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Posted: 5/15/2006 10:26:55 PM EDT

Anyone ever seen this website or heard of this guy who describes himself as a

formerly famous gunwriter
on his website?

I accidently hotlinked a photo on my website to his server and he is being a sanctimonious ass about it.  I removed the two photos of a glock tupperware box the minute I received the threatening email.

Yeah, it was bad form, but the image was embedded in a post that someone made on Glocktalk and I received the original poster's permission to host his post about flying with firearms.  I didn't know to checked to see where the photos were coming from.  Hell, when I put the post up, I didn't even know how that worked.

Reading his name droppig bio, he seems like a cool guy and his website has some interesting stuff on it.  Too bad he is such an ass over the email.

Link Posted: 5/15/2006 10:31:07 PM EDT

sanctimonious ass

From what I have seen of his posts over the years, I think you understand him well...
Link Posted: 5/15/2006 10:32:39 PM EDT
please post e-mails, i am very curious........... like a cat........... curious.........
Link Posted: 5/15/2006 10:34:10 PM EDT
He used to write for Harris Publications, mainly Combat Handguns, back in the late 80's early 90's.
Link Posted: 5/15/2006 10:52:39 PM EDT
I've followed his writings in rec.guns, among other places, for several years now.

Not to put too fine a point on it, let's just say he is unfettered by excess modesty and apparently feels he is done with suffering fools.

While he's rather abrasive at times, he generally knows what he's talking about and has been in and around the industry a long time.

Link Posted: 5/15/2006 10:59:37 PM EDT
He mods on Ambackforums and yes, he comes across like a short-fused ass. Their stance on "copyright infringement", and his obeyance of it is heavy-handed and fits perfectly with your experience with him. He's rather zealous about "ownership" on the interweb.

He does know his guns, but that's never license to be a cocksucker about it, IMHO. I steer clear of him, for my propensity to unload on people would get me the ban rather quickly I think.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 12:36:13 AM EDT
IIRC, the same exact thing happened maybe a year ago to someone at Sigforum.

Granted, he does have some pretty good info on his site.

And technically, he’s right.

But (while I’m generally very sympathetic to property rights), his attitude is inexcusably hostile – and actually self-defeating.

Why post info and then go ballistic when it’s shared?

Fundamentally, the Internet is about sharing – and he just doesn’t seem to realize it.  He probably should simply go back to writing for gun rags.  
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:28:41 AM EDT
Here is the first email:

Theft of Services/Bandwidth / Copyright Claim

This will serve as notification to the Law Office of Sean Cody, houstonattorney.org, and GoDaddy.com Web-hosting service that there has been a serious Intellectual Property infringement of copyrighted material posted in The Gun Zone.

The copyrighted material appears at http://www.houstonattorney.org/Flying_With_Firearms_FAQ.htm.

Imagine our shock at discovering that an attorney has not only violated basic Intellectual Property laws, but is also guilty of Theft of Services by using our bandwidth ("hot-linking") two of our copyrighted images straight off of The Gun Zone's servers:
Additionally, Sean Cody and houstonattorney.org have willfully misrepresented the content of their site by posting the following on their home page:

All Photos and Text on this website are copyrighted and may not be
reproduced without the express, written permission of Sean Cody
What Sean Cody and houstonattorney.org did is a blatant copyright infringement;
Posting those images without even acknowledging that they came from The Gun Zone is unconscionable and deceptive;
This is such an outrageous and flagrant infringement, and so disrespectful of the purpose and intentions of The Gun Zone, that it cannot be ignored;
To remedy the situation we demand immediate remove of those copyrighted images from houstonattorney.org, and will accept a notice in their place that they were published without permission; that Sean Cody and houstonattorney.org should have requested permission, and that Sean Cody and houstonattorney.org apologize for using The Gun Zone's Intellectual Property without permission.
Sean Cody and houstonattorney.org must notify The Gun Zone's Webmaster <[email protected]> and General Counsel Robert P. Firriolo <[email protected]> with a link to the remedial action taken.
Sean Cody and houstonattorney.org should understand that under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, if you ignore this notice, your company/institution may be liable for any resulting infringement.
As owner of the exclusive rights to the copyrighted material at issue in this notice, we hereby state, that we have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by The Gun Zone, its respective agents, or the law.
• Dean Speir <[email protected]>
Formerly Famous Gunwriter / The Gun Zone Maintainer


Robert P. Firriolo, Esq.
GoDaddy.com Copyright Department
Texas State Bar Association


Notice how he copies the Texas Bar association, like they are going to be interested in this.  Fucking jackass.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:29:39 AM EDT
My response:


I apologize for using your photos.  I was under the impression that they were Glocktastic's photos on his server.  They have been removed from www.houstonattorney.org and www.atomiclabrat.com.  I appreciate your letting me know that these photos were not what I thought they were.

That said, a polite request to pull the images down would suffice and would have saved you some typing.  I received permission from the guy who wrote the flying with firearms article to post what he wrote and posted it.  I was not aware that the images were hotlinked to your website.  

While I understand the use of form letters, the tone of your letter is rather abrasive.  In fact, it is unnecessarily abrasive.  That may be real cool in New York, but it isn’t the way we do things in Texas.  We certainly do not steal bandwith or use other people’s images without permission.  If you have read through my websites, I cannot imagine how you could, with a straight face, say that anything that I have posted is disrespectful toward your website or your work or what it obviously stands for with the inadvertent tag left off giving you credit for a photo that you host on your server.  

I’ll remove the photos tonight.  I won’t put anything up regarding the removal.  I couldn’t even locate them on your website.   They are photos of Glock plastic boxes, which seem to be plentiful and common & I will snap a few of mine to replace the photos that were from your website.  

Now that I have seen your website, I would like to list it on www.atomiclabrat.com and www.houstonattorney.org in the favorites section.   If you give me your permission to do that.


Sean Cody

Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:31:11 AM EDT
His second email:

Thanks for getting back to us timely, Sean...

How you could be unaware that the images were from The Gun Zone is beyond me, especially since you "pulled" them directly from our site's server.

And clearly you are aware of the concept of Intellectual Property as you have posted a notice advising that everything on your site is copyrighted and not to be used without your specific permission.

As for the "polite request" part, since you advise that you are an attorney, you should know that the prrevious E-mail was a "polite request."

Abrasive? I don't think so... and "cool" has nothing to do with it.

Withstanding your assertions to the contrary, you most certainly were using TGZ images without permission, and pulling them directly off of our server!

As for the way you do things in Texas, I dunno... way we hear it, thieves, rustlers and ne'er do wells get shot, and most Texans I know are proud of such Lone Star lore.

Using copyrighted images without permission, and "hot-linking" is disrespectful. How could you possible assert otherwise????

And, not for nuthin' as the lads in NYPD blue like to say, you're still doing it, just not from our site any longer!
Perhaps you obtained permission to use those images and to "hot-link," but I am dubious.

Glad you like The Gun Zone... as for linking to it (or not), you don't need permission to do so... "linking" is the very basis of the 'Net.

Putting someone else's work product and Intellectual Property on your own Website without authorization or even acknowledgement, however, is something else again.

Suggest that if you're going to be a Web-publisher, you familiarize yourself with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. It will avoid future violations and embarrassment.

Thanks for writing....

• Dean Speir <[email protected]>
Formerly Famous Gunwriter / The Gun Zone Maintainer




Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:34:07 AM EDT
What a dick.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:35:18 AM EDT
My response to email number 2 (his email underlined):

Thanks for getting back to us timely, Sean...

You are welcome.  Thank you for informing me of a potential copyright violation on my website.

How you could be unaware that the images were from The Gun Zone is beyond me, especially since you "pulled" them directly from our site's server.

Real simple- I asked glocktastic if I could use his article and he said to go ahead and post it.  I copied it, Ctrl-C and posted it on frontpage.  I never created the links to the photos and simply thought that glocktastic had them on his server.  Luckily, you let me know of this oversite.  However, I am sure that the use of these images would fall under the fair use doctrine.  

And clearly you are aware of the concept of Intellectual Property as you have posted a notice advising that everything on your site is copyrighted and not to be used without your specific permission.

I do understand about fair use doctrine and other parts of copyright law which I will not bother getting into here that probably would apply in this case.  Again, its not worth the effort when I can simply take a picture of my glock Tupperware box and not have to deal with you arguing about a picture of a Tupperware gun box.  Again, I feel that the photos would fall under one or more defenses to a copyright infringement claim, but they have been removed because is the fair thing to do now that you have informed me of this oversite and I can take my own pictures of Tupperware boxes from GLOCK.

As for the "polite request" part, since you advise that you are an attorney, you should know that the prrevious E-mail was a "polite request."

I disagree.  Don’t kid yourself either.  You are an abrasive New Yorker and you live up to your home state’s reputation admirably.

Abrasive? I don't think so... and "cool" has nothing to do with it.

I disagree.  Being an asshole about stuff is what I do everyday.  I generally try to wait until someone does something worthy of me slipping into that mode- especially prior to litigation.  But, if these are your pictures and since they were hot linked to your website, you can make the initial approach any way you want.  The previous email was anything but a polite request.  I think you are smarter than that.  The fact is, you are not going to engage an attorney and sue someone over two pictures inadvertently hot linked to your website unless you have much more money than brains.   Again, as an attorney, I know that and you ought to know that.  I did a little research on you and you generally don’t come across as an ass.  You did in this case.  Don’t kid yourself.

Withstanding your assertions to the contrary, you most certainly were using TGZ images without permission, and pulling them directly off of our server!

Again, you brought the issue to my attention and the problem was corrected when I became aware of it.  The use of the issue may also fall under one or more defenses to copyright infringement claims including but not limited to the Fair Use Doctrine.  

As for the way you do things in Texas, I dunno... way we hear it, thieves, rustlers and ne'er do wells get shot, and most Texans I know are proud of such Lone Star lore.

Well, if you are threatening to shoot me, come on down.  We meet every Tuesday here in Houston and most of us carry weapons that mere subjects of New York aren’t allowed to even look at.  So, come on down as they say on the price is right.  People generally get shot for being an asshole when they first meet.  Now, if you are accusing me of being a thief, then those are certainly fighting words and you can feel free to stop in and visit me any day.  Your attorney would tell you that most crimes have a mens rea element.  That would be almost impossible to prove in this case.

 Using copyrighted images without permission, and "hot-linking" is disrespectful. How could you possible assert otherwise????

I’m not going to go into the various ins and outs of copyright law, but there is a fair use doctrine, among other things and the problem was corrected when it was brought to my attention.  My first thought is that you are one of those litigious people who clog the legal system with frivolous lawsuits.  Again, when looking at the subject matter of my websites, you cannot say that anything I posted was disrespectful to your website or its subject matter.  

And, not for nuthin' as the lads in NYPD blue like to say, you're still doing it, just not from our site any longer!

·    http://justglocks.com/

·    http://www.redding.com/

·    http://www.capoliceequip.com/

Perhaps you obtained permission to use those images and to "hot-link," but I am dubious.

You are definitely an ass.  Maybe you are dubious.  Maybe I did obtain permission and maybe they were embedded in the article just like your images were.  Maybe, since you have noted this issue, I will pull them because that is the right thing to do if they are copyrighted material.

Glad you like The Gun Zone... as for linking to it (or not), you don't need permission to do so... "linking" is the very basis of the 'Net.

You seem very uptight and tightly wound.  Very over sanctimonious.  See what I said above about a friendly email getting you further in life than being an asshole the first time around.

Putting someone else's work product and Intellectual Property on your own Website without authorization or even acknowledgement, however, is something else again.

There ya go again, lecturing and repeating yourself.  If you had taken the time to actually read the article and look at anything other than your Tupperware photos, you would have seen that the article was credited to the author, GLOCKTASTIC.  How in the world can you say that I posted the article without giving credit to the author?

Suggest that if you're going to be a Web-publisher, you familiarize yourself with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. It will avoid future violations and embarrassment.

Back to the sanctimonious part of your personality.  I deal with enough assholes doing family law, insurance defense and criminal law.  I am not convinced there was any violation of the law to be embarrassed about.  Certainly there was a breach of etiquette and I apologized for inadvertently hot-linking to your website. I also apologized for not giving you credit for taking a picture of a glock Tupperware box and posting that on your website.  I also remedied the situation when I learned of the inadvertent trespass.  You on the other hand climbed even further up your tower of pride and continued your tirade.  Maybe you should talk to your attorney and discuss some defenses to copyright infringement.

Again, thank you for letting me know that I was unintentionally hot linking to your website and displaying your pictures of Tupperware.  I will substitute my own pictures of Tupperware, which I am sure will be comparable to your pictures of Tupperware.

Cheers, Sean    


From: Dean Speir [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:31 AM
To: Sean Cody
Cc: General Counsel Robert P. Firriolo, Esq.; [email protected]
Subject: Re: Theft of Services/Bandwidth / Copyright Claim

Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:38:21 AM EDT
this guy's a prick. This guy isn't short-fused. I'm short-fused..... this guy's just an outright prick and asshole.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:44:09 AM EDT
It's ironic that he gets all indignant about intellectual property, because for a while the review of the movie Heat on his web page was directly cut-and-pasted from Madogre.com (you know, the guy who wrote the infamous rant about why he hates AR15's.)
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:45:02 AM EDT

It's ironic that he gets all indignant about intellectual property, because for a while the review of the movie Heat on his web page was directly cut-and-pasted from Madogre.com (you know, the guy who wrote the infamous rant about why he hates AR15's.)

yup. Pot to kettle, pot to kettle, this pot..... come in kettle......
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:47:49 AM EDT
An "unfortunate clash of cultures" right there folks!

Good for you, SC-Texas!

Mr. Speir fancies himself a hot shot litigator it seems.

Waiting on this question to be posted from Mr. Spreir, "Do you know who I am??"

Link Posted: 5/16/2006 5:52:24 AM EDT
TGZ has been a well-known shithole since the Glock KB thing and now now we know he is a fucking ass. I really get a kick out of folks who go through the trouble to re-program the right mouse button so you cannot save images with  right click; guess they have not heard of print screen or FILE/SAVEAS.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 6:06:08 AM EDT
I called his lawyer, who like most litigators "is good people" until crossed, and asked him to have his client -Dean- communicate through him in the future.  

Got to love it.  

"This letter is not abrasive"  

I write abrasive letters all the time.  Does he not realize that I know how to identify abrasive when I see it?
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 6:51:28 AM EDT
Oh shit. Looks like Vader is going to have to choke a bitch again!
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:03:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:06:05 AM EDT
Teh ripping off of the bandwidth was way uncool.  Hence, my abject apology.  I didn't know that the photos were hotlinked to his website.  Luckily, my websites don't get that much exposure.  Hell, if the guy hadnb't been such an ass, I would have offered to send him $100.00 for use of his bandwidth just because I felt bad about that.

Part of hte taking responsibility for doing something wrong thing.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:09:54 AM EDT

i spoke with him several times when my g30 exploded. i gave him permision to post my gun on his site.

never had an issue with him, in fact he was extreamly helpful with my problem and a pretty decent guy on the phone.

i have seen a few of his abrasive posts. He really doesn't seem to be that way inperson. that said i am sure between website ripping off his bandwidth and the constate BS slamming he takes over the KB issue he is probably done with morons. I can't say i blame him.

He hates Gaston Glock, but proclaims to love Glock pistols. He was most likely nice when you gave him permission to post KB'd pics, as he has a fetish for Glock KB's.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:12:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:19:53 AM EDT
Some of these "bigtime" gun guys have personalities that rival the local soccer mom PTA president.

Catty little schoolgirl bitches.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:21:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:50:50 AM EDT


Anyone ever seen this website or heard of this guy who describes himself as a

formerly famous gunwriter
on his website?

I accidently hotlinked a photo on my website to his server and he is being a sanctimonious ass about it.  I removed the two photos of a glock tupperware box the minute I received the threatening email.

Yeah, it was bad form, but the image was embedded in a post that someone made on Glocktalk and I received the original poster's permission to host his post about flying with firearms.  I didn't know to checked to see where the photos were coming from.  Hell, when I put the post up, I didn't even know how that worked.

Reading his name droppig bio, he seems like a cool guy and his website has some interesting stuff on it.  Too bad he is such an ass over the email.

He is a complete assclown of the first order.  I have kicked him off, twice, a listserv (glock) that I used to own because he is such an abrasive prick....and coming from me, that's saying something.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 7:54:27 AM EDT

I've followed his writings in rec.guns, among other places, for several years now.

Not to put too fine a point on it, let's just say he is unfettered by excess modesty and apparently feels he is done with suffering fools.

While he's rather abrasive at times, he generally knows what he's talking about and has been in and around the industry a long time.

+1 on the above.

That said, it's no excuse for arrogance.

Something was written about 2000 years ago about people who exalt themselves shall be humbled, and vice versa ....
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 8:31:26 AM EDT



i spoke with him several times when my g30 exploded. i gave him permision to post my gun on his site.

never had an issue with him, in fact he was extreamly helpful with my problem and a pretty decent guy on the phone.

i have seen a few of his abrasive posts. He really doesn't seem to be that way inperson. that said i am sure between website ripping off his bandwidth and the constate BS slamming he takes over the KB issue he is probably done with morons. I can't say i blame him.

He hates Gaston Glock, but proclaims to love Glock pistols. He was most likely nice when you gave him permission to post KB'd pics, as he has a fetish for Glock KB's.

entirely possible. that said he has NEVER said a word to me about hotlinking my pics off his site. he also went above and beyond with trying to help me resolve my problem.

not taking up for being an asshole, it's just something i didn't experience in my dealings with him. I thought he was a pretty nice guy.

The more I read into his opinions/views on Glock, the more I think it is a case of sour grapes. He claims to have pioneered legalizing the G17 for civilian use in 1986:

I was almost single-handedly responsible for getting Glocks (then limited to the Models 17) "civilian-legal" in my Suffolk County, NY jurisdiction in March 1987. This, incidentally, was a full 17-18 months ahead of New York City where Glock, Inc., had assured me that they were concentrating their utmost political and legal efforts because, "first New York City, then Suffolk County!"

Glock USA probably didn't even acknowledge his existence, or they did not acknowledge it to his satisfaction and thus began a long path towards showing Glocks as being imperfect/KB prone due to the way Gaston Glock runs his business and how Glock handles information. I'm sure there are plenty of HKs, 1911s, AR-15s, and other common weapons that have Ka BOOMED but they do not get as much attention or visibility for one reason or another. In almost 99% of the online "Glocks are crap because they KB" style debates, The Gun Zone and Dean Speir is brought in as an "OFFICIAL" source of Glock KB data... The pics of the KB'd Glocks on factory ammo are now being used as GOSPEL that all Glocks are crap because they KB even on factory ammo. TGZ is doing more to harm Glock's image than to help it out. He may be a top master champion sharpshooter using Glock pistols, but I do not see many other top Glock shooters making Glock KB webpages.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 8:47:05 AM EDT
His latest tirade:

Hey, Sean...

I accept your 'cut 'n' paste explanation of how you came to violate The Gun Zone's Intellectual Property.

You have remedied the violation which is exactly what we desired.

All the rest is blather... the proper initial response would have been "Oops... mistake on my end, I've taken it down and I apologize." The matter would have been settled to everyone's satisfaction, and the impression would have been, Sean Cody's a stand-up guy and a good fella.
It may suit you to characterize me as "a New York asshole," but a thief I am not.
Your continued raising of the "Doctrine of Fair Use" suggests that if this was from one of your University of Kentucky lectures, you napped a great deal that particular day. So before you attempt to discuss "the various ins and outs of copyright law," you're gonna have to know a whole lot more than you do... right now you're just yanking your trigger.  
If your reading of my comment about "Texas lore" is that I've threatened to come down and shoot you, then I've gotta wonder how you made it through high school let alone college. That's a Texas tradition, and as you like to remind me, I'm a New Yorker.
Your repeated dismissive attitude of TGZ's Intellectual Property ("just pictures of Tupperware") is risible. Those images were good enough that the person you allege to be the original author sought them out to illustrate his monograph, and were good enough for you to continue to use them.
We have no idea who "glocktastic" is... a visitor to your site might not unreasonably assume that it was you. "Glocktastic" is a nom de 'Net, and could be anyone. Sean Cody, however, published that page and advised on his home page that everything on his site was his copyrighted material!
That, young man, makes a prima facie case of, willful or otherwise, Violation of Intellectual Property. And before you start blathering again about the law, bone up on it a bit. You may be hell on Criminal Law, ol' son,  but your understanding of "fair use" and I.P. would get your pants pulled down in conference.

Now my style may not be to your liking... but I'm not one to sit down with a weasel in my hen house and explain to him the impropriety of his depredations over a couple of longneck Lone Stars!

Go now and offend no more...

• Dean Speir <[email protected]>
Formerly Famous Gunwriter / The Gun Zone Maintainer


Link Posted: 5/16/2006 8:47:59 AM EDT
My reply:

Hey, Sean...

Hey Dean, Oh SHIT, here we go again.  More sanctimonious bullshit from the gun-writing hack who fancies himself the caped crusader of Gotham city’s intellectual property rights committee.

I accept your 'cut 'n' paste explanation of how you came to violate The Gun Zone's Intellectual Property.

That’s real nice, after three emails in which you called me a thief and a scumbag, you accept my explanation?  That’s real New York of you partner.

You have remedied the violation which is exactly what we desired.

No shit Sherlock.  I did that as soon as you informed me that the photos were linked to your website and using your bandwidth which was the right thing to do.

All the rest is blather...

The blather was coming from you.  Have you read your emails?  They are full of blather.  In fact, they are full of pointless threats and posturing that show that you are an egotistical blowhard that has very little concept of litigation in general and copyright litigation specifically.

the proper initial response would have been "Oops... mistake on my end, I've taken it down and I apologize."

That was my initial response.  I am assuming that you can actually read and that you don’t have a monkey typing this for you.  Once again, you demonstrate a lack of reading comprehension that astounds me.  Just like your statement in a previous email that I didn’t give credit to the person who wrote the article about flying with guns.  It shows a blatant lack of credibility on your part.  

The matter would have been settled to everyone's satisfaction, and the impression would have been, Sean Cody's a stand-up guy and a good fella.

You set the tone of this conversation by starting it off with your asshole new Yorker attitude and calling me a thief and a liar.  Your asshole email showed that you are anything but a standup guy.  Funny thing is, you seem to have cut and pasted someone’s review of a movie and put that on your website.  Remember that?  Some people on the internet haven’t forgotten.

1. It may suit you to characterize me as "a New York asshole," but a thief I am not.
So you admit you are a NEW York Asshole?  I think that you may also be a thief if you have also posted stuff on your website like the movie review and not given credit for it.  Are you telling me that you have never inadvertently posted something on your website and given improper credit?  Like a review of the movie heat that allegedly was posted word for word without credit or permission?  Maybe some of your photos of damaged Glocks were hotlinked off someone’s website without permission?

There’s a passage in the bible about people without sin being casting the first stone.

2. Your continued raising of the "Doctrine of Fair Use" suggests that if this was from one of your University of Kentucky lectures, you napped a great deal that particular day. So before you attempt to discuss "the various ins and outs of copyright law," you're gonna have to know a whole lot more than you do... right now you're just yanking your trigger.  

The only person who is yanking a trigger on an unloaded gun is you.  Somehow, after reading through your website and finding the issues that you have regarding the Glock issue, I can see why you are a formerly famous gun writing hack.

3. If your reading of my comment about "Texas lore" is that I've threatened to come down and shoot you, then I've gotta wonder how you made it through high school let alone college. That's a Texas tradition, and as you like to remind me, I'm a New Yorker.

Aah, the personal insults that you started with in the first email continue.  You should re-read your email.  You stated that people like me get shot in Texas.  Somehow, with your New York asshole attitude, I think your visits to Texas have been few, short and probably painful for you when you have visited.  

4. Your repeated dismissive attitude of TGZ's Intellectual Property ("just pictures of Tupperware") is risible. Those images were good enough that the person you allege to be the original author sought them out to illustrate his monograph, and were good enough for you to continue to use them.

Again, re-read my emails.  I have been dismissive of you, personally, and your asshole attitude that you took with me in your first email.  The images of the Tupperware box were just that, an image of a glock Tupperware box.  Nothing good or bad about them.  Are you claiming tha tthe photo of the tupperware box is a work of art that displays your best talent?

5. We have no idea who "glocktastic" is... a visitor to your site might not unreasonably assume that it was you. "Glocktastic" is a nom de 'Net, and could be anyone. Sean Cody, however, published that page and advised on his home page that everything on his site was his copyrighted material!

Are you saying that I wrote the article or that I made Glocktastic up?  Have you ever done a search on Glocktalk for his posts?  How about AR15.com?  Face it, you are, like you admitted above, a simple minded, stereotypical New York asshole who wanted to argue instead of resolve this issue.

That, young man, makes a prima facie case

That’s a college word that I doubt you really comprehend.  Why not look it up and learn how it is used in litigation

of, willful or otherwise,

Well, which is it?  Above, you admitted that you accepted my explanation.  That is an admission against interest on your part.  

Violation of Intellectual Property.

Again, whether or not it’s a violation remains to be seen.  From what I see, if it was a violation, you admitted that its been cured and that that was what you wanted.  Another admission against interest on your part.  

And before you start blathering again about the law, bone up on it a bit.
That’s what I would suggest you do.  

Quite blathering, quite being such an asshole unless it is necessary and act like a man.

You may be hell on Criminal Law, ol' son,  but your understanding of "fair use" and I.P. would get your pants pulled down in conference.

In conference?  I thought we were going to court.    

Now my style may not be to your liking...

That’s the truth.  Assholes like you give New York a bad name.  But you are the one who set the tone.

but I'm not one to sit down with a weasel in my hen house and explain to him the impropriety of his depredations over a couple of longneck Lone Stars!

Speaking of weasels, have you looked in the mirror lately?   Did you read the emails you sent?  Shows me all I need to know about weasels form New York.

Go now and offend no more...

Good advice Hack, why don’t you take your on advice and quite being an asshole on the internet.  Some people who have met you say you would never act like this in person.  Its funny how the internet makes assholes out of small men with big egos who are legends in their own minds.

I spoke with Mr. Firriolo this morning and requested that he contact you and have all your communications go through him.  Since you are represented, it would be appropriate for you to have all future communication go through his office.  That way, I don’t have to deal with an emotional asshole that simply wants an argument on the internet.  

Cheers, Sean

From: Dean Speir [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:36 AM
To: Sean Cody
Cc: 'General Counsel Robert P. Firriolo, Esq.'
Subject: Re: Theft of Services/Bandwidth / Copyright Claim

Link Posted: 5/16/2006 8:54:35 AM EDT

What a dick.

Yep, that's sums it up nicely.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:05:14 AM EDT
If the guys who maintain his web server were worth a shit, they could prevent linking images off their server. It's not hard to do.

BTW - you guys can steal my bandwidth all you want. Don't even bother saving images I post on your own server. I don't give a shit. I aim to please.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:09:34 AM EDT
funny shit... I may have to have some fun with this dork... That tupperware pic of "his" looks exactly like one I took a few years back. I'm sure he stole it from me when I posted it on the internet....

Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:19:06 AM EDT
I doubt he shot the G-thong photo on his Glock page.  He has no disclaimer on that page about the image not being his.  What a dick.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:21:12 AM EDT
I'm gonna remove him from my bookmarks now.....what a fucktard.

We are our own worst enemy sometimes.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:23:22 AM EDT

He hasn't changed a bit.  What a fucktastic shitstain.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:27:26 AM EDT

What a dick.

my thoughts exactly
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:30:22 AM EDT

Oh shit. Looks like Vader is going to have to choke a bitch again!

My second thought....

Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:44:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:46:47 AM EDT
I know Dean and have met him face to face as he does some FFL transfers for me. He is a very knowledgable guy and has happily entertained any questions that I have had. Cut him some slack. It could be possible that he is used to dealing with real idiots and as a result, tends to come accross harshly.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:50:30 AM EDT

I know Dean and have met him face to face as he does some FFL transfers for me. He is a very knowledgable guy and has happily entertained any questions that I have had. Cut him some slack. It could be possible that he is used to dealing with real idiots and as a result, tends to come accross harshly.

No, he's a fucking idiot.  The reason he's polite in public is because if he talked to someone IRL the way he does on the Internet, he'd get his old ass kicked.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 9:51:09 AM EDT


Ha! I had to.

I cut and paste that into my address bar, set my browser cache to 0 and hit refresh page 100 times.

Bandwidth.  Breakfast of champions.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 10:07:58 AM EDT
What a sphincter.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 10:08:23 AM EDT
Truly a great thread.................
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 10:11:28 AM EDT
He's been smacked by the moderators over on thehighroad.org more than once.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 10:24:29 AM EDT

The only person who is yanking a trigger on an unloaded gun is you. Somehow, after reading through your website and finding the issues that you have regarding the Glock issue, I can see why you are a formerly famous gun writing hack.


I love seeing cantankerous blowhards get their come-uppance.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 10:40:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 11:09:08 AM EDT
DS proves his prickiness.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 11:17:19 AM EDT

So, wonder how many folks are gonna get the "cease and desist" letter now?

ETA:  I clicked on one of the links above, does this mean I am in trouble too?      

I will go hide in my corner until I get my letter......
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 11:46:47 AM EDT
Check the link.  It doesn't look like a glock box anymore.
Link Posted: 5/16/2006 12:17:41 PM EDT

What a dick.

Once again, Lumpy sums it all up for us quite eloquently.

Dean Spier reminds me of the South Park episode
where the hybrid car owners are so smug they take great
pleasure in sniffing their own farts.

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