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Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:13:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:22:58 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Veccio] [#2]
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:

The idea that we won't support freedom anywhere in the world except the USA is incredibly shortsighted and destructive. Republicans need to understand this. We see that very idea repeated ad nauseum in GD. Freedom doesn't matter except for right here. I disagree. How can you know how to fight for freedom here if you won't fight for it anywhere else?
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:
Originally Posted By Charging_Handle:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:

Voting for the new Speaker starts early next week. We need to light up the switchboard and the email inboxes of our reps to show strong support for Ukraine.

Anyone want to help organize a fire mission?

If there aren't at least 10 republicans with the sense and decency to make such a demand, I don't want to hear any fucking whining and crying when the House majority flips back to the dems and Speaker Pelosi is back in charge.

The idea that we won't support freedom anywhere in the world except the USA is incredibly shortsighted and destructive. Republicans need to understand this. We see that very idea repeated ad nauseum in GD. Freedom doesn't matter except for right here. I disagree. How can you know how to fight for freedom here if you won't fight for it anywhere else?
It's an off shoot of the isolationist viewpoint IMO.
What these people don't understand is that to keep our level of peace, diplomacy, currency and essentially our standard of living high, we HAVE to be leaders on the world stage.

It's easy for them to just say 'well let it all fail then' when they are completely ignorant of what it is they are actually requesting and the consequences.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:28:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By apr67:

I am sure Ukraine is looking now as to how they can disrupt.  Attacking things that are very explody and burny in the first place is a bit easer to do even with lower tech gear.
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Budanov has already said that a month ago
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:29:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Veccio:
It's an off shoot of the isolationist viewpoint IMO.
What these people don't understand is that to keep our level of peace, diplomacy, currency and essentially our standard of living high, we HAVE to be leaders on the world stage.

It's easy for them to just say 'well let it all fail then' when they are completely ignorant of what it is they are actually requesting and the consequences.
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Exactly, our nation could probably survive sitting back and letting the whole world go to hell, but it would sure kill our standard of living.  China invading Taiwan and ruining our semiconductor supply is just one example.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:36:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Charging_Handle:

I just wrote mine. Hal Rogers has been steady in his support of Ukraine and for Ukraine funding. But it never hurts to drop a few lines anyway, just to make sure they stay on the right track. Below is a copy of my rather informal message to my congressman, if anyone wishes to use all or a portion of it to assist you in writing your own congressional members:

I think it is every bit as important that when writing to these folks that we speak out against the craziness going on within the party. We cannot afford to allow a group of fruit cakes like Marjorie Taylor Greene to drive our party over the cliff's edge. Sanity must be restored. You can bet that if they get enough letters and phone calls to this effect, word will start to filter out. Maybe then the lunatics will learn their role and shut their hole.
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Originally Posted By Charging_Handle:

I just wrote mine. Hal Rogers has been steady in his support of Ukraine and for Ukraine funding. But it never hurts to drop a few lines anyway, just to make sure they stay on the right track. Below is a copy of my rather informal message to my congressman, if anyone wishes to use all or a portion of it to assist you in writing your own congressional members:

I think it is every bit as important that when writing to these folks that we speak out against the craziness going on within the party. We cannot afford to allow a group of fruit cakes like Marjorie Taylor Greene to drive our party over the cliff's edge. Sanity must be restored. You can bet that if they get enough letters and phone calls to this effect, word will start to filter out. Maybe then the lunatics will learn their role and shut their hole.

You have motivated me. Jake Ellzey is my rep, lives in the same town I do. See he and his wife drive around in their truck with US Naval Aviation plate frames in town frequently.

Dear Representative Ellzey:

I am writing to you out of frustration in what I see in the Republican party these days. I am a lifelong Republican and have always believed in responsible government spending. Along with that is the belief that we must have a strong national defense. As a teen during the Reagan years, I remember how we had much greater clarity on what was then the Soviet Union. Russia, with its stated goals and recent actions show that they are just a rebranded Soviet empire led by a former Soviet intelligence operative who wants to drag us back into the Cold War. Certain fringe elements of our party demanding we cut funding to Ukraine while at best appeasing Russian demands is unbelievable. I cannot see this as consistent with the goals of the party of Reagan. Even moreso when given the incredibly small financial amount we are talking about with Ukrainian aid relative to our national budget, and the circumstances of the material that is being provided to them.

I hope that you will be consistent, and support continued Ukrainian aid. I hope also that you and your peers will elect a Speaker that will do so in opposition to the fringe elements of the Republican Party, and demand that whomever is chosen as Speaker will hold a vote on the House floor for Ukrainian aid.  To do otherwise is to allow the invasion of Ukraine to stand and serve as precedent for Russian expansion. Their media is already full of bomb-throwers that are normalizing extreme rhetoric to lay the groundwork for justifying further expansion and utilizing nuclear threats to back NATO and the West down. Russia should be stopped now and pushed back to ante bellum borders; this should include leaving Crimea and the other occupied territories of what is rightfully Ukraine. The incredible opportunity to wear down and defeat Russia by providing to Ukraine what we consider outdated and expired equipment and limited funding compared to much of the other items in the defense budget (let alone the national budget) while not having direct American involvement is not likely to happen again; if Ukraine fails it would be very unlikely to have a similar opportunity. Our assistance to Ukraine should be sped up, and more effective weapons and systems should be provided so that they can avoid prolonging the conflict even more.

Reagan’s 11th Commandment should be learned and followed by our modern Republican Party. Extremists that want to fan internal conflict by using the most outlandish views are destructive to not only the psyche of our party, but also almost guarantee that the Republican Party will be swept aside and never regain prominence. These elements have not only fallen for Russian propaganda and information warfare, but they are parroting it and including it in their political discussion here in the US. Reagan built America up by giving us something to work towards. He spoke truth to evil. He did not tear down his own party. Reagan understood what drove Soviet and Russian politics, and rightly labelled them the Evil Empire. We are seeing a resurgent new Evil Empire that is bringing all their old baggage with them.

We should not abandon our allies to appease our enemies. I ask that you stand firm in your dedication to fight for the best interests of our nation, and to recognize that helping Ukraine furthers that effort. I also ask that you select a Speaker that will help move our party and our nation forward and not resolve us to stagnation and infighting.

Thank you for your time and your service.

Joe Schmuckatelli

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:39:07 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:

Orban has already come begging for nuke plants (or oil or gas). The EU has blocked Hungarian nuke assistance while Russia offered help with 25 year loans. Hungary has no domestic oil or gas and no sea coasts for US LNG shipments. The option is nukes or gas piped in from Russia. Spend a winter with your family in Hungary without heat or electricity then let us know which is better...Russian gas and nukes now or EU green renewables starting in 2087? Maybe.
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YEa.... this could have all been prevented by the EU not being a bunch of ideological assholes.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:43:44 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Germany is set to deliver one more IRIS-T air defense system and "more than a dozen" Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns to Ukraine until the end of this year, sources told Bloomberg.  

According to available information, these assets would be primarily used by Kyiv for the protection of its grain shipments against potential Russian attacks in the south.

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Ukraine needs a set of Patriot systems in the south or longer range missiles for other systems... come on.. someone put an SM 3 on an S-300 system already >_>
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 2:57:47 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m24shooter:

There's some saying about old pilots not being bold pilots...
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Originally Posted By m24shooter:
Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:

Ural Airlines has confirmed that it will attempt to fly its Airbus A320 out of the field it became stranded in following an emergency off-airport landing on September 12.

There's some saying about old pilots not being bold pilots...

Where is the "Hold my beer and watch this..." meme?

There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:11:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 74HC:
Why on earth would Hungary join in the first place?  The allure of money? Money comes with strings.

There is really only conglomerates, corporations, and cartels nowadays, including cartels of government.

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Originally Posted By 74HC:
Originally Posted By xd675:
Originally Posted By BigGrumpyBear:
Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:
Originally Posted By Jozsi:

1st- EU wants Hungary to abide by the Dublin Agreement when mandates that Hungary accept a quota of migrants from 3rd world shitholes.
2nd- EU wants Hungary to abide and get rid of Hungarian law banning LGQT bullshit for 18 or less. That is why LGQT stuff is put in the section where porn is because it is basically porn.
3rd- Rule of law and judicial reforms is basically, they want the courts accept Brussels court ruling when Brussels says something is legal or illegal, Hungary needs to accept it.
4th- EU wants Hungary to accept the private universities and their bullshit. In Hungary ,if a private university has a degree program than it needs to have an accredited program and setup. Central European University which is Soros university was basically churning out basket weaving degrees without certified instructors. Also CEU was having academic programs where participants didn't need to do certain things where the public and other universities were required to do. For example, you take an basket weaving or 7000 genders or womens studies program, they didn't have certified instructors for it and they just gave you a degree after churning out bullshit.
Or CEU has an Computer Science programs and they didn't do the required training or direct experience.

This isn't fair and all Hungary wanted was for the CEU and others is to have required certified teachers and also a certified program.
You want to take an English program, usually it requires you to study or do one or two terms in an English spoken sister program like if you did CEU, then you can come to New York or Florida and take programs and vice versa.
CEU wasn't do that but for every other university in Hungary, they were required and the EU laws MANDATED that they have those programs and educational materials available.
5th- Ukraine changed the language laws forcing and mandating that all education must be done in UKRANIAN only and nothing else when before the law, there was language programs and courses in Hungarian that students can take but they also did it in Ukrainian. My friends school in Beregszasz was Hungarian and Ukrainian for the rest of the day and then another had English and Ukrainian. The new laws in 2016 mandated only Ukrainian and nothing else. So even the American schools and British schools in English were being effected by the laws. But you know that those schools got waivers so they can still teach in English. But Hungarians didn't.

I hope that is the basic gist of it.


CEU Soros churned out a diploma mill school n budapest and students got ahead by cheating, EU says Hungary isn't being nice to Illegal migrants, listening to EU laws, and Ukraine changed laws making Hungarian illegal to teach.

Thank you Jozsi.
Basically Brussels/EU want to eliminate Hungarian sovereignty and shove their woke bullshit down everyone's throats.

They chose to join the EU. When you choose to join an organization you take the good with the bad.

While a member of that organization, if the bad begins to outweigh the good and the organization will not change, you leave. It IS that simple.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, but that is what Orban wants, and is all this really boils down to.

And of course American and British language schools got an exception, it's ENGLISH. Every country on earth has someone teaching English. To act like Hungarian is on the same level in the world as English, is ridiculous. You make some legitimate complaints Jozsi, but this ain't one of them

It's not that simple.

If one were to join an association with X rules then later the association added rules you opposed in a manner to couldn't reject is it really the person that members fault?

Leaving isn't that simple either.  It was a marathon to England to leave.  Once globalists get their hooks in they aren't going to make it easy to walk out.

It's my understanding of that areas history that post WWII parts of Hungary were taken by the Soviets and given to the territory of Ukraine.  I imagine that's what Jozsi is talking about.  I don't think it unreasonable to have an ethnic population educated in their native tongue.

That's far different than Russians that imported theirselves in other land usually after the Soviets killed or deported the poor bastards natives living there.  I can see why that would be a sore point for Hungarians living in Ukraine.
Why on earth would Hungary join in the first place?  The allure of money? Money comes with strings.

There is really only conglomerates, corporations, and cartels nowadays, including cartels of government.

Back in the beginning, it was a good thing and it was give the gist and feeling that Hungary can finally join the western world instead of being stuck with the Soviet setup.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:19:49 PM EDT
[Last Edit: nomansland] [#10]
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:

Voting for the new Speaker starts early next week. We need to light up the switchboard and the email inboxes of our reps to show strong support for Ukraine.

Anyone want to help organize a fire mission?
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What is the evidence that Steve Scalise would not support Ukraine?  I thought Scalise was one of the few to vote to keep some amount of Ukraine funding ($300mil) this past week.

Edit added - Apparently there is a report card by Defending Democracy Together's "Republicans for Ukraine".  They rate Tom Emmer A, Scalise B (McCarthy was B-).  Gaetz, Jim Jordan and Byron Donald are "F"s.  There is a "gopforukraine.com" but it doesn't pull up for me (I can get some of their information on twitter).
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:26:50 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By nomansland:

What is the evidence that Steve Scalise would not support Ukraine?  I thought Scalise was one of the few to vote to keep some amount of Ukraine funding ($300mil) this past week.
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Originally Posted By nomansland:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:

Voting for the new Speaker starts early next week. We need to light up the switchboard and the email inboxes of our reps to show strong support for Ukraine.

Anyone want to help organize a fire mission?

What is the evidence that Steve Scalise would not support Ukraine?  I thought Scalise was one of the few to vote to keep some amount of Ukraine funding ($300mil) this past week.

and Matt Gaetz gave reporters an OK when they asked him about Scalise being a nominee
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:32:56 PM EDT
[Last Edit: HIPPO] [#12]
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Originally Posted By nomansland:

What is the evidence that Steve Scalise would not support Ukraine?  I thought Scalise was one of the few to vote to keep some amount of Ukraine funding ($300mil) this past week.
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From research, his voting record is solid. His statements on the subject are viewed as neutral, rather than supportive.  

I think that’s why he is a question mark for those reading the tea leaves.

That said, it ain’t my tweet.

here is a better source for evaluating each representative regarding Ukraine (link is cold): https://gopforukraine.com/ukraine-report-card/
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:34:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:36:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:

From research, his voting record is solid. His statements on the subject are viewed as neutral, rather than supportive.  

I think that’s why he is a question mark for those reading the tea leaves.

That said, it ain’t my tweet.
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Originally Posted By nomansland:

What is the evidence that Steve Scalise would not support Ukraine?  I thought Scalise was one of the few to vote to keep some amount of Ukraine funding ($300mil) this past week.

From research, his voting record is solid. His statements on the subject are viewed as neutral, rather than supportive.  

I think that’s why he is a question mark for those reading the tea leaves.

That said, it ain’t my tweet.

I understand - I'm just trying to make sure we are correctly IDing friends from foes during this process.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:43:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lightning_P38:
My dad is a retired Army Aviator, his favorite saying is indeed "there are lots of old pilots, there are lots of bold pilots, but damned few old and bold pilots".

I don't think he was being clever. Of course his opinion was the most dangerous enemy of all was the Bravo one RD, he swears they have killed more pilots than missiles.
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When I started ground school, that was literally one of the first things they told us. Like day one. My lead instructor was a retired USAF type that had flown just about everything in the inventory.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 3:45:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By nomansland:

I understand - I'm just trying to make sure we are correctly IDing friends from foes during this process.
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I hear you and agree 100%. Check this link for more details - this is the most comprehensive source I’ve found so far:

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:05:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Orion_Shall_Rise:

Hungry has a domestic coal supply....
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Originally Posted By Orion_Shall_Rise:
Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:

Orban has already come begging for nuke plants (or oil or gas). The EU has blocked Hungarian nuke assistance while Russia offered help with 25 year loans. Hungary has no domestic oil or gas and no sea coasts for US LNG shipments. The option is nukes or gas piped in from Russia. Spend a winter with your family in Hungary without heat or electricity then let us know which is better...Russian gas and nukes now or EU green renewables starting in 2087? Maybe.

Hungry has a domestic coal supply....

IIRC, Hungary was offered a nuke deal by the EU but it wasn’t as easy loan terms as the evil empire. Orban likes to paint Hungary as a victim but much of it is cover for his own corruption.

How did every other eastern country navigate these same energy waters and only Hungary was forced to get in bed with Russia that it can’t survive without Putin? Options were available. He chose cheap, sell your souls deals.

Recall Orban has repeatedly claimed Ukraine can’t survive  without Western support, therefore it has no right to exist and he does not recognize Ukraine as a legitimate nation or its borders. By his own admission Hungary does not survive without EU or evil empire support. So I guess he thinks Hungary has to right to exist either?  Or was that just gargling sounds sucking on Putin’s balls?

Orban is a poser and liar just like Putin and the corrupt oligarchs. Every problem is because mean people. Never his own corruption or bad decisions.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:06:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doritodust:
Hey guys, was wondering how many s-400 and s-300 Russia has. Seems Ukraine keeps hitting them.

Was wondering how many they need to hit before actual sead type operations are possible or is that basically a wet dream right now.
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I don't know an actual number, but last I heard it was in the thousands.  The Old Soviet stockpiles were huge.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:09:22 PM EDT
blue balls
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:09:45 PM EDT
This Bing AI is fun.

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:11:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By governmentman:

While I am very bearish on the Ruble and Russia's economy, the ruble is not 1/50th it's value from two years ago.

Two years ago it floated around 65 to 75 rubles to the dollar. Today it's 100.
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Originally Posted By governmentman:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:

The ruble is 1/50th the value it was two years ago. And it will continue to crumble.

While I am very bearish on the Ruble and Russia's economy, the ruble is not 1/50th it's value from two years ago.

Two years ago it floated around 65 to 75 rubles to the dollar. Today it's 100.

You are correct!  Half the value of two years ago. I must have been gazing into my crystal ball and saw the future.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:14:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By _disconnector_:
Yep, and if I were a Democrat I'd make sure it was the most off-base wacky conspiracy theory batshit crazy person I could find. Heck, I'd push the most radical right wing coprophagic psychopath I could find.  Matt Gaetz easily meets that definition.  It would absolutely guarantee a Dem majority for 4 more years because the average American isn't a moonbat like these loons are.

I just can't believe how far our party has fallen . . .

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Originally Posted By _disconnector_:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Charging_Handle:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:

Voting for the new Speaker starts early next week. We need to light up the switchboard and the email inboxes of our reps to show strong support for Ukraine.

Anyone want to help organize a fire mission?

If there aren't at least 10 republicans with the sense and decency to make such a demand, I don't want to hear any fucking whining and crying when the House majority flips back to the dems and Speaker Pelosi is back in charge.

At this point the Dems are going to pick which Republican wins.

Yep, and if I were a Democrat I'd make sure it was the most off-base wacky conspiracy theory batshit crazy person I could find. Heck, I'd push the most radical right wing coprophagic psychopath I could find.  Matt Gaetz easily meets that definition.  It would absolutely guarantee a Dem majority for 4 more years because the average American isn't a moonbat like these loons are.

I just can't believe how far our party has fallen . . .

Exactly. Without Dem support neither R faction can elect a speaker. And the Dems won’t get one of their own elected. So their best option is to get the worst possible, most divisive and easy to manipulate R ejected.  

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:16:14 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RockNwood] [#23]
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Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:


Maybe they should ask this guy, if he is still alive.

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Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By m24shooter:
Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:

Ural Airlines has confirmed that it will attempt to fly its Airbus A320 out of the field it became stranded in following an emergency off-airport landing on September 12.

There's some saying about old pilots not being bold pilots...

Rainy season says “Let’s find out!”


Maybe they should ask this guy, if he is still alive.

Maybe. All they need now is a runway under that mud and not a farm field

Don’t they have floor squeegee in Russia?!

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:43:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:45:10 PM EDT
A good step. They should do the same bilateral with a proven leader such as the UK and local Mad Max Bartertown Warlord (Poland).

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:46:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:46:25 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Prime] [#27]


Boat landing video posted earlier

«???????? ?????? ? ?????»: ????? ? ??? ?????? ?? «?????????» + ENG, PL, ITA SUBS

Latest K2 video
?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?-2. ???????-????????.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:48:14 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 4:53:48 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:01:25 PM EDT
[Last Edit: MFP_4073] [#30]
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Originally Posted By Prime:
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that's hilarious -- thanks for posting !

back when this occurred - I predicted we would / should do this -- a lot of other people obviously did too

that's a nice little pop to the armory  (hopefully the guns get sent too ??)
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:04:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

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Awesome!  When the history of this war is written, there will probably be an entire chapter of the great logistical feats pulled off by the Ukrainian National Railways and the measures they took to make them happen.  Steam Locomotives hauling passenger coaches and supply trains in 2022 to overcome damage to the electrification infrastructure was not on my bingo card when the war kicked off.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:05:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:09:26 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RockNwood] [#33]
To the question of how many S-400 system Russia has, grabbed this from Wiki:

Russian Aerospace Forces – There were 57 battalions (batteries)(comprising 456 Transporter erector launchers) deployed with at least 25 regiments as of September 2019.

A launch site seems to have 4-6 TELs and there have only been 4 destroyed?  So at best 24 launchers out of 456. Long ways to go. The radars may be the more critical item to hit.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:12:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kncook:

Wonder what all those gals GD usernames are?
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I think a good chunk of GD is liberatarian and has been anti war going back to GWOT with occasional 911 truther posts over a decade ago when I occasionally lurked GD - really only cared about tech forums back then but there’s some new accounts that clearly are not gun owners nor liberatarian members either. Probably going to see AI from China making its way into women’s knitting forums, GD etc. but I posted the Code Pink as I suspect they’re attempting to galvanize the left to take advantage of the current situation in Congress. Whether they can or not we’ll see. I don’t dismiss people opposed to Ukraine aid or NATO etc as necessarily whatever but I have seen a sprinkling of new accounts trying to fam flames in all types of threads not even limited to Ukraine.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:14:16 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
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On the one hand how hard can it be to produce but a part of me wonders about Iranian quality control
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:17:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Which of the pinkos is Barbie Gaetz?

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Liberatarians have been anti war forever but I will say I’m confused by GD liberatarian s opposed to open borders given longstanding CATO institute pro illegal immigration platform for decades. But appears chunk of progressives like Pramilla Jayapal in Congress may be galvanizing with House faction that Gaetz represents ahead of any Ukraine aid funding debate in Congress.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:17:30 PM EDT
FILE: Russia will Never Ever Attack a NATO  Country, That’s Stooopid.


Video -

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:23:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By CarmelBytheSea:

Liberatarians have been anti war forever but I will say I’m confused by GD liberatarian s opposed to open borders given longstanding CATO institute pro illegal immigration platform for decades. But appears chunk of progressives like Pramilla Jayapal in Congress may be galvanizing with House faction that Gaetz represents ahead of any Ukraine aid funding debate in Congress.
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Originally Posted By CarmelBytheSea:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Which of the pinkos is Barbie Gaetz?

Liberatarians have been anti war forever but I will say I’m confused by GD liberatarian s opposed to open borders given longstanding CATO institute pro illegal immigration platform for decades. But appears chunk of progressives like Pramilla Jayapal in Congress may be galvanizing with House faction that Gaetz represents ahead of any Ukraine aid funding debate in Congress.

If one is truly a libertarian then there are 10,000 other issues and expenditures to get worked about. How about drifting into a police state as being much more relevant to daily life, expense and survivability than Ukraine aid.  Sorry but those that only target Ukraine aid for their one shot of fame are literally shills for Russian narrative.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:28:27 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:29:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

If one is truly a libertarian then there are 10,000 other issues and expenditures to get worked about. How about drifting into a police state as being much more relevant to daily life, expense and survivability than Ukraine aid.  Sorry but those that only target Ukraine aid for their one shot of fame are literally shills for Russian narrative.

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It could be a confluence of anti war views combined with anti financial ala Rand Paul but I will concede my thread about Biden’s inflation act bill only got like 3 pages. I could be wrong as online polls aren’t scientific by any means but based on my thread polls last year like 10% of GD seemed devoutly pro Moscow. Anyway, air defense needs are what I continue to monitor, more so with this Congressional funding impasse. As I’ve posted since May 2022 in GD air defense is key but any shortage of aid to Ukraine would eclipse my ideas on air defense
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Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:32:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
FILE: Russia will Never Ever Attack a NATO  Country, That’s Stooopid.



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People in GD continually disagree with me on that but after Moldova I’ve continued to assert down the road the Baltics would be the next likely friction point / hotspot {not counting Serbia / Kosovo}
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:34:20 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 5:42:41 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By CarmelBytheSea:

People in GD continually disagree with me on that but after Moldova I’ve continued to assert down the road the Baltics would be the next likely friction point / hotspot {not counting Serbia / Kosovo}
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Originally Posted By CarmelBytheSea:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:
FILE: Russia will Never Ever Attack a NATO  Country, That’s Stooopid.



Video -

People in GD continually disagree with me on that but after Moldova I’ve continued to assert down the road the Baltics would be the next likely friction point / hotspot {not counting Serbia / Kosovo}

As per my earlier posts 87- 87+5, Russia has been attacking NATO countries regularly. Electronic warfare attacks on shipping in Bulgarian sea lane, drones many kilometers inside Romania, “refugee” assaults on Poland’s border, sabotage of infrastructure as far away as Czechia, on and on.

That is my entire point, it is not a matter if Russia will. They already are. Nobody wants to call it war but these are all the preliminary attacks Russia does as shaping operations before an invasion.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 6:41:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Which of the pinkos is Barbie Gaetz?

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MGT was marching with them and posting about it on her Twitter.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 6:42:14 PM EDT
Great article. Hits some important points.

Congress should not settle for Biden’s platitudes and must continue to press him to cooperate with allies to fully back Ukraine’s victory.  The Department of Defense has received the most funding in every supplemental dubbed “for Ukraine.” But there is a misunderstanding that the money is going there at the expense of here. Not so. The Pentagon is receiving money to replenish stocks, expand production capacity of certain munitions, train and pay American troops and give the military a chance to replace the older weapons being sent to destroy the Russian military with newer, more advanced weapons. That money is well spent for American security and readiness.

Biden Must Give Ukraine What It Needs to Win—and Literally Make Russia Pay | Hudson

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 6:43:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bunn19:

MGT was marching with them and posting about it on her Twitter.
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Originally Posted By Bunn19:

MGT was marching with them and posting about it on her Twitter.


Link Posted: 10/4/2023 6:54:11 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RockNwood] [#47]
Some tweets in response the Ramaswarmy declaration PEACE IN OUR DAY!!  

We are driven by fear instead of confidence.

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 7:00:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Some tweets in response the Ramaswarmy declaration PEACE IN OUR DAY!!  

We are driven by fear instead of confidence.

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We’ll promise that Ukraine is defenseless and Russia will once again promise not to invade.  Brilliant.
Link Posted: 10/4/2023 7:02:02 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2023 7:07:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: MFP_4073] [#50]
don't know if this has been posted yet -- from the WSJ:


Russia Withdraws Black Sea Fleet Vessels From Crimea Base After Ukrainian Attacks

Pullout represents painful setback for the Kremlin, which seized Crimea in 2014

By Thomas Grove and Jared Malsin  ---   Updated Oct. 4, 2023 4:50 pm ET

Russia has withdrawn the bulk of its Black Sea Fleet from its main base in occupied Crimea, a potent acknowledgment of how Ukrainian missile and drone strikes are challenging Moscow’s hold on the peninsula.

Russia has moved powerful vessels including three attack submarines and two frigates from Sevastopol to other ports in Russia and Crimea that offer better protection, according to Western officials and satellite images verified by naval experts. The Russian Defense Ministry didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The move represents a remarkable setback for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose military seizure of Crimea in 2014 marked the opening shots in his attempt to take control of Ukraine. His full-scale invasion of last year has now boomeranged, forcing the removal of ships from a port that was first claimed by Russia in 1783 under Catherine the Great.

The withdrawal from Sevastopol follows a series of strikes by Ukraine in recent weeks that have severely damaged Russian vessels and the fleet’s headquarters.

The immediate military effects of the move are limited, as the ships will still be able to fire cruise missiles on civilian infrastructure such as ports and power grids, naval experts said. Ukraine’s strikes had already broken the fleet’s blockade of Ukrainian ports, denying Russian access to parts of the Black Sea and opening a new corridor for Ukraine to dispatch economically vital grain shipments.

But the withdrawal is a timely boost for Ukraine as its counteroffensive advances more slowly than planned amid heavy losses and political ructions in the U.S. raise questions about funding for Kyiv’s efforts to expel Russian occupying forces.

James Heappey, U.K. minister of state for the armed forces, called the dispersal of the ships “the functional defeat of the Black Sea Fleet” at a conference in Warsaw this week.

Satellite images dated Oct. 1 and provided by Planet Labs showed that the bulk of the naval vessels were moved to Novorossiysk, a Russian port on the Black Sea, said Mikhail Barabanov, a senior analyst at the Center for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a Moscow-based defense think tank, who reviewed the images. The craft included all three of its operational Kilo-class attack submarines, two guided-missile frigates and one patrol ship. Other vessels, including a large landing ship, a number of small missile ships and new minesweepers were moved to the port of Feodosiya, farther east along the Crimean Peninsula, Barabanov said.

While the move may represent only a temporary measure to safeguard against further Ukrainian strikes, the logistical headache of relocating some of Russia’s heaviest ships underscores the threat of Kyiv’s strike capabilities.

Ukraine has targeted Crimea in recent weeks with cruise missiles that have seriously damaged a Russian submarine and a large landing vessel, as well as the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet. Analysts say those strikes likely used cruise missiles provided by the U.K. and France, which have placed restrictions on their use, meaning they can’t hit Novorossiysk.

“The main factor in the decision is that the West until now has forbidden Ukraine from using Western weaponry for strikes within the 2014 borders of the Russian Federation,” said Barabanov. Ukraine successfully struck Novorossiysk using its own locally-produced naval drones earlier this year.

As Ukraine continues its push to retake territory, Kyiv’s forces are increasingly attacking Russia’s logistics and military installations in Crimea.

Yoruk Isik, a naval expert and the head of the Bosphorus Observer consulting firm, said that the satellite images showed nets and barges placed at the entrance to the shipyard in Feodosiya, illustrating Russia’s concern about further Ukrainian attacks on the facility.

“They have some security concerns that Ukraine can run a successful naval operation here,” said Isik, who also confirmed that the images showed that the Russian warships had moved from Sevastopol to the other ports.

Since thwarting Russia’s hopes of seizing Odesa at the start of the war in spring 2022, Ukraine has fought back in the Black Sea despite its lack of naval power.

Last year, Ukraine sank the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the missile cruiser Moskva, with a domestically produced antiship missile and recaptured the small but strategic Snake Island in the Black Sea.

Ukrainian commandos have also been conducting raids around Crimea. On Wednesday, Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, known as HUR, said its forces had landed in Crimea and attacked Russian soldiers.

“There was a battle with the Russian invaders,” Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for HUR, said in a statement to Ukrainian media. He said the Ukrainians had inflicted casualties on the Russians but added, “Unfortunately, there are losses among the Ukrainian defenders.”

Ukraine has intensified its strikes on the Russian fleet in recent months as Russia escalated attacks on Ukrainian ports and civilian ships in the Black Sea. Russia in July withdrew from a Turkish- and United Nations-brokered agreement that had unblocked Ukrainian grain exports from Odesa. The agreement, signed in July 2022, had guaranteed the safety of vessels via a designated maritime corridor, contributing to a military de-escalation in the Black Sea and providing an economic lifeline to Ukraine.

After withdrawing from the grain agreement, Russia threatened to intercept civilian ships heading to Ukraine and launched a series of missile and drone attacks on key Ukrainian port and grain-exporting infrastructure.

Ukraine’s military response has limited the Russian navy’s ability to maneuver in the Black Sea. Ukrainian surface drones rammed a Russian landing ship in the port of Novorossiysk and attacked another ship in open water. Ukraine also used its sea drones to attack an oil tanker that carries jet fuel for the Russian air force and a bridge that links the Russian mainland to Crimea.

A Ukrainian military spokeswoman said Wednesday that Ukraine had pushed back the front line in the Black Sea to at least 100 nautical miles from Ukraine’s shorelines. Russian ships no longer go beyond Cape Tarkhankut, at the western end of the Crimean Peninsula, said Natalia Humeniuk, a spokeswoman for Ukraine’s southern defense forces.

“Currently, ships and boats of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation do not actually sail in the direction of the territorial sea of Ukraine,” she said.

Russia is also constrained in the Black Sea due to a decision by Turkey last year to implement an international treaty that bans warring states from bringing additional warships through the Turkish straits, the strategic chokepoint at the entrance to the region. Turkish officials invoked the 1936 Montreux Convention, barring Russia from bringing ships from its other naval forces around the world.

Ukraine’s breaking of Russian military dominance in the Black Sea could also boost the Ukrainian economy. Ukraine opened up a new maritime corridor for civilian ships transiting to and from Odesa as an alternative to the Turkish- and U.N.-backed agreement. The new shipping lane hugs Ukraine’s coastline, which is protected by the Ukrainian military, before entering the coastal waters of Romania and Bulgaria, which are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The first ship to leave via the corridor sailed in August, with a series of ships entering and leaving the shipping lane at an increasing pace in recent days. Another 12 ships were waiting to enter the corridor as of Wednesday, the Ukrainian navy said.

Ian Lovett contributed to this article.

Write to Thomas Grove at [email protected] and Jared Malsin at [email protected]

Corrections & Amplifications  --  The Crimean port of Feodosiya is east of Sevastopol. An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that the port is west of Sevastopol. (Corrected on Oct. 4)
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