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Link Posted: 12/17/2016 5:14:00 PM EDT
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 Keep in mind this is the same channel that featured M5 Stewart tanks in a show on WWI.

BTW. Saturnalia was between Dec 17 and 23 (it changed over the years), yet from the clues in the Bible, we know that the Star of Bethlehem was a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, and those clues show us that the Magi visited Christ on the 25th of December, although Christ was born on Rosh Hashanah.

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Link Posted: 12/17/2016 5:14:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 5:50:13 PM EDT
"Carol Of The Belts" by Here Come The Mummies
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 6:02:50 PM EDT
God came down from Heaven and became one of us.

Let us remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Merry Christmas!


Isaiah 53:3-7 (written around 700 years before Christ was born)
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth

Matthew 24:44
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Revelation 22:20
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
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Link Posted: 12/17/2016 6:19:57 PM EDT
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I wish people could post something as simple and kind as Merry Christmas and not have a bunch of people shit all over it.

Merry Christmas Op and everyone else too.
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Link Posted: 12/17/2016 6:48:32 PM EDT
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 6:59:53 PM EDT
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God came down from Heaven and became one of us.

Let us remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Merry Christmas!


Isaiah 53:3-7 (written around 700 years before Christ was born)
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth

Matthew 24:44
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Revelation 22:20
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.


Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:21:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:23:14 PM EDT
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The tree wasn't the sin. It was their heart. It was what they did with the tree. If you have a Christian family in name only and they have the tree,they could fall into the very thing God spoke about.

If you have a Christian family that are true believers and the tree is just decoration and fun they do not fall into the sinful part. Their heart is with God not the tree.

It is all about your heart. Many will be shocked on judgement day. 2 people can do the exact same thing but 1 will be justified the other condemned. It is all about your heart. Why you did it?

Did you kill in self defense or did you kill for evil purposes? Get the picture.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:24:47 PM EDT
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There are people in the US that celebrate Saturnalia.
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yes I know, I mean more than a couple of hundred. You knew what I meant.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:28:18 PM EDT
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One of the basic tenets of Christianity is The Trinity.
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Creates universe, creates people all from himself. Then creates one person as himself and the other people he created kill that person. So we celebrate his birth with a fat guy in red suit, decorated trees, and shopping. Weird.

You need to go back to school and develop some reading comprehension skills.<img src=http://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/icon_smile_shy.gif border=0 align=middle> The Bible says that god created man in his image (likeness), not from himself.  Nothing in the Bible says that god created "one person as himself." Jesus is god's son, not himself. How's is that so difficult to understand? The other stuff - Christmas, Christmas tree, are pagan symbology used by Constantine to increase his base of donors to increase the church's wealth by bringing in non-Christians.

One of the basic tenets of Christianity is The Trinity.

SOME Christians.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:31:12 PM EDT
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You shit on those too.

Also, the militant Catholics hate it when Protestants post there, so they'll do their best to get things locked. You can't even share the Gospel in the Religion forum without it getting locked.
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OP is looking for that good old fashioned christian persecution or he would have gone to the forum called "Religion".    He is a MF troll.  Don't feed him.

You shit on those too.

Also, the militant Catholics hate it when Protestants post there, so they'll do their best to get things locked. You can't even share the Gospel in the Religion forum without it getting locked.

I agree. The catholics act like mini tyrants in the religion fourm.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:42:10 PM EDT
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yes I know, I mean more than a couple of hundred. You knew what I meant.
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There are people in the US that celebrate Saturnalia.

yes I know, I mean more than a couple of hundred. You knew what I meant.

I only know what you posted and the meaning of those words.

"And that would be relevant if people in America celebrated Saturnalia".

Those words mean no people in America celebrate Saturnalia which isn't true.

Say what you mean next time.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:44:28 PM EDT
Merry Christmas Bro!
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:45:06 PM EDT
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I only know what you posted and the meaning of those words.

"And that would be relevant if people in America celebrated Saturnalia".

Those words mean no people in America celebrate Saturnalia which isn't true.

Say what you mean next time.
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I mean that saturnalia is an ancient holiday that is only celebrated in America by a small group of people.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:51:07 PM EDT
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This. Theodosius tried to ban the Holidays surrounding the pagan Gods, so instead he gave in because the people were upset about it. So he gave them the Holiday and said that's the day when Christ was born. It's a pagan holiday, and you're celebrating a pagan holiday. This is coming from someone who believes Christ is the lord and savior.

Just say Merry Christmas. No one knows when Jesus Christ was born. You're lying to people when you do that, which is one of the many reasons it pushes people away from Jesus Christ.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:58:00 PM EDT
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This. Theodosius tried to ban the Holidays surrounding the pagan Gods, so instead he gave in because the people were upset about it. So he gave them the Holiday and said that's the day when Christ was born. It's a pagan holiday, and you're celebrating a pagan holiday. This is coming from someone who believes Christ is the lord and savior.

Just say Merry Christmas. No one knows when Jesus Christ was born. You're lying to people when you do that, which is one of the many reasons it pushes people away from Jesus Christ.
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Look above, there is very, very strong evidence it was Rosh Hashanah around 3 BC, which was September 11th that year.

The cool thing also is that Hanukkah is exactly 42 weeks prior, which means that the Light of the World came into His creation on the Festival of Lights.   

December 25th is likely the date that the Magi presented their gifts to the Great High Priest, Kings of Kings, and the Lamb of God.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 7:59:34 PM EDT
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Look above, there is very, very strong evidence it was Rosh Hashanah around 4 BC, which was about October 4th.

The cool thing also is that Hanukkah is exactly 42 weeks prior, which means that the Light of the World came into His creation on the Festival of Lights.   

December 25th is likely the date that the Magi presented their gifts to the Great High Priest, Kings of Kings, and the Lamb of God.
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Link Posted: 12/17/2016 8:06:26 PM EDT
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Correction, 3 BC, which would have been September 11th that year.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 8:11:49 PM EDT
So Frosty the Snowman, this wonderful and faultlessly good fellow, comes into being (or is "born", if you will) in a miraculous way. He leads his merry group ("disciples", you could call them) on adventures. Due to the wickedness (or sins) of bad people, there comes a situation where Frosty must give his life in order to save those of his flock. Everyone is sad that Frosty is dead. But then on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus (a.k.a. Father Christmas) comes and resurrects him, and whisks him away while Frosty sings, "I'll be back again some day!"

Have you accepted Frosty the Snowman as your personal savior?

Link Posted: 12/17/2016 8:14:12 PM EDT
Merry Christmass
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 8:15:19 PM EDT
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Correction, 3 BC, which would have been September 11th that year.
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I've heard a few "accurate" dates. The fact is they could be, but there's no actual proof. Not saying it isn't a possibility, but people's faith gets shaky when you tell them this is the way it is, and then come to find out it's not the way it is. It makes it really hard to be faithful when that Faith is constantly shaken time after time from people who are mis-guided themselves.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 8:15:42 PM EDT
Nevermind. You're not worth a lock.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:13:34 PM EDT
We don't know for sure what day He was born on.

We are celebrating His birth and that is the point of Christmas.

What's important is that God would send His Son to be born as one of us, to die as one of us, and to pay the penalty for us.

I don't worry about it not being the exact day of His birth or the pagan traditions that are hundreds or thousands of years old. They mean nothing to me.

Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:23:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:48:54 PM EDT
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Nope, ALL Christians.
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Which groups claim to be Christians but don't believe in the trinity? I think Mormons and JW's don't.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 10:10:15 PM EDT
Merry Christmas !!!     And a blessed New Year to all !!!     It's gonbeagoodun!!!
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 10:12:44 PM EDT
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Which groups claim to be Christians but don't believe in the trinity? I think Mormons and JW's don't.
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mormons call themselves Christians, but they worship something different from the God of the bible. They just use the same name to describe their god.

Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:43:35 AM EDT
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His birth date is not 12-25.  12-25 is a pagan festival day like Fenrir said above.

Jeremiah 10
2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
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Things that make you go.....hummmm?
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:51:44 AM EDT
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Creates universe, creates people all from himself. Then creates one person as himself and the other people he created kill that person. So we celebrate his birth with a fat guy in red suit, decorated trees, and shopping. Weird.
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God created Himself?  

Not sure who this "we" is either?

Guess I'm here for the education.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 4:13:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 4:15:11 PM EDT
Happy Birthday Mithras
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 4:39:10 PM EDT
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God=Jesus=Holy Spirit.  The three are one. 
Matt 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in  the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” 
That name is Jesus Christ. Singular, not plural.
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Middle initials are either TF or TD.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 5:07:56 PM EDT
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Curious as to what exactly I am looking at in this picture? Would you care to explain? Also, why use 666 in your board name?

Why did you feel the need to post that image in this thread?

Enlighten me please.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 5:44:49 PM EDT
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Curious as to what exactly I am looking at in this picture? Would you care to explain? Also, why use 666 in your board name?

Why did you feel the need to post that image in this thread?

Enlighten me please.
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Curious as to what exactly I am looking at in this picture? Would you care to explain? Also, why use 666 in your board name?

Why did you feel the need to post that image in this thread?

Enlighten me please.

So a picture of an alleged virtuous woman with an upside cross on her forehead, bleeding from her dull cow like eyes, holding a lamb with a forked tongue and an infant with horns on its head, posted by a guy with the number 666 on his screen name is too difficult for you to decipher?
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 5:58:37 PM EDT
So while in the garden, just who was Jesus praying to?  Was he talking to himself?  That is pretty much the definition of prayer anyway.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 6:10:07 PM EDT
Merry Christmas All.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:52:36 PM EDT
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Curious as to what exactly I am looking at in this picture? Would you care to explain? Also, why use 666 in your board name?

Why did you feel the need to post that image in this thread?

Enlighten me please.
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Someone posts a picture of frosty the snow man & that's not questioned?? Just wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
Pray for me & I'll think for you.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 9:57:28 PM EDT
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Someone posts a picture of frosty the snow man & that's not questioned?? Just wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
Pray for me & I'll think for you.
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Nice Hitch-ism..
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 11:06:30 PM EDT
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So while in the garden, just who was Jesus praying to?  Was he talking to himself?  That is pretty much the definition of prayer anyway.
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Link Posted: 12/18/2016 11:07:15 PM EDT
Hi BlackRifle76!

Merry Christmas back at you!

Link Posted: 12/19/2016 12:07:52 AM EDT
Merry Christmas!
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 11:07:04 AM EDT
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Someone posts a picture of frosty the snow man & that's not questioned?? ...
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What, you don't think Frosty the Snowman is a believable story?
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 10:43:13 PM EDT
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OP is looking for that good old fashioned christian persecution or he would have gone to the forum called "Religion".    He is a MF troll.  Don't feed him.


So GD just belongs to the heathens, gotcha
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 10:44:38 PM EDT
Merry Christmas!

Link Posted: 12/20/2016 10:51:41 PM EDT
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The bigger problem is how did God create man with the need for fellowship if God didn't know the concept of fellowship? 

As for Jesus, he was a man, did all things as a man, and none of what He did was by His own power. He "laid aside" (kenosis) his divinity, somewhat like a military leader would lay aside his rank before battle, yet still retain his authority, but not the visible evidence of it. 
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 10:52:31 PM EDT
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So GD just belongs to the heathens, gotcha
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Nope, not at all, but posting religious themed threads here don't get anything but butthurt.  Knowing that, a person who posts religous themed threads here do it to troll.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 11:17:13 PM EDT
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So GD just belongs to the heathens, gotcha
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OP is looking for that good old fashioned christian persecution or he would have gone to the forum called "Religion".    He is a MF troll.  Don't feed him.


So GD just belongs to the heathens, gotcha


The God Botherers do have their own safe space where this kind of discourse isn't allowed. Maybe they should stay there, if self-congratulatory praise from the Fellow Faithful is what they seek.

Edit: BR76 knows full well what he's doing, of that you can be sure.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 11:46:03 PM EDT
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Look above, there is very, very strong evidence it was Rosh Hashanah around 3 BC, which was September 11th that year.

The cool thing also is that Hanukkah is exactly 42 weeks prior, which means that the Light of the World came into His creation on the Festival of Lights.   

December 25th is likely the date that the Magi presented their gifts to the Great High Priest, Kings of Kings, and the Lamb of God.
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From my research and study, they may not have been there right after the birth.  It could have been a few years after his birth.  I personally believe he was born in the spring sometime in April.  It's fitting for Christ to be born in the spring when new life is abundant.  He is new life to believers.
Link Posted: 12/21/2016 12:00:04 AM EDT
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The bigger problem is how did God create man with the need for fellowship if God didn't know the concept of fellowship? 

As for Jesus, he was a man, did all things as a man, and none of what He did was by His own power. He "laid aside" (kenosis) his divinity, somewhat like a military leader would lay aside his rank before battle, yet still retain his authority, but not the visible evidence of it.
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  ETA:  I think I misunderstood your post. 
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