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Posted: 2/28/2018 2:00:52 PM EDT
First there is a question I need answered by lawyers here. If Dicks Sporting goods Denys a legal purchaser of a rifle for the sole reason that they are between 18-20 years old. Is that considered and actionable violation of civil rights.

If it is, Call them on it. I cannot do it because I am over 21 by quite a bit. But you 18-20 year olds can do us a great service.

Walk into dicks dressed nicely, with a hidden camera (im not talking about making a ruckus, you can buy REAL hidden cameras off of amazon for under 100 bucks) And ask to purchase a long gun. When they deny you on company policy, ask them why, let them get on record stating that it is solely because of your age. Then go from there.

the object is to either get them to give you a background check (on video) and allow you to purchase the weapon or to violate your civil rights on camera (whether you do or do not purchase is not the issue. GETTING THEM TO FOLD or CALL is). It doesn't really matter the outcome as long as it is on camera. Either they violate their civil rights, or they fold and give you the option to purchase the gun.

If they commit to refusing the purchase purchase based solely on you age. I bet NOLO or another one of our esteemed legal experts could make them shit their pants with a civil rights violation suit.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:02:12 PM EDT
Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:03:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:04:41 PM EDT
The “Their Rules” didn’t work so wel for the bakery in Oregon...

I dont think you can discriminate based on age, but I failed that part of law school.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:05:15 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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Naw, ya gotta bake the cake.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:05:39 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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Unfortunately this tactic works for gay cakes somehow...
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:06:08 PM EDT
It’s their right to bankrupt themselves ala gander mtn through sheer stupidity, high pricing and now this. I haven’t bought anything from dicks since 2011 due to their pricing.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:06:11 PM EDT
give it a year, we will see the going out of business sale soon
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:06:22 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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Unless it's a wedding cake.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:06:33 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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Fuck that if we keep playing this high and mighty bullshit we will keep losing. The left has been very successful using tactics like this for 60 years. How much longer are we going to keep losing before we learn?
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:08:11 PM EDT
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Fuck that if we keep playing this high and mighty bullshit we will keep losing. The left has been very successful using tactics like this for 60 years. How much longer are we going to keep losing before we learn?
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So we should force businesses to sell anything to anyone?

I'll go with less regulation for $200 Alex.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:08:48 PM EDT
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Fuck that if we keep playing this high and mighty bullshit we will keep losing. The left has been very successful using tactics like this for 60 years. How much longer are we going to keep losing before we learn?
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
Fuck that if we keep playing this high and mighty bullshit we will keep losing. The left has been very successful using tactics like this for 60 years. How much longer are we going to keep losing before we learn?
I'm with Bob on this one. I think it needs to be tried and then tried in the courts. The 2A is an individual right and the Dick's is a place of public accommodation. Ergo, refusing to sell something based on age with no statutory restrictions should be actionable.

Paging @nolocontendre to the white courtesy phone.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:08:57 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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Let them not sell to a black guy or a Chinese woman and see how that works LOL
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:10:40 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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Doesn't apply, this would be denying people their rights/discrimination based on age.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:11:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:12:07 PM EDT
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I'm with Bob on this one. I think it needs to be tried and then tried in the courts. The 2A is an individual right and the Dick's is a place of public accommodation. Ergo, refusing to sell something based on age with no statutory restrictions should be actionable.

Paging @nolocontendre to the white courtesy phone.
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1A is an individual right that you do not have on private property. Why do you think the 2A should be different?

ETA: Dicks is a private company, that is there for profit. It is not a public right to be able to go into Dicks and purchase items.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:12:46 PM EDT
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Doesn't apply, this would be denying people their rights/discrimination based on age.
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An FFL can refuse to sell a firearm to anyone for any reason and they don't have to say why.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:15:28 PM EDT
Basis for denying sales  apparently cannot be based on sex / sexual preference,color/race , age ,creed ,or religion,

That’s the rules the left want .well you can’t have it both ways either the rules apply to everyone or no one.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:16:35 PM EDT
Make them suffer
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:17:20 PM EDT
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Their business, their rules.

I would argue they can deny a sale of anything, for any reason.
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So be black when you try to buy a rifle. Easy.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:18:00 PM EDT
Hire a good lawyer first.

Decide if the 15 minutes of fame on social media is worth it.  It might play well here, but the SJW's will dog pile on you while their handlers try and destroy your future in the background.

Or, just let them know you are spending your money elsewhere and back it up with how much you actually spend per year.  I have 3 active kids and can easily spend a couple of grand per year on them before I add in my gun budget.

Realistically, they have already done the math on their firearm sales and know this will not hurt them financially, but they may have underestimated how much money families spend while dad is preoccupied in the gun section.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:18:03 PM EDT
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Basis for denying sales  apparently cannot be based on sex / sexual preference,color/race , age ,creed ,or religion,

That’s the rules the left want .well you can’t have it both ways either the rules apply to everyone or no one.
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Lets make them defend businesses rights
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:18:18 PM EDT
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A gunstore may legally refuse to sell a gun to anyone they choose.

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So should a bakery...yet here we are.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:18:48 PM EDT
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An FFL can refuse to sell a firearm to anyone for any reason and they don't have to say why.
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Doesn't apply, this would be denying people their rights/discrimination based on age.
An FFL can refuse to sell a firearm to anyone for any reason and they don't have to say why.
There in lay the question. A gun store does not have to say why. That does not preclude the existence of a reason for refusal of a sale being a civil rights violation. Gun stores are largely protected BECAUSE they don't have to disclose why they refused to sell.

DICKS has been stupid enough to publicly and clearly state  why. And that why is the express purpose of denying a civil right to anyone of the age of 18-20. Now that we KNOW the why, the question becomes, is the why, a violation of civil rights.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:18:56 PM EDT
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Make them suffer
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Yeah; let's all just stay the hell out of their stores and spend our money elsewhere.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:20:42 PM EDT

The shit some of you get upset over
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:20:52 PM EDT
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Yeah; let's all just stay the hell out of their stores and spend our money elsewhere.
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Make them suffer
Yeah; let's all just stay the hell out of their stores and spend our money elsewhere.
You are missing the point. This is not about making dicks suffer. This is about SENDING A MESSAGE.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:20:53 PM EDT
I personally have refused to go there to buy stuff.  They are super close for a mens store for me.  However it always never seemed to have anything I want.  Only stuff they want.  I hope they go out of business.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:21:17 PM EDT
Didn't know people actually shopped at Dicks.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:21:58 PM EDT
I thought most people abandoned Dick's as a place to shop for firearms the last time they pulled this shit several years ago.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:22:53 PM EDT
In many places, there are no age restrictions to buy a knife. Yet many stores have a 16 years of age minimum to buy a knife. I bought my very first knife when i was 8 while my mother was clothes shopping one day. I had tried at least a dozen times before then.

So why not fight for knife rights too?

It is crazy switchblades are still banned in a lot of places, are people still actually afraid of greasers?
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:23:03 PM EDT
I have a 20 year old son who will be the buyer and Nolo on speed dial. I just hate to spend money at Dicks.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:23:36 PM EDT
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The “Their Rules” didn’t work so wel for the bakery in Oregon...

I dont think you can discriminate based on age, but I failed that part of law school.
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The bakery decision got overturned recently on appeal, so that's settled now.

Age minimums are legal in establishing customer criteria. Many restaurants have a "21+" policy after 8pm. Many housing units have a "55+" age restriction.

Dicks can set their own policy. Just like I can refuse to shop there as long as I live.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:23:43 PM EDT
who cares? nobody shops at FDSG anyway do they?
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:26:26 PM EDT
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I have a 20 year old son who will be the buyer and Nolo on speed dial. I just hate to spend money at Dicks.
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That is the beauty of it. You do not have to actually purchase. ALL you have to do is get to the cash register with a passed background check. From there you can refuse to buy, but still have them on film folding.

Westill need a lawyer to give us the green light. I am no expert in that are, which is why the first post in the OP Is a question on that subject
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:26:36 PM EDT
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An FFL can refuse to sell a firearm to anyone for any reason and they don't have to say why.
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in Missouri it is a felony for an FFL to refuse to sell a firearm to someone that is otherwise legal to purchase said firearm
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:26:48 PM EDT
Car rental places won't rent to people under a certain age. They have been getting away with that forever, don't see how this is any different. I thought the "age" discrimination did not kick in until it was someone 50 or older.

Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:27:01 PM EDT
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The shit some of you get upset over
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You get your refund over the five minutes the site was down yesterday palooka?
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:28:18 PM EDT
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Car rental places won't rent to people under a certain age. They have been getting away with that forever, don't see how this is any different. I thought the "age" discrimination did not kick in until it was someone 50 or older.

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A car is not a civil right.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:30:04 PM EDT
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in Missouri it is a felony for an FFL to refuse to sell a firearm to someone that is otherwise legal to purchase said firearm
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An FFL can refuse to sell a firearm to anyone for any reason and they don't have to say why.
in Missouri it is a felony for an FFL to refuse to sell a firearm to someone that is otherwise legal to purchase said firearm
Here is a start.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:30:19 PM EDT
While it may go against the grain, we're fools if we don't use the same tactics which have made the left so successful at pushing their social agenda. And one of the most successful things they've done has push the militant gay agenda. I've got nothing against gays, but we should study how they've mainstreamed their lifestyle and repeat it. Forcing businesses to follow the law is just one of them.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:31:12 PM EDT
Do you know why the lesbians buy their sporting goods at Cabela's?
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:31:24 PM EDT
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A car is not a civil right.
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Car rental places won't rent to people under a certain age. They have been getting away with that forever, don't see how this is any different. I thought the "age" discrimination did not kick in until it was someone 50 or older.

A car is not a civil right.
Civil rights only apply to the govt stopping you from doing something.  ar15.com can stop you from saying things on this board no matter how loudly you cry about your 1st adm rights.

Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:31:43 PM EDT
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In many places, there are no age restrictions to buy a knife. Yet many stores have a 16 years of age minimum to buy a knife. I bought my very first knife when i was 8 while my mother was clothes shopping one day. I had tried at least a dozen times before then.

So why not fight for knife rights too?

It is crazy switchblades are still banned in a lot of places, are people still actually afraid of greasers?
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It's the Sharks, man.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:32:03 PM EDT
Only work if you are a gay, black, tranny!
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:32:10 PM EDT
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However, Missouri law prohibits a federal firearms dealer who engages in the sale of firearms from failing or refusing to complete the sale of a firearm to a customer when the sale is authorized by federal law.2 This provision does not apply to any individual federal firearms license holder or his or her agents or employees to the extent they chose in their individual judgment to not complete the sale or transfer of a firearm for articulable reasons specific to that transaction, so long as those reasons are not based on the race, gender, religion, or creed of the buyer,
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:32:17 PM EDT
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Car rental places won't rent to people under a certain age. They have been getting away with that forever, don't see how this is any different. I thought the "age" discrimination did not kick in until it was someone 50 or older.

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They only require a drivers license, and then they tack on an extra fee if under 25 for higher risk for insurance purposes.
Also, a car is not a right.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:33:01 PM EDT
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The shit some of you get upset over
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If only this were a customer service issue, you would be the first one bitching about it
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:33:02 PM EDT
Fuck dicks.
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:33:37 PM EDT
use a fake id, one that's issued by Kali etc to illegals where no paperwork is needed
Link Posted: 2/28/2018 2:34:22 PM EDT
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In many places, there are no age restrictions to buy a knife. Yet many stores have a 16 years of age minimum to buy a knife. I bought my very first knife when i was 8 while my mother was clothes shopping one day. I had tried at least a dozen times before then.

So why not fight for knife rights too?

It is crazy switchblades are still banned in a lot of places, are people still actually afraid of greasers?
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Show us where knives are protected in the bill of rights
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