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Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:26:39 PM EDT
I think many are being forced to do this to pay off the cartel debt. I live in a very "diverse area"
I sometimes am the only white guy in the local walmart. But there are hispanic chicks selling
roses like that. One walked up to my window begging me to buy some. She was scared and had tears
in her eyes. I didn't bite and couldn't have anyway because I rarely carry cash. But i did feel bad for her.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:35:22 PM EDT
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Is this for real?  You’re a retarded Pollyanna that believes in fairies and pixie dust.  
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No pixie dust- that's really the way it is, in the real world.

You should turn off OAN and come join us, in America.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:40:55 PM EDT
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A lot more than that- plus we will upskill them when they get here.

You can't do that with young Americans- the majority are stuck on their phones playing with some app that turns you into a rabbit, or the Candy Crush.

One of my other favorite things is when they move into the most rotten neighborhood in your city, get together after work with the amigos and some work lights and cervezas, and pull an all -nighter rocking out a job on the house one of them just bought.

The sun comes up- and the locals are PISSED. They've been living in shit for decades, watching trash blow around in the yard of a house that was never going to sell, and these people made it look brand new in ONE NIGHT.

Monday rolls around and there's a little girl with ribbons in her hair waiting for the School Bus... guarded over by a little boy with a haircut who's not sagging his ass and looking every local dirtbag right in the eye.

That's America- and if that's something that upsets you, then you need to go for a long run or walk, and think about what kind of shit got into your head... and how to fix yourself.
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How many skilled people are in the millions coming over the border , a hundred ?

A lot more than that- plus we will upskill them when they get here.

You can't do that with young Americans- the majority are stuck on their phones playing with some app that turns you into a rabbit, or the Candy Crush.

One of my other favorite things is when they move into the most rotten neighborhood in your city, get together after work with the amigos and some work lights and cervezas, and pull an all -nighter rocking out a job on the house one of them just bought.

The sun comes up- and the locals are PISSED. They've been living in shit for decades, watching trash blow around in the yard of a house that was never going to sell, and these people made it look brand new in ONE NIGHT.

Monday rolls around and there's a little girl with ribbons in her hair waiting for the School Bus... guarded over by a little boy with a haircut who's not sagging his ass and looking every local dirtbag right in the eye.

That's America- and if that's something that upsets you, then you need to go for a long run or walk, and think about what kind of shit got into your head... and how to fix yourself.

What you described is 1 in 100, maybe. I worked in the residential roofing market in Sacramento County for 30+ years. Don't forget to add in  an absolute shit ton of drunk driving and domestic violence. Mexican barrio really no different than black ghetto or White trailer trash mobile park.

They are masters of working the system. The only funny thing to watch about all this is the hispanic gangs pushing the black gangs out of their traditional areas and taking it over. It's still a shithole just enforced by a different language and color.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:42:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:52:52 PM EDT
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Mexican barrio really no different than black ghetto or White trailer trash mobile park.
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It's true that low class places have low class problems... but we all know that only one of those 3 groups has has demonstrated social mobility and consistently realized the American Dream.

...and immigrants from Asia and the Middle East even surpass them.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:06:47 PM EDT
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Life in the United States will continue to get BETTER and BETTER.

I'll even say "Gracias" and leave a nice tip- not even at a Mexican restaurant.

Do you even know about Latinos?

They are, in large part, conservative, smart, hardworking, religious, and friendly- specifically the ones that make the trek.
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If any of that bullshit were true, California would be the reddest state in the Union. They vote for whoever gives the freebies.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:11:18 PM EDT
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And not paying taxes while probably getting gov money & such...
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

My thoughts exactly.

And not paying taxes while probably getting gov money & such...

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:11:59 PM EDT
Don' them kids belong in school?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:15:44 PM EDT
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I slip 'em CINCO for a few flowers and then I'm straight ORO with my lady when I get home.

You are 100% turned around on this.

We want them to come here and do hard work, fix stuff, and build things.

This gives us more time to code.

The only people I know who do not think this is great, predictably, are the people who deliver food or Amazon... or drive Uber for career.
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Quoted: they use babies to guilt idiot people to give them $20 for a dollar bottle of water .

I slip 'em CINCO for a few flowers and then I'm straight ORO with my lady when I get home.

You are 100% turned around on this.

We want them to come here and do hard work, fix stuff, and build things.

This gives us more time to code.

The only people I know who do not think this is great, predictably, are the people who deliver food or Amazon... or drive Uber for career.

I have an MD and PhD degree, work in Pharma, making a lot more than $300k per year. No Mexican illegal immigrant is going to take my job and I don't need these people to give me more time to do my job. I do my own yard work and home improvements.

I do not think this is great.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:17:12 PM EDT
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It's true that low class places have low class problems... but we all know that only one of those 3 groups has has demonstrated social mobility and consistently realized the American Dream.

...and immigrants from Asia and the Middle East even surpass them.
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Mexican barrio really no different than black ghetto or White trailer trash mobile park.

It's true that low class places have low class problems... but we all know that only one of those 3 groups has has demonstrated social mobility and consistently realized the American Dream.

...and immigrants from Asia and the Middle East even surpass them.

Not really to hard to do when you have Affirmative action, equal opportunity employment, and every other bullshit socialist program helping them. Plus once they acquire any position of power or oversight they will almost 100% hire and promote within their ethnic group.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:42:37 PM EDT
Just here to read all the fear based comments from descendants of European immigrants lol.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:43:11 PM EDT
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I have an MD and PhD degree, work in Pharma, making a lot more than $300k per year. No Mexican illegal immigrant is going to take my job...
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Bully for you- they won't, but their kids just might.

This is the land of opportunity- todo es posible.

The plain fact is that immigrant mentality is all about hustle, and making a better life for the next generation.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:45:33 PM EDT
Just copying the blue ghosts I used to see in Kabul.  

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 9:50:19 PM EDT
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I look forward to skilled labor at low cost, coupled with work ethic.
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I look forward to the machete fights in the streets.

I look forward to skilled labor at low cost, coupled with work ethic.
you only get to pick two
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 10:03:14 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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The concept of work is so unusual in America that it is thread worthy.  That’s telling.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 11:20:44 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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This. At least they're working.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 11:22:44 PM EDT
I’ll have some watermelon and mango with trechas.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 11:24:29 PM EDT
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Mexico is in North America.

Just sayin'
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Do you realize that the overwhelming number of Biden Border Jumpers (BBJ) are NOT from Mexico?
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 12:17:04 AM EDT
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With friends like these who needs enemies.

"We need the work ethic of third world pieces of shit"

"Only those illiterate sub 90 IQ immigrants can truly understand freedom.Real Americans don't understand the way filthy immigrants do!"
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They are working and hustling more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

With friends like these who needs enemies.

"We need the work ethic of third world pieces of shit"

"Only those illiterate sub 90 IQ immigrants can truly understand freedom.Real Americans don't understand the way filthy immigrants do!"

Link Posted: 5/22/2023 12:17:29 AM EDT
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Maybe they're Argentinian?
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The Continent of North America includes, Canada, United States and Mexico.


Maybe they're Argentinian?
Uh, not a chance.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 8:06:48 AM EDT
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The concept of work is so unusual in America that it is thread worthy.  That’s telling.
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The concept of work is so unusual in America that it is thread worthy.  That’s telling.

...and when hard work pays off, and they outcompete native born Americans, it's because of:

Affirmative action, equal opportunity employment,

The majority of Americans are no longer interested in lifelong advancement and climbing the social ladder- they just want to lay down, and their primary position is defending the laydown from any threats.

It is no surprise that at all levels, they get stepped right over.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 11:38:02 AM EDT
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...and when hard work pays off, and they outcompete native born Americans, it's because of:

The majority of Americans are no longer interested in lifelong advancement and climbing the social ladder- they just want to lay down, and their primary position is defending the laydown from any threats.

It is no surprise that at all levels, they get stepped right over.
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The concept of work is so unusual in America that it is thread worthy.  That’s telling.

...and when hard work pays off, and they outcompete native born Americans, it's because of:

Affirmative action, equal opportunity employment,

The majority of Americans are no longer interested in lifelong advancement and climbing the social ladder- they just want to lay down, and their primary position is defending the laydown from any threats.

It is no surprise that at all levels, they get stepped right over.

Pure unadulterated pie in the sky bullshit.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 11:53:33 AM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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That's a difference between Mexico bums and American bums. In Mexico, the beggars at intersections all do tricks/skits. You'll see mimes, and jugglers, and dancers, and shit. It's hilarious.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 12:04:19 PM EDT
We have a very large population of South Americans where I live. They pretty much work, don’t rob, don’t rape, don’t steal. The only beggars you see panhandling here are white people with cardboard signs that say things like WWJD, God Loves You, Veteran Needs Help, 5Kids Need Money, Out of Gas Need Money. The majority of the crime is by black people. Just making an observation.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 12:51:13 PM EDT
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We have a very large population of South Americans where I live. They pretty much work, don’t rob, don’t rape, don’t steal.
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Yes, but if you lived out in the hills, you could see how terrifying it would be to know that the Latin al Pastor chompin', hammer swinging, tile-setting-menace was traveling north - with the intention to cut ALL the lawns and then send his kids to a good college.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 12:56:03 PM EDT
How does an illegal criminal work without a social security card. My identity was stolen a few years back. Even my drivers license by these people. Fortunately caught it immediately and fixed it. Not to mention they will work under the table and still draw some kind of benefits. Not pay taxes.  Have a baby and everything is free.

Then finding shitty diapers just laying in store parking lots. Then the illegal dumping they do along side the roads. Here anyways. Did I mention the gangs here in some areas and their beautiful gang art work they paint all over everything along road ways.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 12:57:48 PM EDT
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No pixie dust- that's really the way it is, in the real world.

You should turn off OAN and come join us, in America.
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Is this for real?  You’re a retarded Pollyanna that believes in fairies and pixie dust.  

No pixie dust- that's really the way it is, in the real world.

You should turn off OAN and come join us, in America.

You really meant FOX NEWS  right
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:02:20 PM EDT
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My thoughts exactly.
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They are working and hustling more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

My thoughts exactly.

also, not like many of the FSA don't have under the table cash paying jobs or side hustles.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:10:02 PM EDT
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Yes, but if you lived out in the hills, you could see how terrifying it would be to know that the Latin al Pastor chompin', hammer swinging, tile-setting-menace was traveling north - with the intention to cut ALL the lawns and then send his kids to a good college.
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We have a very large population of South Americans where I live. They pretty much work, don’t rob, don’t rape, don’t steal.

Yes, but if you lived out in the hills, you could see how terrifying it would be to know that the Latin al Pastor chompin', hammer swinging, tile-setting-menace was traveling north - with the intention to cut ALL the lawns and then send his kids to a good college.

comparing apples to oranges. Illegal is illegal period and if you support them then you are part of the problem.

Immigration is a good thing when done right. But America is litterally being invaded and our infrastructure can not handle it. Neither can tax payers. They legally can not work in America unless they are here legally. But they do work under the table here and still get government benefits. Hopefully the new laws florida passed on hiring illegals helps here. Had my roof replaces. Not one person on the job spoke English and roof leaked. I fixed it myself. Plus had to buy a magnet to pick roofing nails in driveway.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:10:31 PM EDT
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How does an illegal criminal work without a social security card. My identity was stolen a few years back. Even my drivers license by these people. Fortunately caught it immediately and fixed it. Not to mention they will work under the table and still draw some kind of benefits. Not pay taxes.  Have a baby and everything is free.

Then finding shitty diapers just laying in store parking lots. Then the illegal dumping they do along side the roads. Here anyways. Did I mention the gangs here in some areas and their beautiful gang art work they paint all over everything along road ways.
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I personally find the trash cans full of shitty toilet paper inside every bathroom stall to be the most endearing feature of having lots of illegal aliens in my area.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:13:08 PM EDT
Every time a thread like this crops up, I'm always a little surprised at how naive some people are.
It's no wonder we're in the shape we're in, considering what some of you seem to believe.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:14:24 PM EDT
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I personally find the trash cans full of shitty toilet paper inside every bathroom stall to be the most endearing feature of having lots of illegal aliens in my area.
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How does an illegal criminal work without a social security card. My identity was stolen a few years back. Even my drivers license by these people. Fortunately caught it immediately and fixed it. Not to mention they will work under the table and still draw some kind of benefits. Not pay taxes.  Have a baby and everything is free.

Then finding shitty diapers just laying in store parking lots. Then the illegal dumping they do along side the roads. Here anyways. Did I mention the gangs here in some areas and their beautiful gang art work they paint all over everything along road ways.

I personally find the trash cans full of shitty toilet paper inside every bathroom stall to be the most endearing feature of having lots of illegal aliens in my area.

I've seen that here to. Also crap on toilet seats frequented by illegals. I just stopped going to those grocery stores. Now what's funny when I was in Cozmel Mexico. They had a hugh store, bigger than alot of Walmart stores that was clean as hell and had everything in it. It was one of the best stores I'd ever been in.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:15:41 PM EDT
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comparing apples to oranges. Illegal is illegal period and if you support them then you are part of the problem.

Immigration is a good thing when done right. But America is litterally being invaded and our infrastructure can not handle it. Neither can tax payers. They legally can not work in America unless they are here legally. But they do work under the table here and still get government benefits. Hopefully the new laws florida passed on hiring illegals helps here. Had my roof replaces. Not one person on the job spoke English and roof leaked. I fixed it myself. Plus had to buy a magnet to pick roofing nails in driveway.
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We have a very large population of South Americans where I live. They pretty much work, don’t rob, don’t rape, don’t steal.

Yes, but if you lived out in the hills, you could see how terrifying it would be to know that the Latin al Pastor chompin', hammer swinging, tile-setting-menace was traveling north - with the intention to cut ALL the lawns and then send his kids to a good college.

comparing apples to oranges. Illegal is illegal period and if you support them then you are part of the problem.

Immigration is a good thing when done right. But America is litterally being invaded and our infrastructure can not handle it. Neither can tax payers. They legally can not work in America unless they are here legally. But they do work under the table here and still get government benefits. Hopefully the new laws florida passed on hiring illegals helps here. Had my roof replaces. Not one person on the job spoke English and roof leaked. I fixed it myself. Plus had to buy a magnet to pick roofing nails in driveway.

My brother is currently having all the illegal labor’s fuckups fixed.  Dipshits didn’t even bother to route the exhaust from his kitchen range out of the house.  Nope, just sent it into his attic.  One of many things that are coating him extra.  It’s the way it is around here though.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:21:03 PM EDT
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Life in the United States will continue to get BETTER and BETTER.

I'll even say "Gracias" and leave a nice tip- not even at a Mexican restaurant.

Do you even know about Latinos?

They are, in large part, conservative, smart, hardworking, religious, and friendly- specifically the ones that make the trek.
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Yeah, I grew up on the border. My dad and his dad spoke fluent Spanish, and as a kid we would eat in Tecate every week. My wife's mother and father were from South America.

The result of bringing in more people from Latin America will be to make the US more like Latin America. Particularly since any effort at assimilation is no longer done.

Life in the US is already starting to decay due to Democrat policies. That will only accelerate.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:21:23 PM EDT
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I've seen that here too. Also crap on toilet seats frequented by illegals. I just stopped going to those grocery stores. Now what's funny when I was in Cozmel Mexico. They had a hugh store, bigger than alot of Walmart stores that was clean as hell and had everything in it. It was one of the best stores I'd ever been in.
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How does an illegal criminal work without a social security card. My identity was stolen a few years back. Even my drivers license by these people. Fortunately caught it immediately and fixed it. Not to mention they will work under the table and still draw some kind of benefits. Not pay taxes.  Have a baby and everything is free.

Then finding shitty diapers just laying in store parking lots. Then the illegal dumping they do along side the roads. Here anyways. Did I mention the gangs here in some areas and their beautiful gang art work they paint all over everything along road ways.

I personally find the trash cans full of shitty toilet paper inside every bathroom stall to be the most endearing feature of having lots of illegal aliens in my area.

I've seen that here too. Also crap on toilet seats frequented by illegals. I just stopped going to those grocery stores. Now what's funny when I was in Cozmel Mexico. They had a hugh store, bigger than alot of Walmart stores that was clean as hell and had everything in it. It was one of the best stores I'd ever been in.

Yeah, the resorts are nice.  The areas around them might be absolute shit, but they do everything they can to keep the tourists happy.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:27:28 PM EDT
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also, not like many of the FSA don't have under the table cash paying jobs or side hustles.
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The data I've seen show that for places like CA on average foreign households tend to receive more government aid.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:29:49 PM EDT
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Every time a thread like this crops up, I'm always a little surprised at how naive some people are.
It's no wonder we're in the shape we're in, considering what some of you seem to believe.
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It’s hard for me to believe, but I really think a decent swath of people don’t have a good grasp on the effects. They’re far enough away or in a small enough area that wherever they are isn’t inundated.

I suppose I’m somewhat of the opposite, being I’ve grown up in Texas and am always a bit shocked when I go somewhere that isn’t overrun by hispanics.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:33:54 PM EDT
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Maybe they’re Argentinian?
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Hell no. The hippes down here put on a juggling show at stop lights for money. Selling anything is too capitalistic for them.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:34:16 PM EDT
The effect of immigration is to make a country more like the country the immigrants came from.

The effect of the current immigration will be to make the US more like a third world country.

You can see the effect clearly in California.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:35:48 PM EDT
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It’s hard for me to believe, but I really think a decent swath of people don’t have a good grasp on the effects. They’re far enough away or in a small enough area that wherever they are isn’t inundated.

I suppose I’m somewhat of the opposite, being I’ve grown up in Texas and am always a bit shocked when I go somewhere that isn’t overrun by hispanics.
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At least one of those in this thread is just spewing propaganda.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:35:55 PM EDT
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The data I've seen show that for places like CA on average foreign households tend to receive more government aid.
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also, not like many of the FSA don't have under the table cash paying jobs or side hustles.

The data I've seen show that for places like CA on average foreign households tend to receive more government aid.

Even trying to spin the cost, Politifact has to admit that it’s a net loss, and they’re not a Republican mouthpiece.

“The overall effect of immigration on economic growth was positive.

Whatever costs immigrants might present now will be "paid back" by overall economic growth that will lead to more tax revenue on average for the government and less demand for need-based benefit programs. "The $279 billion calculation does not include any estimate of this effect and so is an upper bound on total fiscal impact," Donehower said.

The study analyzed fiscal impacts using assumptions under different scenarios, which led to varying outcomes, said Chris Mackie, a study director with the Committee on National Statistics at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

The $279 billion impact stems from the combination of worst-case assumptions, he said. Under other assumptions, the fiscal burden was $43 billion.

Best case they’re costing 43 billion, and that estimate is from Trump’s time in office.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:37:29 PM EDT
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At least one of those in this thread is just spewing propaganda.
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It’s hard for me to believe, but I really think a decent swath of people don’t have a good grasp on the effects. They’re far enough away or in a small enough area that wherever they are isn’t inundated.

I suppose I’m somewhat of the opposite, being I’ve grown up in Texas and am always a bit shocked when I go somewhere that isn’t overrun by hispanics.

At least one of those in this thread is just spewing propaganda.

Yes, the Republican chamber of commerce talking points are getting a workout.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:43:05 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:43:54 PM EDT
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Yes, the Republican chamber of commerce talking points are getting a workout.
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Reality will have it's way, but by then the damage will be irreversible.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:45:27 PM EDT
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I look forward to skilled labor at low cost, coupled with work ethic.
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Plus the underground economy it brings.

Uncle Sam ain't gonna like missing his cut.

Too bad Pedo Joe, you invited them and I need my driveway re-done.

Win / win.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:46:22 PM EDT
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Reality will have it's way, but by then the damage will be irreversible.
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Yes, the Republican chamber of commerce talking points are getting a workout.

Reality will have it's way, but by then the damage will be irreversible.

Demographics is destiny.  At this point, all that’s left is the kicking and screaming.  The tipping point was reached a while back.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:47:45 PM EDT
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Plus the underground economy it brings.

Uncle Sam ain't gonna like missing his cut.

Too bad Pedo Joe, you invited them and I need my driveway re-done.

Win / win.
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Expanding cartel violence along with a population that votes for big mommy government. I think Joe will be fine with it.
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:50:36 PM EDT
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Expanding cartel violence along with a population that votes for big mommy government. I think Joe will be fine with it.
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I choose to look at the bright side of this lunacy.  
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:53:54 PM EDT
Hell…if I saw a pretty, young or “milfy” woman out on the streets hocking drinks and shit, I would ask if they offered anything else for a couple bucks…??
Link Posted: 5/22/2023 1:55:06 PM EDT
The third world brings the third world wherever it goes.  

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