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Link Posted: 6/29/2016 6:54:41 PM EDT
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DU is eating it up of course

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Basically what I got from that is this proves that gun nuts = nazis
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:00:03 PM EDT
Someone I work with thinks she's "informed" because she watches CNN  
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:12:15 PM EDT
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Someone I work with thinks she's "informed" because she watches CNN  
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Bless her heart
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:14:06 PM EDT
The joke is on you guys laughing at the 10/22.  This suppressed 10/22TD turned me from a zero to a ninja assassin killing machine overnight.  Fuck, I'll practially be the punisher when I get my NVGs.

The paint job even kind of resembles some Nazi patterns if you squint hard enough.    God do I hate the media.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:14:55 PM EDT
I want one
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:20:16 PM EDT

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The joke is on you guys laughing at the 10/22.  This suppressed 10/22TD turned me from a zero to a ninja assassin killing machine overnight.  Fuck, I'll practially be the punisher when I get my NVGs.

The paint job even kind of resembles some Nazi patterns if you squint hard enough.    God do I hate the media.

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You know who'd agree with you?



Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:21:42 PM EDT

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You know who'd agree with you?  


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The joke is on you guys laughing at the 10/22.  This suppressed 10/22TD turned me from a zero to a ninja assassin killing machine overnight.  Fuck, I'll practially be the punisher when I get my NVGs.

The paint job even kind of resembles some Nazi patterns if you squint hard enough.    God do I hate the media.

You know who'd agree with you?  


The Jews did this.  They brought Nazi made baby killing machines to the US.  

Wait, wut?

Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:26:10 PM EDT
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"Bill Clinton introduced the automatic weapons ban in 1994". Lol that's all I needed to hear.
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So that sunset in 2004....

DIAS and lightning links are good to go?
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:37:43 PM EDT
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The joke is on you guys laughing at the 10/22.  This suppressed 10/22TD turned me from a zero to a ninja NAZI assassin killing machine overnight.  Fuck, I'll practially be the punisher when I get my NVGs.


The paint job even kind of resembles some Nazi patterns if you squint hard enough.    God do I hate the media.
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There fixed that for you.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:38:20 PM EDT
If liberals and the MSM had any idea of the number of Nazi inventions that directly impacted our country's achievements (both civil and military) in the last 75 years, they'd shit themselves.

I'm surprised there isn't some campaign being waged to ban current issue helmets because of how much they resemble German helmet designs of the 30s and 40s.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:40:54 PM EDT
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If liberals and the MSM had any idea of the number of Nazi inventions that directly impacted our country's achievements (both civil and military) in the last 75 years, they'd shit themselves.

I'm surprised there isn't some campaign being waged to ban current issue helmets because of how much they resemble German helmet designs of the 30s and 40s.
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I've no shit heard that complaint brought up.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:51:34 PM EDT
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Basically what I got from that is this proves that gun nuts = nazis
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DU is eating it up of course


Basically what I got from that is this proves that gun nuts = nazis

Imagine how bad it will be when we can get our hands on lugers with engraved swastikas!

Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:51:34 PM EDT
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The .22lr neckbeards will have the last laugh

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DU is eating it up of course


if that website wasn't built like complete garbage, I'd troll it all day.

edit: a 10/22 is an "assault STYLE weapon" lololol

The .22lr neckbeards will have the last laugh


Didn't know my 10-22 was considered an AR... that's impressive. Also I love how every video clip they showed was a full auto rifle when they talked about the NRA and all the libtard bullshit.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:56:04 PM EDT
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I've no shit heard that complaint brought up.
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If liberals and the MSM had any idea of the number of Nazi inventions that directly impacted our country's achievements (both civil and military) in the last 75 years, they'd shit themselves.

I'm surprised there isn't some campaign being waged to ban current issue helmets because of how much they resemble German helmet designs of the 30s and 40s.

I've no shit heard that complaint brought up.

Tell them the truth, those helmets were designed and adopted back when Kaiser Willie was running things.Before the Nazi party was even a gleam in Adolf's and Hermann's beady little eyes.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:56:48 PM EDT
The new Sturmgewehr comes with a copy of Mein Kampf together with a CD of the Horst Wessel Song.  ( Performed by Gunther and the Brownshirts)
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:57:01 PM EDT
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That's just the "Ivy League" or "8-4-2" haircut. I've been wearing that since college. Big whoop.
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Lol people got scared when hipsters started getting "hitler youth" haircuts. Cant imagine what they think when they see OP article.


That's just the "Ivy League" or "8-4-2" haircut. I've been wearing that since college. Big whoop.

Yep, we called them 'white walls' at the Citadel.  You could get high, medium, or low white walls.  What silliness to equate such a haircut as though it was invented by the Nazis....it was a very common haircut before that.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 7:58:24 PM EDT
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From what the article says they're making them in .223 and x39
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good luck finding ammo in quantity, I don't see 8mm kurtz around much

From what the article says they're making them in .223 and x39

and blackout! :D!
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:04:17 PM EDT
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WTF watch the video for a shit ton of derp  couple questions for those older than I am.  

2.  Since when the fuck is a 10-22 an "assault rifle"

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Since it is a semi-automatic and accepts large capacity detachable magazines.  That will be banned as well.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:11:20 PM EDT
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The .22lr neckbeards will have the last laugh

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DU is eating it up of course


if that website wasn't built like complete garbage, I'd troll it all day.

edit: a 10/22 is an "assault STYLE weapon" lololol

The .22lr neckbeards will have the last laugh


Lol, we're not out to take away all guns, but we are trying to take away everything as deadly as the Ruger 10/22. Mhmmmmm.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:14:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:14:51 PM EDT
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I've seen those on youtube, would be a interesting gun in 7.62x39  
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CNN story, leaves out important details, like chambering.

The original 7.92 Kurz, along with 5.56, 7.62x39 and 300blk.  Supposedly.

I've seen those on youtube, would be a interesting gun in 7.62x39  

I wanted one, but the mag release is on the wrong side.  I understand it's a stanag well, but they make ambi ar lowers now, HMC should figure out a way to put the button on the other side.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:15:05 PM EDT
The new guns use the same ammunition as AR-15s and AK-47s.
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Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:17:37 PM EDT
Just read the DU link. Some days I think it would be fun to join just to troll them on occasion. And today would be fun but I'd be banned in 4 minutes. I'd love to post a picture of a 12 foot long Nazi state service flag and two Lugers. That type flag has two swastikas and a big eagle in the corner. I think their heads would explode. Better yet I've got a 19 foot parade banner. Oh the horror!
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:21:32 PM EDT
"Assault style" rifles?  

Obesity style spoons.  Diabetes style sodas.  Reckless driving style cars.
Fucking liberals.

Oh also...

I want one.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:24:34 PM EDT
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I'll have a Cokenfabrik
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jägerschnitzel mit pommes frites bitte
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:26:03 PM EDT
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DU is eating it up of course

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Looks like they are fighting with each other more than worrying about the rifle.  Which one of you is there stirring the pot???
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:26:13 PM EDT
Yes, cause the people wishing to commit mass murders care about historical accuracy.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:28:45 PM EDT
Reading comments on articles is more fun than the original article.  Wish they allowed them.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:36:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:42:06 PM EDT
Damn, I can't decide what caliber to order!
Kurz is to damn expensive. x39 would be cheap and fun. 223 and the thing would have about zero recoil. 300bo is cool, but again more expensive for something I'm just going to blast shit with.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:48:21 PM EDT
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This thread is worthless without pics:

<a href="http://s53.photobucket.com/user/c4h10fo2p_/media/STG%20n_zpsjthaypbk.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/c4h10fo2p_/STG%20n_zpsjthaypbk.jpg</a>

Not gonna lie, I do want one...
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The only thing keeping me from pre ordering is that jacked up mag release.  It's on the wrong side and way too far out to work with the index finger.  Kind of a deal breaker for me.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:54:03 PM EDT
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Jesus Christ.

That video gave me anal cancer.
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And that is a no shit comment right there.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:58:59 PM EDT
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DU is eating it up of course

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Oh the purse swinging!!!!!
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 8:59:54 PM EDT
True, but I think I could work around that...............I'd love to have one in 5.56

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The only thing keeping me from pre ordering is that jacked up mag release.  It's on the wrong side and way too far out to work with the index finger.  Kind of a deal breaker for me.
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This thread is worthless without pics:

<a href="http://s53.photobucket.com/user/c4h10fo2p_/media/STG%20n_zpsjthaypbk.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/c4h10fo2p_/STG%20n_zpsjthaypbk.jpg</a>

Not gonna lie, I do want one...

The only thing keeping me from pre ordering is that jacked up mag release.  It's on the wrong side and way too far out to work with the index finger.  Kind of a deal breaker for me.

Link Posted: 6/29/2016 9:04:21 PM EDT
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The joke is on you guys laughing at the 10/22.  This suppressed 10/22TD turned me from a zero to a ninja assassin killing machine overnight.  Fuck, I'll practially be the punisher when I get my NVGs.


The paint job even kind of resembles some Nazi patterns if you squint hard enough.    God do I hate the media.
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Lol nice clean feet, trimmed nails too. You sure you belong here?
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 9:06:58 PM EDT
Nazi's made Volkswagons and highways too.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 9:07:18 PM EDT
1.  Nice free advertising for HMG.  I bet CNN just sold a lot of rifles for them.

2.  That article is weapons grade stupid.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 9:09:36 PM EDT

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Nazi's made Volkswagons and highways too.
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"You know Hitler was a vegetarian too?"

Link Posted: 6/29/2016 9:13:13 PM EDT
I clicked because there were 88 replies.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 9:15:55 PM EDT
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"You know Hitler was a vegetarian too?"  
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Nazi's made Volkswagons and highways too.
"You know Hitler was a vegetarian too?"  

Yep. And Subaru comes from a 1915 Japanese aircraft research company that helped develop Imperial Japanese warplanes in WWII.

If they want to whine about pedigrees, we can do this all day.
Link Posted: 6/29/2016 11:25:03 PM EDT

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Just read the DU link. Some days I think it would be fun to join just to troll them on occasion. And today would be fun but I'd be banned in 4 minutes. I'd love to post a picture of a 12 foot long Nazi state service flag and two Lugers. That type flag has two swastikas and a big eagle in the corner. I think their heads would explode. Better yet I've got a 19 foot parade banner. Oh the horror!
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Before you go, that discussion is about the most logical and intelligent thing I have ever read over there.  Something is wrong in the Force.

Link Posted: 6/29/2016 11:36:22 PM EDT
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Nazi's made Volkswagons and highways too.
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And they got us to the moon.
Link Posted: 6/30/2016 3:22:23 AM EDT

Link Posted: 6/30/2016 3:28:43 AM EDT
Super scary CNN.
Link Posted: 6/30/2016 3:35:31 AM EDT
Way to expensive for me
Link Posted: 6/30/2016 3:52:57 AM EDT

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Can someone please explain to me what an "assault style" rifle is?

And more, how is Ruger 10/22 considered one?
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Would you agree that the M-16 and M-4 meet the definition of an "assault rifle?"

If so, and they do as the definition is rather arbitrary--rifle cartridge with select fire--then an AR-15 which has the exact outward appearances of these assault rifles are "assault-style rifles." As they are made in the "style" of a popular assault rifle.

Now as far as the 10/22, I think maybe they are thinking of the mini-14, being used my the A-team that would make is an assault rifle.  Since the 10/22 looks the same to a journalist, it makes the assault-style list (at least that is all I got).

Link Posted: 6/30/2016 3:54:01 AM EDT
We should start a GoFundMe to buy one for Taylor Swift.
Link Posted: 6/30/2016 4:10:05 AM EDT
I liked the one I shot in Vegas - a grail gun, for me. That and the minigun
Link Posted: 6/30/2016 4:30:40 AM EDT

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Yep. And Subaru comes from a 1915 Japanese aircraft research company that helped develop Imperial Japanese warplanes in WWII.

If they want to whine about pedigrees, we can do this all day.
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Nazi's made Volkswagons and highways too.
"You know Hitler was a vegetarian too?"  

Yep. And Subaru comes from a 1915 Japanese aircraft research company that helped develop Imperial Japanese warplanes in WWII.

If they want to whine about pedigrees, we can do this all day.
Subaru?? Shoot, what about Mitsubishi? The company that built some of the planes that attacked Pearl Harbor now builds parts for the same company that built the planes that nuked them

Link Posted: 6/30/2016 4:39:59 AM EDT
Progressives judge the lethality of a firearm by its looks.

Liberal logic = a dressed up 10/22 is way more deadly than a Marlin 45-70 guide gun.
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