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Posted: 7/17/2021 10:13:38 PM EDT
I live across the state line in Nevada & commute all the way to San Fransicko every week for work ONLY because the health care organization I work for pays me very well.  I’ve been doing this for the past 10 years & was planning to find different work MUCH closer to home, anyway, sometime next summer.  This past Thursday my director tells me that the city of San Fransicko now requires ALL health care personnel in the city of S.F. to receive the Wuhan vaccine or be fired on September 15th.  I am opposed, will not comply, have no possible exemption & I expect them to can me on September 15th.  I’m fairly sure they will have to pay my unemployment while I seek new work.  I have no debt, can live just fine on less income, & am already looking forward to not making the very long drive back & forth every week.

My question is this:  Is anyone else here in a similar get the Wuhan jabs or get canned situation?
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:16:46 PM EDT
Not yet, but I can see it happening at some point.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:20:50 PM EDT
There’s a thread on someone suing for this very thing. Let me find it.

ETA: the thread is in Team so you won’t be able to see it.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:21:18 PM EDT
I live across the state line in Nevada & commute all the way to San Fransicko every week for work ONLY because the health care organization I work for pays me very well.  I’ve been doing this for the past 10 years & was planning to find different work MUCH closer to home, anyway, sometime next summer.  This past Thursday my director tells me that the city of San Fransicko now requires ALL health care personnel in the city of S.F. to receive the Wuhan vaccine or be fired on September 15th.  I am opposed, will not comply, have no possible exemption & I expect them to can me on September 15th.  I’m fairly sure they will have to pay my unemployment while I seek new work.  I have no debt, can live just fine on less income, & am already looking forward to not making the very long drive back & forth every week.

My question is this:  Is anyone else here in a similar get the Wuhan jabs or get canned situation?
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Not yet, but if put in that position, I would still refuse the poison. That shit will never go in my body. If someone wants it, thinks it's great, etc... they have every right to get it, and I won't chastise them for it. I expect the same in return. My health is way more important to me than any job.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:22:29 PM EDT
Good for you for standing up for your convictions OP. Good luck on finding a new job if it comes to that.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:24:24 PM EDT
I told my wife the same thing. If they mandated it I would let them fire me. Although they sent an email stating it’s encouraged but not mandatory a few weeks back so I’m not very concerned.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:25:13 PM EDT
Thank you for the support.  I’m definitely not going to receive this vaccine.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:26:36 PM EDT
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There’s a thread on someone suing for this very thing. Let me find it.

ETA: the thread is in Team so you won’t be able to see it.
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I thought the legal challenge already failed in Houston.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:27:41 PM EDT
There are hills to die on....

Not taking the vaccine is one of them.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:32:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:55:09 PM EDT
Do not get the jab. Everyday someone new posted about severe adverse effects. The liberals are crying all over Reddit about the shots fucking them up.

Don't do it.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:56:58 PM EDT
Yep.  My boss asked me for my vax card on the way in today.  I got scared and pissed on his shoes.  Guess who got shit canned?
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 10:57:41 PM EDT
No, but I wouldn't be upset if they did. The company I work for sucks.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:08:13 PM EDT
My wife works in healthcare. Her facility is already segregating the unvaccinated, even though they comprise approximately 49% of the staff.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:13:15 PM EDT
A buddy of mine’s wife is a nurse.  The hospital just told them anyone not able to present a vaccine card will be laid off.  

I work for the fire department, my understanding is the county doesn’t want to mandate the vaccine for fear of workers compensation claims if people get side affects after the jab.

My county does a lot of dumb shit but I’m glad they’ve made the call for it to be optional.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:35:52 PM EDT
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Do not get the jab. Everyday someone new posted about severe adverse effects. The liberals are crying all over Reddit about the shots fucking them up.

Don't do it.
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Which subreddit? I need to see this.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:38:20 PM EDT
Yes OP.

Mercy Health is requiring complete vaccination by Sept 30th.

It's bullshit.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:45:53 PM EDT
My employer gave us 3 options:

1. Show HR rep your completed vax card.
2. Sign an affidavit saying you’ve received the shot, no proof required.
3. Continue wearing a mask.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:46:27 PM EDT
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Which subreddit? I need to see this.
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/r/covidvaccinated is one. I feel bad for some of those folks.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:47:25 PM EDT
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My employer gave us 3 options:

1. Show HR rep your completed vax card.
2. Sign an affidavit saying you’ve received the shot, no proof required.
3. Continue wearing a mask.
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I wonder how much effort they put into verifying the vax card.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:47:50 PM EDT
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/r/covidvaccinated is one. I feel bad for some of those folks.
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I dont.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:49:49 PM EDT
Fuck that.

A virus?  How about a vaccination for the common cold, HIV, herpes, and the various influenzas and on and on.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:51:20 PM EDT
My wife is in healthcare, they are “requiring” everyone to be vaccinated, but have offered them an out.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:55:07 PM EDT
Work for .gov, vax or mask. Honor system for now
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:57:25 PM EDT
Claim religious exemption?
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:57:56 PM EDT
Not as of right now. Maybe soon given the circumstances I'm in now. I was hoping to hear back from this place but after looking at my resume 5 days ago, nothing.

Work for .gov, vax or mask. Honor system for now
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That works unless you catch it. When I go back I reckon I'm going to find out if I'm terminated or not now. It won't break my heart but it'll suck not having any income for a while.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:58:30 PM EDT
Tell them you are a Christian scientist. It's against your religion.
Link Posted: 7/17/2021 11:59:49 PM EDT
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Which subreddit? I need to see this.
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I've seen too many to count.
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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:00:08 AM EDT
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Not yet, but if put in that position, I would still refuse the poison. That shit will never go in my body. If someone wants it, thinks it's great, etc... they have every right to get it, and I won't chastise them for it. I expect the same in return. My health is way more important to me than any job.
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I live across the state line in Nevada & commute all the way to San Fransicko every week for work ONLY because the health care organization I work for pays me very well.  I’ve been doing this for the past 10 years & was planning to find different work MUCH closer to home, anyway, sometime next summer.  This past Thursday my director tells me that the city of San Fransicko now requires ALL health care personnel in the city of S.F. to receive the Wuhan vaccine or be fired on September 15th.  I am opposed, will not comply, have no possible exemption & I expect them to can me on September 15th.  I’m fairly sure they will have to pay my unemployment while I seek new work.  I have no debt, can live just fine on less income, & am already looking forward to not making the very long drive back & forth every week.

My question is this:  Is anyone else here in a similar get the Wuhan jabs or get canned situation?

Not yet, but if put in that position, I would still refuse the poison. That shit will never go in my body. If someone wants it, thinks it's great, etc... they have every right to get it, and I won't chastise them for it. I expect the same in return. My health is way more important to me than any job.

Yup, not just health but also the freedom to choose and not be forced to comply with that crap. I'm not taking it.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:00:29 AM EDT
The govt got to experiment on me once on the desert floor with the Anthrax vaccine.  I'm not taking the govt juice this time.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:03:28 AM EDT
My son works for St. Luke's Health Care Systems as a financial analyst.  He was told he either took the jab by November or be fired.  

He also works from home.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:08:58 AM EDT
No, but if my company decides to make that policy I'll be getting fired. I'm not getting that bullshit shot for a virus I already had and it did next to nothing.

Good for you OP.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:09:50 AM EDT
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Not as of right now. Maybe soon given the circumstances I'm in now. I was hoping to hear back from this place but after looking at my resume 5 days ago, nothing.

That works unless you catch it. When I go back I reckon I'm going to find out if I'm terminated or not now. It won't break my heart but it'll suck not having any income for a while.
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I don't know about that, since people who have been vaccinated are still getting COVID.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:11:38 AM EDT
I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:13:34 AM EDT
How good are you at welding?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:14:01 AM EDT
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Thank you for the support.  I’m definitely not going to receive this vaccine.
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Get a fake vax card. The ones in Missouri look like chicken scratch. And that’s where you got yours bc you had to go home to visit maw and paw to convince them to get the jab too.

I didn't get it but my employee showed me her card and it looked fake.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:14:31 AM EDT
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Not yet, but I can see it happening at some point.
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Yep.  I am preparing for the worst.  Two physician friends were able to get religious exemptions, but not sure how long those will last.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:15:17 AM EDT
Yes.  My hospital has a vaccine mandate.  Get vaccinated by September or find a new job.  Our patient population is somewhat unique, so I can understand their position.  It’s not the first vaccine I’ve taken for a job.  I got vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.  No issues.  My rabies vaccine was much worse.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:15:20 AM EDT
Yep pretty much you get the jab or you can't go to work.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:17:50 AM EDT
I looked closely at the religious exemption.  My employer would require extensive proof that I just wont be able to produce.  I know one D.O. & another nurse who also wont be accepting this vaccine either.  The organization will be losing at least three of us.  My only concern is whether or not my soon to be former employer will have to pay our unemployment or not.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:18:39 AM EDT
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Not yet, but I can see it happening at some point.
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And then I live off of fjb democrat government. I'm an Indian. They'll recognize and pay me, lol.

I've never taken advantage of the government.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:19:09 AM EDT
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Thank you for the support.  I’m definitely not going to receive this vaccine.
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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:19:34 AM EDT
Welding?  In my youth I was quite the artist with tic, arc, oxy & acetylene & I am sure I could pick it up again without difficulty.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:20:04 AM EDT
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I thought the legal challenge already failed in Houston.
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There’s a thread on someone suing for this very thing. Let me find it.

ETA: the thread is in Team so you won’t be able to see it.

I thought the legal challenge already failed in Houston.

It did.  They’re appealing it.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:24:01 AM EDT
Haven't heard too many stories like this.

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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:25:11 AM EDT
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/r/covidvaccinated is one. I feel bad for some of those folks.
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So new lockdowns will only be for the unvaccinated?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:25:14 AM EDT
My work could care less either way.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:29:07 AM EDT
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Yep.  I am preparing for the worst.  Two physician friends were able to get religious exemptions, but not sure how long those will last.
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I’ve got a buddy in the same position. He is submitting his religious exemption request letter soon. If it’s rejected he’s jobless October 1st.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:32:52 AM EDT
I live across the state line in Nevada & commute all the way to San Fransicko every week for work ONLY because the health care organization I work for pays me very well.  I’ve been doing this for the past 10 years & was planning to find different work MUCH closer to home, anyway, sometime next summer.  This past Thursday my director tells me that the city of San Fransicko now requires ALL health care personnel in the city of S.F. to receive the Wuhan vaccine or be fired on September 15th.  I am opposed, will not comply, have no possible exemption & I expect them to can me on September 15th.  I’m fairly sure they will have to pay my unemployment while I seek new work.  I have no debt, can live just fine on less income, & am already looking forward to not making the very long drive back & forth every week.

My question is this:  Is anyone else here in a similar get the Wuhan jabs or get canned situation?
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Religious exemption? It’s never too late to find Jesus brother.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:36:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:38:36 AM EDT
I have a relative who is pregnant and doesn't want to take the vaccine during the pregnancy.  Her work is threatening to fire her if she doesn't get it.
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