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Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:10:17 PM EDT
I like that drawing that is used in an ad in magazines that has a revolutionary war soldier with an ar.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:11:17 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:14:35 PM EDT
You don't want a Revolutionary War era tat, you want something Patriotic.  Big difference.......

Now if you want a bunch of actual 18th Century tattoo ref's let me know, both written descriptions and depictions of tattoos in artwork are part of the historical record.

This interests me. I have some blank space on my left arm and need filler.

A blog post by Doug Cubbison, the same Historian who's report on the Battle of Wanut caused such a controversy back in 2010.  Great researcher and author, and a friend:


Here are a whole bunch of tattoo ref's from the Virginia Gazette in the 18th Century, from another friend, not my research

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From May 13 to May 20, 1737.
RAN away, on the 23d of April last, from the Subscriber, of the
County of Richmond, an Irish Servant Man, named William Bourk. He is
a short, well-made Fellow, with light colour'd Hair, a fair
Countenance, and very much pitted with the Small-pox. He is a Sawyer
by Trade: And, 'tis supposed, is gone in Company with another Servant
Man, belonging to Mrs. Ballendine. He is a strong well-made Fellow,
with short Brown Hair, a Scar on his Right Cheek, and a large Dimple
in his Chin, and is a Sawyer by Trade ; and goes by the Name of
Charles Murfy, which may be seen on one of his Arms, with the Date of
the Year and a Crucifix, set in with Gun-powder. They carry'd with
them One Bluish Duroy Coat, and a Cloth Wastecoat and Breeches of the
same Colour ; One Whitish-colour'd Cloth Coat, One White Wigg, and
one Black Ditto, with several other Sorts of necessary Apparel, and
some new Linen not made up. 'Tis thought they will make towards
Carolina, for they have been on James River. Whoever secures the said
Fellows, so that they be safely return'd to their said Owners, shall
receive Five Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, and a Pistole ; and if they
are taken a Hundred Miles from Home, One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco,
to be paid by
L'Roy Griffin.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From July 29 to August 5, 1737 .
Nansemond, July, 14, 1737. RAN away some Time in June last, from
William Pierce, of Nansemond County, near Mr. Theophilus Pugh's
Merchant ; A Convict Servant Woman, named Winnifred Thomas. She is a
Welsh Woman, short black Hair'd, and young; mark'd on the Inside of
her Right Arm, with Gun-powder, W.T. and the Date of the Year
underneath. She knits and spins, and is suppos'd to be gone into
North-Carolina, by the Way of Curratuck, and Roanoke-Inlet. Whoever
brings her to her Master, shall be paid a Pistole, beside what the
Law allows, paid by
William Pierce.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From June 2 to June 9, 1738.
RAN away from Capt. McCarty's Plantation, on Pope's Creek, in
Westmoreland County, a Servant Man belonging to me the Subscriber, in
Prince William County ; his Christian Name is John, but Sirname
forgot, is pretty tall, a Bricklayer by Trade, and is a Kentishman;
he came into Patowmack, in the Forward, Capt. Major, last Year ; is
suppos'd to have the Figure of our Saviour mark'd with Gunpowder on
one of his Arms. He went away about the 20th of April last, in
Company with three other Servants, viz. Richard Martin, is a middle
siz'd Man, fresh colour'd about 22 Years of Age, and is a Sailor; had
on a blew Jacket. Richard Kibble, is a middle siz'd young Fellow, has
several Marks made with Gunpowder on his Arms, but particularly one
on his Breast, being the Figures of a Woman and a Cherry-Tree, and is
a Carpenter by Trade; he wore a blew grey Coat with a large Cape, a
Snuff-colour'd Wastecoat, and Buckskin Breeches. Edward Ormsby, is a
small thin Fellow, of a swarthy Complexion, and is a Taylor by Trade;
has a Hesitation or Stammering in his Speech, and being an Irishman,
has a good deal of the Brogue. They went away from Capt. Aylett's
Landing, on Patowmack, in a small Boat, and are suppos'd to be gone
towards the Eastern-shore, or North-Carolina. Whoever will secure the
said Bricklayer, so that he may be had again, shall have Five Pounds
Reward, besides what the Law allows, paid by
Augustine Washington. N.B. It is not doubted but the Owners of the
other Servants will give the same Reward for each of theirs

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From October 27 to November 3, 1738.
RAN away from the Subscriber, living near the South West
Mountains, in Orange County, a Servant Man, named Daniel McQueen,
born in London, bred a Waterman, and transported here in the Caesar,
1736. He is about 21 Years of Age, a small thin Fellow, and hath a
Crucifix, and the Letters D M mark'd with Gun Powder on his Arm.
Whoever secures the said Servant so that he be brought to my House,
shall have a Pistole Reward, besides what the Law allows, paid by
Benjamin Porter.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From November 2 to November 9, 1739.
November 9, 1739 ON Saturday last was committed to James City
County Goal, a Man of middle Age, about 5 feet 8 Inches high, of a
Sandy Complexion; has the Scar of a large Cut on one of his Heals,
and another on his Hand; he is mark'd with Gunpowder on both his
Hands with 4 Dots, and a Cross in the Middle; he is pitted with the
Small-Pox, and goes by the Name of Francis Murphey, alias Charles
Roberts. He has no Pass, nor Certificate of his Freedom, and gives
but a slender Account of himself; and is therefore committed to the
said Prison as a Runaway. Of which this Public Notice is given, that
if he is a Servant, his Master may know where to find him; or if
otherwise, that he may be discharged, according to Law.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From November 10 to November 17, 1738.
RAN away from the Subscriber, in Northumberland County, Virginia,
on Sunday the 12th of this Instant November, Two English Convict
Servants; one named Robert Shiels, a gardener ; is a lusty, well-set
Fellow, about 26 Years of Age, with long, black Hair; but it's
suppos'd may cut it off. His wearing Apparel was a coarse Felt Hat, 2
Osnabrig Shirts, a Virginia Cloth Jacket and Breeches, and a large
blue Jacket, old Virginia Stockings, and a Pair or more of Negro
Shoes. The other named William Roberts, a Shoe-maker, who also goes
by the Name of William Simmons, is a middle-siz'd Man, about 23 Years
of Age, much pitted with the Small-Pox. He has Letters on one of his
Hands mark'd with Gun-powder, and on one of his Arms a darted Heart,
and on the other Arm this Name, MARY ROBERTS. His Wearing Apparel was
an old fine Hat, a small Wigg, one fine Shirt, and one Oznabrig One,
a Swanskin Jacket, and an old Coat Tarr'd and patch'd, and an old
Pair of fine Cloth Breeches, a Pair of blue worsted Stockings, and a
Pair of handsome square toe'd Shoes, and large Brass Buckles. They
went away in an old great Canoe. Whoever secures the said Servants,
and brings or causes them to be brought to my House, in
Northumberland County aforesaid, shall have Two Pistoles Reward for
each, besides what the Law allows, paid by
Peter Presly. N.B. They are bold, stout Fellows, and will make
Resistance; and if taken, must be well guarded, or they will escape.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From August 10 to August 17, 1739.
RAN away, the 8th of July last, from the Subscribers, living in
Westmoreland County, Four Servant Men, viz. John Mackue, Francis Man,
Daniel Fitzpatrick, and John Freelove. John Mackue is an Irishman, of
a middle Stature, swarthy Complexion, his Hair is just cut off, and
is a Blacksmith by Trade: He has on one of his Arms a Bleeding Heart,
prick'd with Gunpowder, and a Name at Length, with several other
Letters. He had on, when he went away, a blewish grey Coat and
Breeches, a Dowlas Shirt, and an old Hat; he also took with him a
Pair of long Trowsers, and an Oznabrig Shirt. Francis Man is an
Englishman, of a middle Stature, swarthy Complexion, short brown
Hair, and yellowish rotten Teeth, speaks quick and full Mouth'd; he
goes a little lame, and says one of his Legs has been broke; he is a
Blacksmith by Trade. He had on, when he went away, a Manx Cloth Vest,
a coarse Pair of long Trowsers, Shoes and Stockings, and a Felt Hat;
he also carried with him, a Smith's Hand-Vice, a Pair of Spoon-
Moulds, and some Files. Daniel Fitzpatrick, is an Irishman, with the
Brouge on his Tongue, is a short, squat, well-made Fellow, with short
black Hair, broad Faced, and is very Hairy about the Brest; he is a
Farmer and Ditcher. He had on, when he went away, a grey Kersey Vest,
a Pair of long coarse Linnen Breeches, a coarse Check Shirt, and a
Felt Hat; he also had with him a white Shirt. John Freelove, is a
Gardener by Trade, has a red Head, white Eye-brows, thin Visage, and
a clear Skin; he is a very great Rogue, and has been burnt in the
Hand. He had on, when he went away, an old Cloth Coat, a coarse Check
Shirt, a Pair of long Trowsers, an old white Wigg, and a Felt Hat.
The said Servants went away in a 16 Foot Boat, and had an old Sloop's
Fore-sail for a Sail. Whoever will apprehend the said Servants, and
bring or send them to the Subscribers, shall have the following
Rewards, viz., for Francis Man, Ten Pounds Virginia Currency, if
taken in North Carolina, and Twelve Pounds if he be taken in South-
Carolina, and Five Pounds a Piece for Daniel Fitzpatrick, John
Freelove, and John Mackue.
William Aylett,
John Bushrode.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From June 13 to June 20, 1745.
James Mc Daniel, a well-set Fellow, with the Marks of Gunpowder in
his Face; and James Maclaughlin, a short Fellow, with two Scars in
his Head; both Irishmen, and were committed to Edenton Goal, for
shooting at the Subscriber, but have made their Escape, by breaking
the said Prison. Whoever will apprehend them, so that they may be
deliver'd up to Justice, shall be paid Five Pistoles Reward for each,
J. Mc Dowell.

Virginia Gazette
(Parks), Williamsburg ,
From September 11 to September 18, 1746.
RAN away from the Subscriber living in King George County, Two
Convict Servant Men; one nam'd William Neale, is an Irishman, of a
middle Stature, black Complexion, and has on the Back of his Head a
remarkable bald Spot. The other nam'd Charles Kenwell, is a well-set
Man, of a dark Complexion, almost like a Mulatto, is an Englishman,
and has on his Arm the two initial Letters of his Name burnt with
Gunpowder. They stole a Bay Horse branded on his off Buttock K, has
several Saddle Spots on his flank, and a Star in his Forehead; also a
Bay Mare, 5 Years old, about 14 Hands high, branded on the off
Buttock X. They likewise stole a Coat and Breeches of blue Serge,
lin'd with Red, a brown Camblet Waistcoat, a blue Grogram Coat and
Vest, trimm'd with black, a Pair of Leather Breeches, a black Duffil
Wasitcoat, 2 fine Hats, one somewhat worn and the other new, a fine
Shirt, 2 Stocks, a Pair of light-colour'd Worsted Hose, two Pair of
Country-made Shoes, and sundry other small Things. Whoever apprehends
and secures the said Runaways, so that they may be had again, shall
receive Fifty Shillngs Reward for each, besides what the Law allows,
paid by
William Ficklin.

Virginia Gazette
(Hunter), Williamsburg ,
October 20, 1752.
RAN away from the Subscriber, on the 4th Instant, a Servant man,
named George Hunt, a lusty tall hard favoured Fellow, mark'd on each
Arm with letters, a Crucifix, &c. in Gunpower, by Trade a Caulker;
had on a Cinnamon coloured Coat, a brown Linen Jacket and Trousers
with Peices set on the Seams between the Thighs. He went away with a
strolling woman, and is suppos'd to be gone toward the Northern Neck.
Whoever apprehends and conveys him to me, shall be rewarded according
to Law.
William Meredith.

Virginia Gazette
(Rind), Williamsburg ,
September 22, 1768.
FREDERICKSBURG, August 29, 1768. RUN away from the subscribers, on
Saturday the 27th Instant, at night, two white, and one Mulatto
convict servants. One of the white servants is named George Eaton,
born in London, and imported last February, in the Neptune, Capt.
Arbuckle. He is by trade a cabinet-maker, about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches
high, 20 years of age, of a fair complexion, wears his own hair,
which is short and fair, and sometimes wears a false curl, which a
stranger would not know from his hair, being exactly of a colour. He
has several marks on his left arm, letters being set in with gun-
powder. He carried off with him an old mixed broad-cloth coat and
waistcoat, of a chocolate colour; the coat has a velvet cape with
mohair basket buttons, a pair of old buckskin, and a pair of old
Nankeen breeches, a sailor's blue duffil jacket, line with white
plaid, an old castor hat, 3 white and oznabrig shirts, two pair of
oznabrig trowsers, 2 pair of yarn and a pair of old thread stockings,
one pair of old shoes (new soaled) with yellow buckles. As he has
been on board some of his Majesty's ships, he very likely will
endeavour to get on board of some vessel as a sailor. The other named
Charles Davis, a short squat fellow, about the height of Eaton, and
about 18 or 20 years of age. He is of a fair complexion, with short
curled hair, has a large scar or cut on his head, whereon the hair
does not grow. He carried off with him sundry cloaths, among them a
suit of Russia drab, of a lightish colour, a blue jacket with metal
buttons, several oznabrigs and white linen shirts, an old castor and
an old gold laced hat, 2 pair of boots, 2 pair of spurs, one of them
silver, together with a saddle and bridle. The Mulatto fellow is
named Jack, was born in the West-Indies, and imported in the Justitia
in 1764 from London. He is about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, about 25
years of age, his hair or wool almost like a Negro's, and his eyes
large and weak, and stammers in his speech; he carried with him, and
might have on when he went away, a Monmouth cap, a brown linen shirt
and trowsers, a red jacket with sleeves, or a white, or a green one,
without sleeves, a pair of sagathy or Russia drill breeches, and
country made shoes; he likewise carried with him a horse, betwixt a
bay and a chesnut colour, hanging mane and tail, long backed, and we
believe not branded, paces chiefly, is about 14 hands high, and about
8 or 9 years old. This fellow formerly belonged to John Briggs,
deceased. Whoever takes up the said servants, and conveys them to the
subscribers, shall have THREE POUNDS reward for Eaton and Davis, and
reasonable charges; FORTY SHILLINGS for the Mulatto fellow, and
TWENTY SHILLINGS for the horse.
JAMES LAVERTY. Davis is well known in most places on Rappahanock,
having attended Mr. Porter as a waiting man, for upwards of 2 years.
The three servants above-mentioned, were seen to pass by Todd's
Ordinary, in Caroline, early last Sunday morning, and are expected to
have gone towards James river, or Norfolk. All masters of vessels are
desired, if they should offer themselves, to stop them.

Virginia Gazette
(Rind), Williamsburg ,
October 18, 1770.
OCTOBER 8, 1770. RUN away from the subscriber, near Levin Powel's
store, in Loudoun county, Virginia, a convict servant man named
GERRARD BARNS, about 40 years of age, about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches
high, has a down look, much scarred on his head, has a scar on his
nose, and a particular mark on his arm, put in with gunpowder. As he
has forged a pass before, it is supposed he will do the same now. He
stole his indentures, likewise a sorrel roan mare, near 15 hands
high, with a large blaze down her face, and a stripe over her knees,
her back almost white, branded J.G. on the foreshoulder, shod all
round. Whoever apprehends said servant, and brings him to the
subscriber, shall be paid a reward of FIVE DOLLARS, and TEN DOLLARS
for bringing the mare, by

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:17:16 PM EDT
Something classy.

Like George Washington taking a whiskey shit in an outhouse just before crossing the Delaware.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:26:18 PM EDT
Part of my sleeve is a skull with a tri point hat, representing a member of the Continental Army and a gadsden rattler and then a skull with a confederate cavalry hat  and then a skull with a union cap and then.....  well you get it.

Cool idea.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:27:35 PM EDT

On the subject, my wife have made this for my birthday in 2011
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:34:55 PM EDT
Patriot Ordnance factory ad pof-USA.com. By joonho kim
I like that drawing that is used in an ad in magazines that has a revolutionary war soldier with an ar.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 3:41:57 PM EDT
Part of my sleeve is a skull with a tri point hat, representing a member of the Continental Army and a gadsden rattler and then a skull with a confederate cavalry hat  and then a skull with a union cap and then.....  well you get it.

Cool idea.

Skull tats suck.
All of them.

Pretentious bullshit.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:03:27 PM EDT
There's always this classic: (probably too busy but it could be slimmed down)


Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:03:29 PM EDT
I will be watching this thread.  Been thinking about the same thing.  Gadsden pattern came to mind.  Or the tree of liberty with red roots.

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:07:07 PM EDT


Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:20:19 PM EDT
How about a tree of liberty, where the trunk is "LIBERTY" spelled out (verticallly, of course), and a drop of blood above, to signify watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:27:15 PM EDT
I just had a thought. The tree of liberty with men from all wars in uniform underneath. Kind of mingling and chatting.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:35:52 PM EDT
I always liked the Appeal to Heaven flag. Obscure enough that it is not commonly seen, but damn cool.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:37:47 PM EDT
I just had a thought. The tree of liberty with men from all wars in uniform underneath. Kind of mingling and chatting.

Not mingling and chatting...

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:39:38 PM EDT
I always liked the Appeal to Heaven flag. Obscure enough that it is not commonly seen, but damn cool.

Or just a single green pine tree.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:42:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:46:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:49:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:49:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:59:21 PM EDT


Yeah, but this is GD, so this thread should rightfully be a Civil War thread. I'm correcting OPs obvious error.

A full color back-piece of Sherman raping Jackson, with Atlanta burning in the background.


With a cloud of smoke rising from the city into the shape of YOLO.
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:59:24 PM EDT
I've been wanting to get a plain black american flag on my forearm. No border around the flag, just the stars and bars if you will. This thread is making me consider some other options. Tagged for more pics
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:03:19 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:05:59 PM EDT
My idea for a revolutionary war themed tat involves a solider in tattered uniform bits, skeleton and all, holding an AR.  Some FF quote or something underneath it.  Haven't fully fleshed it out yet.

Right back at ya there, Hoss.

I really like this idea.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:09:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:11:28 PM EDT
Ye Olde Mom
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:11:34 PM EDT

That's awesome imagery right there......

Id live with that on my skin for the rest of my life.  
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:17:30 PM EDT
The band Iced Earth album The Glorious Burden has some great artwork I have always thought would make good ink

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:19:56 PM EDT
The Iroquois and Sioux had good calf patterning in blue and red.... Google it.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:20:07 PM EDT
Maybe do a google search of tattoos of that era.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:21:22 PM EDT
I like that drawing that is used in an ad in magazines that has a revolutionary war soldier with an ar.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:33:36 PM EDT
Picture of George Washington roundhouse kicking Hitler.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:38:02 PM EDT

I have a version of this on my arm.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:09:24 PM EDT

Ben Franklin, naked, wielding a musket and a tomahawk.

Young Ben or old Ben?

Either way it's fat ugly Ben.

He should have Betsy Ross hanging off of him like a bond girl.


I would totally get this tattoo.......if I could afford it.  Who wants to pitch in?  Serious. As. Fuck.  
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:21:01 PM EDT

Ben Franklin, naked, wielding a musket and a tomahawk.

Young Ben or old Ben?

Either way it's fat ugly Ben.

He should have Betsy Ross hanging off of him like a bond girl.


I would totally get this tattoo.......if I could afford it.  Who wants to pitch in?  Serious. As. Fuck.  

How much? Will you post pics?
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:22:35 PM EDT
Founding Fathers wouldn't approve of tats.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:25:22 PM EDT

Ben Franklin, naked, wielding a musket and a tomahawk.

Young Ben or old Ben?

Either way it's fat ugly Ben.

He should have Betsy Ross hanging off of him like a bond girl.


I would totally get this tattoo.......if I could afford it.  Who wants to pitch in?  Serious. As. Fuck.  

How much? Will you post pics?

Pics?  Fo sho!  Don't know what it would cost.......quality ink work don't come cheap.  And it would have to look legit.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:27:48 PM EDT
Ben Franklin, naked, wielding a musket and a tomahawk.

Would you take Ben Franklin with wolverine claws fighting Zeus in an aerial lightning battle?

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:36:11 PM EDT
Ben Franklin, naked, wielding a musket and a tomahawk.

Would you take Ben Franklin with wolverine claws fighting Zeus in an aerial lightning battle?


that. wins.

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:38:54 PM EDT
I've been really thinking about something like this only with Molan Aabe

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:42:01 PM EDT
So what kind of tattoos did Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Henry have?

None of course.  They were respectable men.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 9:45:24 PM EDT
Large-sized cursive script "John Han" centered on your lower abdomen. (assuming you're male)
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:07:27 PM EDT
the pictures are gay. do a writing instead.

something like: i swear upon the altar of god eternal, hostility toward all forms of tyranny over the mind of man.

let me know if you need definitions of any of those words.
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