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Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:28:36 PM EDT
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i dont give a shit anymore really, i'll just buy ammo with it
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Same here.  That $100 will get me 5 boxes of 20 rounds of 5.56 at my LGS with $19 and change left over for a little gas or lunch.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:29:00 PM EDT
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Wrong.  We don't have the money.

Why do people with kids get more?
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We'll just tax the oil/gas companies to pay for it. Not like people in cities will pay much of it, but will still get that sweet .gov check.

Or whatever
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:35:36 PM EDT
It really is just pandering to buy votes, no different, really, than the Republican legislators who put forth bills to give us national reciprocity or to remove certain items from the NFA.

They know full well that there's little to no chance of the measure actually going anywhere. When they go home to their constituents, however, they can act like they tried to do something, but were thwarted by the evil opposition who doesn't care about the common person. Make sure you vote for the guy who wasted his time on a dead-end measure so he can do the same thing next time, rather than doing something productive.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:36:42 PM EDT
I'll take any stimulus check they send and proudly cash it.  IT'S MY FUCKING MONEY TO BEGIN WITH.  They will just waste it in Washington.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:40:02 PM EDT
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I'll take any stimulus check they send and proudly cash it.  IT'S MY FUCKING MONEY TO BEGIN WITH.  They will just waste it in Washington.
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Sorry scro, your money paying off stuff from the 70s.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:41:02 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:44:34 PM EDT
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Why do you think any amount of money would curb the situation?   Give people more money and things only get worse, not better.

We are in this spot in the first place because we dumped too much money onto the economy among other things.
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Thats my point.. Why $100? why not $1000, $10,000.. It doesnt fkn matter anymore.. We are waaaaaay past fixing anything.. Not that we have the people in office smart enough to do so.. But we are way past gone as a country!
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:49:53 PM EDT
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I would assume the idea is that you have to take kids to school, routine doctor visits, sports, day care, etc., resulting in increased expenses.

Personally, I hope the idiots who proposed this are tarred and feathered in the street outside the Capitol.
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Yes, there is no accountability when the elites police themselves.

Bring back the tarring and feathering!!!!

There needs to be consequences for fucking over the country you’ve taken an oath to serve
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 12:58:31 PM EDT
Money printer go brrrrrrrt
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 1:23:03 PM EDT
Or they could just lower fuel taxes... But, that wouldn't give the optics a check would.

Or they could give a deduction to those who actually own a vehicle, that file and pay taxes.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 1:33:59 PM EDT
I have a perfect credit system.  Just give each voter who votes Democrat a $10,000/month stimulus.  That should work better than buying voting machines.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 1:55:57 PM EDT
I hope this goes through. I'm all for accelerationism at this point.

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I hope so as well.... This country is in a race to the bottom, so let's win it so we can rebuild from the rubble.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 2:19:22 PM EDT
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i dont give a shit anymore really, i'll just buy ammo with it
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This. And jeep parts.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 2:30:15 PM EDT
So in a high demand, low inventory environment, the politicians are suggesting printing money in order to stimulate more demand?  

Link Posted: 3/23/2022 2:31:44 PM EDT
Money printer goes brrrrrrrr- bitcoin goes up
Print away motherfuckers
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 2:31:49 PM EDT
More inflation
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 2:35:25 PM EDT
Sending billions to Ukraine is also a waste of money, same with Israel, allowing illegals in and giving them "free" food/car/housing once they drop a anchor baby, so this is more wasteful spending if it goes through and it might since Democrats are in power. Money should be going towards our own border but that's impossible to get even a penny for from Democrats.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 2:41:28 PM EDT
I was rewatching the A-Team from 2010 last week.
The MacGuffin of the movie was a set of printing plates for US Dollars and the threat was that someone could print up to a billion unbacked dollars and spend them into circulation.
Could you imagine that?  What a billion extra dollars would do to the economy?
Seemed pretty serious back then.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:06:08 PM EDT
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I've been expecting more bribes ahead of the midterms.

No one should be surprised by this.
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I’m shocked it’s only $100 a month.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:06:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:07:00 PM EDT
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i dont give a shit anymore really, i'll just buy ammo with it
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It's all you can do at this point.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:08:17 PM EDT
100 a month wont buy me a new TV

It should be 500 a month

Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:13:41 PM EDT
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No fucking way this is going to go pass.

You might see a suspension of the federal gas tax for the summer though.
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I do not think this will happen then every one will know how much tax is on fuel as it is now they can hide it for the most part
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:17:16 PM EDT
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Because we have to drive more. Taking to & picking up from school, practices, games, gymnastics, horseback riding lessons etcetera. We have to pay more at the grocery store, more mouths to feed, due to higher commodity prices caused by higher fuel prices. We have to drive larger cars to fit our children in, no smart cars for us. More doctors appointments, dentist appointments, orthodontist appointments.

Or because the (D) know the majority of large families are on some type of “assistance” & are attempting to buy more votes by funneling more money to their base.
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Found ONE of the problems LOL
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:18:00 PM EDT
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Because we have to drive more. Taking to & picking up from school, practices, games, gymnastics, horseback riding lessons etcetera. We have to pay more at the grocery store, more mouths to feed, due to higher commodity prices caused by higher fuel prices. We have to drive larger cars to fit our children in, no smart cars for us. More doctors appointments, dentist appointments, orthodontist appointments.

Or because the (D) know the majority of large families are on some type of “assistance” & are attempting to buy more votes by funneling more money to their base.
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Wrong.  We don't have the money.

Why do people with kids get more?

Because we have to drive more. Taking to & picking up from school, practices, games, gymnastics, horseback riding lessons etcetera. We have to pay more at the grocery store, more mouths to feed, due to higher commodity prices caused by higher fuel prices. We have to drive larger cars to fit our children in, no smart cars for us. More doctors appointments, dentist appointments, orthodontist appointments.

Or because the (D) know the majority of large families are on some type of “assistance” & are attempting to buy more votes by funneling more money to their base.

Stop feeding your kids and make them walk.  It will build character, and ensure the smartest survive.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:21:52 PM EDT
i dont give a shit anymore really, i'll just buy ammo with it
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Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:35:27 PM EDT
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There's a reason I buy more bitcoin every month....
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My man.

And, I might add, muh gas stimulus money gon go straight to the crypto sellin’ man
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 4:40:58 PM EDT
More “wealth redistribution…” because handouts always work—buying votes, at least.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 5:22:15 PM EDT
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You think when it gets really bad that the people that invented fiat currency are going to allow alternate currency to exist if they don't control it?

That was the whole point to begin with.
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Their are many competing currencies.  While I recognize there is some risk of it being declared illegal, I still think it's a good hedge.  As it gets bigger, longer lasting and more entrenched it gets more difficult to ban.  It works globally, so restrictions in our country doesn't mean it's dead.

I think the most likely course of action is the US does not outlaw it, but does make sure they get their tax cut when you go to use it or sell it.  I recommend watching the MIT course on bitcoin and crypto currency.  This administration appointed the professor who taught the course to head the SEC.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 5:42:44 PM EDT
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You think when it gets really bad that the people that invented fiat currency are going to allow alternate currency to exist if they don't control it?

That was the whole point to begin with.
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There's a reason I buy more bitcoin every month....
You think when it gets really bad that the people that invented fiat currency are going to allow alternate currency to exist if they don't control it?

That was the whole point to begin with.

Link Posted: 3/23/2022 5:55:00 PM EDT
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I've been expecting more bribes ahead of the midterms.

No one should be surprised by this.
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Betchya student loan payments get deferred again too.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 5:56:57 PM EDT
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Fuck that

Just drill.
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This should seriously be a bumper sticker.

Better yet, replace those “I did that” stickers with this instead.

Price per gallon is $5.49?

Fuck that! Just drill!
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 5:57:48 PM EDT
I hope this goes through. I'm all for accelerationism at this point.


"Reps. Mike Thompson, D-California, John Larson, D-Connecticut, and Lauren Underwood, D-Illinois, have introduced the Gas Rebate Act of 2022. The bill proposed sending Americans an “energy rebate” or $100 per month with an additional $100 per dependent for the rest of 2022 in any month where the national average gas price exceeds $4 a gallon."
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Link Posted: 3/23/2022 6:01:28 PM EDT
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Wrong.  We don't have the money.

Why do people with kids get more?
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First though: “Oh shit, they are literally bankrupting our Nation”

Second thought:   “Waitaminute…why does the other guys get moar?

Absolutely typical.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 6:04:22 PM EDT
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The Goverment is happy because they'll collect $200 a month per recipient/dependent in new taxes to fund the program.

New Government Employees (a lot of Democrat voters) are happy because they were hired to process these stimulus funds.

The Oil Companies are happy because now they'll raise the price of Gas to cover the whole $200/month plus a bit extra they can slip under the guise of 'we're just covering those taxes'.

Non-Tax payers are happy because they're getting more money from the government (and extra to take little Jamie (born a boy, now transitioning to a girl) to their Psychiatrist/Gender Reassignment Surgeon appointments).

Taxpayers are Fucked because they have to pay for all that crap and are only getting $100 'back'.
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I don’t think you fully understand.    Go back and read how many of the fiercely independent responders here, are literally salivating over the chance for more free money.    

They All consider themselves “Taxpayers”.     Go ahead and ask them.
Link Posted: 3/23/2022 6:32:40 PM EDT
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Their are many competing currencies.  While I recognize there is some risk of it being declared illegal, I still think it's a good hedge.  As it gets bigger, longer lasting and more entrenched it gets more difficult to ban.  It works globally, so restrictions in our country doesn't mean it's dead.

I think the most likely course of action is the US does not outlaw it, but does make sure they get their tax cut when you go to use it or sell it.  I recommend watching the MIT course on bitcoin and crypto currency.  This administration appointed the professor who taught the course to head the SEC.
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Bitcoin will be sexist, racist, a tool of the oppressive patriarchy and accord to all the polls...it will have a negative approval rating.

Then it will be outlawed and be worth exactly as much as every other fiat currency that a government decided to un-make, but they will do it by standing on the dicks of every major technology based company and therefor it will be their idea, not the governments.  So no accountability and no amount of voting harder is going to do anything about it.  Also anyone that uses any type of coin will be a terrorist, because reasons, and all your government fiat will be seized because it may have come from terror coin...or russia.

If you try to subvert the governments control you will be un-personed and the ACLU will cheer because civil liberties are so 90s.

That's pretty much where we are headed.
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