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Posted: 5/20/2007 9:38:16 PM EDT

The Chicken Ranch - it broke my brothel cherry

Chapter 1: The Kingdom

I went down to Pahrump yesterday to take some time away from everybody and Las Vegas for some good quality alone time. First stop was a gentleman's club called The Kingdom. The outside looked like a castle. The inside looked like shit. I got a couple of dances from a girl who was 23. She was the only hot one in the whole place. She and I talked about Pahrump as I'd never been there before. I asked her something like what's a fine girl like you doing in a podunk town like this? She replied she used to live in Vegas, but partied a little too much. She moved to Pahrump to get a little break. I touched her back, and was suddenly freaked out by all the scratch marks that criss-crossed her beautiful skin. It was like she slept on barbed wire. These were fresh scars too. I asked her what the hell happened to her back. She just said she woke up this morning and it was like that. BULLSHIT!

Okay, so anyway, I ask the dancer what's a good hotel to stay at in Pahrump. She said there was only three - the Best Western, the Nugget, and Saddlewest Casino. Oh, but there is also the hotel at Sheri's Ranch down the road.

--Sheri's Ranch? They have a hotel? I ask.

--Oh yeah, she said.

At this point I don't even know where these brothels are, so we talk about "the business".

--Those girls make a LOT of money, she said.

--So why don't you do it? I ask her.

--Cause I'd have to fuck. I don't fuck for money. I fuck for fun, she exclaimed.

I knew she was trying to save as much as possible to get out of Pahrump as soon as possible, but she drew the line at that. Still, she could NOT be making that much money at The Kingdom - a real shithole whose customers are swinging retirees and the occasional trucker or biker.

Chapter 2: Chicken Ranch

Okay, so after some chit chat with the dancer, I got a scoop of the local scene so to speak. I bid her farewell, as I made my way out and drove to the Chicken Ranch. The two most well-known brothels in Pahrump are the Chicken Ranch and Sheri's Ranch, which, conveniently enough are located side by side on the same road. They are at a dead end of a long road called Homestead Road, which does not have any street lights. At night, it's pretty freaking dark.

I finally got to the Chicken Ranch (Sheri's Ranch is next door and more upscale). I walk up to the white picket fence and buzzed the people inside to let me in. After a moment, a buzz indicated the gate was unlocked so I opened it and walked through the front yard. The outside of the Chicken Ranch looks like a turn of the century Victorian house. Overall it's pretty quaint looking.

The older woman (shift manager) letme in the front door and bid me to have a sit in the nicely appointed parlor. The interior of the parlor was quite classy - much nicer than the outside would have you expect. Leather couches, fine furniture, indirect lighting, etc. Anyway, she told me to sit and wait while she calls all the girls to come out for a lineup where they will each introduce themselves.

All this time, I was thinking, am I really going to go through with this? Holy shit! What am I doing here!?!! But also, hey I am REALLY here - cool!

I heard voices, then silence, then voices again. Each moment, I was getting more nervous and fidgety. Footsteps would sound and I would think okay here they come, only to realize it was a false alarm.

Finally, the girls came out single file into the parlor. The shift manager talked to them like they were in summer camp. Okay girls! We have a guest - please introduce yourselves. There were a lot of them, too. Must have been about 20 or so, all dressed in lingerie. They came in all shapes and sizes, fake boobs, Asian, blonde, brunette. It wasn't hard for me to pick my girl, she was the last one to come and dressed in a seductive but classy summer dress, not lingerie. She also did not give me a fake smile like all the other girls; in fact, she didn't really smile at me at all. She seemed kinda disinterested - like she knew I wasn't going to pick her and was just there because she had to be. She had nice natural red hair, not the Big Hair of the some of the other ladies. Immediately, and without hesitation, I picked her, the last girl, the unsmiling one.

The shift manager then efficiently closed the process as if announcing the winner of a beauty pageant, and Kelly - my choice - took me by the hand very colyly and lead me through a virtual maze of hallways (the building has been added on many times) until we finally get to HER room. Yes, it is her room as she lives in it too and there were personal effects of hers in the room - books, pictures, etc. She still seemed rather distant, so I said I thought she was very pretty (true), and then she immediately brightened up and gave me a big smile. It must be hard for these ladies to do this kind of work as they never know what kind of man they encounter and how he will treat them.

Kelly really did seem like a girl next door or a typical college student, not the adult sex worker one normally sees. She sat next to me on the bed and told me, okay I don't have a "menu" but it's all in my head. She quoted me these really high prices like $600 - $1200 depending on the activity, and I laughed (relieved really as I didn't have nearly that much in my wallet). She also told me ALL activities were with protection, no room for discussion.

I was about to go when she said, well what were you looking to do. I thought about it for a minute and said, I have $200 in my wallet right now. What will that get me?

She thought about it too, and said well for that I could give you a massage (no happy ending) for half an hour.

Thinking I still want some time with this interesting girl I said okay. She then asked me to take a shower in her bathroom and she will be right back after she paid the management a cut of the $200 I just gave her.

Chapter 3: Kelly Kelly Kelly

When she got back into the room, I was sitting on the bed (nice four poster bed) buck-naked. She took off her dress, and was soon as naked as I was. She really had a beautiful body - about 5'-7", with good proportions and not an ounce of fat or cellulite on her. Skin was beautiful and smooth. She said she had to check me out, so she inspected me for any sign of disease. I passed.

When we had our clothes back on we sat on the bed again, and talked a bit more. No, we did not have sex. Not even Clinton sex. But I had a really good time. We talked a lot throughout the session. I noticed on her wall was a framed piece of writing about the armed forces in Iraq. Next to that on the wall was a set of dogtags. I didn't really ask about it.

She told me I made her feel really relaxed.

Chapter 4: The Really Hot Nye Co Sheriffs Dep who is hotter than any girl I met in Pahrump

So anyway, to continue with the weekend. After I left the Chicken Ranch, I stopped by Sheri's Ranch next door. I asked about their hotel rooms, and the woman behind the cage said $85 for Fri and Sat, and $75 on Sun. There was a bar in front of the place, and it was like a local hangout because people - both men and women - were there playing pool, talking, and drinking. Guys brought their girlfriends (who were hotter than the ladies), and it seemed very casual. A few of the ladies were in the crowd mingling with people. They wore corsets on their wrists to distinguish them from the non-working ladies. It would be awkward to go up to a woman who didn't work there and ask her, "How much?"

Sheri's Ranch was more upscale, but I still liked the Chicken Ranch more. I guess the Chicken Ranch broke my brothel cherry, and you never forget your first. Anyway, Sheri's seemed more "corporate" - they even have a gift shop where you can buy souvenirs like T-shirts, shot glasses, and big giant glass dildo.

Sheri's had this one woman who was Black or half Black, and she was a stunner. She must have been 5'-10" at least, and her body was long and svelt. She wore slinky dress that hugged her form, and her face was beautiful. Man, talk about way out of my price range.

So, anyway I had a few drinks, chatted a bit with a couple of the ladies, then drove back into town. By that time, I was pretty sleepy, and I got a little disoriented as it was pitch black. I pulled over on the side of the road and decided to shut my eyes for a few minutes before continuing to the 160 Highway where there were some motels.

I awoke when it was light out and a Nye Co Deputy was knocking on my window.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:39:46 PM EDT
this could be a good one here.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:40:55 PM EDT
Ye Olde Skool Taggus!!!
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:41:18 PM EDT
You're gonna get the HIV.

Dibs on the guns.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:41:48 PM EDT
I drive past "The Kingdom" on my way to a client every week.

Pahrump may very well be the asshole of the universe.  It's at least definitely in the running.

ETA: Also, I do know what Pahrump is famous for.  It's famous for Art Bell!!
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:42:56 PM EDT
Pahrump: the town of brothels and Bell.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:43:06 PM EDT

You're gonna get the HIV.

Dibs on the guns.

Screw the guns, I call dibs on the ammo.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:45:14 PM EDT


You're gonna get the HIV.

Dibs on the guns.

Screw the guns, I call dibs on the ammo.

I got sloppy seconds on guns and ammo.  I'll take your mags.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:45:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:47:52 PM EDT
Historically clean and non-corrupt County Government?
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:50:20 PM EDT
Could somebody spell it phonetically? I've seen the name before but wasn't sure how to pronounce it..I'm tempted to guess PAY RUMP if its full of strip joints and brothels

Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:51:47 PM EDT

I went down to Pahrump yesterday to take some time away from everybody and Las Vegas for some good quality alone time. First stop was a gentleman's club called The Kingdom.

So what happened to "some good quality ALONE time"?  Not only not alone, and apparently very lacking on the quality also?
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:52:35 PM EDT
said the same way you spell it......... pa rump.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:53:25 PM EDT

Could somebody spell it phonetically? I've seen the name before but wasn't sure how to pronounce it..I'm tempted to guess PAY RUMP if its full of strip joints and brothels

It's PA-RUMP. A billboard for KNYE radio has the slogan "For when things go Pahrump in the night"
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 9:54:41 PM EDT


Could somebody spell it phonetically? I've seen the name before but wasn't sure how to pronounce it..I'm tempted to guess PAY RUMP if its full of strip joints and brothels

It's PA-RUMP. A billboard for KNYE radio has the slogan "For when things go Pahrump in the night"

cool..I guess I let the "H" throw me off..tell stripper girl she needs to start dancing to "Cat Scratch Fever"
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:14:18 PM EDT
I must be at least as exciting as Battle Mountain
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:20:08 PM EDT
Tag for Chapters 3 & up...
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:31:35 PM EDT

Nothing like the enormous ego boost and enriching experience of paying a woman in cold hard cash for sex. Must be floating on cloud nine, sweating the HIV/Herpes test.

Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:37:10 PM EDT


Nothing like the enormous ego boost and enriching experience of paying a woman in cold hard cash for sex. Must be floating on cloud nine, sweating the HIV/Herpes test.

Bah. You know not of what you speak. My weekend narrative hasn't finished yet.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:39:12 PM EDT


Nothing like the enormous ego boost and enriching experience of paying a woman in cold hard cash for sex. Must be floating on cloud nine, sweating the HIV/Herpes test.

I used to engage in that horrid behavior. Once I realized how vile it is for them and for me, I stopped doing it.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:40:33 PM EDT


Nothing like the enormous ego boost and enriching experience of paying a woman in cold hard cash for sex. Must be floating on cloud nine, sweating the HIV/Herpes test.

+1 to that.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:41:11 PM EDT
Fuck.  An Arfcommer talking about actually hooking up with a hooker, and he gets shit.  Don't do any blow or you will get the pro versus anti dope legalization crew in here.  

After doing the hooker and blow.  Go to church, post pics, maybe we can get this moved to the religious forum.

You know, before it gets locked.

Have fun.  See if the hookers will give you a discount if you go down on them.

Good times, good times...  
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:46:53 PM EDT
so how much was the pie?
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:47:54 PM EDT

so how much was the pie?
maybe $500-$1000 from what I hear
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 10:59:16 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:04:32 PM EDT
The only reason I've heard of or would even go to Pahrump:


Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:16:34 PM EDT
They are known for fireworks sales and Art Bell, right?
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:21:25 PM EDT
$500 to $1000 for pie

$200 for a message? Not even Clinton style
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:24:22 PM EDT

$500 to $1000 for pie

$200 for a message? Not even Clinton style
Way too expensive, $600 can get me to Brazil where the hookers are way cheaper and the quality and time are better.
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:40:14 PM EDT
Dumbass couldnt even get laid in a whorehouse!
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:42:48 PM EDT

Dumbass couldnt even get laid in a whorehouse!


Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:47:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:47:23 PM EDT

Fuck.  An Arfcommer talking about actually hooking up with a hooker, and he gets shit.  Don't do any blow or you will get the pro versus anti dope legalization crew in here.  

After doing the hooker and blow.  Go to church, post pics, maybe we can get this moved to the religious forum.

You know, before it gets locked.

Have fun.  See if the hookers will give you a discount if you go down on them.

Good times, good times...  

There's a huge difference between getting high & having fun or picking up a girl in a bar and paying a prostitute for sex.

It's not about coming down on a guy for having fun, it's about the pitiful self-worth someone must feel to hand over a wad of cash just to dump a load in a woman...one that's hosted countless paying dicks before you and probably sees you as nothing but a sad sucker with cash in his hand.

It's kind of a sad exchange, to be quite honest about it. I have no moral issues with prostitution, just an observation that it's a lonely, weird guy that can't find a real woman. It's not rocket science, and ends up being about 1000x more fun when it's with someone who you actually give a shit about.

Link Posted: 5/20/2007 11:53:30 PM EDT


Fuck.  An Arfcommer talking about actually hooking up with a hooker, and he gets shit.  Don't do any blow or you will get the pro versus anti dope legalization crew in here.  

After doing the hooker and blow.  Go to church, post pics, maybe we can get this moved to the religious forum.

You know, before it gets locked.

Have fun.  See if the hookers will give you a discount if you go down on them.

Good times, good times...  

There's a huge difference between getting high & having fun or picking up a girl in a bar and paying a prostitute for sex.

It's not about coming down on a guy for having fun, it's about the pitiful self-worth someone must feel to hand over a wad of cash just to dump a load in a woman...one that's hosted countless paying dicks before you and probably sees you as nothing but a sad sucker with cash in his hand.

It's kind of a sad exchange, to be quite honest about it. I have no moral issues with prostitution, just an observation that it's a lonely, weird guy that can't find a real woman. It's not rocket science, and ends up being about 1000x more fun when it's with someone who you actually give a shit about.

I actually agree with you, but wouldn't be so touchy-feely about it. I kinda knew it was expensive there, and that's why I only had $200 in the wallet - it was like my safeguard from getting really into it, as no girl there would do anything for that little.

Still, I had a good time (to my surprise), and it was actually a lot nicer place than I would have thought. The atmosphere is casual - I think it's because it's out in the open, it's legal (the girls don't have to worry about raids or being busted for prostitution), and the clients don't have to worry about getting diseases (weekly checkups and these brothels have a 100% rate of no one getting herpes or HIV).

I have moral issues with it - I don't mind paying a girl for her time, but I do mind actually paying her money to get me off. That's my line.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:06:35 AM EDT
waitaminute.....didn't LarryG36 live in that little po-dunk town?

Didn't he also have a run in with the feds regarding some weaponry he owned?
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:10:39 AM EDT
A wise man once said:  
You don't pay for the sex, you pay them to leave (or, in this case, to let you leave).  

I used to see a huge moral difference between taking a girl out on multiple dates, spending money on dinners, gifts, movies, and entertainment, and hoping that sooner or later she'd get around to letting me have my way with her, and simply paying her the same amount of money up front in cash to reach the same end result.  Silly me.

Nowadays, I think the main difference is that when its an honest business transaction, you're guaranteed a "happy ending" to the night and a return on your investment.  If you're with a legit "businesswoman" she isn't going to take your money, peck you on the cheeck and say "good night" and leave you all blueballed in her driveway while she goes to bed solo, chuckling at what a sucker you are and wondering how much you'll pay for another chance next time.  I remember girls from college that by the time they actually let me in, it was more of a grudgefuck than anything else because I was resentful that their "price" was so high, unofficial or not.  Plus, they thought they were so hot that it was just oh such a privilege to let you in their pants--they were just as emotionally detached and neurotic as prostitutes are.  Sex wasn't something to be enjoyed for them, it was a sort of reward they would pay out for you doing whatever they wanted you to do for awhile.  

Prostitution is simpliy modern dating with the gamesmanship aspect greatly simplified.

I'm happily married now and therefore have no use for prostitutes, offical or unofficial.  But make no mistake--though they might not work at a place like Sheri's Ranch, the majority of women in the dating scene can be bought, if not with indirect financial payment, then with attention (attention whores are very real and can be handy for the financially underwhelming male)  or something else that they want.  The gamesmanship aspect is simply figuring out what they want, providing it, and letting nature do the rest, although of course this takes extra time.  The other main advantage of honest whoring is that you can reach your goal for Friday night, have a great time with a hot woman who would likely take you weeks to score with using the traditional methods, and 15 minutes later be watching ESPN Sportscenter on the couch with a clear conscience.  

And since its an above-board business transaction she won't have a change of heart, run to her dad and claim she was raped.  There's always that to think of.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:12:35 AM EDT
The outside looked like a castle. The inside looked like shit. I got a couple of dances from a girl who was 23. She was the only hot one in the whole place.

I knew she was trying to save as much as possible to get out of Pahrump as soon as possible, but she drew the line at that. Still, she could NOT be making that much money at The Kingdom - a real shithole whose customers are swinging retirees and the occasional trucker or biker.

How hard is it to get out of Pahrump?   and how hard was it to get there???

Kelly really did seem like a girl next door or a typical college student, not the adult sex worker one normally sees  (For a newb at this how would you know what type one norma;lly sees?). She sat next to me on the bed and told me, okay I don't have a "menu" but it's all in my head. She quoted me these really high prices like $600 - $1200 depending on the activity, and I laughed (relieved really as I didn't have nearly that much in my wallet).

Thinking I still want some time with this interesting girl I said okay. She then asked me to take a shower in her bathroom and she will be right back after she paid the management a cut of the $200 I just gave her. (And probably asked them what the hell they were doing sending in a deadbeat with no money?)

She took off her dress, and was soon as naked as I was. She really had a beautiful body - about 5'-7", with good proportions and not an ounce of fat or cellulite on her. Skin was beautiful and smooth.  And you wouldn't be exaggerating any of this would you?  this description and not working Vegas in a show?

She told me I made her feel really relaxed.  Well by gum, you made her day.  Next time you see your Pastor you can tell him how you made a whore feel relaxed  I guess she wasn't the disinterested one anymore???
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:13:07 AM EDT
eta I was just gonna tag this because I thought that it was interesting but man you guys need to stop shitting on the guy's thread.

We get it. Now if you don't like it, can't you just let it be?
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:21:28 AM EDT

Nowadays, I think the main difference is that when its an honest business transaction, you're guaranteed a "happy ending" to the night and a return on your investment.  If you're with a legit businesswoman she isn't going to take your money, peck you on the cheeck and say "good night" and leave you all blueballed in her driveway while she goes to bed solo, chuckling at what a sucker you are and wondering how much you'll pay for another chance next time.  I remember girls from college that by the time they actually let me in, it was more of a grudgefuck than anything else because I was resentful that their "price" was so high, unofficial or not.

So you're upset because some women have enough self respect to actually get to know a guy before having sex with them?  You're pissed because you asked them out, offered to pay for them, and then they don't just let every swining dick who spends $50 on a dinner date, fuck them?

You're the kind of guy that I warn my daughter about.

Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:24:37 AM EDT

Prostitution is simpliy modern dating with the gamesmanship aspect greatly simplified.

If the only desired outcome of your date is to empty your balls, with no regard for your partner's desire to actually be with you or mutually enjoy the intercourse, then yeah prostitution is exactly like dating.

However, dating to me was actually fun because the other person, like me, was getting to know someone else, seeing if we dovetail, doing an activity or just having a good time. And, dating was the means to finding a person I care about. I met my wife through dating, I don't consider our courtship me paying a whore for happy endings.

For a married man, your cynicism about women and relationships is pretty bleak.

To me, there's a mountain of difference between the mindset it takes for a man to just hand over $500 to stick it in a warm hole, and bedding a real live woman that wants to be with you....no matter if it's a one night stand, a steady girl, or your wife. I can't think of anything that would make me feel dumber than paying a bunch of cash for sex with a hooker. I know that's probably not the popular opinion, but if a woman needs cash to consent, I'd rather just beat off.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:25:54 AM EDT
So you're upset because some women have enough self respect to actually get to know a guy before having sex with them? You're pissed because you asked them out, offered to pay for them, and then they don't just let every swining dick who spends $50 on a dinner date to fuck them?

You're hte kind of guy that I warn my daughter about.

What gave you the impression that I'm upset at all?  I know the rules of the game and I've played by them happily.  Now that I'm married, I've put that game aside entirely, and gladly so.  I'm grateful that my wife doesn't make me work nearly as hard for sex as I had to when I was single.  What a relief that is.

And yeah, I probably was the kind of guy you warn your daughter about.  The kind who said what they wanted to hear, did what they wanted me to do, and quietly, politely, and sweetly got as much time in the sack with as many different women as I possibly could.  Shame on me I guess, but I have no regrets.  Honestly I don't even think about those relationships or that time in my life very often anymore anyway.  It certainly wasn't better or worse than the present, or other parts of my past.

Of all the things I dislike about my life, my understanding of sexual relationships and my history of them is not an issue.  MONEY on the other hand, is an issue, and I respect women who, often lacking the means to be financially independent otherwise, are shrewd enough to treat sex as a legitimate product to be bought and sold.  I view them as feminist pioneers.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:26:34 AM EDT

eta I was just gonna tag this because I thought that it was interesting but man you guys need to stop shitting on the guy's thread.

We get it. Now if you don't like it, can't you just let it be?

Yeah, we wouldn't want to ruin a thread about prostitution by actually talking about it.

I suppose if he had said he did some coke and cut off his nipples it would be a thread derailment if we discussed the negative aspects of drug use??

Get real.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:27:14 AM EDT
He's telling a story...

eta and the story ain't done yet. It seems to me the thread is not about prostitution.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:27:45 AM EDT
600 to 1200 bucks for a piece of ass is a real bargain in the long run.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:28:31 AM EDT

He's telling a story...

I don't know what you mean by that, but everything I have written is true.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:31:00 AM EDT


He's telling a story...

I don't know what you mean by that, but everything I have written is true.

Never said that it wasn't true.

Waht I meant is that a certain few are focused solely on the prostitution aspect and not what you are trying to tell us. Unless of course the story is over and all you did was pay $200.00 for a back rub and talk.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:33:29 AM EDT



He's telling a story...

I don't know what you mean by that, but everything I have written is true.

Never said that it wasn't true.

Waht I meant is that a certain few are focused solely on the prostitution aspect and not what you are trying to tell us. Unless of course the story is over and all you did was pay $200.00 for a back rub and talk.

Well, it's not completely over.

It's late and I'll post more tomorrow.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:33:50 AM EDT

600 to 1200 bucks for a piece of ass is a real bargain in the long run.

Sure is if you're a sadsack degenerate, of course.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a sadsack degenerate, the local economy here depends on sadsack degenerates.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:34:45 AM EDT



Nothing like the enormous ego boost and enriching experience of paying a woman in cold hard cash for sex. Must be floating on cloud nine, sweating the HIV/Herpes test.

I used to engage in that horrid behavior. Once I realized how vile it is for them and for me, I stopped doing it.

Link Posted: 5/21/2007 12:34:49 AM EDT


600 to 1200 bucks for a piece of ass is a real bargain in the long run.

the local economy here depends on sadsack degenerates.

Sad but true.
Link Posted: 5/21/2007 1:05:45 AM EDT
I know a range report. I've read the original range report and this is no range report.

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