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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:48:19 AM EDT
It will come in stages.

1. "It's just an orientation.  It's o.k. so long as they don't act on it."  <-- You are here.
2. "You can't expect people to be celibate.  Sex dolls and CP are o.k."
3. "So long as their parents are o.k. with it, I don't see the problem.  Parents consent for children all the time on much bigger things like medical care."
4. "Everybody's doing it.  There must be something wrong with you if you don't like children." <-- Rome circa 1 A.D.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:50:22 AM EDT
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Correlation =/= causation.

I work exclusively with convicted sex offenders and how they break down the age groups to me is more concerning than anything (the different -phile groups). Offenders always try to justify their behavior as normal.  The media shouldn't be giving any of them an outlet for this type of discussion as it gives them a sense of legitimacy.  One thing SO's revel in is anything that tries to normalize deviant sexual interest. The LGBT movement was once viewed as deviant (still is by some) and they are adopting some of the same approaches.

Being sexually abused doesn't make one a future sex offender/pedophile. Being diagnosed as a pedophile doesn't mean that person was sexually abused, either.
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While that is true a much larger percentage of pedos and gays report being molested than normal people. I'd say that pretty much kills the "I was born this way" myth in regards to it being universal like the LGTB crowd tries to say. Some probably are wired wrong from birth but some are also turned deviant by past experience.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:50:42 AM EDT
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It will come in stages.

1. "It's just an orientation.  It's o.k. so long as they don't act on it."  <-- You are here.
2. "You can't expect people to be celibate.  Sex dolls and CP are o.k."
3. "So long as their parents are o.k. with it, I don't see the problem.  Parents consent for children all the time on much bigger things like medical care."
4. "Everybody's doing it.  There must be something wrong with you if you don't like children." <-- Rome circa 1 A.D.
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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:54:40 AM EDT
the battle between the lesbians and the transgenders for ascendance and dominance will allow that letter space to eventually be filled by someone. Why not the kiddie fuckers?

(I think the transgenders will win against the angry lesbians ((without big .gov intervention)) because they are biologically men. Let the fighting commmence!!!)
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:55:57 AM EDT
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It will come in stages.

1. "It's just an orientation.  It's o.k. so long as they don't act on it."  <-- You are here.
2. "You can't expect people to be celibate.  Sex dolls and CP are o.k."
3. "So long as their parents are o.k. with it, I don't see the problem.  Parents consent for children all the time on much bigger things like medical care."
4. "Everybody's doing it.  There must be something wrong with you if you don't like children." <-- Rome circa 1 A.D.
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5. They can't help it, they were born this way.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:55:59 AM EDT
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Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.

Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
He's diverting attention away from the hippie lesbian cultural Marxism affect. Intentionally.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:56:20 AM EDT
Wow.  No one saw this coming...  
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 9:59:30 AM EDT
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So, LGBTQMAP?  That about cover it?  
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Until the Transgender- Lesbian war has come to its finality.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:00:18 AM EDT
LGBT D the D stands for dead because if these fuckers announce it they’re gonna get killed.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:00:39 AM EDT
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That is just WEIRD and SICK in any way you look at it.
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You are devoid of an open mind. Obviously, a nationalist.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:00:55 AM EDT
So what's their flag?  I didn't see it in the article.

I'm assuming it's not pedobear...
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:01:24 AM EDT
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
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ISIS  burning pilots alive doesn't affect me.  Does that mean we should legalize it here?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:02:45 AM EDT
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So what's their flag?  I didn't see it in the article.

I'm assuming it's not pedobear...
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It's gonna add another color bar to the flag. I wonder what color that will be?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:04:02 AM EDT
Biastophilia,  bestiality and Necrophilia are next.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:04:55 AM EDT
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It's gonna add another color bar to the flag. I wonder what color that will be?
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This came up on Google.

Pedo "Girl-lover"

Pedo "Boy-lover"
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:08:59 AM EDT
The law regarding the legal age of consent (to sexual activities) varies from place to place but in general it's meant to distinguish between adult and child.

Ultimately, it's all about puberty.

With that in mind, it's as simple as this:  If you're interested in pre-pubescent girls (assuming you're male) or pre-pubescent boys (assuming you're female), you're extremely fucked up, end of story.

No grass on the playing field means NO GAME.

Men who sexually assault children who have not yet grown Kinky Hair One should be castrated for the first offense and shot in the head if they attempt a repeat.

I truly have expected the pedophile crowd to attempt to latch on to the other deviants for protection.    I'm kind of surprised it's taken this long.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:10:55 AM EDT
This planet needs a flush

.....or a huge asteroid hit.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:13:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:19:06 AM EDT
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
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So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
That's absurd, people said the same damn thing, right here on arfcom about gay marriage blossoming into acceptance of pedophiles. I should know as I was one of those that warned about the non-caring attitude most carry about sick people.

It is affecting you, me and everyone else, we're under a constant barrage from sick demented people to accept this now, yet you and your ilk still parrot the same old bullshit. Enjoy your sickness, you helped create it by not fighting against it.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:38:03 AM EDT
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
Cultural Marxism explained

Gramsci returned to Italy, where he was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini in 1926, as communism was considered a primary ideological enemy of the fascist regime. Gramsci worked on his “prison notebooks”, which outlined his chief insight which is called “cultural hegemony”.

Cultural hegemony stated the various factors that made Western civilization what it was, and was thus preventing the communist revolution. The key was to continue the “class war” but at the same, undermine these factors from within. These factors were:

Sexual restraint
Personal responsibility
Patriotism and national unity
Gramsci believed that the media and academia had to issue a “counter-hegemony” message, which would help undermine these planks of Western culture.  
 The main thinkers here were Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse, and Erich Fromm. These men (like Gramsci and Lukacs) generally agreed with Marx, but believed that he greatly underestimated the power of culture. They realized that many of “the workers” were now rising into the middle class, so they had no incentive to overthrow the system.

When Hitler rose to power in 1933, these thinkers fled to the United States seeing as how as with Italian fascism, Nazism viewed Marxism as a primary enemy. These intellectuals arrived in New York City, taking up positions at Columbia University. The Frankfurt School was loosely reestablished at Columbia, this time focusing on American society, rather than German.

Critical Theory

In 1937, Horkheimer wrote about what is today known as “critical theory”.

Critical theory is a social theory which is about criticizing the way a culture and “society as a whole” function, in order to change it.

Contrast this with other social theories, which are more just about understanding and interpreting why things are as they are.

“So where does political correctness fit into all of this?”

Largely due to the influence of Gramsci, in the 1930’s the communist leadership in Russia joked about how what they wanted people to believe in order to control them didn’t naturally correspond with reality. Things that weren’t to the Party’s liking weren’t factually correct, but were indeed “politically correct”.

In order to try and achieve this, the Party started policing the language. Hence why you couldn’t criticize the Soviet state, or question the system.

Contrary to popular sentiment, political correctness was never about “saying something nice”. It was about controlling discourse in order to shape culture from day one.  
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:39:16 AM EDT
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I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.
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This is not a surprise to anyone who has read Romans 1 (Starting in verse 27 which describes what reprobates do. Read the previous ones to see how they became reprobate by rejecting God)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


God’s word makes it clear that homosexuals are people who have rejected God and been given over to a reprobate mind to unclean things, but not just that, they are given over to ALL unrighteousness and the list even includes murder as something that reprobates are capable of not to mention ALL kinds of perversion and uncleanness
I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.
Cool. This is where you stop talking.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 10:46:19 AM EDT
Pedophiles have renamed themselves as "Minor Attracted Persons" in order to try and get acceptance and inclusion into the LGBT community.

The Daily Caller reported that Urban Dictionary defines Minor Attracted Persons  also known as MAPs  as a blanket term that includes infantophiles (a person attracted to infants), pedophiles (a person attracted to prepubescent children), hebephiles (a person attracted to pubescent children) and ephebophiles (a person attracted to post-pubescent children)...

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This will be the death of the movement. The bullshit militant feminist will skate from it though. They support the queer movement, but not this.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 11:03:23 AM EDT
Looks like they left pederasty off their list.  Intolerant sumbitches.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 11:06:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 11:09:36 AM EDT
So are the pedophiles riding the gays coattails or is this a natural progression of LGTBQ activism?

It would seem the gays would be virulently opposed to the pedophiles utilizing their own movement.

We should use their tactics against them. Kinda how if you aren't constantly condemning nazis you are one.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 11:20:31 AM EDT
Hey let’s play a GD favorite.......guilty or not?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:17:15 PM EDT
I have seen the MAP/pedo bit posted on 8chan as suggested pranks. More than once.

But I guess we'll see if parody becomes reality.

Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:37:54 PM EDT
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
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If that is your bar, then you don't object to children being raped, right?  It doesn't affect you.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:41:18 PM EDT
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Good, lets see how acepting they are now.
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Since they are democrats there shouldn't be an issue
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:42:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:46:43 PM EDT
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It is merely a matter of time.
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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:51:18 PM EDT
Sick fuckers
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:57:34 PM EDT
Pedophiles have renamed themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons” in order to try and get acceptance and inclusion into the LGBT community.

The Daily Caller reported that Urban Dictionary defines Minor Attracted Persons — also known as MAPs — as a blanket term that includes infantophiles (a person attracted to infants), pedophiles (a person attracted to prepubescent children), hebephiles (a person attracted to pubescent children) and ephebophiles (a person attracted to post-pubescent children)...

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Most times I'm glad when I learn something new... unfortunately, this time it is not the case...
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:02:25 PM EDT
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ACLU defended NAMBLA before . I am sure folks have have seen the HuffPo reporting on children drag queens. The left is normalizing it at a feverish rate. This is 18 years ago.

ACLU To Represent NAMBLA

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Curley vs. NAMBLA.  I remember the incident leading up to it all.  The pricks involved should have been killed by scaphism on the Charles River, preferably adjacent to one of the bridges so all could bear witness, and those NAMBLA bastards should probably have joined them.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:08:25 PM EDT
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And then the significant factor in the rise of something better - Modern Western Civ. The Romans were ecological destroyers anyway. Their passing was a good thing.
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Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
It's much more likely Christianity was a significant factor in the fall of the Roman Empire.
And then the significant factor in the rise of something better - Modern Western Civ. The Romans were ecological destroyers anyway. Their passing was a good thing.
Modernity is the result largely of The Renaissance, The Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:38:45 PM EDT
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And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
I was on /pol/ the other day and somebody posted an undercover video from a gay bar that was just a bunch of homos talking about having sex with kids. I might be able to find it if you are interested.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:42:32 PM EDT
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Modernity is the result largely of The Renaissance, The Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
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The French Revolution brought us nothing but the metric system and communism.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:44:10 PM EDT
My surprised face->
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:47:12 PM EDT
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lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
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Every gay I've known has had a really bad childhood.

Like clockwork.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:48:55 PM EDT
I've seen this on Twitter and FB, but I do question how legit it is or if it's people throwing fake memes out there to discredit LGBT groups.

Seems not too bright for pedos to be high profiling at all.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:50:11 PM EDT
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It will come in stages.

1. "It's just an orientation.  It's o.k. so long as they don't act on it."  <-- You are here.
2. "You can't expect people to be celibate.  Sex dolls and CP are o.k."
3. "So long as their parents are o.k. with it, I don't see the problem.  Parents consent for children all the time on much bigger things like medical care."
4. "Everybody's doing it.  There must be something wrong with you if you don't like children." <-- Rome circa 1 A.D.
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5. "We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and > almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:50:24 PM EDT
It figures. I can’t say that I’m surprised at much anymore.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:53:10 PM EDT
A Bridge Too Far,... waay too far!
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:56:24 PM EDT
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
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How is the marriage of say a couple 50 year old fruits remotely similar to some scumbag who rapes a baby? Im not seeing it. One lifestyle is abit odd but whatever, the other should be automatic death penalty.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:56:46 PM EDT
Some people just need to be shot.

Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:57:06 PM EDT
MAPs didn’t choose to be MAPs, they were born that way.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:07:57 PM EDT
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No, it is NOT a "sexual preference," it is a mental illness and/or a perversion. That they want it under the umbrella of "sexual preference" is VERY WORRYING.

I can have some sympathy for a person with this mental illness abstaining their whole life (never offending) and for those people, what can I say. They haven't "done" anything wrong. It's all in their mentally ill minds. As long as they never hurt a child then fine, whatever.

But by calling it a "sexual preference" makes me fear what they have planned next and how they're going to try to force us to be "tolerant."
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I's worse than that. It is an admitted violent criminal desire. From observations in my own life , sexual predation of the young changes their destiny and for many their chance at a normal life is over before it began. I have known girls/women in my lifetime that were the object of sexual desire of adults and I can not say that any of them have a normal or healthy relationship with sex in their own lives. And I don't mean kinky or perverted, I mean damaged, unfulfilling relationships including with spouses.

Most of the lesbians I have known became lesbian after some sort of sexual or emotional trauma involving a man they trusted or loved.

Most of the gays I know where introduced to sex by an older male at a young age.

So...in my opinion they are asking the group of PRIOR VICTIMS of THEIR DESIRES to be recognized, by them, to feel sorry for, accept and normalize them.

Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:26:11 PM EDT
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MAPs didn’t choose to be MAPs, they were born that way.
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Thats their problem. We gotta keep the kids safe from these sickos..
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:53:52 PM EDT
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How is the marriage of say a couple 50 year old fruits remotely similar to some scumbag who rapes a baby? Im not seeing it. One lifestyle is abit odd but whatever, the other should be automatic death penalty.
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
How is the marriage of say a couple 50 year old fruits remotely similar to some scumbag who rapes a baby? Im not seeing it. One lifestyle is abit odd but whatever, the other should be automatic death penalty.
I did not say that, re-read what I wrote.  Just said that people on here predicted the Pedo's would come out next in line wanting acceptance.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 6:06:53 PM EDT
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Modernity is the result largely of The Renaissance, The Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
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Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
It's much more likely Christianity was a significant factor in the fall of the Roman Empire.
And then the significant factor in the rise of something better - Modern Western Civ. The Romans were ecological destroyers anyway. Their passing was a good thing.
Modernity is the result largely of The Renaissance, The Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
I'd go with the German Idealism. When it became a substitute for religion. It's when it took a sharp turn into the absurd. but yeah, French Revolution had commie shit in it too.
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