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Posted: 7/27/2018 7:36:01 AM EDT

Ron DeStantis, FL Candidate for Governor, openly supports Open/Campus Carry.

Florida Carry's legal eagle, Eric Friday met with numerous Republican Candidates for office at the Republican Party of Florida's Sunshine Summit and this is a summary of what occurred.

First and foremost is the Governor's election. Ron DeSantis is one of two Republican candidates for Governor.

DeSantis Supports Open Carry and Campus Carry. Florida Carry did not ask the question, but DeSantis specifically mentioned he supports Constitutional Carry. On Parkland, DeSantis stated he was against SB 7026 and would have voted no or vetoed it if he were a member of the Florida Legislature or Governor. Lastly, DeSantis stated would appoint strict Constitutionalist Judges to the Florida Supreme Court.

Apparently, this news has reach the Florida Democratic Party and they aren't happy. Neither is the Tampa Bay Times.

Frank White approached Florida Carry during a legal seminar before they approached him. Florida Carry states that White is "Not a Bondi Clone". When asked about SB 7026, White stated he would have consented to the NRA Plaintiff remaining anonymous in the NRA's suit against SB 7026 (AG Pam Bondi filed to remove anonymity from the juvenile plaintiffs). Also White is against Attorney General Pam Bondi's overuse of legal procedure to fight lawsuits seeking to affirm constitutional rights (Norman v. Florida). White said he'd go after violations of F.S. 790.251  Parking Lot Carry. The law that lets employees keep firearms in their cars even if the employer bans guns on the property. The House of Mouse (Disney) is a big time violator of this law. AG Bondi has not gone after violators.

Lastly, White said as Attorney General; he'd seek investigation and prosecution of the Miami Beach Officers that violated the Civil Rights of Floridians in Miami Beach. (To read about, look here, here, and here.)

Blaise Ingoglia is the Republican Party of Florida Chair. He reached out to Florida Carry. Eric Friday puts it best during their conversation;

As we were walking and ending the conversation, we mentioned that gun owners were EXTREMELY upset with the legislature over SB 7026 and their performance on 2A issues in recent years. He waved it off stating "Yes, we know". We then said, "No, we don't think you dothey're mad to the point of staying home in November." He literally stopped and was taken aback.

We related that is the attitude of much of the membership based on the passage of SB 7026 and extreme frustration with the Republican party on not advancing good and meaningful legislation. Having an (R) next to your name is no longer a guaranteed vote.
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There were a number of high ranking Republicans that refused to meet with Florida Carry.

According to Florida Carry;

"Commissioner Putnam initially declined to meet, then finally agreed to have a staffer meet with us. Numerous texts were exchanged attempting to schedule a meeting were sent, before the staffer stopped responding."
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Senator Galvano likewise did not respond to our multiple meeting requests.
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We requested to meet prior to the summit on June 14. There was no response. At the summit, we again requested a brief meeting, and received an offer to meet in August. To date, the meeting has not occurred.
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So the establishment decided not to meet with Florida Carry, but all the Republican outsiders that aresupported by President Trump did. Hmmmm. seems like the Florida GOP is going to be facing an uphill battle if they continue treating Floridians like this.

DeSantis has my vote.

For Putnam to push FL Carry aside like that.... disheartening.

Original Post

I've thought long and hard about who to back in our Primary. I really want to like Adam Putnan. When I've met the man personally, he's always been good and friendly. Earlier this election season, he publicly supported Open Carry and Campus Carry.

But he does have skeletons in the closet I don't like. During Trump's campaign, Putnam distanced himself and was never really behind it. Now, Rick Scott started slobbering on Trump's knob because we know that he is a whore. The issues with how he ran Ag really isn't a major issue for me. He streamlined it, and out of the thousands of permits, 291 had issues duento someone not doing their jobs. Same with the issuance of D and G security licenses to illegals. A small number got them because their immigration/citizenship status wasn't checked by the employee, who's job it was to check.

In the end, I support Putnam and will vote for him. Ron Desantis to me is someone I will support if he wins. But he isn't my primary choice. I believe that is why President Trump is backing DeSantis. DeSantis backed Trump when Putnam didn't.

Right now, Pam Bondi (who I dislike) is throwing her weight behind Putnam and she is linking Trump to Putnam.

Pam Bondi Supports Adam Putnam

As I write this, Gwen Graham is leading the polls for the left. And remember, she would go after our guns via executive order.
Link Posted: 7/27/2018 2:59:17 PM EDT
I'm with you, right now my preference is Putnam but I'll take DeSantis if he is the nominee.  I don't have an issue with Putnam not being behind Trump's campaign either...a lot of conservatives weren't.
Link Posted: 7/27/2018 6:23:42 PM EDT
I dunno, so I'm just gonna flip a coin.

I'll support either one in general election.
Link Posted: 7/27/2018 8:38:55 PM EDT
Im getting sick looking at the crime thats being committed every year on the wildlife and people in the SW with the water release from that cesspool they call lake okeechobee this year is absolutely unbelievable  . I want to vote for Putnam but will not only because I don't trust him he is owned by big sugar . Something has to be done before its to late and i fear he would never do anything against them.
Link Posted: 7/27/2018 8:53:00 PM EDT
I want to vote in the primary for the guy who has the best chance of winning in November because this is an election we just can't afford to lose.

The Democratic candidates will destroy our state with their northeast liberal values if any one of them wins.
Link Posted: 7/28/2018 9:03:04 AM EDT
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I dunno, so I'm just gonna flip a coin.

I'll support either one in general election.
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Link Posted: 7/30/2018 2:07:44 PM EDT
I registered Independent many years ago.  Just tired of the GOP and their two faced lying.  That said,  I was down at the Supervisor of Elections this morning to change party affiliation back to GOP, so I could vote the primary.  There is a lot riding on this one.  I am supporting Putnam.  Just don't like that desantis fellow.
Link Posted: 7/31/2018 3:48:40 PM EDT
I’ve generally been planning to vote for Putnam but the ad saying Desantis wants a “23% tax increase” due to his support for a FairTax is really misleading and off putting. I know it’s by a PAC but still distasteful.
Link Posted: 7/31/2018 4:54:09 PM EDT
After watching the debate and doing a bit of research I am pretty much OK with either but I am leaning DeSantis.
Link Posted: 7/31/2018 5:52:35 PM EDT
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I’ve generally been planning to vote for Putnam but the ad saying Desantis wants a “23% tax increase” due to his support for a FairTax is really misleading and off putting. I know it’s by a PAC but still distasteful.
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I'm voting for Desantis because I think he has the best chance to beat the total dingbat the dems have running. I'm not crazy about any tax increase  but considering that 23% amounts to less than 2 cents I'm not overly concerned about it. I was behind Putnam until that boondoggle with background checks, I'm not saying that it's a big deal but a lot of the sheeple in the state will not support him because of it because of the way our "media" presented it.

If that dingbat liberal gets in office we will be in real trouble.
Link Posted: 7/31/2018 6:00:01 PM EDT
I forget which one I was gonna vote for yesterday.  
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 5:46:26 AM EDT
Obviously the important thing here is to just duckin vote and to encourage every conservative you know to do the same thing.

Im sure you've all seen the left wing scum running and the consequences for Florida if they were to win. They can't wait for a FL AWB.

Get people out to vote. That's what really matters here.
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 6:49:43 AM EDT
Which one of them stands a chance to win in November?

That's who I'd like to vote for in August, but I don't have a clue.
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 7:12:17 AM EDT
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Which one of them stands a chance to win in November?

That's who I'd like to vote for in August, but I don't have a clue.
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Rick Scott won his last election with 1%.

Florida is on the verge of going Blue. Especially with the influx of population from Puerto Rico and the North East. We have more Democrats than Republicans registered to vote.

When redistricting happens in 2020 due to the new Census, I predict our Legislative Body will shift Blue.

Democrats did lose and we gained, but they're still the majority and I wonder how many Independents are Leftist Leaning.
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 10:51:11 AM EDT
I think (hope) that a lot of those NPA are disgruntled conservatives that feel/felt like the R party has left them.  I'm one and I don't think I'm alone.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 12:18:10 AM EDT
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I think (hope) that a lot of those NPA are disgruntled conservatives that feel/felt like the R party has left them.  I'm one and I don't think I'm alone.
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I’ve been a registered Independent forever.

I refuse to be part of a party that pulls crap like the Terry Shiavo shenanigans.

But I vote Republican, because that’s all there is.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 12:22:34 AM EDT
@Miami_JBT as far as I can tell Desantis has always voted pro 2A, hasn’t he? (Asking seriously, not rhetorically) I am leaning strongly Desantis because of this mess we have with the water releases as well.
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 12:35:15 AM EDT
I wonder if Trump is supporting Desantis because he's met him. :)

I'm ok with either. I am curious with Desantis if he will drive more Dems to the polls or Republicans. I really just realized in 2016 that people don't vote for things, they vote against things. I used to believe the media experts and people who said that someone won a race because the people liked their message better. Maybe that used to be true when the parties were closer to the center. Now that they are so far apart, some would say to the extreme, it seems people vote when they are pissed off about what is happening.
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 5:51:10 AM EDT
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I wonder if Trump is supporting Desantis because he's met him. :)

I'm ok with either. I am curious with Desantis if he will drive more Dems to the polls or Republicans. I really just realized in 2016 that people don't vote for things, they vote against things. I used to believe the media experts and people who said that someone won a race because the people liked their message better. Maybe that used to be true when the parties were closer to the center. Now that they are so far apart, some would say to the extreme, it seems people vote when they are pissed off about what is happening.
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Trumpnis backing DeSantis because he backed him in 2016. Putnam didn't and stayed out of it until after the Primary.
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 6:41:17 AM EDT
Putnam is an old school conservative coming from an agricultural background. My vote is for Putnam a pro gun candidate.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 4:42:01 PM EDT
Mark my words, we are fucked. I hope I’m wrong, I am am slightly concerned.
Link Posted: 8/6/2018 9:39:01 AM EDT
Does anyone have any input for the 4 Repub Ag Comm candidates?

I've only seen ads for a couple of them....I don't know much + or - for any of them.
Link Posted: 8/6/2018 6:21:09 PM EDT
I was originally going to vote for Putnam, but over the last few weeks I started to reconsider. The nail in the coffin for me was when Bondi endorsed him.  She's an idiot and I am dropping support of him because of her. While she's done a few good things she's done other things that were not great and not well thought through.  She's a wanna be politician but is mainly like a happy little dog trying to fit in.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 12:01:51 AM EDT
Man, DeSantis’ new commercial is stupid lol. I’m going for Putnam anyway. I will have no problem voting for DeSantis in tje General though.

This is going to be a nail biter I think.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 2:41:24 AM EDT
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This is going to be a nail biter I think.
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Yes it will be. Never before has so much been at stake. If Gwen wins, it will be a non stop assault on our 2a.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 5:51:47 AM EDT
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Yes it will be. Never before has so much been at stake. If Gwen wins, it will be a non stop assault on our 2a.
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This is going to be a nail biter I think.
Yes it will be. Never before has so much been at stake. If Gwen wins, it will be a non stop assault on our 2a.
All of the D candidates seem to be running an aggressively anti-2A campaign.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 6:56:02 AM EDT
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Yes it will be. Never before has so much been at stake. If Gwen wins, it will be a non stop assault on our 2a.
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At their last five way gang bang, all the Democrats vowed to repeal SYG and pass an AWB.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 12:24:09 PM EDT
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I was originally going to vote for Putnam, but over the last few weeks I started to reconsider. The nail in the coffin for me was when Bondi endorsed him.  She's an idiot and I am dropping support of him because of her. While she's done a few good things she's done other things that were not great and not well thought through.  She's a wanna be politician but is mainly like a happy little dog trying to fit in.
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Ashley Moody is backed by Pam Bondi.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 3:48:01 PM EDT
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Ashley Moody is backed by Pam Bondi.
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Yup and I'm not voting for her.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 5:29:46 PM EDT
I have not seen Putnam denounce the very misleading add his pac is
running on Desantis about his bill for the fair tax. He lost me on that plain and simple.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 10:47:16 PM EDT
I was just at the Putnam/DeSantis debate. I found  Putnam's personal attacks off-putting. The debate swung me firmly over to DeSantis. It was interesting seeing it in person. They got into the 23% sales tax/Fair Tax issue. Putnam did not back down.
Link Posted: 8/8/2018 11:16:36 PM EDT
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All of the D candidates seem to be running an aggressively anti-2A campaign.
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Oh I know, I'm just betting on Graham winning the primary.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 9:01:48 AM EDT
I am going with DeSantis, I think Putnam is in to deep and owes to many people.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 9:40:48 AM EDT
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I was just at the Putnam/DeSantis debate. I found  Putnam's personal attacks off-putting. The debate swung me firmly over to DeSantis. It was interesting seeing it in person. They got into the 23% sales tax/Fair Tax issue. Putnam did not back down.
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Thanks, I'm looking for guidance regarding which one to vote for in the primary.

The main determinant for me is "which of them has the best chance of defeating the Democrat in November?"
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 9:54:05 AM EDT
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Thanks, I'm looking for guidance regarding which one to vote for in the primary.

The main determinant for me is "which of them has the best chance of defeating the Democrat in November?"
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I was just at the Putnam/DeSantis debate. I found  Putnam's personal attacks off-putting. The debate swung me firmly over to DeSantis. It was interesting seeing it in person. They got into the 23% sales tax/Fair Tax issue. Putnam did not back down.
Thanks, I'm looking for guidance regarding which one to vote for in the primary.

The main determinant for me is "which of them has the best chance of defeating the Democrat in November?"
I would put my money on Ron DeSantis. Putnam is starting to look desperate and grasping. Florida traditionally goes Democrat for governor so I'm a little worried about Gwen. But Ron is popular and I think he'll grab the election.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 10:29:59 AM EDT
Just watched this debate on FB https://www.facebook.com/weartv/videos/10156546239199347/

I thought DeSantis came out on top. Burned Putnam on voting for cash-for-clunkers, against E verify, and being a Washington man owned by the sugar industry. Putnam seemed the more slimey politician-like. DeSantis mentioned the importance of appointing constitutional judges. Both seemed solid on guns. Just saw a poll that has DeSantis up by 20, which we've learned can mean diddly squat. They both need haircuts. Putnam mentioned he was a Gator, that's just gross. Go 'Noles
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 5:44:15 PM EDT
Yeah, I’m switching to DeSantis based on opinions here and the debate.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 6:16:38 PM EDT
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I would put my money on Ron DeSantis. Putnam is starting to look desperate and grasping. Florida traditionally goes Democrat for governor so I'm a little worried about Gwen. But Ron is popular and I think he'll grab the election.
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I does? When was this 1930 ? When was the last Democrap Governor, don't say Christ that back stabbing piece of shit couldn't get elected as a Dem so he switched half way through. So I don't understand what your traditional Democrat means.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 6:32:27 PM EDT
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I does? When was this 1930 ? When was the last Democrap Governor, don't say Christ that back stabbing piece of shit couldn't get elected as a Dem so he switched half way through. So I don't understand what your traditional Democrat means.
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We’ve had two in the past 40 years, Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles. The past 16 years have been Republicans(ish). I suspect historically there have probably been more Democrats since the south tended to run that way but the last few decades have largely been R. But the state seems to be moving more and more D.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 6:57:53 PM EDT
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We’ve had two in the past 40 years, Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles. The past 16 years have been Republicans(ish). I suspect historically there have probably been more Democrats since the south tended to run that way but the last few decades have largely been R. But the state seems to be moving more and more D.
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I does? When was this 1930 ? When was the last Democrap Governor, don't say Christ that back stabbing piece of shit couldn't get elected as a Dem so he switched half way through. So I don't understand what your traditional Democrat means.
We’ve had two in the past 40 years, Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles. The past 16 years have been Republicans(ish). I suspect historically there have probably been more Democrats since the south tended to run that way but the last few decades have largely been R. But the state seems to be moving more and more D.
Pretty much and include Buddy MacKay on the list. I was basing the last part of my post in the last 100+ years.
Link Posted: 8/9/2018 8:01:04 PM EDT
I finally saw a post on facebook from Ron about Lake Okeechobee. After recent events with red tide I believe this will play a major role in the general.
Link Posted: 8/12/2018 5:50:14 PM EDT
DeSantis has a hot wife I'm still up in the air. Putnam has been in politics for what, over 25 years at least here in Florida.

As far as a Democrat doing anything about gun control using E.O. here. Can't be done.
Link Posted: 8/20/2018 9:43:33 PM EDT
I already mailed my ballot in for DeSantis.  I didn't like the Putnam ads criticizing DeSantis for wanting to scrap the income tax.  But most importantly, Trump endorsed DeSantis.

But I will vote for Putnam in the general should he (unlikely) win the primary.

I will also vote straight "R" the rest of the ticket.  We need another Senate seat to support the MAGA agenda.

Initially, I had planned to vote against my "R" state senator for supporting gun control, but then I realized that a "R" senator will probably support pro-RKBA measures if we have a Republican governor, and 2) senators have 4 years terms, which means that the senate we elect will be a critical part of redistricting after the next census.  Not only is this important at the state level, but also the federal level.  As many as 5 House seats will be at stake!
Link Posted: 8/21/2018 2:22:57 PM EDT
For a while I was Putnam all the way because he is good ol pro gun country boy. But now I think he is a bigger crook and owes too many favors to his owners.
So I am going with DeSantis, I also think he has the best chance of winning the general.
Link Posted: 8/23/2018 9:21:10 PM EDT
Deasntis all the way but Ill vote Putnam if he stands last. I don't trust Putnam and his big ag. backers with our water quality and eco situation. Billions of dead fish yearly, horrible algae blooms, and toxic pollution from decades of poor farming methods and public runoff are unacceptable. Its time to figure out just how bad the army corps fucked up our state and fix it. My pops was with a company that made pumps for most of the state and all these canals flowing to the ocean are bad news for our ecology. Ive seen the shit water they pump off cattle and cane fields first hand. Big money makes the laws and has kept the fixes from happening for too long. If they want to profit they need to pony up and farm smart or get fucked. Raping Florida for personal gain has got to end. Ive watched the indian river lagoon go from a thriving estuary as a kid to a nasty ass muck filled waterway in 30 years. Hell if Id even consider eating a fish out of it anymore and that truly sucks.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 2:50:20 PM EDT
Ron DeStantis, FL Candidate for Governor, openly supports Open/Campus Carry.

Florida Carry's legal eagle, Eric Friday met with numerous Republican Candidates for office at the Republican Party of Florida's Sunshine Summit and this is a summary of what occurred.

First and foremost is the Governor's election. Ron DeSantis is one of two Republican candidates for Governor.

DeSantis Supports Open Carry and Campus Carry. Florida Carry did not ask the question, but DeSantis specifically mentioned he supports Constitutional Carry. On Parkland, DeSantis stated he was against SB 7026 and would have voted no or vetoed it if he were a member of the Florida Legislature or Governor. Lastly, DeSantis stated would appoint strict Constitutionalist Judges to the Florida Supreme Court.

Apparently, this news has reach the Florida Democratic Party and they aren't happy. Neither is the Tampa Bay Times.

Frank White approached Florida Carry during a legal seminar before they approached him. Florida Carry states that White is "Not a Bondi Clone". When asked about SB 7026, White stated he would have consented to the NRA Plaintiff remaining anonymous in the NRA's suit against SB 7026 (AG Pam Bondi filed to remove anonymity from the juvenile plaintiffs). Also White is against Attorney General Pam Bondi's overuse of legal procedure to fight lawsuits seeking to affirm constitutional rights (Norman v. Florida). White said he'd go after violations of F.S. 790.251  Parking Lot Carry. The law that lets employees keep firearms in their cars even if the employer bans guns on the property. The House of Mouse (Disney) is a big time violator of this law. AG Bondi has not gone after violators.

Lastly, White said as Attorney General; he'd seek investigation and prosecution of the Miami Beach Officers that violated the Civil Rights of Floridians in Miami Beach. (To read about, look here, here, and here.)

Blaise Ingoglia is the Republican Party of Florida Chair. He reached out to Florida Carry. Eric Friday puts it best during their conversation;

As we were walking and ending the conversation, we mentioned that gun owners were EXTREMELY upset with the legislature over SB 7026 and their performance on 2A issues in recent years. He waved it off stating "Yes, we know". We then said, "No, we don't think you dothey're mad to the point of staying home in November." He literally stopped and was taken aback.

We related that is the attitude of much of the membership based on the passage of SB 7026 and extreme frustration with the Republican party on not advancing good and meaningful legislation. Having an (R) next to your name is no longer a guaranteed vote.
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There were a number of high ranking Republicans that refused to meet with Florida Carry.

According to Florida Carry;

"Commissioner Putnam initially declined to meet, then finally agreed to have a staffer meet with us. Numerous texts were exchanged attempting to schedule a meeting were sent, before the staffer stopped responding."
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Senator Galvano likewise did not respond to our multiple meeting requests.
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We requested to meet prior to the summit on June 14. There was no response. At the summit, we again requested a brief meeting, and received an offer to meet in August. To date, the meeting has not occurred.
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So the establishment decided not to meet with Florida Carry, but all the Republican outsiders that aresupported by President Trump did. Hmmmm. seems like the Florida GOP is going to be facing an uphill battle if they continue treating Floridians like this.

DeSantis has my vote.

For Putnam to push FL Carry aside like that.... disheartening.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 2:57:03 PM EDT
Excuse me but F Putnam.

He threw a bail of hay in a commercial.

Looked like the 1st bail he ever threw.

He made hisself look like a pussy.

Over and out.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 4:53:16 PM EDT
Desantis it is then.

But Scott has to be kicked to the curb and made an example of.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 5:06:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 5:39:24 PM EDT
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I'm leaning towards Desantis more and more as well.

And A-f is spot-on, Scott needs to be made an example of our strong distaste for his kind.
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Burning Scott does the least overall political damage, while sending the vitally important message to those Republicans that we MUST vote for, that we gun rights supporters here in Florida will not be any more forgiving than the liberals who will only vote for gun grabbers.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 7:58:36 PM EDT
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Burning Scott does the least overall political damage, while sending the vitally important message to those Republicans that we MUST vote for, that we gun rights supporters here in Florida will not be any more forgiving than the liberals who will only vote for gun grabbers.
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Ya allowing the dems to control the senate wouldn’t total help screw the entire nation on gun rights making it impossible to push through a strict constructionist or anything.

The primary was the place to beat Scott, sadly a quick google search to his sole primary opponent showed this so called Republican was admittedly a total gun grabber.  That didn’t happen, not voting for Scott in the general election against Bill Nelson  to “send a message” is flat out foolish.
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