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Posted: 2/20/2007 6:47:20 AM EDT
Rep. McCarthy introduced this same bill in the 109th Congress (Republicans controlled the committees). During that attempt, she received 94 co-sponsors for her bill (H.R. 1312 in the 109th Congress). This bill was basically identical to her latest proposal (H.R. 1022).

Now that the Democrats control the House Judiciary Committee (which decides whether this legislation gets roundfiled or goes to the floor), guess how many of those co-sponsors are now on the House Judiciary Committee?

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers (MI-14) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Howard Berman (CA-28) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY-8) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA-16) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-35) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Robert Wexler (FL-19) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. William Delahunt (MA-10) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Martin Meehan (MA-5) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA-47) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (IL-4) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Brad Sherman (CA-27) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Anthony Weiner (NY-9) - co-sponsored previous AWB.
Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-29) - co-sponsored previous AWB.

McCarthy needs 20 votes to move this bill out of committee. She already has 14 who have co-sponsored this identical legislation in the past - including the House Committee Chairman who is incredibly powerful when it comes to moving legislation out of Committee. All she needs is 6 votes (there are another 9 Democrats on the committee without even getting into RINOs) to get this legislation on to the House floor for a vote.

If your Representative is listed below, you MUST contact them and let them know you oppose this legislation and expect them to make sure it never leaves Committee.

Hon. Berman
(D) California, 28th  
Hon. Boucher
(D) Virginia, 9th  
Hon. Nadler
(D) New York, 8th  
Hon. Scott
(D) Virginia, 3rd  
Hon. Watt
(D) North Carolina, 12th  
Hon. Lofgren
(D) California, 16th  
Hon. Jackson Lee
(D) Texas, 18th  
Hon. Waters
(D) California, 35th  
Hon. Meehan
(D) Massachusetts, 5th  
Hon. Delahunt
(D) Massachusetts, 10th  
Hon. Wexler
(D) Florida, 19th  
Hon. Sánchez
(D) California, 39th  
Hon. Cohen
(D) Tennessee, 9th  
Hon. Johnson
(D) Georgia, 4th  
Hon. Gutierrez
(D) Illinois, 4th  
Hon. Sherman
(D) California, 27  
Hon. Weiner
(D) New York, 9th  
Hon. Schiff
(D) California, 29th  
Hon. Davis
(D) Alabama , 7th  
Hon. Wasserman Schultz
(D) Florida, 20th  
Hon. Ellison
(D) Minnesota, 5th  

Hon. Sensenbrenner Jr.
(R) Wisconsin, 5th  
Hon. Coble
(R) North Carolina, 6th  
Hon. Gallegly
(R) California, 24th  
Hon. Goodlatte
(R) Virginia, 6th  
Hon. Chabot
(R) Ohio, 1st  
Hon. Lungren
(R) California, 3rd  
Hon. Cannon
(R) Utah, 3rd  
Hon. Keller
(R) Florida, 8th  
Hon. Issa
(R) California, 49th  
Hon. Pence
(R) Indiana, 6th  
Hon. Forbes
(R) Virginia, 4th  
Hon. King
(R) Iowa, 5th  
Hon. Feeney
(R) Florida, 24th  
Hon. Franks
(R) Arizona, 2nd  
Hon. Gohmert
(R) Texas, 1st  
Hon. Jordan
(R) Ohio, 4th  
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 6:49:07 AM EDT
Sample letters for those that don't write well would help.

Link Posted: 2/20/2007 6:51:11 AM EDT
Honorable doesn't apply to these cocksuckers
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 6:55:24 AM EDT
I hope that the positive from the Zumbo thing is that it's brought a LOT of people together like Internet Minutemen.

Further, I hope it means that perhaps there is a way to keep this pro-2/a ball rolling and redirect our efforts from what went down this weekend, to eloquently addressing and striking down silliness like another AWB...
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 6:56:20 AM EDT
Write your legislators.  Do something.  Make a donation and win a REMINGTON 700.  Talk is cheap.  Put your money where your mouth is and help out.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 6:57:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 6:59:18 AM EDT
this is a lost fight.

hopeless is the word.  Where's NRA anyway??
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:02:49 AM EDT

this is a lost fight.

hopeless is the word.  Where's NRA anyway??

Printing flyers to mail as we speak I am sure.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:03:51 AM EDT
not suprising to see Massachusetts represented more than once....and to think Mitt Romney is running for president....
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:05:21 AM EDT

this is a lost fight.

hopeless is the word.  Where's NRA anyway??

Jebus.  Cowboy up and fight the damned thing.

Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:07:11 AM EDT
Comeon Ohio guys redeem yourselves!!

Chabot and Jordan!!


Jim Jordan is pro-RKBA and worked to help pass OhioCCW!


Chabot is no slouch either!!

I live in Boehner's district, but I called Chabot's office since I work in Cincy (I may as well live at the office right now...).
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:10:29 AM EDT
If a Representative thinks he is getting a form letter, he is a lot less likely to pay attention to it than he would even a poorly written, but sincere letter. I would suggest we all share letters here and then use one of those as a rough guide; but don't copy it exactly. Include your own thoughts...

Here is a good example from MatthewVanitas at THR that is worth using as a start:

Greetings Sir,

The House Committee on the Judiciary is currently considering H.R. 1022, to re-authorize the federal "Assault Weapons Ban".

As a Texan, UT student, and Marine veteran of the Iraq War, and owner of a legal AR-15 rifle, I find this legislation condescending and unnecessary.

I fully support efforts to reduce crime in America through improving social conditions and reeducating offendors, but believe that this legislation would prove ineffective and would alienate law-abiding citizens.

I would greatly appreciate any effort you could make to encourage your peers on the Judiciary Committee to oppose this unneeded legislation, and to block it should it leave committee.

Thanks for your representation,

And this is definitely NOT a lost fight... right now Mccarthy needs six votes before she can even move forward to the first step in passing legislation. We stand a good chance of killing this legislation before it even leaves committee - and with a committee controlled by anti-gun Democrats no less. This is definitely our fight to lose. All we have to do is sit and do nothing.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:15:32 AM EDT

Where's NRA anyway??

I don't know, but it's a good question to ask the NRA.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:16:41 AM EDT
I really fuckin hate Democrats. I mean it. I do. I wish those traitorous cocksuckers would leave. Split the country up. Whatever. I dont give a shit, I just want the goddamned Democrats OUT.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:20:53 AM EDT
My guy Randy Forbes (R-VA) will oppose this, for what it's worth.  Very pro 2nd amendment.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:22:21 AM EDT
Congressman Sensenbrenner,

I just review HR 1022. HR 1022 seems very similar to the 1994 assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. As you already know the last ban on firearm features had no effect on crime but repressed the rights of law abiding Americans such as myself. I urge you to not support HR 1022 and make sure it never leaves committee.

Best Regards,
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:30:41 AM EDT
I know my guy Trent Franks will help sink this turd. I e-mailed him anyway just to let him know how I feel.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:30:42 AM EDT

I really fuckin hate Democrats. I mean it. I do. I wish those traitorous cocksuckers would leave. Split the country up. Whatever. I dont give a shit, I just want the goddamned Democrats OUT.

Totally agree.  I've wished many a time, they would all clutch their chest and fall over dead, right in the middle of one of their anit-gun speeches!!!
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:36:38 AM EDT
There are no co-sponsers as of yet.

I still sent a letter to my Congressman.

Congressman Gilchrest - As you may know, HR 1022 was introduced, with the purpose of re-authorizing the unconstitutional "Assault Weapons Ban." This gun control act had no effect at all on crime during the time in which it was enacted. Very few Law Enforcment officers are killed with weapons of this variety, yet this is the justification used to pass these bills. All this bill will do is alienate the millions of America's law abiding gun owners, and possibly turn these law abiding gun owners into criminals over night. If we fail to respect the Second Amendment, then every other Amendment in the Bill of Rights is open to attack. I urge you to kill this bill, and to put an end to the attack on law-abiding gun owners, and focus on this nations real problems, illegal immigration and the War on Terror. Thank you very much, and I hope you continue to serve our Nation well, as you have done so in the past. XXXXX XXXXXX
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:41:22 AM EDT

this is a lost fight.

hopeless is the word.  Where's NRA anyway??

You joined the NRA?   If so why don't you ask them.

ETA:  I'm fucking sick of the "we can't win" bullshit.  If that's your position go bury 'em in your yard and STFU.  The rest of us have work to do.  

God damn.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:41:54 AM EDT

Honorable doesn't apply to these cocksuckers

you beat me to it....

my thoughts exactly

Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:49:55 AM EDT



Hon. (Artur) Davis
(D) Alabama , 7th  

You can count him firmly in her court on this one.  

He is the only congresscritter from Alabama we have to worry about at all re: RKBA, but he is all for banning "assault weapons" and has been quite vocal about it in the past.  If he doesn't co-sponsor I'll be shocked.

Still may be worth writing him. He didn't sponsor the last bill and you may be able to scare him with a "You'll lose for sure in 2008 if you keep this up" line of argument
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 7:54:47 AM EDT

Sample letters for those that don't write well would help.

Yes i suck at writing stuff and need a letter.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:08:08 AM EDT
Done, I sent my letter to Cannon.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:36:06 AM EDT

Done, I sent my letter to Cannon.

Can't hurt to send one to all three as you have "close friends and family" in thier district...
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:41:47 AM EDT
The AWB bill is in the Judiciary committee. I have it basically at 20-19 bad guys if all of my info. is correct.  We need to write to all of these people, especially the ones I've provided contact info. for, to prevent this from coming out of committee.  We have a shot.  The grades in red are GOA grades from 108th congress.  I couldn't find any newer NRA or GOA grades en masse.  If there was no grade I did some research.

Hon. John Conyers, Jr.
(D) Michigan, 14th F-

Hon. Lamar S. Smith
(R) Texas, 21st A-
Washington D.C. Office
2409 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-4236  202-225-8628 fax
Hours: 8:30am - 6:00pm EST, Monday - Friday

This guy wrote the bill to reform the ATF.


Hon. Berman
(D) California, 28th F-

Hon. Boucher
(D) Virginia, 9th  B
188 East Main Street
Abingdon, Virginia 24210

106 North Washington
Pulaski, Virginia 24301

1 Cloverleaf Square,
Suite C-1
Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

2187 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Sponsored Lawful commerce in Arms Act!

Hon. Nadler
(D) New York, 8th F-

Hon. Scott
(D) Virginia, 3rd F-

Hon. Watt
(D) North Carolina, 12th F

Hon. Lofgren
(D) California, 16th F-

Hon. Jackson Lee
(D) Texas, 18th F-

Hon. Waters
(D) California, 35th F-

Hon. Meehan
(D) Massachusetts, 5th F-

Hon. Delahunt
(D) Massachusetts, 10th F-

Hon. Wexler
(D) Florida, 19th F-

Hon. Sánchez
(D) California, 39th CA - Probably an F, cosponsored AWB 2005.

Hon. Cohen
(D) Tennessee, 9th Flaming liberal who is relatively conservative on gun control, from what little I can find.  Worth a shot

1004 Longworth HOB
Washington DC 20515
ph: (202) 225-3265
fx: (202) 225-5663 fax

Hon. Johnson
(D) Georgia, 4th Buddhist??

Hon. Gutierrez
(D) Illinois, 4th F-

Hon. Sherman
(D) California, 27 F-

Hon. Weiner
(D) New York, 9th F-

Hon. Schiff
(D) California, 29th F-

Hon. Davis
(D) Alabama , 7th Seems to support RKBA, voted for Lawful Commerce in Arms
208 Cannon H.O.B.
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2665 (phone)
(202) 226-9567 (fax)

Hon. Wasserman Schultz
(D) Florida, 20th Hyphenated name, probably hates guns

Hon. Ellison
(D) Minnesota, 5th ROP Douchebag



Hon. Sensenbrenner Jr.
(R) Wisconsin, 5th A

2449 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5101

Hon. Coble
(R) North Carolina, 6th  A

[email protected]

2468 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-3306

Phone: (202) 225-3065
Fax: (202) 225-8611

Hon. Gallegly
(R) California, 24th C

Office of Congressman Elton Gallegly, 2309 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515-0523

Phone: (202) 225-5811; FAX: (202) 225-1100

Hon. Goodlatte
(R) Virginia, 6th A-
Washington, DC Office:
  2240 Rayburn House Office Building
  Washington, DC 20515
  (202) 225-5431
  (202) 225-9681 fax

Hon. Chabot
(R) Ohio, 1st A-
Washington Office

129 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-2216
(202) 225-3012 (fax)

Hon. Lungren
(R) California, 3rd -Piece of shit who ordered gun confiscation in CA

Hon. Cannon
(R) Utah, 3rd A

Washington Office
2436 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-7751
Fax: (202) 225-5629
Email: [email protected]

Hon. Keller
(R) Florida, 8th A

419 Cannon House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515 | Phone (202) 225-2176 | Fax (202) 225-0999

Hon. Issa
(R) California, 49th A-

Washington D.C. Office
211 Cannon House
Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-3906
fax: 202-225-3303

Hon. Pence
(R) Indiana, 6th A

Washington DC
1317 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3021 office
(202) 225-3382 fax

Hon. Forbes
(R) Virginia, 4th A-

Washington, DC Office    
307 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-6365
Fax: 202-226-1170

Hon. King
(R) Iowa, 5th A

Washington, D.C.
1432 Longworth Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: 202.225.4426
Fax: 202.225.3193

Hon. Feeney
(R) Florida, 24th A

Washington Office
323 Cannon House Office
Building Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2706 (202) 226-6299 fax

Hon. Franks
(R) Arizona, 2nd A

Washington Office
1237 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-4576
Fax: 202-225-6328

Hon. Gohmert
(R) Texas, 1st Pro-gun according to the NRA

Washington Office
508 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3035
(202) 226-1230 fax

Hon. Jordan
(R) Ohio, 4th Endorsed by Ohioans for Concealed Carry!

Washington D.C. Office

515 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2676
Fax:(202) 226-0577
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:45:52 AM EDT
They outlawed booze once too.

Best Regards,
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:52:32 AM EDT
Don't bother contacting this one:

Hon. Wasserman Schultz
(D) Florida, 20th

Several years ago she WROTE a local Florida Assault Weapon Ban and introduced it.

Forget this one too, she voted for the above ban.

Hon. Wexler
(D) Florida, 19th

Not sure about this guy.

Hon. Keller
(R) Florida, 8th

This guy is pretty pro gun.

Hon. Feeney
(R) Florida, 24th
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:54:41 AM EDT
Wexler is a hardcore lib...

Link Posted: 2/20/2007 8:57:46 AM EDT
Doctor308, I stole your letter.  Hope you dont mind.

Boucher just got this from me:

Congressman Boucher -
             As you may know, HR 1022 was introduced, with the purpose of re-authorizing the unconstitutional "Assault Weapons Ban." This gun control act had no effect at all on crime during the time in which it was enacted. Very few Law Enforcement officers are harmed with weapons of this variety, yet this is the justification used to pass these bills. All this bill will do is alienate the millions of America's law abiding gun owners, and possibly turn these law abiding gun owners into criminals over night.

       If we fail to respect the Second Amendment, then every other Amendment in the Bill of Rights is open to attack. I urge you to kill this bill, and to put an end to the attack on law-abiding gun owners.. Thank you very much, and I hope you continue to serve our Nation well, as you have done so in the past.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:09:00 AM EDT

Doctor308, I stole your letter.  Hope you dont mind.

Boucher just got this from me:

Congressman Boucher -
             As you may know, HR 1022 was introduced, with the purpose of re-authorizing the unconstitutional "Assault Weapons Ban." This gun control act had no effect at all on crime during the time in which it was enacted. Very few Law Enforcement officers are harmed with weapons of this variety, yet this is the justification used to pass these bills. All this bill will do is alienate the millions of America's law abiding gun owners, and possibly turn these law abiding gun owners into criminals over night.

       If we fail to respect the Second Amendment, then every other Amendment in the Bill of Rights is open to attack. I urge you to kill this bill, and to put an end to the attack on law-abiding gun owners.. Thank you very much, and I hope you continue to serve our Nation well, as you have done so in the past.

By all means, sir.
If we have form letters, it makes it all the easier to flood the reps in an efficent manner.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:11:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:18:14 AM EDT
So, this may have been covered in another post, but does will the text of this bill affect NFA semi-autos as well?  

I.E. if it passes, will this essentially require the SBRing of any semi-auto thats going to be kept, or is it going to ban them as well?  
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:18:21 AM EDT
Response to an email I sent GOA.

"Good afternoon and thank you for the note.

Currently, nothing is going on with this bill. It was introduced a few
days ago and sits in committee.

If and when this bill begins to move, we will issue an alert.

Thanks for keeping yourself informed on  this congress.

Robert E. Duggar
Public Liaison

>Subject: HR 1022
>Whats going on with this bill?  Why no alerts?
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:32:02 AM EDT

Sample letters for those that don't write well would help.

Hey when I write my Congressman and Senators I just keep it real simple:  Thank God my guys are all pro NRA and pro Gun.

Yet even though they are pro Gun I sitll sent Rep. Borne this letter: or one very similar to it.  

JUST SEND SOMETHING to your Congressman.!!  www.house.gov/writerep/

Dear Congressman/Congresswoman _____________,

The House Judiciary Committee is currently considering H.R. 1022, to re-authorize the federal "Assault Weapons Ban".

I encourage you to oppose this proposed bill and do what you can do to convince others in the House or on the Judiciary Committee not to support it.  

I am an active voter in your district and do take time in keeping up with the issues.    


Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:39:45 AM EDT


Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:44:10 AM EDT

Response to an email I sent GOA.

"Good afternoon and thank you for the note.

Currently, nothing is going on with this bill. It was introduced a few
days ago and sits in committee.

If and when this bill begins to move, we will issue an alert.

Thanks for keeping yourself informed on  this congress.

Robert E. Duggar
Public Liaison

>Subject: HR 1022
>Whats going on with this bill?  Why no alerts?


Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:46:56 AM EDT

Honorable doesn't apply to these cocksuckers

+ 100
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:53:27 AM EDT
does GOA really suck that bad?  I have no idea, but I like the alerts they send me.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 9:57:53 AM EDT
tag till I'm not at work
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:00:53 AM EDT

I really fuckin hate Democrats. I mean it. I do. I wish those traitorous cocksuckers would leave. Split the country up. Whatever. I dont give a shit, I just want the goddamned Democrats OUT.

These fucksticks are going to start a civil war.
If they do I hope they suffer before they die.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:01:05 AM EDT
I'm being sarcastic.

Join the GOA and the NRA.   Get both!
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:15:18 AM EDT
I don't give a shit if this passes into law tommorow morning. No one will take my fucking weapon from me.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:19:33 AM EDT

I'm being sarcastic.

Join the GOA and the NRA.   Get both!

I am a member of both...seems GOA is a more hard core gun rights organization ...no compromise ever, which is good.

Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:21:41 AM EDT
i wrote my rep yesterday

i convinced my dad to finally get an AR a few weeks ago.  I told him about this bill proposal and how i was scared it was going to pass, and a lot sooner than i thought.

he laughed at me and said that wont happen, they cant do that.  i told him about the 94 ban and that it is a serious reality, he had no idea bc he was not big into guns back then.  he seems to be in denial about this being a possibility, and has called me crazy bc i have started buy mags and want another AR.  many in my family are becoming big liberals, or showing iberal colors. i am now considered a right wing nut, and not on board w/ progressive ideas.

i rem when we had these discussions when the dems first took the house and senate.  so many on here saying they wont bring up gun control for awhile cause they no its not a winner, their wont be awb talk for a few yrs.  well my friends it is a winner for them and they know it.  they have majority in the house, and they have a PRESIDENT who said he would sign this bill or any like this kind that reaches his desk.

our rights and guns dont mean shit to this administration who is in bed w/ the rats..  and we all know the rats dont want us to have rights anyways.  laying gun issues aside for a second, bc we know these are in serious jeopardy now, CONSERVATIVES (not republicans) need to get our shit together before 08 or this country is in for some bad times ahead
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:24:30 AM EDT


By all means, sir.
If we have form letters, it makes it all the easier to flood the reps in an efficent manner.

i agree w/ you there
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:26:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:28:14 AM EDT
My Rep rocks and doesn't really need to be written.  He's against any form of gun control.  On a side note, if this does past, heaven knows I'll finally have enough money every month to eat regularly.  Kidding, I would simply be "losing" cash regularly and my row boat would sink at sea...
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:35:11 AM EDT
After the November election, I told you that this bill was coming, who would submit it and which committee it would be referred to. Y'all said I was an alarmist and that the dems wouldn't try again.

I told you that this bill would make it out of the committee. Y'all said I was making shit up and that there weren't enough votes. Well, now it's obvious that there are enough votes to send this to the floor for a vote. '

Write your reps on the committee if you feel the need, but I'm telling you that the ship has sailed on that. This bill is going to make it out of the Judiciary Committee. What you need to do is start writing your congressman now, regardless of whether or not they are on this committee. Educate them about the bill and tell then that you want them to vehemately oppose this bill. This is especially important for those of you have these new "pro-gun" democrats in congress.

Also, a bill in the House is useless without a bill in the Senate to match. Watch for it!!!
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:38:42 AM EDT

Congressman Sensenbrenner,

I just review HR 1022. HR 1022 seems very similar to the 1994 assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. As you already know the last ban on firearm features had no effect on crime but repressed the rights of law abiding Americans such as myself. I urge you to not support HR 1022 and make sure it never leaves committee.

Best Regards,

Thx Jake.  I am sending this fine short memo to my Rep.
Link Posted: 2/20/2007 10:41:32 AM EDT


I really fuckin hate Democrats. I mean it. I do. I wish those traitorous cocksuckers would leave. Split the country up. Whatever. I dont give a shit, I just want the goddamned Democrats OUT.

These fucksticks are going to start a civil war.
If they do I hope they suffer before they die.

And thats really the crutch of it.
No, they wont.

Did anyone pick up arms and march on the politico's in 94? Do you expect any different outcome this time around if a ban does pass?
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