground metal water pipe, and probably a couple more that I can't remember right now. There are restrictions to material type, install method/rules and such but I ain't going there right now.

The conductor that connects this electrode to your panel/switchgear is the grounding electrode conductor. This is sized based on the equivalent size of the service entrance conductors and isn't required to be larger than 3/0 ( that's 3-ought or 000). You see, on the American Wire Gauge scale the larger numbers are smaller wires and as the wire gets bigger it's AWG number gets smaller. Example being numbers going as such:12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0(1/0 or 1-ought), 2/0, 3/0, and finally 4/0. From here, the size is simply the circular mills of the conductor starting with a 250kcmil, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 750 and so on up to 2000. 750 is a big bitch, I couldn't imagine pulling 2000's!!! Who of you still call a 500 like this---> 500MCM? This is old terminology that means the same thing as kcmil. The first M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 just like k is the metric prefix. The CM than means circular mils.

What is this unit of circular mils that I speak of? It is an area measurement specific to conductor sizing. A mil is a linear measurement equal to one/thousandth of an inch. A circular mil is mils times mils. This formula is not like the area of a circle measurement which is (pi)(r)(squared). Why does the area of s conductor differ from the area of a circle you ask? I ain't sure except to probably get to a much more specific number for it value. A 12awg is 6530 mils, a 10awg is 10,380 mils & I don't remember any others right now. We can talk raceway fill (based on area) and box fill (based on volume) but that's a whole different discussion so back to grounding.

The conductor that connects the grounding conductor to the grounded conductor at the service is the main bonding jumper (system bonding jumper at a seperately derived system such as a transformer). This can be a wire, bus bar, or screw depending. I'm sure you are wondering what this 'grounded' conductor is that I spoke of? This is the system conductor that is intentionally grounded & is commonly called the neutral. It isn't always a neutral and could be a corner of a corner grounded delta but... This neutral is identified by white or gray insulation or black insulation with white or gray tale at its termination points. The neutral IS a normally current-carrying conductor. In your house on a 120v ckt the black, ungrounded 'hot' wire is where the current starts to flow through the circuit conductor toward the load. The neutral is the return path for this current back to the panel to the neutral bus, through the grounded service entrance conductor and finally back to the source or transformer winding(s).

The grounding conductor is the conductor that is continuously performing the grounding, or making the connection to, the metal non-current carrying parts n pieces of all the things. There should NOT be any current flowing on this conductor. This is the green, or bare conductor. What is the purpose of this grounding conductor? It's three fold actually: to put all non-current carrying metal parts at the same potential as the earth (remember the grounding electrode, grounding electrode conductor and main bonding jumper), to perform bonding duties & to be able to safely carry ground fault current to help facilitate the operation of the OCPD. Ground faults are typically high current faults that can be 1,000's of times higher than normal current values. During a ground-fault LARGE amounts of current flow from the source, through the circuit breaker, through the grounding system and back to the source. This is why the secondary windings of a transformer are grounded & why the main bonding jumper is what it is. The main bonding jumper provides a path for this fault current to flow back to the transformer. The circuit breaker says OH SHIT THIS IS WAY TO MUCH CURRENT!!!!! I NEED TO OPEN MYSELF UP!!!! Hopefully it does, as opposed to blowing the fuck up. You see, any OCPD has a rating called its AIC (amps interrupting current). This is the amount that an OCPD can safely have flow through it before it blows the fuck up.

Gear has an SCCR rating (shirt-circuit current rating). Kinda the same but more specific to the bussing in the gear. The higher the rating the more, stronger the bracing for the bussing. I mentioned that heat is created when current flow but one more thing happens. A magnetic field is created when current flows. Copper is non-ferrous (can't be permanently magnetized) but can become an electro magnet. Basically to magnetize a material you need to align many many of the atoms within it. During current flow some of the atoms, specifically electrons, all flow the same direction and work together so that their individual magnetic fields add to each other. The higher the current, the stronger the magnetic field. High faults can easily cause wires to slap around in conduits or for bus bars to be physically attracted to each other (bent like a motherfucker) until they possibly touch each other and blow the fuck up!!! KA-FUCKING BOOM!!!!

I can get deeper into this, explain how transformers and motors work, what voltage, resistance & power are, how to bend conduit in every way, and a bunch of other shit but I need to stop typing so I can get back to chugging my Keystone Lights.

TL:DR OP doesn't understand electricity...

And all of that makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is calling the anode the negative thing in some instances and the positive thing in others.

Or having to use terminology like "electric current" and "conventional current" because everyone wants to white knight Ben Franklin.

We have to pretend current is the movement of positive charge because of Franklins fee fees.

Notice how the post I'm quoting avoids that topic all together.

Induction is the ability of one conductor to induce a voltage (and subsequent current) into another conductor. The (3) things needed for induction to occur are:
-magnetic field
-relative motion between to above (2)

In order to understand how induction works & affects in an AC circuit, we need to understand that (2) things happen when current flows through a conductor:
-heat is produced, due to the friction created by the electrons traveling from valence ring to valence ring of the atoms
-a magnetic field is radiated outward in a cylindrical shape/direction

Both of the above (2) are proportional to the amount of current flowing through said conductor. Assuming any given conductor size, the heat will increase due to more electrons flowing (increase in friction) & the mag field will increase.

This magnetic field is created similarly to how a ferrous piece of steel is magnetized: by aligning some/most/all of the molecules (atoms) that make up the metal so they are all 'aligned', or spinning the same direction. Think of this as instead of all the individual molecules just randomly spinning in different directions/rotations, they are all made to spin/rotate in exactly the same direction/rotation. They all align with each other, which aligns each of their individual magnetic fields, so their individual fields add together instead of cancelling each other out.

From this:

To this:

See how their magnetic fields are all aligned with each other^...

Why is this important to understand? Because the magnetic field that radiates out from a conductor, as a result of current flowing through a conductor, is (1) of the (3) things needed to have induction: the magnetic field.

The inherent nature of this magnetic field is such that it constantly increases & decreases from zero to maximum with the changing frequency of the circuit. For us here in America (fuck yeah), This frequency, abbv as HZ and measured in hertz (hurts), is 60 cycles per second. That means that the current flow starts at zero_then increases to maximum positive alternation (current flowing one direction)_decreases back to zero_then increases to maximum negative alternation (current flowing the opposite direction)_decreases back to zero again. This continuous cycle of increasing> decreasing> increasing> decreasing> etc...creates an ever expanding / collapsing magnetic field that not only gets bigger/smaller as the current flow increases/decreases, but also changes polarity (rotational direction that it spins/radiates around the conductor) as the cycle passes the zero line and changes from positive to negative alternation.

That constant increase/ decrease of the magnetic field is one of those (3) things needed for induction: relative motion. When another conductor is brought close enough to this expanding/collapsing magnetic field, the flux lines from this field "cut" into this adjacent conductor and induce a voltage into it. If this conductor is connected in a circuit then a current will flow in it.

There are a few main parts of an AC 3-phase motor:
-stator (stationary coils wound within the frame)
-rotor (permanently affixed to the shaft)
-bell ends...

So when a voltage is applied to the stator windings, a subsequent current flows through them. This current creates a expanding/ collapsing magnetic field. This field then "cuts" the metal (cast aluminum) rotor which causes currents to flow within it. Now how does the rotor actually spin? Let's discuss Lenz's Law.

Lenz's Law states that an induced voltage (and subsequent current) is exactly 180 degrees opposite polarity from the applied voltage and current. This also means that each of their respective magnetic fields are of opposite polarities at any given time. This difference in polarities, along with the ever changing magnetic field (60 times per second, per the frequency) causes the magnetic field of the rotor to constantly be pushed and/or pulled by the constantly changing stator magnetic field.

Voila! Rotation is achieved via magnetic fields, which occurs due to current flowing, which occurs because a voltage was applied. Simple as pie!

*Note that the relationship between the (3) separate phases is such that, at any given time, any one phase is 120degrees out of phase (or different than) from the other (2) phases. What this means in that, looking at the sine waves of a 3-phase circuit or system, not only are the polarities (positive or negative alternation, which is the direction that the current is flowing) varying, but the amount of current that is flowing is different. This results in (3) separate magnetic fields radiating out from their respective coils, with different polarities & strengths, that are cutting the rotor. If you could look at a cross section of a 3-phase stator, you'd see these (3) magnetic fields appear to be rotating around in a circle around the stator. In reality they are each, individually simply expanding/contracting & changing polarity. This "rotating" magnetic field is what push/pulls that rotor as separate, opposite polarity (Lenz's Law) magnetic fields are created in it.

Rotational speed can be changed in a a few ways, as evidenced by this equation RPM=HZx120/# of poles . So:
-changing the frequency is generally not possible because it is fixed, per the standard that all power plants generate at. That said, it can be changed locally by using a VFD (variable frequency drive). Also called an ASD (adjustable speed drive) and maybe others. A VFD "basically" converts the applied AC to DC, smoothed it out, and then regulates the output via pulses of both positive and negative to simulate an AC sine wave. The height of the wave is the voltage, while the length of the wave is the frequency. A longer wave will not allow as many alternations to occur in a given second, which changes the applied frequency, which slows the rotation. Simply reduce HZ in the above equation and the RPM will get smaller.
-# of poles is the individual qty groups of coils that are wrapped in a stator (for any given phase). The less poles, the faster it'll spin. The more poles, the slower. The number of poles is fixed by the manufacturer and cannot be changed by you or I.
-the 120 in the equation is actually 2x60 but I don't remember what this is. It isn't a variable that we can alter either.

AC single-phase motors work just like 3-phase motors, with one general exception: They cannot start to spin (rotate) by themself. Single-phase is basically (2) conductors, each with an exact opposite polarity. When single-phase is applied, the polarity of stator and rotor fields is such that they simply oppose each other no matter where along the alternation the current is. They basically shake, or vibrate back & forth, without actually spinning. A phase shift is needed and is achieved in a few ways:
-split phase motor_the stator is would with multiple coils, of different gauge wire. These are called the start winding (smaller gauge) and run winding (larger gauge). The different gauges of wire offer varying resistance to current flow, which changes the field polarity enough to create separate, varying magnetic fields and polarities. These varying fields then allow the stator to start to spin. Once spinning fast enough, a centrifugal switch opens and removes the smaller stator winding from the circuit so that it doesn't stay energized and overheat/ burn up
-a capacitor-start motor utilizes a capacitor (commonly electrolytic type) wired into the start winding to create a phase shift between the start & run windings. It starts similarly to the split-phase motor and is also removed via a centrifugal switch.
-a capacitor start and run motor utilizes a capacitor as the cap-start motor does, but it doesn't remove the cap from the circuit. These use oil-filled capacitors.
-a shaded pole motor is that little, loud fan above you when you are sitting on the shitter. It has a shaded pole (big coil) wrapped around the core which creates enough phase shift to cause the rotor to spin

Each of the above has different characteristics such as torque. From most to least:
cap start
split phase
shaded pole (virtually none)

There are other types of motors too.

Transformers are basically a motor without a rotating part. Instead of a solid rotor it has a separate coil of wire wrapped intimately to the first coil. The applied voltage (and subsequent current) causes a field to be created in this coil, which is called the primary coil(s). The second coil (called the secondary) is induced into by the primary mag field, which creates a voltage and causes a current to flow within it. To change the voltage, we 'simply' vary the ratio of coils ;number of wraps of wire) between the primary & secondary windings. Voila! Transforming one voltage to another.

Now, there are more aspects of this such as the relationship between applied current vs induced current, the configuration of the system (wye vs delta for a 3-phase system), and others. There is just to much to type and I gotta get to work.

Induction makes the world go 'round...

ETA: *Added some info above to describe/ explain how the (3) phases work to cause rotation...
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 10:26:14 PM EDT
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and you don’t understand brevity

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So here is the deal: Electrons that flow through a conductor in an AC system alternate back & forth at a rate that is based on the frequency. This is measured in amperes, or amps. An amp is equal to 6.28x10 to the 18th electrons flowing past a given point per second. Think about that. That is a metric fuckton of little negatively charged jobbers being transferred from valence ring to valence ring of the atoms within the conductor.

As a result, work is done based upon the design of the load but heat is also created within the conductor. This is due to friction. As an example, do the Mr Miaggi wax on wax off hand rub thing. The more vigorous you wax it off the hotter your hands get. So from this we can see a limitation of any conductor is heat. The more electrons flowing the larger the conductor needs to be. A 12 gauge copper conductor can, per the NEC code book, can have no more than 25 (I think) amps flow through it. However, it is only allowed to be protected by a maximum 20A OCPD (overcurrent protective device) but that is a different discussion.

A 500kcmil (kilo-or thousand- circular mil) conductor can have up to 380A flow through it per the NEC. This is all based on the 75degree Celsius scale in table 310.15(B)(16). This table was formerly 310.16 up through the 2008 NEC & was changed in the 2011 edition. Reason being is that tables in the NEC are numbered based on the section that refers you to said table. There never was a Section 310.16. But back to the amperage thing...

So, this 75degree scale is what I personally always use, as opposed to the 90degree scale, because damn near all lugs on a breaker are rated for 60/75degrees but not 90. You see, any circuit rating is only as strong as its weakest link. If a conductor is sized based on the 90 scale but the lug isn't, than the lug will potentially get hotter than it is rated for and fail. Now some of you are saying that there are lugs rated for 90degrees and you would be correct but many circuit breakers are not made with these lugs. Always check the temp rating of your termination lugs. Look for a marking like 'AL9CU' or 'CU9AL. The letters mean that it is rated for both copper & aluminum while the 9 means that it is 90degree rated. If the '9' was a '7' than it is only rated for 75degrees.

Okay, where was I...oh yeah ---> amperage flows from the source, through the load, & than back to the source. Amperage, or current, should NOT flow within the grounding system. All of the green wires in the system are there for safety. There are different names for different parts of a grounding system based on where it is within the system. The part that makes the physical connection to the earth is the grounding electrode. 250.52 allows for the following types of electrodes: rod, pipe, plate, ring, concrete encased (commonly called a ufer, named after some guy named Ufer because he founded the use of this type of electrode), steel structure of a building, underground metal water pipe, and probably a couple more that I can't remember right now. There are restrictions to material type, install method/rules and such but I ain't going there right now.

The conductor that connects this electrode to your panel/switchgear is the grounding electrode conductor. This is sized based on the equivalent size of the service entrance conductors and isn't required to be larger than 3/0 ( that's 3-ought or 000). You see, on the American Wire Gauge scale the larger numbers are smaller wires and as the wire gets bigger it's AWG number gets smaller. Example being numbers going as such:12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0(1/0 or 1-ought), 2/0, 3/0, and finally 4/0. From here, the size is simply the circular mills of the conductor starting with a 250kcmil, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 750 and so on up to 2000. 750 is a big bitch, I couldn't imagine pulling 2000's!!! Who of you still call a 500 like this---> 500MCM? This is old terminology that means the same thing as kcmil. The first M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 just like k is the metric prefix. The CM than means circular mils.

What is this unit of circular mils that I speak of? It is an area measurement specific to conductor sizing. A mil is a linear measurement equal to one/thousandth of an inch. A circular mil is mils times mils. This formula is not like the area of a circle measurement which is (pi)(r)(squared). Why does the area of s conductor differ from the area of a circle you ask? I ain't sure except to probably get to a much more specific number for it value. A 12awg is 6530 mils, a 10awg is 10,380 mils & I don't remember any others right now. We can talk raceway fill (based on area) and box fill (based on volume) but that's a whole different discussion so back to grounding.

The conductor that connects the grounding conductor to the grounded conductor at the service is the main bonding jumper (system bonding jumper at a seperately derived system such as a transformer). This can be a wire, bus bar, or screw depending. I'm sure you are wondering what this 'grounded' conductor is that I spoke of? This is the system conductor that is intentionally grounded & is commonly called the neutral. It isn't always a neutral and could be a corner of a corner grounded delta but... This neutral is identified by white or gray insulation or black insulation with white or gray tale at its termination points. The neutral IS a normally current-carrying conductor. In your house on a 120v ckt the black, ungrounded 'hot' wire is where the current starts to flow through the circuit conductor toward the load. The neutral is the return path for this current back to the panel to the neutral bus, through the grounded service entrance conductor and finally back to the source or transformer winding(s).

The grounding conductor is the conductor that is continuously performing the grounding, or making the connection to, the metal non-current carrying parts n pieces of all the things. There should NOT be any current flowing on this conductor. This is the green, or bare conductor. What is the purpose of this grounding conductor? It's three fold actually: to put all non-current carrying metal parts at the same potential as the earth (remember the grounding electrode, grounding electrode conductor and main bonding jumper), to perform bonding duties & to be able to safely carry ground fault current to help facilitate the operation of the OCPD. Ground faults are typically high current faults that can be 1,000's of times higher than normal current values. During a ground-fault LARGE amounts of current flow from the source, through the circuit breaker, through the grounding system and back to the source. This is why the secondary windings of a transformer are grounded & why the main bonding jumper is what it is. The main bonding jumper provides a path for this fault current to flow back to the transformer. The circuit breaker says OH SHIT THIS IS WAY TO MUCH CURRENT!!!!! I NEED TO OPEN MYSELF UP!!!! Hopefully it does, as opposed to blowing the fuck up. You see, any OCPD has a rating called its AIC (amps interrupting current). This is the amount that an OCPD can safely have flow through it before it blows the fuck up.

Gear has an SCCR rating (shirt-circuit current rating). Kinda the same but more specific to the bussing in the gear. The higher the rating the more, stronger the bracing for the bussing. I mentioned that heat is created when current flow but one more thing happens. A magnetic field is created when current flows. Copper is non-ferrous (can't be permanently magnetized) but can become an electro magnet. Basically to magnetize a material you need to align many many of the atoms within it. During current flow some of the atoms, specifically electrons, all flow the same direction and work together so that their individual magnetic fields add to each other. The higher the current, the stronger the magnetic field. High faults can easily cause wires to slap around in conduits or for bus bars to be physically attracted to each other (bent like a motherfucker) until they possibly touch each other and blow the fuck up!!! KA-FUCKING BOOM!!!!

I can get deeper into this, explain how transformers and motors work, what voltage, resistance & power are, how to bend conduit in every way, and a bunch of other shit but I need to stop typing so I can get back to chugging my Keystone Lights.

TL:DR OP doesn't understand electricity...

and you don’t understand brevity

In a DC ckt, electrons flow from an excess (negative) to a deficiency (positive).

In AC, there ain't no positive or negative or a single direction that current flows...
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 10:27:13 PM EDT
This lectricity stuff ain't that hard...
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