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Posted: 8/2/2017 4:34:56 PM EDT
What is the most basic routine that gets results?  I'm not saying basic as in easy but an uncomplicated set of moves.  Some of the routines I've been given seemed overly complicated for what I'm looking for.  I'm looking for strength, gain a few pounds and definition.  If I could add 15 pounds (doesn't seem unreasonable) that'd be great.  I own a power rack, bench, 7' Olympic bar, hex bar and dumbbells.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:39:08 PM EDT
Starting strength
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:39:59 PM EDT
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Starting strength
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ETA... as always FPNI
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:40:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:41:09 PM EDT
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Starting strength
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Starting Strength
Do your 5's!
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:41:11 PM EDT

And work the 5*5 program.

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:41:26 PM EDT
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Starting strength
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Edit: and eat and sleep enough. get as much as you can of both 
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:41:40 PM EDT
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thats an intermediate program.  horrible advice for a beginner.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:42:07 PM EDT
Strong Lifts 5x5. It has a convenient free (or pay for premium) app for your phone that tracks everything for you. You'll get results if you follow the program.

ETA: Since someone noted 5x5 is horrible for a beginner, SL5x5 will start you at an appropriate weight, and has videos of proper technique if you're unfamiliar with the lifts.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:42:13 PM EDT
I do biceps & back one day, chest and triceps the next day and legs one day then shoulders one day.  

Either go on bodybuilding.Com they have workout routines for all levels or I use an app on my phone called fitness point.  Click on a body part you want to work out and it lists and shows you how to execute a ton of different exercises.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:42:22 PM EDT
what is 5x5, and how does it relate to SS?
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:42:37 PM EDT
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And work the 5*5 program.

Semper Fi
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Do starting strength as noted in the first post? Or 5x5?

Make your mind.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:43:07 PM EDT
Starting Strength is good, or you can try 5x5. I use 5x5 because it is simple and quick, and have seen real improvements in strength over the last six months. It's a good basic workout.

Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:44:08 PM EDT
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Strong Lifts 5x5. It has a convenient free (or pay for premium) app for your phone that tracks everything for you. You'll get results if you follow the program.
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this is where I started.
highly recommend for the beginner.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:44:09 PM EDT
AllPro Routine...you're welcome

click here
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:44:45 PM EDT
I must be in the wrong forum. Where can I find the AK section.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:45:16 PM EDT
5x5 until you plateau, then 5/3/1 
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:47:25 PM EDT
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thats an intermediate program.  horrible advice for a beginner.
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thats an intermediate program.  horrible advice for a beginner.
First beginner i have ever seen that owned a rack
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:47:46 PM EDT
FPNI to begin with. Then look at 5x5 and later 5-3-1
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:48:15 PM EDT
Don't waste your time in the gym.  It's not functional strength and will lead to muscle imbalances.

Most guys I've known that worked out in a gym have all their muscle turn to fat when they stop lifting.

You need to find some where you can lift hay bails.

I grew up on a farm in South Eastern OK.  We lifted hay bails from sun up to sun down.

When I went to college, one of my friends remarked about how strong I was and he wanted to test my strength.

He took me to the college gym and I got up to a 415 bench...I think that was 4 plates lol...but I didn't care about those numbers.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:48:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:48:28 PM EDT
Just lift?

Do you even lift bro?

just kidding. Honestly, if your not sure what to do, hire a trainer. Don't fight it.

You didn't learn to drive a car, fly an airplane, out insert tab A into slot B without instruction did you? So there you go.

Jefit app can be an inspiration sometimes.

Lift till you get a pump, and squeeze after. That muscle isn't going to hypertrophy itself.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:49:10 PM EDT
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I do biceps & back one day, chest and triceps the next day and legs one day then shoulders one day.  

Either go on bodybuilding.Com they have workout routines for all levels or I use an app on my phone called fitness point.  Click on a body part you want to work out and it lists and shows you how to execute a ton of different exercises.
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Everyday is leg day.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:49:47 PM EDT
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5x5 until you plateau, then 5/3/1 
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5/3/1 is a young man's game. That beat the fuck out of me.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:49:48 PM EDT
I'd start out with a 3x5 full body, 3 day per week program. After following that for a few months, then I'd work my way into a split 5x5 routine. I gave this a try and it worked well for me, though it should be noted that diet is MORE important than the actual workout routine. If you don't truly understand the nutrition aspects that go into strength training/bodybuilding, then you aren't going to experience the results you desire.

Head over to bodybuilding.com and start reading. There you can find tried and tested workout routines as well as all the nutritional advice you can wrap your brain around.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:50:17 PM EDT
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I must be in the wrong forum. Where can I find the AK section.
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Goatboy killed ak47.net
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:50:40 PM EDT
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Don't waste your time in the gym.  It's not functional strength and will lead to muscle imbalances.

Most guys I've known that worked out in a gym have all their muscle turn to fat when they stop lifting.

You need to find some where you can lift hay bails.

I grew up on a farm in South Eastern OK.  We lifted hay bails from sun up to sun down.

When I went to college, one of my friends remarked about how strong I was and he wanted to test my strength.

He took me to the college gym and I got up to a 415 bench...I think that was 4 plates lol...but I didn't care about those numbers.
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...well said
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:52:15 PM EDT
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...well said
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Don't waste your time in the gym.  It's not functional strength and will lead to muscle imbalances.

Most guys I've known that worked out in a gym have all their muscle turn to fat when they stop lifting.

You need to find some where you can lift hay bails.

I grew up on a farm in South Eastern OK.  We lifted hay bails from sun up to sun down.

When I went to college, one of my friends remarked about how strong I was and he wanted to test my strength.

He took me to the college gym and I got up to a 415 bench...I think that was 4 plates lol...but I didn't care about those numbers.
...well said
We're going to laugh about that one for a long time. I can tell.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:53:37 PM EDT
I figure out my max and do 5x5s at 80%  Start inclined the whole way up and do each one set of the 5 on each level down. 5x5 on chest shoulders everything.

Rips it to hell. Eat all protein, eggs, chicken, turkey, protein shakes. I lift my arms, chest, shoulders like that every 4 days and the next day I cannot lift my arms.

Seems to be the fastest way.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:55:18 PM EDT
I can tell you what I do currently.

Day 1- Chest/Triceps
Day 2- Back/Biceps
Day 3- Off
Day 4- Shoulders/Traps
Day 5- Legs
Day 6- Off
Day 7- Core Work or Off (depending how I'm feeling)

If you want even simpler, take a powerlifting (compound movement) approach

Bench Press
Accessory work of your liking (would def add some military press or clean and press)
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:56:01 PM EDT
By Alan Thrall from one of his youtube videos. He's very informative.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:56:19 PM EDT
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Don't waste your time in the gym.  It's not functional strength and will lead to muscle imbalances.

Most guys I've known that worked out in a gym have all their muscle turn to fat when they stop lifting.

You need to find some where you can lift hay bails.

I grew up on a farm in South Eastern OK.  We lifted hay bails from sun up to sun down.

When I went to college, one of my friends remarked about how strong I was and he wanted to test my strength.

He took me to the college gym and I got up to a 415 bench...I think that was 4 plates lol...but I didn't care about those numbers.
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Was that 4 plates on each side?
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 4:59:46 PM EDT
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Starting Strength is good, or you can try 5x5. I use 5x5 because it is simple and quick, and have seen real improvements in strength over the last six months. It's a good basic workout.

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This is where it's at!
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:00:03 PM EDT
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Starting strength
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Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:00:47 PM EDT
Stonglifts 5X5.

I started out last year knowing jack shit about free weights, so I started out with exactly zero weight on the bar....to learn proper form first.

Each time you go you add 5 pounds to the bar.

Each exercise is 5 sets of 5 reps each....with the exception of the deadlift.

I added extra exercises to include pull ups, dips, captain's chair, and landmine abs.

The Most Powerful Ab Exercise Ever (6 PACK POWER!)

plus elliptical for s half hour....and then I added swimming
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:01:00 PM EDT
do phul

ss is for making you into a trex
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:01:44 PM EDT
How about reverse pyramid?
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:02:22 PM EDT
Just throw hay bales and get tard strong!
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:04:24 PM EDT
You need to start watching twinmuscle workout on YouTube. Those guys are legit
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:05:19 PM EDT
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You need to start watching twinmuscle workout on YouTube. Those guys are legit
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yeah this

no squats or deads

strength gurus
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:06:48 PM EDT
I just do curls for about 45 minutes every day in the squat rack. I basically look like a modern Adonis after 3 months. If you can't do that go work on a farm and get that farmer strength that is held in the highest of regards.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:07:46 PM EDT
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yeah this

no squats or deads

chest shaving bodybuilding strength gurus
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Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:08:58 PM EDT
Read some stuff on google,  listen to your body,  and eat like its your fucking job.  

If in doubt, ask rich piana what to do.

He'll tell you to eat like its your fucking job.  

Since january ive lost 12 inches on my waist,  2 shirt sizes, 60 pounds, and making gains constantly. Got up to a 185x6 on bench last night and 405x4 deadlift as part of my normal workout.  Nothing special but pretty good for 7 months in.

My lifting is a mix of the old school pyramid method and 531

I eat 8 times a day,  the same stuff every day.

I lift with one of the founders of metrix, he says to do roughly what I'm doing.  There is no one size fits all. Read and listen to your body.  He is 57ish and ripped still.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:09:19 PM EDT
In for the GD weightlifting thread train wreck.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:09:47 PM EDT
Duh...the answer is always Crossfit
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:10:02 PM EDT
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I do biceps & back one day, chest and triceps the next day and legs one day then shoulders one day.  

Either go on bodybuilding.Com they have workout routines for all levels or I use an app on my phone called fitness point.  Click on a body part you want to work out and it lists and shows you how to execute a ton of different exercises.
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I use the Guido method.

Monday: chest and biceps
Tuesday: chest and biceps
Wednesday: chest and biceps
Thursday: chest and biceps
Friday: legs (just kidding).  Chest and biceps.

Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:13:03 PM EDT
Just go buy a bench with some weights.  It will come with a poster showing about 25 different exercises you can do.  Do those exercises every other day.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:14:12 PM EDT
Never skip leg day, unless you need a pump, and you always need a pump.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:14:47 PM EDT
15 pounds is not unreasonable at all if you're starting from zero.  Diet is hugely important, and so is getting enough rest.   Lots of decent advice here so far,... lots of the PL stuff is a good start.   I'm assuming you're aiming more toward aesthetics yes?

You're mid 30s?   I'd recommend compound exercises instead of isolation exercises when possible, and when not use dumbbells instead of barbells.   Modify exercises so your elbows don't move behind your scapula (floor press instead of bench press, etc...) or otherwise grind your shoulders and joints unnecessarily.
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:16:04 PM EDT
What is the most basic routine that gets results?  I'm not saying basic as in easy but an uncomplicated set of moves.  Some of the routines I've been given seemed overly complicated for what I'm looking for.  I'm looking for strength, gain a few pounds and definition.  If I could add 15 pounds (doesn't seem unreasonable) that'd be great.  I own a power rack, bench, 7' Olympic bar, hex bar and dumbbells.
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Broken down in to the major body parts.
Barbell squat

bench press

standing military press

barbell curls

narrow grip barbell press

back/latissimus dorsi
bent-over barbell rows
pull ups

sit ups

minor body parts:
calf raises while holding barbell

barbell shrugs

reverse barbell curls
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 5:16:19 PM EDT
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Don't waste your time in the gym.  It's not functional strength and will lead to muscle imbalances.

Most guys I've known that worked out in a gym have all their muscle turn to fat when they stop lifting.

You need to find some where you can lift hay bails.

I grew up on a farm in South Eastern OK.  We lifted hay bails from sun up to sun down.

When I went to college, one of my friends remarked about how strong I was and he wanted to test my strength.

He took me to the college gym and I got up to a 415 bench...I think that was 4 plates lol...but I didn't care about those numbers.
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surely you jest
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