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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:34:41 PM EDT
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In 10 years we will be much closer to 3rd world living conditions for the bottom 95% with the end of the middle class accomplished.

Currency collapse will have happened and US default on it's debt.

A return to hard manual labor for many as it is "green" and the primary source of available horsepower.

Upper 5% will have its own economy that the lower class participate in only as labor.

A push to return the earth to wild pristine parkland (kings woods) with the crowding in of the bottom 95% into crowded ghettos.

These are easy predictions because they are all part of the agenda those currently in power openly espouse. In short, we will own nothing, and hate it.
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Sadly, this or something close to it.  

It's really hard to say.  10 years is a lot with where AI is now and how fast it's developing.  It will likely be a huge game changer leading to the elites having everything and the middle class crushed like this post right here.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:44:59 PM EDT
On the way to a failed liberal Utopian police state.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:46:05 PM EDT
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aren't we at that stage now? I mean really.
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aren't we at that stage now? I mean really.
Yes, but you won't need sunglasses to see it.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:46:29 PM EDT
Election fraud will determine our course ,  if we go Rino or dem we will go the WEF / Agenda 2030 path .   Less carbon , less fossil fuels mean total revamp of everything     money isn't there to do this so the old system has been replaced by some fascist super state .    Nothing will be the same as they blame Capaltilsm for the problems incurred .   Guarantee income provides a prole class,  very 1984 like.  Conservatism is a token opposition that gets the two minutes of hate and. the .......blame for everything wrong .
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:01:53 PM EDT
Interesting that some people feel the U.S. can just absorb a communist coup, and nothing will change.

I know we've dealt with some bad administration's in the past, but nothing like the 2020 coup and evisceration of everything that made this nation great.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:25:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:39:05 PM EDT
All mixed couples and gay...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:41:32 PM EDT
A cross between Mexico, South Africa, North Korea, and Idocracy
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:43:33 PM EDT
Let’s be serious about this, and actually look at the changes in the last 10 years, and use that as a guide as to what the changes in the next 10 years to look like.

So… it’s 10 years in the future, the year 2033, what does the USA look like ?

Unemployment numbers



The dollar

The economy.


Politics / what party’s in charge. ( not that it matters )

Inflation is what ?  Food / electric prices.

Gun control

Where has the war on fossil fuel / forced green shit taken us ?

What do you think the country will look like  after 10 more years of clown world ?

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I've been assured it all comes crashing down in 2025.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:54:09 PM EDT
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My prediction is that the blowback to all of the DIE (diversity inclusion equity) is going to greatly overshoot the opposite direction and will be epic.
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Already happening in the Latino and Muslim communities.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:02:57 PM EDT
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If China really has the massive female shortage I keep hearing about, and disgruntled single men with no wife options, well, that alone could be a powerful reason, and recruiting tool for war / attacking / invading foreign countries.

Join the army, we're going to be  invading foreign countries and after we conquer them, we will take their beautiful women and issue a pretty young wife to each soldier !
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Chyna should just convert half of the single young men to trans men and pair them with the other half of their single young men.  Modern commie social engineering problems call for modern solutions.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:18:42 PM EDT
Zager And Evans - In The Year 2525
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:22:13 PM EDT
What happens in Academia is about 5-10 before society follows suit. Seeing the insanity going on, like the recent videos from the Stanford law school, we're going to need some new terms. Clown world won't begin to describe it.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:29:23 PM EDT
Have you ever been to a third world shithole country? I'm not talking about the tourist area either. Well the USA will look about 100 times worse. Of course we won't be here to see it because the commies have other plans for people like us.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:45:30 PM EDT
Security/Police state with ESG scores.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:51:48 PM EDT
Fiery but mostly peaceful
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:56:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:56:53 PM EDT
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Interesting that some people feel the U.S. can just absorb a communist coup, and nothing will change.

I know we've dealt with some bad administration's in the past, but nothing like the 2020 coup and evisceration of everything that made this nation great.
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I agree.

Arfcom says “ Iv been hearing “ SHTF / this time it’s different”,  for 30 years, ain’t shit happened. “

Except this time it really is DIFFERENT. The shit currently happening, and that’s happened since 2020 with zero consequences has never happened before, not here. I don’t see anything willing to stop this shit, push back, or punish the perpetrators, so I expect it’s going to continue to escalate/ the stability of the USA devolve.

I think shits going to get very real, in a bad way, in the near future.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:58:55 PM EDT
Hunter Biden will be nominated for POTUS by the democrat communist party.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 2:59:01 PM EDT
The elite and celebs

Everyone else

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 3:00:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 3:07:04 PM EDT
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I've said forever that learning Mandarin is a good idea.
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America is literally a blip compared to how long China has existed. China wasn't going to stay in the shadows long; the West just had a short advantage with the industrial revolution.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 3:09:37 PM EDT
JFK Jr. will return and will slay the swamp after his 8 years of presidency and the USA will be the best place to live on earth.


We will be living in pods eating grasshoppers while we live in an alternative existence that parallels ready player one.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 3:15:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 3:24:14 PM EDT
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In 10 years we will be much closer to 3rd world living conditions for the bottom 95% with the end of the middle class accomplished.

Currency collapse will have happened and US default on it's debt.

A return to hard manual labor for many as it is "green" and the primary source of available horsepower.

Upper 5% will have its own economy that the lower class participate in only as labor.

A push to return the earth to wild pristine parkland (kings woods) with the crowding in of the bottom 95% into crowded ghettos.

These are easy predictions because they are all part of the agenda those currently in power openly espouse. In short, we will own nothing, and hate it.
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So kind of like Soylent Green?

I have been  assured by many in GD that everything is fine and we just need to vote harder next time. Don't worry about the consistent loss of freedoms, devaluation of money, collapsing infrastructure, it's all good, just vote harder.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 4:17:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:31:42 PM EDT
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In the year 2033, USA will be 87% trans, ghey, and not white.
Biden will still be president but will resemble drooling Capt. Pike
from Star Trek Original Series.  Political parties will be Democrat,
Democrat Pedo and The Cuck Party (formally Republican Party).

All Conservatives along with gun owners have left the USA and formed
a secret invisible super tech kingdom in Africa.  The only
evidence of its existence is unexplainable Amazon tractor-trailer
deliveries of whiskey, cigars and barrel cleaning patches.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:01:38 PM EDT
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Interesting that some people feel the U.S. can just absorb a communist coup, and nothing will change.

I know we've dealt with some bad administration's in the past, but nothing like the 2020 coup and evisceration of everything that made this nation great.
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Agreed ,  had to delete my first draft as it was non COC .   Can't say what I want .   Christopher Miller said nothing had been planned of course , and that is disappointing .  It would be criminal to say otherwise .
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:04:10 PM EDT
A Letter to the Future
Corbett Report
Apr 11, 2020, 9:50:23 AM

"The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time."
-WWI conspirator Edward Grey

I do not write these words for my contemporaries. We are the damned. It is our lot now to watch as the lamp of liberty is extinguished, our burden to bear witness to the final flickering of the flame of freedom.

No, I don't write these words for my peers; I write them for those yet to come. The inhabitants of that future dystopia whose birth pangs we are experiencing. The remnant of once-free humanity who might through some miracle I can't even imagine come across this electronic message in a bottle.

I know that it's almost hopeless. That the chance of these words surviving the coming internet purge are slim at best. That even if against all odds this message does wash up on your digital shores, that the chance of these words being understood by you is even slimmer. Not because you don't understand English, but because you no longer use these words I'm writing: Freedom. Humanity. Individual.

Still, I am here to record the end of an era. So I will press on in the hope against hope that someone, somewhere in that future Digital Dark Age will have eyes to see and ears to hear.

The darkness is descending.

Let there be no mistake: We all know this.

We know what it means when 17 million Americans a full 10% of the work force are added to the unemployment rolls in a mere three weeks. When they are joined by millions more newly unemployed ex-workers all around the globe. When modern-day bread lines stretch for miles in the heart of America's once-proud cities. When the phony baloney fiat funny money debt rises over $24 trillion and the Fed's Sovietization of the economy is complete.

We know what it means when police start shooting people dead for not wearing a mask. When drones police quarantines from the sky and robots police lockdowns on the ground. When governments admit to tracking every movement of every citizen and begin internal checkpoints where digital immunity passports determine who may pass and who must stay in their home.

We know what it means when billionaires start telling us that only their new experimental mRNA vaccines will be able to release us from this nightmare. When they threaten to mark us with invisible ink tattoos to ID the vaccinated. When they tell us that we will not be able to buy or sell or participate in the economy until we can prove our "immunity".

It means that the Corona World Order has arrived.

Oh, sure, some still deny it. But they are only fooling themselves. They're afraid to admit that it's true. Many are still under the old conditioning that told them to bleat "conspiracy theorist" at anyone questioning authority.

We have a name for that kind: "sheep." Or, sometimes, "sheeple." The masses in our day are kept in the pen by the jackbooted sheepdogs of the police state and led along by the political puppets who act as their shepherds. Occasionally a wise old-timer in the flock cottons on to the game, but the shepherd has only ever fleeced the flock before, so he resigns himself to his fate. Why struggle? It's mostly painless.

Never did the sheeple suspect that some day the shepherds would lead them to the slaughter.

It is a term of derision, of course. "Sheeple." But I like to think that it doesn't just speak to our stupidity. It speaks to a naivety, an innocence. We are trusting and gentle creatures by nature. Peaceable. Cooperative. That is nothing to be scorned. If it weren't for the predators in our midst, our failings could even be counted as virtues.

But I am not here to say that. I am here to say this: Resist! Struggle! Fight!

You are not cogs in a machine, despite what the shepherds of your day may be telling you. You are free and beautiful human beings. You are not born under the authority of another. You choose how you live your life, not some bureaucrat, not some police robot, not some "immunity checkpoint" algorithm or QR code.

You do not need permission to buy or to sell or to assemble or to speak your mind or to leave your house. You are not an "asymptomatic carrier" of whatever virus your misleaders are telling you to be afraid of. You do not have to shelter in place because someone in a white lab coat told you to.

I want you to understand that, once upon a time, the government didn't have the right to know where you were, who you were meeting with, what you were buying and what you were doing 24/7. Hell, the government didn't even have the ability to do that.

I need you to know that there was a time when you could leave your house when you wanted. Travel where you wanted. Buy and sell as you saw fit. Meet your neighbors. Rally. Protest. Party.

Live. As free human beings are meant to live.

Oh, what am I saying? These words. This language. It makes no sense to you anymore, does it? These concepts don't exist in your time, do they?

You go where you are told to go. You stay home when you are told to stay home. You shut up when you are told to shut up. You think what you are told to think.

I can't blame you, after all. You're trusting and naive and peaceful. Like a sheep.

But oh how I weep for what you have become. I tried to avert it. Please believe me. I really tried.

But the lamp of liberty is being extinguished. And I am bearing witness.

I don't know if history is something you study anymore, but UK Foreign Secretary "Sir" Edward Grey made his observation about the lamps "going out all over Europe" at the end of the so-called "Twelve Days," the period during the summer of 1914 in which the mainstream history books tell us that the British government was trying to avoid a World War. We are asked to believe that this prescient remark proved Grey to be a sage diplomat, wracked with grief over the pain and suffering that was about to be unleashed upon the world.

But this is history-by-the-winners of the worst kind. In truth, Grey was himself one of the conspirators that was actively working to bring the First World War about. What's more, the source of this quotation is in fact Grey himself; it was first recorded in Grey's own post-war memoir. Any tears shed by Grey over the extinguishing of those lamps were crocodile tears, to be sure.

One can well imagine that we will be told some years hence that Bill Gates made a similarly portentous remark at the onset of this corona crisis. Gazing out the window of his $147.5 million dollar, 66,000 square foot "Xanada 2.0" mansion at the then-epicenter of the US outbreak in Washington State, Gates' post-coronavirus memoir will no doubt tell us that he remarked to an underling that "The lights are going out all across the globe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime."

But his memoir will no doubt fail to inform us that he was smirking as he said it.

To my children, or my children's children, or whatever remnant of once-free humanity happens to unearth these words in that God-forsaken future we are goose-stepping into: I'm sorry. I failed you. We all failed you.

But remember this: As long as the blood of your forebears flow through your veins, the lamp of human freedom shall not be extinguished forever.

Let it shine, dear sheep. Let it shine
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:34:50 PM EDT
Let’s be serious about this, and actually look at the changes in the last 10 years, and use that as a guide as to what the changes in the next 10 years to look like.

So… it’s 10 years in the future, the year 2033, what does the USA look like ?

Unemployment numbers



The dollar

The economy.


Politics / what party’s in charge. ( not that it matters )

Inflation is what ?  Food / electric prices.

Gun control

Where has the war on fossil fuel / forced green shit taken us ?

What do you think the country will look like  after 10 more years of clown world ?

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The country doesn’t exist 10 years from now.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:37:24 PM EDT
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I agree.

Arfcom says “ Iv been hearing “ SHTF / this time it’s different”,  for 30 years, ain’t shit happened. “

Except this time it really is DIFFERENT. The shit currently happening, and that’s happened since 2020 with zero consequences has never happened before, not here. I don’t see anything willing to stop this shit, push back, or punish the perpetrators, so I expect it’s going to continue to escalate/ the stability of the USA devolve.

I think shits going to get very real, in a bad way, in the near future.
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Interesting that some people feel the U.S. can just absorb a communist coup, and nothing will change.

I know we've dealt with some bad administration's in the past, but nothing like the 2020 coup and evisceration of everything that made this nation great.

I agree.

Arfcom says “ Iv been hearing “ SHTF / this time it’s different”,  for 30 years, ain’t shit happened. “

Except this time it really is DIFFERENT. The shit currently happening, and that’s happened since 2020 with zero consequences has never happened before, not here. I don’t see anything willing to stop this shit, push back, or punish the perpetrators, so I expect it’s going to continue to escalate/ the stability of the USA devolve.

I think shits going to get very real, in a bad way, in the near future.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:39:09 PM EDT
If someone had posted this same thread in 2010 we would have got the same DOOOOOOM responses but here we are.

It’s not arfcom utopia but it could suck a lot harder.

2033 will be okay.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:44:07 PM EDT
Children of Men 2006 Long Take 3
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:59:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 7:50:29 PM EDT
We already know. It’s going to be some fucked up version of South America.

The hyper elites live in guilded luxury. The tiny middle class just struggle to keep the lights on. And the rest are sentenced to grinding poverty.

Mixed in with toxic racial problems, wokeists, a massive drug problem, and a shit ton of guns.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 7:57:12 PM EDT
White people might be a minority
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:02:15 PM EDT
+1 for dystopian Hellscape.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:16:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:19:25 PM EDT
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By 2030 the WHO and the UN will be running this country, or trying to. We will either be rounded up and put in camps or in a heated confrontation with the tards pushing the WHO/UN invasion
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I won't  eat the bug.  I'm not into the pod.   I won't get into the box car, I don't like l trains and I will never see a camp.  
I hope I'm not alone but it wouldn't change my belief
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:20:17 PM EDT
The Latin Revolt.

The First and Second Rectification of the Black.

The Hundred Days of The Rifle.

La Violencia.

Second through the Fifth Pandemics.

The Johnson Putsch.

The Montgomery Congress.

California Nullification Crisis.

MinneKota Reich.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:21:19 PM EDT
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First, no more wokeism.  That was promoted by the socialists and we will not gravitate towards a socialist society.  We will not GAF about LGBTQetc./Bowel Loose Moment or Antifa(ct) because feeding one's face is more important.  No more rape-py boys in girls' bathroom.   All the PC/gender correct, inclusive embracing double speak goes out the window when the federal reserve note dies.


1) fewer people.  (a) First moar deaths or disabilities from clawt shawt.  That's baked in the cake for people who got a claawt shawt and not the placebo.   (b) Older people die off from lack of medication or medical car.  (c) Starvation.  Breakdown of just-in-time food delivery and the big cities have die offs from starvation.   (d) Immigrant refugees fleeing b/c no moar free sh*t and their chances of making it will be better in their own Turd World Nation.  (e) There'll also be more killings (not necessarily murder) b/c people will defend themselves against looters, robber and burglars.  (f) suicides increase.  Same thing happened among older Russian men when the Soviet Union collapsed.  They couldn't deal with the lack of big brother state and loss of their pension.
2) Rebuilding begins at the local community level.  Return of the tradesman/craftsman.
3) Suppressed technology is released.  This includes near free energy and perhaps we finally get the hydrogen powered cars.  Energy is needed for growth and the more energy, the greater the growth.  It's not about powering your A/C, Ipad to watch pron but energy for production of goods for export for sale (to generate revenue).
4) No more central bank and parasite class it represents.
5) Smaller, less restrictive and more efficient government.  The $$$ we had for the leviathan won't be there.
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The folks in charge won’t let that happen.  They will launch every nuke before they let us go back towards a small government.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:26:15 PM EDT
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I won't  eat the bug.  I'm not into the pod.   I won't get into the box car, I don't like l trains and I will never see a camp.  
I hope I'm not alone but it wouldn't change my belief
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By 2030 the WHO and the UN will be running this country, or trying to. We will either be rounded up and put in camps or in a heated confrontation with the tards pushing the WHO/UN invasion

I won't  eat the bug.  I'm not into the pod.   I won't get into the box car, I don't like l trains and I will never see a camp.  
I hope I'm not alone but it wouldn't change my belief

Not to mention being forced to wear orange p.j.s right before the Hajis slit your throat on a beach on camera.  In a similar vein, I think it was Clint Smith who said: “Fuck all that. Head-butt the asshole in the nuts and go out fighting like a man.”

Or some such like that.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 8:50:04 PM EDT
Less freedom, less of everything except taxes and crime .

Crime will be .......severe in 10 years .

You don’t import a 50 million man army and NOT have them fuck shit up . That’s their job . Chaos and anarchy .

Americans will never be allowed to be peaceful and prosperous as a people ever again .

Right here people talk about how low crime had gotten . Now you see governments fix for that . Tens of millions of criminals , here for one reason .

To steal from you and or kill you . Now there’s an added bonus that the government gets to steal more of your money .....and then give it to those same criminals .

Can you imagine what the next plandemic will be like ?

It will make the Rona look like Disney world . And I’m not talking about the disease , I’m talking about the government reaction to it .

Total control . Enslavement

That is our future
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 9:24:15 PM EDT
Ever been to India?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:06:00 PM EDT
"the sky is falling, the sky is falling, believe in what I say and it'll stop"

blah blah blah same shit over and over.  how can we keep people in fear?  how can we get people to be compliant?  let's get 50% to hate the other 50% while we (politicians) are all actually working for the same end goals.

Oops, there I go, being off the GD bandwagon.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:08:49 PM EDT
Demolition Man
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:10:25 PM EDT
LoL….you guys got it all wrong.  
Leftist culture and socialist economics are working wonders and the future is bright !!

Just ask some here in GD, they think the economy is just fine.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:14:41 PM EDT
a mix of present day Brazil and South Africa
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:19:17 PM EDT
I don’t want to live in a world without raiders and supermutants.

It has been disappointing thus far.
Link Posted: 3/15/2023 1:59:07 PM EDT
I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener."
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