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Link Posted: 6/2/2020 9:21:12 PM EDT
In my truck..i keep..
A 16oz mallet...
A old rusty roofing hatchet
And one bad ass old school cane cutter....
You watch enough zombi..mob rule ..shit

You have options ....lol

Link Posted: 6/2/2020 9:24:10 PM EDT
Against a mob they are stupid.

So is a bow.

People are retarded.
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 9:26:12 PM EDT
Twin Tomahawks ala ‘Revolution
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 9:33:40 PM EDT
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Against a mob they are stupid.

So is a bow.

People are retarded.
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Link Posted: 6/2/2020 10:13:45 PM EDT
The mind is the weapon, all else are tools.
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 10:37:28 PM EDT
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The sword guy made the mistake of going out to meet them.  He should have waited inside his doorway and put 2 feet of steel through the first guy in the door, so that the second guy would see a foot of steel coming out his co-conspirator's back, and have second thoughts about the whole endeavor.

Luckily, I own guns, so shouldn't find myself in that situation.
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Patton said, "the best defense is a yard of cold steel transfixing your opponit's breast.", in his fencing manual for the US Cavalry.
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 10:39:14 PM EDT
I went BudK shopping two week ago, I would carry this.

Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:05:28 PM EDT
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I went BudK shopping two week ago, I would carry this.

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A smack with that would leave a lasting impression.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:13:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:14:48 PM EDT
I bet if I cracked you in the head with the monkey fist I keep handy it would 'work'
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:15:51 PM EDT
No weapon is stupid, it's incumbent upon the user to know the limitations of the weapon.
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:24:05 PM EDT
A sword isn’t just something you can pick up one day and start slaying motherfuckers left & right with it. And it’s not gonna be worth shit if the bad guys are throwing bricks & bottles at you. There would be something immensely satisfying about lopping off arms and disemboweling motherfuckers with one, though.
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:27:57 PM EDT
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A sword isn’t just something you can pick up one day and start slaying motherfuckers left & right with it. And it’s not gonna be worth shit if the bad guys are throwing bricks & bottles at you. There would be something immensely satisfying about lopping off arms and disemboweling motherfuckers with one, though.
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This is why you always need a shield to go with a sword
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:33:09 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:42:55 PM EDT
Are we talking about zombies or communists?
Link Posted: 6/2/2020 11:45:43 PM EDT
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Are we talking about zombies or communists?
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As always happens in the medieval weapons threads, it doesn't matter
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:00:08 AM EDT
Most of the failures I have seen with a melee weapon was from the user not being willing to use it.  

They are not the best choice for riots either.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:00:22 AM EDT
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A guy who knows what he is doing with a sword and has a proper one will fuck you and you friends up bad and do it quickly.  Just because one guy does it poorly and there are much better options doesn't mean it cant work.
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A mule will also get me to work
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:03:55 AM EDT
you have to be willing to use it

willingness can't be trained it's a mindset one most possess all on their own
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:10:51 AM EDT
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I fuck shit up on Diablo 3 wielding dual maces
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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:18:28 AM EDT
Mob dynamics change everything.  People develop contempt for a single armed man because they know he can be easily overwhelmed.  One on one, few people would tangle with a man armed with a sword, bow, or even a baseball bat.  30 against one? Better have a gun with at least a 30+ round mag.  If an angry mob converged on a single man who then pulled out an M249 and started firing, I can guarantee-damn-tee that mob would disperse.  You just need to have the right tool for the job.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:24:28 AM EDT
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Then you must begin with the bayonet. The bayonet must be for an American what the sarissa was for a Macedonian. If the communists dare set foot in America, we must show them the bayonet. Train with the bayonet and we shall keep our freedom!
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The only ar i have with a bayo lug is a pistol... I don't think they make a bayo that would work on an 11.5
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:11:08 AM EDT
If you are going to play medieval games, you need to be equipped properly. That means you need melee weapons training, which isn't a couple hour affair to be good. You also need armor because you will be taking hits from all manner of objects, fists and feet in a melee. A 16th century full plate harness setup would protect most of your body. When you get hit by flying objects or people use a skateboard on you, it will be a lot less effective.  Or you can just join the modern era and get firearms, and engage smartly.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:20:47 AM EDT
Looking at the medical photos of Machete attacks and axe wounds, no, they are not stupid if you want to move some meat.  They have to be used to that end and not merely held and swung about.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:41:26 AM EDT
Sjambok wrecks your whole damn weekend.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:43:02 AM EDT
Not with proper training.
For example: find a woman of Scottish descent, give her shit, get introduced to her 'little friend' - a 4 -6 inch knife known affectionally for centuries as a 'nut cutter', loose the ability to have children in the future as you apologize to her.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:58:05 AM EDT
An AR15 with multiple magazines and the willingness to use it.
Why do you think they want to ban them?
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:16:54 AM EDT
Gun and running shoes.  Those aren't options, they are a combo.  And the only acceptable one at that.

The idiot with the sword didn't do so well.  Bats, Molotov cocktails, bricks... none of them appear to be any risk for anyone around them.
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C'mon man, Molotov Cocktails are still viable. Don't discount them because the idiots in the riots don't know how to use them.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:22:13 AM EDT
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Yeah, aimless ain't gunna like this thread.  It's not super friendly to Cold Steel, lol
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I didn't know Aimless is a Cold Steel guy. I am as well so I will need to defend him on this.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:23:21 AM EDT
Gun and running shoes.  Those aren't options, they are a combo.  And the only acceptable one at that.

The idiot with the sword didn't do so well.  Bats, Molotov cocktails, bricks... none of them appear to be any risk for anyone around them.
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Are those my go to? No but someone who knows how to use something and the will can fuck you up under the right circumstances
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:24:48 AM EDT
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Narwhal Tusk
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State name does not check out. You must be an Englishman posing as a Quaker.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:25:12 AM EDT
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Nah, imagine he had a typical carry gun with one mag.

If he approached it the same way, he’d have emptied it all into the ground and ended up in the same place.

He was lacking a brain, not a weapon.
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Batman Begins - The Will to Act (Training Scene HD)
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:26:54 AM EDT
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I can agree with that, state of mind is probably the best and first thing  in the use of weapons
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Having the will to do what needs to be done and keeping calm makes a big difference if trained
Mythbusters Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:30:18 AM EDT
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Sword guy didnt do well because he lacked conviction; had he sliced a couple people in half -- he'd have his own castle and wenches galore.

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Yeah, you have to be fine with gouging eyes and lopping off hands, slashing necks. I’ve seen guys I’ve trained with treat their training like stamp collecting. But society doesn’t encourage violence as a solution to problems. Most people expect the cavalry to come to rescue or opponents to hold back because were supposed to be civilized
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:37:59 AM EDT
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That's a good point.

Have any of the non-firearm weapons worked in these riots?  Other than bricks vs cringing helpless unarmed non-combatants.

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Fucking 3 years and GD has Alzheimer’s
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:39:11 AM EDT
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Both of these.  I wouldn’t choose a melee weapon for defense if I had a choice, but some people don’t have much choice.  I’d go crossbow first if I had to, but given everything else...you gotta do what you gotta do.

Though I will say the under-AR mounted chainsaw is simply awesome.  Can’t argue with that.
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Dildo works in a pinch
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:40:47 AM EDT
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For melee weapons to work, you need training, situational awareness and you actually need intent to follow through with violence. As shown in videos from this and other events, simply showing up with a weapon doesn't make you invincible.

Same deal even if you have a gun. Yes with a gun your chances are better, but if the crowd calls your bluff or somehow isn't deterred by the threat of injury or death, you very well may be stomped into the ground and your shit stolen if your position is not ideal.
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Captain Cook learned that in Hawaii
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:44:17 AM EDT
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The mind is the weapon, all else are tools.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:48:57 AM EDT
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This is why you always need a shield to go with a sword
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Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 2:49:21 AM EDT
Gun and running shoes.  Those aren't options, they are a combo.  And the only acceptable one at that.

The idiot with the sword didn't do so well.  Bats, Molotov cocktails, bricks... none of them appear to be any risk for anyone around them.
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The idiot with a sword didn't know how to use it.  That would be akin to giving a single action pistol to somebody with a loaded magazine in his free hand, telling him to run outside,
load it and start gunfighting.   A warhammer and sword....a short sword and shield would fuck people up quick....again, it all comes down to training and mastery of space/footwork.

Melee weapons have been getting shit done for thousands of years.  But like any weapon system...you need fucking training.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:53:49 AM EDT
Is OP Batman?
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 5:03:56 AM EDT
The guy using the sword couldn’t fight or likely lift his own body weight.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 5:22:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 5:48:11 AM EDT
Where is the video of the coordinated molotov attack on the armored military vehicle in Egypt I think. They turned that thing into a ball of flame in 3 seconds.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 6:43:11 AM EDT
I’ve always wanted to swing a fork spring inside a rubber hose for some reason
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 6:54:39 AM EDT
The guy with the sword was taken out with a brick/rock.
Melee weapons don't need ammo either.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 7:26:37 AM EDT
Gun and running shoes.  Those aren't options, they are a combo.  And the only acceptable one at that.

The idiot with the sword didn't do so well.  Bats, Molotov cocktails, bricks... none of them appear to be any risk for anyone around them.
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The video of two perps armed with bricks didn't go so well for the first. Second guy threw it right into first guys skull. Melee has the inherent risk of being within contact distance of friendly weapons. That is the defining issue of melee.

Modern weapons offer the solution which all armed combatants of any consideration prefer - standoff distance. While the visceral satisfaction of beating someone with a handheld device is attractive to those with little training and high emotional involvement, the use of weapons that have standoff is the evolutionary rule. Use of standoff weapons forces intellectual consideration. You have to think about proper employment. It disconnects some of the visceral and connects the brain to larger extent, at which point ROE can be considered.

Rocks to sticks to lances to arrows to man carried pyrotechnic launched projectiles to larger crew based weapons to air delivered to missiles. Note the National Guard and Army are not showing up in "riot gear" with batons. Not even. Take your cue.

Rules of engagement are how you keep from being prosecuted. Melee weapons are how you wind up being in the "line of fire" of your buddy.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 7:36:05 AM EDT
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This thing is missing a few teeth.
I wouldn't want to get smacked with it.

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Well, one has to be prepared if a Hawaiian shirt clad Boogaloo boy that seeds violence and chaos should show up to a peaceful protest.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 7:38:44 AM EDT
Let's review the opposition forces:
1. "Peaceful Protesters"
2. Greedy looters.
3. Communist terrorists. Not Che Guevara's death squads, although they might aspire to be Mao's Red Guards. Their primary goal is to turn #1s into #2s, and make sure some fires get lit when the looting's done. Some of them really want to fight, their hand to hand combat skills start at Moldylocks and peak at Professor Bike Lock. Individually, none of them can last five seconds against an 18 year old private who graduated Basic last week.

Now let's put a 30 year old nerd up against them. Not the wishy washy idjit we saw with the sword, but a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. He trained 3 hours a week for four years with his university kendo club and practiced alone in his dorm room frequently. Hasn't kept up with his training since graduating, but he has a Cold Steel katana he displays on the wall in his comic book store, and he really would rather kill your ass than let you loot his store and burn it to the ground. After he kills the closest five opponents, the others will either run clear out of sight, or back off and resort to projectile weapons (rocks bricks bottles). I vote for run out of sight. They know that bodies will attract police attention.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 7:44:36 AM EDT
Gladius, spears, shield, trained group of men that can do a phalanx formation well, yeah, you could fvck some rioters up. One untrained guy, nahhhhhh.

Where are the Roman Legions when you need them?
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