Back when I consumed alcohol (late teens), I didn't drink it for the taste. All the whiskey I ever tried was varying degrees of horrible. But it was very efficient in getting you wasted quickly. So it became my tool of choice. And to that end, I always just bought the cheapest shit I could find, which in my area was usually this.....
I'd take a shot of that and follow it up with a swig of Coca Cola. The Coke was usually sufficient to ensure the whiskey didn't come right back up. After the 1st half pint, I usually just drank it straight as my senses were dulled enough I didn't notice how horrible it tasted. The next day (almost always a Sunday), I'd be hungover like hell, eating my hangover remedy of crackers and whole milk. Then I wouldn't drink again until the next Saturday, at which point I'd get wasted again. I finally gave up alcohol completely before I ever turned 21. Best decision I ever made and don't miss it at all.
The most amazing thing about whiskey is that there are actually people out there that think some of it actually tastes GOOD. I've never been able to fathom that. Hehe. But I was and remain an uncultured redneck who only drank with the intended purpose of getting drunker than hell as fast as possible. I actually found vodka and moonshine to be greatly preferable. It was every bit as potent (and usually more) than bourbon, but had the benefit of not engaging my gag reflex.