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Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:34:15 AM EDT
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This whole thread is a shitpost.  Don't act like anybody in here is taking the high ground.

This is a hammermill thread.  Full stop.
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2013 OIG report on page 2 of this thread.  You can read it or continue to shitpost.
This whole thread is a shitpost.  Don't act like anybody in here is taking the high ground.

This is a hammermill thread.  Full stop.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:34:35 AM EDT
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Ace investigative work here

ETA:  Although I guess leaping magically from "lives in Virginia" to "protects Democrats" with zero point zero evidence in between is pretty par for the course for this whole Pizzagate thing
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Your content shitposting is just entertainment to us. No one believes a word you post
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:35:44 AM EDT
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people are using putting trump into the pizzagate conspiracy for lulz, no one is seriously linking him just showing how precarious the logic of PG is. Basically pizzagate is nothing more then the 7 degrees of kevin bacon game.
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Frankly, I just see a heavy dose of confirmation bias and you guys see soros trolls everywhere.  Lots of paranoia.  This has nothing to do with Trump, and trying so hard to connect this to him is actually quite bizarre.  A lot of us just don't believe every conspiracy theory we read about.  There's weird shit that goes on around the world, but weird shit doesn't prove something.  

For me, the pizzagate thing just doesn't make sense as presented.  If I want to believe something it has to make sense.  I'm not just doing to believe everyone's story.
people are using putting trump into the pizzagate conspiracy for lulz, no one is seriously linking him just showing how precarious the logic of PG is. Basically pizzagate is nothing more then the 7 degrees of kevin bacon game.
But freaks. Lots of freaks tied together politically and socially. The pickturs.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:37:07 AM EDT
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And that same list had some party planners as I recall.  Other years have included hairstylists and socialites.  Are they also super secret underground power brokers/pedos?

It's GQ not CSPAN.
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The one thing that hangs me up is why some schlep pizza place owner is one of the 50 most powerful people in DC (GQ magazine). I don't get it.

That makes him more powerful than virtually EVERY member of Congress. EVERY agency head. EVERY Cabinet member.

And, he owns two restaurants and an art gallery.

Something ain't right.

And that same list had some party planners as I recall.  Other years have included hairstylists and socialites.  Are they also super secret underground power brokers/pedos?

It's GQ not CSPAN.
David Brock's buttboy.

Who is Podesta's buttboy.

Who is Soros' buttboy.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:39:26 AM EDT
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To be fair, he was 49th

I just pulled up the GQ article.  I think they were being a bit "generous" with their determination of the "most powerful" people in DC.  I mean, they've got a pitcher for the Nats on there...three chicks that are "party planner"...Marco -fucking- Rubio  I think they were really stretching the definition of "powerful" to get clicks.  

My $0.02

ETA:  Beaten above
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Wait so people are seriously tying the McCann disappeance to Pizzagate?  lol

Who's next?  DB Cooper?

"Oh yeah he was totally OG Pizzagate"
The one thing that hangs me up is why some schlep pizza place owner is one of the 50 most powerful people in DC (GQ magazine). I don't get it.

That makes him more powerful than virtually EVERY member of Congress. EVERY agency head. EVERY Cabinet member.

And, he owns two restaurants and an art gallery.

Something ain't right.

To be fair, he was 49th

I just pulled up the GQ article.  I think they were being a bit "generous" with their determination of the "most powerful" people in DC.  I mean, they've got a pitcher for the Nats on there...three chicks that are "party planner"...Marco -fucking- Rubio  I think they were really stretching the definition of "powerful" to get clicks.  

My $0.02

ETA:  Beaten above
David Brock. John Podesta. Barack Obama. The Clintons. All patrons of Comet Pizza. Weird. Then the wikileaks.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:42:22 AM EDT
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probably has more to do with DC fundraising and location. If you are close enough to congress and are a restaurant, then chances are you have had a shit load of fundraising done in your business and thus with so many power players in your restaurant you end up getting to know them and get some clout.

john oliver has a good thing showing just this and how they basically all go to the same restaurant even though its not that good, its just close enough to congress they can pop over there for fund raisers.


"Oliver then looked at what political fundraisers actually entail. Hilariously, he found that many such events occurred at the same Washington, D.C., seafood restaurant, Johnny’s Half Shell. Johnny’s has hosted at least 948 political fundraisers over the last decade, meaning that every congressional representative has inevitably spent some time there. Other strange fundraisers included representatives’ wedding anniversary parties and even Taylor Swift concerts."

pretty much if you've been in congress you've probably eaten there or had a fundraiser there. I would imagine the owner would be a powerful person having connections to so many in congress.
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The one thing that hangs me up is why some schlep pizza place owner is one of the 50 most powerful people in DC (GQ magazine). I don't get it.

That makes him more powerful than virtually EVERY member of Congress. EVERY agency head. EVERY Cabinet member.

And, he owns two restaurants and an art gallery.

Something ain't right.

probably has more to do with DC fundraising and location. If you are close enough to congress and are a restaurant, then chances are you have had a shit load of fundraising done in your business and thus with so many power players in your restaurant you end up getting to know them and get some clout.

john oliver has a good thing showing just this and how they basically all go to the same restaurant even though its not that good, its just close enough to congress they can pop over there for fund raisers.


"Oliver then looked at what political fundraisers actually entail. Hilariously, he found that many such events occurred at the same Washington, D.C., seafood restaurant, Johnny’s Half Shell. Johnny’s has hosted at least 948 political fundraisers over the last decade, meaning that every congressional representative has inevitably spent some time there. Other strange fundraisers included representatives’ wedding anniversary parties and even Taylor Swift concerts."

pretty much if you've been in congress you've probably eaten there or had a fundraiser there. I would imagine the owner would be a powerful person having connections to so many in congress.
Really? Quoting a comedian doing a comedy skit as proof of something? Any sense of credibility you try to claim-gone.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:45:08 AM EDT
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So no one disagreeing with you on this one issue could have believed in the lybian embassy attacks?

You do know that when it comes to logical fallacies that is called a False dilemma.  It helps when trying to convince people to your side not to use logical fallacies.
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Remember the Lybian Embassy fiasco. You same people swore it was a YouTube video to blame, and that it was physically no way the military could respond to the attack. It was brutal, if you so much as hinted the military should have done something you were called names.
You troll types have zero credibility  when it comes to anything .gov.
So no one disagreeing with you on this one issue could have believed in the lybian embassy attacks?

You do know that when it comes to logical fallacies that is called a False dilemma.  It helps when trying to convince people to your side not to use logical fallacies.
It's the pattern. If you had been here then you'd know what he speaks of. Same trolls. same excuses. a generality. non-specific.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:46:08 AM EDT
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The story was shit, the OP was shit, and the derail happened immediately because everyone recognized it. Then it turned into a lulz fest, and only the pizza gate crew got butthurt.

Trump eating pizza was not the derail. The derail was when we noticed the story was from 4 years ago and the link the OP posted was from some jerk who simply reposted it as evidence. The OP thought it was new and made the thread.

Old irrelevant news. Just like people posting about a girl abducted years ago in portugal and some people thought the sketches looked similiar to podesto because they have a bad case of confirmation bias and see everyone being related to him no matter how improbable.
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Perhaps as I said before it does not matter the subject of the thread, if it paints the Dems in a bad light a certain few posters come in and try to deflect the negativity that a story has for the left. And turn it into a negative story for the right. Look back on page 1 it started with another well known poster posting pics of trump in an attempt to derail and delegitimize the story
The story was shit, the OP was shit, and the derail happened immediately because everyone recognized it. Then it turned into a lulz fest, and only the pizza gate crew got butthurt.

Trump eating pizza was not the derail. The derail was when we noticed the story was from 4 years ago and the link the OP posted was from some jerk who simply reposted it as evidence. The OP thought it was new and made the thread.

Old irrelevant news. Just like people posting about a girl abducted years ago in portugal and some people thought the sketches looked similiar to podesto because they have a bad case of confirmation bias and see everyone being related to him no matter how improbable.
You seem pretty butthurt.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:47:06 AM EDT
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That's great but John Fulchino (owner of Johnny's Half Shell and Taqueria Nacional) doesn't even rate a wiki page, let alone a ranking in the most powerful list.

D.C. is the most politically powerful city in the world.

Alefantis is in the top 50 most powerful people (listed as "restaurateur and bon vivant)  in this most powerful city.  There was one other restauranteur and a party planning group.  All others were top politicians, journalists or cabinet/appointed WH types with immediate access to the President.

I'm still skeptical and wonder who the other restauranteur is...

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probably has more to do with DC fundraising and location. If you are close enough to congress and are a restaurant, then chances are you have had a shit load of fundraising done in your business and thus with so many power players in your restaurant you end up getting to know them and get some clout.

john oliver has a good thing showing just this and how they basically all go to the same restaurant even though its not that good, its just close enough to congress they can pop over there for fund raisers.


"Oliver then looked at what political fundraisers actually entail. Hilariously, he found that many such events occurred at the same Washington, D.C., seafood restaurant, Johnny’s Half Shell. Johnny’s has hosted at least 948 political fundraisers over the last decade, meaning that every congressional representative has inevitably spent some time there. Other strange fundraisers included representatives’ wedding anniversary parties and even Taylor Swift concerts."

pretty much if you've been in congress you've probably eaten there or had a fundraiser there. I would imagine the owner would be a powerful person having connections to so many in congress.
That's great but John Fulchino (owner of Johnny's Half Shell and Taqueria Nacional) doesn't even rate a wiki page, let alone a ranking in the most powerful list.

D.C. is the most politically powerful city in the world.

Alefantis is in the top 50 most powerful people (listed as "restaurateur and bon vivant)  in this most powerful city.  There was one other restauranteur and a party planning group.  All others were top politicians, journalists or cabinet/appointed WH types with immediate access to the President.

I'm still skeptical and wonder who the other restauranteur is...

Denial, obfuscation, counter-accusations....
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:49:56 AM EDT
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how does that have anything to do with pizzagate and podesta other then the fact that it happened during when hillary was in charge? Sleezy ambassador
ditches security to do bad things. of course they are going to cover it up, its embarrassing. Just like when the secret service agents got caught with
prostitutes, doesnt mean its connected to pizzagate.  Its another case of confirmation bias.

"In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors."

I believe in giant pedophilia ring, therefore I am going to search for anything sketchy and whatever I find must be related to said pedophilia ring.
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Old, but not irrelevant.  An ambassador was accused of sex with underage prostitutes and the powers that be squashed the investigation.
how does that have anything to do with pizzagate and podesta other then the fact that it happened during when hillary was in charge? Sleezy ambassador
ditches security to do bad things. of course they are going to cover it up, its embarrassing. Just like when the secret service agents got caught with
prostitutes, doesnt mean its connected to pizzagate.  Its another case of confirmation bias.

"In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors."

I believe in giant pedophilia ring, therefore I am going to search for anything sketchy and whatever I find must be related to said pedophilia ring.
You seem to be ignoring the obvious. The associations. the tie-ins. politcal elite. Patterns of obfuscations, deceit, denial, etc... It's the totality of the freak show. And this is a FREAK SHIT SHOW.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:51:17 AM EDT
Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:52:35 AM EDT
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Monica Petersen's death alone is suspicious enough.  Continue with head in sand.
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But that was in Haiti. Do they even do pizza in Haiti? excluding the American owned golf courses.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:54:55 AM EDT
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
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...and yet here you are.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 8:57:35 AM EDT
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Guy likes to see homos naked, that doesn't help me.
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What does Trump have to do with Pizzagate? (Well other than being besties with Epstein - I mean other than that)
I read on crackpots.com that he had a button installed in his desk that when he presses it a butler brings him a coke. If you read the clinton emails, the word
coke is commonly used slang for prepubescent children. If that wasnt an odd coincidence then look at buying and hosting the miss teen usa pageants and having
sole access to go backstage to the dressing rooms? coincidence? or a front for a child sex ring? And where do rich and powerful people associate...golf course. And who
has some of the most lucrative golf courses in the country and around the world....thats right mr. trump. Guess where pedophillia is really big.....thats right the middle east...
and who has hotels and golf courses over that that make a good front for smuggling children through?.....Yea at this point it can't be a coincidence.
Real Fake News.

Podesta Bros / Alefantis/ Richard Kennan knows the code word is 'pasta'. Not 'coke'

“hotdog” = boy
“pizza” = girl
“cheese” = little girl
“pasta” = little boy
“ice cream” = male prostitute
“walnut” = person of colour
“map” = semen
“sauce” = orgy

Muslims endorse pedophilia. America hates pedophilia. Globalists/ Progressives love pedophilia.


Trump is an American.

Owns golf courses all over the world.

Americans love golf. American golfers =/= pedophiles (as a group).

Is David Brock or Alefantis a golfer?
Guy likes to see homos naked, that doesn't help me.

The god-emperor Trump does not like seeing boys nekkid!
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:01:32 AM EDT
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
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Someone is really, really emotionally involved in denying, obfuscating, counter-accusing, blah-blah-blah.

the pikturs. Little children being sexually expoited the world over. "But public image of public officials - where's your proof?" Where's your humanity?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:02:23 AM EDT
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
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If it's just a theory then why are you in every pizzagate or trump thread posting useless bullshit ?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:04:07 AM EDT
People defending to their dying breath freak shows who love displaying their influence and power. It feels a lot like a Rotherham alternate reality with the opposition offering up the Ruth Bader Ginsburg defense that a 12 year old is emotionally developed enough to be sexually active.  OMG! What is the world coming to?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:09:20 AM EDT
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
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I guess we can at least confirm he isn't the guy who broke into a pizza shop with a rifle trying to solve this mystery.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:11:19 AM EDT
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No, it's not. that's why we should just ignore it.

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The shills just ignore this stuff. That's a natural picture.  

Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:14:35 AM EDT
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But that was in Haiti. Do they even do pizza in Haiti? excluding the American owned golf courses.
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Monica Petersen's death alone is suspicious enough.  Continue with head in sand.
But that was in Haiti. Do they even do pizza in Haiti? excluding the American owned golf courses.
Do they Clintons in Haiti?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:14:39 AM EDT
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I guess we can at least confirm he isn't the guy who broke into a pizza shop with a rifle trying to solve this mystery.
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
I guess we can at least confirm he isn't the guy who broke into a pizza shop with a rifle trying to solve this mystery.
That guy was cray-cray.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 9:17:22 AM EDT
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Do they Clintons in Haiti?
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Monica Petersen's death alone is suspicious enough.  Continue with head in sand.
But that was in Haiti. Do they even do pizza in Haiti? excluding the American owned golf courses.
Do they Clintons in Haiti?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 10:57:21 AM EDT
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Monica Petersen's death alone is suspicious enough.  Continue with head in sand.
But that was in Haiti. Do they even do pizza in Haiti? excluding the American owned golf courses.
Do they Clintons in Haiti?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:00:00 AM EDT
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Really? Quoting a comedian doing a comedy skit as proof of something? Any sense of credibility you try to claim-gone.
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Remind me of John Stewart debating Tucker Carlson. Whenever Stewart couldn't answer a question he would proclaim to be only a comedian. Carlson said oh well your not being very funny. Stewart then called him a asshole
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:05:21 AM EDT
Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:31:27 AM EDT
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
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I'm about 50% sure that Kihn is just trolling in pizzagate threads and doesn't actually believe any of it. Poe's law makes it impossible to be sure, of course, but a lot of his posts read like parody to me.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:33:20 AM EDT
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Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
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I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:33:52 AM EDT
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I'm about 50% sure that Kihn is just trolling in pizzagate threads and doesn't actually believe any of it. Poe's law makes it impossible to be sure, of course, but a lot of his posts read like parody to me.
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
I'm about 50% sure that Kihn is just trolling in pizzagate threads and doesn't actually believe any of it. Poe's law makes it impossible to be sure, of course, but a lot of his posts read like parody to me.
I was going to mention Poe's law but I assumed no one would get it...
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:36:26 AM EDT
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I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
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Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:48:02 AM EDT
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Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
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Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
Obvious map is obvious:
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:51:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 11:52:03 AM EDT
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Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
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I never met her.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 12:05:01 PM EDT
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I never met her.
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Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
I never met her.
I haven't looked much into that angle. I've focused on the Clinton Foundation and the DNC elites I know of.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 12:17:32 PM EDT
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Obvious map is obvious:
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Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
Obvious map is obvious:
They may give you shit in these threads, but at least you know what I'm talking about.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 12:19:37 PM EDT
Trump is absolutely part of it.  This quote from one of his old interviews is plain proof.  Anyone who denies it obvious diddles border collies.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 12:25:22 PM EDT
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I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
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Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
And yet he was still able to get into the State dept building for work related stuff. Weird.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 12:50:02 PM EDT
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I was going to mention Poe's law but I assumed no one would get it...
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Someone is really, really, really emotionally involved in this conspiracy theory...
I'm about 50% sure that Kihn is just trolling in pizzagate threads and doesn't actually believe any of it. Poe's law makes it impossible to be sure, of course, but a lot of his posts read like parody to me.
I was going to mention Poe's law but I assumed no one would get it...
You know this to be true. Satire is impossible. In a world constructed this way.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 1:22:07 PM EDT
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Obvious map is obvious:
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Since you guys ignored this question on the first page, maybe you can answer it on this page.

For those of you who have investigated into Pizzagate and believe it is true. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
I don't know if it is true but kind of odd that hilliary the "champion of children" would interfere in a pedo investigation. You do know Padesta is her right hand, hell even obama hated the man and was pissed as hell that hilliary still had him on the payroll. In fact obama refused to hire pedaesta to work for Hilliary, she had to pay him from her own pocket.
Okay and now back to the question I asked. How do you think Kathryn Tate fits into this whole Pizzagate conspiracy?
Obvious map is obvious:
Hope clouds observation.
We look down so many avenues of the past
A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.
What senses do we lack that we cannot see and cannot hear another world all around us?

Renounce your false gods.

Smite the violators of children.

Be In kek's good graces

For we have been shown the way

Link Posted: 5/1/2017 1:25:28 PM EDT
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Lets forget the creepy as fuck pictures of Children in odd poses for a camera.  
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 1:26:23 PM EDT
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I find a strong correlation between pizzagate deniers and constant never trumpers. Never fails, like flies on a shitpile
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Noticed that too and taking note of it.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 1:28:17 PM EDT
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Trump is absolutely part of it.  This quote from one of his old interviews is plain proof.  Anyone who denies it obvious diddles border collies.

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Is there a Snopes ruling on that? Got to be sure.....
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 1:30:12 PM EDT
"BREAKING"  lol. Why is everything on Conservatard sites always "breaking".

I can't go to an alleged Conservative website or blog without being bombarded by clickbait.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 1:43:53 PM EDT
I also find it hard to believe that, with the proliferation of white slavery/human trafficking around the world that politicians in the U.S. are magically squeaky clean.

Politicians in Europe have been busted but no U.S. pols have been busted. I guess our politicians are just red-blooded, God-fearing stand up citizens.


P.S.--Plus, the rush by the MSM to shut down ANY discussion of human trafficking/pedophilia following the election was a bit over the top.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 2:08:58 PM EDT
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I also find it hard to believe that, with the proliferation of white slavery/human trafficking around the world that politicians in the U.S. are magically squeaky clean.

Politicians in Europe have been busted but no U.S. pols have been busted. I guess our politicians are just red-blooded, God-fearing stand up citizens.


P.S.--Plus, the rush by the MSM to shut down ANY discussion of human trafficking/pedophilia following the election was a bit over the top.
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Would love to know why Ried got his ass kicked
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 2:17:24 PM EDT
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My tin foil hat is firmly in place with my chinstrap down...and I am wearing a flamesuit....

So let me posit this....

What could be so bad that Pennsylvania prosecuting attorney Ray Gricar just up and disappeared...POOF! Gone without any trace and his computer to be found in a river and the destroyed hard drive to be found on the river bank?

That Sandusky was literally pimping kids in a child prostitution ring, and these kids were passed around to the elites.

Just doing some googling of "Ray Gricar + Sandusky", I came across this link that says the FBI got the okay first from the CIA to release FOIA request information on Gricar, but some stuff was redacted according to "national security issues":


It's probably just more fake news...so nothing to see here folks.....move along.
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That is pretty weird...
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 4:17:09 PM EDT
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Your posts read like a page out of rules for radicals

Saul Alinsky is that you?
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lol the rule book for pizzagaters when they have no substantial arguments is to use words like Obfuscate, deny, discredit.....lol.

I am asking for evidence...where is it? If you can't provide it then go back to your infowars sites.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 4:18:40 PM EDT
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10...20 years of the gov doing something similar, covering for pedos, please post it if you have it.
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obviously you do not know what the words correlation is, because that is exactly what you are doing. Heck look someone did something similar so they must be doing it now.....grade school logic right there.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 4:23:45 PM EDT
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Right.  The odds of the pictures looking like both Pedesta brothers is extremely high

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ahem, glossed over these facts huh?

"John Podesta was 67 in December 2016, indicating he was between 58 and 59 at the time of McCann’s disappearance; the man depicted was described as being between the ages of 20 and 40. While only 18 years separate 40 and 58, it would be incredibly difficult to mistake a 60-year-old man for a 20-year-old.

Some versions of the rumor claimed that John Podesta was in Portugal around the time of the incident, but referenced an e-mail about a trip which occurred several months after McCann vanished. In another version, Podesta was placed in Portugal at the time of the disappearance by an unnamed law enforcement source, information that without any supporting evidence was as implausible as it was unreliable.

An unrelated (yet notable) aspect of the Podesta brothers and their purportedly eerie resemblance to the Madeleine McCann abduction sketches was that before Pizzagate captivated internet investigators, individuals invested in separate theories peddled the idea that McCann’s parents Gerry and Kate McCann were depicted in both the same sketch and other police drawings:"

rumor and unsubstantiated sources.....no hard facts. That is the entire pizzagate argument.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 4:45:11 PM EDT
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ahem, glossed over these facts huh?

"John Podesta was 67 in December 2016, indicating he was between 58 and 59 at the time of McCann’s disappearance; the man depicted was described as being between the ages of 20 and 40. While only 18 years separate 40 and 58, it would be incredibly difficult to mistake a 60-year-old man for a 20-year-old.

Some versions of the rumor claimed that John Podesta was in Portugal around the time of the incident, but referenced an e-mail about a trip which occurred several months after McCann vanished. In another version, Podesta was placed in Portugal at the time of the disappearance by an unnamed law enforcement source, information that without any supporting evidence was as implausible as it was unreliable.

An unrelated (yet notable) aspect of the Podesta brothers and their purportedly eerie resemblance to the Madeleine McCann abduction sketches was that before Pizzagate captivated internet investigators, individuals invested in separate theories peddled the idea that McCann’s parents Gerry and Kate McCann were depicted in both the same sketch and other police drawings:"

rumor and unsubstantiated sources.....no hard facts. That is the entire pizzagate argument.
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An unnamed law enforcement source. Lol.
You truly are a man of faith.
Link Posted: 5/1/2017 4:59:31 PM EDT
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how does that point to podesta?
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