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Posted: 12/10/2005 1:50:49 PM EDT
The girlfriend and I have decided to get married sometime next year. She came home today and said she found a wedding band that she loves. It's $6200. I told her she's fooking nuts and if she doesn't get a grasp on how hard it is to make and save enough money to retire, she's gonna die penniless.

So.... please give me an idea on a good dollar limit for her on a wedding band. I have a diamond that was my great grandmothers that I'm going to have made into an engagement ring. Out of curiosity, what are typical engagement rings are going for now days.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 1:52:17 PM EDT
My wife is 5' 2", barely 100lbs...A big rock and band looked goofy as all heck...

I got lucky...Only paid about 1k for it all (plantium rings and band).

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 1:55:47 PM EDT
$6200 is crazy unless you have a HUGE income.........it's completely unrealistic for most people. I can't spending over $500 for any ring. Its a symbol - use your money for a mortgage or other bills - you'll need it. That and you don't want to set a precedent of materialism that leads to crazy debt.......
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 1:58:02 PM EDT
Ring about $5500

Band about $1800

If you add it up I probably paid about $500 for each time I got laid after our wedding date.  


Link Posted: 12/10/2005 1:58:55 PM EDT
I spent $2,500 25 years ago.

My bro-in-law didn't buy a diamond ring for my sister, but my bro-in-law's dad forced him to buy my sis a ring.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 1:59:15 PM EDT
The oft-repeated rule of thumb on engagement rings is two months' salary. Gulping for air? Don't worry--you really should just buy the nicest ring you can without overextending yourself, and shoot for quality over size. Research independent jewelers, consider resetting a family heirloom, and, above all else, remember not to lose perspective. The "yes" is a yes to you, after all, not to the rock.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:00:36 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:00:41 PM EDT

Ring about $5500

Band about $1800

If you add it up I probably paid about $500 for each time I got laid after our wedding date.  


Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:02:08 PM EDT


Ring about $5500

Band about $1800

If you add it up I probably paid about $500 for each time I got laid after our wedding date.  


Sad thing is I am probably overestimating the number of times I got laid.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:02:17 PM EDT
One hundred forty nine dollars and 95 cents. That was just a bit over 10 years ago. Thousands of dollars on a chip of rock and a bit of gold does not make a marriage last. The money would be better spent on a house to live in then a rock to look at. She got a nicer one [1K] at our tenth and a gun. She asked for the gun and got the ring also.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:02:36 PM EDT
$6.5k for the engagement ring and just $650 for the wedding band.  I made decent money in Afghanistan last year.

The cool part is, her Dad paid for ALL of the wedding.  Just over $40k for everything.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:03:30 PM EDT
I bought them together, so about 6500 total
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:05:35 PM EDT

The girlfriend and I have decided to get married sometime next year. She came home today and said she found a wedding band that she loves. It's $6200. I told her she's fooking nuts and if she doesn't get a grasp on how hard it is to make and save enough money to retire, she's gonna die penniless.

So.... please give me an idea on a good dollar limit for her on a wedding band. I have a diamond that was my great grandmothers that I'm going to have made into an engagement ring. Out of curiosity, what are typical engagement rings are going for now days.

How about getting a nice single stone engagement ring and then add to it.  A friend of mine has a beautiful ring that started very basic.  As she and her husband could afford more they have really made it look incredible.  A single high quality stone, IMO, is the best way to start.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:08:36 PM EDT
$6k from a jewlery broker in Chicago. Ring appraised at $11k. Don't make the mistake of not getting a good size stone. You will end up buying one bigger later on.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:12:28 PM EDT
Around $12K for the ring and two bands 10 years ago.  I'm still married, but neither one of us wear any rings.  Have a talk and see if she's gonna wear it.  If not, save the cash for a down payment on a house.  If you do spend the 6K on the band (she's the one right?), get something from her in writing that specifes the ownership should you ever get divorced.  What is the percentage of marriages that end in divorce nowdays??
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:16:06 PM EDT
I got off cheap.  Screened for sapphires and had a good one cut.  Found a diamond ring as a kid so I used the diamonds as guard stones.  Used the old ring and gold I panned for the bands.  Total cost was under $800 for the jewelry work.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:16:37 PM EDT

$6.5k for the engagement ring and just $650 for the wedding band.  I made decent money in Afghanistan last year.

The cool part is, her Dad paid for ALL of the wedding.  Just over $40k for everything.


40k down the toilet imho...that would have been a great start to a college fund...
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:16:51 PM EDT
I paid $2k for my wifeys engagement ring, I do not even know what the band was. I think both of our bands together were like $350. Her stuff is platinum, mine is titanium.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 2:52:38 PM EDT
The wife and I had both been married before, so a lot of the "fluff" would have been wasted on us.  We decided not to go into debt over the rings and bought something nice, but inexpensive and on sale.  We're still together and the rings are pretty sad looking now.  We talk about having a custom set made, but never seem to get around to it.

My daughter came to visit and she has the ring from my first marriage.  I bought it off a buddy while in the Navy after his love life fell apart and he just wanted to unload it.  I don't know how many times wife #2 commented on what a nice ring I bought for wifle #1.  

Point is, even if they say it doesn't matter and they believe it, there's still something about having a nice ring that makes a female feel better.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:01:56 PM EDT
... I proposed to my high-school sweetheart last spring. First one made since my only wedding in '79.

... Ring & diamond was about $17,000.00

... I called it off though, I'm much happier as a bachelor.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:09:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:11:12 PM EDT
Four years of my life I'll never get back.

Oh well, I got the cat, the house AND a green card.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:17:04 PM EDT
About as much as I would pay for a small 4 passenger vehicle.

I know, nuts, but she wanted it, she's helping pay for it, and we make pretty decent money.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:26:00 PM EDT

she's helping pay for it, and we make pretty decent money.

If you are making payments on a ring,you really can't afford it.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:31:42 PM EDT

The oft-repeated rule of thumb on engagement rings is two months' salary. Gulping for air? Don't worry--you really should just buy the nicest ring you can without overextending yourself, and shoot for quality over size. Research independent jewelers, consider resetting a family heirloom, and, above all else, remember not to lose perspective. The "yes" is a yes to you, after all, not to the rock.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:33:55 PM EDT
The general rule two months pay is an industry ploy. The best is what you can afford comfortably.

I just bought a ring for $6000.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:37:50 PM EDT
I got  the ring and wedding band for right at 5K, I think it was $4,987 something.

Two months after I popped the question, I found out we are going to have to pay for the wedding ourselves as her parents are in deep financial trouble... So add another 10K to the mix.


Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:39:14 PM EDT
Even though I don't intend to really propose soon, since I am travelling, when I hit South Africa I'm gonna probably drop around 4k on a stone down there and get it set later.    
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:40:23 PM EDT
$400 for her engagement band and both wedding bands - 24 years ago and still going strong.  She hates stones and thought anything other than a plain band would be a waste.  She is a pragmatist and from her point of view that money was much better spent elsewhere.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:43:02 PM EDT
I got a really good deal and paid around $1,200 for the engagement ring.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:45:21 PM EDT
The cost of the ring will be miniscule compared to the expenses of being married. Get her something good, and just bite the bullet. It is one of the most important things in most young womens' minds
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:47:12 PM EDT
I traded an early S&W 686 for our wedding ring set 23 years ago.

My dealer said the gun would be a better investment.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:47:52 PM EDT
$1800 for an engagement ring twenty years ago.  I don't know what that would be in 2005 dollars.  The diamond was about .6 carat round with good color and clarity and a white gold solitare mount.  I would guess that would be $2500-$3500 today.  I would like to replace it with something over a carat, but I don't know if she would give up the one she has.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:48:02 PM EDT

... I proposed to my high-school sweetheart last spring. First one made since my only wedding in '79.

... Ring & diamond was about $17,000.00

... I called it off though, I'm much happier as a bachelor.

curious.. what was it.. 1 caret not quite flawless, very white, round cut?

i think a 1 carat flawless round cut is around 20k before its set.

freind of mine once had a 5 carat round, not perfect that he bought as an investment. big sucker...

personally i think diamonds are like puka beeds that you traded to the indians for manhatan. do nothing but make debeers and everyone south of there rich. soviet union supposedly has tons of diamonds they have held off the market since the breakup. is  controlled gimicky market for suckers in my opionion. you luv your woman, get her a 2 carat zirc, and a 10,000 savings bond...
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 3:48:10 PM EDT
No. 1 wife --  $2500 engagement ring and $1500 matching wedding ring from uber chic store. I had no money at the time.  Also big wedding at exclusive waterfront lodge. The misery started during the honeymoon, though we have great kids, live two blocks apart, and she is a good mother.

No. 2 wife -- $69 gold wedding band from JC Pennys.  I had plenty of money but thats all she wanted. Wedding at home with my in-laws and our dog as witnesses. Friend acted as marriage commissioner. It has turned out to be a great marriage.

Lesson learned. $$ does not buy happiness.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 4:07:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 4:17:43 PM EDT
i spent 850 on the ring, we got engaged just after thanksgiving.

she's not all into expensive crap like that and she absolutely loves the ring
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 4:17:54 PM EDT
$6200 on a ring is the kind of fiscal practices that put you where I am now, ($20k on credit cards). And I "only" spent $1700 on the 1/2 karat engagement ring, and $500 on the wedding band. I still can't figure out what's with this 2-ring system. A guy I know spent $11,000 combined on his & her rings. We were all talking about that shit behind his back, so he doesn't like any of us any more.

My advice to you:


No lie, just don't let her know where they came from, you'll sound cheap. My wife has earrings, tennis bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc all from e-bay. All real diamonds. She's spent like $150 on ALL of it.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 4:49:12 PM EDT
Its not how much you spend on the ring, Its the meaning behind it that matters most. Its has to be something you both agree on. I spent $3000 on my wifes engagement ring and aniversery and wedding bands, we were looking together and one day she went by herself and was browsing the Jewelry store and picked it out and I went and bought. I was happy.

The thing that bugs me about Diamonds is that there is so many out there and the market is manipulated. Unlike Gold of Platinium there is so much.

Just dont fall into the Big rock no small cock syndrome, Some people feel they have to make up for with a large diamond what they lack in other areas.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 4:54:22 PM EDT

I traded an early S&W 686 for our wedding ring set 23 years ago.

My dealer said the gun would be a better investment.

Kinda reminds me of soemthing that happened to me, I traded a S&W model 10 .38 for a watch. When my dad found out he made go and get the gun back. My dad said "you will glad you have the pistol becuase when you come home from work that day and your wife is in bed with some other guy you are not going to want to say, hey its time to get out of bed as you point to the watch."
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 4:55:16 PM EDT
I picked a the engagement ring. A nice 1 ct. brilliant cut. She picked the wedding band. The cost is irrelevant.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:00:48 PM EDT
I spent about 4,800.00 on the ring and 1200.00 on the band. I went for color and clarity. She definetly likes it and had nothing to do with picking it out, I surprised her.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:04:30 PM EDT


Kinda reminds me of soemthing that happened to me, I traded a S&W model 10 .38 for a watch. When my dad found out he made go and get the gun back. My dad said "you will glad you have the pistol becuase when you come home from work that day and your wife is in bed with some other guy you are not going to want to say, hey its time to get out of bed as you point to the watch."

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:07:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:16:16 PM EDT
 My girlfriend implicitly told me that IF things with us ever get to that point of engagement and marriage  that she would be pissed if I spent over $500 on a ring......with that said - she recommended overstock.com if it comes to that. Many SMART people get great deals on some really NICE jewelry online. Why pay $1000 for a $1000 ring? What are you trying to prove, or save up to be? Life is too short to spend your retirement years in debt over some stupid financial shit you did starting with the Wedding.......Your Life - Your Debt.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:22:29 PM EDT
About $1k for the engagement ring, we havent bought wedding bands yet and its been over 3 years...
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:23:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:26:16 PM EDT
Well, since neither of us wears any jewelry I spent this amount: $0

32+ years.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:28:47 PM EDT

Well, since neither of us wears any jewelry I spent this amount: $0

32+ years.


Nice - and let me guess - you probably OWN something tangible - like a house? Thank God for low-maintenance women who can see the light.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:28:59 PM EDT

Four years of my life I'll never get back.

Oh well, I got the cat, the house AND a green card.

Hell, I'd have married you and divorced you a year later for a lot less that that mess cost you.

OTOH, I might have fought you for ther cat, if i thought he was a keeper.

(Seriously, Years ago I almost DID marry a female Coastie so she could collect BAQ)
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:30:45 PM EDT
Harold Lloyd, a silent film slapstick comedian was at loss for a ring.  Unlike Charlie Chaplin who used a cigar band or a washer, Harold borrowed a pen and drew one on his bride's finger.  Works for me,  , but she walked out.
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