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Link Posted: 4/19/2017 6:57:06 AM EDT
I got bitten by a king snake when I was a kid.

King snakes you find in the yard don't make good pets
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 6:57:08 AM EDT
Page 2 is mine

Link Posted: 4/19/2017 6:58:57 AM EDT
A buddy got bit on the toe in the dark while wearing sandals, but couldn't ID the snake.  The envenomation came and went without major complication, but he nearly lost his foot due to infection.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 7:00:06 AM EDT
Got 46 acres.  Went out there yesterday to let a guy install a 12x10 sectional door for the barn we're going to live in for a little while.  Was mowing fencelines on the rider and stopped by the water trough to take a picture of a little green frog for my wife.  I have gotten off the mower to move rocks in this area before when I had just bought the place and was cleaning it up.  This is the neighbor's side (that I mow anyway).  3' tall johnson grass.  Didn't get off this time.  Started moving and 3' later it sounded like I hit a bush stump.  Turned around and saw it rattling, but the mower had obliterated its head.  2.5' or so.

The frog

My property is on the left side of this fence.

Link Posted: 4/19/2017 7:08:33 AM EDT
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As for the above two posts; indigo snakes are not venomous.  .
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You are correct sir. Biggest snake I have ever seen in the wild. Had to be 7-8 ft long and thick. Looked like a log.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 7:35:37 AM EDT
a moose once bit my sister
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 7:37:37 AM EDT
Kingsnake bit my thumb as a kid.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 7:39:47 AM EDT
I knew a guy, who was fishing along the bank of the Missouri River, who got bit by something.
He said he felt the bite then blacked out.
He woke up the next day with a swollen leg.
He was a big strong fireman who was not known for making things up.
He also got into a knife fight, after a road rage episode and cut the other guy up pretty bad.
He got arrested and almost fired from the Fire Dept, but the charges were dropped after they deemed it self defense.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:02:59 AM EDT
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This thread needs more pictures.

Taking a leak just as I was starting to hike into Ice House Canyon last summer.  Not sure if I startled it or it startled me more.

Not bitten though.

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Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:07:00 AM EDT
If you want bit, get yourself a carpet python  Horse bites are worse.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:12:02 AM EDT
Do bites at church count?
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:14:56 AM EDT
I grew up in the woods of Louisiana.  I don't move my feet without looking at where I'm putting them.  Learned that from an early age.  And if I can't see where I'm putting my feet, I'm wearing snake boots. 45 and never been bitten although I've been in very close range of canebrake rattlers, moccasins, and copperheads.

Once had my 10/22 mag fall into what was left of a creek in a remaining puddle.  Waded through it, washing moccasins out on the ground until I found my mag.  Friend was freaking out.  Must have been 10 of the nasty things in that one water hole.  Wound up killing a few of them, stomping a couple.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:21:37 AM EDT
I once read the chance of getting bit by a wild snake is on par with getting struck by lightning.

So, how many of you have been struck by lightning?
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:26:51 AM EDT
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I once read the chance of getting bit by a wild snake is on par with getting struck by lightning.

So, how many of you have been struck by lightning?
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Your chance of getting bitten by a wild snake IF YOU ARE NOT FUCKING WITH IT is on par with getting struck by lightning. Something like 90% of all envenomations involve alcohol or drugs.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:29:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:44:48 AM EDT
My grandpa always took us rattlesnake hunting on our property and at old abandoned schools when we were kids. Then off to the rattlesnake roundups to see em off. I never batted an eye then. Just normal. Now, I do not get close enough to even have a chance of catching one.  I always wear the proper boots when I'm back home at the farm. Snakes creep me out
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:46:21 AM EDT
Deer hunting in AL in December in the 1980's. Ice was on the ground that morning.

Uncle was climbing over a large brush pile to get to his stand. When he got to the top of the brush pile a branch broke and he fell waist deep into it. He did not know he had been bitten. He thought he had just been gouged by the tree branches on the way down.

Later that afternoon he said he was not feeling good and was going home. When he got home and removed his hunting clothes his left leg swelled up to twice its normal size and turned red.

He went to the emergency room at the local hospital. They stripped him down and found the bite marks on his inner thigh. About half way between his knee and groin.  He received rattlesnake antivenom. He was released after one night in the hospital with no lingering effects.

Doctor said most of the venom was injected into a vessel that carried blood away from the heart and his boot with thick socks was acting as a tourniquet. When he took off his boots it allowed the venom to circulate through the rest of his leg.

Uncle had a bad run of luck during this time. Six months later he was bitten by a rabid cat and had to go through that treatment. That was back in the day when you had to take 21 shots in the stomach.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:54:14 AM EDT
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My dad got bit by a copperhead on the ankle.  It just swole up a little.  I've been bit numerous times picking up non poisonous snakes.  Rat snakes can get a little pissy.  They don't really hurt, more of a scare jump than anything else.

My dogs however, I don't think I've had one that didn't get bit by a rattler.  They almost always get bit in the face (best place for a dog, actually).  They swell up for 4 or 5 days and then they're ok.  My dog Monk just got bit two days ago.  Poor thing looks like he tried to eat a bucket of bees.  Drooled constantly the first day.  Today he was trotting along behind me looking ridiculous when I rolled our trash can to the road.  He's our smart, careful one too.  Not sure how, but the snake must have been a total surprise.  I've seen him catch sight or smell of a snake and look like he hit an invisible wall he stops so quick.
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You might talk to your vet about rattlesnake vaccine. It is not expensive and you need to get
them a booster shot every year. It eases my brain.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:55:33 AM EDT
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I've told the story on here multiple times before. I was 14 or so. A baby diamondback rattler got me on the hand. I was unconscious for most of the recovery period, but what I can tell you is that for reasons that nobody seems to be able to explain, my arm went from full on necrotic and them being ready to amputate to...perfectly healthy without even a scar. No lasting damage at all. I've seen pictures of it. They were polaroids from 20+ years ago, but still..it was swollen up bigger than my leg, black and rotten looking. How it went from that to...perfectly fine without a mark on it, I have no idea. Well, I have one.

I'm Wolverine. Or something.

But seriously, people that get bit by diamondbacks lose function in whatever gets bitten. We're talking gross disfiguration, multiple surgeries, skin grafts, etc. I was being scheduled for all of these, and more. They were seriously talking about amputating my arm. But then, for no well explained reason...I got better.
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My right pinkie finger did the exact same thing from a brown recluse bite. There's no logical reason that I didn't have to get it amputated. The first thing I thought when I woke up and saw it was "Well, I guess I'm going to be down one finger." It's perfectly fine now with the exception of a tiny scar on the middle joint.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:01:04 AM EDT
Elderly lady whose husband I was friends with was bitten on the forearm by a copperhead. I can't remember whether they administered CroFab, but she was in the hospital for a day or two, and had pretty awful swelling and pain for a few weeks. In the end, she was fine.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:03:58 AM EDT
Been bitten by lots of nonvenomous, no venomous. Carpet pythons, rainbow boas, small redtail boa, garter snakes, northern water snakes. I said ouch, bled a little bit, kept the bites clean and healed.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:08:36 AM EDT
Tried to move a Gardner snake in my yard once.  Miss judged and he bit my thumb.  Little teeth like the edge of a hack saw blade.  Just a little scratch is all.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:19:40 AM EDT
This guy survived over 160 venomous bites, started injecting himself with small doses of various venoms in 1938 and wound up living to 101. His blood was used as anti-venom in transfusions to save snake bite victims. 

Bill Haast, Snake Man: An American Original.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:20:46 AM EDT
Or yourself? Venomous/non-venomous?

What happened? Any interesting related stories?
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I was bitten by a garter snake when I was a kid.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:24:39 AM EDT
I have

Non venomous

I let it go

It was a garter snake. But it must have been 12-13" long

It was trying to get under my parents porch steps and I caught the back end before it disappeared. It did not like being pulled out of the hole against the scales and as soon as the head was free, it came around and bit me
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:27:03 AM EDT
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Do bites at church count?
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Only if any other states than KY and WV.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:30:47 AM EDT
A rat dun bit my sister Nell.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:34:36 AM EDT
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I kept tree boas for years, it would be easier to list the times I WASN'T bitten dealing with them. I got bit by an adult ball python once, do you know how hard it is to get bitten by an adult ball python? Pretty damn hard. He was in grey and I guess I looked like a mouse.

One funny story. I had a rosy boa decide my ear looked tasty once and clamped down on it, I was wandering around the house for about ten minutes with her clamped to my ear before I  woke up my mom for help. A quick spray of water and she let go.
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Same here.  Try reaching in an adult Emerald Tree Boas cage at almost anytime to see what it's like to get bit by a beast of a snake!

Years ago when the "ice bucket challenge" was popular I was drunk and took a video of me letting an adult Green Tree Python bite me in the hand and posted it to facebook.  I called it the "snake bite challenge" and called everyone out.  Nobody else did it....

Tree pythons and boas are no joke.....

Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:35:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:37:28 AM EDT
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I've told the story on here multiple times before. I was 14 or so. A baby diamondback rattler got me on the hand. I was unconscious for most of the recovery period, but what I can tell you is that for reasons that nobody seems to be able to explain, my arm went from full on necrotic and them being ready to amputate to...perfectly healthy without even a scar. No lasting damage at all. I've seen pictures of it. They were polaroids from 20+ years ago, but still..it was swollen up bigger than my leg, black and rotten looking. How it went from that to...perfectly fine without a mark on it, I have no idea. Well, I have one.

I'm Wolverine. Or something.

But seriously, people that get bit by diamondbacks lose function in whatever gets bitten. We're talking gross disfiguration, multiple surgeries, skin grafts, etc. I was being scheduled for all of these, and more. They were seriously talking about amputating my arm. But then, for no well explained reason...I got better.
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There is always a good reason for such things...good luck in your search though...especially if you haven't quit looking...
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:43:40 AM EDT
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I once read the chance of getting bit by a wild snake is on par with getting struck by lightning.

So, how many of you have been struck by lightning?
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If you're a kid that enjoys playing in the woods and catching them with your bare hands, your chances are much, much, greater than that.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:45:02 AM EDT
Once had a coworker that had been bitten twice by copperheads in his teens.  Once by a lake shore when he got off a boat to take a leak in the woods, the other on his thumb by a small one he was keeping as a pet.  He said he didn't get treatment either time, but his thumbnail did fall off before the thumb healed and years later as an adult it still didn't grow correctly.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:45:26 AM EDT
I freaking hate snakes.

That is all.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:49:14 AM EDT
Got bitten on the glove by a regular water moccasin  many years ago , hard to get their teeth loose from a jersey glove :) caught this fella a while back Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:51:46 AM EDT
A king snake bit me on the hand 2 years ago while I was rescuing it from some orchard netting it had become entangled in, I finished cutting it loose and removed it from the area. My neighbor wanted to kill it right then and there and couldn't believe I let it live after it bit me. It stung a little but no other complications.

When I was a kid a garter snake I had been harassing latched on to me. I went inside to scare my sister with it but my mother saw it first, still attached to my arm. That was the first time I had ever seen all the color in someone's face go away, she went ghost white just before she fainted. I was hoping for a similar reaction from my sister but it freaked me out when it happened to my mother.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:59:21 AM EDT
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I have been bitten literally hundreds of times by non-venomous snakes.  Hand taming baby boas involves bleeding a little.

It goes like this. Baby snakes do not trust people, and anything descending on them from above is a deadly threat. Birds are the biggest killers of baby snakes.
So, you have a tub of 12 baby snakes.  You want to sell these snakes.  You have to tame them.

So, I would just drop my hand/arm down onto them in the tub.  They would bite me.  Just barely able to draw blood.  You keep doing it.
They eventually (slowly) learn two things.  The hand from above is not a threat, and; They cannot hurt the hand from above.

When they stop striking you have non-bitey snakes.  They sell for the best price.

And I got hacked really good by a large Ball Python. Totally my fault, a stupid feeding error.
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BCI babies tame down pretty quickly.  My BRB female dropped a litter of 25 little worms, they took months to tame down.  Fortunately their teeth are so small they rarely draw blood, it's like getting attacked by Velcro.

I had an adult female BCI get me with a stupid feeding error.  I will never use the short tongs with her again!

Then there are Savu pythons.  This was not a stupid feeding error, she was just hungry and decided that my fingers looked enough like rabbit kits that she should grab one.  Liasis...
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:00:07 AM EDT
A fer de lance bit a man I knew in Costa Rica. He had a about an inch wide scar running most of the length of the inside of his arm from it.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:04:18 AM EDT
I was bitten on the foot by a copperhead several years ago. Ended up being a fairly minor deal with no anti venom required. I posted a thread about it in GD for anyone who cares to dig through the archives. 
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:06:05 AM EDT
Picked up a wild gopher snake when I was young kid, but didn't grab it close enough to the head.  It twisted around and got a few teeth in me.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:18:03 AM EDT
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Dry strike by a rattlesnake when I was clearing some brush in Florida.
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Same here. Two fang marks but nothing else. Was walking at night. Last winter in my back yard went to pick up some scape and there was a small rattle snake laying under it. It was cold so he was slow thank god.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:28:31 AM EDT
Several times while fucking with black snakes ... sharp velcro.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:39:50 PM EDT
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Last week I was doing some yard work.   Clearing a brush pile.   Later that night, my leg started to hurt.   I looked and there was a welt about the size of a .50 cent piece.   It had blood in the center.  I thought that I had been pricked by something.  Washed it, and there was two neat holes side by side.   General consensus was that I got bit by a snake.   For about two days my leg/calf felt like I had a really bad Charlie horse.    I didn't get it checked out.  But, was told that if I had been bit by a venomous snake.    I would have known about it.  I still have the two hole scabs on my leg.
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If there were only two holes it was a venomous snake. You just got a mostly "dry bite".
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:41:30 PM EDT
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As for the above two posts; indigo snakes are not venomous.  Black mambas do not occur in West Africa, their teeth do not "harden" after hatching, and there has never been a documented bite by one in that region.
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So you are saying that you are sceptical?
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:45:48 PM EDT
My father in laws GF got bit on the hand by a copperhead. They went to the hospital and got a serving of anti-venom. She felt like she had the flu for about a week but was just fine in the long run.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:48:06 PM EDT
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Got bitten on the glove by a regular water moccasin  many years ago , hard to get their teeth loose from a jersey glove :) caught this fella a while back https://www.AR15.Com/media/mediaFiles/31920/IMG-1888-190682.JPG
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You found a Copper-Headed Water Rattler!
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:49:34 PM EDT
A few, all non venomous. Used to catch kings and gopher snakes as a kid
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:50:46 PM EDT
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BCI babies tame down pretty quickly.  My BRB female dropped a litter of 25 little worms, they took months to tame down.  Fortunately their teeth are so small they rarely draw blood, it's like getting attacked by Velcro.

I had an adult female BCI get me with a stupid feeding error.  I will never use the short tongs with her again!

Then there are Savu pythons.  This was not a stupid feeding error, she was just hungry and decided that my fingers looked enough like rabbit kits that she should grab one.  Liasis...
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I was raising Colombian Rainbows at the time.  They are pretty tame as well.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:51:39 PM EDT
IF IF I hope this guy is there!

Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:51:50 PM EDT
When I was a kid our cat brought back a simple garter snake and dumped it off.  I went to pick it up and it wasn't dead; bit me in the right hand.  I dropped it and ran into the house screaming I was going to die...good times.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 12:56:44 PM EDT
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When I was a kid our cat brought back a simple garter snake and dumped it off.  I went to pick it up and it wasn't dead; bit me in the right hand.  I dropped it and ran into the house screaming I was going to die...good times.
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LOL that also happen to me as a kid. I put a tourniquet on and went to Dad. He laughed
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