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Link Posted: 10/28/2023 9:52:39 AM EDT
But the libs said that women are physically equal to men. It’s just the patriarchy that keeps them down.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 9:54:31 AM EDT
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You mean to say it's not like the movies with 120 lb women beating the hell out of 250 lb guys?

Who knew?
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Wait, you mean a 120lb fashion model(Scarlett Johansson) can’t simply do a flying neck scissors, land on a 200+ lb male who has fight experience and kick his ass in 2-5 seconds?

*watches said women get thrown like a rag doll and get badly injured in those 3-5 seconds while the male barely sweats*


Most women still do not get the physical raw power a large male can have, especially if they are in great shape and have training. All your hand to hand training goes out the window if your opponent can simply out power anything you try to do.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 9:56:58 AM EDT
Whoa.  Doesn't this man vs woman in the ring end up in licking and.....

Oh wait that's Pornhub.  
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 9:57:44 AM EDT
Kick him in the balls. Repeatedly. That should level the playing field a bit.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 9:58:31 AM EDT
Yay for equality!
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 9:59:18 AM EDT
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And In Before The Posters Who Argue The Best Female MMA Could Beat A Male MMA.
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But the best female MMA could beat a male MMA.

Happy now?  
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:05:13 AM EDT
All women's sports, at every level, high school to professional, should be infiltrated by men claiming to be women.

It's the only way to put a stop to the nonsense.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:05:46 AM EDT
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Just like that, women's sports went back 100 years and the progressives can't understand why.
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Progressives don't give a shit about women's sports. Nobody gives a shit about women's sports. Women don't even give a shit about women's sports.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:07:35 AM EDT
sports are going are devolving to a short haired men's division, and a long-haired men's division.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:10:11 AM EDT
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And In Before The Posters Who Argue The Best Female MMA Could Beat A Male MMA.
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I watched the vid and it looked like the bio female tapped the dude named Alice with a guillotine.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:14:22 AM EDT
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They shouldn’t complain after the fact.  

What the entire lot of females should’ve done is refused to compete in their lunatic tournament to begin with.  Only the women can save themselves from this insanity.
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This is what I tell my wife and daughter, you women control this, either shut up and quit bitching or quit any and all sports allowing transgender competitors. It is bullshit some dude who is shitty in a sport suddenly identifies as a women and is now a champion in that sport competing against women. Pathetic on the dude and the organization allowing it, shitty as hell for those women who trained and sacrificed to be excellent in their sport to be bumped by some pathetic dude.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:15:50 AM EDT
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You mean to say it's not like the movies with 120 lb women beating the hell out of 250 lb guys?

Who knew?
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and kickin' 'em clear across a crowded room...
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:17:00 AM EDT
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Men are better women than women are.  Who knew?  
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But in that Instagram video she beat him.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:18:58 AM EDT
My kid has fought in several NAGA events.

I’m surprised they would tolerate that bullshit.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:19:14 AM EDT
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Go ask Alice, I think he'll know.
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Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:19:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:26:08 AM EDT
My kid’s college rugby team had to all quit in order for them to not let the trans people use the girl’s locker room.

Whoever the fuck thought it would be a good idea to let “trans women” into the college girl’s locker room at Juniata college is gonna get his teeth knocked out if we ever meet. They forced 18 year old girls to undress and shower with people that have dicks because they went by a girls name.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:36:37 AM EDT
This  is worse than some other Troon news I just saw because of the physical danger, but I think a 50 year old man competing against 13 year old girls has got to be close to peak clown world

Swimming competition allows 50 year old biological male to compete against 13 year old girls
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:39:04 AM EDT
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Oh I’m sure there are some mma all natural women that could beat the hell out of some 250lb arfcommers. Granted most 250lb arfcommers are tubs of lard and wouldn’t know what to do.
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That Username....
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:39:14 AM EDT
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i'd like to know how these women vote before i get to upset.
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Sounds reasonable too.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:40:19 AM EDT
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Shut the fuck up nasty bitch!!
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:43:57 AM EDT
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My kid’s college rugby team had to all quit in order for them to not let the trans people use the girl’s locker room.

Whoever the fuck thought it would be a good idea to let “trans women” into the college girl’s locker room at Juniata college is gonna get his teeth knocked out if we ever meet. They forced 18 year old girls to undress and shower with people that have dicks because they went by a girls name.
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just don't tell me they vote dem.

and remember when porn companies were shutting off porn to North Carolina and the NBA was going to leave because conservatives passed a bill that wouldn't allow people born male to use a female restroom?
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:44:59 AM EDT
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That's the way you stop this nonsense. When the liberals break something just leave it.

No the 200 pound man doesn't get to wrestle with the 135 pound woman just because he want's to call himself Alice.
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That's the way you stop this nonsense. When the liberals break something just leave it.

No the 200 pound man doesn't get to wrestle with the 135 pound woman just because he want's to call himself Alice.

The collegiate female swimmers might lose their scholarships if they refused to swim against Lia (sic) Thomas, but maybe they could just dial one in at their meets.

Oh I’m sure there are some mma all natural women that could beat the hell out of some 250lb arfcommers. Granted most 250lb arfcommers are tubs of lard and wouldn’t know what to do.
I'm only 180 but I know what I'd do, RUN LIKE HELLS A COMIN'.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:49:06 AM EDT
I've told this story in here a few times, but back when both my wife and I were "boxing" for exercise (title gym, so not training to fight just working out), we once took focus mits up to get a workout in at her parents house.

We had to stop because even with me only going part effort on my punches, I was scaring her with how much power I could put out.  I'm not a trained fighter, hell I've never even been in a real fight, and it's not like I'm 6'5" 250 and she's 5'0" 100. That's the power advantage men have over women.

Sure, a trained female fighter could probably get the best of me, based on skill and technique, because I really don't have that. But taking a man with that, and putting him against women, should be criminal.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:49:29 AM EDT
Be My Lover (2023 Remaster)
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:49:53 AM EDT
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I feel bad for the women that get subjected to this bullshit and didn't agree with it from the start.

.....the really bad part is all the women that do agree with "men" in women's sports usually don't compete in sports unless it is an eating contest which in many cases is an open event available to anyone.  

I hope the bright side of this overall I would say women that actually compete in sports probably will make something of themselves and will participate on school boards and other activities that might squash this shit...on the other hand I have my doubts.

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Women are free to join all major league sports in the "mens" leagues. There generally are no rules barring them.

Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:53:23 AM EDT
James McPike, 29, who recently began going by the name “Alice,”.

Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:54:11 AM EDT
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Progressives don't give a shit about women's sports. Nobody gives a shit about women's sports. Women don't even give a shit about women's sports.
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This is so true, if it wasn't for family members and a few friends no one would watch them.  

Beach Volleyball and certain softball players excepted of course.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:56:32 AM EDT
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Go ask Alice, I think he'll know.
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Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:59:06 AM EDT
Looks to have been recently amended.

Naga - North American Grappling Association
NAGA Transgender Athlete Policy (revised 10/28/23):

We, as an organization, strive to ensure fairness, inclusivity, and respect for all competitors within our events. With regards to transgender females competing in NAGA, the following policy shall be implemented:

Division for Cisgender Females:

We will have divisions for only cisgender females. Transgender females will not be entered into these divisions.

Division Options for Transgender Females:

Transgender females must compete in the men’s division. We hope that the simplicity of this revised policy will help to avoid any future occurrences where transgender females enter women divisions. If NAGA staff is informed that a transgender female is in a women’s division, they will be given the choice to go to the men’s division or given a refund.


Link Posted: 10/28/2023 10:59:20 AM EDT
Naga...naga....naggona play here no more.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:00:07 AM EDT
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All women's sports, at every level, high school to professional, should be infiltrated by men claiming to be women.

It's the only way to put a stop to the nonsense.
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They will be. Give it another 4-5 years and this totally not a social contagion will spur high enough percentages that you'll see men in all aspects of women's sports. Can't wait for all of their records to fall to cock and ball men.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:07:14 AM EDT
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Maybe my sarcasm meter is busted, but... ???
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Quit whining and train harder or something

Maybe my sarcasm meter is busted, but... ???

There was a video going around the other day of some shitlib state politician saying that.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:07:43 AM EDT
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just don't tell me they vote dem.

and remember when porn companies were shutting off porn to North Carolina and the NBA was going to leave because conservatives passed a bill that wouldn't allow people born male to use a female restroom?
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A surprising amount of my kid’s friends see the Democrat bullshit for what it is thankfully. These kids aren’t dumb and living through this clown world isn’t teaching them what the progressives think it is.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:09:58 AM EDT
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The collegiate female swimmers might lose their scholarships if they refused to swim against Lia (sic) Thomas, but maybe they could just dial one in at their meets.

I'm only 180 but I know what I'd do, RUN LIKE HELLS A COMIN'.
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You'd run away from a woman?
I'd be all: You wanna wrestle me? Ok. We'd start wrestiling, then I'd whip out my hog-leg and start punching her in the taco with it.
MMa or not.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:12:01 AM EDT
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You mean to say it's not like the movies with 120 lb women beating the hell out of 250 lb guys?

Who knew?
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Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:45:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:46:48 AM EDT
I thought BJJ is the ultimate equalizer?
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:48:37 AM EDT
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My stabce has been now for a long time that we should accelerate and support such nonsense until those who promoted or allowed it mere to virtue signal suffer severely upon their own choices. Yes, there will be innocent victims but it will be in a relative short term.
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I would love to be the coach of a wrestling team at a small college. I get the entire team to declare themselves transgender or gender fluid. We would be national champions in every single division.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:49:19 AM EDT
Kick to the nuts will sort this mess out!
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:52:32 AM EDT
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Wait, you mean a 120lb fashion model(Scarlett Johansson) can’t simply do a flying neck scissors, land on a 200+ lb male who has fight experience and kick his ass in 2-5 seconds?

*watches said women get thrown like a rag doll and get badly injured in those 3-5 seconds while the male barely sweats*


Most women still do not get the physical raw power a large male can have, especially if they are in great shape and have training. All your hand to hand training goes out the window if your opponent can simply out power anything you try to do.
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There was a woman at our dojo that was a black belt. Her techniques were pretty  much perfect - made me look clumsy (and I was pretty good).

When we did full on sparring, I would totally destroy her. I could take and deliver a lot more punishment than she could. I could also break any holds or chokes she tried. I wasn't great, I was decent.

Not a brag, just pointing out that even a highly trained woman is not going to do well against a moderately, let alone equally, trained male.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:55:01 AM EDT
It is only a matter of time until several real female athletes are going to get very seriously injured before anyone does squat. They should just form their own league and write them out in the rule book. The PC/Woke crowd is out to destroy female sports. Time to put them in check.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:55:07 AM EDT
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And In Before The Posters Who Argue The Best Female MMA Could Beat A Male MMA.
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Physical 100 - Kim Chun-ri vs Park Hyung-geun

Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:58:54 AM EDT
Are there no weight classes in BJJ?
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 11:59:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 12:01:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 12:04:38 PM EDT
Naga is putting up with that bullshit, in GA?
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 12:05:00 PM EDT
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My stabce has been now for a long time that we should accelerate and support such nonsense until those who promoted or allowed it mere to virtue signal suffer severely upon their own choices. Yes, there will be innocent victims but it will be in a relative short term.
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Can you draw me a line between the people who promote this degeneracy and women’s sports competitors? I don’t see how the people you think will suffer will ever be personally affected.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 12:05:02 PM EDT
I thought the "Gorlock The Destroyer " incident a few months ago would have been the tipping point for women, but I guess the stupid must continue.
Link Posted: 10/28/2023 12:07:36 PM EDT
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Go ask Alice, I think he'll know.
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I thought all the young girls love Alice.......
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