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Posted: 9/28/2017 12:09:51 AM EDT

This shit is getting out of hand, my elderly mom has degenerative disc disease and arthritis from working for a living for 50 years, now it's gone from a 6 month prescription to a 30 day prescription to now I'm going to have to drive and pickup and drop up and pickup a prescription every week so Chrispy Cream and his idiot cohorts can feel good about themselves in their "battle on addiction" meanwhile crackheads will continue to OD on Mexican heroin and fentanyl
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:11:44 AM EDT
One person shits their pants, everyone wears diapers.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:16:13 AM EDT
Is that just for NJ?
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:16:59 AM EDT
Reading is fundamental. The initial 7 day script is when it's written for "short term pain management and minor treatments."

Doctors can still write a 30 day script for chronic pain treatments. The key is trying to identify which patients are appropriate for long term opioid treatment. (Hint: most aren't.)
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:21:44 AM EDT
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Reading is fundamental. The initial 7 day script is when it's written for "short term pain management and minor treatments."

Doctors can still write a 30 day script for chronic pain treatments. The key is trying to identify which patients are appropriate for long term opioid treatment. (Hint: most aren't.)
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Yeah I'm sure they will stop there. Also there are the added hoops that the doctor has to jump through, it's already a pain in the ass to get him to sign a paper prescription every month as it is, now there will be additional paperwork and they are threatening doctors with losing their licenses if they step out of bounds. It's just ridiculous.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:22:33 AM EDT
Opioid abuse and addiction is out of control in America and is a public health crisis. That's an undeniable fact and it's very serious.

Unfortunately the government is out of control and can't handle the most simple of tasks. They aren't the ones to make it better.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:28:26 AM EDT
75% of all my heroin overdoses that I deal with the family reports it all started with being prescribed opiates and then got cut off. Don't know what the answer is but I got to believe the drug companies could engineer pain meds that aren't addictive if they wanted. Hell they came up with Viagra but it is all about profits.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:28:48 AM EDT
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Reading is fundamental. The initial 7 day script is when it's written for "short term pain management and minor treatments."

Doctors can still write a 30 day script for chronic pain treatments. The key is trying to identify which patients are appropriate for long term opioid treatment. (Hint: most aren't.)
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Yep, reading is fundamental.  What he said was his mother's prescription has gone from a six month script to a 30 day script.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:30:39 AM EDT
If you don't think Doctor's over prescribe, I am here to tell they do and they do it big time.  My Dad passed away in October of 2015, so my sister and I with her husband and my wife had to clean his house out and I am here to tell you he was a tough SOB, in the fridge, we found more than enough Morphine to kill most city blocks of addicts and in his closet, we found 20 6 month prescriptions bottles full of Hydrocodone and Oxycondone.  He had never taken any of it, but they had set up a schedule that on the Morphine he got a new bottle ever single month and on the Hydro and Oxy he got a new 90 day bottle every 60 days, they were shipped to him through the mail or through FedEx, whether asked for them or not.

He refused to take them until the last 3 days of his life and that was a drop of morphine every 4 hours, he started the dropper on Saturday and passed on Tuesday.

But these fucking Doctors should be hung out to dry, they have so overdone this that they should loose their license and privileges...

Every person that is on these Opioids, should be required to be re-evaluated every 30 days to make sure they are taking their prescriptions correctly and it is having the therapeutic benefits it can provide if taken correctly, even the most unsuspecting person can end up being addicted to them, I know I have taken enough of them in my life that I absolutely refuse them now, even if I am in massive pain, to many side effects that are detrimental.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:32:20 AM EDT
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Yeah I'm sure they will stop there. Also there are the added hoops that the doctor has to jump through, it's already a pain in the ass to get him to sign a paper prescription every month as it is, now there will be additional paperwork and they are threatening doctors with losing their licenses if they step out of bounds. It's just ridiculous.
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Yes, it will continue to tighten. But perhaps you could suggest to her doctor to get with the program and start e-prescribing controlled substances. It's allowed in nearly all states, but takes a bit of setup. The script is transmitted directly to the pharmacy from the physician's computer. Much faster, more convenient and safer than writing a paper script.

I send e-scripts daily for all my medications. I don't print any of them any more. And in New York State, it's mandatory. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:33:21 AM EDT
Go get her some weed.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:36:00 AM EDT
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Yep, reading is fundamental.  What he said was his mother's prescription has gone from a six month script to a 30 day script.
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I see you're struggling with this fundamental aspect too. OP's comment referenced the article stating that only a 7 day supply would be provided at the pharmacy. Then the OP complained that he'd have to go pick up a prescription every week, implying that OP thought that all scripts would now be a 7 day supply. 

I pointed out that, from the article, the 7 day limit is regarding short term acute pain and minor treatments. 

Go read the article. We'll wait. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:41:13 AM EDT
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If you don't think Doctor's over prescribe, I am here to tell they do and they do it big time.  My Dad passed away in October of 2015, so my sister and I with her husband and my wife had to clean his house out and I am here to tell you he was a tough SOB, in the fridge, we found more than enough Morphine to kill most city blocks of addicts and in his closet, we found 20 6 month prescriptions bottles full of Hydrocodone and Oxycondone.  He had never taken any of it, but they had set up a schedule that on the Morphine he got a new bottle ever single month and on the Hydro and Oxy he got a new 90 day bottle every 60 days, they were shipped to him through the mail or through FedEx, whether asked for them or not.

He refused to take them until the last 3 days of his life and that was a drop of morphine every 4 hours, he started the dropper on Saturday and passed on Tuesday.

But these farking Doctors should be hung out to dry, they have so overdone this that they should loose their license and privileges...

Every person that is on these Opioids, should be required to be re-evaluated every 30 days to make sure they are taking their prescriptions correctly and it is having the therapeutic benefits it can provide if taken correctly, even the most unsuspecting person can end up being addicted to them, I know I have taken enough of them in my life that I absolutely refuse them now, even if I am in massive pain, to many side effects that are detrimental.
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Not to excuse those who over-prescribe (and yes, they're getting hung out to dry by state medical boards), but did your dad ever tell his doc, "Hey, I'm not taking any of these meds. Why do you keep ordering them for me?"

Your statement about 30 day re-evaluations (which is a great idea) contrasted with the OP's complaint of having to pick up a monthly script (also a reasonable complaint) perfectly highlights and contrasts the problem facing physicians, patients and society. 

1. You damn doctors just push a drug to every one for every problem. Every hang nail gets #30 percocet.


2. You damn doctors let people suffer and die in severe pain when there are medications available to alleviate their pain.

This is why the pendulum of pain relief and opioids continues to swing back and forth about every 10-15 years. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:47:39 AM EDT
Addicts are gonna addict, PERIOD... Sorry if your sister/brother/mom/dad/uncle Joe/whothefuckever is on the opioid train. The problem is with the USER not the substance. Some people can never seem to figure this out despite all the evidence. Alcoholics drink, potheads smoke weed, and opioid addicts pop pills or shoot heroin. You can piss & moan about it all you want but you're not changing shit, only growing an ever more lucrative black market.

Does it suck for friends & family of these people ?? Yes, it does. Does that change their behavior in the least ?? Nope. Stop handing out narcan and other shit that insulates people from the consequences of actions. You're not saving anyone only prolonging the inevitable. A few minutes after they get brought back they're pissed that their high got wrecked and are immediately looking to do the same damn thing again, hell, they even actively seek out the shit that is KNOWN to be killing people.

Fuck 'em...if that's how they want to check out then step aside and let them. So sick of all this BS of trying to save people from themselves. Cut your losses and write them out of your life, you'll be better off in the long run. Assholes that abuse the shit become the lowest common denominator that the laws are tailored to, to the detriment of those that actually need the relief these substances provide for whatever bit of comfort they can find in their remaining years.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:49:43 AM EDT
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Not to excuse those who over-prescribe (and yes, they're getting hung out to dry by state medical boards), but did your dad ever tell his doc, "Hey, I'm not taking any of these meds. Why do you keep ordering them for me?"

Your statement about 30 day re-evaluations (which is a great idea) contrasted with the OP's complaint of having to pick up a monthly script (also a reasonable complaint) perfectly highlights and contrasts the problem facing physicians, patients and society. 

1. You damn doctors just push a drug to every one for every problem. Every hang nail gets #30 percocet.


2. You damn doctors let people suffer and die in severe pain when there are medications available to alleviate their pain.

This is why the pendulum of pain relief and opioids continues to swing back and forth about every 10-15 years. 
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He told them, he was with VA and the Doctor's didn't care, based on what he was dealing with, they said the "schedule" states this is what your require and that is what they sent, as a VA patient myself, believe me over the years, we have had some very vivid conversations about what their guidelines call for and what my body is telling me.

I was wounded on an action in the 90's and had reconstructive hip surgery and now have to have reconstructive on that hip again plus have the other hip joint replaced and they put in an order for Opioids and I about blew a gasket when the first bottle of it showed up, I went into the VA clinic and slammed the bottle on the counter and reminded them I said NO, I don't want them, created quite a sensation in the office, but I have no use for that shit.

The problem is, way to many doctors hand that crap out like candy and really don't pay attention to what is going on with their patients, it reminds me of the late 60's when people went to the doctor and complained about weighing to much and the doctors automatically wrote you a prescription for diet pill(speed) we call it Meth these days!
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 12:55:30 AM EDT
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Reading is fundamental. The initial 7 day script is when it's written for "short term pain management and minor treatments."

Doctors can still write a 30 day script for chronic pain treatments. The key is trying to identify which patients are appropriate for long term opioid treatment. (Hint: most aren't.)
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(Hint:  Who gives a fucking shit, just write the fucking prescription and carry on with your life and quit your bullshit fretting and hand-wringing about what a handful of fucking junkies do with their shitty lives.)
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:00:40 AM EDT
I find it ironic as fuck that the baby boomers are so fucking stupid that they can't see what they've setup for themselves.

Baby boomers love their failed 'war on drugs', and I'll make sure I laugh my ass off as the restrictions on pain medication keep getting tighter and tighter as they keep getting older and older. 

"I never thought that the regulations would apply to me!  I thought it would only apply to the junky degenerates!"

Unintended consequences are a mother fucker.    Good job, boomers. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:02:01 AM EDT
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I find it ironic as fuck that the baby boomers are so fucking stupid that they can't see what they've setup for themselves.

Baby boomers love their failed 'war on drugs', and I'll make sure I laugh my ass off as the restrictions on pain medication keep getting tighter and tighter as they keep getting older and older. 

"I never thought that the regulations would apply to me!  I thought it would only apply to the junky degenerates!"

Unintended consequences are a mother fucker.    Good job, boomers. 
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Well we can sure tell which generation you are from!

Well at least some of us have figured out that pain is the price we have paid for actually living!

By the way, guess what, the baby boomers do not comprise the majority of the drug addicts..

If you want to know the reason shit is being clamped down on, look to the younger generations that spent so much time stealing their parents prescriptions.  As with every era it is the younger people who are using the majority of the drug..  Legal or Illegal, they want to be cool.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:03:14 AM EDT
It's definitely out of control. And it's not from prescriptions. People are dying to get high. They need to leave people alone that are on prescriptions and not abusing them.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:06:26 AM EDT
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(Hint:  Who gives a farking shit, just write the farking prescription and carry on with your life and quit your bullshit fretting and hand-wringing about what a handful of farking junkies do with their shitty lives.)
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I care about it, because if a junkie overdoses and dies and they have a prescription bottle from me (even if they have 28 bottles from 28 other physicians too), I can lose my license and ability to practice. So as long as the behavior of junkies affects my livelihood, I'll continue fretting and hand-wringing. 

And when you come into the clinic with a bad back strain or an ankle sprain and get mad that the doctor won't "give me something for the pain", this is why. 

Clearly, you've never had a professional license of any kind, which is subject to the whims of a licensing board. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:08:52 AM EDT
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If you don't think Doctor's over prescribe, I am here to tell they do and they do it big time.  My Dad passed away in October of 2015, so my sister and I with her husband and my wife had to clean his house out and I am here to tell you he was a tough SOB, in the fridge, we found more than enough Morphine to kill most city blocks of addicts and in his closet, we found 20 6 month prescriptions bottles full of Hydrocodone and Oxycondone.  He had never taken any of it, but they had set up a schedule that on the Morphine he got a new bottle ever single month and on the Hydro and Oxy he got a new 90 day bottle every 60 days, they were shipped to him through the mail or through FedEx, whether asked for them or not.

He refused to take them until the last 3 days of his life and that was a drop of morphine every 4 hours, he started the dropper on Saturday and passed on Tuesday.

But these fucking Doctors should be hung out to dry, they have so overdone this that they should loose their license and privileges...

Every person that is on these Opioids, should be required to be re-evaluated every 30 days to make sure they are taking their prescriptions correctly and it is having the therapeutic benefits it can provide if taken correctly, even the most unsuspecting person can end up being addicted to them, I know I have taken enough of them in my life that I absolutely refuse them now, even if I am in massive pain, to many side effects that are detrimental.
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Oh, good!  There's that 'only I know what's best' winning attitude that all of the 'big city thinkers' have. 

History will not be kind to you.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:13:29 AM EDT
Dr.'s are really scared to prescribe much of anything for pain. My wife had horrible kidney stones, which were confirmed with a MRI. The doctor wouldn't give her anything stronger than ibuprofen for pain outside of the hospital. She finally had to go to the ER to get something for the pain, but they gave her only one dose and no prescription.

I had an absolutely massive shingles outbreak this yearI felt like I was having my skin burned with a blowtorch, while being stabbed. Worst thing I've ever experienced, and it lasted for two months. I'm left with massive scarring on half my abdomen. Nobody would prescribe anything more than Tylenol. Thank God I had kept the pain meds from a prior root canal as it was the only thing that lowered the pain enough to where I could sleep.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:18:42 AM EDT
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Dr.'s are really scared to prescribe much of anything for pain. My wife had horrible kidney stones, which were confirmed with a MRI. The doctor wouldn't give her anything stronger than ibuprofen for pain outside of the hospital. She finally had to go to the ER to get something for the pain, but they gave her only one dose and no prescription.

I had an absolutely massive shingles outbreak this yearI felt like I was having my skin burned with a blowtorch, while being stabbed. Worst thing I've ever experienced, and it lasted for two months. I'm left with massive scarring on half my abdomen. Nobody would prescribe anything more than Tylenol. Thank God I had kept the pain meds from a prior root canal as it was the only thing that lowered the pain enough to where I could sleep.
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I saw a guy two days ago who was passing a stone. He got a shot of Toradol and #15 Norco, which is a 4 day supply if taken as ordered. 

They should've given you Gabapentin or Lyrica. Those can work quite well for shingles pain. Gabapentin is non-controlled and generic and cheap. Lyrica is Schedule V, which is the lowest level. But it's expensive. Opioids are only so-so for neurogenic pain. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:18:55 AM EDT
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Go get her some weed.
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Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:21:17 AM EDT
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Oh, good!  There's that 'only I know what's best' winning attitude that all of the 'big city thinkers' have. 

History will not be kind to you.
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A lot of people from not so big cities agree with me.  Live in a rural community and watch the problems pain meds cost everybody.

Big city thinker, that is really funny I have not lived in a city for over 25 years now, I live very independently..  You could almost say I have a "Ted Kazinski" type of lifestyle, remote back woods of Montana.

I really don't have anything against pain killers other than the industry is pushing them all the time and now that they are being cracked down on them because people are dying from them they are the bad guys.

Pain pills can be a godsend, unfortunately, they are far to easy to get these days, we go from one extreme to another when it comes to addictive substances.  We are going to have free flow or prohibition, humans just don't seem to figure out that moderation is a good thing.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:27:22 AM EDT
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75% of all my heroin overdoses that I deal with the family reports it all started with being prescribed opiates and then got cut off. Don't know what the answer is but I got to believe the drug companies could engineer pain meds that aren't addictive if they wanted. Hell they came up with Viagra but it is all about profits.
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You would be wrong. Big Pharma has HUGE incentives to create something that relieves pain like an opioid and doesn't cause addiction or euphoria. The company that creates this magic drug can price it at a very high premium and insurance companies will have to cover it, either because of pressure from patients or formal government mandate. The company that invents this drug will be viewed as the savior of mankind! If it truly worked as advertised, I'd prescribe that drug all day long. 

And they didn't come up with Viagra because they were actively looking for a boner drug. Viagra was originally designed as a three times a day drug for pulmonary hypertension. While doing the studies for the drug, patients started saying, "Hey, uh, doc? This medicine is causing me to have raging boners. What's up with that?" And then Pfizer did some more studies and got it approved. 
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:31:26 AM EDT
Our neighbors too the south are bringing in heroin and fentanyl by the semi truck load. Afghanistan is the worlds largest producer of opioids and our opponents sell them to finance their side of the war. Prescription narcotics are all unit dosed and tracked by the DEA, but they are the problem.Dirty white people. A wall would be a big help but,you know racist.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:41:04 AM EDT
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I saw a guy two days ago who was passing a stone. He got a shot of Toradol and #15 Norco, which is a 4 day supply if taken as ordered. 

They should've given you Gabapentin or Lyrica. Those can work quite well for shingles pain. Gabapentin is non-controlled and generic and cheap. Lyrica is Schedule V, which is the lowest level. But it's expensive. Opioids are only so-so for neurogenic pain. 
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They should have given me something for damn sure. I saw 3 doctors, and the second one gave me a steroid for muscular pain. I later found out it aggravated the problem. The dr. told me to just put some topical creme on the rash.

The person who actually clued me in on a diagnosis was my daughters kindergarden teacher. My wife was assisting the class and mentioned I was at home and my symptoms of severe pain and blistering rash. She suggested shingles as a cause based on a similar outbreak her husband endured. I went to a second urgent care who finally gave me to treat the outbreak, but he wasn't authorized to prescribe anything for pain beyond Tylenol.

The opioids I had on hand were the only thing that gave me any relief. I suffered in agony during the day, but would take a single pill at night to get some sleep. I don't even want to contemplate what I would have gone through if I hadn't had those on hand. I don't know what made me want to hold onto them after my root canal, but I'm never going to throw away any pain meds again. They will get locked in the safe to keep them secure, though.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:51:26 AM EDT
I am a chronic kidney stoner.  I typically pass them within a few hours, sometimes longer.... then piss thru a paint filter.   No pain meds.

Yeah I am kind of a badass.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:54:58 AM EDT
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Go get her some weed.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 1:58:53 AM EDT
My first experience with them was when I broke my leg in 2003. I can see why people get addicted. Scary shit for sure. But all you can do is learn to control it and take it when you need it.

Never liked taking the shit at night because i can never sleep on it.

Had kidney stones that needed to be surgically removed and they gave me dilaudid...god damn...
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 2:03:19 AM EDT
Doctors have been handing opioids out like trick or treat candy. Most Teens Who Abuse Opioids First Got Them From a Doctor. I'm thinking its most addicts, not just teens.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 2:29:00 AM EDT
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(Hint:  Who gives a fucking shit, just write the fucking prescription and carry on with your life and quit your bullshit fretting and hand-wringing about what a handful of fucking junkies do with their shitty lives.)
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Reading is fundamental. The initial 7 day script is when it's written for "short term pain management and minor treatments."

Doctors can still write a 30 day script for chronic pain treatments. The key is trying to identify which patients are appropriate for long term opioid treatment. (Hint: most aren't.)
(Hint:  Who gives a fucking shit, just write the fucking prescription and carry on with your life and quit your bullshit fretting and hand-wringing about what a handful of fucking junkies do with their shitty lives.)
the perfect example of the perspective of someone who isn't responsible for anything, and doesn't care what the consequences of his actions are.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 2:41:47 AM EDT
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Our neighbors too the south are bringing in heroin and fentanyl by the semi truck load. Afghanistan is the worlds largest producer of opioids and our opponents sell them to finance their side of the war. Prescription narcotics are all unit dosed and tracked by the DEA, but they are the problem.Dirty white people. A wall would be a big help but,you know racist.
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Our neighbors too the south are bringing in heroin and fentanyl by the semi truck load. Afghanistan is the worlds largest producer of opioids and our opponents sell them to finance their side of the war. Prescription narcotics are all unit dosed and tracked by the DEA, but they are the problem.Dirty white people. A wall would be a big help but,you know racist.
Abuse of prescription medications are a bigger problem then heroin and fentanyl.  

Doctors have been handing opioids out like trick or treat candy. Most Teens Who Abuse Opioids First Got Them From a Doctor. I'm thinking its most addicts, not just teens.
Exactly. For the most part, people don't just wake up and decide to go take a hit of crack, meth or heroin. Typically there are two categories. People are prescribed a pain med, get addicted, and then their script runs out and/or they can no longer afford them so they turn to street drugs. Or, people just like to party. They use prescription drugs (whether its theirs or not) and eventually evolve to harder drugs.

I don't necessarily care if someone chooses to destroy their own life through drugs. Or if then continue to fuck up the lives of their family because of their drug addiction. But I do understand that the 'war on drugs' is about a lot more then just stopping people from getting high. For the most part drug's have a huge impact in murder rates, violent crime rates, as well as even property crimes like theft, burglary, and robbery.  

I know where I live when the murder/violent crime rates go up. City officials put a lot more pressure on the police department to 'hit the streets' hard. Which usually means 'high crime' areas and arresting a bunch of people for drug related offenses. In general the more drug users/dealers you lock up. The lower the crime stats are. You get to lax on those areas/people and things start to get out of control.

Its about a lot more then just the big bad politicians trying to make money or 'enslave' the population. Its about the illusion of a safer/more prosperous city.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 4:01:13 AM EDT
I'm working it from this (the supply) end...but thanks to 0bama,...well, you can imagine.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 4:08:59 AM EDT
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I saw a guy two days ago who was passing a stone. He got a shot of Toradol and #15 Norco, which is a 4 day supply if taken as ordered. 

They should've given you Gabapentin or Lyrica. Those can work quite well for shingles pain. Gabapentin is non-controlled and generic and cheap. Lyrica is Schedule V, which is the lowest level. But it's expensive. Opioids are only so-so for neurogenic pain. 
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Gabapentin or lyrica for passing a stone?  

Are you an MD/DO/PharmD?
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 5:25:34 AM EDT
Each person has different needs and tolerances, for pain control.Dont think you can answer some one else’s needs

for dosage. My own experience has been not changing my path management schedule in fifteen years. How ever each
patient is different, and chronic pain is a different experience than pain of some limited time. Each how ever have to be
managed with as little discomfort as possible. Being judged by Pharmacist or techs whom you’re dealt with for years is
disturbing to ones self esteem. I should not have to prove my need and validation for each refill. The cause is because
someone wants a recreational high. I am sorry I don’t get a recreational or otherwise high from my pain management.
The answer isn’t to treat legitimate pain patients as adicts. I take random drug tests and oral evaluations in order to
maintain my ability to aquire my prescriptions. I have no sympathy for those who abuse legal pain medication.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 5:31:08 AM EDT
My grandmother had  degenerative disc disease also among other ailments. She started on Lortab's 25 years ago, then it went to fentanyl patches for the last 15 years, then liquid morphine the last 2 weeks of her life. She just passed last Friday 2 months shy of 92. She lived with me for the last 10 years. I can tell you from experience what a pain in the ass it is to get pain medicine for people that need it.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 5:39:52 AM EDT
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If you don't think Doctor's over prescribe, I am here to tell they do and they do it big time.  My Dad passed away in October of 2015, so my sister and I with her husband and my wife had to clean his house out and I am here to tell you he was a tough SOB, in the fridge, we found more than enough Morphine to kill most city blocks of addicts and in his closet, we found 20 6 month prescriptions bottles full of Hydrocodone and Oxycondone.  He had never taken any of it, but they had set up a schedule that on the Morphine he got a new bottle ever single month and on the Hydro and Oxy he got a new 90 day bottle every 60 days, they were shipped to him through the mail or through FedEx, whether asked for them or not.

He refused to take them until the last 3 days of his life and that was a drop of morphine every 4 hours, he started the dropper on Saturday and passed on Tuesday.

But these fucking Doctors should be hung out to dry, they have so overdone this that they should loose their license and privileges...

Every person that is on these Opioids, should be required to be re-evaluated every 30 days to make sure they are taking their prescriptions correctly and it is having the therapeutic benefits it can provide if taken correctly, even the most unsuspecting person can end up being addicted to them, I know I have taken enough of them in my life that I absolutely refuse them now, even if I am in massive pain, to many side effects that are detrimental.
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I imagine they're a bit more liberal when it comes to terminal patients. Blindly writing scripts to everyone who claims 'back pain', legitimately or not, is becoming a thing of the past.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 5:41:14 AM EDT
I have mixed emotions about the .GOV and drug control.  Is there a place for it? Yes, but for the most part the .gov should focus on treatment.

The .mil hands opioids out like aspirin.  I have plenty of buddies that were or still are on that shit for years and years. Why? Well it's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to keep someone under the opioid warm blanket than actually treat the underlying causation. Just ask the VA.

There's also a great CATO study re the legalization of almost all drugs in Portugal and instead of criminalization the resources were focused on treatment and education. TL;DR results? There is a segment of any population that will be addicts but money was better spent on Tx.  Link to .pdf download of study

The report also sets forth the data concerning drug-related trends in Portugal both pre- and postdecriminalization. The effects of decriminalization in Portugal are examined both in absolute terms and in comparisons with other states that continue to criminalize drugs, particularly within the EU.

The data show that, judged by virtually every metric, the Portuguese decriminalization framework has been a resounding success. Within this success lie self-evident lessons that should guide drug policy debates around the world.
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So if I were king for a day I'd focus my DEA brothers on nation-state drug importation....NorK super Meth, Fentanyl coming through MEX, Iranian heroin, and all the precursors, etc...because all of these are strategic shaping operations being conducted against us by our adversaries and our current model of criminalization enables this LOE.

The simple reality though is that incarceration is a massive business and the vast majority of those incarcerated in the US are being held for non-violent, drug related crimes, particularly in the black community.  Legalize the majority of drugs and you put a hell of a lot of people out of work.

The prison industry

Ninety-seven percent of 125,000 federal inmates have been convicted of non-violent crimes. It is believed that more than half of the 623,000 inmates in municipal or county jails are innocent of the crimes they are accused of. Of these, the majority are awaiting trial. Two-thirds of the one million state prisoners have committed non-violent offenses. Sixteen percent of the country’s 2 million prisoners suffer from mental illness.
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Finally and interestingly enough, years ago, I attended a two-day meeting at a GOV agency with the express intent of discussing strategies related to a specific country and their use of weaponized drug trafficking against the US and our interests. Surprisingly a significant number of senior LEA attendees were in favor of decriminalizing certain drugs and focusing resources education and treatment instead. There were some pretty heated discussions in the break out sessions.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 5:55:25 AM EDT
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Yes, it will continue to tighten. But perhaps you could suggest to her doctor to get with the program and start e-prescribing controlled substances. It's allowed in nearly all states, but takes a bit of setup. The script is transmitted directly to the pharmacy from the physician's computer. Much faster, more convenient and safer than writing a paper script.

I send e-scripts daily for all my medications. I don't print any of them any more. And in New York State, it's mandatory. 
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Paper scripts ONLY in my state.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 5:56:31 AM EDT
Humor me and ask your mom how much pain she's in with the drugs.  Then ask when they meds are out of her system.

Lots of studies show chronic narcotic use doesn't equal chronic pain relief.

Case in point: did a knee arthroscope on a morbidly obese woman yesterday that takes Norco 10/325 4 times daily.  Immediately after waking up she complained of pain.  Wierd, because we gave her 20ml of lidocaine (10 per incision site), 50 ml of marcaine into the joint, and 100mg fentanyl in the OR.

Literally she shouldn't have felt anything. Lido and marcaine don't work the same as opiates, she shouldn't have any tolerance.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 6:07:28 AM EDT
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Humor me and ask your mom how much pain she's in with the drugs.  Then ask when they meds are out of her system.

Lots of studies show chronic narcotic use doesn't equal chronic pain relief.

Case in point: did a knee arthroscope on a morbidly obese woman yesterday that takes Norco 10/325 4 times daily.  Immediately after waking up she complained of pain.  Wierd, because we gave her 20ml of lidocaine (10 per incision site), 50 ml of marcaine into the joint, and 100mg fentanyl in the OR.

Literally she shouldn't have felt anything. Lido and marcaine don't work the same as opiates, she shouldn't have any tolerance.
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Yeah, I got the same thing during my knee surgery.  That woman was faking.  After recovery, I felt like a million dollars (meaning absolutely no pain); boy was I reaching for that Norco about 8 hours later.  

Opiates are great for acute pain i.e. shortly after injury or surgery.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 7:15:01 AM EDT
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I care about it, because if a junkie overdoses and dies and they have a prescription bottle from me (even if they have 28 bottles from 28 other physicians too), I can lose my license and ability to practice. So as long as the behavior of junkies affects my livelihood, I'll continue fretting and hand-wringing. 

And when you come into the clinic with a bad back strain or an ankle sprain and get mad that the doctor won't "give me something for the pain", this is why. 

Clearly, you've never had a professional license of any kind, which is subject to the whims of a licensing board.
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If the medical professionals want to go full retard and continue advocating for more / tougher / stronger restrictions on everything, so be it. 

I look forward to a bunch of 'gotta get them doper'-type boomers who keep getting older and can't get the painkiller they need because of their 'gotta get them dopers' attitude.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 7:25:16 AM EDT
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Yeah, I got the same thing during my knee surgery.  That woman was faking.  After recovery, I felt like a million dollars (meaning absolutely no pain); boy was I reaching for that Norco about 8 hours later.  

Opiates are great for acute pain i.e. shortly after injury or surgery.
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Humor me and ask your mom how much pain she's in with the drugs.  Then ask when they meds are out of her system.

Lots of studies show chronic narcotic use doesn't equal chronic pain relief.

Case in point: did a knee arthroscope on a morbidly obese woman yesterday that takes Norco 10/325 4 times daily.  Immediately after waking up she complained of pain.  Wierd, because we gave her 20ml of lidocaine (10 per incision site), 50 ml of marcaine into the joint, and 100mg fentanyl in the OR.

Literally she shouldn't have felt anything. Lido and marcaine don't work the same as opiates, she shouldn't have any tolerance.
Yeah, I got the same thing during my knee surgery.  That woman was faking.  After recovery, I felt like a million dollars (meaning absolutely no pain); boy was I reaching for that Norco about 8 hours later.  

Opiates are great for acute pain i.e. shortly after injury or surgery.
Sometimes my mom will forget to take her pain medication and will wake up in excruciating pain and will have to bear it until the medicine can kick in.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 7:57:44 AM EDT
Fuck all junkie oxy abusers. They should all die. Stupid fucks taking shit they dont need just cause it feels good.

I went to the doc last week to get an xray. Big medical building. I come out and this big titted old lady starts ranting how her pain management doctor wont give her more oxy.
She asked me if I had any to spare. I  dont take it but I said sure but I trade it for BJ's. She said OK.
I said fuck you skank took and out my phone and she ran off.

Fuck all junkie fucks.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 8:13:01 AM EDT
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Reading is fundamental. The initial 7 day script is when it's written for "short term pain management and minor treatments."

Doctors can still write a 30 day script for chronic pain treatments. The key is trying to identify which patients are appropriate for long term opioid treatment. (Hint: most aren't.)
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The basic problem isn't the doctors, it's the heroin and fentanyl being imported by the container load. Doctors are just an easier target so the politicians can claim they are doing something about it.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 8:15:09 AM EDT
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75% of all my heroin overdoses that I deal with the family reports it all started with being prescribed opiates and then got cut off. Don't know what the answer is but I got to believe the drug companies could engineer pain meds that aren't addictive if they wanted. Hell they came up with Viagra but it is all about profits.
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The answer?  

Sounds like 75% of the problem could have gone away...
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 8:16:48 AM EDT
I wonder how the Joint Commission mandatory monitoring of pain as the 5th vital sign influenced the prescribing of opioids????

Providers with the ability to prescribe pain relief medications are often pushed into prescribing increasingly stronger medications for many reasons,now the cycle is turning the other way.

Opioids are not always the best thing for pain but can be part of the plan,The killer is pain ordinarily a subjectively reported thing and each individual reports and experiences it differently
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 8:22:04 AM EDT
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the perfect example of the perspective of someone who isn't responsible for anything, and doesn't care what the consequences of his actions are.
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I make no apologies for being an anti-interventionist that freely admits that he doesn't 'know what's best for everyone', unlike you.  

Let people take pills -- as if I give a shit. 

I have no problem stepping over the dead bodies of druggies that have no self control.  So be it.
Link Posted: 9/28/2017 8:23:53 AM EDT
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Fuck all junkie oxy abusers. They should all die. Stupid fucks taking shit they dont need just cause it feels good.

I went to the doc last week to get an xray. Big medical building. I come out and this big titted old lady starts ranting how her pain management doctor wont give her more oxy.
She asked me if I had any to spare. I  dont take it but I said sure but I trade it for BJ's. She said OK.
I said fuck you skank took and out my phone and she ran off.

Fuck all junkie fucks.
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