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Posted: 2/25/2024 2:09:41 PM EDT

A Virginia couple who were enjoying their retirement cruising the Caribbean on their yacht are feared dead after three escaped prisoners hijacked their vessel.

Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel were docked on Sunday in the St. George's area of Grenada, which they frequent annually in the winter months when authorities say the three fugitives set upon them and stole their yacht called "Simplicity." The vessel is a catamaran, a type of sailing yacht with two hulls.

Basically boat ransacked by 3 Grenada pirates and found anchored by a third party. Pirates in jail and couple missing.

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:12:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:13:05 PM EDT
Pirates of the Caribbean is different in real life . Poor woman .
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:13:41 PM EDT
Well that’s fucked up.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:13:41 PM EDT
Never dock the boat.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:14:43 PM EDT
They're dead unfortunately.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:14:44 PM EDT

Check out the time stamps
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:14:48 PM EDT
All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:15:44 PM EDT
Just read a few books on what being on the ocean is like across any time period in history and you quickly realize there is no such thing as paradise out there.

Way too many things to kill you and the more time you're out the more inevitable it becomes... including in port.

I feel bad for their family.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:16:28 PM EDT
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Check out the time stamps
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I don’t believe I’ve ever seen that before.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:23:40 PM EDT
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I recognize that reference.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:25:32 PM EDT
Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:26:43 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:26:47 PM EDT
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Pirates of the Caribbean is different in real life . Poor woman .
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Years ago I had a buddy that worked for an Insurance company recovering boats that were stolen, mainly in the Caribbean. He told me its a huge issue as boats are hard to track once stolen and quite a few people get whacked every year by pirates down there who steal the boats.  

I knew this guy pretty well, I knew what he had done in a previous life and what he was capable of.

If I had to bet I'd say that when he located a stolen boat he simply stole it back.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:27:29 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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They don't need them, life is a walk in the park until it isn't.
This was not supposed to happen. Funny thing about life, there's always that one time
that you really were responsible for your own safety.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:28:56 PM EDT
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
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You spelled 240 wrong
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:30:19 PM EDT
Cruisers are a trusting bunch.

I'm not saying there is a 9mm and shotty onboard my catamaran.  But I'm sure not saying there isn't.  

Hang those pirates from the spreaders of that catamaran.  Let them swing in the harbor until they rot.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:30:24 PM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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Other countries have very strict gun laws, in some countries it carries the death penalty.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:32:28 PM EDT
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You spelled 240 wrong
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No shit, I'd rather not have pirates get that close. I'd want at least a .308 AR.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:32:33 PM EDT
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
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couple mounted .50 caliber machine guns

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:35:28 PM EDT
They are dead.

Sorry no one taught them about the high seas; it aint the local Whole Foods. I lived and sailed for 9 years when i lived in Haiti; went to Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Barbados.

Its "OK" as long as you sort of stay on common routes. West of the islands its high seas and Pirate rule.  West of St Lucia, and especially North of Colombia, directly going to Haiti and Jamaica is drug runner high seas.  Everyone i knew that sailed from Jacmel Haiti went well armed and all had had run ins with trouble.

We had couple 30 cal rifles; one M1 with AP ammo and we also saw LOTS of FALS.

Problems arise as you have to declare the firearms and sometimes surrender them when you arrive.  OR bribe folks. Which we did. A LOT.

US patrols the area, as do the Dutch; who keep on large vessel in area.  But it can get dicey in a hurry.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:38:08 PM EDT
The irony of the logo on that guys shirt is ironical
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:43:01 PM EDT
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Other countries have very strict gun laws, in some countries it carries the death penalty.
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It sure did carry the death penalty here.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:43:20 PM EDT
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
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First long gun that I bought.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:45:58 PM EDT
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They are dead.

Sorry no one taught them about the high seas; it aint the local Whole Foods. I lived and sailed for 9 years when i lived in Haiti; went to Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Barbados.

Its "OK" as long as you sort of stay on common routes. West of the islands its high seas and Pirate rule.  West of St Lucia, and especially North of Colombia, directly going to Haiti and Jamaica is drug runner high seas.  Everyone i knew that sailed from Jacmel Haiti went well armed and all had had run ins with trouble.

We had couple 30 cal rifles; one M1 with AP ammo and we also saw LOTS of FALS.

US patrols the area, as do the Dutch; who keep on large vessel in area.  But it can get dicey in a hurry.
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They were not the victims of pirates on the high seas, they were set upon by three fugitives at the dock.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:51:54 PM EDT
All she needed was a flare gun, coulda shot a hole in their boat
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:54:57 PM EDT
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They are dead.

Sorry no one taught them about the high seas; it aint the local Whole Foods. I lived and sailed for 9 years when i lived in Haiti; went to Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Barbados.

Its "OK" as long as you sort of stay on common routes. West of the islands its high seas and Pirate rule.  West of St Lucia, and especially North of Colombia, directly going to Haiti and Jamaica is drug runner high seas.  Everyone i knew that sailed from Jacmel Haiti went well armed and all had had run ins with trouble.

We had couple 30 cal rifles; one M1 with AP ammo and we also saw LOTS of FALS.

Problems arise as you have to declare the firearms and sometimes surrender them when you arrive.  OR bribe folks. Which we did. A LOT.

US patrols the area, as do the Dutch; who keep on large vessel in area.  But it can get dicey in a hurry.
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Well that covers approximately the entire Caribbean Sea.

I imagine it isn't particularly bad, though your risk increases substantially if you are an obviously wealthy target. Sailing around on a boat that's a half million plus is going to attract a lot of attention, especially when you've got dirt-poor third worlders with AKs and nothing to lose.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:55:18 PM EDT
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Years ago I had a buddy that worked for an Insurance company recovering boats that were stolen, mainly in the Caribbean. He told me its a huge issue as boats are hard to track once stolen and quite a few people get whacked every year by pirates down there who steal the boats.  

I knew this guy pretty well, I knew what he had done in a previous life and what he was capable of.

If I had to bet I'd say that when he located a stolen boat he simply stole it back.
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Pirates of the Caribbean is different in real life . Poor woman .

Years ago I had a buddy that worked for an Insurance company recovering boats that were stolen, mainly in the Caribbean. He told me its a huge issue as boats are hard to track once stolen and quite a few people get whacked every year by pirates down there who steal the boats.  

I knew this guy pretty well, I knew what he had done in a previous life and what he was capable of.

If I had to bet I'd say that when he located a stolen boat he simply stole it back.

Having spent a couple years repoing cars trucks 18wheelers, motorcycles and rv’s , I can only imagine the stories that guy could tell . Over a bottle of rum ….
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 2:58:29 PM EDT
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Gorillas are native to equatorial Africa.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:08:43 PM EDT
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Gorillas are native to equatorial Africa.
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Gorillas are native to equatorial Africa.

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:10:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:10:24 PM EDT
Fukin beat by 2 min

Gorillas not Guerillas
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:14:14 PM EDT
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Been to Disneyland one too many times?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:16:15 PM EDT
It's hard for me to imagine at least semi rich people being so obtuse about their own safety and well being. But here is this story so they are out there. If I had to guess I would suspect they never envisioned their politics and reality colliding so violently.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:18:01 PM EDT
In before the victims are blamed?  

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:23:52 PM EDT
terrible story, too bad he was not able to protect his wife and himself.  hopefully the perps get the death penalty and a burial at sea too.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:25:55 PM EDT
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Other countries have very strict gun laws, in some countries it carries the death penalty.
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.

Other countries have very strict gun laws, in some countries it carries the death penalty.

Pretty fucked up you die for not having a gun, or you can die just for having one.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:26:01 PM EDT
So basically, drop anchor offshore and stay away from the docks
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:26:43 PM EDT
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They were not the victims of pirates on the high seas, they were set upon by three fugitives at the dock.
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Any guns they had would either be in a sealed firearms locker or held by customs.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:27:04 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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You can't have guns on board in other countries waters.

If you get boarded, searched and caught you're fucked.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:27:38 PM EDT
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Been to Disneyland one too many times?
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:30:37 PM EDT
Sounds like life (and death) in an area where government has very little control over peoples lives, and everyone is responsible for their own safety, and no one else will be there to help you. This is exactly the kind of environment we all hope to live in here, once day, when true liberty returns to the United States. I mean, we usually don’t talk about THIS side of the utopia that we’re trying to usher in, but the free access to drugs and whatever other vice we want to participate in more than makes up for a little piracy. Don’t want to be raped and murdered by pirates? Maybe just stay home in your basement.  Freedom is scary, and all that.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:30:41 PM EDT
Grenada is actually one of the safer islands.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:31:33 PM EDT
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Grenada is actually one of the safer islands.
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Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:39:29 PM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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Not really .   If they know you are from the US they expect firearms and ammo on the boat .  They want to know exactly what you are bringing in and that you leave with the same firearms and ammo .   If you don’t declare it and they find them you will be in trouble .
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:42:25 PM EDT
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Quoted:  Other countries have very strict gun laws, in some countries it carries the death penalty.
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Yeah !  Countries like CA , MA , DE , NY , NJ, CT and others .
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:44:28 PM EDT
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They are dead.

Sorry no one taught them about the high seas; it aint the local Whole Foods. I lived and sailed for 9 years when i lived in Haiti; went to Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Barbados.

Its "OK" as long as you sort of stay on common routes. West of the islands its high seas and Pirate rule.  West of St Lucia, and especially North of Colombia, directly going to Haiti and Jamaica is drug runner high seas.  Everyone i knew that sailed from Jacmel Haiti went well armed and all had had run ins with trouble.

We had couple 30 cal rifles; one M1 with AP ammo and we also saw LOTS of FALS.

Problems arise as you have to declare the firearms and sometimes surrender them when you arrive.  OR bribe folks. Which we did. A LOT.

US patrols the area, as do the Dutch; who keep on large vessel in area.  But it can get dicey in a hurry.
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I've wondered about this. Had always heard that being armed while sailing could get you into serious trouble with local authorities. And one will certainly encounter local authorities regularly whether in port or off shore (local or U.S. CG). So if arms are declared are they ok? If a "problem" occurred how much was an acceptable bribe?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:44:36 PM EDT
No photos of the pirates? Suspicion confirmed.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:45:29 PM EDT
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Quoted:  They were not the victims of pirates on the high seas, they were set upon by three fugitives at the dock.
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Were they illegal fugitives ?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:47:43 PM EDT
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Quoted:  Gorillas are native to equatorial Africa.
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Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:48:53 PM EDT
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Yeah !  Countries like CA , MA , DE , NY , NJ, CT and others .
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That's the truth.
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